List of predatory fish: what are the carnivorous inhabitants of reservoirs?

The fish received this status thanks to their diet, which consists of living representatives of the aquatic expanses. Predatory fish are amazingly diverse. These include giant monsters living in the unknown ocean, freshwater hunters, and pretty aquarium specimens. Almost all of them are united by one characteristic feature - the presence of a mouth with sharp teeth. Ichthyologists note their inherent unbridled greed and excessive gluttony. Developed in the process of struggle for survival, special intelligence and ingenuity.


Distinctive features of predatory species are not only taste preferences for herbivorous fish, animals or birds. The body structure, organ functions and characteristic intraspecific features clearly emphasize their belonging to hunters.


  • Thorns, needles.
  • Fang-shaped teeth.
  • Body structure.
  • Camouflage in the environment.
  • Venom glands.
  • Higher intelligence than the victim.

A wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors and other distinctive factors also have a number of common features. One of them is an insatiable appetite due to the need to maintain a high metabolism for strength and endurance.

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Ecological significance

When conducting an ecological description of predatory fish species, it is worth mentioning their key features:

  • They are orderlies of all bodies of water, from freshwater to saltwater.
  • Many of them are valuable commercial fish - tuna, sturgeon, salmon, which has led to a significant reduction in their population.

Some species began to be bred on special farms, trying to reduce the negative impact on the ecological state of rivers, seas and other bodies of water. But this factor is not the only negative one, since there is also the detrimental impact of the deteriorating environment.

Predatory fresh water fish

Freshwater bodies are home to no less bloodthirsty aggressors than their marine counterparts. The habitat develops a certain adaptability to hunting methods and affects the shape and structure of the body. The characteristics acquired during evolution ensure the survival and development of the species. Freshwater predators are represented by such species as: catfish, asp, pike, pike perch, burbot, perch, etc.


Catfish is the largest predator living in freshwater bodies. It belongs to the class of ray-finned fish, the order of catfishes, and the catfish family.

Scientists count about 500 species of this recognizable inhabitant of mud pits. The distinctive features of catfish are:

  • Flat body without scales, covered with mucus.
  • The head is wide to the shape of the body.
  • Mustaches located around the mouth.

The body structure of the catfish ensures high dynamics in gliding and maneuverability among silt, leaves, and woody remains, which are so rich in its favorite habitat. The mouth is strewn with many small and sharp teeth. This individual is not whimsical in nutrition. It eats both plant foods and those found in carnivorous species. The catfish menu consists of crustaceans, small fish, shells, and larvae. A large individual is able to cope with domestic animals that wander into its hunting grounds. Its whiskers help the catfish find food. The longest ones are located on the sides of the mouth. The mustache is the organ of touch of this species and a striking distinctive feature of the entire family. Catfish are known to be long-lived, with an average age of up to 50 years. The species is widespread in Europe and Asia and is found in America.


  • Common catfish (European).
  • American catfish (dwarf catfish).
  • Electric catfish.

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Pike perch belongs to the order of perciformes of the perciform family and belongs to the class of ray-finned fish.

Pike perch are big fans of clean waters. This ecological preference is caused by the need for high oxygen content in water to support life processes. These predatory fish begin to hunt from a young age. The diet of pike perch fry consists of crustaceans, aquatic burros, daphnia and other types of small invertebrate organisms. The adult specimen has a number of characteristic features of this species:

  • High fin on the back.
  • Large fang-like teeth on the upper and lower jaws.
  • Flat, elongated head.

Pike perch feeds on small fish, crayfish and frogs. In size, an individual can reach one meter or more with an average weight of about 12 kg. With such data, this freshwater giant has a narrow pharynx structure. You have to be selective in choosing a victim. The body of pike perch is covered with scales and has a greenish-gray tint. A special feature of pike perch is its daily activity cycle. During the day, the fish looks for deep, cool places, and at night it gets out into shallow water. The activity of this predatory fish does not subside throughout the day. Pike perch prefer a bottom surface covered with pebbles and various shelters, such as snags and stones. Thanks to its camouflage, this predator can attack unexpectedly, hiding behind such shelters. Pike perch is a schooling fish, but large individuals prefer to hunt alone.

