What aquarium fish live without oxygen and air?

Aeration systems occupy an important place among aquarium equipment. They provide oxygen into the water, which is necessary for fish to breathe. However, they are often noisy, expensive, require a free outlet and space for installation, and produce vibration. Therefore, many novice aquarists strive to have fish that live without oxygen in the aquarium. Such fish are easy to find on sale, and they are not difficult to care for and maintain.

What aquarium fish can be kept without oxygen?

If you mean oxygen in water, and not oxygen in general, then these are any representatives of the Labyrinthine Family. Labyrinth fish are known for their ability to breathe atmospheric air. For these purposes, they have a special organ called the labyrinth (this organ gave the second name to the Belontiidae family - labyrinths). The labyrinth is located directly above the gills, in small depressions on either side of the head. Fish swallow atmospheric air at the surface of the water and place it in the spongy chambers of the labyrinth, the walls of which are penetrated by a network of blood vessels.

This extra breathing is vital for them - if these aquarium fish are denied access to the surface (for example, the cover glass touches the surface of the water), then they may die. Scientists divide the labyrinths into four families: Anabass (Anabantidae) with the genera: Anabas, Sandelia and Ctenopoma; macropods (Belontiidae) with the genera: Betta, Belontia, Ctenops, Colisa, Malpulluta, Parosphronemus, Pseudosphronemus, Sphaerichthys, Trichogaster ), trichopsis (Trichopsis) and trichoptera (Trishopterus); Helostoma, which includes one genus Helostoma; and - true gouramis, also with the same genus Osphronemus. The most common aquarium fish of the labyrinthine family is the marbled gourami or common gourami.

Anyutka =)

Labyrinthids (barbs, cockerels, laliuses, belontia, ctenopoma, macropods, gourami...). Golden ones definitely need oxygen! The cockerels are very beautiful)) )

Goldfish Can Survive Without Oxygen Thanks to Alcohol

Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and their larger relatives, the goldfish (Carassius carassius), have been prized as ornamental pond fish for centuries. If the pond freezes in winter, these fish are able to survive even with a small amount of oxygen in the water. An international team of scientists has described a mechanism that allows fish to live with virtually no oxygen for months.

During such periods, a large amount of lactic acid accumulates in the fish’s body. Already in the 1980s it was known that some of this acid is eventually converted into ethanol, which the fish “throws out” through the gills. This ability allows the body to avoid acidosis - an increase in acidity.

In the first series of new experiments, the fish were divided into four groups of 13 individuals. The first group was in water with a normal level of oxygen, the second experienced a lack of oxygen for a day, and the third for a week. The fourth group was deprived of oxygen for a week, and then the gas level was increased to normal and the condition of the fish was monitored for another six days. The second part of the experiments involved three groups of three individuals. The first group became the control; fish in the second and third groups survived without oxygen at a temperature of 4°C for one and seven days, respectively. The scientists then examined samples of skeletal muscle tissue from several dead fish. Previous studies have shown that it is thanks to this tissue that lactic acid is “converted” into ethanol.

Scientists have discovered that fish tissue produces two types of similar enzymes needed in the process of processing glucose. As in other animals, in crucian carp and goldfish, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, consisting of several enzymes, is involved in this process. It converts molecules of pyruvic acid, the end product of the glucose oxidation process. However, under conditions of lack of oxygen, pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid, and its excess can poison the fish. During oxygen starvation, the body of crucian carp and goldfish begins to produce not pyruvate dehydrogenase, but another enzyme. It is similar to the enzyme that is involved in the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates in yeast cells - pyruvate decarboxylase. This enzyme promotes the release of acetaldehyde. Another enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase, converts this compound into ethanol. The alcohol is released through the gills, but some remains in the fish's body.

Genetic analysis has shown that crucian carp and goldfish have two “parallel” sets of genes associated with the production of these enzymes. Fish inherited this feature from a common ancestor. Scientists estimate that the duplication of its genome occurred about 8 million years ago.

According to one of the authors of the article, during “oxygen-free” periods, the concentration of ethanol in the blood of carp can exceed 50 mg per 100 ml. People with this blood alcohol concentration are prohibited from driving a car in some countries.

Lack of oxygen

No matter how unpretentious fish may be that live without additional enrichment of water with oxygen, they can also suffer from a lack of it. The critical air content in water is different for each type of underwater inhabitants.

