Tetra AquaSafe: an effective means for preparing aquarium water

Everyone knows that tap water cannot boast of high quality, and this does not depend on the city. Almost everywhere, water contains many harmful substances, for example, zinc, copper, chlorine and others. This habitat is absolutely not suitable for aquarium inhabitants, so before adding water, be sure to filter. But sometimes even careful filtering and settling do not help eliminate all harmful substances. In such cases, you can use conditioner Tetra Aquasafe, which is able to provide an optimal habitat for aquarium fish.

Tetra AquaSafe

Description of the drug

The German drug for purifying aquarium water is produced by the well-known company Tetra. This is a huge corporation with branches in many countries around the world. By the way, the company produces not only water conditioners, but also many other pet products, and all products are of high quality. Many aquarists have appreciated the company's products.

Tetra AquaSafe

Now let's talk more about the air conditioner. Tetra Aquasafe is a bluish liquid, which is available in containers of different volumes (from 50 ml to 5 liters). This makes the product very convenient for buyers, since they themselves can choose the container that will suit their aquarium.

Tetra Aquasafe contains exclusively natural microelements and biopolymer substances, which makes this conditioner absolutely safe for aquarium inhabitants. The drug also contains colloidal silver, vitamin B1 and magnesium. Aquasafe is perfect not only for marine, but also for freshwater aquariums.

Review of some Tetra preparations and conditioners

Effect of the drug

When using the Tetra Bactozyme conditioner, the first batch of fish can be introduced into a new aquarium within 24 hours. The drug also helps to avoid reducing bacterial activity. Similar changes in activity often occur after replacing the filter element.

When using the Tetra Bactozyme conditioner, the first batch of fish can be introduced into a new aquarium within 24 hours

Now more about how Tetra Bactozyme works:

  • water pollution is reduced due to carefully selected enzymes in the preparation;
  • biological activity increases, due to which the preparatory process when introducing fish into a new aquarium is significantly simplified;
  • an optimal habitat is created for bacteria that participate in the processes of decomposition of waste products;
  • the process of colonization of the aquarium with nitrifying bacteria is accelerated;
  • Organic contaminants in the aquarium are broken down.

the regeneration occurs , the activity and number of which could be suppressed as a result of the use of certain medications.

Tetra AquaSafe Tetra NitrateMinus Tetra Vital Sidex


Using regular tap water, the conditioner creates optimal conditions for aquarium plants and fish. It is also responsible for some functions:

  • neutralization of all harmful substances contained in water;
  • enrichment of the chemical composition of water due to components beneficial to fish;
  • an increase in the number of saprophytic bacteria in water, which contribute to its purification;
  • protecting fish from external factors (the condition of their fins and gills improves);
  • preventing the development of various diseases;
  • creating optimal conditions for the reproduction of aquarium fish;
  • acceleration of plant growth in the aquarium due to the presence of useful substances in the conditioner.

What is Tetra Aquasafe used for?

Note! Tetra Aquasafe restores the health of fish after suffering from various diseases or after taking various medications.

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Why do you need Tetra Bactozyme?

Previously, before introducing the first fish into the aquarium , it was necessary to wait at least 3 weeks. This is the optimal period for colonizing the walls of the aquarium with microorganisms. They must also populate the filter in the required quantity. Sometimes aquarists waited 4 weeks before launching. Only after the biological activation of the aquarium will bacteria break down all compounds harmful to organisms. Such bacteria can provide a healthy aquarium environment and high water quality.

Tetra Bactozyme solves all these problems in several ways

Also, under the influence of certain factors, the composition of bacteria may be disrupted or reduced. As a rule, such changes occur after using medications for fish. Another violation of the composition is possible after a partial water change. The drug "Tetra Bactozyme" eliminates all these problems in several ways. First of all, it accelerates the process of breakdown of organic residues, including small particles of feed.

Note! Tetra Bactozyme conditioner helps reduce the load on water, while increasing its quality.

How Tetra Bactozyme works
Tetra Bactozyme activates special nitrifying bacteria that participate in the decomposition of nitrite. The conditioner contains colloids (natural organic materials) that activate the filter material in the aquarium. This allows you to create an optimal living environment, which stimulates the growth of active bacteria that perform cleansing functions.


The principle of operation of the composition is to bind heavy metals and at the same time suppress the activity of chlorine. Thanks to this, ideal, almost identical to natural conditions, conditions for the habitat of aquarium fish are created. Tetra Aquasafe contains special components that help reduce the effects of stress.

The effect of the drug is to bind heavy metals and at the same time suppress the activity of chlorine

On a note! The conditioner can be used in conjunction with other preparations containing vitamins and iodine.

Signs of diseases

Among all the signs for which Tetra General Tonic is prescribed, it is worth highlighting the most common:

  • breathing problems;
  • blurred vision;
  • fins sticking together;
  • change in the color of the mucous membranes (they become white or gray);
  • fin damage.

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Also, the drug should be used when wounds appear on the body of aquarium fish, or when there is inflammation or redness of the skin.

Instructions for the drug "Tetra General Tonic"

Features of application

To obtain the maximum effect, Tetra Aquasafe must be used correctly. Here are some simple but useful recommendations:

  • It is imperative to use air conditioning in a new aquarium;
  • Tetra Aquasafe is effective with partial or complete water changes;
  • Use when transporting fish or after taking medications.

How to use Tetra Aquasafe
It is necessary to add conditioner in the following proportions: 10 ml of the drug for every 20 liters of water . If it is used when starting a new aquarium, then starting the fish immediately after adding the conditioner is not recommended. You need to wait a while for Tetra Aquasafe to take effect.

Important! To enhance the effect, the conditioner is used together with another product from Tetra. This is a means for normalizing the chemical reaction of water Tetra EasyBalance.

Instructions for using the air conditioner

Indications for use of the drug

Tetra General Tonic is usually prescribed when diagnosing the following diseases:

  • infestation with gill parasites ;
  • leukoplakia (clouding of the mucous membrane);
  • ectoparasitic pathologies;
  • bacterial infection of the mouth and fins ;
  • various bacterial infections.

Indications for use of the drug

Note! Tetra General Tonic is also actively used to treat various abrasions and wounds. The drug is also effective against fungal infections.

Benefits of air conditioning

Tetra AquaSafe has a number of advantages over other air conditioners. Let's consider the main ones:

  • saturation of ordinary tap water with useful compounds;
  • protection of aquarium inhabitants from various diseases;
  • high-quality water purification;
  • ease of use of the conditioner - just add a little product to the water;
  • lack of a container for settling water, which is especially important for people with large aquariums.
  • high cost of the drug. This disadvantage is especially noticeable for people who own several aquariums, since the air conditioner consumption is high. Therefore, it will be cheaper for them to buy a Tetra Aquasafe air conditioner in a large container, because it is much more profitable.

Tetra products

Tips for use

There are several simple recommendations that, if followed, will increase the effectiveness of the drug used. First of all, it is not recommended to introduce fish into the aquarium immediately after adding the conditioner. It is necessary to wait some time for all harmful substances in the water to be neutralized. Only after this can the aquarium inhabitants be released.

Preparations for disinfection and preparation of aquarium water

In parallel with Tetra Aquasafe, you can use other specialized water additives. For example, to accelerate growth , aquarium plants are planted in special soil , which has been previously flavored. But such actions will release harmful substances into the water, which also need to be neutralized.

There is no danger in using air conditioner, but you still need to follow the dosage when using it. Correct addition of the drug greatly simplifies the work for aquarium owners, and it also preserves the habitat of aquarium fish and, most importantly, their health.

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