Selection criteria and rules for installing a filter for the red-eared turtle

Every owner of a red-eared turtle should know the rules for choosing a filter for an aquarium. After all, aquatic animals heavily pollute the microflora of their habitat with waste products, and also feed on food, which quickly deteriorates and pollutes the water. Nowadays, special devices come to the aid of aquatic animal lovers that saturate the water with oxygen and automatically purify it. In this article, we will take a closer look at filters for red-eared turtles and how to choose them correctly.

DIY shelf

One of the simplest sushi options is a shelf that is glued to the walls. To do this, you will need a suitable size piece of thick food-grade plastic, wood, tile or 6 mm glass.

Glass cutting is performed with a special oil glass cutter; you can also purchase a piece of the required size in a workshop. To make a hanging nest for a red-eared turtle with your own hands, you will need silicone glue-sealant. To do the job, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The edges of the shelf should be trimmed evenly and sanded with sandpaper - it is better to grout the glass under a stream of water to avoid inhaling small particles.
  2. The water is drained from the aquarium, the walls are thoroughly washed to remove plaque, and the place where the shelf is attached is degreased.
  3. The aquaterrarium is placed on its side, the edges of the shelf are covered with sealant.
  4. The shelf is applied to the walls and pressed tightly for several minutes so that the glue sets.
  5. The part is fixed with masking tape and left to dry completely for a day.
  6. For a heavy tiled shelf, it is better to immediately glue in a support - a vertical piece of plastic or tile that will rest on the bottom.

To make it convenient for your pet to go onto land, the shelf is attached at a slight angle, or a plastic or glass ladder is glued. Its lower edge is not lowered to the bottom - this way the reptile will have enough space to swim. The surface of the descent and the land itself must be lubricated with sealant and sprinkled with clean sand. You can glue pebbles onto land; small glass beads will also work. Shelves with artificial grass made of plastic look beautiful; a soft green rubber mat will be an analogue. These methods will help make the surface of the shelf textured and the turtle will not have difficulties moving on land.

External filters

The disadvantage of internal structures is their low power - they can only be used for containers with a volume of up to 100 liters, where growing turtles are usually kept. For adult pets, it is better to install an external filter with a powerful pump. Such a device is located next to the aquarium or attached to its outer wall, and two tubes are lowered under the water to circulate water.

There are many advantages to this design:

  • there is more free space for swimming in the aquarium;
  • the pet will not be able to damage the equipment or get injured with its help;
  • the large size of the structure allows you to install a motor and arrange several compartments with absorbent material for multi-stage cleaning;
  • high pump pressure creates a flow effect in the terrarium, preventing water from stagnating;
  • This type of water filter is easier to clean and does not require rinsing the whole thing.

Due to their high power, external devices are the most suitable as a filter for an aquaterrarium with a red-eared turtle. Such equipment copes well with contamination and is designed for containers with a volume of 150 liters to 300-500 liters, which usually contain adult individuals.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is better to buy a filter for an aquarium with a turtle, designed for a larger volume. So for a capacity of 100-120 liters, it is recommended to install a filter of 200-300 liters. This is explained by the fact that the water level in a terrarium is usually much lower than in an aquarium with fish, and the concentration of waste and pollution is tens of times greater. If you install a less powerful device, it will not cope with cleaning.

Requirements for a turtle filter

Despite its unimpressive size, the red-eared turtle needs a spacious terrarium with a large pond. For comfortable maintenance, a container with a volume of 120 liters is required. The cleaning device is used for a volume twice the actual size of the aquarium, since turtles are voracious and often defecate. Water purification devices that are designed for the exact size of the aquarium will not cope with such a load.

The filter should purify the water from particles of excrement and food. Therefore, a powerful device with biological cleaning is best suited for this purpose. Ideally, this is a combined option that provides all possible types of cleaning. In addition, the filter apparatus must not only constantly clean the reservoir, but also enrich it with oxygen.

Description of the species

Ornate turtles (Chrysemys) are divided into eight species. Their representatives live in various bodies of water in South and North America. The most famous of them is the beautiful and slender red-eared turtle.

Its shell reaches 28 cm in length. The pattern on it and coloring are individual for each individual. A characteristic feature of this species is two orange, red or yellow spots that are located on the sides of the head.

These turtles prefer shallow, swampy waters. In their homeland, they are more often called “red-eared sliders” for their special manner of running away from danger at very high speed, sliding their belly along the surface of the soil in order to quickly dive into the water.

Homemade device

To create suitable living conditions for a turtle, it is not necessary to purchase a fairly expensive external filter - you can assemble it yourself.

To do this you need the following list of materials:

  • pieces of plastic pipes, connecting sleeves and plugs;
  • connecting insulating material (silicone or other sealant);
  • faucets, fittings;
  • a hose made of thin rubber or flexible plastic.