Symptoms of deficiency:

  • rapid breathing, “protruding” gills;
  • fish swim from above and swallow air;
  • even bottom-dwelling fish often swallow air above;
  • decreased activity of pets;
  • Over time, the brightness of color, resistance to diseases decreases, and growth slows down.

The most effective way to save fish suffering without oxygen is to install a compressor with an air stone. The air flow dissipates, then rises to the surface, mixing the water and saturating it with oxygen. In a small aquarium, the compressor may not be stationary, but temporary, in order to preserve the decor. It is enough to connect it for 40 minutes a day (or as needed) and put it away until next time. However, you cannot take water from the tap! It must be settled.

If temporary measures do not help, stationary equipment is required to supply oxygen to the aquarium - a compressor and a filter. A filter is needed to purify water from organic matter, the decomposition of which absorbs a significant part of the oxygen. The power and type of filter depends on the volume of the tank - a 500-liter one will require an external filter, and a 50-liter one will need an internal one.


Perfect for beginners, they are found in nature in a wide variety of colors and shapes. Most subspecies of this group are selectively bred; they are characterized by maximum survival, even in large flocks. Despite this, guppies require space; a 50-liter aquarium with plenty of algae and other vegetation is best suited for them. The fish are distinguished by their friendly, peaceful disposition; they can be placed with other species. The offspring are born alive, capable of independent nutrition. This feature makes it possible to breed flocks without direct human intervention. They feed exclusively on dry food, which is best not to skimp on.

Black Prince

A beautiful little fish with a bushy tail. The individual is quite unpretentious, adapts well to new conditions, and reproduces quickly and actively. They are undemanding when it comes to equipping the aquarium; the lighting that comes from outside is sufficient. A heating system is also optional. Despite this, we recommend maintaining high-quality living conditions for guppies.

You can add them to other types of fish of the appropriate size; their good-natured disposition will allow them to get along together. But you should not place them with those individuals that bite off the fins of other inhabitants of the aquarium. Otherwise, the guppy will lose its gorgeous tail. The food required is small in size and can fit in your pet’s mouth. There is no selectivity in nutrition; it can be dry flakes, granules, larvae, bloodworms.

guppy black prince


  • unpretentiousness;
  • actively reproduce;
  • do not require special conditions.


  • not found.


A very beautiful, delicate miniature fish with a fluffy fin and tail will decorate any aquarium. Due to the characteristics of the body, they can only live in artificially created conditions. The lack of melanin affected the appearance of the guppies. The most characteristic feature is red eyes, but the color does not have to be white; there are also red, blue and yellow varieties.

They do not require any difficulties in maintenance or nutrition, and quickly produce living offspring. They love the presence of algae and small logs in the tank. The only factor that can negatively affect the fish is poor quality water. In no case will liquid from the tap be suitable for them, since the elements it contains, even in minimal quantities, can cause the death of the entire flock.

It is not recommended to share with large breeds, especially predators. The most important thing in feeding is complex supplements with vitamins and microelements.

Albino guppy


  • unpretentious;
  • Ideal for beginner aquarists;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • excellent survivability.


  • short life expectancy;
  • sensitive to impurities in water.

The most beautiful aquarium fish: photo-video review and description


The beauty of the aquarium world is mesmerizing! This is why many people become interested in aquariums for life. The variety of aquarium fish is so countless and varied that sometimes choosing the best of the best, the most beautiful and beautiful fish becomes a difficult task.

I suggest you pay attention to the compiled TOP of the most beautiful fish and choose an aquarium beauty to suit your taste and color!

Your thoughts and preferences about the Miss Aquarium World ranking are very important to us. They will help shape public opinion! And make this TOP truly popular.

In order not to offend the participants of the topic, we will not assign places (for now), but will arrange them in alphabetical order, so...

Akara turquoise

The body of the fish is massive and tall. The color of turquoise acara varies from silver to green with a turquoise tint. There are turquoise-colored wavy lines on the gill covers and muzzle, and an irregularly shaped dark spot in the center of the body. A wide edging runs along the dorsal and caudal fin.

Burton's astatotilapia

Body coloration is variable. The main color is gray to reddish-yellow, may be brownish, with a blue, green or purple sheen on the side. There is a black vertical stripe across the eyes, and the same stripes on the forehead and muzzle. Lips are bluish. On the side, depending on environmental conditions and the condition of the fish, a pattern of longitudinal and transverse stripes of different saturation may appear.

