TOP 7 best automatic feeders for aquarium fish with reviews from owners

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The fact is that many aquarists who initially started small aquariums eventually begin to think about how to get a larger “jar” for themselves. Frankly speaking, this is a very correct decision, since the larger the aquarium, the easier it is to maintain, the more stable it “works” and naturally, you can get more fish for a larger volume, as well as more interesting fish than those kept in a small aquarium volume. Therefore, if space allows, then after 20-50 liters of aquariums, the aquarist usually thinks about starting an aquarium with a volume of 200-250, or even 300 liters. Therefore, the first question that arises is whether to buy an aquarium. Of course, if your financial condition allows it, then it costs nothing to go and buy an aquarium in a store or order it from a master, but if, as they say, the budget is limited, then the time comes when saving drowning people...

That’s when the aquarist’s hard, harsh everyday life begins, in search of information about the upcoming project. It goes without saying that in this process the experience that the aquarist has, what he has seen, what knowledge he has acquired from various sources, etc. plays an important role. as well as those around you who can share practical advice on the nuances of the process of gluing an aquarium. But as a rule, the information received is very different.

Tables of aquarium parameters and glass sizes give average results, just like aquarium calculators on websites, and, as a rule, average data is entered into such tables. The experience of colleagues also plays a cruel joke, opinions are completely different: some focus on the strength of the product, others pay more attention to appearance, others on cheapness...

So where to choose the golden mean? As you know, glass is 1/3 of the cost of an aquarium (approximately), so I don’t see any point in saving. Glass is the most important element, on which 1/3 of all the characteristics of your product will depend (2/3 is glue, proportions, appearance and correct installation). Let’s try to understand those nuances that are connected specifically with glass.

Well, first of all, I need to say that it is no secret that each glass has a thickness of: according to the standard for the CIS countries, it can be thickness: 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0; 3.5; 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; 7.0; 8.0; 10.0; 12.0; 15.0; 19.0;, the quality of glass varies from grade M0 to grade M7, it depends on the amount of defects that result from glass manufacturing.

When is it better to buy a ready-made option?

Nowadays, pet stores offer a huge selection of both standard rectangular and spherical aquariums, as well as other non-standard interesting shapes (concave, curved, elongated). And the fillers and unusual decorative details are simply eye-opening. In general, there will be no problems with the choice; it all depends on the tastes and finances of the buyer. And if you are purchasing a small aquarium for the first time, it is better to buy a ready-made one.

Recipe No. 2. Homemade iron chelate

Iron chelate is a necessary micronutrient for aquarium plants, affecting the decorative appearance of leaves and preventing the development of chlorosis. To prepare the drug you will need:

  • 10 g of iron sulfate;
  • 10 g citric acid;
  • 250 ml distilled water.

First, a solution of citric acid is prepared, and then iron sulfate is dissolved in it in small portions. The drug is added to the aquarium daily at the rate of 3 ml per 100 liters of water.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

But everyone wants to make their home individual, different from others. That is why, to complement the interior of their home, many try to make an aquarium specially according to developed sketches, non-standard sizes, a unique shape, and a more durable design. To save money, just for fun, if there is free time, many people decide to do it themselves. Fortunately, there are a lot of different instructions on the Internet, some detailed and some not so detailed. Even a beginner, by choosing the right materials (in particular, you should pay attention to the thickness of the glass for the aquarium) and carefully following the sequence of actions, will be able to slowly produce something that will satisfy his needs.

Which aquarium materials are better - acrylic or silicate? This question cannot be answered so simply, because each of them has its own advantages. In order to simplify the choice, we will consider each of them separately.

What determines the strength of glass?

The main indicator of the quality of glass for aquariums is its strength. But, first of all, the degree of strength can be influenced by the following factors:

  • glass thickness;
  • the presence of additional hardening;
  • manufacturing technology;
  • glass sizes;
  • quality of subsequent processing.

Glass for an aquarium must be durable
When choosing glass, you should pay attention to the surface area of ​​the aquarium . This is one of the main criteria. As a result, the new aquarium will not only fit perfectly into the interior of almost any room, but will also provide ease of operation.

