According to Feng Shui, goldfish in an aquarium means prosperity; how to choose where to place them in the kitchen or bedroom

Many have heard about the ancient art of Feng Shui, according to which each thing carries its own energy and each thing has its own specific place in order to release this energy. This teaching has been around for hundreds of years, and this fact alone makes us treat it, if not with enthusiasm and zeal, then at least with respect. What does a modern person need to be happy?

You can make a long list, but financial well-being will definitely be among the first items. Yes, money is not the main thing, but living with it is easier and more fun. What attracts money to the house, according to this ancient teaching? According to the sages, water is the source of financial well-being. Based on this, an aquarium according to Feng Shui is the best way to attract money to your family. But, as in any art, here, before you buy and install an aquarium, you need to take into account many nuances.

Where to put an aquarium according to Feng Shui

As you know, the teaching of Feng Shui itself is based on the theory of energy flows that carry positive or negative force. It is not surprising that it is the water element that plays a significant role here, since the behavior of liquid almost completely repeats the behavior of Qi energy.

When we talk about where and how to place this or that object in a room according to Feng Shui, the Bagua grid immediately comes to mind - it is precisely the basis on which we determine where it can and cannot be placed anything.

The area of ​​the house or apartment that needs to be equipped is divided into 9 segments, each of which is responsible for a certain aspect of the life of the family and each of its individual members. Three such segments are considered favorable for a water-based interior item, which makes it simply necessary in every home.

Usually, people place something small in one of these three zones, for example, it could be a fountain or a water wheel. Of course, the effect of such an item is observed, but not to say that it is very large. Much more significant changes in several areas of life can be achieved if you place a full-fledged aquarium here.

Undoubtedly, the most successful choice would be to locate the aquarium in the northern part of the room. It is this area that is responsible for career, professional growth and development. In addition, the element of the northern direction is water. For this reason, quite often experienced adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui locate their office in this area.

If we are talking not about a living space or a room, but about an office, then the combination of a reception area with a fairly large aquarium of the correct shape can be called ideal. This will become a kind of beacon for new and existing clients and will ensure a constant flow of them.

It is important to remember that a career can develop very quickly or slowly, and may even be stagnant. What it will be like directly depends on the activity inside your water symbol. If you let the water turn sour and don’t renew it, your professional growth will stop or decline.

If you place an aquarium in the south-eastern room, this will definitely affect your financial sphere. The fact is that here is a zone of wealth and prosperity. As you know, money loves movement, and its abundance is often compared to a powerful water flow.

It is very important here to also monitor the amount of traffic in your aquarium. Those fish that live here must be quite nimble, mobile and healthy. Separately, it should be noted that in the wealth zone, it is naturally better to keep goldfish, or those representatives of this class that have shiny golden scales.

By the way, feng shui experts recommend not only placing an aquarium in this area, but also enhancing its beneficial effects. This effect can be achieved if there is a toad on top of the aquarium with a small coin in its mouth - a well-known symbol of well-being in Eastern teachings.

Just don’t display too many figures – everything is good in moderation, so two or three will be enough. And it’s best to limit yourself to just one talisman. Such a frog loves the southeastern region and the element of water, so its presence here will be as fruitful as possible.

The last successful sector for the aquarium is the eastern one. According to Feng Shui, this direction is considered a zone of family relationships and their strength, as well as mutual understanding, depends on its improvement.

In general, it is best if this is where the living room is located or the room in which all family members often gather, communicate with each other and spend a lot of time together. The aquarium will fit perfectly into this setting and will qualitatively improve the level of relationships within your family.

In addition, the symbol of the eastern direction is a tree. As you know, trees simply need constant water supply, so your aquarium will become a constant source of food for the family tree. Thanks to this, your family will become stronger, more united and happier.

Ideally, a container with fish should be placed in sectors subject to the elements of Water according to Feng Shui. These are the northern, eastern and southeastern zones of the apartment.