Danio pink

Pink danios are small, nimble, pot-bellied beauties. A flock of them will give your aquarium a joyful, life-affirming pink mood. Fish look especially beautiful on a blue background.


Veiltail can be called the Queen of Goldfish.

The hem of its fins will look gorgeous in your aquarium.

The veiltail has a short, tall, rounded, egg-shaped body and large eyes. The head is big. The color of the veiltail varies - from a solid golden color to bright red or black.


Well-known, popular and incredibly beautiful small aquarium fish. The beauty and diversity of the caudal fin deserves attention and a place in the TOP of the most beautiful fish.

Pearl gourami

Labyrinth representative of aquarium fish.

The body of the gourami is tall, elongated, flattened laterally.


The goddess of the aquarium world, bewitching with her beauty. But, unfortunately, like all Goddesses, she is very capricious! The body is brown with vertical blue stripes. The entire body is decorated with numerous blue strokes.

Pelmatochromis or Parakeet

A small and beautiful representative of cichlids. She received this nickname because of her resemblance to a parrot bird. The fish are very beautifully colored. The male has a brownish back, the sides are bluish with a tint, and the underbelly is reddish (especially in females).

Betta, Betta or Betta fish

A very, very beautiful fish, its brocade-ruffled fins are simply admirable. The colors of the fish are different. The most common color is inky with a reddish tint. Males are much brighter in color and have longer fins than females.


And here is a bright representative of South American cichlids. I call the angelfish behind the hill - Angel fish. Her elegance will not go unnoticed!

The color of the angelfish is varied: black, white, silver, greenish-gray, etc. Four stripes run along the entire body, with another stripe running through the eye.

Chromis butterfly

This small fish has a beautiful “crown on its head” and decent coloring.

The body color is yellow with a blue sheen. The front of the back is reddish-brown. The throat, chest and belly are golden in color. A black transverse stripe crosses the eyes. The whole fish is covered with iridescent blue, green dots and spots. The fins are transparent with a red border. Closer to the back of the head, the fin has a deep black color (crown).

From the editor: Fluorescent fish GloFish

Cichlazoma severum

The color of the body of cichlosoma severum varies: from yellowish-green to dark brown. The scales are strewn with yellow, pink or brown spots that create a pattern on the body.

Cichlazoma black-striped

At first glance, a small black fish. But, if you look closely, it will become clear that this is the “Queen of Business Style” fish. The head is large, the eyes are large, the lips are thick. The body and fins of cichlazoma are colored grayish-blue. 8-9 black stripes run along the body.

Problems associated with lack and excess of oxygen

A lack or excess of oxygen can be fatal for all inhabitants of the aquarium. In the first case, oxygen starvation will begin (this disease of aquarium fish is more often called anoxia). In the second case, oversaturation of the blood and tissues with gas (gas embolism) is inevitable.


Anoxia forces fish to stay in the upper layers of water, actively swallowing air. The color intensifies, the eyes are motionless. This behavior is a clear symptom. It literally screams that the fish is suffocating. Now look at the bark of the trees, what do you think: why is it so wrinkled? This is an oxygen burn, the result of prolonged interaction of living cells with atmospheric oxygen.

In the same way, due to too active breathing, the gills of the fish will begin to “burn”. Just an hour or two, and the gill covers will bulge and stand at an unnatural angle. And after a few more days, the inhabitants of the aquarium may die from asphyxia (suffocation). This especially often becomes a disease of goldfish due to the special structure of their body and the laziness of their owner, who does not clean the aquarium properly.

Sometimes they do not float to the top, but lie down on the ground, breathe heavily and almost do not react to stimuli (hypoxia). A small but permanent lack of oxygen is also dangerous, since over time it leads to degradation of the nervous system and reproductive organs, loss of appetite and slower growth.

An excellent marker of the approaching danger of this fish disease in the aquarium is most snails. But the most sensitive: Sandy melania (lat. Melonoides tuberculata). All their lives they swarm at the bottom, collecting leftover food and detritus. But feeling a lack of oxygen, they crawl onto the walls and leaves of plants, reach the surface of the water, where they remain or die.


