Every aquarium owner, both experienced and experienced, and beginners, should have in their arsenal the necessary set for caring for it.

The bottom is the most contaminated surface, where waste products of the fish themselves, dead leaves of plants, remains of uneaten food, and much more can be found at the bottom of the container.

All this must be removed so that the inhabitants of the aquarium feel healthy and the water has normal values.

Aquarium equipment

An aquarium in the house is not only an interior decoration, but also positive emotions, comfort, tranquility, peace, contemplation of beauty and grace. In order for the fish to feel comfortable and completely safe, they need careful care. Have you purchased an aquarium? Get ready to buy the necessary equipment to provide a comfortable habitat for your fish. Regardless of the size of the container, such equipment must be available.

Oxygen compressor

Without oxygen, fish cannot exist in water. To provide waterfowl with the necessary component, a special compressor is installed inside the tank. Its purpose is to enrich water with oxygen in the required volume. Air is supplied in the form of bubbles that constantly rise to the surface. Oxygen is not only necessary for the inhabitants of the water element, but also performs a decorative function.

In specialized retail outlets you can find two product options:

  • external compressors;
  • internal compressors.

External devices are allocated space outside the tank. They are equipped with valves that can regulate the air flow. They are easy to use. They do not take up much free space inside the water container. The main disadvantage is noise during operation.

Internal units belong in the water. Manufacturers equip their products with special devices for adjusting performance, which makes it possible to save energy consumption. They work almost silently. They occupy part of the free space in the tank. Suitable for equipping large structures.

What to look for when choosing? The ideal power parameter should be 0.5 Watt per 1 liter of liquid.

Filtration system

Fish prefer to live in clean water. Dirt and unpleasant odor can cause illness and death of pets. In order for aquatic inhabitants to delight their owners with their presence for a long time, you need to take care of the cleanliness of their habitat. For this purpose, you will need to regularly change the water and clean the walls of debris and dirt. A special filtration compressor will help in this matter.

The best manufacturers produce two types of devices:

  1. Internal. Considered more economical. The sizes are compact. The noise level during operation is minimal. In appearance it resembles a small container made of plastic. Inside there is a ceramic filler and a pump that pumps water. The design is installed in a container with a capacity of 20 to 200 liters. For large aquariums it is used as an additional filter.
  2. External. Designed for equipping large structures. The dimensions are large. The appearance resembles a canister. The interior consists of a tube and filter media. Efficiency is excellent, but a lot of noise can be annoying. Helpful tips: there is no need to install such devices in the bedroom. This can lead to sleep problems, low mood, increased fatigue and irritability, headaches and increased blood pressure.

Artificial lighting

Any aquarium must have plants. They need oxygen and good lighting. It is not recommended to install the tank on a windowsill. Therefore, you have to take care of artificial lighting. There are several options. This can be a fluorescent source or an incandescent lamp. Fluorescent lamps are more preferable. They bring the lighting as close to natural as possible. The light is bright and high quality. The device practically does not heat up and energy consumption is minimal.

The criteria for choosing a device are different for everyone. However, it is worth putting power at the forefront. To obtain normal lighting, the device must have a power of 0.5 watts per 1 liter of water. The lamps are attached to the walls of the aquarium or to the lid. The operating mode is determined by the owner independently. So, you can use the backlight only at night or not turn it off at all.

Cooling equipment

If you prefer to keep fish of cold species, then a refrigeration device must be installed in the aquarium. It allows you to maintain the water temperature at the optimal level (cold). How to use the design? The operating principle is similar to a heater. The built-in thermostat controls the water temperature. The necessary parameters are set by a person.


It is necessary if you decide to get exotic fish of bright colors. These are inhabitants of tropical countries. They cannot live without heat. The water must be at elevated temperature. To maintain the set temperature, you must use a heater. There are three main types of products:

  • bottom devices;
  • submersible;
  • external.

High-quality units have an effective heating element and thermostat. All devices operate automatically, maintaining the temperature set by a person. The functionality of the product must be at its best and experts recommend not skimping on it. If the device malfunctions or fails altogether, then it will not be possible to save the “frozen” inhabitants.

Additional accessories

To ensure a comfortable existence for your fish, you need to take care of purchasing the following accessories:

  • shovels for soil care;
  • scraper for cleaning walls;
  • fish net;
  • a set of tools to be able to care for plants;
  • hose and bucket for pumping out water during the cleaning process;
  • special chemicals necessary to tidy up the aquarium (ordinary household products are not suitable).

