Step-by-step instructions on how to properly install a filter in an aquarium

An aquarium is not just a decorative element, it is an ecosystem. In order to admire swimming fish in clear water, they need to be provided with optimal conditions: lighting, heating, oxygen access. An aquarium filter is one of the main elements in the functioning of an artificial indoor pond. It purifies water from mechanical debris and fish waste products, regulates biological balance, and saturates the water with oxygen. Instructions on how to install a filter in an aquarium so that it functions correctly will be presented below.

I bought it and don't use it

I have two aquariums in my house for 40 and 30. Quite common fish among the population are guppies, mollies, bettas, swordtails, and cherry shrimp.
Both of mine tend to be called herbalists. Among the aquarium plants they contain: Vallisneria, Anubias nana, Cryptocoryne, Hygrophila, Rotala, Elodea, Hornwort, Java moss, Cladophora and others.

For a very long time my aquariums were using natural filtration, i.e. The function of a biological filter was performed by soil and aquarium plants. And everything was fine: the water was crystal, the fish were alive, vigorous and healthy, the shrimp were fussy.

But after reading aquarium forums, I started thinking. Everyone has a filter, but I don't. And everyone unanimously asserts that the fish without him are definitely unhappy, unloved and deprived.

Because I love and adore my fish, so I also decided to buy this device. I chose the most budget-friendly of the popular models - Barbus Filter 002. This model is designed for aquariums up to 40 liters.

Those. I bought a filter that exactly fit my two aquariums.

The box indicates various options for filter modifications. Everything is accessible and understandable even to a beginner. There are several attachments.

Initially, I installed the simplest attachment. There was a storm in the aquarium. The photo shows how strong the flow was.

Turning again to the professionals on the forum, they suggested that in this case it would be better to install a flute attachment. So I did. In this version, the filter stood in the aquarium for about 2 weeks, until I got tired of its noisy rattling. Well, really, guys, it's pretty noisy.

I did not notice any changes in the behavior and health of the fish. Water transparency remained at the same level. Those. After installing the filter, only a not entirely quiet sound of its operation was added.

As a result, I removed the filter from the aquarium. More than a year has passed since then. Everything is still fine with the fish. Everyone lives in their own mode using natural filtration.

Where to install a filter in an aquarium

  1. Before you begin installation, you need to fill the aquarium at least halfway with water, since the filter should not work in an empty container.
  2. All parts of the device must be thoroughly dried before assembly.
  3. Many people are concerned about the question of how deep to install the filter in the aquarium . The internal filter is attached to suction cups at approximately a distance of 3 cm from the surface, but so that it does not touch the bottom. If the depth is small, then try to leave more distance on top, but in no case should the device lie on the bottom. The water will constantly evaporate, so the position of the filter must be checked regularly.
  4. The device is immersed in water with it turned off.
  5. The air intake pipe is vented outside, and it will be a plus to have a mount for fixing the pipe.
  6. After this, you can plug the device into a power outlet, and if a current appears, it means everything was done correctly. The wire should hang freely downwards from the outlet.

Using the damper, you can regulate the pressure and direction of movement of purified water. But before you adjust anything, do not forget to unplug the filter from the outlet.

In order for the device to serve for a long time and properly, it is necessary:

  1. regularly clean it from dirt,
  2. do not leave it in the water turned off, otherwise all the inhabitants of the aquarium will be poisoned,
  3. turn off the device before putting your hands in the water,
  4. It is permissible to turn on the device only after complete immersion in water,
  5. Before cleaning the device, turn off all electrical appliances in the aquarium and only then can you remove the device from the water.

Negative reviews



This filter was purchased for a 35 liter aquarium. The aquarium is not overcrowded. For the first week, the filter worked effectively (it filtered the water well and aerated it strongly). In the second week, the aeration flow dropped significantly. After cleaning the filter, the flow increases again, but after a day it drops again. After exactly a month, the filter began to hum and the aeration flow practically disappeared. Washing and cleaning the filter did not improve the situation. The only advantages are the low price (about 300 rubles) and compact size. It becomes clogged very quickly and the filtration and aeration power decreases. I don't recommend it. Although maybe I got it of poor quality.

