Aquarium filters: types of filtration, which one to choose, TOP 5 best models

You can keep your aquarium clean without frequently changing the water in it. Special devices will help here - aquarium filters . The normal existence of fish, other inhabitants and plants will depend on the correct choice of an aquarium filter, and therefore before purchasing we advise you to study the main characteristics of filtering devices, selection criteria and the best models. How to choose an aquarium filter? We will talk about this below.

Aquarium filters - how to choose, type of filtration

What are aquarium filters for?

Aquarium filters come in different varieties, from budget to very expensive models. In order not to get confused in all this variety and choose the most suitable filter for your aquarium, you should know about popular types of devices, types of filtration, etc.

There are different types of aquarium filters

On a note ! The filter removes various contaminants by passing water through a layer (or several layers) of filter material. As a result, the water becomes clean, odorless and without small particles. But much more important are the processes occurring at the microscopic level and relating to the life of beneficial bacteria , which over time populate the surface of the filter material.

When organic waste (excrement, food debris, etc.) decomposes, water inevitably becomes contaminated with hazardous substances, and beneficial bacteria are responsible for processing them into safer ones. Thus, the aquarium filter helps maintain optimal living conditions for the inhabitants of the closed aquarium ecosystem.

Aquarium filters

Types of filters according to the method of water passage through the filter material

Based on this parameter, filters are divided into two large groups:

  • by means of an electric pump;
  • using air bubbles that carry water with them and thereby draw it into the filter Internal filter.

Filters are divided into two large groups according to the method of water passage through the filter material

Electrical filters

They have many modifications. They are distinguished by high performance, a wide range of applications (there are models for all types of aquariums) and versatility (provide all types of filtration). They can be internal and external , but more on that later.

Electrical filters are divided into internal and external

Air filters

The most popular air filters are bottom and airlift. They are characterized by simplicity of design, affordable price and low energy consumption. However, such filters have modest performance and are therefore not suitable for large aquariums. Installed exclusively inside the aquarium.


There are several types of filters, differing in filtration principle and design.

InteriorIt is a submersible device that is completely located in water. They are the most popular, popular and inexpensive. Characterized by ease of maintenance.
ExternalIn this case, the water passes through several filter elements. The device is characterized by silent operation. A special, gradual method of cleaning the filter is used here, since due to the development of beneficial microflora, the biobalance created in a particular aquarium can easily be disrupted.
DonnyA very rare filter design that masquerades as the bottom.

Knowing the features of each filter, now you can easily choose which type of filter is optimal for you.

Types of filters by installation method

As we just found out, electric filters can be installed both inside and outside the aquarium. External models, in turn, are divided into mounted and canister models.

Internal filters

The most popular devices that provide effective cleaning at an affordable price. Despite the fact that the most powerful models are designed for aquariums up to 500 liters, this is quite enough for most aquarists. Such filters are compact and almost do not reduce the volume of the aquarium. In large tanks they are used for additional filtration in tandem with external devices.

Internal filter

Note ! The principle of operation is based on the fact that the built-in pump creates a stream of water that is reflected from the walls and raises suspended particles. The latter, in turn, are absorbed by the filter.

The most effective internal filters are considered to be “glasses” (closed models). Their productivity is limited (no more than 200 liters), but their efficiency is quite high. There are also filter heads, air lifts, etc., but we will talk about them below.

Airlift options

External filters

They have high productivity, so they are installed in aquariums with a volume of 150-1500 liters. As you can guess from the name, such devices are installed outside. Using a hose, water from the aquarium is supplied to the external filter and, after passing through all layers of filler, returns back through the second tube. The advantages also include reliability, a full filtration cycle, ease of operation and durability. There are only two disadvantages - high noise level and size.

External aquarium filter

Comparison of the best products

To make it convenient to compare the listed filter models, I have combined all the products into a common table. This will also help you choose the best device for cleaning your aquarium water.

