Motorless Filter Motorless Backpack Filter

Backpack filters are a good choice for a large or small aquarium. , and it doesn't matter whether you are an aquarist new to the world of fish, or with more experience. These are very complete devices that usually offer three types of filtration in addition to other very interesting features.

In this article, we'll talk about the different backpack filters, what they are, how to choose them, and even which brands are the best. And, if you are interested in this topic and want more detailed information, we recommend that you read this other article about aquarium filters.

What is a backpack filter

Backpack filters are one of the most popular types of aquarium filters. As the name suggests, they hang from one of the edges of the aquarium like a backpack. Its operation is simple as they simply absorb the water and pass it through their filters before allowing it to fall, as if it were a waterfall, back into the aquarium, now clean and free of impurities.

Backpack Filters These typically include three different types of filters. which are responsible for the most common filtration required for aquariums. With mechanical filtration, the first thing water passes through, the filter removes the largest contaminants. Chemical filtration removes the smallest particles. Finally, biological filtration creates a bacterial culture that converts elements harmful to fish into harmless ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of this type of filters

Backpack filters have a number of advantages and disadvantages that can be helpful when choosing whether to get this type of filter or not.


This type of filter has a large number of advantages , especially regarding its versatility, making it an ideal action for any beginner:

  • They are a very complete product and have great versatility, which usually includes the three types of filtration that we have commented on (mechanical, chemical and biological).
  • They are usually Adjusted Price .
  • They are very easy to assemble and use , which is why they are highly recommended for beginners.
  • Do not take up space inside the aquarium.
  • its maintenance is usually (about two weeks depending on the container and the dirt that accumulates in the aquarium, and money).

Eden 501 – Filter… No ratings
29,99 €

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However, this type of filter also has some disadvantages , especially related to species that do not tolerate it as well as others:

  • This type of filter is not recommended for aquariums with shrimp , as they may suck on them.
  • The Betta Fish are also not happy because the filter causes a current of water that is difficult for them to swim against.
  • El chemical filter it tends to not be very good, or at least not give as good a result as the other two.
  • Likewise, backpack filters are sometimes a little ineffective since they can recycle the water they just collected.

Best Backpack Filter Brands

On the market we can find three queens of the brand when it comes to backpack filters that will be responsible for filtering the water in your aquarium until it looks like streams of gold.


Filter Fluval C2 No ratings
35,95 €

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We've talked about AquaClear Filters recently. This is undoubtedly the most popular brand among both experienced and novice aquarists. Although it is worth noting that it has a slightly higher price than others, the quality of the product is undeniable . Its filters are divided according to the volume of liters of water in your aquarium. In addition, they also sell spare parts for filters (sponges, carbon...).

Filters of this brand can work for years as on the first day . You will only need to carry out proper maintenance to ensure that the engine does not burn out.


External filter Eheim... No ratings

23,84 €

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A German brand that excels in the production of water-related products , be it aquariums or gardens. Particularly notable are its filters, gravel cleaners, clarifiers, fish feeders or aquarium heaters. This is a very interesting brand that sells not only devices, but also components for its filters.

Interestingly, this manufacturer's water pumps, originally intended for aquariums, are also now used in computing environments to cool servers continuously, quietly and efficiently.



71,00 €

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Tidal is another high-quality brand from which we can buy backpack filters for our aquarium. It is part of Seachem, a laboratory in the United States specializing in chemical products such as stimulants, phosphate control, ammonia tests... although it also includes water pumps or filters.

Tidal filters are known for offering features that other brands do not offer. filters, for example, an adjustable water level or a cleaner that removes debris that accumulates on the surface of the water.

Motorless Filter Motorless Backpack Filter

Homemade external hanging nano-filter for a nano-aquarium.

When two mini-aquariums of 25 and 30 liters appeared in my aquarium, a filtration problem arose. And since there were no external ones for such volumes in the foreseeable space, I had to buy a pair of internal Aquael Minis, with the secret idea of ​​bringing their filtering capabilities to a normal level. Without this, calling these “filters” filters is somehow frivolous, for example, pumps for creating a flow, silent and with a good price

When I was looking for material for the case, I came across this box, made from polystyrene from the last century.