Making a siphon with your own hands

Some people prefer devices made at home with their own hands to industrial siphons. This is due to the fact that such equipment has a number of advantages:

  • Low cost of materials, which allows you to save on purchasing a siphon;
  • No different performance;
  • Quick and easy to manufacture;
  • Availability of materials.

To make a siphon for an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters you will need:

  • Hose. Diameter – 1 centimeter, length – 150 centimeters;
  • A clean plastic water bottle (preferably mineral) with a capacity of 0.5 liters;
  • Syringe with a volume of 20 cubes - 2 pieces;
  • Brass outlet, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the hose;
  • Knife.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Remove the syringes from the packaging, remove the needle and plunger.
  2. Cut one of them so that only the maximum length tube remains. Remove all protrusions.
  3. From the second, cut off the protrusions only on the side where the piston was placed.
  4. Then, in the place where the needle was attached, make a round hole with a diameter of about 10 millimeters.
  5. Connect the syringes at the ends without protrusions and secure them with electrical tape. The hole made earlier should be located at the end of the resulting tube.
  6. You need to place a hose in this hole and also secure it with electrical tape.
  7. Trim the plastic bottle at the bottom where the bends begin.
  8. Make a hole in the bottle cap with a diameter of no more than 1 centimeter (about 8 - 9 millimeters).
  9. Insert the brass outlet into this hole and attach its other end to the hose.
  10. Place the cap on the bottle.

The siphon is ready. The cost of manufacturing such a device, depending on the materials used, does not exceed 160 rubles.

What is a vacuum cleaner for cleaning soil and how does it work?

There are several options for cleaning the soil. You can take a long time to pick out garbage with your hands or do washing. But the fastest and easiest way to do this is to use a convenient and practical aquarium siphon. It is a simple structure that looks like a hose with a tube. The main purpose of the device is to free the soil from remaining inedible food, waste and other debris.

How does the device work? The operation is based on natural gravity. The tube is immersed in dirty soil and left until it becomes clean. A flow of air enters the other end, which helps clean the container. If the device is of a mechanical type, then the liquid with dirt is drained into a container (bucket). If the design is electric and has a filter, then the purified water flows back into the aquarium. The speed of liquid downloading directly depends on the thickness of the tube. The larger it is, the faster the process goes.

What to do with sand after siphoning?

If fine sand gets into the drainage container or is clogged in the siphon, you must return it to the aquarium, after first rinsing it with running water. To do this, at best, you will have to remove the protective grille; at worst, you will have to completely disassemble the siphon or cut the hose if a large, stubborn stone is stuck in it.

The recommended frequency of siphon cleaning depends on the number of aquarium pets: from once a week to once a month.

It happens that aquarists are faced with the problem of greening of the soil and other surfaces in the aquarium. The green coating that grows on objects consists of unicellular algae, which can rapidly multiply under the influence of the following factors:

  • Excessive light: Avoid placing the aquarium near a sunny window and turn off the lights at night.
  • Overfeeding fish and irregular cleaning of the soil: it is necessary to give the fish as much food as they can eat in 5 minutes, otherwise the remaining food will remain at the bottom and rot.
  • Poor soil ventilation: very small stones or sand contribute to rotting processes.

Another way out of the situation could be to introduce fish that like to eat small algae: platies, mollies or catfish. Or use a drug that kills algae and is harmless to aquarium fauna: these are sold in pet stores.

If you follow all the rules and have some skill, cleaning an aquarium using a siphon becomes a simple and safe procedure, the regular implementation of which will ensure a comfortable existence for your fish.

Types of siphons

All produced models of soil cleaners are divided into two large categories, with their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at each type in more detail:

MechanicalThe device is very basic. Structural elements: hose, bulb for drawing in water, reservoir. Easy and simple to operate. Most models are made of durable plastic, transparent, so that you can control the cleaning process and react in time to small inhabitants of the aquarium getting inside. The main disadvantage is that you need to drain the water back. Cleaning involves monitoring the volume of collected liquid, which should be no more than 30%. The drained water settles and is refilled. The main advantage is an acceptable average price.
ElectricalA distinctive feature from its brother is the absence of a tank and hose. The collected liquid is purified and returned back to the tank. The main design elements are the motor and the funnel. Doesn't take up much free space. The disadvantage is the possibility of sucking in small fish. If you have a large number of fry, you should take care of purchasing an electric siphon with a mesh. The mesh will not allow fry and small pebbles to get inside. The devices can operate on mains power or on batteries. Battery-powered structures are purchased if they are intended to be immersed to a depth of no more than half a meter. For siphons operating from the mains, there are no such restrictions. The main thing is to praise the length of the cord plugged into the outlet.

