External filter Tetra EX 600 Plus for aquariums up to 120 l

Tetra EasyCrystal FilterBox 300 and 600

These internal filters are very similar in essence to the previous EasyCrystal 250 filter. But they have a number of distinctive features!

Tetra EasyCrystal FilterBox is an aquarium internal filter with a compartment for a thermostat . The EasyCrystal FilterBox is a compact, space-saving aquarium kit for optimal filtration of aquarium water. An additional compartment allows you to integrate a thermostat into the EasyCrystal FilterBox filter (the thermostat is not included in the delivery, we recommend the Tetra HT 50 thermostat).

Tetra EasyCrystal FilterBox 300 - for aquariums from 40 to 60 liters.

Tetra EasyCrystal FilterBox 600 - suitable for aquariums from 50 to 150 liters.

Tetra EasyCrystal FilterBox 600 instructions in PDF format.

Let's watch a video about the above filters

Tetra EasyCrystal and Tetra EasyCrystal FilterBox

So, we looked at another series of Tetra filters. Popularly, such filters are called backpacks; they are hung on the aquarium and create the effect of a waterfall. From Internet practice, let’s say that our “traditional craftsmen” use these filters in different ways. Some people use them for “biology”, i.e. These backpacks are completely filled with ceramic rings and thereby create good biological filtration, while others, on the contrary, focus on “mechanics”, that is, they fill the filter with sponges. Some even upgrade their backpacks to fit phytofilters , i.e. hydrophilic plants are planted in backpacks. All this tells us that the EasyCrystal filter series is convenient, multifunctional, and spacious!

Tetra EasyCrystal filter

Information from the company's official website: Tetra EasyCrystal is an internal filter that takes care of clear and healthy water through mechanical, biological and chemical purification!

Tetra EasyCrystal is:

— Mechanical cleaning: double-sided filter sponge for reliable removal of the smallest dirt particles. White side for pre-filtration, green side for thorough fine filtration.

— Biological filtration: filter sponge and bio-balls with a particularly large surface area that promotes the colonization of beneficial bacteria.

— Chemical filtration: special activated carbon fights water pollution and unpleasant odors.

— The EasyCrystal filter is very easy to clean; you just need to replace the cartridge every 4 weeks. There is no need to rinse the filter sponge, which means your hands will remain dry!

— improves water circulation using a powerful magnetic turbine.

— compact design allows you to save space in the aquarium.

- for aquariums from 15 to 40 liters.

- free placement in the aquarium using suction cups.

— TÜV/GS quality control certificates.

Let's take a look at the complete instructions for Tetra EasyCrystal 250.

_External filter Tetra EX 700 700 l/h up to 250 l

Disadvantages: Large number of articulated joints. The seal in the manual pumping button has not been improved. Thin fittings for attaching hoses (break off). You have to heat the hoses with a hairdryer. Spare parts are sold only in expensive sets. After two years of use, when closing the lid it began to drip from under the handles. The rubber band is in perfect order. There were no problems before - I disassembled, assembled, installed, it works. As for the extra bunch of hinge joints, that’s also to the point - nonsense of the developers. If they really wanted to create some kind of comfort for the aquarist, then at least they would have made it from decent materials and a supply of gaskets in the lubricant would have been nice. But there’s nothing to do, I’m using it for now. I haven't looked for an alternative yet. Yes, and does she exist? In principle, if it leaks, it’s five drops per hour. In Russian - a filter trough and your neighbor won’t have to do any repairs.

Comment: I figured out where it was leaking. I want to say right away that the place has not been modified by the manufacturer and it is possible that the leak may occur immediately on new filters. But everything can be fixed and I hope mine will serve for a very long time. There are no problems and cannot be with a large gasket in the lid. Over time, the lubricant is washed off from it - you just need to lubricate it and there are no problems. I use silicone universal lubricant SILICOT. It is colorless, odorless and cannot be washed off with water. After lubricating the gasket, the cover fits in very nicely and easily. About the problem. Finding the leak turned out to be surprisingly simple - I unscrewed 6 screws on the lid removed from the filter, removed the top shell, put the lid in place (on the flask), secured it with two latches (side handles) so that it would not rise under the pressure of water, and turned on the filter. The overview is amazing - you can see everything. I was leaking water from the pump button. Directly through the crack between the button and its body. It is removed by turning counterclockwise using the “ears” (apparently specially cast). Be careful, there is a powerful return spring underneath it. The rubber o-ring on the button is a completely crazy design, because the button has vertical play, the o-ring warps and leaks water. The most interesting thing is that after washing and assembling, install the filter - there are no leaks and nothing is visible under the beautiful cover. And when the cavities inside are wet, it will flow out. So it seems that it is due to the handles and the fault of the main (large) gasket (ring). I found a solution for myself - I picked up a rubber seal like a siphon at a plumbing store for 20 rubles. I put it on the button, inserted the button into the body, the spring pressed everything down and BEAUTY! It could also be used for sealant. I don’t need this “hand pump” anyway. I get by somehow. But if you think about it, you can keep everything in action. After much research into everything else, I realized that the device is very reliable. So don't rush to conclusions. Good luck!

Tetra IN plus internal filter

IN 300 / IN 400 / IN 600 / IN 800 / IN 1000

A powerful and convenient internal filter for mechanical, biological and chemical purification of water in an aquarium.

— the filter has 2 cleaning chambers.

— the loss of beneficial bacteria can be reduced by cleaning only one filter chamber; one filter sponge always remains in the chamber.

— when cleaning the filter, the device itself remains in the aquarium.

— the new design of the device allows you to remove filter media without touching the filter sponge with your hands.

— water circulation is adjusted individually for each aquarium.

— output nozzles rotating 180 degrees.

— additional air intake using an adjustable Venturi system.

— beautiful and compact design, does not take up much space.

- stable suction cups allowing the filter to be firmly attached to the surface.

– biological sponge and activated carbon are available as spare parts

– TÜV/GS quality control certificates, CE quality certificate

Tetra IN plus instructions for download.

Let us draw the reader's attention to the fact that this series of filters has weak aeration (the Venturi system is weak), in fact, this is a convenient mechanical filter without aeration as such. It’s great to put coal, zeolite and other fillers in it.

A visual overview of the Tetra IN plus filter

Airlift filter Tetra Brillant Filter

And now, finally, we have reached what can be called the “youngest” of the Tetra filter family. Small, but daring! Tetra Brillant Filter - called airlift, you can find out more about the principle of its operation on our forum, here . These filters are perfect for aquariums with small fish, small shrimp or spawning aquariums. Such filters minimize the risks of suction and injury to aquatic organisms.

Description of Tetra Brillant Filter:

Internal filter with filter sponge and air suction tube.

- an ideal process for mechanical and biological water purification.

— the filter sponge is made of high-quality non-toxic and dense material.

— the structure of the sponge is a porous labyrinth that facilitates the colonization of beneficial bacteria involved in important biological processes.

— the structure of the sponge does not change after long use.

— provides additional oxygen supply and thereby improved water circulation.

- easy to move and easy to use.

- easy to clean.

- ideal combination with the Tetra APS 100 air compressor.

- for aquariums up to 100 liters.

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