Aquarium filters: types of filtration, which one to choose, TOP 5 best models

You can keep your aquarium clean without frequently changing the water in it. Special devices will help here - aquarium filters. The normal existence of fish, other inhabitants and plants will depend on the correct choice of an aquarium filter, and therefore before purchasing we advise you to study the main characteristics of filtering devices, selection criteria and the best models. How to choose an aquarium filter? We will talk about this below.

Aquarium filters - how to choose, type of filtration

What are aquarium filters for?

Aquarium filters come in different varieties, from budget to very expensive models. In order not to get confused in all this variety and choose the most suitable filter for your aquarium, you should know about popular types of devices, types of filtration, etc.

There are different types of aquarium filters

On a note ! The filter removes various contaminants by passing water through a layer (or several layers) of filter material. As a result, the water becomes clean, odorless and without small particles. But much more important are the processes occurring at the microscopic level and relating to the life of beneficial bacteria , which over time populate the surface of the filter material.

When organic waste (excrement, food debris, etc.) decomposes, water inevitably becomes contaminated with hazardous substances, and beneficial bacteria are responsible for processing them into safer ones. Thus, the aquarium filter helps maintain optimal living conditions for the inhabitants of the closed aquarium ecosystem.

Aquarium filters

Types of filters according to the method of water passage through the filter material

Based on this parameter, filters are divided into two large groups:

  • by means of an electric pump;
  • using air bubbles that carry water with them and thereby draw it into the filter Internal filter.

Filters are divided into two large groups according to the method of water passage through the filter material

Electrical filters

They have many modifications. They are distinguished by high performance, a wide range of applications (there are models for all types of aquariums) and versatility (provide all types of filtration). They can be internal and external , but more on that later.

Electrical filters are divided into internal and external

Air filters

The most popular air filters are bottom and airlift. They are characterized by simplicity of design, affordable price and low energy consumption. However, such filters have modest performance and are therefore not suitable for large aquariums. Installed exclusively inside the aquarium.


There are several types of filters, differing in filtration principle and design.

InteriorIt is a submersible device that is completely located in water. They are the most popular, popular and inexpensive. Characterized by ease of maintenance.
ExternalIn this case, the water passes through several filter elements. The device is characterized by silent operation. A special, gradual method of cleaning the filter is used here, since due to the development of beneficial microflora, the biobalance created in a particular aquarium can easily be disrupted.
DonnyA very rare filter design that masquerades as the bottom.

Knowing the features of each filter, now you can easily choose which type of filter is optimal for you.

Types of filters by installation method

As we just found out, electric filters can be installed both inside and outside the aquarium. External models, in turn, are divided into mounted and canister models.

Internal filters

The most popular devices that provide effective cleaning at an affordable price. Despite the fact that the most powerful models are designed for aquariums up to 500 liters, this is quite enough for most aquarists. Such filters are compact and almost do not reduce the volume of the aquarium. In large tanks they are used for additional filtration in tandem with external devices.

Internal filter

Note ! The principle of operation is based on the fact that the built-in pump creates a stream of water that is reflected from the walls and raises suspended particles. The latter, in turn, are absorbed by the filter.

The most effective internal filters are considered to be “glasses” (closed models). Their productivity is limited (no more than 200 liters), but their efficiency is quite high. There are also filter heads, air lifts, etc., but we will talk about them below.

Airlift options

External filters

They have high productivity, so they are installed in aquariums with a volume of 150-1500 liters. As you can guess from the name, such devices are installed outside. Using a hose, water from the aquarium is supplied to the external filter and, after passing through all layers of filler, returns back through the second tube. The advantages also include reliability, a full filtration cycle, ease of operation and durability. There are only two disadvantages - high noise level and size.

External aquarium filter

How to install

Each manufacturer offers detailed instructions for installing the device.

The general scheme is as follows:

  1. We prepare rags and stands in advance in case of leakage.
  2. We assemble the filter according to the accompanying user manual. Open the valves on the lid at the end. We choose ceramics or bioballs as the first layer of filler, then we lay down sponges and padding polyester. The final layer is chemical.
  3. We estimate the length of the hoses. We secure the water intake hoses.
  4. Before starting, completely fill the filter with water by gravity.
  5. We install the water discharge hose, close it, pour water into the free end and connect it to the outlet.
  6. Open the faucet and connect the device to the power supply.

When installed correctly, water movement is noticeable. From time to time, air may accumulate in the system, causing the water supply to stop. In this case, either restarting the filter or draining the water hoses and refilling them with water will help.

