Aquarium in an apartment: where to put it and where to place it

Choosing an aquarium according to Feng Shui

Buying an artificial pond is an excellent solution for those people who want a calm and cozy atmosphere at home.
The energy of Water helps to establish peace and strengthen relationships in the family, prevent squabbles and discord, and also attract wealth and luck if you place the aquarium according to Feng Shui. It is important to note that it is better to postpone the purchase of an aquarium if the owner of the house is an energetic and active person who does not tolerate peace and quiet well. In this case, it is better to give preference to decorative fountains, where the flowing streams of water will reflect the mood of the owner.

For those who want to relax at home, body and soul after a hard day at work, an artificial pond with graceful fish will help.

According to Eastern teachings, an aquarium according to Feng Shui should be selected based on the following data:

  • The dimensions of the container must correspond to the dimensions of the room and fit harmoniously into the interior. An aquarium that is too large in a cramped space, or a small container in a large room will cause dissonance.
  • It is advisable to choose an oval, round, or rectangular shape, with slightly rounded corners. It is not recommended to purchase a square-shaped tank. Also, when choosing a form, you should take into account the requirements of future residents.

How to choose an aquarium to match the style of the room?

There are many different styles and room design options. It is not difficult to fit an aquarium into them if you follow certain rules. This will help create a comfortable environment in the room without disturbing the integrity of the space.

Classic model on a stand

Among the popular styles in which it is appropriate to place aquariums are:

  • High tech. An aquarium in this style can be installed in the form of a column or as a partition. The equipment must adhere to strict geometric shapes, which will help it fit organically into the interior.
  • Minimalism . The main thing is to keep all the internal elements of the aquarium in the same color scheme. It should be calm and not flashy, which will highlight the overall style of the interior.
  • Pop Art . A bright element of the room in the form of an aquarium will quickly become a key figure in the interior. You definitely need to add bright elements to the container, as well as unusual decorations for its inhabitants. The more different colors there are, the better the equipment will blend with its surroundings.
  • Classic . This style involves carved details, painting, as well as elaborate elements and stucco. The aquarium can be placed inside a column or on an original stand in the form of a sculpture. If the structure is placed on the wall, then it can be decorated with a baguette or original lighting.
  • Art Deco. To emphasize the chosen style in the interior, you need to use different shapes and lighting. To do this, you can use just one or several shades. When installing a classic aquarium model, the lighting should correspond to the preferences of its inhabitants. If a dry model or imitation is installed in the interior, then colored lighting is allowed.

We emphasize the style of minimalism

Any type and shape of an aquarium will look like the main element of the room in every style. All attention will be focused on him.

VIDEO: Beautiful aquariums for your interior

Aquariums in the interior

Variations in the apartment

Is it possible to use sea stones, small pebbles and smaller ones for soil in an aquarium?

Elena Gabrielyan

LAUNCHING AN AQUARIUM for beginners. Often, beginning hobbyists make the first and biggest mistake - adding water, planting plants, and releasing fish. And after 2 days, the time of disappointment comes - muddy, stinking water, fish not feeling well and the owner’s hysteria. And why all? The aquarium was not started correctly. Let's consider the basic rules and principles of this, to some extent, also entertaining process. Let's start all over again. You bought an aquarium. Along with the aquarium, the necessary equipment is taken: a net, a siphon for cleaning the soil, a thermometer, a heating pad with a thermostat, and a filter with aeration. It should be noted that the filter is selected according to its performance depending on the volume of the aquarium from the consideration that the filter must pump at least 4 volumes of the aquarium per hour. An example is a 100 liter aqua - we take a filter with a capacity of 600 - 700 l/h. The power of the heating pad is also determined by the volume of aquas: 1W per 1L. Soil and decorative elements can also be purchased immediately. Place the aquarium on a leveled cabinet. Between the tabletop and the bottom of the aquarium, you need to put a soft pad - it can be a travel mat or sheet foam about 5-8mm thick. Use a soft damp cloth to wipe the inside of the glass to remove dust and debris. Fill the aquarium a third with water - check the tightness of the seams, making sure that everything is fine, add water until it is completely filled. We wait a day - if nothing bursts, cracks, leaks or falls off, then everything will be fine. While the aquarium is undergoing a test drive, we prepare the soil: 1. If the soil is artificial or natural purchased at a pet store. Wash thoroughly, as they say, until you turn blue, changing the water until it remains clear when “rinsing” the soil.2. If the soil is natural. Preliminary disinfection is required for at least 1 hour at a temperature of about 90 C. Make sure that there are no metal inclusions and that the soil is neutral (acetic acid). The aquarium stood for a day without any comments - you can fill it with soil. By the way, the thickness of the soil layer depends on what the aquarium will be like - with plants (layer thickness is about 5cm) or without (3cm is enough). If necessary, you can completely change the water to filtered and settled water, if you are completely satisfied with the initially filled water and just leave it. The soil was filled up. Decorative elements were placed. We install the equipment: 1. We hang a heating pad (water heater). We set the thermostat value to 24 - 26 degrees. Turn on.2. We install the filter after washing all its components in warm water.