Improper keeping of fish and insufficient care of the aquarium. Rotting of a large amount of organic matter (food, dead plants, corpses of aquatic organisms), too high a temperature, overpopulation. The normal oxygen content in aquarium water is 3 mg/l. If this figure is less, first of all it is necessary to get rid of the cause that caused the hypoxia. Then install aeration equipment.

An emergency remedy is a solution of hydrogen peroxide (15%), but you need to be careful with it. This is in no way a medicine for aquarium fish, but a catalyst for the desired chemical process. If overdosed or repeated, it will kill the fish.

To prevent the death of fish from oxygen starvation, you must follow some rules:

GOLDFISH (Carassius auratus auratus), a subspecies of the goldfish (Carassius auratus gibelio), lives wild in China, Japan and Korea and on some islands. They are distinguished by a shortened wide body, often red-golden in color; long fins. There are many varieties, the exact number of which cannot be counted (in China you can find forms unknown in Europe). Goldfish are the first aquarium fish. The first reliable information about goldfish (golden chi) dates back to the Song Dynasty (969). They were kept in artificial reservoirs, beautiful vases with fish were placed in rich chambers. Europeans who saw images of fish for a long time considered them the same fairy-tale creatures as Chinese dragons. The appearance of live fish in the 18th century caused a real sensation. In China, there are many legends about the origin of goldfish - these are the revived tears of a beautiful girl, and the inhabitants of a heavenly palace that fell to earth, etc. Humanity owes the appearance of this miracle to the skill of Chinese fish farmers. Japanese craftsmen also made a significant contribution, who managed to improve the precious veil tails and create especially valuable varieties. In their homeland, goldfish are kept in ponds and pools, where they can reach 30 cm in length (without a tail), but in aquariums, as a rule, they do not grow over 15 cm. Long-bodied fish live up to 40 years, short-bodied forms - up to 15 years ( individuals breed no older than 8 years). The main forms of goldfish in China and Japan are called wakin, demekin, ryukin and ranchu. The wakina, or Japanese goldfish, has an elongated body (up to 30 cm) and a short, forked tail. Primary colors are red, white and red-white. Rare in aquariums, most often found in large artificial reservoirs. The Demekin's body has the shape of an elongated chicken egg. The caudal fin is elongated, forked, the eyes are bulging. A telescope was taken out from Demekin. Riukin is the prototype of the veiltail. The body is ovoid, the caudal fin is equal in length to the body, the fins are elongated. Ranchu is better known among us as the Korean lionhead. The body is short, without a dorsal fin, all fins are small, the tail is forked. Growths on the head appear at 2-3 years of age. There is a variant without growths, called “maruko” in Japan. The body color is pale, with randomly scattered colored spots. The eyes, lips, gill covers and fins are colored. The comet differs from an ordinary goldfish in having somewhat elongated fins, and the tail fin should exceed the length of the body. The anal fin should not be forked. The color can be any, but only those specimens that have a body and fins of different colors are valued (in China, those that have bright red or lemon yellow fins with a silver body).

Is it possible to keep guppies in a small aquarium without a filter, compressor or heater?


It is possible, but in this case it is necessary to have aquarium plants!! ! and light!! ! (and if there is light, then the water also heats up from the light bulb, which makes the heater unnecessary, I have a heater, but what’s the use of it, I haven’t even turned it on for more than a year, the water heats up well from the lamps), otherwise they will die . How small is an aquarium? It would be better, of course, if there was a filter (which also circulates air), then a compressor is not needed. As for changing the water, don’t listen to anyone who advises changing the water. Guppies love hard water, so they will feel better if you do not change the water, but only add what is evaporating, but since there is no filter, you need to siphon the soil at least once every 2-3 weeks. In this case, since the aquarium is small, the water that you salt from the aquarium with dirt must be filtered, for example through several layers of gauze, and poured back into the aquarium, otherwise the fish will get sick.


My friend, of course, has all this, but also live algae, imagine how often you will have to change the water if it is without movement (filter) and how will you maintain the temperature, a boiler for one time?

Ancistrus cirrhosus

Ancistrus is an excellent representative of catfish for a novice aquarist. It is unpretentious and easily adapts to water conditions. Grows about 10-13 cm.

Ancistrus has a flattened horizontal body with a suction cup mouth. It is good at “scraping off” algal fouling from glass, decorations, and snags, which helps keep the aquarium clean.

Adult ancistrus can damage the leaves of aquarium plants by gnawing holes in them. Ancistrus can be added to almost any fish; their aggression is only intraspecific.


