TOP 10 best compressors for aquariums: performance, which one to choose, price, reviews

It's no secret that any living creature needs optimal conditions for it. In particular, fish need oxygen. The aquarium does not always have sufficient conditions for the water to be saturated with such an extremely important element, for example from plants. Therefore, most aquarists resort to artificial aeration. Compressors help with this.

Choosing a device is not difficult, but many beginners still have difficulties. The devices differ in performance, the optimal volume of the aquarium for which the compressor is intended, the maximum installation depth, and the type of design. This article is devoted to the best models of compressors for an aquarium, their characteristics, as well as the criteria for independently selecting devices in a store.

What is a compressor and what is it for?

The significance of the device can hardly be overestimated. It is purchased for one purpose – to saturate the water in an aquarium (pond or other body of water) with oxygen. Without it, underwater inhabitants cannot exist.

Oxygen dissolved in water is a necessary element of vital activity not only for fish, but also for crayfish, shrimp, and snails. It can get inside the tank naturally, however, it is not always enough for a comfortable stay. Natural plants act as a source of oxygen. This volume is sufficient if there is no overcrowding of the aquarium. In the absence of natural flora or its insignificant amount, a compressor is a mandatory element of the tank.

The aerator allows not only to make spawning effective, but also performs a decorative function. The wall of bubbles rising to the surface of the water looks beautiful. Arrange the right lighting and a powerful aesthetic effect is guaranteed.

How to use the unit? The question is not difficult. Just take the tube and place the sprayer inside. A pressurized air aerator supplies air through a tube to the sprayer. Oxygen escapes through small pores in the form of tiny bubbles that quickly dissolve in the liquid. The result is sufficient saturation of water with oxygen and maintenance of the same temperature throughout the entire tank.

You can set the work intensity yourself. Some people prefer that the device operates uninterruptedly throughout the day, while for others it is enough to replenish the oxygen level when the indicator drops.

It is worth noting that the presence of vegetation in the tank cannot completely replace the compressor, however, this allows the unit to be used only at night, when representatives of the flora actively absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. During daylight hours the process is exactly the opposite.

It must be borne in mind that in summer the water temperature rises and the amount of oxygen in it decreases. Almost all fish are more active in summer. A hectic life requires an increase in oxygen consumption. We must not lose sight of the fact of spawning. Therefore, the aerator must be constantly on.

Types of devices

The market is filled with all sorts of popular aerator models from the best manufacturers. They differ in characteristics, functionality, parameters, mounting methods, and power. However, despite the diversity, all products are divided into the following types:

MembraneThe name speaks for itself. The operation is based on a rubber membrane. The principle of its operation is comparable to a nipple. The air direction is one. Consumes a minimal amount of electricity. The noise level of a quality product is minimal. The main disadvantage is the low-power device. Almost all manufactured products are designed for aquariums whose capacity does not exceed 200 liters. To provide oxygen to huge tanks, you will have to purchase several aerators and turn them on at the same time. It is worth noting that the units are in high demand due to their reliability, wear resistance, and minimal possibility of failure. The optimal operating time is during the day.
PistonCharacterized by increased noise levels. However, manufacturers are trying to pay more attention to this characteristic and minimize “sound effects”. The principle of operation is quite simple: due to the movement of the piston, air enters the container. The technology used allows you to increase the power of the device and eject air bubbles to a considerable height. The piston system is considered the most reliable and durable. It does not require careful maintenance or constant repairs.
Water pumpA special device for supplying air and atomizing it. Its functionality resembles a standard water pump, only equipped with a small branch in the area of ​​the outlet pipe. The tube is connected to the tee. The end of the tube is brought above the water level. The pump makes it possible to create something like a stream or waterfall in the aquarium. The device is also designed to create a flow and deliver liquid to filters and sterilizers.

