How to install a filter in an aquarium correctly - photos and videos

An aquarium filter is one of the most important parts in a home pond, prolonging the life of waterfowl. Cleanliness depends on it, because the device provides mechanical and biological cleaning, and also saturates the water with oxygen. The installation of this device may be different, depending on its type and purpose. It is sometimes difficult for a novice aquarist to understand the instructions that come with the filter, so it is worth considering in detail the types of aquarium filters and the rules for installing them.

Which to choose

There are two main types of aquarium filters: external and internal. Factors such as the size of the aquarium, the number of underwater plants and fish, and your budget will help you determine which one is right for you.


  • Aquael: a series of internal installation designs for water purification in aquariums from 3 to 250 l. Easy to install and operate, recommended for beginning fish breeders.
  • Barbus: domestically produced internal cleaning systems. Barbus filters are inexpensive, which attracts many buyers.
  • Fluval from the German company Hagen: an expensive external system with low power consumption and silent operation.
  • Eheim offers both internal and external aquarium cleaning units that are trusted all over the world.

Mistake #7. Operation of aquarium equipment

Do not turn off aquarium equipment at night!

Imagine that you live in hot Africa, and when you go to bed, you not only turn off the lights in the house, but also turn off the air conditioner, while closing all the windows tightly. If you are a thrill-seeker, then, of course, you can experiment on yourself, but it’s better not to do this with fish!

Remember! The compressor and pump filters must not be turned off overnight. If you don't like the constant hum of the compressor, you can try installing an internal filter in your aquarium. If a compressor can make distracting and irritating sounds during operation (by the way, high-quality products from well-known manufacturers will delight you with their relatively quiet operation), then modern pump filters are almost silent.

How to install a filter in an aquarium: we work with external and internal cleaning systems

How to properly install a filter in an aquarium? It depends on its type. Even a novice fish lover can handle any variety. We arm ourselves with detailed instructions and set up a home for silent but beloved pets.

External filter systems

An external filter is chosen by professional aquarists: such a system is capable of purifying large volumes of water from 100 liters. Fillers in this system are combined: these are stones, rings, sponges with biological material. Through a tube, water from the aquarium enters the apparatus, is purified and returned through another tube.

The filter is placed on the side of the glass, does not take up space in the tank, and works not only more efficiently, but also much quieter than internal structures.

Many people are stopped by the cumbersome nature of the external system. Not everyone can afford such a device, but the purchase is always worth the money spent. Cleaning of the structure is required infrequently; filter elements can be easily replaced with new ones.

How to extend the life of filtering equipment?

To extend the period of use, perform the following measures:

  • All elements and components are cleaned in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions.
  • To prevent fish, shellfish and plants from absorbing toxins and harmful substances, the units must work constantly.
  • The devices are started only if there is a sufficient amount of liquid in the tank.
  • Cleaning of the unit is carried out after the electrical power supply is interrupted. The wiring is disconnected carefully.
  • Study the instructions, which describe how to properly install the equipment.

Installation Instructions

You can install the filter correctly even without certain skills. Just follow the instructions that apply to each system.

  • The aquarium must be at least half filled with water at the time of installation.
  • The filter parts are assembled in a dry state. The device is connected only after complete installation.
  • The internal system is attached to the wall using suction cups or hooks. They should come together.
  • The depth of the filter is slightly closer to the surface. The recommended water level above the system is about 2-3 Washing machine. In this case, the filter should not touch the bottom.
  • A tube for air suction is attached to the filter. it is directed upward and additionally secured to the glass.
  • The installed filter can be connected to the network. Try to make sure that the wire does not stretch, but hangs freely down from the outlet. If there is a noticeable current in the water, then the installation was carried out correctly.
  • Use a special regulator to control the water flow. It's better to put it in the middle position. Watch the fish, are they comfortable? If necessary, reduce the flow rate. Move the regulator after unplugging the device from the outlet.

Miss Clean magazine advises removing a non-functioning filter from the tank to avoid poisoning your fish.