Please note that the filter must work around the clock; it cannot be interrupted for more than 3 hours. Turning off the filter at night is a beginner's mistake, then a little boom-boom-boom happens, in Russian, a release of organic matter and screw everyone.

At this stage the plants can be planted.4. Lighting is about 6 - 9 hours a day. The aquarium should remain in this condition for at least 2 weeks. During this period, cloudiness of the water may be observed - the result of the process of reproduction and death of bacteria, the beginning of the establishment of biobalance. After that, we launch the first inexpensive and tenacious resident - for example, the Ancistrus catfish. We wait another two weeks; Catfish can be given a small pinch of food. After testing the water and making sure that the parameters are within normal limits, you can introduce the fish. The startup process can be accelerated by forcibly placing a colony of bacteria into the aquarium and pouring some of the water from the established aquarium. Side effects: after starting the aquarium, “uninvited guests” appear - algae. In established aquariums, problems with algae arise either from insufficient (or excess) lighting, or from overfeeding and as a consequence of a large amount of organic matter. In freshly started aquariums, such outbreaks end with the final establishment of microflora (about 3 months for everything).


The soil in the aquarium can be made from sea stones, but the advantage should be small ones within 0.5 cm for a good plant root system. Pre-rinse the soil with water and boil for 30-40 minutes. Wash the aquarium itself, lay down the prepared soil, add 2/3 of water, install a filter for the aquarium. Let it settle and establish a microclimate. After 10-20 days, you can plant the plants, add settled water and start the fish at the rate of 7-8 liters per individual. Good luck!

In design

An aquarium in the interior is not only a decorative element. This is a living decoration that creates a special atmosphere and helps relaxation. The most popular theme for decoration will be sea or river. As a rule, “river” ones are filled with green algae, and “sea” ones are filled with brighter colors, creating the illusion of a seabed with reefs and corals.

The underwater kingdom of a single apartment imitates the urban atmosphere of a modern city or natural mountain landscapes, decorations in the spirit of Japanese minimalism. There is an entire ancient city underwater with ancient ruins, sculptural groups, and sunken ships.

Before purchasing an aquarium, you need to think about its harmonious location in the room and the internal contents of the structure. What matters is the size, shape, and place where you plan to put it. To select fish and floristry, you may need to consult an aquarist; the issue should be studied in depth. You shouldn't skimp on equipment. When choosing the type of aquarium, they are guided by the number, type of inhabitants, and the role of this item in the intended interior.

Corner designs

The aquarium, located in the corner, looks good, is compact, and has an excellent overview. With the help of a triangular shape, the problem of small space is rationally solved. L-shaped structures are used for zoning; a trapezoidal container in a small room on a bedside table or table will fill a corner. Concave or convex glass will visually make the house with aquatic inhabitants more voluminous. Skillfully selected decorations will create the illusion of space in a small space.

A small corner aquarium is placed on a table or stand. It is more suitable for small schooling fish. If the aquarium can hold up to 500 liters, then larger individuals can live there without any problems; it is installed on a powerful base. The cabinet should be integral with the rest of the furniture. 500-700 liter aquariums require a large space and must be clearly visible.

Correct decorating techniques, well-chosen fish and plants will make a corner aquarium a decoration for the room.

Built-in structures

One of the fashionable trends is built-in aquariums, which previously decorated the spaces exclusively of business centers, restaurants, and offices. Now, with their help, they enliven the living space and give it a unique variety.

One of the main rules is to plan the placement of the container at the construction or redevelopment stage. Since the bottom experiences heavy weight loads, the base area must be perfectly level. You also need to take into account the material that was used during construction. If it is brick, reinforcement will not be required, but the plasterboard structure is equipped with welded steel frames.

There are several installation options, including integrating the aquarium into the interior wall. With this arrangement, it is visible right through. Enhanced filtration will be required; ultraviolet sterilization is desirable, because The slightest cloudiness of the water can neutralize the effect. From this point of view, it is much more profitable to install an aquarium with a closed rear edge. The structure is also installed on a pedestal or as a balcony, on a slab protruding from the wall.

It is important to ensure that the aquarium is accessible for maintenance and to provide space for communications and equipment. Maintenance will be convenient if the back wall is closed or decorated.

Built-in models attract special attention, carry lively energy, and contribute to maximum relaxation of the owners and guests of the house.

Non-standard forms

The non-standard category includes any containers with individual characteristics for keeping fish and other marine animals. These are aquariums located inside niches or openings, picture aquariums or cylinders, high, low, small and giant, round, triangular, multi-sectional.