Livebearers are characterized by the birth of offspring without laying eggs. They differ from spawning ones in their endurance and unpretentiousness. Most types are suitable for beginners.


The most unpretentious and tenacious fish for a small aquarium. For many, their passion for aquarium farming begins with guppies. They survive in an aquarium without an aerator or filter. Tiny fish are kept in schools of at least 5 individuals. Non-conflicting and playful appearance.


Unpretentious aquarium inhabitants with a body length of up to 10 cm. They got their name due to the characteristic shape of the tail. Kept in groups of 3–4 or more.


Reach 10 cm in length, in different colors. Mollies require weekly water changes, soil cleaning, filtration and oxygenation.


Hardy fish with color options. These close relatives of swordtails grow up to 4 cm. They are unpretentious to water parameters. They are not considered to be gregarious. Content with related species is acceptable.


They are found not only in artificial reservoirs, but also in natural reservoirs. They breathe atmospheric air well and can stay on land for a long time without risking their lives.

Golden gourami

This beautiful fish is a favorite among aquarium owners for its excellent survival rate. These representatives are able to survive even in an ordinary glass jar, but such conditions are undesirable.

The larger the tank, the more actively the fish grows, sometimes reaching 15 cm in length. They love a water temperature of 24-25 degrees, soft delicate light. Favorable factors provide pets with a life expectancy of 7-8 years.

As for nutrition, live and dry food are suitable. It is worth considering the lack of sense of proportion in gourami, so their food should be carefully dosed. They simply need algae and any plants, otherwise there is a high probability of developing diseases. The character of gourami cannot be called soft; males are aggressive and are capable of biting the fins and tails of smaller breeds. It is better not to house this species with others due to its lack of compatibility.

Golden gourami


  • endurance;
  • live long;
  • indiscriminate to food;
  • inexpensive price.


  • aggressive towards other fish species.


Inexperienced aquarists prefer just such pets due to their high survival rate. The appearance is beautiful, the bright unusual color pleases the eye. They do not suffer from oxygen deficiency, are not afraid of low water temperatures, but do not survive in dirty reservoirs. As for nutrition, they are able to digest any food that is balanced in composition.

It is better to keep pets in the tank one at a time; in no case should you have two males in the same territory. A characteristic feature of this species is the ability to jump out of the water, which does not allow keeping fish in open aquariums.



  • low price;
  • do not require careful filtration;
  • unpretentious to environmental conditions.


  • jump onto land.

Marbled gourami

The unusual colors of these inhabitants of the aquatic world attract the attention of both inexperienced and professional fish breeders. Males do not get along well with each other and may start hunting smaller breeds. Otherwise, they do not require special environmental factors. For active reproduction, the marbled gourami only needs a spacious tank. They do not like temperature changes, so this parameter must be carefully monitored.

This group was bred selectively; it is impossible to find such fish in a natural body of water. They live on average 5-6 years and grow up to 15 cm.

Marbled gourami


  • do not need a filter, compressor, or a large amount of flora;
  • high life expectancy;
  • bright color;
  • multiply quickly;
  • Available for purchase at any pet store.


  • aggressive males.


Bold, bright, active roars are loved by all aquarists. This small pet (males grow 5 cm, females grow 4 cm) looks noticeable and unusual, successfully combining all the colors of the rainbow in its coloring.

For harmonious life they need comfortable conditions. For example, each individual requires at least 4 liters of liquid. Water must go through all stages of purification and filtration, undergo regular replacement, and its temperature cannot be lower than 18 degrees. This species is also susceptible to various diseases due to the presence of metabolic products in the water. To avoid this, you need to periodically add small amounts of regular table salt to the aquarium.

The better the nutrition, lighting and condition of the aqua, the brighter the color of the fish and the more magnificent its tail and fins. Food should be enriched with all necessary vitamins and microelements and be varied. Its color will help you suspect a lack of nutrients in the diet of a betta - if there is a deficiency of useful supplements, it becomes paler.

Cockerel fish


  • bright appearance;
  • excellent survival rate.


  • need special care.

What fish can survive without oxygen?

On the Internet, more and more people are trying to find the answer to the question, what fish can live without air? However, they are not entirely satisfied with the answer. It is impossible to find at least one living creature that can do without oxygen. But there are some aquarium inhabitants that can survive without a water aeration system.