Pike perch is valued as a commercial fish due to the fact that its meat is white, tender and lean, and has virtually no bones.

Pike perch is found in rivers and lakes of Eastern Europe and Asia. The difference between species is expressed in color and size.

  • Common zander.
  • Volga pike perch.
  • Canadian zander.
  • Sea pike perch.
  • Lightfin zander

The approximate time of appearance of the ancestors of the common pike perch on the Eurasian continent is 13 million years ago.

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Piranhas are a genus of tropical freshwater fish from the piranha family.

According to one version, the name of this fish comes from the merger of the words “pira” and “ania”, which among the Guarani Indians means “fish” and “evil”

Among this species there are both predatory and herbivorous representatives. Predatory species of piranha have characteristic features:

  • Developed muscles of the oral apparatus.
  • Protruded lower jaw.
  • Wedge-shaped teeth.
  • Ability to make different sounds.

Piranha is a pronounced school predator. Possessing a keen sense of smell, excellent vision and sensitivity to the slightest movement, a school of these fish becomes deadly to all living things that are within reach. The cooperative hunting characteristic of this species is impressive in its speed and bloodthirstiness. A flock of these aggressors is capable of gnawing an animal weighing up to 50 kg to the bone. in 1 minute. Snakes, animals, birds and even crocodiles become objects of their hunt. Piranhas also feed on various invertebrate organisms. Cannibalism, inherent in many species of predatory fish, becomes a constant phenomenon among these freshwater monsters. Piranhas eat their relatives caught on a hook or in a net instantly. In various situations, piranha makes peculiar sounds. They may "croak" when in close contact with each other or make a hoarse "croak" when attacking prey.

Megapiranha paranensis is a fossil ancestor of piranhas that went extinct about 8 million years ago. This giant weighed about 73 kilograms and reached more than 1 meter in length. Calculations made by scientists showed that the bite force of a giant piranha reached 1240-4749 newtons, and was stronger than the bite of a tyrannosaurus. Such an individual could cope with an animal weighing 480 kg.

Favorite habitats of this fish: the Amazon River basin; channels and floodplain lakes of South America. Piranhas are represented by many species of both predators and herbivores. Types of carnivores:

  • Slender piranha.
  • Common piranha.
  • Dwarf piranha.
  • Flag piranha.
  • Natterer's Piranhas.

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The common pike is a member of the pike family.

According to one version, the pike got its name from the common Slavic skeu, meaning “to cut, stab, kill.”

For this “elegant” freshwater predator, nature has provided a number of outstanding features:

  • Elongated, arrow-shaped body.
  • Long head with a narrow mouth.
  • Unusual structure of the oral cavity.

Pike are among the famous long-livers. The age of individual individuals can reach 30 years. The body length of older members of the family reaches 1m 80cm. Fish weighing up to 35 kg are found, but usually vary on average around 8 kg.

The structure of the river shark’s mouth allows it to reliably hold prey thanks to small brush teeth with points directed inside the mouth. The lower jaw contains impressive “working” teeth and rows of replacement teeth. These incisors, which are not fused with the bone, replacing the main ones, grow into the jaw in place of the lost ones. This feature allows you to replace a damaged tooth with a new one.

People say: “The pike changes its teeth.”

The location of the eyes, good vision and the lateral line (a tactile organ that responds to vibrations in the water) make this predator a sensitive hunter. Pike prefers to ambush its prey. Hiding among the algae, it makes a swift dash and swallows its prey from the head.

The diet of pike is extensive, especially after the winter period. At such times, the predator can pursue prey for a long time. The activity of predatory fish does not subside until complete satiety. In normal seasonal life, the main food of pikes is fish, small rodents, and frogs.