For a homemade filter to work, you will need an electric pump. You can take a pump from an old filter or purchase a new one from the parts department. You will also need to prepare a filler for the filter - foam sponges, activated carbon, peat. Ceramic tubes are used to distribute water flow evenly. You can purchase ready-made filler at a pet store.

After preparing the materials, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  1. A piece 20 cm long is cut from the pipe - a hacksaw or a construction knife is used for the work.
  2. Holes are made in the surface of the plugs for outlet hoses and taps. All parts are attached to fittings with rubber gaskets.
  3. After installing the fittings, all joints are coated with sealant.
  4. A plastic mesh cut in a circle is installed inside the bottom cover-plug.
  5. The pump is attached to the inner surface of the top plug. To do this, a hole is drilled in the lid for air exhaust, as well as a hole for the electrical wire.
  6. The bottom plug is hermetically screwed onto a section of pipe; rubber seals are used.
  7. The container is filled in layers - a sponge for primary filtration, then ceramic tubes or rings, a thinner sponge (sintepon will do), peat or coal, then another layer of sponge.
  8. The top cover with pump is installed.
  9. Water supply and intake hoses are screwed to the fittings, onto which faucets are pre-installed; All joints are coated with sealant.

You will have to clean such a homemade filter once every few months - to do this, the canister is opened and the entire filler is washed under cold water. To turn the device into a biofilter, the peat layer must be replaced either with a special substrate or with porous expanded clay. Bacteria will begin to multiply within 2-4 weeks of operation; when cleaning, it is better not to rinse the substrate layer so that the bacteria do not die. For the biofilter to work, aeration must be installed in the aquarium.

How to attach an external filter device

An external filter for an aquarium for red-eared turtles is installed as follows:

  1. The ends of the hoses for releasing water and taking it in are lowered to opposite sides of the aquarium.
  2. The device is filled with water for the aquarium: to do this, water intake tubes are connected to the threads on the filter cover, then the tap is opened and water is poured.
  3. An outlet hose is attached to the device, and water is poured through the free end, after which it is attached to a plastic outlet in the aquarium.
  4. After these manipulations, both taps on the filter are opened at once, then the device can be plugged in (the water will begin to mix).

It should be noted that any red-eared slider filter must be cleaned once every 1-2 months, as these amphibians leave an abundance of waste in their habitat. Never use chemical detergents to clean the aquarium itself.

Breeding food items for turtles

Breeding worms for turtles (vermiculture)

Keeping and breeding earthworms at home is a very relevant topic for the long, cold winters that prevail over most of the territory of the Russian Federation. An ordinary earthworm, unlike its “cultivated” counterparts, categorically does not want to reproduce at home - it does not like crowding, overcrowding, changes in food and soil, and is also prone to escape.

Vermiculture is the breeding of earthworms on special farms. The first farms were created in the late 40s. in USA. Currently, there are over 700 industrial farms operating in this country. There are such farms in Great Britain, Holland, Germany and other Western European countries. There are about 50 vermi farms in the Russian Federation. When feeding organic waste to worms, a double benefit is achieved: the so-called vermicompost is obtained (a substrate processed by worms, a valuable fertilizer) and worm biomass, which is used for fattening poultry and breeding fish. Vermiculture is extremely labor-intensive; vermicompost is very expensive and is more often used in individual gardens.

Preparation of live food for feeding and freezing

Preparing purchased earthworms for feeding

Earthworms from fishing stores are grown on waste and feces. The worm feeds in such a way that when making a hole, it seems to pass through itself the substrate on which it is grown. Thus, by feeding such worms, we allow various substances that are not very useful for our turtles to get into the food. When we dig worms from the soil, there is soil inside them, there is nothing harmful. If it is not possible to dig up worms in nature, or to grow them ourselves, on the ground , then it is necessary to cleanse them of the contents of their digestive system. Before feeding, simply soak them in water, when all the contents come out, feed them.


Aquarium internals typically consist of a plastic container with side holes through which water flows. Cartridges with filter media, most often a sponge, are installed inside. Over time, beneficial bacteria grow in it, and the filler begins to work as a biological filter. At the top of the device there is a pump with a diffuser. She pumps water and saturates it with oxygen.

Such filters for red-eared turtles can be installed in any position, both horizontally and vertically. This allows them to be placed in shallow aquariums. When purchasing an internal device, you should take into account that you need to install the filter in a separate compartment, since aquatic turtles can easily gnaw through the tubes.

Many aquarium owners complain about the low performance of internal filter devices. This often causes them to become clogged quickly. Internal filters for red-eared turtles are usually placed in small aquariums with a volume of 50–100 liters, which are intended for small animals.

