Tetra Bactozym 10 capsules - filter bioactivation agent

If algae appears in your aquarium, be sure to eliminate it. These harmful plants can harm aquatic flora and fauna. The aquarium where they appeared becomes unsightly, the water in it becomes cloudy and acquires a greenish tint. Anything that is immersed in water, including glass, develops a characteristic coating.

Algumin Plus is a good remedy in the fight against water parasites - the instructions for use of the drug provide complete information about it.

Description of the drug

Algumin Plus is effective against most aquatic plant parasites.
Suitable for all freshwater aquariums. Thanks to its liquid formula, it is evenly distributed throughout the aquarium.

The manufacturer of the product is the German company Tetra, which has long been a leader in the aquarium industry. There are also Tetra tablets for black beard.

The active substance in the drug - monolinuron - gives quick results. In 100 ml of liquid it is present in the amount of 0.245 g.

Algumin Plus is available in bottles of various sizes - 100, 250, 500 ml.

Before using liquid in an aquarium, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not expose the bottle to sunlight.
  • Cancel activated carbon filtration.
  • Turn off the UV sterilizer.
  • Carry out aeration.
  • Remove dead algae by hand.

Tetra Algo Stop depot anti-algae drug 12 tabs

Description Tetra AlgoStop depot is a slow-dissolving tablet for long-term algae control. Effectively kills a variety of algae in freshwater aquariums, including blackbeard and blue-green algae, and prevents their further growth. Contains a highly active, long-lasting anti-algae agent. For all freshwater aquariums. Algae is not only a nuisance in the aquarium, but can also affect the growth of aquarium plants and have a lasting negative effect on the biological balance in the aquarium.

Instructions for use Tetra AlgoStop depot

  • Continuously fights all types of algae
  • Long-term action prevents the growth of new algae
  • Controls and prevents green, brown and red algae
  • Effectively kills blackbeard and blue-green algae and prevents their further growth
  • Highly concentrated, long-acting active ingredient released slowly and evenly
  • After 4 weeks the active substance is released completely
  • For long-term prevention of algae growth, replace tablets every 4 weeks
  • The tablets retain their shape and do not dissolve in water.
  • Suitable for all aquarium inhabitants, plants and microorganisms, provided that the instructions are strictly followed
  • For all freshwater aquariums

Volume: 12 tablets per 480 liters of aquarium water.

Active ingredient per 100 g: monolinuron 2.27 g.

Dosage for prevention: 1 tablet per 40 liters of aquarium water every 4 weeks

Dosage for control: 1 tablet per 20 liters of aquarium water. If necessary, repeat application after 4 weeks

Application: Place the tablets directly into the aquarium in a place with intensive water circulation for optimal distribution of the active substance.

Note: Activated carbon filtration will reduce the effectiveness of the product. All UV purifiers must be turned off while using the product. When applying anti-algae agents, aeration is necessary to ensure sufficient oxygen supply. It is advisable to manually remove dead algae using a net or during a water change, as it adversely affects water quality.

Note from the knowledgeable Tetra :

  • a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug was noted at elevated aquarium water temperatures
  • The main active ingredient monolinurol is a selective herbicide. With the correct dosage, it does not cause harm to plants; growth may be stopped. Plants such as bladderwort and duckweed are destroyed along with algae
  • Tetra Algostop Depot contains no phosphates

What algae is effective against?

Algaecide Algumin Plus effectively fights many types of algae. After its application, such vegetation stops developing and gradually disappears. But first you need to remove dead algae with your hands.

Below is a table of common water growths that Algumin Plus can cope with.

