Choosing an aquarium for the home: tips for a novice aquarist

If you have a desire to have aquarium fish, you need to carefully approach the choice of an aquarium, its equipment and even the selection of fish. An important role in its selection is played by the shape, displacement, number and size of its inhabitants. In this article we will look in detail at how to choose the right aquarium, what to look for when buying fish, and the like.

By the way, you can choose an aquarium of any shape and volume, as well as accessories for it, in the KotMart online store.

What sizes and proportions are best for your first aquarium?

When choosing an aquarium, pay attention to the size and aspect ratio. It is known that an aquarium has depth, width and height. The length can be twice the width, and the depth can be significantly less than the width. What does it mean? This means that the aquarium can be long and narrow or long, wide and shallow. When thinking about choosing the size of an aquarium, you need to understand what you want to buy and why. A narrow screen, an aquarium for comfortable observation of fish or for quickly raising fry. These types are united by a rectangular shape, but differ in aspect ratio, which affects their purpose.

For your home, choose a deep and wide aquarium. This aspect ratio will make the content easier and provide the necessary volume for professional design.

Volume is the second important characteristic of an aquarium. It determines the number of fish that you can keep and the decoration that you can make. It is a well-known fact that the larger the aquarium, the easier it is to maintain. This is one of the basic rules that beginners constantly ignore, preferring small aquariums.

In a large aquarium, changes in the ecosystem occur more slowly and this allows time to respond to a negative incident: from the breakdown of an aquarium filter to the outbreak of a serious bacterial infection. In a small aquarium, negative changes occur quickly and are fatal for fish and aquarium plants.

From personal experience, I recommend choosing an aquarium with a minimum volume of 60 liters. I will call the optimal volume 100 liters.


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