Axolotl: maintenance, care, breeding, compatibility, description, feeding, photo, video

The axolotl (that’s its name) naturally lives in the reservoirs of Mexico and is one of the oldest representatives of the fauna. The name of the amphibian was given by the Aztecs, and translated into Russian it means “water monster.” But this nickname does not at all fit with that pretty face that looks at you through the glass of the aquarium.

Ancient Indian tribes ate axolotl meat, which was somewhat reminiscent of eel in taste. Nowadays, catching this amphibian is prohibited - the axolotl is listed in the Red Book. But this does not prevent you from breeding it at home.


So, an axolotl is a salamander larva, which, bypassing all the intermediate stages, becomes an adult without changing shape, but purely by age of development. In mature larvae, the average body length is about 300 mm. On both sides of the axolotl's head, long processes (3 pieces each) grow, which serve as external gills.

They create an “image” for the salamander larva - thanks to these gills, the amphibian really looks like a baby dragon (but a rather cute one). In nature, axolotls are found in different colors: black and gray, brown and brown. There are pure albinos and golden ones, but with such coloring it is difficult to survive in the harsh world of the water elements. But in an aquarium, amphibians of light colors will feel more comfortable.

It is difficult to say reliably how long axolotls live in a natural reservoir, but at home this representative of salamanders lives no more than 12 years.


The axolotl has a very touching, touching appearance. He has an overly large head with a wide mouth and small eyes. This appearance gives him the appearance of an always smiling larva. Its length is on average thirty centimeters, the front legs consist of four fingers, and the back legs of five, and there are sharp teeth on the jaws. This exotic monster is characterized by smooth skin with transverse grooves on the sides and a wide tail, the length of which makes up about seventy percent of the entire body, which creates additional comfort when swimming. Its sides are flattened, and the top is decorated with a crest. The funny look of the larva is given by its specific gills, which grow on the sides of the head in the form of three shaggy, long branches. The average weight of an axolotl is three hundred grams.

The head is disproportionately large and expanded in comparison with the elongated body. The wide and flat mouth appears to be constantly smiling. It hides inconspicuous, small, but sharp teeth - with them the axolotl only holds prey, they are not intended for tearing. The eyes are small, black, shiny, like beads. The gills, like fluffy twigs, extend from the body behind the head; the larva can press them and shake them to clear adhered particles.

The body is narrowed, slightly flattened, streamlined. In the middle along the entire back there is a ridge - this is the fin. 16 grooves on the sides give the newt a “ringed” appearance. The skin is smooth and soft. The axolotl has 2 pairs of legs: the front ones have 4 fingers, and the back ones have 5.

The tail is long, wide, and occupies about ¾ of the entire body. The fin fold from the back extends along its entire length. It is very agile, which helps it swim quickly. Together with the tail, the larva has 50 vertebrae.

Dimensions - The length of the axolotl ranges from 15 to 30 cm, the larva can weigh up to 300 g, the girth of the body is about 12-19 cm. Females are somewhat smaller than males, they have a slightly shorter tail. Individual large males with a maximum length of 45 cm have been recorded.

Axolotl colors

These cute and funny creatures can be colored differently by Mother Nature. The coloring depends on the population (or artificially bred line), as well as on the conditions in which the larva lives. Including food. Axolotls are usually divided into 3 types of color.

  1. “Prirodniki” is black or simply dark (gray, brown, brownish, marsh) color with spots. The pattern on the body can be different: small, large, reminiscent of a mesh.
  2. White, but not albino - the light color in adulthood is complemented by a patterned pattern along the back. An amphibian may not necessarily be pure white; pinkish and beige shades are often found. The gill filaments are not red, but deep pink. Eyes black or brown.
  3. "Albs" - without pigment. Completely white, without spots or patterns, with bright red gill processes and eyes. Among albinos there is also a golden color.