The volume of such a product reaches 1000 liters, so they are made from silicate glass, which hides joints and seams, from acrylic glass, which can be easily given any shape when heated. The quantity and size of stiffeners and ties are determined individually each time. To accurately calculate the required glass thickness, use a special calculator; the choice is also influenced by the configuration and size of the object.

Aquariums are considered non-standard:

  • with unusual lighting and decorative elements;
  • models of unusual shape;
  • designer products that can support the life of the inhabitants autonomously.

With all the creativity, such an aquarium must meet the basic requirements: comfort of animals, ease of maintenance.

Is it possible to put an aquarium on a window?

Question from: Oleg Topic: place the aquarium on the south window

Message body: Sorry! I registered as an “aqua fan”, I don’t understand when they will tell me... Please tell me, aquarium W-20cm, H-55cm, D-66cm: is it possible to place 3-4 juvenile discus fish and a couple of ancitrus fish in this “screen”, there is a small snag at the bottom (20cm, I like these fish). The aquarium will be in the window. One side faces the hall, the other has a single-chamber double-glazed window overlooking the veranda with 4 wide windows to the south.

Good day!

The aquarium is quite accurately called a screen... I want to say right away that our opinion is: discus discus are different.

But for any species and size of discus, the minimum aquarium volume is 100 liters, and often more.

Therefore, an aquarium with the dimensions you specified is unlikely to be suitable for a comfortable existence of discus fish. Despite the fact that besides them there will be practically no other active fish in the aquarium.

Aquarium in the window?

In your message, it is not the release of discus fish in a small volume that raises big doubts, but the installation of the aquarium on a window on the south side. Of course, many people install aquariums in this way, but I must say that it is not the best option.

From the editor: How to set up your first aquarium?

If possible, it is better to install aquariums away from the uncontrolled influence of sunlight on them. The sun entering the aquarium causes active growth of blue-green algae. In addition, the plants will not develop evenly.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide, but given that the veranda has wide windows, the likelihood of light entering the aquarium is very high.

Aquarium partition

To organically integrate an aquarium into the interior, it is better not to use ready-made forms, but to make the desired model to order.

An aquarium partition in the design of a home or office is simply ideal. Creates the illusion of privacy, at the same time expands the space, makes it bright, light freely penetrates to any corner of the room.

Thanks to the transparent partition, the opposite part of the room will be visible. A piece of real nature is brought into the interior where such an aquarium is located. With its help, they separate the kitchen from the hallway or living room, enliven a faded color scheme, and even replace it with a work of art.

Selection of fish

In Eastern teachings, not only the location of the reservoir is considered important, but also how many fish live in the aquarium. According to Feng Shui, the number of fish should be 8 pieces - this figure is considered a symbol of a comfortable and carefree life. Also, according to Feng Shui, fish should be harmoniously combined with each other:

  • The ideal option is to have 8 gold fish and one black fish, which will protect family well-being. An alternative is another option - 4 gold, 4 red, and one black.
  • If the owner doesn’t like goldfish, you can get golden koi carp – unpretentious fish that attract good luck and money. However, keeping koi requires purchasing a large tank, so they are sometimes replaced with cichlids or discus.
  • Aravana is a fish for those who are used to living in grand style. According to popular belief, if the Aravana changes color from silver to scarlet, the owner will receive large sums of money.
  • Another type of fish that will help improve the atmosphere in the house is the veiltail. However, this requires careful care of the fish, taking into account their needs and habits.

If one of the fish in the tank died, do not be upset - according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the pet averted trouble from the family. The deceased should be buried and a replacement purchased.

In addition, it is important to take care of the fish - sick and stunted fish, instead of positive energy and happiness, will only bring troubles and disappointments.

By following the simple rules of Feng Shui, you can turn a simple aquarium with fish into a personal talisman that will become a faithful assistant and amulet at home.

It is important not only to follow the rules for placing and selecting fish, but also to take care of the reservoir so that the benefits are maximum.

Imitation order: vertical aquarium in the form of a tower

A column in a guest living room, dining room or corridor will look impressive, unusual and creative. Such an architectural element will not only transform the room, but also fill the atmosphere with grace, originality and boundless charm. To create this effect, provide a panoramic view and buy exotic fish.

You should carefully consider the drainage system, compressor design and lighting. Cylindrical cabinets and glass containers for aquariums can be made to individual sizes, but they are very expensive. The base for them is made from different materials - metal, wood and steel, so you can choose the most suitable option for your home.

Not every homeowner will be able to afford the purchase of such a design; in most cases, you can only see them in the design of restaurants and bars , cafes and beauty salons, as well as shopping and entertainment centers.

Glass prism

Round aquarium structure with concrete supports

Laconic and aesthetically attractive decor

Is it possible to use store-bought drinking water in an aquarium?