Any soil cleaner requires certain cleaning and storage conditions. At the end of the procedure, the unit is disassembled and washed under running water using detergents. Thorough flushing is mandatory, as the cleaners used can adversely affect the health of the tank's inhabitants. The hose is stored rolled up. This will help minimize the possibility of cracks and wrinkling.

To prevent electrical siphons from shorting, you need to protect the sockets from getting wet.


If you use a simple vacuum cleaner for an aquarium, then make sure that the drained water is no more than 30% of the total volume.

If the pressure is strong and the water drains too quickly, you can pinch the hose tube with your finger, thereby adjusting the water pressure.

Do not forget that such cleaning does not have to be perfect, since the silt and mucus that are on the bottom also have their own useful function and are saturated with bacteria that participate in the life of the aquarium.

Every lover of the water world must have this device to keep it clean. You can buy a vacuum cleaner for aquarium soil at any aqua store.

If you carry out such cleaning regularly, then this procedure will not take much of your time.

How to choose the right model

How to clean? The manipulations are not complicated. The main thing is to choose the right unit for these purposes. The volume of the existing tank plays an important role in the product selection process. The same can be said about the number of inhabitants and their parameters.

It is better to give preference to electrical devices. They are more convenient to use. Their operation does not require experience or special knowledge. It is enough to carefully read the instructions supplied by the manufacturer and fully comply with them when carrying out manipulations.

The diameter of the hose is important. It should not be too large, as there is a possibility of pebbles and small inhabitants being drawn inside. It is better to buy a transparent hose. It will allow you to monitor the presence or absence of blockages, and will help to carry out proper cleaning, preventing undesirable consequences. The best option is a hose made of durable plastic. It is lightweight, flexible, easy to use, strong and durable.

You need to choose the right nozzles for siphons. It is better to purchase a kit containing devices with different parameters. Large ones can be used to clean the middle of the tank, small triangular ones will help tidy up corners and process decorations.

Rating of the best models of soil cleaners powered by mains

Fluval ProVac

This device is a powerful soil cleaner that runs on mains power. The minimum height of the tank to be cleaned is 250 mm. To carry out further manipulations, you need to connect the device via a special 12 V adapter, which is plugged into the network. It should be noted that there is a dual-density cartridge, due to which cleaning is quick and effective. At the same time, the water in the tank remains clean. You should also pay attention to the presence of a stylish case, which is equipped with LED backlighting, which will allow you to process dark and hard-to-reach areas. The package also includes an adapter for changing water. Due to the installed hose, you can drain sewage into a separate bucket. For fine water purification, it is recommended to purchase separate cartridges. Cable length – 3.6 m.

The average price of a new product is 5,390 rubles.

soil cleaner Fluval ProVac


  • equipment (adapter, extension cord, filters);
  • quality of assembly and components;
  • LED backlight;
  • works from the network;
  • built-in pump;
  • You can use a special extension nozzle, which will allow you to work with deep aquariums.


  • not identified.

AQUAEL 20839232

This design consists of the usual siphon, a long hose, a scraper and a tall flask. According to most buyers, the presence of a flexible hose, which is made of material that is resistant to deformation, deserves special attention. The manufacturer provides a quick start option, after turning it on, gradual circulation of the liquid begins. After immersing the flask in a container with liquid, you should make several sharp movements in the down-up direction. After this, the device will begin to independently suck water inside, and then it will gradually flow into a container that is installed under the hose.

There is no need to absorb water by mouth. It does an excellent job of removing fish waste, uneaten food remains, fragments of dead fish and sludge that accumulates at the bottom of the aquarium. The process can be observed through a transparent flask. If necessary, the siphon is moved to another area. There is a metal mesh inside, which eliminates the risk of gravel and other decorative elements being sucked in.