The features of each of these sectors are as follows:

  • East. Is in the power of the element of Wood. And as we know, it needs water to grow and thrive. Therefore, an aquarium harmonizes the energy state of the space, strengthens family ties, the “roots” of your family.
  • The southeast is a zone of wealth and prosperity. In this place, water energy promotes the circulation of cash flows, stimulates financial well-being, attracts money and opportunities to increase income. It is advisable to place a couple of other Feng Shui talismans next to the aquarium - for example, a money tree or a golden bowl.
  • The North is the most ideal place where clean water energy circulates. This is an excellent location for an aquarium in the home of a person who does business, manages people, and strives for career heights and wealth. If this is an office space, then a “live” mascot with sea creatures will help to quickly increase sales, develop and “grow” the business.


A similar sign

An aquarium is not only a wonderful addition to the interior, a source of relaxation and positive emotions. Properly selected and installed in the right place, it will make your life better and help attract money and good luck to your home.

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Description of the breed

The cockerel is a typical representative of the labyrinthine family. Their length is small, males reach 5 cm, females are slightly smaller - 4. Cockerels can be called the brightest aquarium fish. The color of the betta can be: yellow, orange, green and even blue. The colors shimmer and play in different shades. Males become brighter when fighting. During the breeding season, fish also paint themselves to attract a mate.

Female aquarium betta. Female aquarium betta.

What are the distinctive features of females? It is easy to distinguish a female from a male: they are not so bright, their fins are short and not so luxurious, rather even modest. The female's body is slightly thicker and shorter. How many selection experiments have been carried out! Breeders managed to obtain the first specimens of females - bettas, which are definitely not inferior in beauty to males, but it is still almost impossible to get such a hybrid.

The fish have stripes across and along the entire body. The fins are rounded. The lower fin is very long from the chin to the tail. The fins on the chest have a sharper shape. If the fish is angry or excited, its gills swell and a collar forms around its head.

An interesting feature of cockerels is the ability to breathe atmospheric air. The so-called labyrinth organ perfectly helps fish cope with this function. It is for this reason that you need to ensure that the surface of the container is always clean and air can flow to the water.

Bettas are excellent jumpers. And that is why a special lid is often installed on top or a mesh is pulled up so that the poor jumper does not accidentally fly out of the container.

Our chickens prefer soft water. Do not use distillate under any circumstances: it contains not only harmful, but also beneficial substances. Aquarium stores sell special products to purify water from harmful substances, while leaving beneficial ones.

If you want to calm the fish, add a little salt to the water (1/2 tsp per 5 liters). Depending on the volume of the aquarium, the water in it needs to be changed 1-2 times a week, and in between, do this partially.

Cockerels love live food. Cockerels love live food.

Bettas are fed both dry and live food. Bettas are predators and their main food is bloodworms, as well as earthworms. Tubifex, daphnia, and cyclops are also perfect. In order to protect the fish from overeating, you should remove the remaining food 15-20 minutes after feeding. Bettas need to be fed 1-2 times a day. It’s a good idea to set them up on a diet with one fasting day a week.

Fish are insensitive to temperature changes and therefore will be comfortable at both +18 and +26 degrees Celsius. Of course, you should not allow too cold or hot water. If you decide to add other fish to your betta, then you should take into account such a thing as aeration. The labyrinth fish can do without it, while its neighbors will most likely need it.

To keep the pond clean, do not forget to clean the bottom from food debris, waste products and other dirt, or have cleaners in the pond: catfish or snails. Both catfish and snails get along well with bettas.

Of course, the list of fish with which the betta gets along is very limited. So, it is best to add inconspicuous medium-sized fish to them. At first, you should keep an eye on your neighbors, because there is still a risk of a fight, and if the cockerels show aggression, then it is better to remove the neighbor. Although bettas respond well to gouramis, danios, angelfish and rainbowfish, they never mind chasing them. A cockerel fish may turn out to be a strange neighbor. Compatibility with other fish should always be checked in practice.

What to watch out for

Not all sectors, according to the teachings of Feng, can place fish in containers with water. In the south it is contraindicated, especially in the nursery, the children will make poor progress in their studies and school achievements. You can bet in any other zones, taking into account the nuances.