How to position an external aquarium filter, stages of work:

  • Unpack and assemble the filter parts in the order described in the instructions.
  • The external filter should be placed 20 Washing machine below the water level in the tank.
  • Place the water intake tube (it has a curve) into the aquarium .
  • Install the outlet tube on the opposite side.
  • Before connecting, the device must be filled with aquarium water using gravity. If this is not done, the air in the tubes will interfere with the normal operation of the filter. Procedure: First open the tap to fill the water intake tube. Wait until the filter is full. Next, close the inlet hose and open the valve for the outlet pipe.
  • Now you can connect the external filter to the network and open both taps.
  • Read the instructions carefully, as different manufacturers may have nuances related to both the use and installation of the device.

Tip If the external filter has a strong power, you need to put a mesh on the end of the tube so that the system does not suck in small fish.

If water does not flow well into the external filter , then you need to clean the air pockets in the pipes. Simply turn the device on and off several times. If this does not help, drain all the water and refill the device.

Choose a filter system in accordance with the needs of the aquarium and do not be afraid of modern designs: the instructions will always help you understand the installation. Also, do not forget to regularly clean the filters to remove any remaining dirt and organic matter. The purity of the water and the comfort of the fish in it are worth this little effort.

External filter

An external filter is expensive, but provides highly effective bottom cleaning even in a large container. The advantages of this option include:

  • high degree of filtration;
  • the presence of additional compartments for all kinds of fillers;
  • easy replacement of filter elements;
  • there are additional places for placing fillers;
  • It doesn’t take up space in the aquarium, and you don’t have to worry too much about how the filter should be in the aquarium.

As in the previous case, to make a conclusion, you should familiarize yourself with not only the positive aspects, but also the negative ones. In this case, the only disadvantage will be the cost of the product, besides, sometimes you still have to get confused and think about how to use a filter for an aquarium of this type.

Internal filter

The simplest type of filter is the internal one; it is attached to suction cups or hooks. Water penetrates into the lower zone, penetrating through several layers of filtration, such as padding polyester and foam rubber, and exiting through the top. The jet is directed towards the surface, due to which the water is enriched with oxygen. This option should preferably be chosen by novice aquarists. As a rule, beginners do not know how to properly install a filter in an aquarium; moreover, their containers are small in volume.

Aquarium 120 l.

The advantages of the internal filter include the following qualities:

Before adding a filter to aquarium , there are some disadvantages to consider. Despite such an abundance of positive qualities, there are also a number of negative aspects that discourage many from purchasing an internal filter. These points include the following aspects:

  • takes up free space in the aquarium;
  • To clean, you need to put your hands in the container, which is why the water can become infected with microbes, and the fish will experience psycho-emotional stress;
  • Can only be used for small aquariums.

When considering these indicators, you should determine which option will be preferable. However, to do this, you should consider the aspects of an external filter, it may be more suitable for you. Therefore, you should not rush, you need to familiarize yourself with all the options before installing a filter for an Aquael aquarium or any other company.

Barbus 001 (Using tubules for an aquarium filter)

I bought it and don't use it

I have two aquariums in my house for 40 and 30. Quite common fish among the population are guppies, mollies, bettas, swordtails, and cherry shrimp.
Both of mine tend to be called herbalists. Among the aquarium plants they contain: Vallisneria, Anubias nana, Cryptocoryne, Hygrophila, Rotala, Elodea, Hornwort, Java moss, Cladophora and others.

For a very long time my aquariums were using natural filtration, i.e. The function of a biological filter was performed by soil and aquarium plants. And everything was fine: the water was crystal, the fish were alive, vigorous and healthy, the shrimp were fussy.

But after reading aquarium forums, I started thinking. Everyone has a filter, but I don't. And everyone unanimously asserts that the fish without him are definitely unhappy, unloved and deprived.

Because I love and adore my fish, so I also decided to buy this device. I chose the most budget-friendly of the popular models - Barbus Filter 002. This model is designed for aquariums up to 40 liters.

Those. I bought a filter that exactly fit my two aquariums.

The box indicates various options for filter modifications. Everything is accessible and understandable even to a beginner. There are several attachments.