Aquarium filter modelTypeCleaningAquarium volume, lPeculiaritiesPrice, rub
AQUAEL Fan 1 PlusInteriorMechanical60-100There is aeration954-1900
AQUAEL Fan mini plusInteriorMechanical30-60The maximum water temperature in the aquarium should not exceed 35°C442-1264
Tetra EX 800 plusExternalBiological, mechanical, chemical100-300Productivity - 790 l/h5980-9512
Tetra EX 600 plusExternalBiological, mechanical, chemical60-120Suitable for marine and freshwater aquariums5180-8321
AQUAEL Fan 2 plusInteriorMechanical100-150Maximum depth of use - 780 mm1377-2150
AQUAEL Turbo 1000InteriorBiological, mechanical150-250Suitable for marine and freshwater aquariums2193-2700
AQUAEL Fan Mikro PlusInteriorMechanical30Maximum depth of use - 400 mm835-1340
BARBUS WP-300FInteriorMechanical20Additional functions - aeration, flute297-359
Tetra EX 1200 plusExternalBiological, mechanical, chemical200-500Productivity - 1200 l/h8990-14680
AQUAEL PAT miniInteriorMechanical120Power - 4 W768-1000

I will mark the best.

Types of filtering

All aquarium filters are divided into three types based on the method of water purification.

  1. Mechanical filtration . Debris is removed from the water by passing through a porous material that traps particles of a certain size. This material must be cleaned and replaced periodically (on average, every 14 days).
  2. Biological filtration . This method involves purifying water not only from suspended impurities, but also from hazardous chemicals. Colonies of beneficial bacteria form on the surface of the device, breaking down ammonia into harmless components. One of the filler options is porous ceramics.
  3. Chemical filtration . An effective way to remove solutes. Filters are filled with activated carbon , sometimes peat. Moreover, the first removes ammonia and odor, and the second is used for fish that need soft acidic water.

Filtration type and filling
Note ! Most modern models (not the cheapest) are capable of purifying water in several ways at once. We recommend giving preference to filters that use 3 filtration methods.

What types of aquarium filters are there?

Below are all the existing aquarium filters. They are arranged in a hierarchy: first - the cheapest and simplest, at the end - the most expensive and effective.

Sponge airlift filter

It is a plastic perforated tube on which a cartridge with a sponge (or several cartridges) is attached. The air supplied through the lower part rises and takes water with it, thereby forming draft. Water passes through the sponge and is cleared of various debris. The device provides biological and mechanical (to a lesser extent) filtration.

Sponge airlift filter

Bottom filter

The main purpose of the bottom filter is biological water purification. Inexpensive, easy to maintain, durable and discreetly designed device. However, this is not the best option for a novice aquarist: the filter material here is aquarium soil, and therefore it is necessary to correctly select its depth and particle size. Moreover, dense roots and decorations can block the passage of water, creating “dead zones.” In these zones, siltation will occur, accompanied by bubbles of hydrogen sulfide or methane.

Bottom filter

Internal filter cups

These are one of the most popular types of filters due to their excellent price/performance ratio. They perform both mechanical and biological filtration, come in a variety of sizes, and can be installed vertically or horizontally. The optimal choice for an amateur aquarium of small (up to 100 liters) and medium (up to 200–300 liters) sizes.

Internal filter cups

Mounted models

Suitable for tanks from 20 to 300 liters, capable of performing all three types of filtration. Easy to operate, cartridges with filter materials are located outside and are easily accessible for replacement or cleaning. The return of purified water occurs as a kind of waterfall, and not as a stream, like a filter cup, due to which the internal flow in the tank is minimized, which is useful when keeping certain types of fish that come from stagnant reservoirs such as Killie fish and labyrinth .

Mounted filters

On a note ! The main disadvantage of a mounted filter is that it must always be more than 2/3 filled, otherwise the water intake tube simply will not reach the liquid or will not submerge enough (read: performance and draft will decrease).

Irrigation (irrigation) filters

The main task of such filters is biological treatment, but manufacturers often equip them with auxiliary materials for mechanical and chemical cleaning. These devices are located outside; the design has several compartments, usually filled with special bio-balls, which are constantly irrigated with incoming water and thereby create the most comfortable conditions for the development of a colony of beneficial bacteria. They are bulky and specialized, and therefore are used mainly by professional aquarists . Breeder in commercial aquariums.

Irrigation or irrigated filters

External canister filter

Provide all 3 types of filtration and excellent water circulation, almost silent. They are presented in many modifications for both small (up to 50 liters) and very large aquariums (more than 1000 liters). The performance does not depend on the water level; they also work effectively in partially filled tanks and paludariums. Additional options can be added to the design, such as oxygen saturation , ultraviolet disinfection, water heating, and so on.