Do you do water changes regularly? At a minimum, the drinking water has the wrong pH and contains substances that are unnecessary for fish. Use regular tap water (just let it sit for about 24 hours). You cannot change all the water, only part of it (maximum 1/2, or better yet 1/5 of the volume, but for several days in a row). You can buy water at the pet store for now. They also sell special conditioners that help cope with ammonia, ammonium, nitrates and nitrites or incorrect pH. And tests to understand what’s wrong with the water, and take the right conditioner in the right quantity (ph, by the way, you can change it using traditional methods, you just need to know it). Here you can find out what goes wrong with water: // /aqua/ill/testnlp.shtmlps: I read that instead of settling, you can heat the water to 40-50 degrees and cool it. I haven’t tried it myself, but if everything is critical for you, you can take a risk.

Where to place the aquarium?

Where is the best place to place it? In general, the location of the “underwater kingdom” can serve as a living room, an office, a bedroom, a corridor, and even a kitchen. The main requirement is that it should not be placed in direct sunlight. Moreover, it is advisable to install it in the darkest place in the room. Fish need bright light only during spawning and vitamin deficiency, so you need to install special lighting. The rest of the time, excess light will only cause harm, since with strong lighting, microscopic green algae begin to multiply in the aquarium water. They cover the glass, the plants turn out to be “dressed” with green shoots, and the water begins to bloom.

Bright sunlight is also not a faithful and reliable “neighbor” for fish that are sensitive to overheating. It can negatively affect their health and lead to their death. Another unpleasant thing is that during the day an aquarium standing in the sun warms up well, but at night, especially in the early morning, the water temperature drops by ten degrees. Even unpretentious fish will not be able to tolerate such a sharp temperature change. For this reason, aquariums should not be placed on windowsills or near windows.

The advantageous place for a vessel with fish will be the eastern side of the apartment. It should be remembered that the aquarium must be placed at a considerable distance from the window, so that the light falls on its front and side parts - near the wall perpendicular or opposite to the window. The worst option would be a room with a window facing south; in this case, the “fish house” should be placed no closer than 2-2.5 meters from it. If your window faces north, then place the aquarium next to it; if it faces west, place it a little further.

We must not forget about artificial lighting of the aquarium. The main assistant in this is fluorescent lamps. What is the advantage of backlighting? The fact is that the lighting is easier to regulate and adjust to aquatic inhabitants; and bright sunlight can lead to changes in fish behavior and even cause physiological changes.

Stress can also be caused by heating devices located near the “underwater kingdom”, a smoky room, or drafts. It should also not be placed near a piano, TV or music center - fish do not tolerate electric fields and unnatural vibrations well. Aquatic inhabitants will find it much more comfortable to sit in a quiet corner of the room. It is good that the height of the aquarium coincides with the eye level of a sitting (or standing) person. After all, the “fish house” must be accessible both for working with it and for observation.

A traditional aquarium can be placed on a bedside table, table or special stand. It should stand steadily and not sway.

If we talk about picture aquariums, then they are hung on the wall or secured with the help of special racks. Nearby, for convenience, you can place shelves for the necessary equipment.

Built-in aquariums look very nice. Upon request, they can be mounted in a bookcase, in a bar, or in office furniture.

A long aquarium, which can be used to divide a room into two parts, also looks impressive. But we must remember that the algae must be placed in the center so that the fish feel protected.

In any case, no matter which “fish house” you choose, be sure to choose the right place. The main criterion should not be where it is more convenient for you personally to place it among your furniture, but how comfortable it will be for aquatic inhabitants in the selected area of ​​the apartment. After all, healthy fish are nice to watch. In addition, they are the ones who are able to bring harmony, calm and positive emotions, something that is usually so lacking in everyday life. Tags: aquarium, fish, pets, home comfort, apartment

From the editor: Starting an aquarium from A to Z

Accommodation options

Of course, not just any wall is suitable for installation. Firstly, it should not be load-bearing. Secondly, the space for the opening must be free of utilities, sockets and switches. If they are present there, they will have to be moved. Thirdly, the thickness of the interior partition is clearly not sufficient to accommodate the aquarium.

Moreover, when equipped it has a lot of weight. Therefore, you will have to install a solid base with dimensions for the stand no less than at the base of the aquarium.

In some cases, you can use the window opening of a balcony block. Glazing and insulation of the loggia, the use of heated floors, allows it to be used as a living space. If you remove the lower part of the window opening, then this should already be considered as a redevelopment. Installing an aquarium instead of a window is the optimal solution to the problem, especially if you equip a relaxation room or home greenhouse on the loggia.

In order for all the work to be carried out at the proper level, in all these cases, high-quality apartment repairs are necessary. It is best if the installation of the aquarium is laid during a comprehensive renovation. For its normal maintenance, an entire life support system is needed, including water filtration and aeration, lighting and heating.

