How to safely transport an aquarium? Let's understand the issue

Before settling the aquarium, it is necessary to purchase the aquatic pets themselves and properly deliver them home so that they do not die during the transfer process.

Transporting an aquarium with fish requires careful preparation so that the inhabitants of the aquatic space do not experience stress and die. After reading our article, you will learn everything about transportation, including over long distances and in winter.

  • How to transport long distances
  • How to transport aquarium fish in winter
  • How to transport aquarium fish in a car
  • Important rules for transporting an aquarium

    Before we begin detailed instructions for transporting an aquarium, here are a few important rules that you need to remember and be sure to follow:

    • The aquarium can only be transported empty. Before transportation, you need to remove not only fish (if any), but also decorative elements. For example, stones in an aquarium during transportation can create a crack in it.
    • Do not transport an aquarium with fish. Yes, the process of preparing fish for transportation, and then the process of “settling” them back into the aquarium, is not the fastest. But even worse is transporting an aquarium with fish in it. On forums you can often find various “life hacks” on how to transport an aquarium directly with its inhabitants - we highly recommend not doing this.
    • Be sure to properly label the box (or other material) where the aquarium will be placed during transportation.

    Now let's move on to detailed instructions for transporting the aquarium.

    Little secrets: how to pack an aquarium

    Having taken care of the inhabitants of the “living corner”, you can proceed directly to preparing the tank itself for transportation. How to transport an aquarium? To ensure that a fragile item arrives undamaged, ensure it is packaged well.

    • Choose a cardboard box of the appropriate size.
    • Before placing the aquarium in the box, protect the walls with foam.
    • Secure the material with adhesive tape.

    It is difficult to find a suitable box to accommodate a large aquarium. Wrap the structure with bubble wrap. It is better to carry the tank together - it is voluminous and heavy even without contents.

    When moving the aquarium, hold it by the bottom, not the sides.

    After loading the packaged tank into the body of the car, do not forget to secure it. Even during shocks and sudden braking, the product must remain motionless. It is good if the van has special fastening belts. Otherwise, secure the structure with other bulky things. Remember, only professionals clearly know how to transport large aquariums. Sometimes it’s easier to call specialists than to deal with such a troublesome task yourself.

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    “Eviction” of fish from the aquarium and their transportation

    The first step when transporting an aquarium is to “evict” its inhabitants. If the moving distance is not far (for example, within the city), the fish can be transferred in a tight bag.


    It is not recommended to use trash bags or regular supermarket bags. The best option is to purchase packages at a pet store.

    For long distances, it is better to purchase a carrying aquarium from pet stores. This is a small container that is made of non-toxic plastic, it has holes for ventilation and a door for convenient placement of fish.


    Do not use plastic containers as fish carriers, which can be toxic. For example, you should absolutely not use old containers for paint, whitewash, primer and other building materials.

    Depending on the time of year and the type of fish themselves, the process of transporting them may differ:

    • Cold water fish. A comfortable temperature for them is from +10 to +20 degrees.
    • Fish of warm waters. The temperature that is comfortable for them is from +22 to +30 degrees.

    If the temperature outside during transportation is set within the specified limits, then difficulties should not arise. Otherwise, in hotter or colder weather, you will need to cool or, conversely, heat the container where the fish are transported.


    In some cases, it makes sense to acquire not only a container for transporting the inhabitants of the aquarium, but also a thermal bag to maintain the optimal temperature.

    What to do with fish during transportation?

    Before moving from the apartment, the fish must be moved into a prepared transparent container without corners. If the pets are very large, you will have to organize additional air supply.

    Conditions for temporary detention on the road:

    • For cold-water fish, the temperature should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius.
    • For warm water - up to 29 °C.
    • You can't put too many pets in a small aquarium.
    • Transparent walls make it easy to monitor the condition of the fish.

    It is better to transfer the inhabitants of the aquarium into a bag or jar 30 minutes before moving.

    Preparing the aquarium for transportation

    Preparing an aquarium for transportation begins with the eviction of its inhabitants, which we described in more detail above.


    It is recommended to proceed to the process of “eviction” of fish and the process of packing the aquarium as close as possible to the moment of transportation. For example, if your move is planned for the night, do it in the evening of the same day.

    Next, remove the decorative elements from the aquarium, rinse them and dry them.

    The next step is water. Depending on the size of the aquarium, it may or may not make sense to carry all the old water with you. If the aquarium is large, try to carry at least 30% of the old water with you. For small aquariums, you can take away all the old water - it will make it easier for the fish to cope with the move.

    If there are plants in the aquarium, remove them from the water, place them in a tight bag and seal them.


    Plants do not require water in the bag.

    The soil from the aquarium is placed in a separate container; it is not recommended to transport it directly into the fish’s abode. Do not wash the soil so as not to spoil the “environment” created in the aquarium.

    When all the inhabitants, decorative items, plants and soil have been removed from the aquarium, you can proceed to disassembling it. After disassembling the aquarium, rinse it, but use only special products or water from the aquarium itself. It is highly undesirable to wash under tap water.


    If the aquarium is small, it is not necessary to disassemble it. It is enough to pack it well and transport it correctly, which is what the following points are about.

    How to transport aquarium fish in winter

    Such transportation is practically no different from ordinary transportation. The main difficulty is to prevent the water in the containers from overcooling. To do this, you can put heating pads or hot water bottles in the box.