The difference between the fish is that some of them tolerate scanty water and can breathe atmospheric gas. Thanks to their ability, they are considered the most hardy and easy to care for. There are several types of such inhabitants, but, unfortunately, not all have been adapted to aquarium life:

  • Aquarium catfish or loaches. These fish use intestinal respiration with atmospheric air. This happens quite simply. The catfish rises to the surface, swallows air and sinks to the bottom.
  • Labyrinthine. They got their name because of their unique respiratory apparatus, which is also called the gill labyrinth. The air absorption process is similar to the previous option. The most popular aquarium representatives are: cockerels, gouramis, laliums, macropods.

However, you should not expect that these animals can live completely without air. They need it, so under no circumstances should they block the access to air from above.

Signs of lack of oxygen:

  • The fish rise to the upper layers;
  • After a couple of hours, the fish protrude their gills;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • The immune system suffers;
  • Growth slows or death occurs after 2-4 days.

Death may not occur, but the fish experience constant discomfort and all vital processes pass more slowly, which affects the growth, coloring and behavior of the animal.

Thus, fish cannot live completely without oxygen, however, you can make your life easier by purchasing inhabitants that can breathe atmospheric air. But even with a small selection, you can gather the best representatives and create a unique body of water where fish and catfish can live without experiencing discomfort.

And so, fish breathe oxygen contained in the water. This occurs with the help of a special respiratory organ - gills, which in turn come in various shapes. As a rule, the gill slits are located on the sides (about 4-5 pairs of gill filaments). The water washing and passing through the gills gives up the oxygen dissolved in it and carries away the released carbon dioxide. Next, oxygen is distributed throughout the fish’s body.

However, there are some types of aquarium fish that can breathe through their skin or take air into the cavity of a floating bladder. In addition, there is the so-called intestinal respiration, which is possessed by aquarium catfish (speckled catfish coridatatus) and loaches; they can draw air into the intestines.

And now we get to the question that interests us! Some types of fish have special organs through which oxygen is absorbed. One of these organs is the gill labyrinth, the owners of which belong to the LABYRINTHE FAMILY

. The labyrinth is a specialized respiratory organ that allows it to absorb oxygen directly from the air. Labyrinth fish take in air by swallowing it from the surface of the water. Therefore, such fish do not need aquarium aeration! However, if access to the surface of the water is closed, such a fish will soon die. What kind of labyrinth fish can live without oxygen, here they are:

(blue, marble, kissing, honey,)

The note:

in Asia there are a lot of rice fields and it is there that fish live, adapted to breathing atmospheric air.
These are, in particular, labyrinths, which have an epibranchial labyrinth organ (labyrinth). It consists of tortuous canals, the walls of which are formed by bone plates covered with films containing blood vessels. labyrinthine
order is included in the order Perciformes. The labyrinth organ makes it possible to survive in water where there is practically no oxygen. Moreover, if the labyrinth fish is prevented from breathing air, it will die even in oxygenated water. Therefore, when keeping such fish in an aquarium, it is necessary to ensure that floating plants do not completely cover the surface of the water.

Editorial: Fishes of Africa: Malawian cichids and Tanganyika fish

We also note that even if the fish is labyrinthine, aeration and filtration are still needed for the aquarium itself, because oxygen is a powerful oxidizing agent. Without it, the biological balance will be disrupted, the nitrogen cycle in the aquarium will not work properly, because... Beneficial bacteria are aerobic nitrifiers.


They are unpretentious, delight with variety, are able to independently clean the walls of the tank from dirt, and regulate the growth of flora.

Synodontis (Shifter, Cuckoo)

A fairly large fish, growing up to 30 cm. The length varies depending on the volume of the aquarium - the larger it is, the more actively the individual grows. The appearance is recognizable among other varieties. Changelings have a large, laterally compressed body, no scales, and a dark spotted color. The fish got one of its names because of its love to swim with its belly up; its main habitat during the day is the bottom of the aquarium.

One pet will require up to 50 liters of liquid, a large number of plants, artificially created reefs, logs, and driftwood. The pet loves to hide in various shelters, flocking into schools of 5-6 fish. The optimal water temperature is 25-28 degrees; it can eat whatever the owner offers. You should not add them to small breeds, because the catfish will mistake them for food, but they get along well with larger ones. It has a habit of plowing the soil, so small particles of debris can rise from the bottom; this feature requires a powerful water filter.