Initially, I installed the simplest attachment. There was a storm in the aquarium. The photo shows how strong the flow was.

Turning again to the professionals on the forum, they suggested that in this case it would be better to install a flute attachment. So I did. In this version, the filter stood in the aquarium for about 2 weeks, until I got tired of its noisy rattling. Well, really, guys, it's pretty noisy.

I did not notice any changes in the behavior and health of the fish. Water transparency remained at the same level. Those. After installing the filter, only a not entirely quiet sound of its operation was added.

As a result, I removed the filter from the aquarium. More than a year has passed since then. Everything is still fine with the fish. Everyone lives in their own mode using natural filtration.

How to assemble a filter for an Aquael aquarium

The Fan series filter is an ideal device in terms of maintenance, and is especially suitable for novice users. All models can provide high-quality cleaning of freshwater containers with a volume from 3 to 250 liters. It is important to know how to assemble and how to install a filter in aquarium , since the degree of cleaning and the duration of uninterrupted operation directly depend on this. If with the first everything is clear, if you follow the instructions, and in most cases the products come assembled, then with the second things are more complicated.

Maximum efficiency is achieved when the device is installed 3-4 Washing machine below the water level. In this case, high-quality aeration is fully ensured. It is important to take into account that as the water evaporates, its level gradually drops as a result of natural evaporation; this must be taken into account when installing a filter in the aquarium. The deeper the product is in the water, the less effective the cleaning. The internal filter is attached to the internal cavity of the aquarium with suction cups. When using the mount, the L-shaped holder is great - it comes included.

Internal filtersAQUAEL (Poland)

Aquael internal filter - designed to purify and oxygenate water in aquariums. The horizontal arrangement of the rotor chamber makes it easy to clean, without the need to dismantle the filter.

Excellent for palludariums and turtle terrariums (can be used horizontally).

- perfect filtration and aeration - convenient and precise control of productivity - smooth control of the direction of water flow - long-lasting and trouble-free operation without the need for frequent cleaning - exceptionally quiet operation - easy installation and maintenance


Designed for cleaning and aerating water in aquariums. They have adjustments for air supply, water jet direction and power.

2 alternative installation methods.

Convenient removable mount.

Free access to the rotor, without the need to disassemble the filter.

Air injector.

250 l/h (sponge)3-50 l2.2w690 RUR
260 l/h (sponge)30-100 l4.2w720 rub.
300 l/h (sponge)60-100 l4.7w830 rub.
450 l/h (sponge)80-130 l5.2w1150 rub.
700 l/h (sponge)100-150 l12w1390 RUR

Internal filter Aquael - designed for cleaning and oxygenating water in aquariums and for sterilizing water with UV rays. It filters water efficiently and additionally sterilizes it, thanks to the presence of ultraviolet LED diodes. Destroys floating algae (cloudy green water), protozoa and bacteria, increases water clarity, and also takes care of the health of fish swimming in it:

-LED UV diode -performance adjustment -air supply adjustment -water flow direction adjustment -Bio container with biological filler (for the Unifilter UV 1000 model) -double sponge -two ways of placement in the aquarium -ease of maintenance U/F module "UNIUV POWER" Eliminates the causes of most diseases, destroys algae and parasites; provides water sterilization with UV rays; low energy consumption; long service life of UV diodes; adapted to work with unifilter; autonomous power supply.

260 l/h (sponge)30-60 l2.5w870 rub.
340 l/h (sponge)30-50 l3w990 RUR
500 l/h (sponge)80-150 l5 w1470 RUR
750 l/h (sponge)100-200 l8w1600 rub.
1000 l/h (sponge)200-300 l11w1970 rub.
UNIFILTER 500 + UV(sterilizer)500 l/h (sponge)80-150 l6w1920 rub.
UNIFILTER 750 + UV(sterilizer)750 l/h (sponge)100-200 l10w2300 rub.
UNIFILTER 1000 + UV(sterilizer)1000 l/h (sponge)200-300 l12w2560 RUR

Filtration containers are equipped with BIOCERAMAX 600 ceramic filler; this substrate denitrifies the environment in the aquarium, removing ammonium and nitrites. The system for connecting several filtration containers has also been improved. After purchasing additional containers, the volume of filtration material can be increased and, accordingly, the filter can be used for large aquariums (or densely populated aquariums).