How to choose the right model

Everyone's selection criteria are different. There is no general rule. However, there are nuances that experts recommend taking into account when choosing. The list looks like this:

  1. Power. The parameters are indicated by the manufacturer in the accompanying documents. Experts recommend starting from the volume of the aquarium. It is necessary to purchase the device with a small reserve. If the need arises to purchase a new, larger tank, you will not need to buy an additional aerator.
  2. Average price. It is necessary to understand that budget models cannot be high quality. There may not be enough money for an expensive product. We'll have to choose a middle ground. This will help you save money and become the owner of a good, reliable model.
  3. Noise level. Determined directly in the store. It is enough to ask the seller to turn on the unit and listen to how it works.
  4. Isolation level. You need to understand that the structure will have to work near water or its vapor. The cheapest units may not have waterproofing, which will inevitably lead to negative consequences.
  5. Appearance and parameters. Everything in the house should look harmonious. This also applies to compressors for aquariums. When choosing, it is advisable to pay attention to the design and color scheme. As for the sizes, everyone chooses independently, based on the availability of free space. A bulky compressor will be very difficult to place in a small apartment.
  6. Accommodation options. Models are available that can operate in a vertical or horizontal position. Some are laid on their sides or hung on the wall. Each unit has certain operating requirements and must be followed. You can, of course, ignore the manufacturer’s recommendations, only the consequences will be disastrous. The device will quickly become damaged and will not be able to perform its intended tasks.
  7. Adjusting the air pressure level. This is done using special clamping brackets and valves.
  8. Bubble size. Important characteristic. Small fish prefer small bubbles. They do not supply the tank with oxygen well, so it is worth taking care of a powerful pump.


The compressor performs several important functions in an aquarium:

  1. Aeration - air bubbles with which the device enriches the water contribute to additional oxygen saturation. This will make aquarium inhabitants feel more comfortable.
  2. Mixing of water layers. Regular bubbling helps to equalize the water temperature. In addition, constant circulation prevents water from stagnating and quickly deteriorating.
  3. Aesthetics. Rising air bubbles give the aquarium a pleasant appearance and relax you.
  4. Bubbles destroy bacterial and dust films that usually form on the surface.
  5. Aeration helps to imitate natural conditions for some aquarium inhabitants.

Now you understand how important it is to constantly aerate water and saturate it with oxygen.

How to attach the device

There is nothing complicated about installing a compressor. It is enough to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The main condition for installation is to check the strength and hardness of the object being placed on the surface. There should be no tilts or rolls. If this requirement is not taken into account, the compressor may fall over time, since its operation is associated with vibration. Do not allow excessive tension on the air hose and electrical wire.

Experts recommend strictly following the following installation rules:

  1. Before making a final decision regarding the model, you need to determine whether it fits your electrical system. The data is specified in the instructions attached to the product. If you have doubts about the correct choice, it is better to consult your sales manager. It is worth keeping in mind that too much power will lead to discomfort for the inhabitants of the tank. To avoid a powerful current, you will have to use a hose clamp. There is no need to overpay for the electricity used, or to change an overheated motor.
  2. Selecting an installation location. The classic section is above the water level. This will save energy and reduce noise. If you install the device below the water level, it may get inside, which will lead to damage to the unit. The worst outcome is flooding of the neighbors below. It is strictly forbidden to install the aerator on the lid of the aquarium. Noticeable vibration will inevitably lead to rattling of the glass container, and possibly to its cracking. The best option is wall mounting. To do this, just build a shelf, use a tabletop, or use nails or a hook for hanging. A prerequisite for the location of the structure is optimal distance from sockets, switched on electrical appliances or extension cords.
  3. Selection of fasteners. Special mountings are required for the sprayer and hose. You should take care of them in advance. These devices are placed on the bottom and firmly fixed to prevent floating. For this purpose, you can use aquarium decor in the form of a ceramic amphora, pebbles, stone slides, shells, and driftwood. When the sprayer floats up, the efficiency of aeration will become almost zero. There is not enough time for oxygen to dissolve in the water before it reaches its surface.
  4. Rules for installing the sprayer and hose. The location for the compressor tube is selected in close proximity to the water heater. The flow created by the aerator will equalize the temperature of the liquid throughout the tank. The air intake hose must leave the aquarium. The optimal place for the sprayer is the back wall of the tank. There he will be safe and will not interfere with the enjoyment of contemplating the fish. The hose is masked with plants and dug in.
  5. Installation of a check valve. Necessary if the compressor is located below the water level. The valve membrane can only open in one direction, allowing liquid to flow into the aquarium, while blocking the hose when it flows back. Before installation, the hose is cut crosswise. Afterwards, both parts of the hose are attached to the nozzles of the check valve. As soon as the hose is inserted into the compressor, aeration can be turned on.
  6. Checking the compressor for functionality. If there is a strong noise after turning on the compressor, you should take care of installing it on a foam base. You can also use foam rubber or other soft fabric for bedding. If the aerator is installed correctly, it will demonstrate its effectiveness within a couple of hours. It is worth carving out free time and observing the behavior of aquatic inhabitants. For them, nothing should change regarding the habitat layer. If you see that bottom fish rise to the surface and spend a lot of time there, then it is worth increasing the power of the unit.