When installed correctly, water movement is noticeable

Types of filtering

All aquarium filters are divided into three types based on the method of water purification.

  1. Mechanical filtration . Debris is removed from the water by passing through a porous material that traps particles of a certain size. This material must be cleaned and replaced periodically (on average, every 14 days).
  2. Biological filtration . This method involves purifying water not only from suspended impurities, but also from hazardous chemicals. Colonies of beneficial bacteria form on the surface of the device, breaking down ammonia into harmless components. One of the filler options is porous ceramics.
  3. Chemical filtration . An effective way to remove solutes. Filters are filled with activated carbon , sometimes peat. Moreover, the first removes ammonia and odor, and the second is used for fish that need soft acidic water.

Filtration type and filling
Note ! Most modern models (not the cheapest) are capable of purifying water in several ways at once. We recommend giving preference to filters that use 3 filtration methods.


Residues of food, excrement from the aquarium's inhabitants, and decomposing algae increase the amount of organic matter in the water to critical levels. Some types of fish cannot tolerate even the slightest pollution of the water space and die. Snails, which also know how to utilize bioproducts, do not fully cope with the task.

In oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, purification occurs naturally. This process has been perfected by nature over millions of years. At home, certain types of algae and frequent changes of water help create a healthy microclimate. But the surest way is to use filters to purify water. The designs of these devices are similar to natural ones and are capable of purifying water from waste products of its inhabitants.

What types of aquarium filters are there?

Below are all the existing aquarium filters. They are arranged in a hierarchy: first - the cheapest and simplest, at the end - the most expensive and effective.

Sponge airlift filter

It is a plastic perforated tube on which a cartridge with a sponge (or several cartridges) is attached. The air supplied through the lower part rises and takes water with it, thereby forming draft. Water passes through the sponge and is cleared of various debris. The device provides biological and mechanical (to a lesser extent) filtration.

Sponge airlift filter

Bottom filter

The main purpose of the bottom filter is biological water purification. Inexpensive, easy to maintain, durable and discreetly designed device. However, this is not the best option for a novice aquarist: the filter material here is aquarium soil, and therefore it is necessary to correctly select its depth and particle size. Moreover, dense roots and decorations can block the passage of water, creating “dead zones.” In these zones, siltation will occur, accompanied by bubbles of hydrogen sulfide or methane.

Bottom filter

Internal filter cups

These are one of the most popular types of filters due to their excellent price/performance ratio. They perform both mechanical and biological filtration, come in a variety of sizes, and can be installed vertically or horizontally. The optimal choice for an amateur aquarium of small (up to 100 liters) and medium (up to 200–300 liters) sizes.

Internal filter cups

Mounted models

Suitable for tanks from 20 to 300 liters, capable of performing all three types of filtration. Easy to operate, cartridges with filter materials are located outside and are easily accessible for replacement or cleaning. The return of purified water occurs as a kind of waterfall, and not as a stream, like a filter cup, due to which the internal flow in the tank is minimized, which is useful when keeping certain types of fish that come from stagnant reservoirs such as Killie fish and labyrinth .

Mounted filters

On a note ! The main disadvantage of a mounted filter is that it must always be more than 2/3 filled, otherwise the water intake tube simply will not reach the liquid or will not submerge enough (read: performance and draft will decrease).

Irrigation (irrigation) filters

The main task of such filters is biological treatment, but manufacturers often equip them with auxiliary materials for mechanical and chemical cleaning. These devices are located outside; the design has several compartments, usually filled with special bio-balls, which are constantly irrigated with incoming water and thereby create the most comfortable conditions for the development of a colony of beneficial bacteria. They are bulky and specialized, and therefore are used mainly by professional aquarists . Breeder in commercial aquariums.

Irrigation or irrigated filters

External canister filter

Provide all 3 types of filtration and excellent water circulation, almost silent. They are presented in many modifications for both small (up to 50 liters) and very large aquariums (more than 1000 liters). The performance does not depend on the water level; they also work effectively in partially filled tanks and paludariums. Additional options can be added to the design, such as oxygen saturation , ultraviolet disinfection, water heating, and so on.

External canister filter

The canister filter is capable of combining almost all the necessary equipment of an aquarium, with the exception of the lighting system. However, the price is steep - this is a rather expensive type of filter, but the most effective and efficient.