All this equipment, including the monitoring and control system, requires a place for its placement and connection to the appropriate utilities. In addition, the aquarium itself and the structure on which it will stand must be part of the overall ensemble.

Can shells be placed in an aquarium?

Tatiana Litvinova

First, decide what kind of fish you want to see in your pond.

Next, take aquarium literature (I don’t recommend flashy foreign publications, they are far from true) and see what volume of water is needed for your selected fish, this is very important so that there is no overcrowding of the aquarium and further problems with the fish and water quality. If you are in doubt about your choice, it is better to ask knowledgeable people (!) whether your fish are suitable for an aquarium or not.

It is better to take soil for plants of a medium-sized fraction, preferably river pebbles, a layer of 5 cm. Wash the soil until the water becomes clear (you can boil it a little to be on the safe side), fill it in the aquarium, fill it halfway with water, plant the plants (for the first time you can start use fast-growing plants such as hornwort, elodea, nayas) you can use cryptocarinae. Next, fill the aqua completely with water. Turn on the filter, it should work constantly (do not turn it off). The water may be cloudy at first, don’t be alarmed, you don’t need to do anything, after a few days it will become clearer, this indicates that beneficial bacteria necessary for the normal functioning of the aquarium have settled in the filter. Now the most important thing. We introduce the first fish NO EARLIER THAN A WEEK after installing the aquarium. We are launching gradually, not all at once. Swordtails and guppies are suitable for the role of pioneers. Do not put shells in the aquarium, they increase the hardness of the water. It’s better to buy some natural driftwood (mangrove, mopani), it will also need to be boiled a little. Good luck!


I was told at the pet store that it is not allowed. Because the sinks exude lime and the water becomes hard. Some fish do not tolerate this. First, wash the aquarium, stones, and soil. (You can simply rinse with water) Set up the aquarium, add soil, fill it halfway with settled water (let stand for 3 days). Plant (bury algae shallowly). Install a compressor cleaner, a thermometer (if available), a water heater (if it’s cold in the apartment and you’ll be adding heat-loving fish). Pour in the remaining volume of water. Now let it all sit for another 2-3 days. Launch shell snails. And fish. Close the lid (some fish squat).

Nikolay Taranin

The shells in the aquarium will dissolve over time! How quickly depends on the hardness of the water: the softer the water, the faster they will dissolve! So don't waste your money on them - the goods are perishable! Fish do not react to this in any way, with the exception of particularly picky ones, but only those who have nothing else to do can keep such fish! Of the live snails, only melania is useful - it cleans the soil. The rest are either useless or harmful! First steps: boil the soil and pour it into the aquarium, a layer of 3-4 cm. Fill it with tap water and let it sit for at least a week. Then plant plants that take root in the soil. Cryptocoryne and Anubias are suitable for your aquarium. Of the free-floating ones - elodea and hornwort - they remove nitrates from the water! Wait until each plant produces a new shoot or leaf, after which you can introduce fish no larger than a barb! The pet store will tell you about their compatibility! A filter is required! Heater if necessary - I personally never use it! Good luck to you!

In room design

The shapes and layout options for aquariums come in a wide variety. They are placed on stands, built in, suspended, which saves space and creates a unique flavor. They come in irregular shapes, there can be several of them, they can be combined, placed in the living room or dining room, bathroom, or serve as a partition between two rooms.

Aquariums do not welcome extravagant design solutions that do not contribute to the comfortable life of fish and are burdensome to maintain. Therefore, when choosing an aquarium, the optimal one will be one that combines compliance with a certain set of principles:

  • Security requires reliable support.
  • Classic rectangular shapes are more preferable, they do not distort space, and large ones are easier to care for than small ones.
  • It is important to have lighting and flow, which is provided by special lamps and pumps. Ozonizers, UV emitters, etc. will help create a favorable environment. Water must have temperature, density, salinity, hydrogen and oxygen characteristics that meet the standards.
  • To arrange and create an environment favorable for the inhabitants, you will have to think about purchasing living stones, coral sand, shells, and all kinds of artificial decorations.

An aquarium will fit into the living space if its shape, location, and well-groomed inhabitants meet the requirements.

Living room

In the living room, this object will be the center of everyone's attention. Here it will become an independent element of the interior or serve as a zone separator. This room is ideal for installing an aquarium, where it will become the dominant feature. You just need to take into account the size of the room.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the hall is the most suitable place for an aquarium; here it will attract success and prosperity, especially if it is located on the east or southeast side.

You should not place the object near the window; the sun's rays have a bad effect on the condition of the water and fish. Places with drafts are undesirable; placement with the front side facing the window.

A living room interior with a wall-mounted or hanging aquarium will be a universal option, especially if the room is not large in size.


