Tetra PlantaMin - Tetra PlantaMin: instructions, reviews, review

Tetra PlantaMin - Tetra PlantaMin: instructions, reviews, review

Thanks to a special long-acting formula, the nutrients contained in Tetra PlantaMin fertilizer are available to plants for 4 weeks.
— Strengthens plants, ensuring a long-lasting and efficient supply of nutrients.

— Prevents persistent yellowing and glassiness of leaves.

— Juicy green leaves due to stimulation of chlorophyll formation.

— Prevents iron and potassium deficiency.

— Intensive plant growth is an ideal prevention of algae growth.

— For the absorption of nutrients through the leaves.

— Does not pollute water because it does not contain phosphates and nitrates.

— For freshwater aquariums.

— For rich red and green leaf color.

Instructions for use Tetra PlantaMin

Add 5 ml per 20 liters of aquarium water monthly.

Packaging form 100 ml / 250 ml / 500 ml / 5 L

Official clarifications from Tetra :

Tetra PlantaMin fertilizer does not cause algae outbreaks as it contains no nitrates or phosphates.

As for daily use, this does not make much sense, since iron applied even once a month remains available throughout this time (or rather, until it is consumed by the plants). Of course, it is also possible for organisms to use this iron “inappropriately,” but in any case, it makes sense to apply it daily only with very rapid plant growth, when in 1 day the iron concentration decreases by 50-100% relative to the concentration after applying the fertilizer.

You can control the iron content in water using Tetra Fe-Test - an iron test. The recommended iron concentration is 0.5-1.0 mg/l.

For most cases (that is, to solve the most common problems due to lack of microelements), the composition of Tetra PlantaMin is optimal. Naturally, if your goal is to achieve the fastest possible growth, you use CO2, install metal halide lamps, and the planting density is such that there is not a single place in the aquarium where the back mesh is visible - perhaps the scheme for applying fertilizer (or fertilizers) may be different than what is described on the label. It is very likely that phosphorus and nitrogen will be needed. But in the vast majority of cases this is not the case, and the proposed scheme is optimal. Fortunately, modern means of communication (the Internet) allow anyone to get acquainted with other people's experiences and draw their own conclusions. In the aquarium that we have in one of our offices, Tetra PlantaMin is very effective in solving chlorosis problems in Echinodorus leaves when they arise (although Echinodorus is not its main target audience).”

Tetra EasyBalance the truth about the drug!

In practice, it has been observed that Tetra EasyBalance virtually instantly reduces the concentrations of phosphates and nitrates. To verify the effectiveness of the drug, we decided to conduct a clear and simple experiment. We took two test tubes into which we poured water from one aquarium and dripped it with PO4 test reagents. As a result, the water in one test tube turned dark blue - that is, the test reacted to the presence of phosphates in the water, while the other test tube with water remained transparent, the test did not work. Why? Because in the second tube, we added Tetra EasyBalance. Avoiding haters, we note that we did not measure everything down to the milliliter. Our task was to visualize the action and record it on video.

Note that even without test tube tricks. You can measure PO4 drop tests in your aquarium, then apply Tetra EasyBalance and then, after ~ 30 minutes (the drug should dissolve in water), do the tests again and see zero PO4 or a tendency towards it.

From this, we can conclude that Tetra EasyBalance acts instantly, and most likely acts not only biologically, but also chemically, due to the fact that phosphates precipitate into an insoluble sediment and have no effect on aquatic organisms.

Approx . Official representatives of Tetra claim that after all, this is not “chemistry”, but an “organic compound”, that’s what it is, if only you knew))). But the fact remains that phosphates disappear very quickly.

Now let's move on to the nitrogenous ones. It is not known for certain whether Tetra EasyBalance directly affects the primary products of the nitrogen cycle NH4/NH3 (ammonia/ammonium), NO2 (nitrite) . The only thing that is clear is that NO3 (nitrate) is eventually zeroed out. Due to what? If we are talking about “biological pathways,” then these are definitely concentrates of nitrifying bacteria, like Tetra SafeStart. But the question arises, what is this: “granules that reduce the content of nitrates”, most likely we are talking about polysaccharides, more about which the treatise is here . Due to this thing, there is a smooth and stable reduction in nitrogen levels.

Taking into account the above, without any advertising background, we come to the conclusion that Tetra EasyBalance is a very, very working thing! However, it is not a panacea. When forum users start fu-fu-kat, in 100% of cases, they themselves make a mistake - they do a water change and for some reason pour Easy, keep a herbal and for some reason pour Easy... and then they see an imbalance and begin to faintly scribble - suck , ay-ayy, help, semi-lundra, chemistry, chemistry... alchemy =)

Let's figure out why such problems occur. As a rule, those who are at a very amateur aquarium level are the ones who mow. Such comrades have no tests, the nitrogen cycle for them is a Voodoo mantra, and in the aquarium the beard is hunting for a flip-flop, threatening xenos =) So they are looking for a quick panacea, pouring everything at random and hoping for the best.

Let's start with the fact that phosphate (phosphorus) in proper concentration is an important element for any living creature, from bacteria to elephants. A normal person has half a kilogram, or even a kilogram, of phosphorus =) Likewise, nitrogenous ones are a source of N (nitrogen) for aquarium plants. What happens... Is EasyBalance harmful? No.