The habitat of pikes covers fresh water bodies of Eurasia and North America. The varieties are presented in the following list:

  • Amur pike.
  • Common pike.
  • Muskie pike.
  • Black pike (striped pike).

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Perch belongs to the perch family, a genus of freshwater perch, and a species of ray-finned fish.

The following species characteristics are characteristic of perch:

  • High dorsal fin, consisting of 2 parts.
  • Pronounced fin rays.
  • Large mouth with several rows of teeth.

The weight of freshwater inhabitants ranges from 400 g to 3 kg. Average length is about 50cm.

Many varieties of perch are represented by more than 100 species and 9 genera.

  • River perch is the most common species.
  • Balkhash perch has pronounced intraspecific cannibalism.
  • Yellow perch is identified as a separate species.

The comfortable habitat zone for this species is a weak current, the presence of underwater vegetation and medium depths. Perch is a tireless hunter, active at any time of the day. The perch hunts for small species of fish, such as roach, minnow, stickleback, etc. Perch does not disdain the caviar of other species and various invertebrate inhabitants of fresh water bodies.

Perch is a popular game species for fishing enthusiasts. Due to its omnivorous nature, perch brings consistently high catch rates.

The geography of distribution of the perch family covers the entire Northern Hemisphere.

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Arapaima is a tropical fish of the ray-finned class, the Aravanidae family, living in fresh waters.

This species received its name (Arapaima gigas) from its name among the indigenous inhabitants of Guiana and the Latin gigas - “giant”.

Of the freshwater predator fish, this is one of the largest species in the world. The body length usually reaches up to 2 m.

  • Elongated, laterally compressed body.
  • Large, protruding scales.
  • Elongated head with bony plates.
  • Long dorsal and anal fins at the back of the body.

The arrangement and shape of the arapaima's fins form an oar-like joint, which the predator effectively uses to accelerate at the moment of attack. The head, flattened on top, organically fits into the dynamic characteristics of a representative of this species. Low-set pectoral fins help achieve excellent maneuverability. The combination of these factors leaves the victim no chance to avoid the sharp bone teeth located on the tongue and palate of the arapaima. The list of features of the species includes durable scales. This structure of the relief plates gives elasticity and is similar in structure to body armor. Arapaima is not afraid even of piranha bites. Another feature of this species is that the arapaima’s pharynx and swim bladder are lined with a special tissue with a network of blood vessels. This allows the fish to breathe atmospheric air.

Arapaima feeds mainly on fish and small animals. The species became widespread in South America.

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Burbots are exclusively freshwater predatory fish of the cod order. The Latin name of the species is Lota lota.

Characteristic signs of burbot:

  • Elongated body, laterally compressed in the rear.
  • Flattened head (length exceeds body height).
  • Large mouth with shortened lower jaw.
  • There are pairs of mustaches on the upper jaw and one on the chin.

Burbot are also distinguished by their activity in cold waters.

Fishermen are well aware that the most successful period for burbot fishing is the first frost. At this time, the activity of the predator does not subside throughout the day.

In nature, there are two forms of burbot. Sedentary forms, living in lakes and small rivers and semi-anadromous, differ from sedentary ones in that they undertake long migrations. Semi-anadromous forms of burbot are distinguished by larger sizes. Individuals of these migrants are more than a meter in length and weigh about 6 kg. Age can range from 15 to 24 years. The largest specimens of this predator are found in the Lena River. The weight of these fish can be 18 kg. Body length reaches 120cm.

Burbot feeds on young fish, frogs, crayfish and mollusks. Does not neglect the decaying remains of animals.

Distributed in Eastern and Western Europe, Scandinavia, the Baltics, Mongolia and China. In Russia it lives in the basins of the temperate and arctic zones.

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Another species of the perch family is the common ruff.

Distinctive features of an adult are:

  • Short body (1/3 of total length).
  • Spines on pronounced rays of the dorsal fin.