The kitchen is also no place for fish in water; fire reigns there - two opposite elements, of which there are already enough representatives there. It is especially dangerous if you are pregnant; it can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Do not place fish in the bedroom; feng followers warn of possible loss of money and harm to the health of those present. And water landscapes are also contraindicated here.

In the nursery, place the container in a place where it is hardly noticeable, so that the child is not distracted when preparing for school.

And one last thing. Wherever the container stands, it should not be located behind the back - only in front. It's fraught with trouble. Feng practitioners often talk about this during lectures. And sharp corners from walls and furniture should be avoided.

We provide a full table

As in care, the betta fish is not picky about food. She can be fed both fresh and frozen food. Most often they give bloodworms. In addition to this they offer:

· mosquito larvae, tubifex;

You can also purchase food at a pet store.

You should feed your betta betta fish as much food as it will eat in 5 minutes. The remaining food must be removed. Feed your pet once a day.

Once a week they do not give any food, and you should not overfeed the fish: they are prone to obesity.

In the wild, lively cockerels prefer to eat more live food - small mosquito larvae and daphnia. They do not disdain algae, which is why they sometimes bite aquarium plants.

Fish for the aquarium

Many people wonder what kind of fish is best to get. Chinese Feng Shui advises choosing “whatever your heart desires.” But for money, golden ones are better. In science, this color is a symbol of prosperity. In ancient times, only rich people could afford such fish.

A cockerel is also suitable - a beautiful color with an interesting tail, and to activate the energy of money, red-finned fish. The main thing is to be healthy and active. Examples are shown in the photo.

Aquarium for money

An aquarium will bring wealth to your home if it is in the right place and has the required number of fish. Pets require careful care, the better it is, the more money the subject has. One of the important conditions of feng shui is clean water saturated with oxygen. Then the fish are healthy, and the money increases.

Where not to place an aquarium and other tips

It is impossible not to mention where to place the aquarium is not recommended. Of course, there are few such prohibitions, but it is simply necessary to know about them, as this will help to avoid many problems.

The first place where the aquarium has nothing to do is the space in front of the front door. The flow of Qi will enter such an aquarium and randomly scatter in different directions. Naturally, in this case there is no need to talk about any harmonious distribution of energy throughout the house.

Also, do not place the aquarium in the space between two doors. Quite often, this arrangement can be observed in cases where this piece of furniture is placed in passage rooms. Here, again, the main role is played by the very concept of Qi - this is a flow. In order for this energy to circulate properly in the house, its direction must be clear, but an aquarium between two doors creates chaos, and the flow diverges in different directions.

If your layout simply does not allow you to place this piece of furniture anywhere other than in the area of ​​one or two doors, then try to do it in such a way that the flow of Qi seems to go around the aquarium, rather than entering it.

You should also avoid places where anything will hang over the aquarium - designer structures, beams or arches. The fact is that this creates a kind of pressure, leading to the fact that the fish feel bad, constantly get sick and die.

Another bad place for an aquarium is the kitchen, but only if it has an oven. The fact is that the oven is a strong talisman of the fire element; the presence of objects from opposite elements in the same room leads to the fact that they neutralize each other’s effects and become absolutely useless.

If your kitchen is not equipped with an oven, then theoretically you can place an aquarium here, but only away from any heating appliances. Also make sure that the elements of the aquarium are not red - this is a shade of fire.

Well, the most important rule that should be followed regardless of where you place the aquarium is that you must take good care of it. Even the most powerful talisman will not work if it is not maintained on time. Since an aquarium is unthinkable without fish and they are the ones who create dynamics in one area or another, it will have to be cleaned quite often.

Of course, this task is somewhat simplified by the presence of water filters and a cleaning system, but from time to time the water in the aquarium still needs to be changed, and also monitor how well its inhabitants feel.

So, now you know how to set up an aquarium according to Feng Shui; in the right hands, this piece of furniture can become a truly universal talisman that will bring a lot of happiness to your home. The only thing you should not forget about is that in order for everything to work correctly, it is necessary to correctly build the space of the entire house, otherwise the flow of Qi simply will not reach the aquarium in full and the effect will not be so significant.

It is strictly forbidden to install an aquarium opposite the entrance to the room (wealth flowing out) or between two doors (quick loss of wealth).