The measurements showed that this is exactly what is needed and even 2 partitions are already there.

After some work with a cutter, jigsaw, grinding on a sheet of sandpaper and a screwdriver with a drill and tap.

On the other side.

Cover with gasket.

The gasket is made of some kind of “physical training” rubber (similar to condom material..) A rubber bandage will also work, sold in sporting goods... Polystyrene fittings purchased at the construction market were used as fittings, and after sanding using a drill and a long bolt, clamped in cartridges up to 12 mm caliber. (instead of 16 mm at the beginning) they are glued into the lid with “acrifix” glue, or perhaps with dichloroethane or “cosmofen” for plexiglass. The screws used are M4, stainless (similar to tinned brass), tightened after dipping in silicone.

Here is the device at the workplace (don’t look at the date in the photo, I’m too lazy to set it, but it resets when the batteries are changed).

The filter is hanging NOT ON THE HOSES! And on wire loops. Only later did it occur to me that for this purpose it would be good to bend hooks from skewers, and even the nice ones wouldn’t rust...

Here is the entrance and exit of the “backpack”.

Now about the operation: Of course, turning a bunch of screws once a month in order to wash or replace some kind of filler is not at all fun, and it’s not necessary, just connect the hose to the tap on the outlet side and shake a little and everything that has accumulated in excess will be washed out reverse flow. Moreover, the gap between the sections is 5 mm. prevents the contents of sections from spilling into neighboring ones at any filter position. The padding polyester in the inlet and outlet compartments can be easily removed with a wire hook and replaced with a fresh one. So I think it won’t take long to disassemble it... (A screwdriver, by the way, is also a good device) And what needs to be squeezed when washing is in the mini box, take it off and squeeze it at least daily (pre-filter). There are only 6 sections: 1 and 6 are small, with pieces of padding polyester. In 3 others there are different ceramics: porous ceramic bricks 4x2x2 cm, rings, Eheim balls. This can be seen through the lid. And in the penultimate mesh there is a mesh with coal (150g). I put it in because the primer in this jar is painted Russian; when pouring, a film was noticed on the surface, maybe it releases something. I will not remove the coal, as recommended in a month. I don’t believe in releasing harmful substances back into them! It sits there until the filter is thoroughly cleaned, it doesn’t do any good, but I don’t see any harm (checked several times) That’s all it seems. Now I will sculpt something like this for the second aquarium, only smaller. Unfortunately, there is no more ready-made box, you will have to glue it from plexiglass.

Here is a sample diagram.

Evgeniy Beydin aka bei

, Minsk, Belarus

How to choose a backpack filter for our aquarium

Choosing a backpack filter that suits our needs and the needs of our fish can also be a challenge. That's why we bring you this series of tips to keep in mind :

Aquarium fish

Depending on the fish that are in the aquarium, we will need one filter or another. For example, as we said, avoid backpack filters if you have shrimp or betta fish, as they don't like those filters at all. On the other hand, if you have a large fish that is therefore quite dirty, choose a backpack filter with fairly powerful mechanical filtration. Finally, in aquariums with a large number of fish, good biological filtration is very important, otherwise the delicate balance of the ecosystem may be disrupted.

Aquarium Mera

The size of the aquarium is equally important when choosing a particular filter . This is why it is very important that before choosing one model or another, you calculate how much volume your aquarium has and how much water you need the filter to process per hour to keep it clean. By the way, backpack filters are especially suitable for small and medium-sized aquariums. Finally, it's also a good idea to take into account where you're going to put the aquarium, as the filter will need some space around the edge, so it can't hurt to look at the measurements if, for example, you have the aquarium against a wall.

Aquarium type

In fact, the type of aquarium for backpack filters is not a problem, but on the contrary, since thanks to their versatility they fit perfectly into any room . They are even recommended for aquariums with plants, since the tube with which they absorb water is very easy to hide in the weeds. However, remember that the current produced by these types of filters is quite high.