This is interesting! As a result of crossings, axolotls are produced in a wide variety of colors. Scientists experimenting with GMOs have achieved that under a fluorescent lamp the larvae's spots and stains on its body glow.

Natural and white axolotls come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, especially those that have been bred at home or in a laboratory. In their natural environment, darker colors predominate because light-colored individuals are more vulnerable to predators and survive less well.

Features of character and lifestyle

Photo: Axolotl animal

The axolotl prefers to stay in clean water. It is in such water that they breathe mainly through gills. On land or in polluted water, the lungs are involved in breathing, and the gills partially stop performing their function and may atrophy. When exposed to favorable living conditions, the gills grow back and can once again perform their functions.

Under natural conditions, they prefer a hidden, solitary lifestyle. They are most active at night.

Amphibians are calm and leisurely, although they can move quite quickly in the water surface, raking with their forelimbs. During the hunt, they always choose a very advantageous position, since the salamander’s eyes are designed in such a way that they do not see anything below the level of their body.

Sometimes they can simply hang in the water, following the current, slightly moving their paws. The long tail plays an important role in maintaining balance and direction of movement.

Interesting fact. Nature has awarded water dragons with the amazing ability to regenerate not only cells and tissues, but also lost tails, limbs and even internal organs!

This amazing ability has aroused keen interest among researchers. The axolotl was caught in huge numbers for research and numerous laboratory experiments. This ability also allows you to quickly recover from fights, during which animals tear off each other’s limbs and tails and cause serious damage.

Axolotl habitat in nature

The homeland of axolotls is the lakes and water canals of Mexico City. Dragons spend their entire lives in the water, never moving onto land. They prefer deep places with abundant vegetation, because their life largely depends on aquatic plants.

Axolotls are quite large representatives of the animal world.

During breeding, females attach eggs to aquatic plants, after which males fertilize them. By the way, the word “axolotl” translated from the Aztec language means “water monster.” Before the Spanish invasion began, the Aztecs ate dragons: the meat of these animals was considered medicinal, and the taste was similar to eel.

Video – Interesting facts about the axolotl

Keeping an axolotl at home

Axolotls are increasingly being kept in home aquariums because these creatures are easy to keep and very interesting to watch. In addition, the content of an axolotl has an image aspect: not all people know about the existence of such animals, the word “axolotl” itself sounds mysterious, and a story about the unusual life form of your pet will definitely create an aura of an extraordinary and highly educated personality for its owner.

All an axolotl needs to be happy is clean water, dim light and quality food. Since at the larval stage amphibians live in water, the axolotl does not need land at all. His six shaggy “ears”, reminiscent of thin branches of aquatic plants on the sides of his head, are not ears at all, but external gills with which he breathes. Although it also has lungs, so if living conditions change, the larva will quickly be able to adapt and “adjust” to pulmonary breathing. The flat, wide and long tail makes the axolotl an excellent swimmer. However, more often he prefers to be at the bottom of the aquarium, waiting for the food to float into his mouth.

The axolotl is fed based on its predatory nature. He especially respects bloodworms and earthworms, cleared of soil and cut into small pieces. Raw meat is also suitable - beef, veal, poultry - but it is advisable to “deliver” it with tweezers directly to the axolotl’s nose. The larvae have a tendency to gluttony, so it is worth dosing out their “ration”: a couple of worms twice a week for an adult axolotl, for a young axolotl up to a year - every other day, and only the young shoots are fed daily. But here you need to be vigilant: a hungry axolotl will start hunting for small aquarium fish, or even snatch off the paw of one of its own kind.

Owner reviews

I had this beast. If compared with the newt, then the axolotl will probably be more interesting. But only purely externally. The adult is quite boring. She can lie at the bottom of the aquarium for hours and occasionally rise to the surface to take a breath of air or for food. It is a mistake to think that the axolotl is unpretentious. Incorrect food and untimely change of water will destroy the poor lizard.