Efficiency table

Blue-green algae (phylum Cyanobacteria) - cyanobacteria Anabaena, Aphanizomenon and MicrocystisThey are a plaque of a characteristic color with an unpleasant odor. Not so common in the aquarium, but among the most dangerous. They are formed due to stagnation of water and the presence of a large amount of nutrients. They release a dangerous toxin that is harmful to living organisms in the aquarium.
Green filamentous algae (edogonium, rhizoclonium, spirogyra, cladophora) - so-called. "filaments", (division Chlorophyta) They are represented by bright green threads, short fleecy or cobweb-like algae. They appear in water where ammonium is present and the nitrogen cycle has not been established. If the owner of the aquarium does not attach importance to the use of fertilizers.
Red algae (division Rhodophyta) - purple algae, VietnameseWhen they appear in an aquarium and on aquatic plants, not only their appearance suffers, but red algae also have a detrimental effect on the flora of the environment.
Diatoms (from 20 to 200 thousand species)They are represented by microscopic organisms covered with a shell. Capable of uniting into colonies. They secrete mucus. They attach to aquatic plants and form speckled brown, dark green or yellowish growths on them, which gradually merge into single large spots.

Depending on the type of parasites, measures of influence are chosen. Despite the fact that Tetra Algumin Plus effectively fights them, it is used in advanced cases if other measures have not produced results. Not recommended for use in aquariums with shrimp.

Tetra Bactozym 10 capsules - filter bioactivation agent

  • causes enzymatic decomposition of organic contaminants
  • improves water quality and ensures water clarity and purity
  • stimulates and promotes the decomposition of ammonia and nitrites with the help of special nitrifying bacteria
  • when using this drug during the installation of a new aquarium, it allows you to introduce fish into the aquarium within 24 hours
  • Changing the water in the aquarium and cleaning the filter can be done without reducing the activity of biological bacteria
  • revitalizes microorganisms weakened or damaged by medications
  • Suitable for both freshwater and marine aquariums

Until now, you had to wait at least 3 - 4 weeks to introduce the first fish into a newly installed aquarium.
During this time, microorganisms developed in sufficient numbers to perform the biological filtration process. And only when the aquarium is thus brought into a state of biological activity, not only organic emissions, but also harmful nitrate compounds can be destroyed by bacteria. And even if the aquarium has been in operation for a certain time, under certain conditions the number of bacteria can be reduced, in particular, with partial water changes, during cleaning or replacement of the filter or its parts, or during medicinal treatment of the fish. Tetra Bactozym solves these problems in two ways: The product stimulates the decomposition of organic compounds such as uneaten food, fish waste, dead plants, etc., by using enzymes naturally produced by bacteria. The drug contributes to less water pollution, improves water quality and, as a result, crystal clear water. The drug supports and accelerates the decomposition of ammonium and nitrites by activating nitrifying bacteria. It contains natural organic materials (called colloids). Produced by aquatic plants. These colloids activate the filter material and other accessible surfaces on which bacteria can settle, thus stimulating the formation of the all-important biological films in which bacteria grow. The drug creates an ideal environment for the development of bacterial cultures, significantly accelerating their growth and reproduction. Where Tetra Aqua Safe chemically neutralizes tap water from chlorine and heavy metals, Tetra Bactozym begins the immediate biological activity of the water. And you can rest easy, confident that your fish and plants are living in the best conditions from the very beginning. The time you have to wait until the first fish is added to the aquarium is now reduced to a minimum. 24 hours after installing the aquarium, you can plant several fish in it. But at this time it is very important not to overfeed the fish in order to reduce the load on the biological filter to a minimum. The basic rule of feeding is to use high quality dry food and feed it in doses no more than what the fish can consume in 2 to 3 minutes. Partial water changes or filter replacements can be performed without significant loss of biological activity. The weakening of filter bacteria can be restored by using Tetra Bactozym. Use of the drug for freshwater aquariums:

SituationHow to useDoseHow to use
Installing a new aquarium the drug is used on the 1st day

and on the 7th day

2 capsules per 100 l. water

same dose as on day 1

One capsule in the filter and one in the water

Same as the first day

Partial water changeAfter changing the water1 capsule per 100 l. tap water Put in water
Cleaning/replacing the filterAfter cleaning/replacing the filter1 capsule per 100 l. aquarium water Put in filter
After treating the fishAfter the last use of medication2 capsules per 100 liters of aquarium water1 capsule in water and one in filter