External canister filter

The canister filter is capable of combining almost all the necessary equipment of an aquarium, with the exception of the lighting system. However, the price is steep - this is a rather expensive type of filter, but the most effective and efficient.

The most popular and purchased filter models

When choosing equipment for an aquarium, it is difficult to say which company is better to purchase a filter; the market offers many models that have proven themselves well during operation. Below are the most popular models:

Internal filters

Asap 300

ASAP filters have a unique design and original construction. The upper part of the filter is a glass with filter media, equipped with a sponge, which ensures complete water purification and colonization with beneficial bacteria. The standard sponge can be replaced with a sponge impregnated with a filler that removes excess phosphates.

filter Asap 300


  • high performance;
  • simple maintenance;
  • minimum immersion depth (up to 5 cm);
  • The falling stream of water intensively supplies the water with oxygen.


  • not identified.

Aquael Turbo Filter Professional

Turbo offers four models: 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 (the digital value is the maximum indicator of how much water the device can pass through in 1 hour).

Aquael Turbo Filter Professional


  • high performance;
  • does not create noise;
  • complete saturation of water with oxygen even at great depths;
  • high quality filtration - two-level biological: the filter is equipped with a container for any filler and a fine-pored filter sponge that does not require frequent cleaning;
  • equipped with BIOCERAMAX 600 filler, which destroys nitrites and ammonium;
  • the pressure power is adjustable;
  • maintains normal oxygen levels at great depths;
  • no difficulty in installation and maintenance.


  • hinders the development of beneficial microorganisms.

Aleas IPF-6200L

A modern, reliable, very effective device, with increased water purification, equipped with 2 cartridges. The multifunctional filter provides comprehensive filtration, circulation and aeration. Can be used for fresh and sea water. Aleas filters with increased cleaning are available in models with different capacities - it is possible to choose one for any size of the aquarium.

filter Aleas IPF-6200L


  • high performance, low noise and energy efficiency;
  • multi-level biological filtration system and increased volume of filter material;
  • The kit includes a nozzle for aeration.


  • expensive model.

AquaEl FAN

Reliable, easy to use, effective AquaEl FAN are popular among aquarists.

filter AquaEl FAN


  • low energy consumption with high performance;
  • original filter material (phenol-free sponge), which is actively populated by bacteria, ensuring complete processing of organic waste and nitrogen compounds, reducing their toxicity.


  • noisy during aeration.

Eheim aquaball

The filter is unique in its spherical head: the water flow can be directed in any direction. The design allows you to wash the compartments separately; clogging one does not affect the functionality of the entire filter. The package includes a compartment that can be filled with any filtrate. There is a nozzle for aeration and a “flute” for distributing the flow of water.

Eheim aquaball filter


  • adjustable direction of water flow;
  • ease of maintenance.


  • Mounting suction cups are subject to loss of elasticity.

Aqua Szut Super Mini

The compact dimensions of the filter and the performance, which can be adjusted, are capable of providing aeration and purification of water in volumes from 10 to 80 liters.

Aqua Szut Super Mini filter


  • small size;
  • reduced noise level;
  • can work when installed horizontally or vertically;
  • combined cleaning (mechanical and biological);
  • high cleaning efficiency through a sponge cartridge;
  • intensive oxygen saturation thanks to the well-thought-out pump design.


  • not identified.


Fluval brand devices have been present on the aquarium equipment market for a long time, having proven themselves to be of high quality. Fluval's best-selling filters are the Fluval 4 Plus line of models. Its high popularity is due to the large range of functions necessary for high-quality filtering. Equipped with a two-element cartridge filled with synthetic sponge plates. The design of the cartridge reduces the possibility of dirt accumulated on the sponge getting into the aquarium when it is removed. Filter maintenance - rinsing the filler and cleaning the rotor and impeller every 2 to 3 months.

Fluval filter


  • modern design;
  • the design of the outlet pipe makes it possible to change the direction of flow of purified water;
  • adjustable device performance;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • presence of an indicator showing when the filter needs to be cleaned



  • rapid clogging of filter elements.

Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter

Corner filter for small aquariums. It has narrow holes for water intake, which is safe for young individuals.

Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter


  • two filter compartments provide high-quality filtration;
  • regulation of the direction of water flow;
  • high performance, energy saving;
  • quiet at work.


  • there are no devices for aeration;
  • suction cups are subject to loss of elasticity.

External filters, best models:

Tetra EX Plus filters, thanks to modern technologies, reliably and safely remove all contaminants from water. Manufacturers present models with varying power and performance.

Tetratec EX 600 Plus

Filter for aquariums 60 - 120 liters. The complete set of this powerful filter ensures quick and easy installation of equipment and high-quality water purification, thanks to five filter elements with fillers. With high power of the mechanism, the equipment operates very quietly.

Tetratec EX 600 Plus filter


  • filter elements have a simple cleaning process;
  • for starting, a water pumping system is provided;
  • equipped with pressure control valves and adjustable hose connections;
  • There is a pre-filtering function.


  • not identified.


Filters of this brand have firmly established themselves in the product market, constantly being updated with new functions. Reliable devices, easy to maintain. Some models have the ability to connect to a computer. Equipped with all accessories for installation and connection. Included: sponges and pads for coarse and fine cleaning, ceramics and filler for biological cleaning.

EHEIM 2073 professional are Eheim's best selling filters. The filter design includes separately filled containers for filter material. There is an independent pumping button. Equipped with original fillers.

Eheim filter


  • high quality at a reasonable price;
  • silent operation;
  • long period of uninterrupted operation;
  • the design feature eliminates the possibility of leakage;
  • the presence of a pre-filter, which is easy to clean and extends the life of the fillers;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • economical energy consumption.


  • not found.

Sera Fil Bioactive

Simple and reliable filters with built-in UV sterilizer. Convenient containers provide easy access and easy maintenance, as well as the possibility of high-quality installation of filter materials.

Sera Fil Bioactive filter


  • the built-in UV lamp irradiates the water in the filter with UV radiation, as a result of which pathogens and parasites die and algae growth is reduced;
  • long service life;
  • Quiet engine operation.


  • not found.

What filter materials are used?

The sizes and shapes of the filter material can be different, and therefore attention should be paid to the substance of which it consists. The scope of its application will depend on the composition of the material. Let's take a look at the most popular options.

Table. Popular filter materials.

Name of filler, photoBrief description of the material
Calcium carbonateUsed in the form of coral sand, coral chips (crushed corals) or crushed limestone as a chemical to increase water hardness and increase or buffer the pH .
ZeoliteIt is a naturally occurring ion exchange resin that neutralizes ammonia and is used primarily as a chemical filter material. It can also act mechanically and biologically.
Activated carbonIt is used as a means of removing certain medications (especially organic dyes, such as methylene blue ) and dissolved heavy metals from water. However, it does not remove the products of the nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
Sintered glassGlass that has undergone a special treatment, resulting in it being extremely porous. This results in a very large surface area on which colonies of bacteria settle.
CeramicsMany ceramic products, especially hollow tubes, can act as filter media for coarse filtration. They act as a mechanical and biological filter medium.
PeatTypically used as a chemical medium to lower pH. May also act mechanically and biologically. Gives the water the color of tea.
Synthetic threadsNylon yarn is often considered an old-fashioned solution these days, but it is still an inexpensive and highly effective filter material that allows for mechanical and biological filtration.
GravelAquarium gravel of any type (not sand, which clogs too easily), properly rinsed before use, can be used for mechanical and biological filtration. It can also act as a chemically active filter medium.
SpongeCheap but very effective mechanical and biological filter material. Typically sold as cartridges included with certain filters. The sponge can be washed and reused many times.

Criterias of choice

Two main criteria will help you choose the best aquarium:

  • Power. This criterion implies the volume of liquid that the device can process in an hour. It depends on the dimensions of the tank. So, for example, for a 100-liter aquarium you will need a device capable of distilling 1 thousand liters of liquid in 60 minutes.
  • Price. The most expensive are Chinese goods, which are distinguished by their durability and lack of interruptions in operation. German filters are prominent representatives of the middle price category. And among the cheapest options are domestic models.