The ruff is a gregarious species. Unpretentious to the environment. The range of acceptable temperatures is from 0-2°C to 34°C. The species also has its own preferences: the absence of underwater vegetation and the soft bottom cover of quiet reservoirs are ideal for searching for food inherent in its usual diet. The main food of the ruffe are small crustaceans, worms, larvae, leeches and many organisms that live in soft bottom sediments. Ruff is well adapted to living conditions with little light. The average body size is from 10 to 12 cm, weight up to 25 g. The average age of the ruffe is 1-3 years, and the upper limit is 11 years. Females live longer.

The age of the ruffe can be determined by the number of grown lines on the scales.

Intraspecific names:

  • Common ruff.
  • Don ruff.
  • Czech ruff.
  • Striped ruff.

Widespread in Eurasia, England, France, Scotland, Norway and North America.

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Representative of the carp family.

This species justifies its name by the fact that clusters of silver bream are highly dense. The appearance of the silver bream does not have pronounced features and can be described as “classic”. People have different versions of the name of this fish:

  • bushyra,
  • weasel,
  • flat,
  • lupirka.

A schooling fish, reminiscent of a bream, and close to the species of bream. They are distinguished by their scales. In the silver bream it is larger and has a bright silver color. Undergrowth scales with a bronze tint.

Gustera is not very active or aggressive. Prefers a bottom littered with roots, snags or other natural sediments with herbaceous vegetation. Periods of activity depend on the seasonal and diurnal cycles. It develops slowly and reaches a length of about 5 cm by the age of 1 year.

Does not neglect the silver bream and plant foods, but prefers crustaceans, worms and insects that live near water. It stays in one place for a long time and leaves it only during spawning. During this period, the silver bream gathers in large flocks.

There is a story among fishermen that you cannot stick an oar among the fish during spawning.

The average size and weight of silver bream are 20cm and 400g, respectively. It is widespread in the basins of the Caspian, Black and Baltic seas.

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The bream belongs to the carp family and is the only representative of the bream genus.

Stands out:

  • Tall body (about a third of length).
  • Small head and mouth.
  • The mouth ends in a retractable tube.
  • Tall and short dorsal fin.
  • Ventral keel without scales.

Bream live in groups in deep places overgrown with plants. The bream is very shy and cautious. It finds food in soft silt deposits. It feeds on insect larvae, tubifex worms, snails and shells.

Maximum length – 80cm. Some individuals gain a mass of 6 kg. The lifespan of bream reaches 23 years.


Specifics of keeping predators

Carnivores require special attention to conditions in captivity.

Here are some important points:

  • careful selection of neighbors: most predators are kept only in a species aquarium, or with larger breeds;
  • it is also advisable to keep one male for several females - there is fierce intraspecific competition among these breeds
  • carnivores prefer live food and have an excellent appetite—considerable amounts of money will be spent on food;
  • Many breeds of hunters jump out of the water in search of food.

Predators are usually expensive and difficult to keep, requiring a lot of space and food.


Typically, carnivores feed on small fish, less often on beef and offal, and sometimes add plant foods to their diet.

Below are popular recommendations for feeding carnivores:

  • The diet should include live food - for example, goldfish;
  • It’s worth feeding your pets on time and to the full amount - otherwise they will attack their neighbors in the tank;
  • crustaceans, mollusks, shrimp, plankton would be a good option;
  • It is not recommended to give fish meat from mammals or birds;
  • Most predators are fed twice a day.

In the case of those species that swallow prey whole, such fish are fed no more than two or three times a week. You also need to ensure that leftover food does not clog the aquarium.


As for other aspects of keeping predators, this also has its own subtleties.

Here are the most significant of them:

  • carnivores love space - they are kept in large aquariums with a volume of at least 80 liters;
  • Only people like them can coexist with predators - everything that is smaller in size is perceived as food;
  • such fish prefer silence and dim light;
  • the scenery must have shelters, where nocturnal species will rest during the day, and ambush lovers will find shelter;
  • carnivores produce a certain amount of organic waste - you will have to purchase more powerful filters.