Feng Shui masters also do not recommend installing an aquarium:

  • in the bedroom, where the energy of wealth “qi” will be inactive,
  • facing the outside of the house, which will lead to the tendency of family members to forbidden love affairs,
  • under a ceiling beam that poses a literal and symbolic threat to the talisman and its functionality,
  • on the contrary, an acute corner of a wall or other sharp objects

Twin fish

An excellent gift for newlyweds would be a figurine or a painting depicting double fish. Their meaning lies in the wish for continuity, pairing, and fidelity. The ancient Chinese considered fish as a talisman and gave it as a wedding gift as the most expensive gift.

Double fish symbolize, according to the fen current, in addition to good luck, sexual activity. Two fish of different colors, rushing in the shape of a ring, resemble twins who cannot live without each other. Some needlewomen, wishing happiness in the family, embroider double fish on bed linen.

Curtains with double fish embroidered can be hung in the bedroom of the house, for the faithful relationship of the spouses: like two fish are inseparable, so that the husband and wife do not go anywhere without each other for a long period of time.

The talisman predicts the continuity of relationships for the family for many years. Two fish, two rings equal love.

How to choose an aquarium: size and shape

Simply having an aquarium in your home is not enough. By violating the rules of harmony and proportionality, choosing an aquarium of the wrong size or shape, or placing it in the wrong place, you can achieve terrible results.

The teaching is: too much is worse than too little. If you follow your desire for quick wealth and choose an aquarium that is too spacious, you will only get problems, the least of which will be the inconvenience of caring for a disproportionate tank.

Each geometric shape corresponds to a specific element. Favorable forms include:

  • round Metal (most favorable),
  • hexagonal Water (satisfactory),
  • rectangular Wood (satisfactory).

The unfavorable ones are:

  • square Earth,
  • triangular Fire.

The number of fish in an aquarium is important in Feng Shui

Some Chinese masters recommend keeping nine fish in an aquarium - eight gold and one black. It is believed that gold fish symbolize wealth and prosperity, and black fish symbolize protection. But this is more connected not with Feng Shui, but with internal traditions, national culture, and religion.

In any case, regardless of its size, location and number of fish, your home aquatic world requires constant and decent care. Stagnant rotten water in an aquarium attracts dead Qi, and it will negatively affect not only its inhabitants, but also the finances of the household. Even being in the best sector!

Therefore, before deciding where to place an aquarium according to Feng Shui, first be sure that you have enough time and desire to take good care of it!

Caring for the mascot and its inhabitants

Regular care of the vessel and its inhabitants will help you achieve the desired result many times faster. For constant circulation of water, special aerators should be used.

If it happens that the fish dies, it is necessary to replace it with a healthy one as quickly as possible, clean and disinfect it.


Sources of Abundance

An aquarium is an interesting decorative element and a symbol that attracts good luck and prosperity. Much depends on the design of the aquarium and its inhabitants - it is desirable that goldfish live in it. A glass aquarium placed in the center of a blank wall will bring good luck. The decorative arrangement of the aquarium does not contradict the concept of Feng Shui, the main thing is that the fish feel comfortable.

Not everyone has the opportunity to place an aquarium at home or in their office, but this is not a problem, because fish figurines also help attract material wealth. One fish attracts good luck, two fish bring harmony to marital relationships. 6 figurines at once will help attract money and stability. It is desirable that the figurine depicts a carp or a dragon fish. Carp easily overcomes any obstacles, and the dragon fish is a symbol of fabulous wealth.

An image of fish can be used as a talisman to attract money into the house. It doesn’t matter what the symbols of good luck are depicted on - it could be a canvas, a decorative panel, or even an image printed on wallpaper. Sometimes fish are used as a decorative element of embroidery, for example, on curtains.

The amulet must be worn on the hand. Try not to take it off so that the energy of the talisman is with you all the time. Otherwise, the talisman will not be as effective as when worn constantly. If necessary, the effect of any of the mentioned talismans can be enhanced.

An aquarium can become a means of activation

Under certain conditions it can include both bad and good energies. True, not every aquarium is capable of this.