Rating of quality compressors for aquariums up to 4500 rubles


This device is produced by one of the best German brands, which enjoys well-deserved respect from European buyers. The design is intended for bulky aquariums, whose capacity factor does not exceed 700 liters or 2 m deep. To avoid mistakes, it should be noted that one device can work with several aquariums, provided that their total volume does not exceed the previously indicated capacity recommendations.

The declared power factor is 350 l/h, and consumption is 5 W. You should also pay attention to the fact that the device operates almost silently, which allows it to be used in residential areas. A characteristic feature of the device is the formation of a thin air flow. It should also be noted that there is a removable filter, which eliminates the risk of clogging the system, which has a beneficial effect on its service life. It can be installed either suspended or using.

The average price of a new product is 4281 rubles.

compressor SCHEGO M2K3


  • almost silent operation;
  • thoughtful air flow regulator;
  • build quality;
  • several mounting methods;
  • presence of an air filter;
  • An excellent solution for bulky containers.


  • high price.

Eheim 400

This popular model can be used in combination with one large or two small aquariums. The productivity coefficient is 400 l/h. The consumption indicator reaches 4 W. This coefficient is sufficient to achieve a pressure of up to 2 m. It is based on the use of two channels, which can be adjusted separately. An excellent choice for owners of water tanks from 50 to 400 l. The manufacturer recommends additionally installing anti-vibration mats or a special hanging device on the legs. It works quite quietly, which will allow you to use the device in close proximity to residential premises.

The delivery set includes several sprayers that are attached to the walls of the tank. They are equipped with high-quality suction cups. The system for adjusting the size of the bubbles and the force with which the air flow will move deserves special attention. An excellent solution not only for filtering fresh water, but also salt water.

How much does the device cost? The purchase will cost 3682 rubles.

compressor Eheim 400


  • affordable purchase;
  • noiselessness;
  • quality of assembly and components;
  • optimal power;
  • possibility of simultaneous work with several tanks;
  • hose and sprayer included;
  • manufacturer's warranty.


  • requires regular replacement of membranes.

Eheim Air Pump 200

This product is characterized by the presence of a huge number of positive reviews, which indicates not only the high quality of the build, but also the effectiveness of the device. The warranty provided by the company, which is 3 years, deserves special attention. The design looks solid and copes excellently with the designated tasks. An excellent choice for owners of aquariums with a volume of 200 to 350 liters. Allows you to establish natural circulation of air masses through a connected filter or aerator. Can also be used to connect air driven auxiliary equipment.

It is based on the use of two channels, which can simultaneously serve several containers of water. The manufacturer also installed two independent regulators, which are responsible for the intensity of the circulating flows. Each device can be controlled separately.

Cost – 3167 rub.

compressor Eheim Air Pump 200


  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • stability of work;
  • noiselessness (if you install the structure on a rubber loop and attach it to the wall);
  • quality of assembly and components;
  • possibility of servicing several containers simultaneously.


  • The proprietary hose is a bit short.


This product from a time-tested German manufacturer enjoys well-deserved respect from European consumers. It is a structure that continuously pumps a certain volume of liquid. The declared coefficient is 600 l/h with an energy consumption indicator of 6.5 W. In order to make an aerator out of the structure, you will need to attach a small nozzle in the form of a diffuser. It will suck out debris and other elements from the water through a thin hose. The liquid that is poured back into the container will be purified. The basis is the use of a high-quality pump, which copes well with the designated tasks after years of active use. It should be noted that this type of compressor will be most efficient only in a filtered system.

Average price – 2746 rubles.

compressor JUWEL ECCOFLOW 600


  • quality of assembly and components;
  • efficiency;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • safety;
  • noiselessness;
  • can work in combination with any filters.