All Turbo filters are equipped with a smooth system for regulating the power of water flow, in the form of an ergonomic regulator installed on the pump outlet channel. High performance Possibility of full saturation of water with oxygen Silence and low energy consumption Highest quality mechanical filtration Two-level biological filtration Smooth and convenient performance control Possibility of installing additional containers.


How often to change filters

Replacing the filter is a purely individual event and depends on various factors, so it is very difficult to clearly determine the time. First of all, you need to look at the working conditions, pay attention to:

  • The filter must provide a normal flow of water through its filter parts, that is, it must provide normal performance for an aquarium of a certain size.
  • There should be no areas with stagnant water in the aquarium.
  • Cleaning of the filter should be carried out depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

The performance of the filter is fixed by the volume of water that passes through the filtering parts of the device over a specific period of time. This value is one of the most important when choosing a device. If the indicator does not correspond to that recommended for an aquarium, then the device must be replaced with a more powerful one.

The user manual for each model indicates how often it needs to be replaced. There are options when it is enough to replace only the filter elements to return it to normal technical capabilities.

Negative reviews



This filter was purchased for a 35 liter aquarium. The aquarium is not overcrowded. For the first week, the filter worked effectively (it filtered the water well and aerated it strongly). In the second week, the aeration flow dropped significantly. After cleaning the filter, the flow increases again, but after a day it drops again. After exactly a month, the filter began to hum and the aeration flow practically disappeared. Washing and cleaning the filter did not improve the situation. The only advantages are the low price (about 300 rubles) and compact size. It becomes clogged very quickly and the filtration and aeration power decreases. I don't recommend it. Although maybe I got it of poor quality.

How to install a filter for a Barbus aquarium

Each manufacturer has different installation features for their product. On some devices this is very easy to do, but on others you will have to get confused. In this case, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • First of all, you need to prepare some dry rags, since it is not always possible to eliminate water leaks.
  • We unpack the box with the device and take out all the contents. Hoses, a device, internal sponges, plastic outlets for liquid, and fillers must be available.
  • The external filter is assembled according to the manufacturer's instructions. Be sure to follow the established algorithm of actions. The taps on the lid must be closed.
  • After this, you can proceed to preparing the external parts so that you can take in and release liquid. The part of the fence is a long tube, rounded at the end; one end of it must be lowered into the aquarium. The removal element is a short, curved tube that is mounted at the other end of the container. Be sure to calculate the length of the hoses so that they are long enough to reach the cabinet.
  • At this stage, you can already start the device. The filter should fill with water by gravity. To do this, the hose is connected to draw water with a threaded clamp, you can open the tap and the liquid will flow out.

Such simple measures will allow you to connect a device that purifies the water in the aquarium. This will allow underwater inhabitants to feel very comfortable, which will guarantee proper development and long life.

Installation of the bottom filter

Already from the name of this purifier it is clear that it is installed on the bottom of an aquatic fish house. But the choice of this type of filter is resorted to only when there is very little or no decorative bottom aquatic vegetation in the aquarium.

Such a device is a relatively thin plate with internal filter material and many holes through which water flows. Some believe that such a plate with tubes attached to it can simply be placed on the ground and that will be enough.

This is a misconception - the bottom cleaner must be installed, and not just placed.

First, you need to remove the soil from the bottom of the aquarium (or from a separate area) and place a plastic frame that will raise the false bottom by 2-3 mm. Only after this can the technical device be covered with soil and then put into operation.

Not only the purity and high-quality chemical and biological composition of the water, but also the degree of its saturation with air depends on the correct installation of any aquarium filter. In addition, this determines the reliability of the device itself. In any case: before the water purifier is put into operation, you must carefully read the instructions attached to it and strictly follow the rules specified in it.