Otherwise, you need to focus on the needs of each individual species. And be careful with your fingers - carnivores have sharp teeth and a cantankerous character.


Predators are extremely difficult to breed. Some species do not spawn in captivity, others eat their partner after spawning. A couple of weeks before spawning, the pair is placed in a separate spawning tank and intensively fed with high-quality live food. Cichlids tend to hatch eggs in their mouths. The fry feed on brine shrimp, cyclops and daphnia. As soon as the fry hatch, the adults are placed in a common aquarium - they can eat the fry. Viviparous fish mate in a common tank, but the female is placed in a spawning tank a couple of days before the young are hatched.

Predatory fish of salt waters

Moray eels

A large and aggressive representative of the ray-finned genus, the moray eel family.

The distinctive features of this predator make a terrifying impression. A number of characteristic features of the moray eel distinguish it from the many predatory representatives of the seas.

  • Serpentine body shape.
  • Skin without scales.
  • Various colors.
  • Swimming method.

The evolution of the development of the moray eel species took a different path, unlike other fish species. The way the predator moves in water is borrowed from snakes. This comparison is supported by the shape of the body, elongated by additional vertebrae. The large head of this predator is elongated and divided by two massive jaws. Both of them have wedge-shaped sharp teeth. Deeper in the mouth there is another pharyngeal jaw. When catching a prey, it moves forward and grabs the prey, pulling it deeper into the throat. Moray eels are active at night, hunting from ambush for fish, octopuses and crustaceans.

There are about 200 different species of this family.

  • European moray eel (most common).
  • Saber-tooth moray eel.
  • Spotted moray eel.

A common European species of moray eels reaches a length of up to one and a half meters. The average weight of these individuals is about 6 kg. The maximum figures are close to 50kg. The depths that moray eels can reach are 800m.

The moray eel's threatening pose with its mouth open is caused by the fact that it passes water through the oral cavity over the gills to saturate the blood with oxygen.

The habitat of this predator is determined by average water temperatures and is represented by tropical and subtropical seas.

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The conger eel has great intraspecific diversity. This species acquired its second name - conger - from its Latin name (Conger conger). The body shape and method of movement in the aquatic environment are similar to moray eels. Description of features:

  • Serpentine body.
  • Three fins (dorsal, anal and caudal), fused into one.
  • Large oval shaped eyes.
  • The slits of the gill openings reach the abdominal cavity.
  • The skin without scales is covered with mucus.

Conger is active at night. Ambushes the victim. It can dig a hole in the bottom soil with its strong tail and wait for prey there or use camouflage, merging with the vegetation near the bottom. The subject of the hunt is small fish, mollusks and crustaceans. The powerful teeth of the conger eel are shaped like incisors and help to easily deal with even large fish stuck in fishing nets.

The size of this predator reaches over one meter for the male and more than two meters for the female. The difference in weight between the sexes is also significant. Its habitat covers the eastern Atlantic from West Africa to the Mediterranean Sea.

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Marine predatory fish from the order Mackerelidae. Barracudas are informally called sea pikes for their external resemblance to their freshwater counterparts of the pike family. With its habits, gluttony and agility, this predator is also similar to a pike.

In North America, barracudas are called "tigers of the sea"

  • The lower jaw protrudes forward beyond the upper.
  • A row of teeth dot the outside of the jaw.
  • The gill covers have spines.
  • Large mouth with two rows of teeth.

There are 2 rows of teeth in the barracuda's mouth. In the second row, the teeth are larger and shaped like daggers. The elongated body has a pronounced lateral line from head to tail.

Barracudas have high dynamics in motion and are able to reach speeds in the aquatic environment of up to 43 km/h.

Barracuda feeds on all types of fish available in size, but is also capable of attacking larger fish. A sexually mature individual eats up to 2 kg of meat per day.

