Review of silent compressor models for aquariums

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best compressors for an aquarium: budget up to 2500 rubles.
1COLLAR aPUMP MaxiThe quietest and smallest compressor. Great service
2Schego OptimalBetter performance
3Eheim Air Pump 200Longest warranty
4Tetra APS 300Use of innovative technologies
5Ferplast Airfizz 200Famous brand. Flow regulation. Check valve
The best inexpensive compressors for an aquarium: budget up to 1000 rubles.
1Aquael Oxyboost 200 PlusBest design. Economical energy consumption
2Hailea ACO-9601Versatility. Silent operation 24/7
3Prime PR-4104Best price piezo compressor. Good sprayer included
4Barbus AirSturdy body. High power
5Laguna 3500APrevalence in stores. Simple design

Almost all inhabitants of the aquarium are extremely sensitive to the amount of oxygen and temperature conditions of the aquatic environment. In natural biotopes, their balance is maintained by nature itself, and in a limited space, solving the problem of organizing a certain microclimate is assigned to special equipment.

An aquarium compressor is a device that pumps air through a hose into a sprayer and thereby aerates the water of an artificial reservoir. In addition to its direct purpose, it simultaneously ensures mixing of layers of water with different temperatures and contributes to its equalization. The aesthetic effect is also important, because air bubbles significantly diversify the landscape of the aquarium.

According to aquarists in reviews on specialized forums, using the device greatly facilitates caring for the aquatic world: the water becomes clearer, the fish feel much better and live longer, and the plants do not rot. But in order for the purchase of a compressor to be successful, it is important to study the intricacies of its choice and select a unit with certain parameters:

  • the minimum required power, calculated according to the formula 0.5 l/hour for each liter of an aquarium (for example, for a tank with a volume of 200 liters you will need a compressor with a capacity of at least 100 l/hour);
  • acceptable level of noise pollution - silent operation is considered to be work with noise up to 15 dB (rustling of leaves), and relatively quiet - within 40 dB (whispering or ticking of a clock);
  • the presence of additional “goodies” such as several outlets for different channels, a power regulator or safety valves.

But even knowing the necessary technical characteristics, deciding on a purchase is not so easy. In stores selling aquarium products, buyers are usually faced with dozens of offers from German, Italian, Polish, Chinese and other manufacturers, and the price of a product with the same parameters may differ by half.

How do you know which compressor is best? Is it possible to determine in advance how quiet it works at home? What do reviews say about a specific model? We tried to give answers to all these questions in the form of a rating, which represents the 10 top devices that received maximum scores in terms of the number of positive responses and optimal performance characteristics.

How to reduce noise from an old compressor

It is worth considering that a silent aerator will begin to make extraneous sounds over time. A buzzing sound may occur. But you can deal with this:

  1. The source of noise can be vibration created by the device touching the wall of an artificial pond or decorative elements. In this case, you can use a dish sponge. By placing it between the device and the object, create additional sound insulation.
  2. An additional frame, which you can make yourself, will help reduce the noise level. The box is made of wood or hypoallergenic plastic. The inside walls need to be covered with foam rubber.
  3. If this does not help reduce the noise level, then the reason is in the membrane. It is necessary to carefully open the device and cut off the part that interferes with the proper operation of the membrane. You should see how the other parts hold up. If necessary, they need to be tightened.
  4. The aerator can be stored in a special aquarium stand. In this case, you will need a long air duct that is connected to an artificial reservoir.

The air aerator may also make loud noises if the internal parts of the device are dirty. To ensure that the device operates quietly, the tank should be cleaned regularly.


The Chinese compressor positions itself as silent, but test results show a completely different result. Even if the aerator was relatively quiet when purchased in a store, after just a couple of months the volume is 45 dB, plus there is strong heating of the body. In addition, the warranty on most models is only six months.

Chinese Resun has a low price, which is why they attract customers, especially beginners. But the controversial question is whether it is worth saving in such a matter.