  • not identified.

Best lists

The presented compressors will effectively saturate the aquarium water with oxygen and provide comfortable conditions for fish and other inhabitants. There are different types of devices in the rating, so you can choose the best option for yourself. The devices are designed for small and very large aquariums. Most models include a tube and a sprayer. There are both budget and more expensive devices. Among the representatives of this rating, I noted the three best compressors for aerating water in an aquarium.

The best device for quiet operation - Prime PR-4104

The piezo compressor is compact and silent. The single-channel device has a very low noise level - only 35 dB. The design uses a patented technology using a piezoelectric membrane. Designed for aquariums with a water level of up to 60 cm and a volume of up to 100 liters.

Silicone suction cups allow you to attach the device to the walls, and vibration from it will not be transmitted to the aquarium. The kit includes a silicone hose and a ceramic sprayer.

The device supplies air evenly and stably. It is characterized by a stylish, original appearance. The device is as simple to install as possible and does not require maintenance.

The best device for maximum performance - Eheim EM-3704010

The compressor has a power of 4 W, which will not affect the overall energy consumption in the house. It is suitable for aquariums up to 400 liters and has a high output of 400 l/h. The two-channel device includes a tube and a sprayer. It is attached using a suction cup to the outer walls of the aquarium. It is characterized by quiet, almost silent operation.

Best Budget Aerator - Jebo 6800

The air compressor is designed based on modern technology. It operates almost silently and has double vibration protection. Airflow can be adjusted. Air is supplied evenly over the entire surface. The device does not consume a lot of electricity. Designed for a large aquarium up to 700 liters

TOP best compressors for aquariums up to 2500 rubles

Ferplast Airfizz 200

This product from a renowned Italian manufacturer is in high demand among European and domestic consumers. This is the product that is recommended for purchase not only by experienced breeders, but also by veterinarians, as well as pet store owners. A characteristic feature is not only the quiet operation of the unit, but also its efficiency. First of all, the brand focuses on the needs of pets and ease of use by the consumer. The device is intended for processing a tank or several aquariums, the total volume of which does not exceed 200 liters.

It is based on the use of a two-channel aeration system. Due to this, there will always be a sufficient amount of oxygen in the aquarium. The flow of air masses can be adjusted manually, which eliminates the risk of gas embolism in the inhabitants. The length of the proprietary hose is 2 m. The housing has a special hole, which is intended for wall mounting. Due to the presence of a check valve, the product can be placed in the water column.

Average price – 2485 rub.

compressor Ferplast Airfizz 200


  • time-tested brand;
  • presence of a check valve;
  • possibility of flow regulation;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • possibility of installing auxiliary equipment;
  • several installation methods.


  • not identified.


This device is characterized not only by compact dimensions, but also by quiet operation. Often, during operation, compressors produce not only extraneous noise, but also vibration. In such a case, it is not recommended to install them in residential premises. The noise figure does not exceed 35 dB. It is based on a technology patented by the brand, which involves the installation of a special piezoelectric membrane. For subsequent installation, it is recommended to use the outer surface of the glass using a rubber suction cup, which is included in the delivery package.

Creates air flow with optimal pressure. The coefficient declared by the manufacturer is sufficient to aerate a container with a volume of up to 200 liters. In this case, the height should not be more than 800 mm. In practice, the device makes a slight rustling noise during operation, so it can be used in a bedroom or nursery. The manufacturer provides two outlets for air flow, which allows you to control the flow of air bubbles into the container with liquid. After six months of operation, the device may become louder, which has been repeatedly noted in reviews. When you contact the service center, a new compressor is provided while the old one is being studied.

Cost – 2090 rub.

compressor COLLAR aPUMP Maxi


  • compact dimensions;
  • service maintenance;
  • noiselessness;
  • quality of assembly and components;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of installation.


  • not identified.

Tetra APS 300

This popular model is based on the use of innovative technologies, which has a beneficial effect not only on the service life, but also on the ease of use of the device. This brand is the pioneer of multifunctional fish food, which was once in high demand among domestic consumers. This innovation made it possible to breed and raise fish at home. The model is considered popular due to the use of proprietary noise-reducing chamber technology. It should also be noted the presence of compacted walls, as well as high-density rubberized supports.