In a room that usually does not have a lot of decor, an aquarium will become a bright detail, and during the heating season it will balance the humidity.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, an aquarium in the bedroom is unacceptable, because... brings cooling to the relationship between the spouses, and the continuous movement of the fish increases nervousness. Excessive busyness and untimely cleaning of the tank will affect the freshness of the atmosphere and health.

If the need to admire the aquarium before bed does not go away, then there is a reasonable compromise: a dry aquarium. It is filled with shells, starfish, and corals. In this case, the flickering of fish will no longer bother you. Another Japanese trend, wabi-kusa, will add exoticism to the bedroom. The vessel is not filled with water to the brim, fish do not swim there, and the plants are both under water and on top.


How the aquarium will look here depends on the size of the room and in which zone it will be located. A container made of acrylic rather than glass is desirable; this is a safer option, although it requires careful care.

Common models for children's rooms are floor-standing, which are placed directly on the floor or on a stand at a height corresponding to eye level, or table-top, mini-sized. Such a gift with its only living inhabitant will enliven the interior and give it a zest. It will be interesting for the child to watch the living creatures at close range, feed the fish, and care for the turtles with his own hands.

The suspended version looks original. It will not clutter up a small room. The model should not be very wide and not heavy.

Aquariums built into a niche or located in a wall with a thematic decorative background created in the background look good.

If the room is spacious and requires zoning, an aquarium-partition will do, which will separate the bed from the work and play areas.

Before installing an original interior solution, you need to make sure that the child is not allergic to fish food and that the container in which they will live is safe. When planning the arrangement of the room, you can arrange a family council, where the child will also participate. For clarity, the planned interior changes can be presented to him in the photo.


Modern kitchens, equipped with technology and functions, often become the room where households spend a lot of time. Aquariums also become part of the interior of this room, to which they add mobility and light. That’s why there are furniture brands whose catalogs feature built-in aquariums.

Feng Shui has its own point of view and insists that the elements of water and the elements of fire (to which the kitchen belongs) are incompatible. But if you really want...

Placing an aquarium in the kitchen is convenient because... It is easy to organize a water supply and drainage system here; there will be much fewer problems with cleaning the tank. You just have to think in advance about the communications system, the safety of the current supply, and the ventilation of the furniture. For water entering the tank, it is better to install multi-level purification, because The air in the kitchen becomes more polluted.

The type of aquarium depends on the size of the kitchen. A large room will accommodate a tank that will not be part of the space, but the space itself. With its help you can separate the functional and dining areas. If it is placed inside furniture facades or walls, then the dimensions should be more modest.

Effectively play with the location of lighting sources, which will be controlled by timers or remotely. With their help, you can create an original atmosphere in the kitchen space.

Where to put an artificial pond?

Knowing where to place the aquarium according to Feng Shui, the owner strengthens the protection of the home, maintaining well-being and attracting positive energy. First of all, you should decide on the side where you can install the tank, and then decide on the place in the room:

  • East – this side is protected by the Tree, so the decision to place the container in the eastern part of the house would be appropriate. An aquarium in this place will help strengthen family ties and help resolve financial troubles.
  • North - the side is influenced by the element of Water. Having installed a pond here, the owner does not have to worry about work - things will certainly go uphill. For best results, it is recommended to place the tank in the office.
  • Southeast - the side is protected by Tree, so fish in an aquarium in this part of the house will help improve your financial situation. Having decided in which part of the house you can install the aquarium, you should choose a place in the room. The container can be located as follows:
  • In the corner - it will enhance vital energy and improve health, attract happiness.
  • In the passage - will have a beneficial effect on work matters, family relationships and well-being.

In order for the reservoir to bring a positive charge and promote peace in the family, it is advisable for all household members to install and launch the reservoir together.

Features of choice

The range of finished products is very large. There are tanks on sale that can be placed on a table or placed on special shelves, there are wall-mounted models, bowls that can be easily built into a furniture set. By choosing them, you can significantly save room space. This is true for small apartments.

Small aquarium in the interior Source

Experts warn that it is better to give preference to simple glass structures. They are easier to care for, easier to create conditions for a comfortable habitat for fish and the growth of a green world. As the tank is used, contaminants are constantly generated. They will have to be cleaned periodically. The shape of the aquarium should not interfere with this. There are other nuances that must be taken into account:

  1. Larger aquariums are easier to care for than smaller tanks. Beginners don't know this.
  2. Wide containers are more stable. They have a good horizontal base, a large area, which helps eliminate conflicts among the inhabitants of the aquarium, who usually fight with each other for territory if there is not enough of it.
  3. Standard rectangular models do not distort reality, which means they fit better into an existing interior. If a complex room design is created, a style is chosen that excludes the presence of straight lines and sharp corners, the shape is selected for a specific setting, and sometimes exclusive models are created that exist in one design.