What is a pump for?

A pump (pump) in an aquarium is necessary to maintain cleanliness and oxygen saturation of the water. This equipment creates a favorable atmosphere for the life of aquarium fish. Pumps create various decorative effects that attract the attention of others: streams and waterfalls.

What are the criteria for choosing a pump for an aquarium?

The use of a certain type of pump in aquariums depends on the characteristics of the container (volume), as well as on the type of fish and other aquatic inhabitants. The main criteria for choosing pumps for an aquarium: type of installation, throughput, material, power of the pump-filter, installation location, noise.


The EHEIM company (Germany) calls the aerators it produces the quietest, and indeed, they also show excellent results. The manufacturer paid special attention to the mechanism that determines the movement of air masses: the membrane is made of a special type of rubber with integrated magnets, due to which the anchor is no longer needed, and therefore less noise.

The design of the case has undergone no less modification - modern noise suppression technologies have been fully applied to it. In addition, the compressor is hung vertically, so vibration does not transfer to the table or other resonating objects.

The kit includes a diffuser with which you can easily adjust the activity and size of the bubbles. According to measurements, the device produces a noise of 18-21 dB (the range depends on the power of the aerator).


The company produces a very wide range of different aerators, quiet and not very quiet. In particular, the Fluval Q2 model, which is capable of working with tanks with a volume of 40-600 liters, is characterized by low noise. The smallest models in size and power produce approximately 35 dB of noise; the most massive - no more than 45.

The secret lies in double walls and multi-chamber. There are special partitions between the cells. This design ensures exceptionally quiet operation combined with a continuous and strong air flow.


A low-power air supply device is useless in a large water tank; too powerful will create a strong current, which will interfere with fish and plants and increase power consumption.

Pump noise

An external pump has a higher noise level than a submersible pump. Inexpensive models often make a lot of noise, creating discomfort, especially in the bedroom. To reduce noise, you can install additional equipment - a system for smoothly adjusting pump performance.

Modern models are equipped with special vibration-damping devices or additionally purchased magnetic holders. In models from leading companies with low noise levels, power adjustment is provided.

Some installation features

Installing a pump in an aquarium is a fairly simple procedure and does not require calling specialists. It is possible to install a pump in an aquarium yourself by attaching the device to its wall so that the direction of the medium flow goes along the largest wall.

Installing a pump in this way increases the level of mixing of the tank environment. If several pumps are installed, remember that it is necessary to separate the direction of the medium flow in different directions. In this way, there will be a continuous flow of liquid from both devices and mixing will be optimal.

Submersible pumps are not designed to operate in air. Lack of fluid when the pump is operating will lead to its overheating and failure. If you install an external type of pump, you must follow safety rules and place the device at a distance from sockets and switches.

Why is it needed?

Inexperienced owners are confident that the amount of oxygen released by plants is sufficient for a comfortable life for the inhabitants. Algae produce O2, but in small quantities, which is not enough for large-volume containers.

The formation of the aquatic ecosystem is negatively affected by:

  • fish excrement;
  • rotten particles of food at the bottom;
  • lack of oxygen has a bad effect on the formation of the aquatic ecosystem.

Exotic fish species are picky about their living conditions, so the lack of sufficient air can lead to illness or even death. Also, standing water is subject to the formation of a film on its surface. The air flows supplied by the compressor enrich the tank with oxygen, which is necessary for the healthy development of the inhabitants. This process is called aeration (supplying air into the aquarium). All water layers are mixed together, so the reservoir does not look like a swamp.


The Aquael company produces several product lines, among which OXYPRO and OXYBOOST are quite popular. Aquael devices have always been in demand due to their high power, but this advantage was associated with strong noise.

Innovative models use elastic noise-absorbing materials, double-walled housings and an unusual magnet design. Therefore, at the moment, Aquael compressors are a harmonious combination of power and quiet operation. For example, the OXYPRO 150 aerator shows a noise level of 35 dB and is capable of working with a depth of up to 200 cm. And if you have a shallower aquarium (most likely, this is the case), then you do not need to turn on the device at full power. Accordingly, the noise will be even lower.