Nitrogen cycle

In order to effectively influence the living conditions of the aquarium inhabitants, it is necessary to have an understanding of the processes occurring in the aquarium and the filter.

The main water pollution occurs as a result of feeding the inhabitants of the aquarium. Moreover, it does not matter whether the food is completely eaten or its remains have fallen to the bottom. Uneaten food and metabolic products secreted by fish are the main suppliers of organic compounds participating in the cycle of biological transformations with the help of various microorganisms (nitrogen cycle).

Nitrogen cycle

The first stage of this cycle, called mineralization, consists of the utilization of complex nitrogen-containing organic compounds to simple inorganic ones. The result of the decomposition of animal waste products is ammonia NH3, which is dangerous for living organisms even at a concentration of 0.01 mg/l. Ammonia interacts with hydrogen ions H+ present in water, or with water molecules, to form ammonium ions NH4+, a less dangerous but also toxic substance.

The ratio of ammonia to ammonium depends on a number of factors. One of which is the active reaction of water (pH). At pH values ​​below 7.0 units, the ammonia content in water is negligible. So, at a pH value of 7.0, the proportion of ammonium is 99.5%, and ammonia is 0.5%. At pH values ​​greater than 7.0 units, the proportions are somewhat different. At pH = 7.5, the ammonium content is 96%, and ammonia - 4%, and at a pH value of 8.0, the proportion of ammonium will be 92%, and ammonia - 8%.

Water temperature can also affect the ratio of ammonia and ammonium, at the same pH value. At higher temperatures, the ammonia content in the water will be higher. And since most of the inhabitants of the aquarium come from warm tropical waters and, accordingly, the water temperature for keeping them lies in the range from 24 to 30 ° C, ammonia can become a significant problem.

The second stage of the nitrogen cycle is called nitrification; it is the process of biological oxidation of ammonia and ammonium ions, first to nitrites NO2, and then to nitrates NO3. These processes take place in an aerobic environment (i.e. rich in oxygen) under the influence of nitrifying bacteria present in the aquarium. The main role of the nitrification process is to convert highly toxic nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitrite) into low-toxic compounds (nitrates).

Nitrates are also harmful to aquatic organisms, but their effect is much weaker than that of ammonia and nitrites. Nitrates are the end product of the nitrification process, since they are no longer broken down, but only accumulate in the water, negatively affecting fish. You can reduce the concentration of nitrates in the aquarium by replacing some of the old water with fresh water. Aquatic vegetation plays an important role in the absorption of nitrates.

Unlike nitrates, nitrites are poisonous even in small doses. Their maximum concentration should not exceed 0.1 mg/l. Since even a short stay in such water can cause damage to some internal organs of fish.

What filter materials are used?

The sizes and shapes of the filter material can be different, and therefore attention should be paid to the substance of which it consists. The scope of its application will depend on the composition of the material. Let's take a look at the most popular options.

Table. Popular filter materials.

Name of filler, photoBrief description of the material
Calcium carbonateUsed in the form of coral sand, coral chips (crushed corals) or crushed limestone as a chemical to increase water hardness and increase or buffer the pH .
ZeoliteIt is a naturally occurring ion exchange resin that neutralizes ammonia and is used primarily as a chemical filter material. It can also act mechanically and biologically.
Activated carbonIt is used as a means of removing certain medications (especially organic dyes, such as methylene blue ) and dissolved heavy metals from water. However, it does not remove the products of the nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
Sintered glassGlass that has undergone a special treatment, resulting in it being extremely porous. This results in a very large surface area on which colonies of bacteria settle.
CeramicsMany ceramic products, especially hollow tubes, can act as filter media for coarse filtration. They act as a mechanical and biological filter medium.
PeatTypically used as a chemical medium to lower pH. May also act mechanically and biologically. Gives the water the color of tea.
Synthetic threadsNylon yarn is often considered an old-fashioned solution these days, but it is still an inexpensive and highly effective filter material that allows for mechanical and biological filtration.
GravelAquarium gravel of any type (not sand, which clogs too easily), properly rinsed before use, can be used for mechanical and biological filtration. It can also act as a chemically active filter medium.
SpongeCheap but very effective mechanical and biological filter material. Typically sold as cartridges included with certain filters. The sponge can be washed and reused many times.

Filling options

The most common fillers are sentipon and foam rubber. Their prevalence is explained by their ability to take any form and act as biological as well as mechanical filters.

Since the spores of the materials develop bacteria necessary to maintain the aquarium ecosystem, if not properly maintained, mucus can clog the system.