Choosing good glass for an aquarium

Silicate glass

The material is familiar to everyone firsthand; a huge number of structures are made from it - from windows to shop windows. This material is often found in everyday life. But for aquariums it is preferable to use polished, since the light transmittance is higher (in other words, transparency). The thickness of glass for an aquarium is considered suitable from 4 to 19 mm. On the Russian market you can find both local and imported manufacturers. This glass is quite inexpensive, but very heavy. Large containers are very massive and require enormous labor costs during installation. Obtaining interesting curved structures is quite problematic, because for this the glass must be heated to high temperatures (about 800 degrees) using expensive molds. Therefore, it is advisable to use simple geometric shapes. For gluing, a special glass sealant is required, which can be black or transparent.

The advantages of a glass aquarium include comparative ease of care:

  • can be cleaned with hard scrapers;
  • transparency is not lost over time;
  • does not deform over time.

Tools and materials for preparing homemade microfertilizers

Aquarium plants require the same nutrients as land-based species. Therefore, fertilizers for them can be prepared on the basis of ordinary garden mineral mixtures, which are sold in stores for plant growers.

Compared to professional aquarium fertilizers, self-mixes have both advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages Flaws
  • low cost;
  • the ability to “adjust” the composition to the needs of specific plants.
  • the need for accurate calculations and measurements;
  • short shelf life of prepared solutions.

Despite these disadvantages, many experienced aquascapers do not refuse to experiment with homemade fertilizers:

“It’s not so much about the price, but about the pleasure of the creative process. Well, besides, the manufacturer does not know what exactly and in what quantities I have planted, what kind of lighting and water parameters I have, and so on and so forth. Therefore, I prefer to watch the aqua and mix the fertilizers myself” (Vitaly, Moscow).

To prepare microfertilizers for an aquarium from mineral fertilizers for land plants, you will need the following tools:

  • measuring utensils;
  • disposable syringes without needles;
  • good electronic scales with an accuracy of 0.01 g and higher;
  • containers for storing solutions;
  • fridge.

Important! The container in which the prepared microfertilizers will be stored must be opaque. When exposed to light, many chemical compounds decompose, and the solution will either lose its nutritional properties or become unsafe for aquatic organisms.

  1. To independently prepare aquarium microfertilizers, it is convenient to use portable jewelry scales. They allow you to measure components with high accuracy, avoiding excess dosage.


Acrylic (and this is organic glass) has recently become very widespread in the manufacture of aquariums according to individual sketches. To obtain unusual shapes, simply bend it or place it in a heat chamber (200 degrees). A solvent is used for gluing, and the seams are completely transparent. The advantages of an acrylic aquarium are as follows:

  • light weight, this is especially true with significant dimensions;
  • plasticity, easily takes on any shape; the container turns out to be seamless;
  • cutting glass to size is done quickly and effortlessly (especially important for additional ventilation holes).

But plasticity also has a second side - insufficient bending resistance. Because of this, the walls of the aquarium quickly deform (bend) under the influence of water pressure.

When cleaning, use only soft materials to avoid scratching. But the main disadvantage is the loss of transparency over time (guarantee - from 3 to 5 years).

How to do it yourself?

At first glance, making an automatic feeder with your own hands is not easy. But it only seems so. Let's look at the example below of the technique of making an automatic feeder.

It is enough to turn on your imagination a little and understand the principle of supplying food at a strictly defined time, then you can figure out that we need only 2 main things: a table clock (an ordinary alarm clock) and a light box that simultaneously plays the role of a feed hopper and dispenser.

  1. Such a box with a lid can be made, for example, from light transparent plastic. In the container (with the lid on), near one of the corners, you need to make a smooth hole through which the food will begin to pour out.
  2. Then the cover is removed, and a partition is glued into the body so that it separates the space with the hole from the main part. In appearance it resembles the entrance to a labyrinth.
  3. A round hole is carefully cut in the center of the case in order to fit an improvised aft compartment onto the clock axis. Dry food is poured into the box in a vertical position to a level below the central hole.
  4. There is a clock mechanism: it is the alarm clock itself with the glass removed. A homemade camera is placed on the hour axis and attached with thin tape to the hour hand. It is necessary to choose a position so that 2 times a day, at a certain time, the slot of the box is at the bottom.
  5. The food will begin to gradually fall out until the hour hand travels a certain path along the dial. All that remains is to secure the homemade automatic feeder near the edge of the aquarium lid, above the water. Our homemade automatic feeder is ready.