Tetra EasyBalance is a drug that reduces the amount of water changes, as stated by the manufacturer. The mechanisms of its action are described above. It is useful when nitrogen and phosphates in your aquariums are off the charts - it’s a real panacea. The drug is useful for cichlids of Africa or the “pseudo-sea”, where there are no plants (or there are few of them - a couple of anubias, crypts, echoes), but there are fish that produce a lot of “organic matter” and then their derivatives. In such aquariums, sometimes high concentrations of phosphates and nitrogen are rampant; as a rule, these are large aquariums - 300, 500, 1000 liters. Changing the water in such aquariums weekly is another pleasure. But if this is not done, the cichlid will become covered with a black beard, flip-flops, etc. Actually, cichlids are often sand, fish and “black-haired stones”))) Isn’t that familiar? Tetra EasyBalance will help in this case and will act as a blocker - it will limit the growth of algae, and at the same time the number and volume of water changes can be reduced.

And, of course, if you are going on a business trip, on vacation, or have an aquarium in your office... and other things that do not allow you to do water changes or do them regularly, Tetra EasyBalance is a panacea.

Personally, we do not recommend using the drug, only if you are planning or maintaining a planted aquarium - herbalist. In this case, nitrogen and phosphorus are important to us; they should not be reset. On the contrary, it is necessary to maintain the Redfield proportion . At the same time, we note that 90% of aquarists are hobbyists, two or three bushes of Cryptocoryne and Ludwigia are not an herbalist... In general, the correct recommendation before using Tetra EasyBalance would be to test the aquarium water for PO4, NH4, NO2, NO3, pH, kH , which is what the manufacturer actually writes about in the instructions.

To summarize:

1. Tetra EasyBalance acts as an emergency aquarium aid, allowing you to stop negative factors and continue adjusting the biobalance of the aquarium in a calm, normal mode.

2. Tetra EasyBalanas - as a remedy when it is necessary to leave the aquarium unattended for a long time.

3. No Easy will help if the aquarium does not have proper filtration, aeration, and other components of a healthy aquarium life.

If you have any questions about Tetra, we recommend asking them on the company’s official website https://www.tetra.net/ru-ru, or better yet, in the VK group https://vk.com/tetrarussia.

Video about Tetra EasyBalance and more

Tetra PlantaMin reviews

Tetra PlantaMin reviews

Post by Ilya 72 » May 31, 2021, 07:41 pm

Brief description: Tetra PlantaMin belongs to the group of universal fertilizers developed specifically for aquariums. It contains trace elements (potassium, iron, manganese, etc.) in such a form that they are absorbed by aquatic plants for quite a long time (for a month) and are quite easily absorbed. This fertilizing eliminates nutrient deficiencies, strengthens plants, and promotes their growth. The leaves of the plants acquire a rich (green, red) color, become juicy, and their painful yellowness disappears. At the same time, the fertilizer does not pollute the water filling the aquarium and prevents the growth of algae. What it is intended for: Tetra PlantaMin universal fertilizer is intended for caring for aquarium plants and creating a favorable habitat for fish and other living creatures.

Release form: the manufacturer produces fertilizer in the form of a solution and packages it in plastic containers (bottles and canisters) of different capacities: 100, 250, 500 ml and 5 liters. The label of each product item describes in detail what kind of product it is, what its composition is, who produced the fertilizer and when, how to use it and how long it is allowed to be stored.

Directions for use: The plants in the aquarium need to be fertilized monthly. To do this, you need to know the exact volume of water in it. For every 20 liters of water you will need 5 ml of Tetra PlantaMin solution. Fertilizer in the right amount should simply be carefully poured into the aquarium. To achieve maximum effect, the manufacturer recommends using Tetra PlantaPro simultaneously with this fertilizer.


Tetra EasyBalance stabilizes key water parameters for six months, resulting in longer periods between water changes. The product is supplemented with vitamins and minerals to maintain the bright color of the fish, as well as their health.

Tetra EasyBalance

  • Stabilizes important water parameters - carbonate hardness (KH) and pH
  • Simplifies aquarium maintenance: eliminates the need for partial water changes every month (with a moderate number of fish)
  • Extends the period between (partial) water changes
  • Reduces phosphate and nitrate levels for a long time
  • Contains essential vitamins and minerals to support healthy fish and plants
  • Minimizes tap water consumption
  • Suitable for all types of freshwater aquariums
  • Makes the maintenance of soft water aquariums, such as discus fish, much easier

Additional Product Information

The general recommendation is a partial water change (approximately 30%) once a month. This is necessary to stabilize water quality indicators and remove excess substances such as nitrates (NO3) and phosphates (PO4). And also to replenish essential nutrients for fish and plants. Tetra EasyBalance contains a unique combination of active ingredients and provides a balanced water composition for several months.

How Tetra EasyBalance works:

The unique combination of active ingredients ensures a balanced water composition for several months by reliably stabilizing the most important water parameters - carbonate hardness (KH) and pH. Chemical changes in the composition of water are minimized. This prevents a dangerous decrease in acidity that can threaten the life of the fish. The product reduces the content of nitrates (NO3) and phosphates (PO4) for a long time and saturates with beneficial vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of fish and plants.

Eliminates the need for partial water changes every month and minimizes tap water consumption. The time between water changes will be increased.

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