Aquariums of unusual shape Source
If you need an imitation of an aquarium in the interior, you don’t have to buy a container and create an underwater world inside it. There are products on sale that only superficially resemble an artificial pond, but at the same time perform a completely different function (the function of a lamp, for example). They do not need to be looked after, cleaned or changed water. But the illusion of deception turns out to be very impressionable.

The volume of the tank for the aquarium is calculated taking into account the number of living inhabitants who will then live inside it. For one fish, 2.5 cm in size, you need nine liters of water. If living algae live inside, it is better to increase the volume. We need space for additional decor. Stones and broken amphorae also need to be placed somewhere.

In order for living organisms to coexist normally, certain conditions will have to be maintained. It is important that the temperature of the water inside the aquarium is always stable (+22, +26 ºС), that its density is 1.02-1.05 g/cube, and that the salinity is at least 30%. The fish must be able to move freely inside; for this, pumps will have to constantly create the effect of a filling flow.

Flow pumps for aquariums Source

See also: Catalog of house projects for a narrow plot

Proper lighting is organized using several lighting fixtures. Ultraviolet emitters and ozonizers maintain a favorable habitat. Purchasing special equipment is a prerequisite for maintaining an aquarium.

Some designers, taking into account the wishes of their customers, create an underwater kingdom without inhabitants. This eliminates the need to care for pets. In this case, the aquarium becomes only part of the overall decor of the room. It is filled with artificial plants and complex figures. Inside such a reservoir you can create reefs and grottoes, and plant bright plants. But they also need to be looked after. Therefore, in any case, an artificial pond is a decor that will have to be paid attention to.

Artificial pond with non-living plants Source

Is it possible to plant plants from a pond in an aquarium?


You should not do this, because there are many microorganisms on wild pond plants that can harm the fish, or spoil the water, multiply so that the water will always be cloudy. But if you really want to, the plants can be disinfected and kept in quarantine. How to do this can be found on aquarium forums. But I think most avid aquarists will simply strangle you if they throw a fish from a pond into their favorite “jar”: D So draw your own conclusions :)


I planted a small seedling of a yellow water lily from a pond in an aquarium, only before planting for a long time, almost two months, it lived in a separate container, the water in it was often changed, a weak solution of potassium permanganate was added for some time (this was a long time ago, there are no drugs in stores was) . Then the water lily grew in the aquarium for several years, it had beautiful underwater leaves, wavy and speckled, I removed almost all of the above-water leaves, they shaded the surface too much when the water lily became too large, I had to remove it, the roots were all over the ground

Magnetic stand decoration

A home bar is the perfect space for experimentation and new design ideas . You can decorate this design in different ways. An aquarium cube at the base would be a great solution. Not all homeowners can boast of such decoration, since it is a real luxury item.

The main component of the magnetic appeal of this device lies in the beautiful lighting. You can install multi-colored LED bulbs that will allow you to create several stunning illumination effects, not only static, but also dynamic, in the room.

The built-in glass block in the bar counter looks stylish and elegant

An original solution for luxury apartments

Beautiful corals and algae will perfectly complement the kitchen design

Is it possible to completely change the water in an aquarium?


It is impossible, the water in the aquarium cannot be changed frequently and in full, that is, all of it. It is recommended to partially renew the aquarium water using a biological filter and periodically clean the bottom and walls of the aquarium. To clean an aquarium, you must first use a hose to remove any remaining food and debris from the bottom of the aquarium. Then you can drain some of the water, but no more than 1/3 of the total amount of water. Adding fresh water with the same characteristics as aquarium water must be done gradually, in small portions. The fish may die if the water in the aquarium is completely replaced, as there is a sharp change in the parameters of the habitat. Therefore, a complete replacement of aquarium water can only be done in exceptional situations, for example, when the aquarium is affected by microorganisms, in cases of illness or death of fish. In this case, the water balance is re-established.


Apparently there is not enough light. And so change the water. Just let it sit for 2 days. I have 90 liters, a 15 W energy saving lamp, one pump, 5 angelfish, 1 gold, 1 catfish 5cm, 2 gourami, 2 female guppies (5 males were eaten), I clean the soil with a pear once a week and add 10 liters of water, I rarely clean the glass, The water is clear. I haven’t changed the water completely for two years now.

From the editor: DIY aquarium lighting

I am always right

I have aquariums in which I haven’t changed the water for 10 years and I don’t intend to change it. Weekly water changes (14 or 13 are drained and new water is added) completely ensures the consistency of the chemical. composition and cleanliness of the soil. Buy a book on aquarium keeping by good authors Kochetov and Ilyin.


Hello! Aquarium volume = length * width * height. They wrote to you correctly about the water, do not change it completely, but change it twice a week. And as for the stains, catfish are supposed to clean off the ancistrus, aren’t yours like that? I recommend it if you haven't purchased it yet. You can clean these stains yourself with a sponge before changing the water.