The location of the aquarium as a Feng Shui activator is not so important if it is small in size, closed, and does not use actively working devices. Such an aquarium is unlikely to activate anything. In terms of its effect, it can simply be placed on a par with small vessels, vases, jugs, etc. Such objects, by their arrangement, as a rule, do not affect any important principles of Feng Shui. And a small enclosed pond can be placed almost anywhere, naturally, while adhering to basic common sense and considerations of appropriateness.

But if you plan to install a large open aquarium, with installed aerotars, pumps, and other actively working devices that create circulation and air bubbles, then this can enhance Feng Shui energies. And it’s worth paying more attention to the placement of the aquarium, since at certain times it can cause trouble.

Where to place an aquarium according to Feng Shui, so that it not only fits organically into the interior of the apartment, but also does not cause problems?

One of the well-known Feng Shui principles for placing water bodies, the so-called rule of Direct and Indirect Spirit, states that in the current 8th period, four sectors are not suitable for large water bodies to be present in them. These are North-East, North-West, West, South. Otherwise, the financial luck of the inhabitants of the house may worsen.

True, this principle was initially applied mainly when locating large external sources of water. Such as lakes, ponds, river bends. Now in modern conditions, in the interior of an apartment, the rule of direct and indirect spirit is also often taken into account.

In addition, it is undesirable for the aquarium to activate the negative feng shui star Yellow Five.

But these are the simplest rules, and relying only on them, it is impossible to definitely say where the aquarium should be located. To do this, you need to take into account many different nuances from the point of view of Feng Shui, and then, after analyzing them, make a final conclusion. In this case, there may not be any suitable places in the apartment. And in such cases, it is better for lovers of the home aquatic world to get by with a small closed aquarium, because for its placement it is much less demanding in terms of various Feng Shui restrictions.


How not to cause harm

Using an aquarium in the interior of an apartment, you can harm yourself if you install it incorrectly.

What not to do:

  1. Place it near the front door, partitions, arches and window openings. These places are considered unfavorable from a Feng Shui point of view. If they are crowded with something, you limit free movement around the apartment.
  2. There should be no protrusions or beams above the aquarium. Because of this, the “tenants” will begin to get sick and die. It is unknown why this happens, but it is a fact.
  3. Do not place an aquarium in the kitchen, it will “extinguish” the fiery energy of this space, and you will limit cash flows. This is fraught with problems with your financial situation, there will be fewer sources of income, you may be fired or have your wages reduced, and problems with your business will begin.
  4. The color of the stand or surface on which you place the aquarium also matters. You cannot use fiery shades: red, yellow or orange. Ideally, blue and all shades of blue.

You cannot run an aquarium and take poor care of the fish. If the water is cloudy, dirty, and lacks oxygen, you will not only kill the little residents, but also attract negativity into the house, which is fraught with problems in absolutely all areas of life.

Watch a video about Feng Shui water talismans:

How to enhance water energy in your home

The water element is responsible for the material well-being and well-being of the family. Therefore, it is so important to enhance it with the correct organization of space and decorations.

  • decorate the wealth zone in the apartment in shades of blue. It should be bright and as spacious as possible,
  • keep the window glass clean, and also do not clutter the window and door openings: you do not need to place anything on the windowsill, for example,
  • decorate the wealth sector with objects symbolizing water: decorative fountains, paintings of seascapes, etc.
  • place fresh flowers there to enhance the flow of positive energy around the apartment,
  • place 2-3 Feng Shui money talismans in the prosperity zone: it could be a golden bowl, a ship, a toad with a coin in its teeth, or Chinese coins tied with a red thread,
  • don’t overdo it - there shouldn’t be too many oriental symbols in the house,
  • make sure that the interior design does not contain a contrast between two opposing elements: fire and water,
  • It is impossible for red and blue objects to stand next to each other,
  • Water talismans should also be kept away from the wooden elements. But they combine perfectly with the energy of Metal and Soil

To summarize: from the point of view of Feng Shui, an aquarium is not only an aesthetic decoration of the interior, but also a powerful tool for increasing the flow of monetary energy. This is a very lively talisman. But you need to carefully care for it; if you are not ready to do this, it is better to purchase decorative fountains.