Synodontis (Shifter, Cuckoo)


  • lives more than 10 years;
  • cleans the tank itself and regulates the growth of algae;
  • eats everything;
  • friendly.


  • will not survive in a small tank.


Another name is shark catfish. The reason is the appropriate appearance of the individual. The fish is quite large, reaching up to 100 cm in artificial conditions, and 130 cm in natural conditions. The large size ensured a long life expectancy for the pet - under favorable conditions, it can live 20 years.

For such a large breed, you will need a large aquarium that can hold more than 1000 liters of water. Otherwise, the fish is not picky and survives well in any conditions. The catfish is peaceful towards other large representatives; it regards small waterfowl exclusively as food. The main requirement is clean water without harmful impurities. When caring, you should take into account the delicate skin of individuals. They can be injured by any rough, sharp particles in the tank, so the contents of the aquarium should be carefully chosen, being careful of large solid elements.



  • lives long;
  • unpretentious;
  • just take care.


  • cannot be housed with small individuals;
  • requires a large tank;
  • not sold everywhere.

Unpretentious aquarium fish

Caring for aquarium fish is a whole science. At first glance, it is impossible to remember all the conditions and requirements for maintenance; it is difficult to find the funds to purchase a huge aquarium and expensive equipment for it and the time to prepare special food and regularly test the water. But there are fish that will forgive a beginner his inexperience and possible mistakes, and caring for which will not require huge material and time resources from him. These easy-to-care, tenacious and unpretentious inhabitants of the aquarium will be discussed.


This includes such popular species as thornets, neons, various tetras: copper, firefly, rhodostomus. Small, very charming schooling fish with interesting colors, red and golden spots, glowing neon stripes. The color of the thorn is not bright, but they have learned to color its albino form artificially, producing multi-colored fish called caramels.

The mentioned representatives of characins are capable of living in small aquariums, but they are more demanding in terms of living conditions. In particular, they prefer soft, acidic water and do not like massive changes, so it is better to peat the water for the aquarium and change it regularly, but little by little. In addition, it is very desirable to have live plants in an aquarium with these fish.

Double-breathing fish species

Typically, fish breathe using gill slits placed on the side in 4–5 pairs. Fluid passes through the gills, supplying oxygen and taking away CO2. However, there are varieties of fish that can breathe not only oxygen from aquarium water, but also atmospheric air.

Prominent representatives of two-breathers are the Polypterus family, for example, Polypterus and Polypterus. They have a rare bladder structure, so these fish do not need dissolved oxygen; they inhale air while swimming to the surface.

Other representatives of the fish kingdom that do not need oxygen in the water are the Macropod family. These are lalius, all types of gourami, fighting cockerels and threadworts. The peculiarity of these fish is their labyrinthine respiratory organ, thanks to which they can breathe atmospheric oxygen, so they are often placed in an aquarium without a filter or compressor.

In addition to the above types, there are individual representatives of other phenotypes who live and breathe air from the atmosphere taken into the intestines. These are corydoras catfishes that often rise to the top to take in air.

Having learned which fish can live without oxygen, novice aquarists often make the fatal mistake of denying residents access to air masses. This is incorrect, because even if there is a swim bladder or labyrinth organ, a compressor or aerator is still required in the tank, especially if there is an overpopulation of fish in the aquarium. Despite the ability to breathe atmospheric air, phenotypes in the absence of aeration can be poisoned by carbon dioxide.

Why is it better to start with unpretentious ones?

Of course, anyone can buy any aquarium inhabitants that they like. But practice shows that it is better for novice aquarists to start with species that are particularly easy to care for.

This is explained as follows:

  • Water parameters. All underwater pets, which can be classified as “unpretentious,” feel quite good in any water conditions. That is, hardness, acidity and even temperature are not particularly important to them. They do not need strong and thorough filtration. As a rule, a conventional internal filter with a sponge that provides mechanical cleaning is sufficient. As for aeration, it all depends on the aquarium itself. If there are enough living plants there, then a compressor most likely will not be needed. Moreover, representatives of the creeper suborder (guramis, macropods, laliuses, cockerels) even have an organ thanks to which they breathe ordinary atmospheric oxygen;
  • Compatibility. All unpretentious fish are peaceful, and therefore can be considered universal. That is, they are combined with many other types. Therefore, an aquarist can take several different schools (for example, neon, zebrafish, minor, rasbor, etc.). They will definitely get along with each other and will delight the owner with their variety of colors and habits;
  • Aquarium volume. One of the main advantages of such pets is that you do not need to buy spacious “houses” for them. Often a small aquarium of 10-50 liters is enough. As for calculating the number of individuals, it all depends on their size. For example, guppies are quite small, and 2 liters is enough for them. per representative. Swordtails reach 8-12 cm, and they already need 5 liters, Sumatran barbs - 10 liters.