Due to this, the device operates as silently as possible. A proprietary valve is responsible for the increased service life, the shape of which will remain unchanged regardless of the degree of load. It is possible for water to get inside the system, which can lead to an emergency, which the device can easily handle on its own. When air filters become clogged, performance may gradually decrease, which has been repeatedly noted by customers.

How much does the design cost? The purchase will cost 1,706 rubles.

compressor Tetra APS 300


  • increased service life;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • noiselessness;
  • use of patented technologies;
  • optimal performance.


  • not identified.

Rating of the best compressors for aquariums up to 1500 rubles

Prime PR-4104

This piezo compressor is classified as silent, which allows it to be used in children's rooms and bedrooms. The indicator reaches 32 dB. The small design produces optimal pressure for a 600 mm high tank. A budget device, which, based on numerous reviews on the Internet, is in no way inferior to expensive analogues according to the stated characteristics. The weight of the device is 0.2 kg. It is recommended to use the outer wall of the tank for installation.

Attached using a proprietary suction cup, which is included in the delivery package. Also, the product can simply hang in the air. The cord length is 1 m, which is not so high. Due to this, the aquarium should be located in close proximity to the outlet. The bubbles are small, which helps to quickly saturate the liquid with oxygen. There is also a gradual equalization of water temperature.

How much does the design cost? The purchase will cost 1222 rubles.

compressor Prime PR-4104


  • excellent build quality;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • affordable price;
  • compact dimensions;
  • noiselessness.


  • not identified.

Marina Battery Air Pump

This popular model is one of the most popular and compact ones present on the domestic market. The design is characterized by an increased degree of reliability and a long service life. The performance coefficient reaches 50 l/h, which may seem insignificant to most users. An excellent solution for those people who often transport fish or there is a risk of turning off the main source of aeration in the tank. The presence of a sealed housing deserves special attention. The delivery set includes a 45 cm hose and sprayer. For subsequent operation, the device will require two D-type batteries. They are not included in the package.

Average price – 1135 rubles.

compressor Marina Battery Air Pump


  • noiselessness;
  • waterproof housing;
  • equipment;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • compact sizes.


  • not identified.

Laguna 3500A

The last place in our rating of inexpensive compressors is occupied by the 3500-A model. It is characterized not only by excellent functionality, but also by compact size. It is noted to be easy to install and subsequently use. Productivity coefficient – ​​96 l/h. Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims that the device is designed for a 200 liter tank, the reality is somewhat different. According to experts, this model is suitable for containers with a volume of no more than 100 liters. Based on numerous reviews online, the design is quiet enough to be used in a bedroom or other living space. Over time, the device may begin to make more noise, however, this is due to clogged filters, which must be cleaned regularly.

Cost – 531 rub.

compressor Laguna 3500A


  • simplicity of design;
  • small size;
  • positive reviews;
  • affordable price;
  • quiet work.


  • The power is enough to service no more than 100 liters of an aquarium.

Comparison of the best products

The identified characteristics and parameters of aquarium compressors from different manufacturers are presented in a general table. Thanks to its convenient form, you can clearly compare the best models, based on which you can choose the best device.

Aquarium compressor modelTypeAquarium volume, lProductivity, l/hourPeculiaritiesPrice, rub
Prime PR-4104Piezo10-10018Maximum depth of use - 600 mm1178-1198
COLLAR aPUMP MAXIup to 200Powered by mains power, minimum noise level - 40 dB2339-2600
COLLAR aPUMP10-100Power - 1.5 W1722-1722
Schego OptimalMembraneup to 200250There is an eyelet for fixing the compressor on a vertical surface1790-2791
Eheim EM-3704010up to 400400Vibration-damping rubber linings are provided, air dispersion is regulated3431-3438
Prime PR-4113Piezoup to 20024Maximum depth of use - 1000 mm1769-2065
Tetra APS 150 blackMembrane80-150150Power 3.1 W1376-1590
Tetra APS 100 blackMembrane50-100100There is an air valve to regulate the air supply1126-1300
Jebo 6800700Two channels provided925-1250
Eheim EM-370201050-200200Two channels, maximum depth of use - 2000 mm2958-3880

I will note the favorites of the rating.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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