10 Best Air Compressors of Different Types

A silent compressor is an equipment designed to supply compressed air and has a low noise level. Despite the fact that buyers most often pay attention to performance and power, cases where the noise effect plays an important role are also not uncommon. This is when low-noise equipment comes to the rescue.

You can purchase a silent compressor at an affordable price at Kompressor.ru. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection of installations presented in this section of our website and receive an individual price offer from our consultants. To do this, you just need to contact them by filling out and submitting the appropriate online form or by calling.

A silent compressor is an equipment designed to supply compressed air and has a low noise level. Despite the fact that buyers most often pay attention to performance and power, cases where the noise effect plays an important role are also not uncommon. This is when low-noise equipment comes to the rescue.

You can purchase a silent compressor at an affordable price at Kompressor.ru. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the selection of installations presented in this section of our website and receive an individual price offer from our consultants. To do this, you just need to contact them by filling out and submitting the appropriate online form or by calling.

Types of compressors

According to the method of air compression, compressors are divided into three main types:

  • piston;
  • rotary;
  • membrane

The most common and affordable piston compressors are the loudest. This is due to the peculiarities of their work:

  • a large number of moving parts;
  • opening and closing valves;
  • air passes through channels of variable cross-section.

To reduce noise, special design solutions are used, such as an oil-free, quiet compressor. Another direction is to increase the number of cylinders. Two-cylinder models have smaller piston sizes and are less noisy.

Membrane devices have fewer moving parts, create a lower pressure drop and are therefore structurally the quietest.

Rotary (and their subtype - scroll) compressors also have a minimum of moving parts and create an average noise level. They are difficult to manufacture and designed for continuous operation. Noise is the determining parameter of choice for many consumers who use low-noise units. These include:

  • medical institutions;
  • research laboratories;
  • ultra-precision production.

Medical applications require truly silent air and liquid compressors. This can be achieved either by reducing productivity and increasing size, or by moving the device to an adjacent room.

In ultra-precise high-tech industries, silent compressors are used to drive pneumatic tools.

Prolonged exposure to high noise conditions leads to rapid fatigue, decreased attention, and the development of diseases of the hearing organs and nervous system.

Energy is expended to create a high level of airborne noise and accompanying mechanical vibrations (vibrations). Therefore, in addition to the direct harm caused by air noise to people, animals and precision equipment, noise also leads to unnecessary energy consumption, reducing potential productivity. Is the compressor silent or the compressor efficient? Modern technology provides an answer to this question. A compressor that is both silent and efficient will be expensive.


In such designs, air is compressed by passing between parts of the complex profiles of two or more constantly rotating screws. They can be of two subtypes:

  • screw;
  • spiral.

Such systems are quite silent because they have no rubbing or colliding parts. Rotary compressors allow you to achieve high pressure values; they have a long service life, reaching several hundred thousand hours.

Their peculiarity is that long-term warm-up is required to reach operating mode. Therefore, such circuit solutions are used where the supercharger must operate constantly - in large technological installations, large centralized compressed air distribution systems.

The design and manufacture of mating profiles of working screws is expensive; such superchargers cost several times more than piston ones. Maintenance and repairs also cost large sums.


Such silent structures are also called diffusion. Their main working body is an elastic membrane, which is driven by a rotating eccentric. Compared to piston systems, the number of moving parts is minimal; the elastic membrane absorbs and dampens sound frequency vibrations. Therefore, the noise level of such superchargers is minimal - from 30 dB in models for operational and ultra-precision production. To the ear, their work sounds like the quiet sigh of a child.

The simplicity of the membrane-type device ensures its high reliability and significant service life - it reaches hundreds of thousands of hours. However, they develop a small pressure - up to three atmospheres. Productivity is also poor.


Such designs are well developed, inexpensive to manufacture and easy to maintain. Their characteristic features:

  • ability to be switched on/off multiple times;
  • a large number of rubbing and colliding parts;
  • low cost in production and maintenance;
  • high noise up to 120 dB;
  • short motor life (up to 10 thousand hours);
  • tendency to overheat.

The combination of these properties makes the unit indispensable in small workshops that use compressed air, and the noise can be tolerated.

Silent piston compressors are significantly more expensive than conventional ones

We tested the most popular models.

On aquarium forums, the opinion is firmly rooted that a completely silent compressor for an aquarium is a pipe dream. The opinion is quite fair, since this drawback is the result of the principle of operation of the compressor, in which the air is driven by vibration of the membrane, and any vibration is a source of noise.