Good filtration and temperature control in summer are important for maintenance. They do not tolerate temperatures above +26 °C. Doesn't come out of the aquarium. He doesn't need the coastal zone. Eats bloodworm fillets, hamarus, and shrimp well. When it grows bigger - chicken fillet, veal, cod.


It lives in an aquarium like a fish breathes through gills, and it also has lungs. But if it mutates, then the gills are removed, the color changes and it becomes a land lizard. Very unpretentious! You won't find a better “pet”! He rarely eats - no hassle!


He loves the cold, shade, he does not need heating and lighting of the aquarium, he only needs a filter. He doesn’t get along with fish - either he starts grabbing them, or they bite his gills. In my opinion, he is smarter than fish - he becomes attached and clearly recognizes the one who feeds him, he is afraid of those who scare him with a ruler. On good days he’s playful, jumping around on the trampoline, sometimes he’s depressed - he doesn’t want anything and lies at the bottom.


Axolotls have a funny appearance and are interesting to watch, but these amphibians are demanding care. Even a slight violation of the conditions of detention can negatively affect their health. In this connection, experts recommend that already experienced aquarists get an amphibian.

  • Author: Yana Dmitrova
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We should talk in more detail about how to feed axolotls, because... There is a difference in the diet of a mature salamander and its fry. What they have in common is that aquatic salamanders belong to the category of predators that have teeth in their mouths. And predators need animal protein to develop.

  • It is preferable to feed the fry microworms, mosquito larvae, daphnia, and naupilia. You can soak granules of food for predatory fish in water.
  • In addition to this assortment, adult “monsters” are given shrimp, mussels, and fish fillets. But live fish should be given with caution, because... they can be carriers of diseases.
  • Some owners of home aquariums also try to feed the axolotl with pieces of lean veal or beef heart. Of course, this is a good protein food, but the amphibian will have difficulty coping with it.

Fry should be fed daily, adults - 3 times a week. In this case, the remaining food should be immediately removed from the aquarium, because... The axolotl prefers clean water.

Compatibility with other fish

Axolotls, by their nature, do not tolerate neighbors and are carnivorous inhabitants of the aquarium. Therefore, it is not recommended to add any aquarium fish to water dragons. In addition, most fish species chew off the axolotl's furry gills. Another problem is that different types of fish are comfortable with different pH levels and water hardness. Therefore, what is normal for an axolotl can threaten death for other fish. But if you still want to take a risk and move someone else into the dragon’s abode, then it is better to choose calm and unpretentious fish species. A goldfish, which, like the axolotl, loves cool water, will be a good neighbor.

Little tricks

For the axolotl, the purity of the water and its oxygen saturation are important, so the aquarium must be equipped with a compressor and cleaned at least once a week. The optimal water temperature is 15-20o. But the flow of larvae is annoying, so the compressor should not be too strong

nym. Axolotls do not like bright light, so it would be good to create shaded areas in the aquarium. As neighbors for them, it is better to select fish that are not small and not too lively - golden ones are great, but not veil ones.

An abrupt replacement of old water with fresh water, especially cold water, is a stimulus for axolotls to reproduce. From the eggs laid by the female on aquatic plants, after a couple of weeks of being kept in a separate container with water, larvae develop, which are fed with food for fish fry.

And lastly: if your axolotl suddenly changed its color and body shape and “threw back” its gills, it means that it has turned into an ambistoma. This happens when the water level drops significantly or when the special hormone thyroidin gets into the food. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s just that you will now have a different pet living with you.

The right diet

Mexican salamanders are carnivores and prefer animal food. They respond well to commercial sinking food in the form of flakes and granules. In addition, you can feed aquatic inhabitants:

  • mussel meat;
  • finely chopped worms;
  • shrimp;
  • bloodworm;
  • frozen fish.

