Where to place an aquarium according to the rules of Feng Shui and how many fish are needed for harmony

According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in an apartment is not only a wonderful element of the interior, but also a generator of family well-being and material wealth. Placing an aquarium according to the rules of Feng Shui science will help the owner gain peace from watching swimming aquarium fish, as well as attract good luck and positive energy into the house. If the location of the aquarium is incorrect, then happiness will “leak” from the house, so before buying a tank you should find out where the aquarium should be located in the apartment.

Aquarium according to Feng Shui: basic rules

Have you decided to install an aquarium according to Feng Shui? If you are not strong in aquarium keeping, use the services of specialists who will organize the proper operation of the aquarium for you, and will also periodically come to check its condition, clean and care for it.

Feng Shui aquarium

Goldfish are a sign of abundance in many cultures. I would like to give an example of our fairy tale about the golden wish-fulfiller, but Alexander Sergeevich simply rewrote the interpretation of a Chinese fairy tale.

The size of the aquarium should not be too large compared to the area of ​​the room where it is located. Otherwise, it will flood the areas you were planning to activate.

Keep the water in the aquarium clean and do not forget to take care of your pets, thus attracting money. Clean water, healthy fish and plants are all important.

Size and shape

You need to choose an aquarium that will not only attract you visually, but also match the size of the house and the room where it will be placed. It is a mistake to think that more water will entail a lot of money; on the contrary, its excess can spill even what is already available. The choice must be adequate and deliberate: large aquariums are suitable only for spacious rooms; for a small room it is better to choose a small and compact one.

In Feng Shui, each shape has its own meaning and is a symbol of something. It is best to choose an aquarium that is round in shape; rectangular and hexagonal ones are also suitable, but you should completely abandon square and triangular ones.

Feng Shui aquarium in the apartment

Good shapes for an aquarium are circle, hexagon and rectangle. It is better to abandon the square.

  1. Do not place an aquarium opposite the windows and the entrance to the apartment - your finances will leak out through all the cracks. According to Feng Shui, do not place an aquarium in an apartment between the doors, the energy will loop between them and will not flow anywhere. But you can place it on the left side of the door.
  2. It is also not recommended to place fish under the bars and in niches, because... they will die.
  3. Do not place the aquarium in a fire area.

Where is the best place to put an aquarium in an apartment? In the living room, where you receive friends.

Where to put an aquarium according to feng shui

North, east or southeast is the place where the aquarium should be located in the apartment.

  • The Northern Aquarium will take you up the career ladder.
  • Eastern - will improve family relationships.
  • Southeast will activate your influx of finances.

Correct placement of the mascot

To maximize the effect of an aquarium as an object for attracting wealth, you need to choose the right location for it.

The aquarium should be placed near the front door of an apartment or room, preferably on the left side of it. The optimal place is where all residents of the house can admire it: the living room is best, or you can place it in the hallway. Regarding the sides of the horizon, there are some recommendations.

  • The southeast is most favorable for attracting and retaining material values ​​and good luck in general.
  • North - will help you get promoted and accelerate your career growth. Aquariums on the north side are most often placed in an office or study in the house.
  • East - such placement will help strengthen the family and bring prosperity to the house.

Feng Shui recommends choosing a well-lit place in the apartment, but not one that receives direct sunlight, to avoid water blooms. The water must be clean and constantly circulated.

How many fish should there be in an aquarium according to feng shui

Eight is the number of money, so in an aquarium it is customary to place 8 fish with golden scales and one black one for protection. There is an option - four gold, four red and one black. If some fish died, it is believed that it took bad luck away from you. Don't be upset, just try to buy a replacement for it as quickly as possible.

When it comes to burying your fish, don't throw it down the toilet. It is better to do this in the same way as cats and dogs are buried. The fish that warded off bad luck from you, giving its little life for it, deserves to be buried.

How many fish should there be in an aquarium according to feng shui

If you want to have an arowana, then it alone symbolizes untold wealth for its owner.

In China, they use golden koi carps - Tai fish; they do not require special care, but not everyone can afford their size and gluttony. In modern aquariums, veiltails, discus fish and cichlids are used instead of koi.

Veiltails also have a good appetite and can quickly spoil the water in an aquarium. Make sure you can maintain them well. The water should always be clean.