In Soviet times, many aquarists made their own air compressors, which worked on a completely different principle than modern ones offered on the market. The main element was a syringe, the piston of which with a drilled hole, equipped with a thin rubber band as a valve, was connected to an electric motor using a connecting rod and pumped air into the aquarium. Such a device produced a certain noise - the sound of an electric motor and the sound of bursting bubbles. If an electric motor from a sound player was used as a motor, the device was almost silent.

Today, almost all manufacturers offer membrane-type aquarium compressors, the noise of which depends on the vibration of the membranes and the electric armature of the drive. The very concept of noise is individual - someone sleeps peacefully to the rattling of an old refrigerator, while someone is woken up by the purring of a cat. Therefore, for the sake of objectivity, the noise level produced by aquarium compressors from various manufacturers was measured using the HQ Sound Level Meter smartphone application, which was chosen because it is designed to measure low noise levels - from 0 to 140 dB, while manufactured precision sound level meters measure noise level from 10 dB (for example, Robotron 0002). The sound level meter “Sound Meter HQ” installed on the Samsung Galaxy S6 turned out to be capable of measuring even the sound of human breathing.


The leader of the test turned out to be a compressor that is not yet popular, but is already on sale at aquamegamall.ru - aPUMP. On the forums, aquarists rightly noted that this aquarium compressor is so silent that it is practically inaudible. Measurements showed that the noise level is much different from that declared by the manufacturer - less than 35 dB, although much better - only 7 dB. Note that 2 dB is the permissible noise level in a soundproof recording room, and 5 dB is the noise level in a quiet room. The device is intended for use in aquariums up to 200 liters and is indeed currently the smallest and quietest compressor in the world. At the same time, the air flow pressure created by the aPUMP compressor allows it to be used for tall aquariums with a water column height of up to 80 cm! The use of patented technology has made it possible to achieve an unprecedentedly low noise level - in an aquarium with a water column height of 50 cm - less than 10 dB.


The German company EHEIM calls its compressors the quietest in the world, and judging by the reviews on aquarium forums, almost everyone confirms this statement.

When creating the Eheim AIR PUMP line of compressors, the designers focused on the unit that ensures air movement - a special rubber is used for the membrane, on which magnets are installed, which made it possible to do without such a source of noise as armature movements. The campaign also paid great attention to the design of the case - noise-canceling technologies were used. The way the compressor is positioned also helps reduce the noise level - it is suspended in a vertical position, and vibration is not transmitted to resonating surfaces such as, for example, a table top. The included air atomizing diffuser allows you to adjust the size and flow of bubbles, so that this source of noise comes from bubbles bursting on the surface. Measurements showed noise levels ranging from 18 to 21 dB depending on the compressor power, which corresponds to the noise level that creates a quiet whisper at a distance of 1.5 meters.


One of the quietest aerator filters offered on today's aquarium compressor market and which you, like all the models mentioned here, can purchase at aquamegamall.ru - released by the JBL campaign - these are compressors from the JBL ProSilent line, which fully satisfy the needs for aeration or mechanical water purification using airlift filters in aquariums of various volumes - from 40 to 600 liters. Measurements showed a noise level of 20 dB for the smallest JBL ProSilent a100 compressors (from 40 liters to 150) and 30 dB for the most powerful JBL ProSilent a400 (up to 600 liters), which corresponds to the permissible level of extraneous noise in recording studios. The manufacturer notes that over time, the noise of the compressor may increase due to the clogging of the pores of the atomizer with lime deposits and due to the fact that the air filter gasket located in the lower part of the housing becomes clogged with dust, and the compressor has to work in excess mode. It is easy to get rid of this noise by simply replacing or thoroughly cleaning the gasket and nozzle.


Sicce compressors showed the same noise level as JBL ProSilent. The special design in which the compressor legs are made completely dampens the vibrations that occur in the device, therefore, when positioned in a horizontal plane on a hard surface, resonating noise does not occur. It is also possible to hang the compressor in a vertical position, which further reduces noise.

At AquaMegaMole you can purchase a quiet aquarium compressor from the AIRlight line:

— Sicce AIRlight 1000 for artificial reservoirs with a volume of up to 180 liters;

— Sicce AIRlight 1500 for high-quality aeration of aquariums with a volume of up to 100 liters;

— Sicce AIRlight 3300 – for aquariums up to 180 liters, there is electronic power control and two air outlets made of stainless steel.


The noise generation in compressors of models of the APS line of the famous German company Tetra is somewhat higher. During the design development, engineers took into account all the shortcomings of the previous series of models and equipped the new devices with special noise-absorbing chambers, the body was made of denser material and they installed membranes made of super-elastic rubber, which are unique for today. All this made it possible to create a quiet compressor for the aquarium.