Turtle hay holder

Lately there has been a lot of talk about soils, about the need for soil that turtles won’t eat. But in fact, turtles rarely eat soil on purpose. Most often this happens when soil is mixed with food. Now many feeders are positioned in such a way that mixing is almost impossible. But very often there is a bundle of hay in a cold corner, which the turtle uses not only to sleep, but also eats it. This has its downsides. Firstly, the turtle, feeding on hay, rarely enters the basking zone. Secondly, the hay is mixed with the soil and again there is a possibility of soil entering the turtle’s digestive system. In addition, the hay is dragged all over the terrarium, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing. But coarse fiber is very beneficial for turtles.

How to choose a filter for an aquarium with turtles

If you have a red-eared turtle, then it is important for you to know some rules for selecting a filter for an aquarium.

Aquatic turtles eat food that quickly deteriorates and pollutes the water, and they themselves heavily pollute the microflora in the aquarium with their waste products. So don't think that you won't need to clean your aquarium often.

Today, aquarium turtle lovers come to the aid of special filters that automatically purify the water and saturate it with oxygen. In this article we will tell you how to choose such a filter element.

Raft for turtle - floating shore

Floating structures are convenient because they save space, are easily removed and do not interfere with cleaning the aquarium. You can make them yourself from scrap materials - plastic, cork. But it should be borne in mind that this type of sushi is only suitable as a temporary option. It is best to make a comfortable and reliable raft for your pet from wood or bamboo.

The material must first be treated with moisture-proof impregnation and varnished - then the wood will not rot from constant exposure to water. Vacuum suction cups can be used to secure the turtle raft under the lamps. You can buy them at a hardware store, and to glue them to the edges of the raft you will need silicone sealant.

Pros of an external device

An external filter for a red-eared turtle aquaterrarium has the following advantages:

  1. The device significantly saves space, in addition, it does not spoil the design.
  2. Animals cannot break the filter and get hurt by it (except in rare cases).
  3. The external filter is easy to maintain. It is washed no more than once a month, and in some cases – once every three months.
  4. An external filter device for an aquarium creates a flow of water, mixing it and saturating it with oxygen.
  5. A large number of bacteria develop in the fillers of such filters, which provide biological purification of water from waste products of animals living in the aquarium.

Article on the topic: Caring for a turtle aquarium: cleaning and maintenance

Reptile Neighborhood

The red-eared turtle lives on land and loves to live in the water. She is very demanding of her environment. Therefore, choose aquariums that match the size of the animal, as well as those with access from the water to land.

Do not move new household members into terrariums with seasoned reptiles. The animal experiences stress from a change in environment and therefore becomes aggressive. Create a quarantine for 2 months. Newborn turtles should be treated with care and should have a separate place to live. Pets of the same size live next to each other without harming each other.

The proximity of red-eared turtles to aquarium fish in the same aquarium is not allowed. Reptiles can harm or eat fish. The maximum that can be done is to block a glass wall with small holes between them.

Water filters for an aquarium with a red-eared turtle

Rapid water pollution is an inevitable problem when keeping red-eared turtles. These pets eat protein food, the remains of which soon deteriorate in water, but the main difficulty is the abundant waste of reptiles. To reduce the level of pollution, the water in the aquarium must be constantly filtered using special equipment. It’s easy to find a water filter in any pet store, but not every one of them is suitable for a red-eared turtle’s terrarium.

Important features of sushi

The land area for the turtle should be large enough - no less than 2-4 times larger than the pet itself. If several reptiles are kept at once, the size should be increased accordingly. To independently create a piece of land that meets all the needs of turtles, you need to fulfill the following prerequisites:

  • raise the surface above the water by at least 3-5 cm so that the reptile can dry completely after climbing up;
  • leave at least 15-20 cm from the surface to the edge of the side of the aquarium so that the pet cannot escape;
  • ensure stability and strength - land for red-eared turtles must withstand the considerable weight of these animals, not wobble or fall apart when moving along it;
  • use materials that do not contain toxins - glass, food-grade plastic, wood, natural stone, ceramic tiles;
  • do not use smooth stones or plastic, from which the turtle can slip - you need to make a rough or embossed surface;
  • It is recommended to install a comfortable lift so that the pet can comfortably go onto land;
  • Directly above the land you need to place lamps - regular and UV radiation, you also need to leave one corner shaded so that the animal can hide in case of overheating.

When the aquarium is large, the turtle bank is often supplemented with a bridge or raft. This variety will entertain your pet and make his home more interesting.

It is important to remember that land in the aquarium should occupy no less than 25% of the total area

Necessary interior arrangement of the terrarium

Bottom of the terrarium

To keep a leisurely pet you need soil. Otherwise, the animal’s claws may wear off and its paws may become deformed. Some turtle owners sprinkle ordinary sawdust on the floor of the terrarium, but experts do not recommend this.

It is better if the soil most closely matches the natural habitat conditions. Coarse sand and small pebbles placed in separate areas work well. On a hard area, the turtle will sharpen its claws, and it likes to burrow into the sand. Sometimes a rubber absorbent mat for bathrooms is placed under the ground (it won’t hurt).