The main criterion for choosing an aquarium

The main criterion when choosing should be the thickness of the glass for the aquarium (it can be different at the walls and bottom). The safety of the home (office) and the safety of the lives of all water inhabitants depend on this. After all, quite often, having acquired a taste for it, simply for beauty, quite expensive and rare species of aquatic inhabitants are bred. And eliminating the consequences of a flood due to a burst wall or bottom is a very tedious and costly task (especially if neighbors were injured). And aquarium manufacturers, to reduce the cost, supply glass with borderline values.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you decide to buy a ready-made aquarium or make it yourself, the wall thickness values ​​​​for aquariums of standard sizes should be as follows:

  • for containers of 5 - 30 liters, use 4 mm glass;
  • for a volume of water from 30 to 80 liters, it is advisable to take 5 mm;
  • an aquarium with a capacity of 80 to 150 liters will require glass 6 mm thick;
  • with a water pressure resistance of 150-220 liters, the walls and bottom must be at least 8 mm thick;
  • for volumes over 220 liters - at least 1 cm.

The best automatic feeders for aquarium fish

An automatic aquarium feeder is a useful device that will dose the supply of food to the aquarium. It is suitable for those families who spend most of their time on business trips or people who do not want to keep in mind the need to feed aquatic pets. With its help, the fish will not overeat, and the water will remain clean for a long time.

The TOP of the best automatic fish feeders includes:

Prime PR-H-9000

An automatic fish feeder of this model will become a real assistant for any aquarist. It has an electric motor that runs on a AA battery. The regularity of food supply is controlled by a timer. You can independently set the interval at which it will automatically turn the drum with food. The body is made of durable plastic. It is attached using suction cups to a plastic lid or glass. The feeder has a sealed housing that does not allow moisture to enter.

Manufacturer countryChina
Number of feedings1-3
Container volume, ml120


  • reliable fastenings;
  • practicality;
  • you can set the regularity;
  • durable device;
  • convenient feed dispenser.


  • no tilt adjustment;
  • there is no delay on start.

Review: “I’m very pleased with the feeder, the price is quite reasonable for such a useful thing. I install it in the morning, and it works until 21.00. It is very inconvenient that there is no tilt adjustment - the food pours into one place. I’m very used to the feeder, now I can do it without worrying about the fish being hungry.”

Juwel EasyFeed Juw-89000

An automatic fish feeder that programs 2 meals a day for 24 hours. Well suited for those who often go on business trips. It is recommended to use food in granules or tablets. The reservoir protects food from water. Used for all types of aquariums. This requires a hole into which the feeder is inserted. It does not require special care, you just need to periodically clean the container to avoid the occurrence of fungal mold.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Number of feedings1-2
Container volume, ml80


  • works quietly;
  • stylish design:
  • moisture resistance;
  • energy efficient;
  • easy to install.


  • frequent battery replacement;
  • Pelleted food sometimes gets clogged in the hole.

Review: “Very often we are not at home and began to look for an alternative for the fish. We read the reviews on the forum and learned about a useful thing like an automatic feeder, and immediately went to the store. The device is small and can be mounted on the wall of the aquarium. Feed is poured into a special hole and the feeding timer is set. Very convenient for short absences. Easy to clean. We haven’t changed the battery even once in half a year.”

Sera Feed A Plus S-8840

This model of feeder is included in the rating of modern accessories for the aquarium. It is equipped with a round drum that protects the feed from moisture. A special air inlet allows owners to feed their fish in a balanced manner. The automatic turning system is very smooth, and if a failure occurs, the gear mechanism will not be damaged. The drum holds 80 ml of food, which is fed into the water slowly and evenly. The number of feedings is set independently.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Number of feedings6
Container volume, ml80


  • convenient programming;
  • durable fasteners;
  • moisture resistance;
  • compact hole for pouring feed;
  • practicality.


  • unclear installation instructions;
  • the amount of food may vary.

Review: “I ran into a problem that I forgot to feed the fish. I still can’t get used to the new inhabitants in my apartment. Friends advised me to buy an automatic dispenser. The device is really very useful. I attached it to the lid of the aquarium, added food and that’s it – I can go without visiting the fish for 3 days. You can set the feeding frequency and dose. Very pleased with the purchase.”