It is also worth paying attention to the type of filler:

  • Sponge. This option is considered the simplest. It is easy to handle in terms of cleaning. In addition, over time, the sponge begins to perform not only mechanical, but also biological cleaning.
  • Zeolite. This material is natural, it consists of zeolite clay. It is able to eliminate ammonia and harmful chemicals from liquids.
  • Activated carbon. The well-known absorbent absorbs many organic substances, as well as chemical compounds.
  • Sintepon. It is used for fine cleaning and copes well with the smallest mechanical contaminants. As a rule, synthetic winterizer is used in combination with other fillers.
  • Biofiller. Designed to reproduce beneficial elements that displace harmful ones.

Choice of power and performance

When choosing an aquarium filter, you should consider its energy consumption . The best option is no more than 10 W. If the aquarium is large, you can purchase a model with a power of up to 16 W. Although, if you consider that the device consumes about 10 kW per month, there will be almost no difference.

Calculation of aquarium filter power

As for productivity , it will depend on the volume of the aquarium. It is important that the flow rate of water passing through the filter device is at least 3 times the volume of the tank. For example, if your aquarium is 200 liters, then the filter capacity should be at least 600 liters per hour.

What to look for when choosing

Purchasing a high-quality filter for an aquarium is not difficult. The main thing is to know some of the nuances, and then the device will please you for many years.

First of all, you need to decide on the volume of the aquarium and the number of animals in it . If you have a small container, but large fish, then purchase a mechanical filter. It copes well with small aquariums and protects animals from harmful sediments in the water. But such filters are not friendly to plants.

The reason for this is the limited capacity space. But plants, as we already know, do not like a large supply of oxygen to the roots, and the fish will not be comfortable if the plants are constantly rushing around the aquarium.

If you have a large aquarium and large fish, we recommend purchasing a combined filter with biofiltration . Naturally, the cost will be much higher than the first option, but you will have peace of mind about the safety of the animals in the container. Such filters ideally cope with a large aquarium volume and the presence of various plants in it. They delicately clean not only the water, but also the walls of the aquarium, promoting the proliferation of beneficial bacteria that have a positive effect on the fish.

Aquarium filter manufacturers

When choosing a filter, pay attention to the manufacturer. Below are the best of them.

Review of aquarium filter manufacturers

Table. Popular manufacturers of aquarium filters.

Name, photoShort description
AquaelIt produces mainly internal filtering devices of medium capacity - up to 1000 l/h. The advantages of products of this brand are high efficiency, affordable price, reliability and tightness.
JeboInexpensive filters. However, the quality often also leaves much to be desired. But the filters are easy to use and almost silent.
TetraThe manufacturer's range includes models with a capacity of 400-2400 l/h. Filters are easy to maintain, operate almost silently, have an attractive appearance, and are sometimes equipped with a thermostat. Although they are not cheap.
JBLManufacturer from Germany. The design of most models is a canister divided into sections, connected with clips to the motor. The advantages include silent operation, tightness, and easy search for spare parts.
Fluval (Hagen)This is a Canadian company, whose assortment includes models for 50-liter aquariums, and equipment designed for even 1.5 cubic meters. Almost always there are multi-stage filtration and 3 sections.
EheimAnother German manufacturer offering good filters at an average price. A large assortment allows you to choose devices for almost any aquarium.

Important ! We do not recommend buying filters from little-known Chinese brands. Not only because of the high probability of defects, but also because of poor quality assembly (in most cases). You can purchase such equipment only as a temporary replacement.

Video - Filtration and types of aquarium filters

Rating of the best aquarium filters

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best internal filters for an aquarium1JUWEL Bioflow 8.0 1000l/h11 278 ₽
2EHEIM Biopower 240 l6 590 ₽
3JBL CristalProfi i200 greenline5 196 ₽
4AQUAEL Turbo 2000 h.max 1.9 m3 645 ₽
5Dennerle Nano Clean Eckfilter1 470 ₽
The best external filters for an aquarium1Aqua Design Amano (ADA) Super Jet Filter ES-60048 520 ₽
2EHEIM 2275 professional 4+ up to 600l19 211₽
3JBL CristalProfi E9017 460 ₽
4EHEIM classic 250 (2213)6 150 ₽
5AQUAEL MIDI KANI 8005 190 ₽
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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