When a turtle swallows soil, you need to make sure that it passes freely through the gastrointestinal tract without clogging it. It is better to use several types of substrate, placing them in different parts of the terrarium.

The most commonly used types of soil:

  • sand;
  • moss;
  • hay;
  • large pebbles;
  • shell rock;
  • loamy sand;
  • napkins (for quarantine terrariums);
  • large bark.

When creating such soil with a turtle, the area can be cleaned once every 2 weeks. It would be enough.

If a turtle periodically eats the substrate, this may indicate a lack of certain nutrients in its body. If a reptile eats soil of plant origin, such as moss or bark, this may indicate a lack of fiber in its diet. In this case, it is worth giving her hard, dried food more often, such as hay, beet tops, and dried leaves of various plants.

If a turtle periodically swallows stones, sand and shell rock, we can conclude that it lacks calcium. To replenish it, put sepia in the terrarium or organize calcium supplements using special vitamins for reptiles.

Some craftsmen install a “warm floor” system under the floor of the pen, which automatically maintains the required temperature.

In principle, this is a good solution, but you should pay special attention to protecting the electrical cable, since the terrarium resident may well get to the bottom of it.

Lighting and heating

These are important elements of the terrarium. To maintain the optimal temperature - 26-30 degrees above zero - both heaters and simple incandescent lamps with a power of no more than 60 W are used.

The UV lamp creates an imitation of the sun's rays necessary for the normal life of a tropical animal. Only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation does the reptile’s body absorb calcium. You can use lamps of 10-12% of the spectrum.

Lighting and heating devices must be placed at a distance of at least 20 cm from the terrarium to prevent the pet from getting burns. A reasonable solution is a safety grille on the incandescent lamp (just in case).

You should know that the usual daylight hours for a heat-loving reptile last from 10 to 12 hours, which means that the lights must be turned off at night.

If you install a time relay in the power supply circuit of the electric lamp, the day-night change will occur automatically.

There is no need to achieve the same temperature throughout the entire pen. The turtle will like the warm zone and the cooler part of the area: in the warmer place the reptile will bask, eat, drink water, swim, and in the cool zone you can put a house for rest. This role will be played by a small wooden box with a sawn entrance hole. But even there you should not lower the temperature below +24 degrees to avoid colds.

Of course, you should attach a small thermometer.

The required air humidity can be maintained by daily spraying the terrarium with cool water.

Manufacturers rating

When faced with the purchase of a filtration device for the first time, most aquatic turtle lovers have a question: “Which brand of filter for the red-eared turtle should I buy?” Below is a rating of the most popular manufacturers with customer reviews.

Atman is a Chinese brand. It is believed that the company produces the best Chinese filters. The devices are manufactured in the same factories where JBL and other popular filters are assembled. Many aquarists have tried the CF line, about which they leave many positive reviews. The DF line was created in collaboration with JBL. The devices are fully ready for operation and equipped.

Aquael is a Polish manufacturer. Here you should pay attention to the models UNIMAX 250 (650 l/hour for aquariums up to 250 liters) and UNIMAX 500 (1500 l/hour for aquariums up to 500 liters). The advantages of the devices are a built-in mechanism for pumping air out of the tubes and filter, included fillers, a capacity adjustment function, and they are also very quiet. Consumers leave negative reviews about the following company filters:

  • Aquael UNIMAX 150 (canister, 450 l/hour) – may leak from under the lid;
  • Aquael Unifilter UV (500 l/hour) – does not clean water well.

Eheim is a well-known manufacturer. The company makes expensive but very good devices. The brand is considered the best in terms of noiselessness, reliability and quality of water purification.

Hydor (Fluval) is a manufacturer from Germany. Fluval filter devices are available in the 105, 205, 305 and 405 lines. Negative reviews mention it: grooves, weak clamps, rubber seals require lubrication. One of the successful models is the FX5, but it is more expensive.

JBL is another German manufacturer. It is worth highlighting two filters here: CristalProfi e900 (900 l/h for 300 liter aquariums) and CristalProfi e1500 (1500 l/h for 600 liter tanks). The devices are ready for use and fully equipped. These filters are positioned as reliable and practical. In addition, they have a modern design. The only downside is the complaint about the very tight pump button.

Jebo is a Chinese manufacturer. Devices for filtering water in an aquarium of this brand have many positive reviews: the degree of contamination is visible, copes well with the cleaning function, and the lid can be easily removed.

Tetratec is a German company. The manufacturer has two filter models that are worth paying attention to: EX700 (700 l/h for aquariums 100–250 liters) and EX1200 (1200 l/h for aquariums 200–500 liters). The devices are fully ready for operation and are equipped with filter materials and tubes. These models have a button for pumping water, which makes starting easier. Reviews indicate quiet operation of the filters and good equipment. On the downside: in the early 2000s, the company released a series of defective devices (loss of power and leakage), which greatly damaged its reputation. Currently, everything is in order, but buyers still look at filters of this brand with caution. When servicing these devices, it is recommended to additionally lubricate the rubber seals to avoid unpleasant situations.