For marine aquariums, use 1 capsule per 100 liters of water in all cases. For aquariums with a volume of less than 100 l or if less than 100 l are being replaced. water, the dose of 1 capsule is retained. An overdose of the drug is absolutely harmless. Dosage example: New installation of 200 l aquarium. On the first day, add two capsules to the filter and 2 capsules to the water. Repeat the operation in a week. When replacing 30% of water (i.e. 60 liters), place one capsule in the water. For periods between partial water changes that exceed 4 weeks, the normal dose (i.e. 1 capsule) should be added to the aquarium water. It is recommended to dissolve the gelatin capsule and put its contents into water or a filter accordingly. Placing a whole capsule in water will not affect the effect of the drug. In this case, there is a slow dissolution of the drug and, accordingly, a slower dissolution of the drug. When using the drug in biological filters, it is recommended to pour the contents of the capsule directly into the chamber of the internal or external filter. For sponge filters, it is recommended to place the sponge and product in a cup of water for about one hour until the sponge has absorbed most of the water. When using Tetra biobags, simply place one capsule in the bag or in front of the filter outlet. It is recommended to carry out aeration overnight. Depending on the filtration system used, slight cloudiness of the water may occur when using the product. This is an additional signal of the effect of bacteria activation by the drug.

Additional Information

It is known that some algae make an aquarium unattractive, suppress the growth of aquatic plants, and negatively affect the biological state of the entire aquatic environment.
And if you don’t start fighting them, the situation will only get worse. If you start using Algumin Plus for preventive purposes, you can reduce the likelihood of parasitic plants growing in the aquarium. At the same time, the rest of the flora and fauna of the aquarium will remain safe.

The manufacturer is constantly improving its products. So, since 2015, the composition of the drug has changed: now Algumin Plus does not contain humic acid (peat extract), and the percentage of monolinuron in it has been increased. This enabled the drug to effectively fight against all types of algae. Aquarists often call this product a liquid alternative to Algizit.

It should be taken into account that due to the content of humic acids, the drug gives the “black water” effect.

Preventing the growth of excess vegetation

To prevent harmful growths from appearing, you need to know about preventive measures. The main ones are:

  1. Selecting the right location for the aquarium. If direct sunlight hits the water, algae growth is possible.
  2. Constant water replacement.
  3. Creating the right growing conditions for plants in the aquarium.

Now we can dwell on the important points in more detail.

Water composition

To stop negative growth, you need to know the composition of the water. The growth of such pests is primarily influenced by sunlight penetration and excess nutrients. To prevent algae from continuing to actively develop, it is necessary to reduce the supply of microelements such as phosphates and nitrates.

Temperature is also important: if the water is warm, algae will begin to multiply. The presence of excess nutrients in the liquid also promotes the growth of parasitic plants. We need to reduce them. Well, the increased rate of decomposition of ammonia NO2, NO3 also contributes to the appearance of harmful vegetation in the aquarium.

Water changes should be regular. But this is not a panacea for the complete destruction of parasitic algae.

Algae-eating animals

There are some algae-eating animals that can help improve the situation. These are daphnia. First, all living creatures are removed from the aquarium and algae eaters are introduced, which in a short time cleanse its contents of parasitic plants.

Fish that feed on algae include:

Siamese algae eater


They may not completely get rid of the problem, but they will take on most of the work. Buy viviparous fish for your aquarium, which, like shrimp, will eat algae, thereby helping the plants to cleanse themselves.

And one last thing. Use chemicals in extreme cases when other control methods have proven ineffective. AlguMin Plus is a reliable and effective tool, but you should not rely on it completely.

It is necessary to systematically care for the aquarium: change the water in a timely manner, test its composition, carry out mechanical cleaning, adjust the aeration and filtration of the container with liquid.

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