Where to place an aquarium according to Feng Shui in an apartment: tips and recommendations

According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment is not only a wonderful element of the interior, but also a generator of family well-being and material wealth. Placing an aquarium according to the rules of Feng Shui science will help the owner gain peace from watching swimming aquarium fish, as well as attract good luck and positive energy into the house. If the location of the aquarium is incorrect, then happiness will “leak” from the house, so before buying a tank you should find out where the aquarium should be located in the apartment.

Choosing an aquarium according to Feng Shui

Buying an artificial pond is an excellent solution for those people who want a calm and cozy atmosphere at home. The energy of Water helps to establish peace and strengthen relationships in the family, prevent squabbles and discord, and also attract wealth and luck if you place the aquarium according to Feng Shui. It is important to note that it is better to postpone the purchase of an aquarium if the owner of the house is an energetic and active person who does not tolerate peace and quiet well. In this case, it is better to give preference to decorative fountains, where the flowing streams of water will reflect the mood of the owner. For those who want to relax at home, body and soul after a hard day at work, an artificial pond with graceful fish will help.

According to Eastern teachings, according to Feng Shui, an aquarium should be selected based on the following data:

  • The dimensions of the container must correspond to the dimensions of the room and fit harmoniously into the interior. An aquarium that is too large in a cramped space, or a small container in a large room will cause dissonance.
  • It is advisable to choose an oval, round, or rectangular shape, with slightly rounded corners. It is not recommended to purchase a square-shaped tank. Also, when choosing a form, you should take into account the requirements of future residents.

Favorable shape and size of the aquarium

The choice of an aquarium for each individual home should be approached strictly individually, observing the principles of harmony and proportion. After all, improper placement of water bodies can do more harm than good.


An important rule: the size of the aquarium must correspond to the size of the room where it is installed. It shouldn't be too big or too small. Try to maintain a sense of proportion. Many people believe that the larger the container of water, the better. However, this is a misconception. Excess water turns good feng shui into bad and becomes a source of great trouble. You can symbolically choke on too much water. Balance is very important. Make sure the aquarium size is correct.


When choosing an aquarium, it is important to choose a favorable shape that will enhance the effect of the water body.

According to the five elements of Feng Shui, a rectangular or round aquarium shape is considered the most successful. It is advisable to avoid square bodies of water that correspond to the element “earth”.

Where to put an artificial pond

Knowing where to place the aquarium according to Feng Shui, the owner strengthens the protection of the home, maintaining well-being and attracting positive energy. First of all, you should decide on the side where you can install the tank, and then decide on the place in the room:

  • East – this side is protected by the Tree, so the decision to place the container in the eastern part of the house would be appropriate. An aquarium in this place will help strengthen family ties and help resolve financial troubles.
  • North - the side is influenced by the element of Water. Having installed a pond here, the owner does not have to worry about work - things will certainly go uphill. For best results, it is recommended to place the tank in the office.
  • Southeast - the side is protected by Tree, so fish in an aquarium in this part of the house will help improve your financial situation. Having decided in which part of the house you can install the aquarium, you should choose a place in the room. The container can be located as follows:
  • In the corner - it will enhance vital energy and improve health, attract happiness.
  • In the passage - will have a beneficial effect on work matters, family relationships and well-being.

In order for the reservoir to bring a positive charge and promote peace in the family, it is advisable for all household members to install and launch the reservoir together.

Fish in pictures and in the form of figurines. What do they symbolize and what do they attract into the life of the owner?

There are many superstitions about these creatures. In many cultures, fish is a symbol of spiritual development and good luck. Various images of such creatures are effective Feng Shui talismans. For example, in China, fish represents wealth. And it’s not for nothing that the word “yu” is translated from Chinese as “prosperity” or “fish”. And its third meaning is “happiness”.

On the footprint of the Buddha you can see the sign of a fish. Drawings of paired creatures are often embroidered on curtains and pillowcases. People believe that in this way they protect themselves from ill-wishers.

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There is an opinion that pictures and figurines of fish help “swim through life”, avoiding “whirlpools”. They also endow the owner with perseverance, will, and the ability to cope with various difficulties. Images with paired water creatures can bring harmony and peace to family relationships, as well as strengthen mutual understanding between partners in a couple.

Aravana fish figurines attract wealth. If you want there to be no quarrels on financial grounds in your home, then you need the number of fish to be odd. It should be noted that beautiful paintings and figurines, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, bring good luck, goodness, and wealth to the house. Figures in the form of aquatic creatures should be placed in the northern part of your home, since the element of water is associated with this direction.

Where should you not place an aquarium?

Eastern teachings say that if you place an aquarium with fish incorrectly according to Feng Shui, then instead of benefiting the pond, it can cause serious harm: loss of money, troubles, deterioration in well-being. You can avoid such consequences if you know the places where you should not install the tank:

  • Opposite the front door - if you install a pond or an aquarium with artificial fish in the hallway, you should not expect positive results, since energy will flow out of the house. Installation in the hallway is allowed only if the corridor in the apartment has a turn.
  • Kitchen - an aquarium in the kitchen, according to Feng Shui, will only bring negativity, since the place for cooking is associated with the element of Fire, which is not friendly with Water.
  • Behind the door - in addition to the fact that with such an arrangement the container can easily be damaged or broken, the rules of Feng Shui teach that this place is considered useless. If you place the reservoir behind the door, positive energy flows will pass by without bringing results to the family.
  • Under beams or ceiling beams is one of the most unfavorable places. By installing an aquarium here, the owner risks serious financial and health problems.
  • Bedroom – according to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place an aquarium in the bedroom, since such a location negatively affects the sleeping person, absorbing energy.

Which fish are best suited?