First launch and operation check

If the filter is being installed for the first time, then connect it only after the entire system has been assembled and installed.

First, they check the package, assemble all the elements, install and secure the devices. Then they start it up and connect it to the outlet.

It is better to install after cleaning the aquarium, or when they want to introduce fish. At the time of launch, if possible, it is better to transplant the fish into another container. The strong air flow can cause them stress. Therefore, it is not recommended to immediately set the regulator to maximum.

The device must be used with caution. Make sure that the integrity of the protective housing is not compromised. After starting, check whether everything is connected correctly and how the filter works.

Pay attention to the behavior of the fish. If they are “nervous”, rushing about, or forming flocks, it may be necessary to reduce the power of water circulation.

Neutral reviews

Sponge in the trash! And instead of it there is a synthetic winterizer, the water will be like a tear!

Small, fits tightly to the wall. Well, very quiet, much quieter than Aquael. Nice flute. The bubbles are uniform.

The pressure is not adjustable.

NOT for a small aquarium. A stream of water sweeps away fish both when installing aeration and during filtration. Only a flute is suitable, and only if you point it at the wall of the aquarium. My rooster really liked it. Chases bubbles and swallows them. I'll buy another one and replace the Aquael one.



Unpredictability after rinsing

The BARBUS brand aquarium filter was purchased as a budget option for a small aquarium. He basically gets the job done. But I don't like the service at all. After washing, the BARBUS filter behaves completely unpredictably: 1) it works as expected (phew, lucky!) - in rare cases; 2) it works, but with terrible noise. Then I disassemble and reassemble the filter again, trying to sort out the insides. It often helps; 3) doesn't work at all. Then I start chasing it up and down along the wall or twirling the flute, it usually works. But there were unpleasant episodes when such fine (in quotes) tuning did not work, and the filter refused to function. In general, if the BARBUS filter is turned on, it works normally. Cleans our small pond and serves as a shower for snails - for 300 rubles. will do. But the filter is capricious. I wouldn’t buy one like this again: I’m tired of dancing around it.


Suitable for milking small aquariums


Noisy with strong water flow

I decided to get fish, I went to the pet store for an aquarium, I bought soil, algae, shells, all I had to do was buy a filter, the seller advised me to take a small one, since I have a 15-liter aquarium. I took out a Barbus filter from the display case for 400 rubles. I came home, washed everything, installed it, turned on the filter, no fish yet. I didn’t immediately like that the strong flow of water made noise. I have an aquarium in my room and it’s impossible to sleep with such noise, I had to turn it off at night. Then I bought fish, and they were simply carried away by a strong flow of water, but the kit included another tube so that the flow of water would be in the form of rain, and I still have it like that. There is a sponge inside the filter that absorbs dirt; after three months it will begin to crumble. I'm not happy with the filter.



This is the third time we have purchased this filter. Although our fish only live for one year, the low price of 250 rubles is attractive. It does its job well, but quickly breaks down. It pulls in any debris, even large ones. Easy to clean. The size is suitable for a small aquarium. Our fish like it. It is important that it is completely immersed in water.

How often to change filters

Replacing the filter is a purely individual event and depends on various factors, so it is very difficult to clearly determine the time. First of all, you need to look at the working conditions, pay attention to:

  1. The filter must provide a normal flow of water through its filter parts, that is, it must provide normal performance for an aquarium of a certain size.
  2. There should be no areas with stagnant water in the aquarium.
  3. Cleaning of the filter should be carried out depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

The performance of the filter is fixed by the volume of water that passes through the filtering parts of the device over a specific period of time. This value is one of the most important when choosing a device. If the indicator does not correspond to that recommended for an aquarium, then the device must be replaced with a more powerful one.

The user manual for each model indicates how often it needs to be replaced. There are options when it is enough to replace only the filter elements to return it to normal technical capabilities.