The smallest Tetra APS-50 compressor included in the line, designed for aerating aquariums with a volume of 10 to 60 liters, produces a noise level of 25-26 dB, which corresponds to the noise allowed in recording studios. A slightly noisier Tetra APS-400, designed for aeration of aquariums up to 600 liters. The noise level is 35-37 dB, which corresponds to the noise of quiet rustling in a large audience.

On aquarium forums you can find complaints that Tetra compressors of the previous series get quite hot during operation. In the new compressors, this drawback is completely eliminated, which, together with the ultra-modern, excellent design, unusual for compressors, makes them a desirable purchase.


Compressors from the Aquael campaign of the OXYBOOST and OXYPRO lines. Previous models of compressors from this company often caused complaints from aquarists about their noise, but they put up with it because of the high performance of the devices. In the new models, noise was reduced thanks to design features (double walls and noise-absorbing materials), the use of more elastic rubber as an air blower and a unique magnet design. Today, these compressors are a successful combination of high performance and low noise. The Aquael OXYPRO 150 compressor, for example, with a noise level of 35 dB, can pump air at a depth of up to 2 meters. Naturally, aquariums of such depth are quite rare, so the compressor does not operate at its full design capacity, which further reduces its noise.


The compressors of the AIRFIZZ line of the Ferplast company showed a low noise level when fully loaded - 35 dB, and placement in a vertical position reduced the noise level to 32 dB.


Compressors from the German company Schego are of great interest. Formed on the basis of the Schemel & Goetz GmbH & Co KG campaign, well-known on the market since 1949, this company offered a line of compressor models that amaze with the unpretentiousness of their appearance - a simple rectangular transparent body that makes the entire internal filling of the device accessible for viewing and gives the impression of creation home-grown master. All the more pleasant were the test results - these powerful compressors, designed for aeration of aquariums from 100 to 300 liters, turned out to be quieter than Tetra designer products. The legs on which the compressors are mounted are quite small - however, the special material from which they are made is enough to completely dampen vibrations. The noise level of the lowest-power compressor SHEGO PRIMA 100+, designed for aquariums up to 100 liters, is 30 dB, and the most powerful, for aquariums of 300 liters, SHEGO M2K3, is 37-40 dB, which also does not exceed the permissible level of extraneous noise in recording studios.


The same noise level was demonstrated by the Mistral 300 and Mistral 200 compressors from Aquamedic. A massive body made of cast aluminum and specially selected rubber for the legs dampen vibrations and, as a result, the noise of these powerful (300 and 200 liters per hour) aquarium membrane compressors. The level was only 38 dB for the more powerful Mistral 300.


Fluval Q2 compressor models from Hagen, which produces devices designed for aerating aquariums from 40 to 600 liters, are also quite quiet. The smallest compressors produce noise at a level of 35 dB, and the most powerful, for aquariums 600 liters Fluval Q2 up to 45 dB, which corresponds to the noise of a night street in the absence of traffic. The designers managed to achieve such quiet operation with a stable constant air flow through the use of multi-chamber and double walls with special partitions.


Atman EP compressors turned out to be noisier - almost 40 dB, which corresponds to the noise level of a quiet muffled conversation, although this is the noise level established as a sanitary standard in premises from 23.00 to 7.00 hours.


The Chinese Minjiang NS compressors turned out to be even noisier 44-45 dB, and this is already the noise level of a quiet conversation, although, if you take into account that these are quite powerful compressors, for example, the Minjiang NS 7200 model, pumping 500 liters of air per hour, and quite inexpensive (on average 18-20 dollars), for some this choice will seem optimal. The advantage of purchasing such a compressor is that it runs on batteries and your fish will not be afraid of emergency or planned power outages.


The Chinese Resun did not live up to the manufacturer's claim as a silent compressor for an aquarium. For many aquarists, these compressors, which worked acceptably quietly when purchased in the store, sharply increased the volume of their operation after a couple of months. Measurements of five such compressors showed a noise level of 42-45 dB and at the same time they got very hot. And although the Resun AC-1000, Resun AIR-2000, Resun AC-9601 compressors are the most affordable for spare parts, the manufacturer gives them a warranty of only 6 months. The noisiest were the Chinese LP-20 compressors with a noise of 46 dB - for comparison, the noise of a conversation is usually 45 dB. At the same time, as aquarists note on their forums, Chinese compressors get very hot, and after just six months they break down for many. So, decide for yourself whether it’s worth saving on silence for yourself.