ReSun is a Chinese brand. Has the worst reviews. The filter has weak plastic - it can last a year and leak. Experts do not recommend purchasing devices from this manufacturer.

Correct installation

To install an internal water filter in an aquarium, you must first remove the turtles from it or transplant them to the far wall. Then you need to fill the aquarium at least half, lower the disconnected device under water and attach the suction cups to the glass. Some models use convenient magnetic latches or retractable mounts for hanging on the wall.

The filter can also be placed at the bottom; in this case, for stability, it must be carefully pressed down with stones. The holes in the housing must be open to allow water to flow freely. Submersible devices can often make a humming sound when placed in a terrarium with low water levels. This is not an installation error - you just need to increase the water level or install the container on the bottom. If the noise is still heard, it may be a sign of a problem.

Rating of the best filter models for red-eared turtles

To choose the right cleaning device for your terrarium, it is first important to realistically assess the required power. You should not buy an internal low-power filter for a large aquarium or for large reptiles. However, if you have a small terrarium at home with one small turtle, then you should not spend money on a powerful combination device.

Most popular filters:

  1. Atman, CF line. This is a Chinese company, but it is considered the best among its peers. The devices are completed and ready for use.
  2. Tetra GmbH, model Tetra Deco Filter 300. This German device is notable for the fact that it is made in the form of a rock. You can install it anywhere, as the mechanism is reliably protected from reptiles. Provides all possible types of cleaning.
  3. JBL, CristalProfi e1500. This is a German manufacturer. The devices are reliable and practical, suitable for large aquariums.
  4. Sicce, Micron Power model. The Italian filter performs mechanical purification of water in a small aquarium. Chemical cleaning possible.
  5. Jebo is another Chinese manufacturer. The cleaning devices are easy to use and have a lot of good reviews.

Care and cleaning

The internal filter must be washed and the layer changed regularly. The degree of contamination can be determined by the pressure with which water comes out of the holes in the housing. If the flow rate decreases, it is time to wash the device. When cleaning for the first time, you can rinse the sponge under running cool water and use it again. Do not use hot water or detergents - they will kill beneficial bacteria that multiply in the pores of the sponge, and chemical residues can get into the terrarium. If the throughput of the cartridge is greatly reduced, and the interlayer itself has changed shape, you will have to replace it with a new one.

The filter usually needs to be washed at least once every two weeks, but complete cleaning is carried out only if it is heavily soiled. In this case, the device must be disassembled and all parts carefully washed under running water. To remove plaque from hard-to-reach places, you can use cotton swabs. It is recommended to remove the impeller from the mechanical unit once a month and remove traces of dirt from the blades - the service life of the motor depends on its cleanliness.

An external filter is especially convenient because, due to the large volume of the interlayer, the canister only needs to be washed once a month or less. The strength of the water pressure, as well as the presence of noise during operation of the device, will help determine the need for cleaning.

To rinse the filter, you need to unplug it, turn off the taps on the hoses and disconnect them. Then it is better to take the device to the bathroom so that you can disassemble it and rinse all compartments under running water.

Video: installing an internal filter in an aquarium

It is easier to install an external filter correctly - it is located on the outer wall using a special mount or suction cups or placed on a stand nearby. Two tubes for taking in and releasing water need to be immersed under water from different sides of the terrarium. The canister on the device is filled with water from the aquarium, after which you can connect the device to the outlet.

IMPORTANT: Both submersible and external filters can make noise. Sometimes, due to noise, owners prefer to turn off the filter in the aquarium at night. But it is not recommended to do this - it increases the degree of pollution, and the lack of an influx of water with oxygen causes the death of bacterial colonies on the layer. In order not to turn off the equipment while you sleep, it is better to purchase a completely silent filter for an aquarium with aquatic turtles.

Sushi options

Before you go looking for materials, you need to decide on the type of future land plot. There are several basic designs:

  1. Hanging - most often shelves and other hanging devices that are attached to the walls of the aquarium above the water level; a ladder must be attached to them.
  2. Supporting - installed on the bottom (various islands for turtles, bridges, slides), must be heavy and strong enough so that the pet does not move the device along the bottom.
  3. Bulk - part of the aquaterrarium is separated by a partition and covered with sand or pebbles; this method allows you to create a spacious area of ​​land for the turtle.
  4. Floating ones are usually small structures, but with the help of modern materials even a large raft can be made. The disadvantage of such a device is its mobility and “sinkability” - it can be used for cubs and growing individuals.

When choosing a design, it is better to be guided by the conditions of a particular aquaterrarium. In small containers, it is recommended to use hanging and floating models so as not to reduce the total area available to the pet. If the aquarium is large, you can make a wooden bank for the red-eared turtle or install a reliable stone island.