Good care of fish and aquarium greatly influences Fortune's favor. A vessel with musty water and sick fish can negatively affect the material wealth of the family. If you do not know how to properly care for your pond or do not have the opportunity to do it regularly, then do not risk your luck and entrust this matter to professionals.

  • shell with a “pearl”,
  • chest with “gold”,
  • a fabulous underwater castle among coral reefs,
  • “gold coins” and “precious” stones scattered along its bottom.

A three-toed frog (toad) or a turtle can also enhance its effect on increasing your well-being. All these symbolic items and many other details for interior decor can be purchased from us at a time convenient for you.

What to watch out for

Not all sectors, according to the teachings of Feng, can place fish in containers with water. In the south it is contraindicated, especially in the nursery, the children will make poor progress in their studies and school achievements. You can bet in any other zones, taking into account the nuances.

The kitchen is also no place for fish in water; fire reigns there - two opposite elements, of which there are already enough representatives there. It is especially dangerous if you are pregnant; it can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Do not place fish in the bedroom; feng followers warn of possible loss of money and harm to the health of those present. And water landscapes are also contraindicated here.

In the nursery, place the container in a place where it is hardly noticeable, so that the child is not distracted when preparing for school.

And one last thing. Wherever the container stands, it should not be located behind the back - only in front. It's fraught with trouble. Feng practitioners often talk about this during lectures. And sharp corners from walls and furniture should be avoided.

Color of stand and cardinal direction

When creating an aquarium according to Feng Shui, you must adhere to many rules. Every little detail needs to be taken into account, even such as the color of the stand.

Find out which element predominates in your energy.

  • Wood energy. The stand is green, the side of the house is north.
  • Energy of the Earth. The stand is blue, the side of the house is southwest.
  • Energy of Metal. The stand is white, the side of the house is north.
  • Energy of Water. The stand is white or green, the side of the house is north or east.
  • Energy of Fire. It is not recommended to set up an aquarium with it. It is better to decorate your home with lotuses or lilies, since there should be as little Water energy in your home as possible.


Preparing an aquarium for a betta

To prevent accidents, the new home must be equipped. This type of fish feels comfortable in shallow and spacious reservoirs, 20 or more liters. All necessary equipment must be installed: heater with thermostat and filters. It is advisable to use minimal water flow or use sponge models. All stones must be smooth, without sharp corners, otherwise the fish may be injured. You cannot use plastic vegetation; it is better to give preference to silk. The ideal option is living vegetation. Fish love to hide in it, play and relax.

Proper operation of the talisman

The energy of water directly depends on its ability to be in motion all the time, remaining flowing and fresh. Once you have installed an aquarium in your home, ensure that it is functioning properly and in good condition. The water must be clean, saturated with oxygen, and constantly circulate. By allowing water to stagnate in the tank, you will simply destroy all its beneficial effects on your life.

You can also enhance the work of an aquarium-talisman if you complement one talisman with another by placing it inside.

For example, at the bottom of the aquarium, a shell, a model of a ship, a castle, a coral, or a chest with treasure coins would be good. Can you put a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth on the edge? symbol of monetary abundance.

Decorative decorations in the aquarium should be as natural as possible, close to natural. It contains only those objects that can end up at the bottom of the reservoir in reality. There is no place for anything unnatural or strange.


Interesting fact about aquarium fish and Feng Shui

Did you know that according to Feng Shui, fish that die in an aquarium take with them negativity and failures from their owner’s life. Yes, according to this Eastern teaching, even death brings not only the bitterness of loss, but also something good. Of course, you can be skeptical about this, but you can learn to see at least something good, even in bad things.

In addition to this approach to death, Feng Shui teaches tolerance and a sense of proportion. In order for an action to bear fruit, you don’t have to strive to do as much as possible, you have to listen to your inner voice, feel the line and not break it. If you know when to stop, everything will be good. This means that a large aquarium with many fish is not necessarily worse than a small aquarium with one single fish. More doesn't mean better.

This is such a mysterious teaching - Feng Shui.

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