The axolotl needs to be fed twice a day, although it will easily survive even a two-week hunger strike. But still, this should not be allowed, since the baby dragon can feast on the limbs of its relatives. The dosage is selected taking into account the age and size of the pet. You should not feed your axolotl meat from mammals, since its body cannot digest the protein contained in this product.

Basic aquarium parameters

The size of axolotls is quite impressive, so the recommended minimum aquarium volume is about 60-80 liters. In this case, the aquarium does not have to be full: the water level should be higher than the length of your pet. It is advisable to use a filter - otherwise frequent water changes are necessary. The filter should not create a strong current. It is necessary to regulate the power of the device so as not to damage the axolotl’s gills.

A siphon should be used to remove food residues from the bottom. A weekly 20% water change is also necessary. In aquariums without a filter, replacements of the same volume are necessary daily or every other day. A complete water change is unacceptable, as this can lead to a total imbalance in the aquarium. Tap water usually contains chlorine compounds. They can be neutralized using special preparations for aquarium water on the market. Optimal pH values ​​are 6.5-7.5.


Axolotls reach sexual maturity at one year of age. To start the breeding process, you need to slightly lower the water temperature in the aquarium and place the male and female in the same aquarium. One to two days after mating, males leave spermatophores at the bottom of the aquarium, and after another day, females begin to spawn.

The female can produce eggs up to two to three times during the year, laying up to 1000 eggs. After spawning is over, you need to remove the male and female from the aquarium so that they do not eat the eggs produced. Egg development occurs within 2 weeks, after which the larvae appear. It is necessary to keep the water in the aquarium clean and promptly remove eggs and larvae that did not survive.


Compatibility is an important issue in keeping any aquarium inhabitants, a question about which many copies have been broken, and axolotls are no exception. However, most owners keep them separately and for the following reasons. First, the axolotl's characteristic external gills make it vulnerable to attack by fish.

Even calm and slow fish species cannot resist the temptation to try to bite them, and as a result, pitiful scraps remain of the luxurious shoots. Secondly, axolotls are active at night and sleeping fish, in turn, become easy targets for them. It is almost impossible to find a middle ground between size (so that the fish does not get eaten) and aggressiveness (so that the axolotl itself does not suffer).

But there is an exception to every rule, which allows you to keep axolotls with fish. And this exception is goldfish. They are very slow, and if they are well fed, most will not even try to chase the axolotl. Only a few will try, they will get a painful pinch and will stay away. Plus, keeping goldfish also requires low water temperatures, making them an ideal choice.

Content complexity

The axolotl is a popular exotic pet, but keeping axolotls at home is quite difficult; there are aspects that significantly affect life expectancy in captivity. The first and most important is temperature.

For axolotls, a temperature of approximately 16 °C to 18 °C (64 °F) is recommended to ensure adequate food intake; stress caused by more than a day's exposure to colder temperatures can quickly lead to illness and death, and temperatures above 24°C can cause an increase in metabolic rate, also causing stress and ultimately death

Axolotls are cold-water amphibians and elevated temperatures are stressful for them. It may seem strange that they are native to Mexico and do not tolerate high temperatures. In fact, their habitat is located at high altitudes, and the temperatures there are lower than in other parts of the country.

Water temperatures of 24 °C and above are very uncomfortable for the axolotl and, if maintained for a long time, will lead to illness and death. The ideal temperature for keeping is below 21 °C, and 21-23 °C is borderline, but still tolerable. The higher the water temperature, the less oxygen it contains. So the warmer the water in the aquarium, the more important aeration is for keeping the axolotl. It is especially important at temperatures close to the borderline, as it affects tolerance.

If you can't keep an axolotl in cold water, then think twice about getting one!

Another important point that is usually underestimated is the substrate. In most aquariums, the color, size and shape of the soil is a matter of taste for the owner, but for keeping an axolotl it is important.

For example, aquariums without soil are very uncomfortable for the axolotl, since there is nothing for it to cling to. This causes unnecessary stress and can even cause ulcers on the tips of the paws.