Installation and first launch

For proper operation of the filter, it must be installed according to the included instructions.

There is nothing complicated about installing an external filter. The main thing here is to choose a place to mount the device. But with the internal filter you will have to tinker a little and think about how to protect turtles from possible injuries. Let's take a closer look at the installation rules and the first launch.

Installing an external filter

  1. Tubes for collecting dirty water and releasing purified water must be placed on opposite sides of the reservoir.
  2. Then you should connect the water supply hose to the device and open the tap to fill the container.
  3. Then you should attach the outlet hose and open the corresponding tap.
  4. Connect the filter to the network. Water circulation should begin.

Installing the internal filter

  1. First you need to half fill the reservoir in the terrarium.
  2. Then you should immerse the filter on the other side of the turtles' resting place. It is important that the device is not connected to the network at this moment!
  3. The device should be secured to the wall of the aquarium so that it does not touch the bottom.
  4. Next, a tube is brought out to allow air to enter.
  5. Only after this should the device be plugged into the outlet. As a result, a current should appear.

Internal devices

Aquarium filters are divided into internal and external. The internal design is a container with slits or holes in the walls for the passage of water. An electric pump located on top drives water through the filter layer. The housing is attached to the wall of the terrarium vertically or installed horizontally on the bottom. This device is very convenient to use as a filter for turtles where the water level is usually low.

Internal filters are of the following types:

  • mechanical - the filter material is a regular sponge, which must be replaced regularly;
  • chemical - has a layer of activated carbon or other absorbent material;
  • biological - bacteria multiply in the container, which neutralize pollution and harmful substances.

The majority of filters on the market combine several options. Decorative models with an additional cleaning function are common. An example would be a spectacular rock with a waterfall, which decorates the terrarium and constantly drives large volumes of water through the filter located inside.

A turtle island with filtration is very convenient for small terrariums where there is no space for additional devices.

The terrariums contain several species of aquatic turtles - the Far Eastern (Trionyx sinensis St), the European swamp (Emys orbicularis), the Caspian (Clemmys caspica), the most popular red-eared turtle, since both the Far Eastern, Caspian and swamp prefer to lead a secretive lifestyle and therefore not interesting to watch. They all need a sufficiently spacious aquatic space for swimming. Turtles prefer to defecate in water and, with normal feeding, produce a large amount of excrement, so the water in its reservoir must either be changed every 1-2 days, or a purification filter must be installed. I think the answer to the question: “Do turtles need a filter?” - will definitely be affirmative

The filter for an aquarium with turtles can be either internal or external. There are various special turtle aquarium filters available on the market today. These include simple systems for purifying water from coarse contaminants, and filters for complete mechanical and biological purification. When deciding which filter to install, you must first of all proceed from the fact that ideally such a filter should purify water not only from turbidity of mineral suspensions, but also ensure the purification of water from decomposition products of organic residues - food residues, excrement. Therefore, the answer to the question - What kind of filter is needed for turtles? – the answer will definitely be: powerful, with biological treatment. Of course, if you are ready to change more than half of the water in the aquaterrarium, you can get by with a filter only for mechanical cleaning.

The best filter option for an aquarium turtle would be to install a filter that will provide not only mechanical and biological cleaning, but also chemical cleaning. Turtles, like fish and other animals, release organic substances into the surrounding space that signal other animals of the same species about the population density in a given habitat. As such substances accumulate, the body receives a signal that is transformed into biological cycles that limit the growth and development of the animal. At the same time, immunity decreases, the animal becomes more susceptible to various diseases. Removal of such substances is possible using filters that have cartridges filled with substances that provide chemical filtration.

You can equip an aquaterrarium with a bottom filter, but you will have to resort to tricks. Red-eared turtles are predators, and therefore very active, digging through the terrarium soil in the water basin. Therefore, a plate with many small drilled holes must be placed on the gravel of the bottom filter, through which water will freely pass and at the same time the turtle will not be able to reach the gravel itself. A significant disadvantage of such filters is the complexity of their maintenance. Not a single filter can cope with the complete biological recycling of waste produced by a pair of adult turtles in a reservoir with a volume of 200-250 liters, and especially in a reservoir arranged in accordance with the requirements that these animals impose on the comfort of their keeping. It is easy to calculate how large the water area of ​​the terrarium in which an adult red-eared turtle lives should be. The length of the reservoir must be at least 6 times the length of the shell, the height must be at least 1.5 times its width, and the width of the reservoir must be 3 times the length of the shell. If you follow the professional requirements of 7-8 times water exchange per hour, you will see that today only canister filters and large external SAMPs can cope with this task. Thus, as the bottom filter becomes dirty, the unpleasant odors emanating from the water will increase and you will have to take out the soil and wash it.