Where to put an aquarium in an apartment

Do not install near a window

An aquarium installed near a window is exposed to direct sunlight. If you have ever kept aquariums, then you know how easily and quickly algae appears under such conditions and how difficult it is to remove them.

One of the causes of algae damage to an aquarium is direct sunlight.

If you are not a fan of green glass in the aquarium and green blooming water, then do not install the aquarium near a window. Additionally, direct sunlight heats up the water in the aquarium, which will quickly cool down once the sun goes away. Such temperature fluctuations have a negative effect on aquarium fish.

Fish do not like temperature fluctuations because they are cold-blooded. In the summer, the sun can heat the aquarium to temperatures above 34 degrees Celsius, which is deadly for many types of aquarium fish.

Don't place it near the door

The fish will get scared every time the door slams. For humans this is not a loud sound, but for fish it is a deafening roar due to the acoustics of the water, floor and walls. I have seen how fish, frightened by a sharp sound, began to rush around the aquarium, crashing into stones, snags and decorations.

A slamming door will keep your aquarium fish under constant stress, which will not have a positive effect on their health and longevity.

Do not place under an air conditioner or near a heater

These devices will periodically raise or lower the temperature of the aquarium water. Fish need a stable water temperature.

Do not place the aquarium in places where you constantly move

Constant flickering and walking past the aquarium will frighten the aquarium fish, which will again affect their health and appearance.

Don't put it on the floor

An aquarium installed on the floor is very easy to break. Someday you just kick while passing by, or your child parks a car in the glass of the aquarium with all its might.

If you decide that the aquarium can be placed on a chest of drawers or nightstand, then make sure that your chest of drawers can support the weight of the aquarium. The weight of a 100-liter aquarium, taking into account water, soil, plants and decorations, is 110-130 kg.

The surface on which you install the aquarium must be level. An uneven surface, even if it doesn’t break your aquarium right away, will inevitably happen in the long run.

The installed aquarium should stand exactly in the directions front - back, left - right. A slight distortion on one side will cause the aquarium water to press its entire mass onto that side, which leads to the corresponding glass being squeezed out.

Branded aquariums are designed for skewed installation, but homemade or non-branded aquariums may have glass that is too thin for skewed installation.

It is best to install a large aquarium in a corner of the wall. This installation creates less pressure on the floor compared to installation in the center of the apartment. This point may be important in the case of a room with a thin or defective interfloor ceiling.

Photos in the interior

Photo examples of use in different interiors.

Aquarium in the kitchen

This element allows you to fill the kitchen space with light and add dynamism to it. An aquarium in the kitchen can be installed in a niche, built into a cabinet, cabinet, bar counter or even a refrigerator door. In the interior of an apartment, the kitchen is often small in size, so the best solution would be to mount the product into a wall or furniture.

The photo shows a kitchen interior with a set with a built-in aquarium.

Aquarium in the living room interior

This room is ideal for installing such decorations. A classic model with a rich underwater world will transform the environment and make an impression.

An aquarium in the living room interior is a dominant detail that can act as an independent object or as a dividing element. An original solution would be a container built into a coffee table or column.

A black aquarium will harmoniously fit into a living room or dining room in light colors. This design with algae and colorful fish will look great on a white background.

The photo shows an aquarium in a modern living room interior in light colors.

Bedroom interior with an aquarium

Having an aquarium in the bedroom is not always appropriate, as it can increase the humidity level in the room. In addition, this element is illuminated and filters water, which adds extra noise and light to the sleeping room.

The most acceptable option for the bedroom would be to install a dry aquarium in the form of a vessel filled with sand, pebbles, starfish, corals, shells and artificial plants. Such models are characterized by unpretentious maintenance.

If you decide to place a classic product in the bedroom, designers recommend giving preference to laconic designs with not too bright and rich content. They will not attract undue attention to themselves and interfere with falling asleep.

The photo shows a small bedroom with a corner aquarium built into a shelf.

Aquarium in the interior of a children's room

For a child’s room, it is better to choose a safer acrylic container. The most common is a floor-standing product that can be installed on the floor or on a special stand, as well as a compact desktop model.

The ideal design move would be to choose a story-driven aquarium with a themed design that matches your child’s favorite cartoon, book or game. A fairly popular children's theme is a sunken treasure ship.

Examples in the bathroom

A great way to add originality and personality to your bathroom interior. For this room, a container built into a wall, niche, partition or even the floor is suitable. In combination with suitable decorative elements, a model with soft lighting will advantageously decorate the space and create a calm atmosphere in it, conducive to relaxation.

Ideas for the hallway and corridor

Due to the lack of natural light, the aquarium in the hallway needs enhanced lighting. A small model with bright fish will fit well into the corridor. It is better to place the structure not too close to the front door.

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