Which filter to choose for a small aquarium

Small aquariums can be cubic or rectangular in shape. They should be placed away from drafts and sunlight. To equip such reservoirs, you will need the same equipment as for large analogues, that is, a filter, a lamp, a device for producing carbon dioxide and a heater. The filter is of great importance, since in a small container it is difficult to maintain the correct biological balance; even a slight deviation from normal water parameters can be disastrous for the inhabitants.

The filter must have a large filler area in order to create proper biofiltration

The filter must have a large filler area in order to create proper biofiltration; such a device will pump through itself 8-15 times more volume every hour than the capacity of the aquarium itself. It is important that the flow of water released is not too large, otherwise it may injure the fish. Of course, serious requirements are placed on its dimensions and appearance. The following varieties meet these conditions:

  1. Internal type filters with open sponges. They do not have a body, so no fish can get into the inside.
  2. External waterfall filters (mounted). This device takes up little space since the main part is on the outside.
  3. Canister filters. For a long time, this variety was used only for large containers, but now more modest options can be found on the market.

Among other things, various homemade devices are suitable for a small aquarium - plastic bottles with porous elements, airlifts, Hamburg filters and others. Plants can act as an additional filter.

How long can an aquarium last without a filter?

A filter is an important element of any aquarium; without it, an artificial pond will not be able to function properly. Some breeders claim that they can do without a filter and the fish feel great. But this does not mean that you can safely do without this device. It is necessary to equip the container with natural filters, as in the natural environment.

Colonies of bacteria and soil can play this role. Microorganisms are able to maintain a normal nitrogen cycle and biological harmony, so that fish do not die and plants develop. If you decide to do without a filter, then you must comply with the following conditions:

  1. It is necessary to select and prepare the correct soil.
  2. It is best to give preference to plants with branched rhizomes.
  3. Replace the water regularly.
  4. Do not overfeed the fish.
  5. An overcrowded aquarium cannot filter naturally.

Ammonifying and nitrifying bacteria that are present in the soil are capable of decomposing rotting vegetation and waste from the life of underwater inhabitants into safe nitrates. The latter are necessary for the normal development of plants. To keep the aquarium clean, the soil is systematically siphoned, and accumulated dirt is removed several times a week. Experts say that even without preparation, the normal environment in the aquarium remains for several days, then the environment becomes dangerous for the fish and they die.

An aquarium filter is an indispensable part in any aquarium. It performs biological and mechanical cleaning, and also helps saturate the water with oxygen.

The selection of filters in stores is huge, so buying a device will not be difficult. But installation may be difficult.

Installing an aquarium filter becomes a real problem for many novice aquarists. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to understand the details using the instructions supplied with the device.

Usually the question of how to install an Aquael filter arises less often than in the case of filters from other lesser-known brands. In this case, you should adhere to the average algorithm of actions.

The installation procedure will be different for external and internal filters, but everyone can cope with the task.

Positive reviews

Quiet, hassle-free, reliable

I haven’t detected it in 2 years

I’m buying a second one of these (only with more power for a larger aquarium). I like the “sprinkling” function - it circulates water and then creates oxygen thanks to the “falling” of water from the flute. Easy to wash. The sponge can indeed be replaced with padding polyester.


Small, convenient, cheap


After half a year it started making noise

I bought this filter a year ago for a super small 5 liter aquarium. It was simply impossible to use any other filter, since they all created a real storm in the aquarium, and this filter is so small and, moreover, provides various configuration options that this problem was easily solved: to a large-pored sponge (included) I added padding polyester for better filtration and reduced flow rate, and also directed the flow of water coming out of the filter strictly upward. The result was a small fountain that perfectly supplied the water with oxygen, without causing an apocalypse in the aquarium at all. In addition, the filter has a green housing, which makes it almost invisible in the grass. After a year of use, no problems were identified. The cherry shrimp and Brigitte's microrasbora felt great, none of them were carried away by the flow, but the moss did not suffer from the fact that dirt settled on it (as happens in small aquariums without a filter), since the filtration remained good. Now the orysias have begun to spawn, and we had to start a separate small aquarium for them. I bought the same filter in it, but instead of a sponge I put more padding polyester to reduce the suction force so that the fry would not be sucked in. As a result, there are no problems - the aqua is clean, aeration occurs, and the fry feel great.