Well, of course, all these fish are not particularly picky about food, lighting and the frequency of water changes. They are hardy and can withstand heavy loads. Although it is better not to force them to live in a stressful situation, because this can shorten their life expectancy.

How to care

Caring for such pets is no fundamentally different from ordinary fish. In order to create comfortable living conditions, the following rules must be observed:

  • carry out timely replacement of water, pre-filter it and maintain it at a sufficient level;
  • the bottom must be cleaned of food debris and other debris using a siphon;
  • It is not recommended to turn off heating;
  • observe the condition of the fish, their appearance, coloring, appetite; if signs of illness appear in an individual, it should be placed in a separate tank;
  • the glass of the aquarium requires cleaning, as well as additional elements placed inside (driftwood, logs, etc.);
  • Do not use chemical detergents when cleaning;
  • Pets should be fed according to a clearly chosen nutritional plan with specially provided balanced food.

Aquarium fish that do not need oxygen

A distinctive feature of fish of the labyrinth family is the structure of their respiratory system. Adapting to living in oxygen-poor water, fish of this family developed an epibranchial organ - the so-called labyrinth. The system of canals in the cavity of the gill arch is called the labyrinthine organ.

Fish from this family grab air with their mouths, which enters the epibranchial organ, where the blood is enriched with oxygen from the air. Lingering in the labyrinth, the air allows these fish to remain without water for some time or live in oxygen-poor water.

Since such fish grab air from the surface, they die very quickly in a tightly closed container. This specificity must be taken into account when transporting them. When these fish are transported in lidded jars, aquarium labyrinth fish die very quickly without oxygen.

Most fish of this family have beautiful colors and original body shapes. Many fish have an original feature - they feel various objects with the help of modified filament-shaped fins. The natural habitat of most labyrinth fish is standing or slow-moving ponds, rice fields or irrigation ditches, densely overgrown ponds and shallow rivers. The water in these reservoirs is usually very dirty, with a low oxygen content, which is what led to the formation of the labyrinthine organ.

Most labyrinth fish do not pose any particular problems in their keeping.

The size of their place of residence does not play a particularly important role. Like fish that do not need oxygen, they require certain conditions for their keeping:

  • The temperature of the aquarium water should be 24-27°C.
  • The soil used should preferably be dark in color - this enhances the color of the labyrinth fish, which emphasizes their beauty.
  • Females of this family need dense vegetation so that they have somewhere to hide from aggressive males.

Labyrinth fish are not particularly picky about food and willingly eat both live food and dry or frozen food.

Keeping them together with representatives of another or your own species of fish is often problematic. Many adults (most often males) show aggression towards fish of their own species. This happens especially often when the volume of the aquarium is small.

In order for there to be peace and quiet in the aquarium, the water must be “old”; changing water provokes the reproductive instinct and causes aggression.


How long can a goldfish live without an oxygen compressor?

The amount of oxygen in the aquarium water can be increased by artificial lighting and blowing air through the water (aeration). Oxygen enrichment by blowing air through the water in planted aquariums should be carried out around the clock or at times when the aquarium is deprived of light. Aeration during the daytime is more likely to cause harm than benefit, since it creates a greater than usual amplitude of fluctuations in the oxygen content in the water. In the practice of aquarists, oxygen deficiency is detected by the behavior of fish, which, in the event of a lack of oxygen, rise to the upper layers of the water and gasp for air . Bloodworms buried in the sand, with a lack of oxygen, get out of the soil and hang on the walls of the aquarium. www.akvalife.info/akva/wo2.htm -Conclusions: we monitor the behavior of the fish. And blowing water with air (aeration) can be organized without electricity, with pens, that is, we find something like a pear-shaped enema and work, work, work... PS And tell the cat on your avatar that he will survive with capelin!

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