You can purchase the design at a price of 4,300 rubles.

soil cleaner AQUAEL 20839232


  • completely safe for fish;
  • hose length 2 m;
  • efficiency;
  • build quality;
  • the ability to process hard-to-reach areas;
  • works from the network.


  • not identified.

Tetra GC 50 siphon large from 50-400l

This easy-to-use device will be an excellent assistant for aquarium owners. It should be noted that there is a powerful valve that is responsible for pumping water. The manufacturer has installed a metal mesh, which eliminates the risk of fish and decorative structural elements being sucked into the device. The risk of hose kinking is eliminated due to the presence of a rotary handle. It allows you to operate the device as conveniently as possible in confined spaces. The manufacturer has made the tip convenient for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of the tank. Can also be used to clean glass. The device allows for complete drainage of liquid.

How much does the device cost? The purchase will cost 1357 rubles.

soil cleaner Tetra GC 50 siphon large from 50-400l


  • presence of an ergonomic handle;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • increased service life;
  • ability to work with hard-to-reach areas;
  • fixing clips included.


  • not identified.


This device belongs to the category of soil cleaners-vacuum cleaners, which are designed for thorough cleaning inside the aquarium. It copes well not only with silt and the remains of the inhabitants, but also with other small debris. In order to select fine sand, you no longer need to completely replace the water. An excellent choice for water tanks up to 600mm high. The sponge can be washed under running water, which is extremely convenient for subsequent use. The air hose is connected directly to the compressor. Once turned on, the system will automatically begin cleaning.

Average price – 985 rub.



  • German build quality;
  • long service life;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of aftercare;
  • multifunctionality;
  • an effective vacuum cleaner for cleaning soil;
  • completely safe design for fish.


  • not identified.

TOP best soil cleaners for battery-powered aquariums

EHEIM 13558420

This compact and easy-to-use device runs on batteries, eliminating the need to connect the device to the network. For increased convenience in subsequent operation, a removable mesh container is responsible, which perfectly retains dirt and returns the purified liquid to the reservoir. The power of the device is optimally calculated, since it is enough to lift silt and small debris from the bottom of the container, while the device does not affect the soil itself. High-strength plastic is used to make the case.

How much does the product cost? The purchase will cost 7,797 rubles.

soil cleaner EHEIM 13558420


  • German build quality;
  • increased service life;
  • runs on batteries;
  • the ability to process hard-to-reach areas;
  • functional;
  • manufacturer's warranty.


  • high price.

MTMA 38243402

An aquarium filter alone is not enough to fully clean the water tank. Such manipulations should be carried out regularly. It is recommended to pay special attention to decorative elements and hard-to-reach areas where huge amounts of debris accumulate. Experienced aquarium owners know that just washing the walls is not enough to completely remove debris. If you do not carry out full cleaning, then over time the water will turn green, and the fish may even die.

To carry out preventive measures, it is recommended to use similar models of soil cleaners. This model belongs to the category of portable, as it runs on batteries and not on mains power. Designed to remove fish waste, food residues and sludge that accumulates over time at the bottom of the tank. The power factor is optimal, due to which the device does not affect the decorative elements located inside, fish and soil.

The delivery set includes a special nozzle, which is designed for cleaning glass, as well as for soil and suctioning liquid. The collected dirt is placed in a special filtered bag. A pipe is used to adjust the height. The main part of the structure houses the batteries and the suction mechanism.

Cost – 3000 rub.

soil cleaner MTMA 38243402


  • quality of assembly and components;
  • mobility (battery operated);
  • increased service life;
  • compact dimensions;
  • wide range of attachments included;
  • manufacturer's warranty.


  • not identified.

Aleas AS-715

This compact and easy-to-use device is powered by a built-in battery. The product from one of the best European manufacturers is in high demand among domestic manufacturers. High-strength ABS plastic is used to make the case. The product does not cause any inconvenience to the inhabitants of the aquarium. Gently and effectively cleans the tank without sucking in soil due to the presence of a special mesh filter. After briefly charging the battery, the design is ready for use. The package includes several removable attachments that are designed for cleaning glass and hard-to-reach areas.

Average price – 1820 rubles.

soil cleaner Aleas AS-715


  • increased service life;
  • presence of a built-in battery;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • efficiency;
  • safety for aquatic life.


  • not identified.


