Filtration and aeration of aquarium water, types of filters


Fish breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, which is consumed by plants during the process of photosynthesis during the day, releasing oxygen. Plants play a major role in maintaining the required amount of oxygen. Different plants supply different amounts of oxygen. If the ratio of plants and fish in the aquarium is chosen correctly, then both gases are sufficient for them, and they feel great. If there are few plants and there are many fish, then the latter experience a lack of oxygen, and in this case the aquarist resorts to aeration. In addition, aeration is needed in nursery aquariums, when a large number of fish are kept in a relatively small volume.

Aeration performs the following tasks:

  1. Saturates water with oxygen.
  2. Creates water circulation in the aquarium.
  3. Evens out the temperature throughout the entire aquarium.
  4. Destroys bacterial and dust films formed on the surface of the water.
  5. Simulates necessary natural conditions, such as flow. These conditions are necessary for some fish species.

But if you have a lot of plants in your aquarium, you don’t need to use aeration because... aeration is used to remove excess carbon dioxide. Our industry produces various types of micro compressors powered by AC power. The drive in them is an electromagnet, which imparts 50 reciprocating movements per second to a lever connected to a rubber membrane. They provide a capacity of up to 100 liters per hour. When the pump is turned off, water can rise through the hose and, if the pump is installed below the water level in the aquarium, then, according to the principle of communicating vessels, it enters the pump and spills onto the floor of the room. Vibrating compressors require additional equipment: a hose and a sprayer + suction cups, and clamps for adjusting the air supply. Foreign companies produce various air pumps with a capacity of 1 to 100 liters per minute. But you should not choose a compressor that is too powerful for your aquarium, because it can cause stress to the fish. The volume of an aquarium a particular compressor is designed for is usually indicated on the packaging. For example, the FAT-mini filter-aerator is designed for an aquarium of 30-60 liters, no less and no more. This filter-aerator is the weakest of the FAT series, but its performance ranges from 50 to 250 l/hour. Many models are equipped with a built-in filter. These compressors are very convenient. The air in such compressors is mixed with a water jet directed back into the aquarium, this creates additional ventilation. They are installed directly into the aquarium. The filter materials of such filters quickly become dirty and the filter media need to be washed once a week.

A little about excess oxygen in the aquarium

First of all, an excess of O2 is no less harmful than a deficiency. It can cause gas embolism in fish when air bubbles appear in their blood. As a result, the fish may die. Fortunately, this occurrence is rare. However, you should not be overzealous with aeration (for example, you do not need to install several compressors).

Please note that the normal oxygen concentration is 5 mg/l or a little more. Measurements can be carried out using special tests purchased at a pet store.

Changing water in small portions, monitoring the composition of fish and the number of plants, and regulating the air flow from the compressor will help you achieve the ideal balance.


In all aquariums, water must be purified from dirt, food residues, dirt accumulated on plant leaves, etc. In nursery aquariums and in aquariums stocked with a large number of fish, filtration is even necessary.

Filtration performs the following tasks:

  1. Purification of water from inorganic particles.
  2. Removing dissolved organic compounds from water.
  3. Removal of certain dissolved substances, such as medications, from water after treatment of fish.
  4. Creating water circulation in the aquarium.
  5. Aeration of water.

There are various recommendations regarding filter performance:

  1. Three aquarium volumes per day.
  2. Half the aquarium volume per hour.
  3. Aquarium volume per hour.

In any case, the filter should provide good water clarity throughout the entire aquarium. According to their design, filters are divided into internal and external. An internal filter is when the filter material is in the aquarium, and an external filter is when the filter material is outside the aquarium. Based on their mode of action, filters are divided into mechanical, chemical and biological. The internal filter can be located under the gravel or in the water column. The external filter is easy to maintain and does not disturb the peace of the aquarium inhabitants. A filter located under the gravel has some advantages. They create water movement in the soil and promote the development of beneficial soil microflora. This filter must be cleaned and must be cleaned every 2-3 years. A more convenient filter aerator is an aerator that has a filter medium. This filter is attached to the wall of the aquarium. To clean it, you just need to remove the filter media (foam rubber), rinse it and put it on again. All filters must be cleaned regularly or the filter media replaced, otherwise the filter becomes a source of harmful and dangerous substances. All filter parts that come into contact with water must be waterproof and non-toxic.