The intraspecific classification of barracudas is rich in diversity. There are 28 modern species in total. Here are some of them:

  • Sharp-finned barracuda.
  • California barracuda.
  • Big barracuda.
  • Northern barracuda.

The size of the fish reaches a maximum of 2 meters, and its weight is 50 kg.

Habitat: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian oceans, Red and Mediterranean seas.

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Toad fish

Another name by analogy with the Latin (Batrachoididae) is Batrachoidae or toad-like.

Sedentary sea bottom predatory fish that reach a small size - 20-35 cm, and the largest species - 57 cm in length.

Characteristic features:

  • The ability to make sounds (some types).
  • Presence of luminous organs (photophores).
  • Venom-bearing glands (some types).

The sounds that these amazing creatures are capable of making are varied. They are able to amaze the imagination with their resemblance to a beep, rustle, knock, grumble or growl. Luminous organs in a number of subspecies only enhance this effect. Venom-bearing members of the family have spiny rays on the dorsal fin. The poison can cause painful symptoms in humans.

In total, the batrachidae order unites about 82 species. Toadfishes inhabit temperate and tropical zones of the seas. They live in algae thickets or among rocks.

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This born hunter from the order of cartilaginous fish has a number of remarkable features:

  • Torpedo-shaped body.
  • Large tail fin.
  • A huge mouth with many sharp teeth on each jaw.

The Russian origin of the name "shark" goes back to the Vikings. The Norwegians used the word “hakall” to refer to any fish.

Intraspecific diversity implies significant differences in body structure and size among a given family. Small representatives are about 20 cm in length, and a large whale shark grows up to 20 meters and reaches a weight of 34 tons. The structural features of a shark's heart force the predator to be in constant motion. This is how the shark maintains blood pressure.

This representative of the predatory fauna often demonstrates its intelligence and social behavior. Cases of “playful” behavior of sharks with their relatives have been observed.

Sharks are widespread in the seas and oceans on the surface and at depths of over 2000 meters. The most famous types:

  • Great white shark.
  • Tiger shark.
  • Sea fox.
  • Whale shark.

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The long-snouted pipefish is a member of the pipefish family. Its Latin name (Syngnathidae) comes from the Greek “syn” - together and “gnathos” - jaw. This distinctive feature of the family is expressed in the fused jaw. Features:

  • Fused jaw.
  • The muzzle is curved down.
  • Tenacious tail.
  • Tail fin resembling pipefish.

The tail of the needle fish acts as a kind of anchor. Individuals of this family, if necessary, use it to cling to various objects or vegetation. The long thin body is covered with a shell with bony trunk rings. At a low speed of movement in the aquatic environment, the long-snouted pipefish is quite maneuverable. Well-developed mimicry allows you to adapt to environmental conditions and change your color, adapting to the external landscape.

The needlefish stays close to the surface and feeds on small fish, cephalopods and crustaceans.

The pipefish does not have a stomach. Their digestive system secretes an enzyme called trypsin, which breaks down food.

Habitat: Black, Caspian, Azov and Aral seas. In the Baltic Sea it reaches the Gulf of Finland.

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The European garfish belongs to the garfish family. The garfish has a characteristic difference in the structure of the head bones - ossification of some cartilages. This explains the immobility of the upper jaw. Another species feature is the digestive tract, which is not connected to the air bladder. The arrowfish leads an active lifestyle, but this is not expressed in aggression towards other species, but in movement across large expanses of seas and oceans. Garfish are classified by species according to their habitats, color options and shape.

  • European.
  • Far Eastern.
  • Black Sea.
  • Black-tailed (black).
  • Ribbon-shaped.

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Sea devils

This species got its name because of its unattractive appearance. Another name is European anglerfish. A striking representative of the fauna of salt waters with striking differences.