Principle of operation

The physical principle of creating working pressure is the same for all types of compressors. Air (or another working medium at atmospheric pressure enters the working chamber through the inlet pipe. Its volume decreases in one way or another, while the pressure increases. The working medium at increased pressure leaves the working chamber through the outlet pipe. A portion of air is again released into the chamber at normal pressure, the cycle repeats.Depending on the type of supercharger, this principle is implemented structurally with the following differences:

  • Piston. The inlet and outlet pipes are blocked by valves that isolate the working chamber. The inlet opens when a new portion of air is launched, the outlet opens at the end of the compression cycle to release the compressed working medium into the main line. Compression occurs due to the translational movement of the piston, which reduces the volume of the cylinder.
  • Membrane. It also has pipes that act similarly. The change in chamber volume occurs due to the deflection of an elastic membrane made of rubberized synthetic fabric or polymer film. A rotating eccentric rests against the center of the membrane, which periodically deforms it. The membrane returns back under the influence of its own elasticity.
  • Rotary. The working chamber does not have a permanent configuration. These are narrowing passages between spiral or screw-shaped augers rotating rapidly towards each other. The augers capture air and push it further among themselves, just as a screw moves meat in a meat grinder from the neck to the knives and grate. There are no valves as such; the air is retained by the constant movement of the screws.

To create low-noise and silent piston compressors, a number of approaches are used. This:

  • the use of special materials that absorb noise and vibration;
  • more precise processing of mating parts;
  • careful acoustic calculation of the structure, elimination of flow noise and possible resonance phenomena;
  • an increase in the number of cylinders simultaneously with a decrease in their sizes;
  • replacing noisy cast iron piston rings with fluoroplastic ones that do not require lubrication.

As a result, it is possible to bring the level of air radiation to acceptable values ​​of 35-40 dB. Such a piston supercharger can be considered almost silent

Noise level of different types of compressors

  • A piston compressor
    is the most common type of compressor equipment. It works due to the reciprocating movement of the piston and therefore makes more noise compared to other types. This issue is resolved by using double-piston systems. They produce the same amount of compressed air at fewer revolutions and are cooled better - this allows them to maintain low noise levels during operation.
  • Screw compressor
    - works thanks to a forced displacement compression system, which consists of two screws tightly adjacent to each other. Virtually silent operation – one of their main advantages – allows these devices to be used right next to workstations. This category of equipment is many times quieter than piston devices.
  • Scroll compressor
    - uses two metal spirals to compress air. One of them is motionless, while the second changes its position inside it. They can work continuously for several days, but their productivity is limited. Such devices are considered the quietest of all possible analogues.

Aquarium pump

After the refrigerator compressor, these are the most common devices operating in close proximity to humans. They are designed to improve the oxygen supply to fish and other pets living in the aquatic environment. The following types of devices are used for equipment and arrangement of the aquarium:

  • piston;
  • membrane

Piston engines provide better performance per unit of power. Experts recommend using them for aerating large containers.

The performance of a membrane-type pump is significantly lower; it is suitable for small aquariums.

Aquarium models are specially designed to be silent. The level of acoustic radiation from membrane devices reaches medical requirements of 30-32 dB; such aerators can work in bedrooms. If the compressor noise level is above 35 dB, it is better to move the aquarium to the kitchen or living room.

Compressor selection options

The main parameters by which buyers choose silent superchargers are the following:

  • operating pressure, (atm. or bar);
  • productivity (liters per minute);
  • volume of the storage tank (if provided);
  • Power, W.);
  • noise level, dB.

The first two parameters must satisfy the needs of the compressed air consumer that you are going to connect to the unit. Engine power determines the performance of the unit. Too much power reserve will mean wasted energy costs. The volume of the oil compressor reservoir must cover the air flow when the supercharger is periodically turned on for pumping.

The noise level must comply with the requirements set by sanitary standards for habitable premises. So, for a bedroom, operating room and ultra-precision production, it is 30-32 dB, for residential premises - 35-45 dB.

Catalog of silent compressors

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Total products: 61

Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 40 without receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:500 l/min 30 m3/h
Pressure:9 bar
Power:4 kW

Price: 168,628 rub.