The oxygen content in aquarium water must be at least 5 mg/l, this is the limit value required for respiration. At lower values ​​the fish will suffocate. But at the same time, such a minimum oxygen content is not enough for the effective functioning of the aquarium biosystem as a whole. Oxygen is necessary not only for the respiration of fish and bacteria, but also for chemical processes leading to a decrease in the concentration of harmful ballast substances. The higher the intensity of these processes, the worse the natural saturation of water with oxygen occurs.

The study of the biochemical processes occurring during the transfer of oxygen by carp hemoglobin showed that a steady increase in the oxygen content in water increases appetite, causes increased growth of fish, improves immunity, enhances sexual function, and fully exhibits natural coloring.

An important factor influencing the oxygen concentration in water is temperature. The higher it is, the worse the natural aeration occurs. For example, in an aquarium containing African cichlids, and the vast majority of tropical fish, the temperature must be maintained in the range of 24-27˚C, and from the “point of view” of oxygen, it prevents the transition of this atmospheric gas into water.

To overcome this problem, aeration is used in aquariums - artificial saturation with oxygen. To do this, install either a compressor with a sprayer or an aerator filter. The main gas exchange between water and atmospheric air occurs through their interface - the surface. Therefore, to achieve optimal amounts of oxygen in the lower layers of water, intensive mixing is necessary. This can be easily achieved by installing a pump that creates a current, and also by placing the intake of water entering the filter as far as possible from the place where it enters the aquarium.

The most optimal solution for providing an aquarium biotope with oxygen is to install an aquarium aerator filter. Its operation is based on the principle of fine-bubble aeration, when air bubbles are created when passing through special membranes/sprays. Using this method, not only the fish kept in sufficient quantities are provided with oxygen, but also the microorganisms responsible for achieving and maintaining a stable biological balance.

When choosing an aerated filter for an aquarium, you should pay attention not only to its performance in cleaning from mechanical, chemical and biological contaminants, but also to the size of the bubbles it produces. The smaller they are, the more intensely the gas dissolves in water. With a pore diameter of 0.1 mm, oxygen enrichment occurs at about 10 grams per cubic meter; with an increase in size to 0.2 mm, saturation drops by half.

The need to install a filter compressor for an aquarium is dictated by the physical processes that occur during aeration. As the bubbles rise, they constantly take with them water that is in direct contact with them, an upward flow occurs, and the water mixes. The bubble moves in a turbulent flow, which has a uniform speed; the stronger the turbulence, the better the transfer of oxygen into the water - water, which has less oxygen, is quickly brought to the bubble to be enriched with oxygen.

Air consists of more than just oxygen. If an aquarium filter compressor supplies air at a volume of 300 l/h, then oxygen will be supplied at a rate of 60 l/h.

It is especially necessary to install an aquarium filter with aeration in breeding aquariums - nurseries, where fry are present in large quantities - in addition to the fact that the fish actively consume oxygen, its excess content is necessary for the normal processes of decomposition of organic matter, which is always more abundant in such aquariums, as the growing fish feed more, and they produce more excrement.

It would seem that in herbal aquariums there is a minimal number of fish, or they are completely absent, and therefore aeration is not needed. But even in such aquariums there are processes of decomposition of organic matter formed from particles of dead parts of plants, biological processes of bacteria living in the soil, and processes of decomposition of organic matter formed during the life of plants and dissolved in water.