  • Camouflage color
  • Skin covered with growths
  • The process on the forehead is a fishing rod (only in females)
  • Row of long teeth (for capturing food)

Monkfish is one of the deepest-sea fish species. It camouflages itself in bottom sediments and guards prey. It attacks the prey, luring it with the first ray of its dorsal fin, which looks like a “fishing rod” with a hook at the end. The attack occurs by sucking in water along with the victim. It can jump by pushing off the bottom using its pectoral fins.

When a male anglerfish finds a suitable mate, it digs into the female's stomach and attaches itself to her. The two fish eventually merge into a single creature.

The main diet is fish. Lives in the Atlantic Ocean, Barents Sea, Black and Baltic Seas.

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The habitat of catfish covers mainly the cold waters of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Due to this preference for cold, this species does not rise to the surface closer than 100 meters.

The catfish is one of the most ancient classes of cold-blooded representatives of the planet, and the oldest fossil of this class is about 400 million years old. Characteristic features include:

  • Body expanding towards the head.
  • Large round head.
  • Non-standard jaws.

The appearance of this monster is aggravated by the presence of a large number of teeth. The front teeth resemble wolf fangs and therefore catfish are called “sea wolves” or “dogs”. The purpose of these “fangs” is to pick shellfish from rocks. It feeds on fish, echinoderms and crustaceans.


An order of perciformes widespread in the tropical and subtropical waters of the oceans.

The shape of the body and individual organs is similar to the idea of ​​the “classical” structure of aquatic inhabitants. Bluefish are schooling fish and migrate actively in large formations.

This predator also excels in hunting. The pursuit of the victim is aggressive and purposeful. At the distance of the final cast, the bluefish raises its head with its jaw lowered, flares its gills and grabs the prey. The diet of bluefish is dominated by fish.

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The European eelpout belongs to the order of perciform fish and inhabits the waters of the northern seas, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The eelpout has a number of intraspecific characters:

  • Continuous dorsal, anal and caudal fins.
  • A characteristic notch at the end of the caudal fin

For the eelpout, the maximum body length is 52cm, but the average value varies within 30cm. The value of this species lies in its meat. White and dense, it has a good taste and high fat content. The eelpout is a viviparous fish. These predators eat various small mollusks, caviar and fry of other species.

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Sharks, barracudas, moray eels and piranhas have acquired the worst reputation of all carnivores.

Perhaps this list of fish is the most frightening in all corners of the globe.
Although, if you compare the number of people who died from fish bites, this figure will not be impressive. After all, even dogs kill more people every year. Films and an extensive information campaign played a significant role in the bad reputation that formed. They served as an important factor in the perception of sharks and other predators as something dark and bringing death. Did you like the recipe?

Migratory predatory fish


The sturgeon family is represented by freshwater, semi-anadromous and anadromous species. Anadromous sturgeons spend part of their life cycle in the sea, and the other part in inflowing rivers. Migration to rivers occurs during spawning. Sturgeons are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • Bone scutes along the body.
  • Fin rays wrapping around the end of the tail.
  • Peculiar structure of the skull
  • Toothless retractable mouth with fleshy lips
  • Two pairs of tactile whiskers

Northern varieties of sturgeon reach significant sizes. The body length of the white sturgeon reaches 6 meters, and the recorded weight is 816 kg.

Sturgeons prefer to stay near the bottom and feed on fish, shellfish and worms. The lifespan of an individual is 40-50 years.

Sturgeon caviar is an expensive product. It is a valuable commercial fish. The sturgeon's habitat includes Eurasia and North America.

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Salmon is the name of a family, the list of which includes famous representatives:

  • pink salmon,
  • chum salmon,
  • nelma,
  • whitefish.

The intraspecific description of these fish can be expressed in comparisons: small and large, white meat and red, freshwater and sea inhabitants. Salmon also share many common characteristics.

  • Reproduction in fresh water bodies.
  • Spotted coloration.
  • Features of body structure.
  • Large caviar.
  • Gastronomic properties.

The name of the family is based on the Indo-European root “lah”, which means “spotted”.