Mini filters with a glass for an aquarium: pros and cons

Mini filters for aquarium

Perhaps the most popular and popular filters for small aquariums. For example, the Laguna KF , which we recently reviewed.

How convenient are these filters?! They have a “glass” where you can put various fillers, depending on the situation in your mini-aquarium.

When choosing, pay attention to the equipment, for example, the presence of a flute attachment, it will help you reduce the flow. It is also advisable that the filter nozzle rotates to the sides - this will also help you minimize flow, if necessary. Pay attention to the size of the glass; even though the aquarium is small, a filter is still a filter. A small compartment for filter elements essentially eliminates all filtration capabilities. It turns out to be a pump, not a filter.

With this in mind, select mini-filters taking into account the volume of your aquarium and the tasks that you set for it. For example, Atmonovsky liners of the AT-F series have a gradation: 150, 350, 450, 800, 1200 liters/hour. The first three will suit us. 150 revolutions are straight for tanks up to 30l., 350 revolutions ~ 50l., 450 ~ 60l. But again, a lot depends on the population density of the aquarium and other conditions.

In general, these filters have no disadvantages. But, some manufacturers come across filters that are outright buzzing and/or do not aerate the water. When purchasing from a pet store, simply ask to test the filter in an aquarium, having previously specified that you need one with a non-humming rotor and aeration.

What is the quietest backpack filter?

It is very important to choose a silent filter in case you do not want to stress the fish ... Or even yourself, especially if you have an indoor aquarium. In this sense, the brands Eheim and AquaClear stand out the most for their silent filters.

Filter Fluval C2 No ratings

35,95 €

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However, even in this case, the filter can be noisy and annoying, even if it is not faulty . To avoid this:

  • Give the engine time to acclimatize. Within a few days of installing the new filter, the engine should stop making a lot of noise.
  • Check that there are no pebbles stuck or any residue that could cause vibration.
  • You can also place something between the glass and the filter to prevent vibration .
  • If you are concerned about the waterfall, then the clear water that comes out of the filter, try to keep the water level high enough (you will have to top it up every three to four days) so that the sound of the waterfall is not so strong.

Is it possible to place a backpack filter in an aquarium?

Although there are backpack filters specifically designed for nano aquariums, the truth is that for an aquarium with a sponge filter, we will suffice . As we said above, waterfall filters cause quite strong currents, which can negatively affect our fish or even kill them, for example, if they are shrimp or fry.

This is why it is much better to choose a sponge filter, since there is no water pump that could accidentally swallow our fish , something whose chances increase exponentially the smaller the space. Sponge filters are exactly what their name suggests: a sponge that filters water and which, after about two weeks of use, also becomes a biological filter because it ultimately contains beneficial bacteria for the aquarium's ecosystem.

Additionally, if you have a large aquarium, there are motorized filters. , but are intended for places with very little water volume.

We hope this article has helped you better understand the world of backpack filters. Tell me, have you ever used this type of aquarium filtration? What was your experience like? Do you recommend a specific brand or model?

Hanging aquarium filter or waterfall backpack

This is a kind of compromise between the aquarist’s desire to install filtration and the physical impossibility of cramming anything into the mini-aquarium. Such filters are called “backpacks” or “waterfalls”. This filter is best suited for small aquariums, when in a volume of 5-10 liters any internal filter will be superfluous.

Waterfall filters come in two varieties: internal and external. The internal waterfall filter is installed inside the aquarium - it is completely located in the aquarium, the external one is hung on the outside of the aquarium. Taking into account the specifics of the topic, we are more interested in external mounted filters.

Atman External Backpack

Tetra inner backpack

The advantage of these filters is that they create a minimal flow in the aquarium, which is reproduced by a falling stream of water; at the same time, such a flow is sufficient to aerate a small aquarium.

The disadvantages include the inconvenience associated with filling the filter with filter materials, for example, carbon , zeolite .

Filter for a small aquarium

Younger versions of waterfall filters can be recommended for aquarium cubes of 5-10 liters, as well as for keeping fish in stagnant waters, for example, for bettas .

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