Cheap, small, productive


We had a small seven-liter aquarium with one fish - a cockerel. Accidentally broke while washing. We decided to take a larger one, 22 liters. We live in the south, the water turns into a swamp within a few days, and changing 22 liters every three to four days is tiring. The pet store recommended this little filter, they said it was small, inexpensive, but functional. The asking price was approximately 280 rubles, so we decided to try it.

By that time, the aquarium had become cloudy again, so we decided not to change the water, but to put a filter in the cloudy water and see what happens, whether it works. The filter is really small, 10-12 centimeters in height, and is attached to the wall with three suction cups. It should be completely under water, with a power cord running from it to the outlet. About once a week, wash the sponge on which all the dirt settles. When working, it hums slightly and does not bother you, although it is located a couple of meters from the head of the bed in the bedroom. We directed the outgoing flow upward, so that it turned out to be a small fountain, the water gurgles, drowning out the buzzing of the motor. It doesn’t interfere with sleep at all, it even lulls you a little, like rain outside the window. We don’t use attachments, although in the first days we certainly played around with different modes. Returning to the cloudy water - a few days after installing the filter, the water became clear. (In the photo above the first day of use, the water is cloudy). Of course, if you dangle your hand in the soil, sediment will fly in all directions. But! Before the filter, the water had to be changed twice a week. And now we change the most frequent once a month! The filter has three uses: circulation and filtration, filtration and aeration, filtration and sprinkling. We use the first mode. The cockerel took the change absolutely calmly, sometimes he rides on the stream, but rarely. The power cord is about a meter long, enough for our eyes, the socket is nearby. The entire set is calm green, including the wire. The manufacturer promises a capacity of 200 l/h, but I can’t measure it, I’ll take his word for it. Power consumption - 3 watts. Designed for aquariums 0-40 liters. The only drawback, in my opinion, is that the sponge is too large-pored, I would like it to be smaller. I looked for better ones in stores, but couldn’t find them, so we made do with the one included. But in general the filter does its job. I think this filter is great for small aquariums. I didn’t regret for a minute that I bought this filter! We've been using it for three months now. If it suddenly breaks, I’ll buy the same one without hesitation!

Hello, today I want to tell you about the BARBUS 310F aquarium filter.

Let me start with the fact that three or four months ago I bought myself a Cockerel (no, not the one that crows in the morning;)) and when I bought it, the seller said that its maintenance does not require a filter, artificial light, etc. Simply put, it can live almost in a three-liter jar. I bought it, bought a 10 liter aquarium (about that is a separate topic, because having measured its volume using the LxHxW formula, I measured 9 and a few kopecks) and also bought soil for aquariums. Literally two weeks ago I realized that he (Cockerel) was bored and decided to buy females, because you can’t put anyone else with him. Aquarists will understand me, but for those who don’t know, I’ll explain: Cockerels, also known as fighting fish, cannot live with two males in one aquarium, they start fighting, and I couldn’t get fish of a different breed due to the lack of a filter. In general, I bought two girls (you can’t have one, it’s better to have two or more for one male) and everything seemed to be fine, but they began, I apologize, to crap three times more, plus the food that they don’t eat settles to the bottom. This is where the fun began. The entire soil is littered with this mass, the water foams, the smell is corresponding, and considering that they cannot change the water, but only scoop out 13 and add fresh water, in general, I freaked out and went for a filter. Since my aquarium is small, I took a small, low-power and therefore inexpensive filter.

What to choose?

Before you properly install a filter in an aquarium, you need to make the right choice towards the most appropriate and effective device. There are two types of devices on the modern market: internal and external types. The latter are fixed from the outside, and the second - from the inside of the water container. Making a choice towards a specific option is quite difficult; in this case, you need to take into account not only its effectiveness, but also how to install the filter in the aquarium. It is important to consider the size, volume and variety of aquarium inhabitants.