The first filter systems used cotton wool, layers of gravel, sand, as well as wool and “fiberglass”.

The following fillers are used at the mechanical cleaning stage:

  • Sponges of different densities and cellularity. Stops large polluting particles.
  • Filter wool. Its advantage is its low price and suitability for repeated use. Densely packed cotton wool acts as additional protection against leakage. Also, its significant advantage is the possibility of easy cleaning.

For biofiltration the following are used:

  • Plastic bioballs. They are excellent as a substrate in which bacteria develop.
  • Ceramic rings. The water flow is evenly distributed, due to which the bacteria receive the oxygen necessary for their life.
  • Baked glass. The material is available in the form of balls. When baked, pores are formed in the glass, in which bacteria develop that process nitro compounds.
  • Zeolite. Inexpensive but effective material. Its main advantage is the immediate absorption of ammonium.
  • Ceramic tubes. Beneficial bacteria multiply in the small pores of the material.

Zeolite, an inexpensive but effective material for cleaning an aquarium

Chemical cleaning takes place using fillers:

  • Activated carbon;
  • zeolites;
  • synthetic organic ion exchangers.

Experts do not agree on coal. Some people believe that using small granules is more effective. Before use, you need to evaluate its appearance: there should be many pores on the surface, shine and a light coating.

Choice of power and performance

When choosing an aquarium filter, you should consider its energy consumption . The best option is no more than 10 W. If the aquarium is large, you can purchase a model with a power of up to 16 W. Although, if you consider that the device consumes about 10 kW per month, there will be almost no difference.

Calculation of aquarium filter power

As for productivity , it will depend on the volume of the aquarium. It is important that the flow rate of water passing through the filter device is at least 3 times the volume of the tank. For example, if your aquarium is 200 liters, then the filter capacity should be at least 600 liters per hour.

Expert advice

Vasily Ignatiev


When purchasing internal filters for a home aquarium, you need to pay attention to their fillers. The best are considered to be fine- and large-pored sponges, as well as carbon absorbents.

Denis Shifrin


When choosing an internal filter for an aquarium, it is necessary to take into account the required immersion depth. The height of the water level above its highest point should not be less than 2 cm.

Purification of water in an aquarium and its aeration are an important part of aquarium management. How long the fish placed in the aquarium will live depends on the correct selection and installation of internal filters.

Aquarium filter manufacturers

When choosing a filter, pay attention to the manufacturer. Below are the best of them.

Review of aquarium filter manufacturers

Table. Popular manufacturers of aquarium filters.

Name, photoShort description
AquaelIt produces mainly internal filtering devices of medium capacity - up to 1000 l/h. The advantages of products of this brand are high efficiency, affordable price, reliability and tightness.
JeboInexpensive filters. However, the quality often also leaves much to be desired. But the filters are easy to use and almost silent.
TetraThe manufacturer's range includes models with a capacity of 400-2400 l/h. Filters are easy to maintain, operate almost silently, have an attractive appearance, and are sometimes equipped with a thermostat. Although they are not cheap.
JBLManufacturer from Germany. The design of most models is a canister divided into sections, connected with clips to the motor. The advantages include silent operation, tightness, and easy search for spare parts.
Fluval (Hagen)This is a Canadian company, whose assortment includes models for 50-liter aquariums, and equipment designed for even 1.5 cubic meters. Almost always there are multi-stage filtration and 3 sections.
EheimAnother German manufacturer offering good filters at an average price. A large assortment allows you to choose devices for almost any aquarium.

Important ! We do not recommend buying filters from little-known Chinese brands. Not only because of the high probability of defects, but also because of poor quality assembly (in most cases). You can purchase such equipment only as a temporary replacement.

Video - Filtration and types of aquarium filters


Best filter chamber capacity (six elements) Country: Germany Average price: RUB 11,500.

Fine filter designed for containers holding 200-350 liters of water. The tank's own volume is 6 liters; according to this indicator, Juwel Bioflow 6.0 comes close to external-type devices. In addition, inside the capacious chamber there are 6 types of filter elements: special dense cotton wool and 5 sponges of varying degrees of density. They perform the function of complete mechanical and fine chemical and biological purification, due to which water retains its suitability for a long period of time. If the question arises about choosing an expensive but good model of internal filter, then experienced aquarists give preference to this particular candidate. Disadvantages include the high cost of the device and the rapid wear of coarse materials.




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