Buying a filter for an aquatic turtle today is not a problem. It is important to be able to choose exactly the one that will best ensure the purity of the water in the aquazone of your pet’s terrarium. If you have a small turtle pond, with a volume of up to liters, an internal filter from AQUAEL UNIFILTER-280 is quite suitable for this purpose. The productivity of this device is 260 liters/hour, with a fairly economical energy consumption of 2.5 W. The filter works in both vertical and horizontal positions, not only cleanses mechanical suspensions, but also aerates the water. The filter is quite practical, simple and easy to maintain. The horizontal arrangement of the rotor chamber allows you to clean the filter without dismantling it. It is possible to adjust the flow speed and its direction.

Anyone who keeps turtles in a terrarium with a small aqua zone of up to 100 liters will be interested in the MINIKANI external canister filter from the Aquael campaign. Three cassettes with appropriate fillers provide high-quality water purification - mechanical, chemical and biological. Water is supplied using a high-capacity remote pump. What distinguishes this model from other filters is the ability to install it above the water level and a new type of filler for mechanical cleaning - unique synthetic wool, which traps the smallest mechanical particles that create turbidity. This filter will be very convenient when the terrarium is located at a higher height - built, for example, into a wall, or included in a terrarium stand. In addition to hoses, powerful suction cups, and a pump, the kit also includes baskets equipped with filler.

A very high-quality filter for an aquarium with small turtles is offered by the Italian company Sicce. Its MICRON POWER filter is designed for mechanical purification of water in the aquazone of a terrarium with a volume of up to 70 liters. The floating rotor system greatly reduces filter noise and significantly extends service life, and flow control allows you to adjust performance depending on the volume of water being filtered. This filter can also be used for chemical cleaning, since it contains a filler - a carbon filter with zeolite. Powerful suction cups withstand the “attacks” of interested turtles, so the filter does not need to be further strengthened.

One of the best today is the Tetra GmbH REPTOFILTER RF 250 waterfall filter, specially designed for terrariums containing young red-eared turtles. This is a very energy-efficient device (2.5 W) for aquazones up to 40 liters with a three-stage filtration system, which is easy to decorate , since it is small in size, and a carefully thought-out system for filling cartridges with substrates and their design makes its cleaning easy and practical. The easy-to-change EasyCrystal FilterPack cartridge performs fine mechanical and chemical cleaning, while the EasyCrystal® Filter BioFoam cartridge performs intensive biological cleaning. An incident that occurred in 2008, when a batch of defective filters went on sale, quite damaged the company’s reputation, but years of impeccable performance of new products and explanations from campaign managers once again brought this company into the ranks of the best manufacturers of products for terrariums and aquariums.

Especially for aquaterrariums, Tetra GmbH offers the original TETRATEC DECOFILTER 300 filter, made in the form of a decorative piece of rock. It can be installed anywhere, since it is structurally protected from curious turtles, and its power is enough to serve an aquazone of up to 200 liters. Performs mechanical, chemical and biological cleaning. A well-thought-out system for placing fillers in special cartridges makes filter maintenance as simple and convenient as possible. This filter can be used in artificial reservoirs with low water levels; 10 cm is enough for the filter to work effectively.

The filter from Hagen Exo Terra, a company specializing in the manufacture of equipment for terrariums and aquaterrariums, received high praise from users. Its easy-to-install and powerful multifunctional internal filter Repti Clear F250 with three cartridges for mechanical, chemical and biological cleaning ensures pumping of 250 liters of aquarium water per hour through the filter substrates. The filter is attached to the wall of the aquarium using suction cups, powerful enough to withstand the “attacks” of red-eared turtles. Can be mounted both vertically and horizontally. The company also produces an original filter for aquaterrariums in the form of a rock with a waterfall. The preference for installing such a device is not only related to decor. Such a filter is more difficult for a curious turtle to damage, and the water, flowing down the rock, is additionally enriched with oxygen, as a result of which the redox potential increases, an important factor in the quality of aquarium water.

If you are thinking about which filter for an aquatic turtle to buy for an aquazone with a volume of up to 150 liters, you should pay attention to the product of the AQUAEL campaign filter ASAP FILTER 500, which belongs to the new, so-called SMART filters. This filter, like its competitors, performs mechanical, chemical and biological treatment, but unlike others, it can operate at a water level of no more than 5 centimeters, while simultaneously providing its aeration. The pump power provides a productivity of 500 liters per hour.

Products for terrariums from the SunSun and Via Aqua brands are widely advertised in the USA, but have not yet gained popularity in Russia. These brands, which unite several Chinese manufacturers that produce products at the level of international standards, offer several filters designed for cleaning mini-reservoirs in aquaterrariums for aquatic turtles, as well as other equipment.

The filters offered by this brand for aquaterrariums provide cleaning in three directions - mechanical, chemical and biological, and the pump included in the kit can also be used to create a small fountain. SunSun HJ-752 and SunSun HJ-302 filters are associated with ultraviolet sterilizers. This allows not only to remove pathogens, but also to remove unpleasant odors. What made these filters one of the leaders among many other filters for aquaterrariums is the ability to use them at very low water levels - a water level of 3 inches (7.6 cm) is sufficient for the device to fully operate.