What to choose?

Before properly installing a filter in an aquarium , you need to make the right choice towards the most appropriate and effective device. There are two types of devices on the modern market: internal and external types. The latter are fixed from the outside, and the second - from the inside of the water container. Making a choice towards a specific option is quite difficult; in this case, you need to take into account not only its effectiveness, but also how to install the filter in the aquarium. It is important to consider the size, volume and variety of aquarium inhabitants.

Monitoring the adequacy of PD implementation.

It is very important to evaluate the results of peritoneal dialysis 1–2 times a day.

Control includes:

Blood tests for urea, creatinine. Body fluid balance.

With successful PD, blood urea and creatinine levels first stop increasing and then gradually decrease.

When the urea is about 30 mmol/liter there is no need to reduce the urea level and therefore there is no need to increase the volume of dialysis.

When urea is more than 50 mmol/liter, it is necessary not only to maintain this level, but to strive day by day to reduce urea to around 30 mmol/liter, by increasing the volume of PD.

The higher the urea level, the more aggressive the cleansing needs to be.

That is, within 3 days you need to approach the urea level of 30 mmol/l.

An indicator for reducing the cleaning rate is an improvement in the dog’s general condition and the appearance of appetite.

There are no target numbers for creatinine, but creatinine should not increase in any case. As a rule, creatinine decreases in proportion to the decrease in urea.

The fluid balance of the body is assessed by the weight of the dog and must correspond to the condition of the animal.

That is: If the dog is dehydrated, then it is necessary to compensate for the lack of fluid, but in kidney patients it is very important not to pour in too much.

An accurate indicator can be considered central venous pressure, which should be kept in the region of 1 5 Washing machine. water column. Other assessment methods are less accurate.

After eliminating dehydration, it is necessary to at least maintain the weight at the same level, subject to at least forced enteral nutrition.

If the dog does not eat and adequate parenteral nutrition is not provided, then the dog’s weight should decrease daily by 1 - 2% of the total body weight.

The dog loses this weight during self-digestion and liquid should not be retained in its place.

To increase fluid excretion, solutions with a large amount of glucose are used. That is, if you used a solution of 1.5% glucose and the liquid is not removed enough, you need to switch to 2.5 or 4.25% glucose.

Total: with successful PD, the levels of urea and creatinine in the blood should consistently decrease, and the weight of the animal before the appearance of appetite should decrease by 1 - 2% per day.

Neutral reviews

Sponge in the trash! And instead of it there is a synthetic winterizer, the water will be like a tear!

Small, fits tightly to the wall. Well, very quiet, much quieter than Aquael. Nice flute. The bubbles are uniform.

The pressure is not adjustable.

NOT for a small aquarium. A stream of water sweeps away fish both when installing aeration and during filtration. Only a flute is suitable, and only if you point it at the wall of the aquarium. My rooster really liked it. Chases bubbles and swallows them. I'll buy another one and replace the Aquael one.



Unpredictability after rinsing

The BARBUS brand aquarium filter was purchased as a budget option for a small aquarium. He basically gets the job done. But I don't like the service at all. After washing, the BARBUS filter behaves completely unpredictably: 1) it works as expected (phew, lucky!) - in rare cases; 2) it works, but with terrible noise. Then I disassemble and reassemble the filter again, trying to sort out the insides. It often helps; 3) doesn't work at all. Then I start chasing it up and down along the wall or twirling the flute, it usually works. But there were unpleasant episodes when such fine (in quotes) tuning did not work, and the filter refused to function. In general, if the BARBUS filter is turned on, it works normally. Cleans our small pond and serves as a shower for snails - for 300 rubles. will do. But the filter is capricious. I wouldn’t buy one like this again: I’m tired of dancing around it.