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Scroll compressor Remeza KS 3-10-270

Performance:215 l/min 12.90 m3/h
Pressure:10 bar
Power:2.2 kW

Price: on request
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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 50 without receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:870 l/min 52.20 m3/h
Pressure:9 bar
Power:5.5 kW

Price: 172,568 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 40 with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:500 l/min 30 m3/h
Pressure:9 bar
Power:4 kW

Price: 189,237 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 50 with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:870 l/min 52.20 m3/h
Pressure:9 bar
Power:5.5 kW

Price: 197,965 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 50-10 with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:850 l/min 51 m3/h
Pressure:10 bar
Power:5.5 kW

Price: 206,875 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 50-10 Pr with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:850 l/min 51 m3/h
Pressure:10 bar
Power:5.5 kW

Price: 270,520 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 95-K without receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:1600 l/min 96 m3/h
Pressure:9 bar
Power:11 kW

Price: 274,157 rub.

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Scroll compressor Remeza KS 5-8

Performance:410 l/min 24.60 m3/h
Pressure:8 bar
Power:4 kW

Price: on request
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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 80 Vario with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:500 – 1500 l/min 30 – 90 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 9 bar
Power:7.5 kW

Price: RUB 279,733

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Scroll compressor Remeza KS 5-8-500T

Performance:820 l/min 49.20 m3/h
Pressure:8 bar
Power:4 kW

Price: on request
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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 100 Vario with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:570 - 1850 l/min 34.20 - 111 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 10 bar
Power:11 kW

Price: RUB 305,494

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 95 with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:1600 l/min 96 m3/h
Pressure:9 bar
Power:11 kW

Price: 327,073 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 80 Vario Pr with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:500 – 1500 l/min 30 – 90 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 9 bar
Power:7.5 kW

Price: 337,377 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 95-10 with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:1600 l/min 96 m3/h
Pressure:10 bar
Power:11 kW

Price: 344,166 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 95-10 Pr with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:1600 l/min 96 m3/h
Pressure:10 bar
Power:11 kW

Price: 349,924 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 120 Vario-K without receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:1800 - 2250 l/min 108 - 135 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 9 bar
Power:13 kW

Price: 352,773 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 120 Vario with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:950 – 2250 l/min 57 – 135 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 9 bar
Power:13 kW

Price: 396,900 rub.

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Scroll compressor Remeza KS 7-8

Performance:602 l/min 36.12 m3/h
Pressure:8 bar
Power:5.5 kW

Price: on request
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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 120 Vario Pr with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:950 – 2250 l/min 57 – 135 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 9 bar
Power:13 kW

Price: 420,236 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 220 Vario-K without receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:2310 - 3300 l/min 138.60 - 198 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 9 bar
Power:20 kW

Price: 484,063 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 220 Vario with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:900 – 3300 l/min 54 – 198 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 10 bar
Power:20 kW

Price: 526,371 rub.

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Screw compressor Atmos Albert E 220 Vario Pr with receiver

(Czech Republic)
Performance:900 – 3300 l/min 54 – 198 m3/h
Pressure:6 - 10 bar
Power:20 kW

Price: 562,739 rub.

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Screw compressor Comprag PORTA 3S

Performance:3000 l/min 180 m3/h
Pressure:7 bar
Power:23.5 kW

Price: 651,296 rub.

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Mobile compressor Comprag PORTA 3

Performance:3000 l/min 180 m3/h
Pressure:7 bar
Power:23.5 kW

Price: 695,241 rub.

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Screw compressor Comprag PORTA 5S

Performance:5000 l/min 300 m3/h
Pressure:7 bar
Power:36 kW

Price: 795,254 rub.

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Mobile compressor Comprag PORTA 5

Performance:5000 l/min 300 m3/h
Pressure:7 bar
Power:36 kW

Price: 838,896 rub.

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Mobile compressor Comprag PORTA 6S

Performance:6500 l/min 390 m3/h
Pressure:7 bar
Power:36 kW

Price: 943,152 rub.

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Mobile compressor Comprag PORTA 6

Performance:6500 l/min 390 m3/h
Pressure:7 bar
Power:36 kW

Price: 990,431 rub.

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Mobile compressor Comprag PORTA 7S

Performance:7300 l/min 438 m3/h
Pressure:10 bar
Power:36 kW

Price: 1,010,434 rub.

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Scroll compressor Remeza KS 3-10-270

Performance:215 l/min 12.90 m3/h
Pressure:10 bar
Power:2.2 kW

Price: on request
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Scroll compressor Remeza KS 5-8

Performance:410 l/min 24.60 m3/h
Pressure:8 bar
Power:4 kW

Price: on request
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Scroll compressor Remeza KS 5-8-500T

Performance:820 l/min 49.20 m3/h
Pressure:8 bar
Power:4 kW

Price: on request
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Scroll compressor Remeza KS 7-8

Performance:602 l/min 36.12 m3/h
Pressure:8 bar
Power:5.5 kW

Price: on request
Request price

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Total products: 61

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