In fact, almost all types of fish that have favorable colors create good feng shui, although the temperament and habits of the fish are also important. Therefore, you can choose any fish that you like. However, from the point of view of attracting money, goldfish are preferable according to the teachings of Feng Shui, and here’s why.

The Chinese word "gum yu" has a double meaning: "goldfish" and "gold in abundance." Therefore, goldfish are considered a symbol of wealth and abundance in the science of Feng Shui. By the way, they used to be incredibly expensive, and only very wealthy people could afford them.

Selection of fish

In Eastern teachings, not only the location of the reservoir is considered important, but also how many fish live in the aquarium. According to Feng Shui, the number of fish should be 8 pieces - this figure is considered a symbol of a comfortable and carefree life. Also, according to Feng Shui, fish should be harmoniously combined with each other:

  • The ideal option is to have 8 gold fish and one black fish, which will protect family well-being. An alternative is another option - 4 gold, 4 red, and one black.
  • If the owner doesn’t like goldfish, you can get golden koi carp – unpretentious fish that attract good luck and money. However, keeping koi requires purchasing a large tank, so they are sometimes replaced with cichlids or discus.
  • Aravana is a fish for those who are used to living in grand style. According to popular belief, if the Aravana changes color from silver to scarlet, the owner will receive large sums of money.
  • Another type of fish that will help improve the atmosphere in the house is the veiltail. However, this requires careful care of the fish, taking into account their needs and habits.

If one of the fish in the tank died, do not be upset - according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the pet took the trouble away from the family. The deceased should be buried and a replacement purchased. In addition, it is important to take care of the fish - sick and stunted fish, instead of positive energy and happiness, will only bring troubles and disappointments.

By following the simple rules of Feng Shui, you can turn a simple aquarium with fish into a personal talisman that will become a faithful assistant and amulet at home. It is important not only to follow the rules for placing and selecting fish, but also to take care of the reservoir so that the benefits are maximum.

How to strengthen the energy of Water in the house

The water element is responsible for the material well-being and well-being of the family. Therefore, it is so important to enhance it with the correct organization of space and decorations.

The recommendations are as follows:

  • decorate the wealth zone in the apartment in shades of blue. It should be bright and as spacious as possible;
  • keep the window glass clean, and also do not clutter the window and door openings: you do not need to put anything on the windowsill, for example;
  • decorate the wealth sector with objects symbolizing water: decorative fountains, paintings with seascapes, etc.;
  • place fresh flowers there to enhance the flow of positive energy around the apartment;
  • place 2-3 Feng Shui money talismans in the prosperity zone: it could be a golden bowl, a ship, a toad with a coin in its teeth, or Chinese coins tied with a red thread;
  • don’t overdo it - there shouldn’t be too many oriental symbols in the house;
  • make sure that the interior design does not contain a contrast between two opposing elements: fire and water;
  • You can’t have red and blue objects standing next to each other;
  • “water” talismans should be kept away from the “wooden” elements. But they combine perfectly with the energy of Metal and Soil

To summarize: from the point of view of Feng Shui, an aquarium is not only an aesthetic decoration of the interior, but also a powerful tool for increasing the flow of monetary energy. This is a very “living” talisman. But you need to carefully care for it; if you are not ready to do this, it is better to purchase decorative fountains.

The main taboos when arranging aquariums

A vessel with fish should not be placed in the southern part of the house - this will do more harm than good.

Experts do not recommend placing aquariums in the kitchen. According to Feng Shui, in the kitchen there is a family hearth or Big Fire, which is incompatible with water. Water and fire are one of the most conflicting combinations. Try to avoid him. In addition, an aquarium in the kitchen can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Never place an aquarium in the bedroom. From a Feng Shui point of view, this is harmful to the health of those sleeping and can lead to large financial losses. For the same reason, you should not place paintings with picturesque water landscapes, waterfalls and lakes in the bedroom.

If the aquarium is in a nursery or classroom, it should be placed in a place where it will least attract children's attention. Otherwise, children will become disobedient and do poorly in school.

It is strongly recommended not to sit with your back to the water - this is always unfavorable. Therefore, if in your office or at home the aquarium is behind you, urgently change the furniture layout. In order for fortune to smile on you, it is better to always sit facing the water.

Another unfavorable sign is to place the aquarium where sharp corners of walls or other sharp interior objects are directed at it.

Activation of the talisman

Of course, location and choosing the right number of inhabitants are key to success, but there are a few tricks to help maximize the performance of your aquarium. First of all, it is worth placing on one of the walls, or placing on top a talisman in the form of a three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth. In addition, you can put beautiful stones, corals, treasure chests or a model of a pirate ship on the bottom inside.

According to Feng Shui, you should not clutter up the space with strange things that will create an unnatural environment for fish, since they are, first of all, living beings.

How to properly set up an aquarium at home so that fish and plants feel good?

People often worry about whether it is possible to place an aquarium in a cool or hot place, in a draft or in a stuffy room...

But the site can reassure you - the location of the “indoor pond” practically does not affect the comfort of the aquatic inhabitants. This is because in any case you will have to equip the glass container with lighting, aeration and thermoregulation. Even the most demanding fish and plants are absolutely indifferent to whether their “home” is in the most visible place in the living room or somewhere in a dark corridor.

Artificial light and heating compensate for any unfavorable environmental conditions!

The only rule is that
the aquarium should not be placed where there is direct sunlight for more than an hour a day
. The sunlight causes algae to multiply rapidly - the walls turn green, and the water “blooms”. Also, some types of fish do not tolerate excessively high temperatures (although not all!), so you should either not place the aquarium in rooms where it is too hot in summer, or select only tropical fish that adapt well to high water temperatures.

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