This design is equipped with various auxiliary attachments that will allow for complete cleaning of the water tank. There is no need to drain the water. The liquid sucked into the siphon is cleaned using an electric pump. Power comes from batteries, which are placed inside the handle. Small debris and the remains of fish are retained in the mud bag. The purified water is sent back to the tank. For increased ease of use, the telescopic handle allows you to work with containers up to 550 mm deep. Batteries are purchased separately.

How much does the product cost? The purchase will cost 1268 rubles.



  • quality of assembly and components;
  • runs on batteries;
  • the product data sheet contains useful tips regarding the subsequent use of the device;
  • compact dimensions;
  • telescopic handle.


  • not identified.

Rating of the best mechanical soil cleaners for aquariums

Sera 26015108

This mechanical soil cleaner allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of small debris that has accumulated inside the container with fish. Able to cope with large inclusions, without the risk of harm to the inhabitants. It is enough to replace half the fluid, which is convenient if there are a large number of residents. Externally, the product looks simple, but in practice it shows excellent efficiency. Subsequent maintenance of the device is simple, as is the operation process itself. There is a bulb inside, which eliminates the risk of liquid leakage during pumping.

Average price – 2154 rubles.

soil cleaner Sera 26015108


  • economical and effective device;
  • ease of use;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • unlimited service life;
  • German build quality.


  • not identified.

LAGUNA 29570174

This device is designed to completely clean a water tank from small debris and sand. It copes well with sediment even in hard-to-reach places. The design consists of a hose and an intake-type tube. To regulate the water flow, the manufacturer installed a special tap. No additional effort is required to draw water into the tube. A special filter is also installed, which eliminates the risk of soil, fish and plants getting into the system. The hose length is 2 m, which allows you to process tanks of any size. High-strength plastic is used for manufacturing.

Cost – 1950 rubles.

soil cleaner LAGUNA 29570174


  • simplicity of design;
  • unlimited service life;
  • possibility of complete cleaning of the container;
  • there is no need to completely drain the water.


  • not identified.

Aleas 16681207

This device is designed for processing small tanks with fish. The design is equipped with a special valve, which is responsible for pumping liquid. In order to start the process, you need to place the flask in the water column and shake the product several times up and down with a sharp movement. The hose is made of high-quality material that is not afraid of creases. The manufacturer has installed a removable tip, which has a cone shape. Helps quickly and effectively get rid of accumulated dirt. The length of the hose is 1.5 m. High-strength plastic is used to make the body.

How much does the design cost? The purchase will cost 1620 rubles.

soil cleaner Aleas 16681207


  • unlimited service life;
  • ease of subsequent use;
  • simplicity of design;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • safety (for residents).


  • not identified.

Ferrum-Aqua 25861962

This device will become an indispensable assistant for every aquarium owner, without exception. Suitable for cleaning tanks of any size. With its help, the user can easily collect leftover food, waste from the inhabitants and other debris from the container. Does an excellent job of cleaning the top layer of soil. Due to the built-in filter, fish and decorative elements are not in danger. There is a plastic tube between the nozzle and the hose. The manufacturer also provides a bulb, which eliminates the risk of additional manipulations for pumping water into the system. Hose length – 2 m.

Average price – 982 rubles.

soil cleaner Ferrum-Aqua 25861962


  • ease of use;
  • can be used on a regular basis;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • polyvinyl chloride is used to make the case;
  • comfortable pear.


  • not identified.

Recommendations for selection

When purchasing or choosing a vacuum cleaner for an aquarium, you should consider several important points:

1. Choose models with a tall glass, from 15 cm and above, to tighten the soil. So, with the flow of water, small pebbles cannot rise higher than 10-12 cm, and will return back under their own weight.

2. You should also consider what edges the glass itself has. Ideally, it should be either oval-shaped or with torn edges. This will allow you to penetrate into the most inaccessible places and not damage the root system of aquatic plants.

Special siphons are also available for sale for certain types of soil: for sandy soil, with dense vegetation, large or small pebbles, for mixed types of soil.

3. The hose must be long enough. Consider the height of the aquarium and the length to the floor or at least to a chair on which you can place a bucket or basin to drain the water. If you hold the hose over a bucket, and it is short, which is already inconvenient, the water will splash.

4. The hose and the glass structure itself must be transparent and smooth in order to see blockages and take measures to eliminate them.

5. The thicker the hose tube, the stronger the water pressure. You need to consider the volume of the aquarium.

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