Internal filter

The simplest type of filter is the internal one; it is attached to suction cups or hooks. Water penetrates into the lower zone, penetrating through several layers of filtration, such as padding polyester and foam rubber, and exiting through the top. The jet is directed towards the surface, due to which the water is enriched with oxygen. This option should preferably be chosen by novice aquarists. As a rule, beginners do not know how to properly install a filter in an aquarium; moreover, their containers are small in volume.

The advantages of the internal filter include the following qualities:

  • affordable cost and wide distribution, thanks to which you can purchase any model at your nearest pet store;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • the efficiency of the device guarantees comfortable living for all inhabitants of the aquarium, both fish and plants;
  • Even a person who does not know how to install a filter in a fish aquarium can install the device.

Before adding a filter to this type of aquarium, there are some disadvantages to consider. Despite such an abundance of positive qualities, there are also a number of negative aspects that discourage many from purchasing an internal filter. These points include the following aspects:

  • takes up free space in the aquarium;
  • To clean, you need to put your hands in the container, which is why the water can become infected with microbes, and the fish will experience psycho-emotional stress;
  • Can only be used for small aquariums.

When considering these indicators, you should determine which option will be preferable. However, to do this, you should consider the aspects of an external filter, it may be more suitable for you. Therefore, you should not rush, you need to familiarize yourself with all the options before installing a filter for an Aquael aquarium or any other company.

External filter

An external filter is expensive, but provides highly effective bottom cleaning even in a large container. The advantages of this option include:

  • high degree of filtration;
  • the presence of additional compartments for all kinds of fillers;
  • easy replacement of filter elements;
  • there are additional places for placing fillers;
  • It doesn’t take up space in the aquarium, and you don’t have to worry too much about how the filter should be in the aquarium.

As in the previous case, to make a conclusion, you should familiarize yourself with not only the positive aspects, but also the negative ones. In this case, the only disadvantage will be the cost of the product, besides, sometimes you still have to get confused and think about how to use a filter for an aquarium of this type.

External filter

An external filter in an aquarium is often called a canister filter. After all, it includes a container, hoses and additional components. The tubes are lowered into the tank, and the container is located outside.

Why are they attractive?

  1. The device is suitable for cleaning large tanks and non-standard containers.
  2. The process of replacing filter elements is quick and easy. Installation takes minimal time.
  3. There are compartments for fillers. This makes the operation process easier.
  4. Filters are concentrated on the outside. Therefore, the aquarium space is used for phenotypes, vegetation, and decorative elements.


Not all aquarists use such filters. That's because:

  • They are large in size, so they are not suitable for small spaces and containers.
  • The cost of such equipment is high.
  • The units are characterized by increased productivity. Therefore, experienced aquarists equip hoses with nets. Otherwise, the fry get inside the equipment.

Installation process

It is important to know how to install external filters for aquariums. After all, how effectively it will function depends on compliance with the stages.

  • Before installation work, the following elements are prepared: a flashlight, a spring stand, and rags. The aquarium must be placed on a flat surface.
  • Unpacking filters, visual inspection.
  • To know how to assemble the device, study the instructions. In it, manufacturers record important points. All taps that manufacturers place on the unit are closed before assembly and installation.
  • Fixing the tube, which is complemented by a rounded end, and placing it inside the located reservoir. This tube is used to collect fluid. A short tube is used to drain water.
  • An outlet tube is included with the equipment. It is brought to the unit and filled with liquid. After this, the aquarium is connected to the drainage system.
  • The filter taps open carefully. The unit is connected to the network. If all steps are performed correctly, the liquid inside the tank will move.

If water does not move through the tubes, then they are checked for air pockets. After all, they disrupt the performance of the entire unit.

Types of aquarium filters

There are many manufacturers that produce filter devices of different models. There are two types of filters:

  • internal;
  • external.

To choose the right filter for your home pond, you should take into account the volume of the aquarium, its features and the pets and plants living in it.

Internal filter devices

Internal filters are located inside a small aquarium and are attached to suction cups.
They are the simplest type of filtering device, because the liquid penetrates inside it, is cleaned by passing through cotton wool and foam rubber, and is then discharged through the upper hoses. This type of cleaning equipment is an excellent choice for beginner aquarists. It is easy to use, easy to install and can enrich water with oxygen, since a stream of water is brought almost to the surface and absorbs oxygen from the air.