Popular models of silent compressors

To choose the quietest compressor for an aquarium, you should familiarize yourself with the most popular models of the device, their pros and cons.

Tetra APS

The device is from a well-known German manufacturer. When developing the latest compressor models, engineers took into account the disadvantages of previous devices. In modern designs, the body is made of dense material with noise-insulating properties. And for the membranes, rubber with high elasticity is used.

Low noise Tetra compressors come in different capacities. A device with low power is used for aquariums designed for a volume of up to 100 liters. The noise level during operation does not exceed 26 dB. For large tanks, the Tetra APS-400 model is suitable. Designed for aquariums up to 600 liters. The noise level is 10 dB higher than the previous model. Some models of Tetra silent air aerators have one drawback - overheating during operation. However, in new compressors this factor has been eliminated.

Collar aPUMP

One of the leaders in the production of aerators is Collar. aPUMP electrical appliances are virtually silent. In the characteristics of the device, the manufacturer indicates the emitted sound level is 35 dB, but in fact it does not exceed it.

The quiet aquarium compressor Collar aPUMP is used for artificial reservoirs with a volume of up to 200 liters. The compact device in high tanks works due to powerful air flows. In low containers, up to half a meter, the noise is practically inaudible.

Schego Optimal

Schego is a German company that has been producing aerators for 60 years. The design of the device is minimalist: the body is made of transparent material, the shape is smooth. The internal structure of the device is visible through the walls of the box.

If we compare the aerator with the models presented above, it has better characteristics. The device is used for large volume containers, from 100 to 300 liters. The power is higher and the noise level is much lower. This factor is ensured thanks to the material from which the legs are made. The dimensions are small, but vibration is smoothed out well.

Quiet aquarium compressors from Schego with low power produce no more than 30 dB during operation. More powerful models show a noise level of 35-40 dB.

Common questions for beginner aquarists

Do I need to install a compressor if the internal filter already has an aeration attachment?

If you direct the air flow so that ripples are created on the water, the filter will be enough. But it is more advisable to use a compressor for two reasons. When treating fish, when it is necessary to increase aeration. Fine bubbles are often supplied through the bell, and this impairs the solubility of oxygen and increases the noise from the operation of the device.

Where is the best place to install a check valve?

It is optimal to place the valve on the hose, above the water level. So, when starting up, the aerator will need to push out water only in a small section: from the valve to the disperser tube. If you place it closer to the aerator, the water will fill the tube completely up to the section where it is installed.

Is it possible to place a compressor under an aquarium in a closed cabinet?

Yes, this arrangement will reduce the noise from the operation of the device. You can extend the device to any convenient place, the main thing is that everything is connected correctly. However, it is worth remembering that when the aerator is located below the bottom of the aquarium, a check valve should be installed on the hose. If there is a power outage, water will flow down through the hoses, which can damage equipment and lead to flooding of neighbors. Among the models, Tetra Tec with a nipple membrane has proven itself well. Among the cheap Chinese analogues there are also decent ones. When purchasing, rely on reviews.

I made a mistake in my calculations and purchased a compressor that was too powerful. Do you really need to change it?

If the device does not have a regulator, you can use a tap to shut it off. But it is better to change the model, since due to overlap, the compressor membrane wears out faster.

Is it possible to take a compressor with a power 2 times higher than that required for an aquarium?

Too much aeration with a powerful compressor will “sway” small fish and raise the turbidity from the bottom upward. Plants will not be able to develop in such conditions: strong aeration will blow out the CO2 they need. Therefore, purchase compressors of appropriate power.

A compressor is a device necessary to maintain biobalance in the herbalist. It ensures continuous enrichment of water with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the development of plants and the condition of the aquarium fauna. To obtain maximum benefit, the device must be selected based on power, taking into account the parameters of the aquarium.

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