Those who are distrustful of the so-called Chinese quality can be reminded that S. Jobs was not afraid to place orders for iPhones in China and was right, he is not afraid to assemble his smartphones at Chinese enterprises and Samsung. It’s just that for the USA and Europe, products are manufactured according to one standard, and for everyone else - according to different ones. Therefore, when purchasing SunSun brand filters, it is enough to make sure that they were manufactured for sale on the US market.

The filters of the Chinese campaigns Atman and Resun have proven themselves much worse. Consumers remain dissatisfied with the noise, the fact that the devices heat up and often fail, although the Chinese carry out orders for JBL, Sera, Dennerle at the same factories at the highest level of quality.

The Sera campaign, widely known for the quality of its products, also does not stand aside in the issue of offering devices for filtering water in the aquazone of the terrarium. It positions several of its internal and external filters as a product that is suitable for use not only in aquariums, but also in aquaterrariums. These are internal filters of the fil line - serafil 60, serafil 120, internal adjustable filters filter F and filter L, an innovative device sera algovec UV, which not only purifies water, but also disinfects it using ultraviolet light. External devices are also available – sera fil bioactive + UV and sera fil bioactive filters. You can find their detailed descriptions in the relevant sections of the site.

Aquatic turtles grow quickly if they are provided with clean water. Since at a young age, turtles, especially red-eared turtles, have the bulk of their diet made up of animal feed, which, when decomposing, releases not only nitrates and ammonia, which are fatal to turtles, but also many other toxins, the issue of high-quality filtration is very important.

Of considerable interest to those looking for an aquarium filter for a red-eared turtle will be the products of the ZOO MED™ company, which specializes in the production of products necessary for keeping reptiles. As emphasized in the company's press release, the main attention is paid to creating equipment that would most contribute to creating the most comfortable conditions for keeping red-eared turtles. This is not surprising, since the campaign is based in the USA, where this reptile comes from and where the red-eared slider turtle craze began. Therefore, when wondering which water filter to buy for a turtle, be sure to pay attention to the products of this company. Since carnivorous reptiles produce a lot of organic waste, filters for red-eared turtles must meet the requirements of not only mechanical cleaning, but also chemical and biological ones.

Complete water purification according to all parameters in aquazones with a volume of up to 300 liters inclusive will be ensured by the Turtle Clean 75 external filter. The Turtle Clean 50 filter will perfectly cope with the same tasks in aquazones with a volume of up to 200 liters, in aquazones up to 150 liters Turtle Clean 30, small aquazones for Small turtles can be perfectly cleaned by Turtle Clean 15 filters.

Turtle Clean 511 External is a canister external filter for the red-eared turtle, designed for mechanical purification of water from cloudy suspended matter using a particularly fine-pored sponge. Particular attention is paid to the removal of nitrites and ammonia, ammonium-containing components. The filter provides power adjustment; the design uses the latest advances in technology aimed at eliminating vibrations. This filter is one of the best examples of a technological solution to the question of what kind of filter is needed for a red-eared turtle.

For small aquazones, up to 40 liters, the Turtle Clean 50 canister filter is intended. Filter fillers perfectly purify water not only from mechanical suspensions, but also carry out chemical and biological purification.

The company also produces internal filters for aquaterrariums:

— The Turtle Clean Filter 318 filter system is designed for biological, mechanical and chemical cleaning of aquazones with a volume of up to 120 liters;

— Micro Clean 316 internal filter for multi-cleaning in aquaterrariums with a volume of up to 100 liters;

— Micro Clean 304 – for small aqua zones with a volume of 40 liters.

As a water injection element, ZOO MED™ suggests using the Micro Pump 104 pump, which can operate “dry” for 30 days, without water, without damage.

The filter for the turtle of this campaign can be equipped with API Bio-Chem Zorb fillers, which removes not only organic decay products, but also toxic gases, odors, and removes substances that color water in an undesirable color, heavy metals, making the environment more favorable for the health of the turtle .

Perhaps the presented review will help you decide which filter is best for the turtles that will live with you. You can buy a filter for a turtle on the market, but in this case, saving means losing money if the device quickly fails. Recently, on online shopping sites, for example, Aliexpress, you can cheaply buy internal parts of filters for turtles, filter housings, ready-made empty boxes, and even forms of documentation and instructions. Naturally, this caused a wave of proposals for various fakes. Therefore, despite the slightly higher price, it is better to buy a filter for an aquarium for a turtle in a specialized store.

VIDEO. Red-eared and yellow-eared aquatic turtles. Part 1. Choosing an aquaterrarium

Video. Aquarium aquatic turtles. Part 2. Heating, filtration, ventilation, island.


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