Maximum saturation of water with oxygen is also necessary for nitrophizing bacteria that carry out biological purification in the appropriate filter media. This point must be taken into account when using external filters. As a rule, external filters are manufactured according to the “closed” principle - with the exception of the use of the “Wet Dry” system in “Eheim” filters. Such “closed” external filters themselves cannot actively supply oxygen to the nitrifying bacteria working in them, and oxygen for aerobic processes is supplied only with aquarium water. And the very decomposition of organic matter in a “correct” aerobic process requires a large amount of oxygen. Therefore, you cannot do without additional aeration using a compressor or you need to install an internal filter with aeration as a prefilter

Many companies that produce aquarium equipment offer internal filters that have an aeration function. At you can buy such a filter for an aquarium with aeration, choosing the most suitable one from many modern devices.

The simplest of those presented are internal mechanical filters that operate on the airlift principle. Initially, such filters are intended for purely mechanical purification of water from suspended matter, but over time, colonies of nitrophizing bacteria develop on the sponges and the filter begins the biological purification of aquarium water.

For example, the Sera campaign offers the simplest Sera L 150 for aquariums with a volume of up to 150 liters and Sera L 300 for aquariums with a volume of up to 300 liters. These airlift cleaners can be used as independent filters or connected to an external universal filter sera multi fil 350. This system provides complete filtration and aeration of the aquarium.

Tetra offers a line of models of the IN Tetratec® series, in which, along with three-stage water purification, oxygen saturation is carried out. The presented models provide aeration in aquariums from 10 to 20 liters.

The JBL campaign produces the CristalProfi i40 airlift filter, which comes complete with a very quiet compressor, an air valve and a replaceable membrane. The filter provides water purification in aquariums with a volume of 60 to 100 liters. The modular system of cleaning blocks allows you to expand the volume of filters depending on the needs of the aquarist.

The JUWEL Bioflow filter system is a line of internal filter models that can be connected to the original OxyPlus - O2 oxygen diffuser. The amount of supplied oxygen is controlled by a special regulator. The issue of attaching the filter has been solved in an interesting way - the delivery set includes a special aquarium silicone, which is used to glue the filter in the selected location.

Internal filters with the aeration function of the Polish AQUAEL dripping system are very popular among aquarists. The internal filters of the UNIFILTER model line are designed for complete cleaning in aquariums from 30 to 350 liters, and the UNIFILTER 1000 UV POWER model also provides complete water disinfection using ultraviolet light.

Additional aeration is facilitated by the contact of filtered water with air. Waterfall systems and flutes operate on this principle - tubes placed horizontally above the water level with holes through which filtered water comes out. presents external waterfall filters from SILONG. These filters will provide filtration and oxygen saturation in aquariums of various volumes depending on the selected model - from 10 to 100 liters.

Those looking for a small aquarium will be interested in the Tetrovsky Cascade Globe, which has a cascade filter installed.

The AQUAEL campaign for small aquariums with a volume of up to 40 liters offers the original VERSAMAX mini cascade mounted filter. In addition to standard three-stage cleaning, this filter also cleans aquarium water from phosphates.

For additional aeration, they also use a component of aquarium equipment such as a flute - a horizontal tube with holes through which filtered water flows out. In contact with air, it is enriched with oxygen. Some aquarists, in order to get rid of the murmuring streams of water, recess the holes of the flute, pointing them upward at an angle of 45˚. This increases the surface area through which gas exchange occurs. The resulting ripples simultaneously prevent the formation of a bacterial film, which prevents the flow of oxygen into the water. If you are annoyed by the murmuring, the flute can be placed above the water level, directing the streams to the stiffening ribs so as to achieve flow down the walls. presents internal filters from various manufacturers, who design their devices taking into account the use of flutes for aeration.

Hagen offers the FLUVAL aeration filter for nano-aquariums, in which aeration occurs using a flute.

Complete comprehensive water purification in aquariums with a volume of 60 to 120 liters will be ensured by internal flute filters produced by the SERA campaign - filters from the SERAfil model line.

When installing a flute, it is advisable to take into account some subtleties. When the tube is positioned in such a way that water is supplied to the back wall, a flow will appear in the aquarium directed from the front glass to the back, along which it will “flow” and be directed again to the front. With this flow, tender, long-stemmed plants can bend significantly. In this case, it is better to place the tube parallel to the side wall.