Suitable for milking small aquariums


Noisy with strong water flow

I decided to get fish, I went to the pet store for an aquarium, I bought soil, algae, shells, all I had to do was buy a filter, the seller advised me to take a small one, since I have a 15-liter aquarium. I took out a Barbus filter from the display case for 400 rubles. I came home, washed everything, installed it, turned on the filter, no fish yet. I didn’t immediately like that the strong flow of water made noise. I have an aquarium in my room and it’s impossible to sleep with such noise, I had to turn it off at night. Then I bought fish, and they were simply carried away by a strong flow of water, but the kit included another tube so that the flow of water would be in the form of rain, and I still have it like that. There is a sponge inside the filter that absorbs dirt; after three months it will begin to crumble. I'm not happy with the filter.



This is the third time we have purchased this filter. Although our fish only live for one year, the low price of 250 rubles is attractive. It does its job well, but quickly breaks down. It pulls in any debris, even large ones. Easy to clean. The size is suitable for a small aquarium. Our fish like it. It is important that it is completely immersed in water.

Pleural drainage

Pleural drainage is a long-term removal of the contents of the pleural cavity to the outside using special tubes made of rubber or polyethylene.

When is chest drainage necessary?

Drainage of the pleural cavity is indicated for chest injuries, pathological conditions and infectious diseases characterized by accumulation in the pleural cavity:

  • blood - the accumulation of blood and its elements in the pleural cavity is usually the result of injuries, as a result of which a vessel or the wall of the aorta is damaged in the chest area. This is also possible in some diseases that cause bleeding disorders.
  • lymph - found in the pleural cavity as a result of traumatic damage to a lymphatic vessel or its rupture after blockage by a tumor.
  • pus - detected with the development of pneumonia, lung abscess, inflammation of wounds in the chest area, rupture of the esophagus, or as a consequence of the spread of an abdominal abscess.
  • air - appears between the layers of the pleura in case of serious damage to the lung.

In general, pleural effusion is observed in the following animal diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • pneumonia;
  • tumors;
  • pleurisy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • viral peritonitis (in cats);
  • diaphragmatic hernia.

External signs of fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity in animals are:

  • asymmetrical breathing;
  • shortness of breath;
  • weakness, refusal to eat and apathy;
  • low-grade fever;
  • the animal prefers to stand or lie down on one side only;
  • At the beginning of effusion, breathing is rapid, then the frequency of respiratory movements becomes less frequent than usual.

The drainage system consists of a flexible drainage tube with a tip, which is inserted into the pleural cavity, and an evacuation device. The diameter of the tube depends on the nature of the substance being removed - air, exudate, blood or pus.

Before installing the drainage, a chest x-ray and a test puncture are performed. Drainage is introduced through a trocar in the intercostal space. The trocar insertion site is anesthetized.

In case of injuries, pleural drainage prevents the development of sepsis and accelerates wound healing; for various diseases, the procedure is auxiliary and symptomatic. That is, after alleviation of the condition, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis and treat the underlying disease that caused the appearance of pleural effusion.

Chest drainage performed incorrectly can lead to injury to the lung, heart and blood vessels. In case of chest injuries, the sooner veterinary surgeons begin work, the higher the chances of saving your pet. The Best Veterinary Clinic provides immediate assistance to animals in emergency conditions at the time of treatment out of turn.

The appearance of pleural effusion in pets can be prevented if viral respiratory diseases are promptly treated, stress is prevented, and nutrition is monitored.

What needs to be done besides PD.

When treating patients with renal failure, it is necessary to carry out the entire range of therapeutic measures indicated for critically ill patients.

Narcosis and its consequences

The most difficult and dangerous thing for the body during surgery is, of course, anesthesia. It is the body’s reaction to the introduction of anesthesia that determines the severity of rehabilitation therapy on the first postoperative day. Add to this the loss of blood, a painful, sometimes extensive wound, and you will understand how difficult it is for an animal to recover after an intervention.

Most often, a pet’s recovery from sleep occurs in a veterinary clinic. It is not without reason that this moment is considered the most crucial and dangerous - if something goes wrong, your beloved friend will need urgent help from specialists, so no matter how much you rush home, wait until your dog opens his eyes. After this, with a sigh of relief, listen or write down all the veterinarian’s recommendations regarding the postoperative period.

Sources: ustanovka-vnutrennego-filtra-akvarium/

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