Discus fish do not survive with plants in artificial environments. So they should be started if such an aquarium (without greenery) is combined with the general concept and design of the office.

Choice of inhabitants

The final, but no less important step is the correct choice of fish. First of all, you should focus on your feelings and preferences. But it is also necessary to remember that they must be in good harmony with each other. They must be active, healthy and have a beautiful color.

It is generally accepted that the best talisman is goldfish. They, as a symbol of wealth, will be able to attract money and success the fastest. This is true, but you need to remember that, first of all, you should rely on your feelings. Almost every fish can become your personal talisman.

Number of fish according to feng shui

When deciding the number of fish, you need to focus solely on the size of the vessel where they will live. It is recommended that it be equal to or a multiple of nine. To absorb negative energy, one of them must be black.

Caring for the mascot and its inhabitants

Regular care of the vessel and its inhabitants will help you achieve the desired result many times faster. For constant circulation of water, special aerators should be used.

If it happens that the fish dies, it is necessary to replace it with a healthy one as quickly as possible, clean and disinfect it.

Aquarium in the house according to Feng Shui

Do not place an aquarium in a student's room, it interferes with concentration and discipline. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in a house is best placed in the living room in the career or wealth zone.

If there is often quarreling, disputes and tense situations in your home, it is better to place an aquarium in the north-west. But then it shouldn't be with corals. Corals require water circulation, and calm water is important for family relationships.

If you need to activate the fire zone in your life, then it is better to refrain from buying an aquarium.

Aquarium in the kitchen according to feng shui rules

Kitchen, an area where fire predominates. Water will create an imbalance in this area. And if the kitchen itself is located in the Fire zone, then under no circumstances should the aquarium be placed there. Also, if a child is expected in the house, keeping an aquarium in the kitchen according to Feng Shui rules is prohibited.

Aquarium in the kitchen according to feng shui rules

The number of fish should be nine or, if the aquarium is large, their number should be a multiple of nine, because Nine symbolizes harmony in all areas of life.

What is not recommended to do

There are a number of prohibitions that should not be violated. These include:

  1. The location of the water feature should not be opposite or between 2 doors, under beams, in arches and under ledges, since these places block positive flows.
  2. It is not recommended to place the tank so that sharp corners of furniture or walls are directed at it.
  3. It is forbidden to install an aquarium in the kitchen, since there is a stove in this room, and combining fire and water is impossible. Hallways with fireplaces are also “fiery” rooms. There is no place for water in these rooms.
  4. The red-fiery color of the container stand should be avoided, especially in the northern sector.

If you follow the rules of ancient teaching, an aquarium can attract various favorable currents into the house, and besides, it will become a beautiful addition to the design of the room. In order for the positive effect to last for a long time, it is important to feed the fish and clean the tank in a timely manner.

Aquarium in the office according to feng shui

You cannot sit with your back to the aquarium; always look at the water. Place it in front of you. According to Feng Shui, an aquarium in the office will increase productivity, remove bad energy, emotionally relax and give strength. At the bottom you can put a figurine of a treasure chest, a sailboat or any other shipping vessel. At the same time, your aquadesign should not contain objects that cannot be located there, but in the natural environment.

To monitor the aquarium in the office, they hire a specialist who arrives at the agreed time to take care of your “living corner”.

Don’t forget to ventilate your office more often, otherwise the fish may not have enough oxygen.
And do not let employees over-feed them, this will increase the percentage of ammonia in the water, the pH balance will be disrupted and the fish will often die. prosperity

Interesting fact about aquarium fish and Feng Shui

Did you know that according to Feng Shui, fish that die in an aquarium take with them negativity and failures from their owner’s life. Yes, according to this Eastern teaching, even death brings not only the bitterness of loss, but also something good. Of course, you can be skeptical about this, but you can learn to see at least something good, even in bad things.

In addition to this approach to death, Feng Shui teaches tolerance and a sense of proportion. In order for an action to bear fruit, you don’t have to strive to do as much as possible, you have to listen to your inner voice, feel the line and not break it. If you know when to stop, everything will be good. This means that a large aquarium with many fish is not necessarily worse than a small aquarium with one single fish. More doesn't mean better.

This is such a mysterious teaching - Feng Shui.

Functional layout

Proper installation of the aquarium will make caring for your fish much easier. So, it is advisable to choose a place not far from the outlet in order to connect the backlight and other devices without extension cords.