    In addition, the container can be wrapped in fabric or newspapers, and if transportation is carried out by car, then the box can simply be placed in the cabin and wrapped. But it is best to use a thermal bag that will help maintain a stable temperature.

    The author of the video talks about the features of winter transportation.

    Packing the aquarium for transportation

    Since most aquariums are glass, the main concern when transporting them is to avoid cracks. The best option is to pack the aquarium in the same way as a large mirror is packed during transportation. That is, use bubble wrap and foam.


    There is no need to additionally strengthen the aquarium glass with tape, as is done with a mirror.

    Wrap the glass of the aquarium on all sides with bubble wrap, paying special attention to the corners. Next, glue the pieces of foam plastic and protect it all with cardboard on top.

    Note that if you use corrugated cardboard, you don’t need to use a layer of foam, especially when transportation is carried out by specialists within the same city or independently.


    Don’t forget to stick a mark on the cardboard that there is glass inside (or sign it with a marker).

    General transportation requirements

    For any occasions and types of moves, there are general universal requirements that help reduce injuries and stress among fish. Here they are:

    First rule. All fish must be young, strong and healthy. And this is understandable, because sick or old individuals may simply not survive the journey. The health of a fish can be judged by the naturalness of its color, straightened fins and smooth movement.

    Second rule . The most suitable for transportation are fish with a body length of 1.5 to 4 cm. The larger the individuals, the lower the stocking rate (that is, fewer fish need to be placed in one container). An approximate calculation is as follows: 1 liter of water is allowed for 5-7 two-centimeter fish. Adults and fry cannot be placed together.

    Third rule . It is strictly forbidden to feed the fish on the road. Moreover, they are advised to go on a hunger strike a day before the planned trip.

    Fourth rule . Two to three hours before departure, the fish should be placed in clean and cool water, the temperature of which is two or three degrees lower than usual, which will enhance the intestinal motility of the aquarium inhabitants and speed up bowel movements. This and the previous measures will minimize water pollution during the trip and avoid the death of fish.

    Fifth rule . Fish are placed in transportation containers immediately before travel. The water is taken from the permanent aquarium in which they lived. Two thirds of the container should be oxygen.

    Sixth rule . If the container is transparent, then it needs to be darkened. This will make the fish less afraid.

    How to transport an aquarium

    This question is individual, since much depends on the size of the aquarium itself. It is definitely not recommended to transport it on the roof of a car, since there is a high risk of damage.

    If the aquarium fits in the trunk of a regular car, you can transport it in it, or use a gazelle - car sharing, rented or ordered with a driver.

    It is better to place the parts of the disassembled aquarium in the car in such a way that nothing puts pressure on them. The driver of the car in which the aquarium is transported needs to choose the least bumpy routes.

    Aquarium plants and soil

    The roots of aquatic plants must remain moist during transportation. Therefore, they are wrapped in cloth soaked in water and placed in a thick plastic bag.

    It is better to clean the aquarium soil before packaging so that setting up the structure in a new place takes less time. It is washed with running water, the decorative elements are removed and dried.

    Further actions after transportation

    After transporting the aquarium, it must be thoroughly cleaned and filled with water, and the inhabitants of the aquatic depths must be released. Pour in the water that was in the aquarium before transportation and which was transported along with the aquarium. After installing all the equipment, its functionality should be checked and only after that can residents of the aquatic environment be released. During the adaptation period, it is necessary to carry out constant monitoring and ensure air ventilation for 24 hours in a row, saturating the aquarium with air.

    Features of transporting aquariums

    When organizing a move or transplant of large individuals, it is necessary to carry out aeration. First you need to empty the bottom of the aquarium, otherwise the integrity of the tank may be damaged. After unloading the container, it is necessary to clean the walls and bottom. Then place the aquarium in proper material that will protect it from damage. Good packaging is polystyrene foam, bubble wrap filled with air, a wooden base, or corrugated cardboard. If possible, transportation of aquariums should be carried out very quickly and efficiently, in order to quickly transplant the fish into their usual habitat.

    There must be an appropriate number of loaders who will help transport the aquarium. Their number depends on the dimensions of the product. It is also necessary to secure the aquarium with a fastening system during transportation and carry out the movement in trucks (for large aquariums) or in cars with hydrofoil (for less massive structures)

    Herring in a jar, or What determines the density of planting?

    Reliable transportation of chilled and frozen fish

    That is, do not make the fish feel like they are in a transport container, like a herring in a jar. The planting density should be optimal. Here you need to think not only about the number of individuals in the container, but also about their size. Once again about a crowded bus, where you can’t breathe, and about a calm, free transport space... The fewer fish in the container, the greater the chance of getting them safe and sound to point “B”. The calculation is based on the proportions of the number of fish per liter of water. If our fish are on average up to 2 centimeters long, then no more than 5, in extreme cases - 7 fish per liter of water space. It will not be possible to transport fry without additional oxygen pumping.

    How much water should be stored?

    The aquarium can only be moved empty. The threat is the violation of the seams of the aquarium and, consequently, its leakage. Therefore, the water travels separately. It is allowed to leave the soil in the aquarium if there is nowhere to put it and you have the strength to drag it with it.

    Fish have a hard time transferring to another water. Even if the new water is not of worse quality than the old one, it can still be a heavy blow for the fish. The sudden change in habitat is shocking

    Therefore, preserving old aquarium water is very important. It is more important not to defend fresh water, but to preserve the “old”

    We fill the rest with settled water.

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