Gravel is also not ideal as it is easy to swallow, and axolotls often do this. This often leads to blockage of the gastrointestinal tract and death of the salamander. If gravel (common in aquariums) is used, it is recommended that it consist of smooth particles small enough to pass through the digestive tract.

The ideal soil in an aquarium for keeping an axolotl is sand. It does not clog the gastrointestinal tract even in young individuals, and allows them to crawl freely along the bottom of the aquarium, as they easily cling to it.

Chlorine, commonly added to tap water, is harmful to axolotls.

Axolotl diseases and their signs.

The health of your pet axolotl depends on the conditions in the aquarium. Violation of the temperature regime, improper feeding, and water pollution often lead to a number of dangerous conditions:

  • intestinal obstruction is caused by swallowed foreign objects (sand, gravel), as a result of which the larva stops feeding and intensively loses weight. After being examined by a veterinarian, surgery may be necessary;
  • Metabolic diseases of cartilage tissue are caused by a lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body. The first sign of illness is lethargy, inactivity of the axolotl, as well as swelling of the body and paws. Treatment of the disease should be prescribed by a specialist;
  • Anorexia can be caused by various infections, parasites and a monotonous diet. The axolotl refuses food, and its body becomes noticeably swollen. Treatment consists of feeding the animal a special composition of egg yolk, granulated pollen and crushed tablets of calcium gluconate and glycerophosphate;
  • Ascites is a metabolic disorder in an animal’s body, which is caused by bacteria from poor-quality water or food, as well as high water temperature. The axolotl becomes lethargic, loses appetite, and its abdomen swells. The disease is infectious, so the sick individual is removed, and a specialist is treated with antibiotics and diuretics.

According to the owners, axolotls are easily tamed, recognize their feeders and are happy to be handled. Animals must be handled very carefully, because axolotls have cartilage tissue instead of bones, which can be accidentally injured. You need to be prepared for the fact that, when frightened, an animal may bite your finger, but it will not cause serious sensations or damage.

How do adult Ambystoms live?

It may seem surprising, but white axolotls after metamorphosis can become a completely unexpected color ambistomes:

  • Black;
  • Tiger ambystoma is a large amphibian (up to 27 cm) of olive color with stripes and spots similar to the color of a tiger;
  • Marble – black with a silver marble pattern on the body. They do not grow large - up to a maximum of 12 cm;
  • Yellow-spotted – black with yellow spots, medium size.

Basically, all Ambystoma live in forests, where it is damp and cool, they catch insects, mollusks, and are active at night.

An axolotl, if kept well in an aquarium and given proper care, may never become an adult. If you need to turn a larva into a lizard, it is better to seek help from a specialist. He will carry out a series of hormonal injections, and metamorphosis will occur. is strongly recommended not to do this yourself. More than half of domestic axolotls die precisely because of inept hormonal therapy.

Natural enemies of axolotls

Photo: Amphibian axolotl

Many reasons contributed to the decline in axolotl numbers. One of them is the destruction of natural habitats and pollution of water sources. Changing climatic conditions, warming and rising water temperatures cause death and numerous diseases of amphibians.

The second significant reason for the decline in numbers is diseases, to which salamanders are very susceptible. They tend to suffer from very serious diseases that cause death: ascites, anorexia, metabolic disorders, hypovitamnosis, intestinal obstruction, digestive disorders, etc.

Humans played a major role in the status of the population. Amphibians were caught in huge quantities for the purpose of conducting experiments and research on the regeneration of lost organs and limbs. In addition, human activity contributes to the pollution of natural water bodies. Crystal clear lake water becomes dirty. This leads to sickness and death of water dragons, as they react very strongly to water quality.

In addition, larger and more predatory fish hunted axolotls: telapia, carp. They eat large quantities of not only the amphibians themselves, but also their eggs, which thus do not have time to turn into fry.