Advantages of the internal filter:

  • cheap, therefore accessible to everyone;
  • sold in almost every pet store;
  • does not require a lot of electricity;
  • performs its functions well in a small aquarium space.


  • located in the aquarium itself, so it takes up space inside it;
  • designed for small aquarium spaces;
  • To clean the filter, you will need to dip your hands into the water, and this can introduce bacteria. These manipulations can lead to infection of pets.

External filter devices

External filters differ from internal filters - they are expensive and the method of installation (they are located outside the aquarium).
Thanks to this equipment, even large areas of water can be easily cleaned. Advantages of an external filter:

  • filters well, even over a large area of ​​the aquarium;
  • filter materials are easily replaced;
  • has additional compartments for fillers;
  • They are located outside, so they do not occupy aquarium space.

Disadvantages of external filters:

  • bulky, therefore visible to others;
  • expensive;
  • If the device is operating at full power, then you need to put a mesh on the inlet tube, because the device can suck in fry.

The sequence of installing internal or external filters is different, but installing them yourself, without calling professionals, is still possible!

Internal filter

A distinctive feature of the internal filter is its small size. Such units are located inside the aquarium. Suction cups are used as fastening. Inside such devices there is foam rubber or cotton wool, which is used to clean the liquid from the tank.

The internal aquarium filter is chosen by experienced and novice aquarists. After all, using such units is not difficult.

Among the advantages are:

  • Relatively low cost. Therefore, such devices are purchased everywhere.
  • To purchase such a unit, you can visit a pet store.
  • To maintain the device in working order, a minimum of electrical energy is required.
  • The internal model is popular among owners of small containers.

Why doesn't everyone use internal filters?

  1. They are located inside the container, so some of the space is occupied.
  2. They are advantageous to use provided that the tank dimensions are small. Otherwise, it will not be possible to thoroughly clean the aquarium.
  3. Cleaning internal devices is a troublesome and unsafe undertaking. After all, there is contact between hands and aquarium water. As a result, bacteria and harmful microorganisms often enter the liquid.

Installation Features

Before installing the internal filter, study the instructions. It contains the main points.

It is necessary to install the filter in the aquarium in a certain order:

  • After unpacking, the equipment is inspected. This allows flaws and damage to be identified before installation. Only a working filter is mounted in the container.
  • Shellfish, vegetation and fish are removed from the aquarium, in which internal filters are installed. The liquid in the reservoir is completely replaced.
  • When choosing a location, the placement of vegetation and decorative components is taken into account. The unit must be concentrated so that it is covered with water. The distance between the device and the top layer is 3–5 cm.
  • To fix the devices, suction cups and hooks are used. Manufacturers include the appropriate fasteners in the kit.
  • The drainage pipe is led out. During installation, it is fixed in a certain position.
  • The unit is connected to mains or autonomous power supply. It all depends on the volume of the tank and what vegetation is present.
  • To check the functionality of the unit, place your palm near the corresponding hole. A stream of water should come out of the corresponding hole.
  • Launching and adaptation of fish.

It is not enough to assemble the internal filter correctly. The functionality and condition of individual components are checked at established intervals.

How the filter works

Specialized stores offer a wide range of aquarium filters.

It is difficult for an amateur to navigate and choose which parameters to focus on.

An aquarium filter for fish works on the principle of a pump. Water from the tank passes through filter elements of different stages of purification. During the circulation process, water is enriched with oxygen. Air is taken in through the aerator tube. Purified water flows back into the aquarium. Water constantly circulates, no stagnant zones are formed. The device operates from the mains.

Filtration type:

  1. Mechanical cleaning. In most models, a sponge or padding polyester material is used for these purposes. Water from the aquarium passes through the cartridge. Waste products of fish, food debris, and suspended small debris settle on the sponge. The water is purified. The second important function of the filter is maintaining biological balance. The pores of the sponge accumulate bacteria that support the aquarium ecosystem.
  2. Biological and chemical treatment. Activated carbon and fillers are used in combination with sponge filters. The carbon filter is used to remove toxins and phosphates (chemical cleaning). Colonies of beneficial bacteria settle in special fillers. Thanks to this cleaning system, odor and ammonia are neutralized.