Some representatives of this species spawn 3 to 5 times while others do it once. Salmon live in schools, forming huge aggregations. Pacific salmon go to spawn in the rivers of the Far East of Russia, Korea, Japan and North America.

The most numerous representative of the family is pink salmon.

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Gobies belong to coastal species and have characteristic features inherent in a benthic lifestyle.

  • Wide head.
  • Closely spaced large eyes.
  • Two dorsal fins.
  • Abdominal sucker

The suction cup, located on the belly, was formed by the fusion of two fins, and gobies use this tool by sucking on stones. In this way, the individual can wait out the rough waters during a storm in place. The length of the fish ranges from several centimeters to half a meter. Weight varies from 30g to 1kg 500g. Gobies live in the warm waters of the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea.

A monument to this fish was erected near the port of Berdyansk. This is due to the intensive fishing of local residents, who helped this species survive in difficult times.

Yandex pictures

Fourth wheel

This is another interesting game for older preschoolers. The teacher lays out 4 cards in a row, and the children try to understand which image is superfluous and give reasons for the choice.

Here are examples for the game:

  • herring, silver carp, sailfish, mackerel;

  • shark, moray eel, clown fish, piranha;

  • trout, zebrafish, angelfish, guppies;

  • tuna, halibut, flounder, swordtail;

  • pike, stingray, carp, crucian carp.

Salmon meat

Salmon fillet and caviar have good taste characteristics and are highly valued by gourmets. These products are considered not only delicacy, but also dietary.

Calories and nutritional value

The calorie content of salted fillet is 150-198 kcal. At the same time, the average energy value of thermally processed fish is 133-202 kcal. The protein content per 100 g reaches 24.58 g, fat – 13.38. There are no carbohydrates in the meat of this fish.

Cost per 1 kilogram

The price of salmon depends on its type, method of extraction, cutting and storage features. On average it is 230-700 rubles. for 1 kg. The cost of caviar often exceeds 800 rubles. for 100 g.

Is it eaten raw?

In Korean, Chinese and Japanese cuisines, raw salmon is used to make sushi and sashimi. This fish rarely harbors parasites. However, there is still a risk of infection if you eat salmon raw.

Say it kindly

The game teaches preschoolers to form the diminutive form of nouns. The player names the fish shown in the picture, then transforms the name:

  • pike perch - pike perch;
  • pike - pike;
  • crucian carp - crucian carp;
  • bream - bream;
  • stingray - stingray;
  • shark - little shark;
  • burbot - burbot;
  • catfish - catfish.


Most species of salmon lead an omnivorous or predatory lifestyle.

Their diet includes:

  • marine and freshwater worms;
  • zooplankton;
  • shellfish;
  • shrimps;
  • small ctenophores and jellyfish;
  • juvenile squid;
  • fry;
  • small fish;
  • water insects.

The diet of fish includes mollusks and zooplankton.
The diet varies depending on the time of year and food supply. The fish quickly adapts to existing conditions.

Spawning period and offspring

In the northernmost regions, migratory salmon begin to spawn in the second half of September and remain until the beginning of November, when the water temperature in the rivers is 0...+8 °C. In warmer areas, the breeding season for fish lasts from October to January. Individuals ready to reproduce try to get into rivers in which they themselves were eliminated from the game.

When entering fresh water, they undergo metamorphosis and stop feeding. Fish are often forced to swim against strong currents and even overcome large rock rapids. During migration, they use up previously accumulated fat. Having reached the spawning site, the female makes a hole in the rocky bottom and spawns eggs. The male stays nearby.

Seeing that the female has started to meth, he swims up to her side and releases her milk. After this, the adults die.

The incubation period can last more than 50 days. Up to 12 weeks, the fry hide among stones and aquatic plants. The strengthened young animals, able to withstand the current, come out of their shelters and begin to actively feed. When individuals reach a length of 10-15 cm, they go out to sea for a walk.

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