Tetra myFeeder

An automated dispenser feeds fish without the presence of the owners. Using the digital display, you can program up to three meals at a specific interval. A specially designed feed tank that protects from light, water and other influences. The display will notify you that the battery has been replaced. Rubber feet, the height of which can be adjusted, will reduce noise when feeding. The window allows you to monitor the filling level of the tank.

Manufacturer countryIndia
Number of feedings3
Container volume, ml100


  • suitable for all types of aquariums;
  • large capacity for food;
  • regulation of feedings;
  • several installation options;
  • equipment.


  • difficulties in setting up;
  • feed gets wet.

Review: “We bought it for my dad so that he could easily go to the dacha in the summer. The engine operation seemed a little noisy, but overall everything was fine. The charge indicator reminds you to replace the battery, which is very convenient. You can view the charge level on the display. The device is of high quality and has been serving well for the 2nd year already.”

Trixie Aqua Pro

The automatic fish feeder is quite easy to use. Works in several modes: feeding every 12 or 24 hours. A special tank holds 150-200 ml of feed. This can be dry food, granules or tablets. Inside the feeder it is completely protected from dampness and light. Powered by two AA batteries. Attached to the edge of an aquarium or pool. The plastic is easily washed away from food debris.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Number of feedings1-3
Container volume, ml150


  • simple design;
  • clear menu;
  • ease of setup;
  • ease of care;
  • tank volume.


  • low quality plastic;
  • The battery doesn't hold up well.

Review: “We bought a food dispenser to regulate the food of the fish. Thanks to the timer, they eat according to a schedule and a certain amount, which allows them to avoid overeating. Reliable fastenings stick to the walls of the aquarium, so there is no need to worry about the device falling into the water. I remove it periodically to clean it, because the food is in a humid environment. We are happy with the purchase.”

Eheim Autofeeder

Single-chamber automatic fish dispenser. It is easy to program feeding times and regulate the feed supply. This model is equipped with a food ventilation system. The “snacks” button allows you to feed the fish at the right time. The menu setting keys have a moisture protection function. The device reminds you to replace the battery on the device. It is equipped with brackets for attaching to glass in open aquariums. Ideal for cereals.

Manufacturer countryGermany
Number of feedings1-2
Container volume, ml100


  • automatic and manual settings;
  • reliable fastenings;
  • reduces waste;
  • eliminates the problem of water clogging;
  • prevents moisture from getting into the feed.


  • the timer keeps getting lost;
  • food gets clogged in the hole.

Review: “We bought an automatic fish feeder. We are engaged in their reproduction, so it is not always possible to keep track of everything. Has a large food tank. I prefer dry food, as flakes sometimes get forgotten in the doorway. The fish eat 3 times a day. The water is no longer cloudy and is less clogged with food waste.”

Ferplast Chef Pro

The new automatic fish feeder can take care of pets while the owners are away. It is manufactured with four holes, which are installed depending on the type of feed. The device runs on AA batteries. The feeder can be easily programmed for up to three feedings per day with a constant volume of portions. Suitable for different types of aquariums. To clean the tank, it must be carefully removed, washed, dried well and secured in its original position.

Manufacturer countryItaly
Number of feedings3
Container volume, ml100


  • 3 timer modes;
  • Suitable for different aquariums;
  • holds a charge for a long time;
  • portion control;
  • compactness.


  • the battery compartment may open;
  • digital settings.

Review: “Grandma loves fish very much; she keeps several aquariums at home. We decided to give her an automatic dispenser so that the fish would eat food when she is not at home. Helped install and configure. Convenient bowl for food. The food goes in easily and nothing spills. Grandma is very happy, now she has more time to garden. The purchase is really very useful.”

If the aquarium is non-standard

What to do if you want to have an aquarium of an original shape, super-flat, vertical or curved-concave? Then you will have to make it either yourself or to order.

In any case, both you and the company will have to calculate the thickness of the glass for the aquarium. The manufacturer has trained people or special programs for this. When assembling it yourself, you will have to look for sites that provide formulas that are used to make calculations and explain all the values ​​in detail, or there is even a special calculator.

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