There are different types of filter devices.

How to extend the life of filtering equipment?

To extend the period of use, perform the following measures:

  • All elements and components are cleaned in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions.
  • To prevent fish, shellfish and plants from absorbing toxins and harmful substances, the units must work constantly.
  • The devices are started only if there is a sufficient amount of liquid in the tank.
  • Cleaning of the unit is carried out after the electrical power supply is interrupted. The wiring is disconnected carefully.
  • Study the instructions, which describe how to properly install the equipment.

Recommendations before installation

  1. Before installing the device, you should fill at least 50% of the aquarium with liquid, because cleaning equipment is used only when filled.
  2. Before assembly, you should check that all parts are perfectly dry.
  3. As for the internal filter, it should be located approximately 2-4 cm below the surface of the water, and if the aquarium space allows, then lower it even lower, but so that it does not reach the bottom. Be sure to check the filter every day. It must be completely covered with liquid, and it tends to evaporate.
  4. The device may only be placed in liquid when it is turned off.
  5. A special air outlet tube is brought out (it is advisable to fix it).
  6. After these manipulations, you can plug the device into a power outlet. If a current appears, it means the device is connected correctly. It is not recommended to fix the wire from the filtering equipment, but leave it in a free position.

There is also a special valve on the cleaning filter, with which you can regulate the direction of movement and the pressure of the purified liquid. Before using it, you must unplug the power cord from the outlet.

Additional recommendations

Before purchasing and installing an internal filter in an aquarium, experienced aquarists study information about the manufacturing companies. After all, not all manufacturers comply with the standards and supply high-quality units.

The internal models include foam rubber. It gets dirty quite quickly. Therefore, the material is washed and cleaned every 5-10 days. If necessary, this material is replaced.

External devices are installed in large tanks. After all, through such units biological as well as chemical cleaning is performed. With the help of such models, better purification of liquids from impurities, suspensions and foreign substances is performed.

It is not recommended to use filter devices in containers that contain beneficial bacteria. After all, this can cause serious harm. When selecting a model, follow the recommendations of experienced aquarists. After all, a huge number of models are put up for sale, which differ in configuration and performance.

Proper care for long life

Timely care and careful handling will extend the life of the aquarium filter. Basic recommendations for equipment care:

  • Clean the filter, tubes and accessories regularly. Cleaning frequency is 1-2 times a month. The frequency depends on the size and content.
  • The device must be turned on at all times. The filter inside the aquarium always works - this is the main rule. Stagnant water, pollution, and lack of oxygen will lead to the death of fish.
  • The filter can only be plugged in when immersed in water. It is not recommended to connect the device to the power supply dry, as this may lead to damage to the filter pump.

Before each cleaning, turn off the power supply and remove the filter from the water. Other safety and cleaning instructions are specified in the operating instructions. Manufacturers recommend the best solutions for cleaning and maintaining equipment, depending on the model and type of device.

Installation of the bottom filter

Already from the name of this purifier it is clear that it is installed on the bottom of an aquatic fish house. But the choice of this type of filter is resorted to only when there is very little or no decorative bottom aquatic vegetation in the aquarium.

Such a device is a relatively thin plate with internal filter material and many holes through which water flows. Some believe that such a plate with tubes attached to it can simply be placed on the ground and that will be enough.

First, you need to remove the soil from the bottom of the aquarium (or from a separate area) and place a plastic frame that will raise the false bottom by 2-3 mm. Only after this can the technical device be covered with soil and then put into operation.

Not only the purity and high-quality chemical and biological composition of the water, but also the degree of its saturation with air depends on the correct installation of any aquarium filter. In addition, this determines the reliability of the device itself. In any case: before the water purifier is put into operation, you must carefully read the instructions attached to it and strictly follow the rules specified in it.

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