Tetra Contralck for the treatment of skin diseases in fish

by fisher December 5, 2015 0 Comments



Healthy aquatic plants not only serve an aesthetic purpose, but also improve the biological balance of the aquarium. Liquid fertilizers for plants will ensure their healthy growth and also make them even stronger and more attractive.

Signs of diseases

Among the symptoms in fish for which Tetra Contralck is prescribed, it is worth highlighting the most common:

  • rapid breathing;
  • deterioration of appetite or complete loss of it;
  • increased aggressiveness;
  • fin clumping ;
  • itching of the skin (the sick fish begins to rub against various objects);
  • darkening of the mucous membranes;
  • severe bloating;
  • the appearance of white spots on the surface of the fins or throughout the body.

Symptoms of some aquarium fish diseases

Important ! All these signs can manifest themselves in various diseases, so before using medications it is necessary to determine an accurate diagnosis.

Tetra Contralck Plus

Advantages of the drug

It is not for nothing that Tetra Contralck is very popular among aquarists , because this drug has a number of advantages:

  • no harm to aquarium plants;
  • ease of use due to the new formula;
  • high effectiveness of the drug;
  • an active combination of components to combat various types of skin diseases;
  • has no side effects.

Fish diseases and Tetra drugs for their treatment
Note! The drug successfully fights almost all fish parasites and also disinfects the aquarium .

Tetra PlantaPro Micro

  • Serves for healthy and intensive plant growth
  • Stimulates the growth of beautiful green leaves
  • Prevents deficiencies of vital substances
  • Providing intensive plant growth, it is an ideal preventative against algae growth.
  • Easily absorbed through leaves
  • Does not pollute water because it does not contain phosphates and nitrates
  • Designed for freshwater aquariums only

Tetra PlantaPro Micro contains special fast-acting microelements and vitamins in a form that is easily accessible to plants.

Directions for use: Add 2.5 ml per 20 liters of aquarium water once a week.

Packaging form: 250 ml

Features of application

You need to start a therapeutic course immediately after identifying the disease in fish. If they have been diagnosed with ichthyophthyriosis , then treatment must be carried out directly in the aquarium with fish in order to protect other inhabitants from pathogens. If after several days of treatment no positive changes are observed in the condition of the sick fish, then the water in the tank must be filtered and the course of treatment repeated.

Ichthyophthiriasis in aquarium fish

If even several treatment cycles do not help to improve the condition of the sick fish, then consultation with a specialist is required. If necessary, Tetra Contralck can be combined with other Tetra products. This will enhance the effect of the active substance of the drug and increase the effectiveness of treatment. During this period, you need to monitor the fish especially carefully, noticing the slightest changes in their condition or behavior.

Tetra AquaSafe Tetra NitrateMinus Tetra Vital Sidex

Video – Fighting semolina with Tetra Contralck

Tetra Planta Pro Macro

  • Fertilizer prevents macronutrient deficiencies
  • Balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content for the formation of beautiful vegetation
  • Ideal for Dutch aquariums (aquascaping) or aquariums with small fish populations
  • Keeps plants in excellent condition

Tetra PlantaPro Macro enriches an aquarium with live plants with important macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Before use, it is recommended to first measure the level of phosphates and nitrates

Packaging form: 250 ml

Additional Information

The drug is intended exclusively for ornamental fish, therefore it is not recommended to use it for treating food species. Tetra Contralck may cause redness if it comes into contact with exposed skin, so contact with the skin should be avoided.

Take precautions when using Tetra Contralck

If there are invertebrate hydrobionts , then this medicine cannot be used. In some cases, the drug may stain objects, but there is nothing dangerous about this.

See also : TOP 12 best aquarium plants. In addition, you will probably be interested in the article about hydrogen peroxide in an aquarium.

Tetra PlantaMin - Tetra PlantaMin: instructions, reviews, review

Thanks to a special long-acting formula, the nutrients contained in Tetra PlantaMin fertilizer are available to plants for 4 weeks.

— Strengthens plants, ensuring a long-lasting and efficient supply of nutrients.

— Prevents persistent yellowing and glassiness of leaves.

— Juicy green leaves due to stimulation of chlorophyll formation.

— Prevents iron and potassium deficiency.

— Intensive plant growth is an ideal prevention of algae growth.

— For the absorption of nutrients through the leaves.

— Does not pollute water because it does not contain phosphates and nitrates.

— For freshwater aquariums.

— For rich red and green leaf color.

Instructions for use Tetra PlantaMin

Add 5 ml per 20 liters of aquarium water monthly.

Packaging form100 ml / 250 ml / 500 ml / 5 L

Official clarifications from Tetra :

Tetra PlantaMin fertilizer does not cause algae outbreaks as it contains no nitrates or phosphates.

As for daily use, this does not make much sense, since iron applied even once a month remains available throughout this time (or rather, until it is consumed by the plants). Of course, it is also possible for organisms to use this iron “inappropriately,” but in any case, it makes sense to apply it daily only with very rapid plant growth, when in 1 day the iron concentration decreases by 50-100% relative to the concentration after applying the fertilizer.

You can control the iron content in water using Tetra Fe-Test - an iron test. The recommended iron concentration is 0.5-1.0 mg/l.

For most cases (that is, to solve the most common problems due to lack of microelements), the composition of Tetra PlantaMin is optimal. Naturally, if your goal is to achieve the fastest possible growth, you use CO2, install metal halide lamps, and the planting density is such that there is not a single place in the aquarium where the back mesh is visible - perhaps the scheme for applying fertilizer (or fertilizers) may be different than what is described on the label. It is very likely that phosphorus and nitrogen will be needed. But in the vast majority of cases this is not the case, and the proposed scheme is optimal. Fortunately, modern means of communication (the Internet) allow anyone to get acquainted with other people's experiences and draw their own conclusions. In the aquarium that we have in one of our offices, Tetra PlantaMin is very effective in solving chlorosis problems in Echinodorus leaves when they arise (although Echinodorus is not its main target audience).”

Conclusions: Discussions about the effectiveness of this or that fertilizer are already really exhausting. First of all, ask yourself a question - why am I using this fertilizer, what do I want to get in the end, what kind of aquarium do I have, is there biological balance in it, is there enough lighting for my plants... and everything will fall into place.

Tetra PlantaMin fertilizer is a good fertilizer, but it must be used wisely. There is no need to complain that after applying fertilizer your threads are “swamped”. A question for you: how do you look after your aquarium, have you calculated the dosage correctly!

Personally, I apply Tetra Planta Min 2-3 times a week, I have dense, lush herbs and have never had an algae problem.

It is also worth noting that algae spores are always present in the aquarium and there is no need to fight them; they need to be suppressed. And the best way is to set up a sustainable biobalance!

We invite you to visit the official Tetra website - https://www.tetra.net/ru/ru/, where you can find out additional information, as well as get expert advice through the feedback forum.

In 2015, the German Union of Science highly appreciated Tetra's work in scientific research and advanced development and awarded it with an award in the category “Innovation through Research.”

Video about Tetra PlantaMin

See also: Nitrates and nitrites in an aquarium CLURNY AQUARIUM PREPARATIONS AND CONDITIONERS TETRA MEDICINES AND CONDITIONERS SERA MEDICINES ZOOMIR Iodinol for an aquarium A necessary set of aquarium preparations for a beginner

Tetra section on the FanFishka forum

Category: InfoCenter / Tetra drugs | 663 | Date: 08/07/2015, 11:57 | Comments (1)

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