On the Internet you can find many instructions on how to make your own filter with aeration using a flute. However, such manuals do not take into account the fact that in industrially manufactured filters, when designing such devices, special calculations are used to determine the number of holes in the flute and the flow area in the waterfall filter, which provide the necessary optimal surface for gas exchange corresponding to the pump power of a particular filter.

External filters, in which aeration is carried out using a flute, are not recommended for use in aquariums with a lid. Lack of air circulation leads to depletion of the “atmosphere” under the lid with oxygen. If you decide to install a flute filter in just such an aquarium, make sure that there are as many ventilation holes as possible in the back and side covers.

You can also choose an internal filter with aeration for an aquarium among aquarium products offered by Chinese manufacturers. For example, ATMAN AT-F303 or VIAAQUA VA-F303 with a capacity of 600 l/h, designed for aquariums with a volume of up to 150 liters and performing mechanical and biological cleaning. Lower cost compared to filters from Western European and American brands is associated with greater operating noise.

Types of filters

  • Filter placed under pebbles (bottom). A plate or set of plates or a series of drilled tubes are placed in the aquarium under the pebbles.
  • Filter boxes . The water passes through the box, which can be located inside the aquarium or outside the aquarium. Indoor models use air while outdoor models use air or electricity.
  • Filters are aerators; water is sucked through a layer of sponge, directed by an air stream from the aerator.
  • Gas mask type filter . The water is directed into a container containing one or more filter media. This filter works from the network. There are also internal and external models.

Operating principle

The external purifier simultaneously carries out several significant tasks - automatic, biological and chemical treatment of water, as well as the absorption of various elements. Water from the container flows through the intake hose into the purifier. The motor (pump) pumps water into the bucket. Then the water passes through several layers of various filtering mechanisms, and again through the pipe, now clean water, is pumped back into the vessel with the fish. Water can flow from top to bottom or vice versa (it all depends on the brand and model of the device).

Among the advantages can be noted:

– good filtration quality;

– silent operation;

– absence of foreign objects in the aquarium, except for intake and outlet pipes;

– the need for less frequent maintenance;


- high price;

– danger of leaks;

– large dimensions;

As we can see, these devices do not have a single disadvantage that would affect the quality of filtration. Manufacturers have learned to effectively combat possible leaks of these devices using modern materials; therefore, with due vigilance of the user, they are reduced to a minimum. However, the prices of external aquarium filters can differ significantly from the prices of the best internal filters. The difference sometimes reaches 10 times. Therefore, it is most profitable for manufacturers to sell these filters.

Having also decided to purchase an external filter, you should take care of the issue of its placement, since devices of this type are very bulky, so they are often hidden in a cabinet under the aquarium.

Types of filtering

A mechanical filter is used.

  • Mechanical filtration is used to remove waste and debris from water. In addition, it can produce aeration and circulation of water in the aquarium. Filter thread, sponge, foam, crumbs are used as a filter medium. If a filter located under the pebbles is used, then it itself serves as a sieve.

A chemical filter is used.

  • Chemical filtration is used to remove toxic chemicals such as ammonia. The most common filter media are activated carbon and zeolite, but there are other media as well.

A biological filter is used.

  • Biofiltration is used to remove soluble waste using beneficial bacteria. Before entering the biofilter, water must be purified with a mechanical filter so as not to clog the biofilter substrate, and enriched with oxygen necessary for the respiration of bacteria. The use of a biofilter is most advisable in an aquarium with fish that heavily pollute the water, as well as in an aquarium that is overpopulated with fish. In a well-planted aquarium with a normal number of fish, the use of a biofilter is hardly advisable. In addition, plants themselves are biofilters.


Killer FILTRATION AND AERATION OF AQUARIUM with plants, BEST FILTERS for a 300 liter aquarium

Filtration of water in an aquarium, aeration, mixing, flow, how best to do it.

Is aeration necessary in an aquarium with a filter?

Filtration and aeration of the aquarium

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