It is also worth thinking about a convenient table, which will come in handy when cleaning the container. Access to water will also be useful.

To make the inhabitants of the home pond feel comfortable, it is placed further away from sources of noise and intrusive background sounds such as radio and TV.

Also, do not place the container in places exposed to direct sunlight or near heating radiators. However, even in dark rooms, aquatic residents may feel uncomfortable.


Please note that aquarium equipment requires electricity to operate. Therefore, if you do not want to run wires across the entire room, there should be an outlet next to the aquarium that will always be used for its equipment. Special attention should be paid to this, because you cannot turn off the filter, heater or compressor for a long time.

The outlet itself should be located so that water does not fall on it. If you have a saltwater aquarium, then grounding is a must.


The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a place for an aquarium is that the aquarium should not be located next to a window.

Firstly, cold winter air, when ventilated, can significantly reduce the water temperature, even with a heater. This can affect the health of fish and shrimp, which do not tolerate sudden changes in water parameters.

Secondly, intense sunlight falling on an aquarium can raise the water temperature to dangerous levels, especially if you have a small aquarium. In addition, it promotes the active growth of algae, which is then quite difficult to get rid of.

The plastic cover of the aquarium will fade over time and become brittle if it is exposed to sunlight for a long time. Don't forget about this either.

Thus, the furthest dark corner of your room, as far away from the windows as possible, is best suited for an aquarium.

It is also not recommended to place the aquarium near heat sources. The fact is that, as in the case of sunlight coming from a window, the water can heat up noticeably.

It is important to keep in mind: the higher the temperature in the aquarium, the shorter the life expectancy of its inhabitants. In addition, the amount of oxygen dissolved in it depends on the temperature of the water, and its lack can cause suffocation in fish.

It is also worth noting that placing an aquarium next to a heating radiator can affect the temperature of the water and the rate of its evaporation.

What is the best location for an aquarium?

When choosing the location of the aquarium, you need to take into account the following points:

• First you need to decide in which room you will place it. In most cases, people prefer to have an aquarium in their living room so that they can look at their fish during their leisure hours. However, you may have special considerations for choosing some other location for it. These include other items on this list, as well as everyday issues, for example, the desire to keep the carpet, wallpaper, etc. intact.

Ease of observation and maintenance

The right choice of location for an aquarium very often determines how attractive it looks. It should be located so that it can be conveniently observed. That is, there is no need to fill the aquarium with large furniture and it is advisable that there is a sofa opposite it, where you can sit and watch the fish.

Ease of maintenance is also an important factor. There should be free space next to the aquarium, allowing it to be conveniently maintained.


After choosing the appropriate shape and location of the water container, you need to take care of its internal arrangement. To save space, in the case of a large aquarium, it is better to install it on a special stand. But if it is a cabinet, it must match in shape and size. The edges of the stand must not protrude or be smaller than the bottom of the container. In order not to slow down the flow of Qi, it is better to choose a cabinet without decorative elements. The surface of the stand must be perfectly smooth.

The color of the stand and aquarium is also of great importance. To avoid troubles in your career and maintain harmony in your family, you need to choose transparent glass. Tinted or colored glass will not work. The color of the stand is selected depending on which side the aquarium is installed. If the container is located in the North, it is unacceptable to use bright colors: red, orange or yellow, since these are the colors of the element of Fire. In this case, gray shades, white or dark blue are suitable. You can use black and soft blue.

The better and richer the aquarium is equipped inside, the more cash flow it will attract. In addition to beautiful decor, a good ventilation and filtration system must be installed, and oxygen supply must be ensured. The water must be constantly changed. It is necessary that there be beautiful stones, corals, living algae inside, as well as specially equipped places where the inhabitants could hide. According to Feng Shui, fish should feel like they are in their natural environment.

Other recommendations

Also, do not place the aquarium near the door. Its sudden discovery will frighten the timid inhabitants of your underwater kingdom. And, of course, the door should under no circumstances touch the aquarium. An aquarium is a fairly fragile thing, so place it in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of breaking it. It is also better not to place it in walk-through areas.

When choosing a place for an aquarium, it is also worth considering that placing it next to the TV is a bad idea. Firstly, a loud sound will cause vibrations in the water, and secondly, electromagnetic radiation can create discomfort for some inhabitants of the underwater kingdom.

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