Who does he get along with?

It is extremely difficult for the aquarium dragon axolotl to find suitable neighbors. Experts recommend keeping them in separate species aquariums for the following reasons:

  1. Even the most peaceful ornamental fish can damage their outer gill processes. This leads to infection, suppuration and long-term illness.
  2. A comfortable environment for dragons is not suitable for most fish.
  3. Small fish that cannot harm the salamander become food for it.

The only people an axolotl can get along with are goldfish. Slow and calm, they do not show interest in salamanders, and they, in turn, cannot eat such large neighbors.

But the best option for sharing with an axolotl is another axolotl. However, even with this option, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Pets must be the same age and size. If this rule is not followed, the smaller dragon runs the risk of being eaten by its relative.
  2. Plenty of food. To eliminate the possibility of cannibalism.
  3. Enough space to prevent territorial aggression.


Population and species status

Photo: Axolotl

Today, the axolotl is practically never found in nature, in its natural habitat. On the territory of the Russian Federation it is found exclusively in aquarium conditions. Previously, the habitat of amphibians was quite wide. Then, as the number of axolotls declined, their natural habitat area also decreased. Today they are not found anywhere except two Mexican lakes.

Researchers from the Autonomous University of Mexico made calculations and found that there are no more than 800 - 1300 left in nature. The exact number is unknown. This means that if special programs are not developed to save and preserve the species, it may completely disappear. However, researchers claim that several hundred thousand successfully live and reproduce in artificially created conditions within the aquarium.

Over the past ten years, the number of water dragons in their natural habitat has decreased significantly. Researchers say that in 1998, there were just over five thousand individuals for every square kilometer of Mexican lakes. In 2003, the same area accounted for no more than a thousand individuals. In 2008, the same area accounted for no more than a hundred individuals. Thus, the population has decreased by more than 50 times in just ten years.

Axolotl conservation

Photo: Axolotl Red Book

For protection purposes, it is listed in the International Red Book and CITIES. Amphibians have been assigned endangered species status. Scientists suggest that in order to preserve the number of amphibians, it is necessary to create nurseries in which to raise and breed these animals. This is the only way to preserve the species and increase its numbers. Employees of a Mexican research institute are making attempts to create such a national park. In the natural habitat region, trapping is officially prohibited.

Zoologists say that a large number of amphibians live in captivity. If you create optimal conditions for them that are as close to natural as possible, they feel quite comfortable and even reproduce. In order to increase the number of water dragons, employees of a Mexican research institute successfully breed them in aquarium conditions and release them into lakes. Another measure to protect and protect these representatives of the Ambystomaceae family is to minimize human impact on their natural habitat. The cessation of pollution of natural water bodies, according to scientists, leaves a chance for a gradual increase in the number of amphibians, a decrease in morbidity and mortality.

The axolotl is an amazing representative of flora and fauna that is on the verge of extinction. It really has an external resemblance to dinosaurs that went extinct many millennia ago. This quality, as well as intelligence, intelligence and cunning, contributes to the increasing spread of aquarium keeping of water dragons.

Origin story

The axolotl is a neotenic larva from the Ambystomaceae family. Translated, the name means “water monster”, but it is difficult to call an axolotl a monster - the salamander larva has a truly touching and funny appearance.

A feature of the salamander is the ability to reproduce while still a larva - this is the meaning of neoteny of water dragons. This phenomenon is due to the fact that this amphibian lacks the hormone responsible for the development of the body. In other words, the axolotl and the ambystoma are the same animal, at different stages of development.

In the wild, axolotls live constantly in the water, ignoring land. The favorite place of water dragons is the center of the lake, where dense vegetation grows, helping axolotls reproduce and hiding them from enemies.

In ancient times, the meat of the aquatic salamander was attributed with healing properties, so the Indians caught the poor dragons and ate them. Now this lizard is protected and is listed in the Red Book.





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