Photos of aquarium fish - alphabetical list-catalog with names, characteristics and descriptions of popular species of aquarium fish


  • Discus
  • Guppy
  • Cockerel
  • gold fish
  • Angelfish
  • Catfish
  • Neons
  • Piranhas
  • Danio Rerio
  • Mollies


  • Clown fish
  • Surgeon fish
  • Angelfish
  • Zebrasoma
  • Sapphire Chrysiptera
  • Moorish idol
  • Mandarin fish
  • Blacktip reef shark

Who do you think is interested in the types of aquarium fish and their homeland? Only hopelessly in love with the profession of ichthyologists? Not at all! An exciting acquaintance awaits those who want to acquire an aquarium - a corner of wildlife that enlivens the interior of any apartment, office, house; Gives peace of mind and harmony.

The peoples of the Far East are sure: fish are talismans of good luck, wealth, and prosperity. Watching the original swordsmen, chrysipters, Moorish idols means finding peace in the heart. They can become ideal pets - not requiring special care, but generously rewarding their owners with coziness and comfort.

Photos of all types of aquarium fish

Freshwater aquarium fish and their homeland


Can you imagine a resident of an aquarium whose price exceeds fifty dollars? We are excited to introduce discus! Its dimensions are 15-20 centimeters. Discus deserves the title of king of the artificial pond. Amazing colors and intricate patterns on the body are simply amazing. Discus can be found in the winding Amazon River, in Colombia, Peru. He, like a talking bird, is distinguished by his intelligence, quick wit, and quickly gets used to his owner - so much so that over time he begins to take food from his hands. It is difficult to imagine a more sociable fish. Discus has a peaceful disposition and does not pose a danger to the other inhabitants of the aquarium.

Photo.1 - Discus fish


People who are interested in freshwater fish, their homeland, photos with names, are probably familiar with guppies. Their main “sign” is their colorful tail. The native home of the fish is the Tobago Islands, Trinidad. It is possible to see guppies in Brazil and Venezuela. It reaches a length of 6 cm. It is generally accepted that guppies are the best option for beginners. They do not need water at a special temperature, special food, high-quality lighting, or other qualified care. Even a small child can handle taking care of guppies.

Photo.2 - Guppy


Many people are interested not only in the homeland of aquarium fish, but also in the origin of their strange names. For example, the cockerel owes its name to its fins that resemble the wings of a rooster. The fish lives in the reservoirs of Thailand and Southeast Asia. The length of the cockerel reaches 5-6 cm. However, in the wild there are giants that grow up to 8 cm. Unexpectedly, but true: despite the cute name, cockerels are representatives of the “fighting breed”. They are aggressive, attacking not only their “neighbors,” but also their own reflection in the glass of the aquarium.

Photo.3 - Cockerel

gold fish

It lives in Southeast Asia and, due to its color, bushy tail and name, is very popular among children and adults. It can live for decades, growing up to 40 cm. Therefore, even a tiny individual requires a private aquarium of at least 50 liters. A smaller glass house will absolutely not suit her, as will newfangled aquariums made in the form of round glasses, sold in Russian pet stores. For a pair of goldfish, their future owner will have to order a real glass palace.

Photo.4 - Goldfish


Angelfish have a shiny silvery body with blue-black stripes. They inhabit the waters of the Amazon and grow up to 15 cm. For those who are interested in aquarium fish and their homeland, we would like to immediately inform you: a large aquarium, at least 150 liters, is suitable for the beautiful angelfish. Wise experts - ichthyologists assure: not all lovers of the underwater world should purchase such fish. Breeding them is not easy. They are voracious, capricious, require stable water parameters, and are not characterized by a very friendly disposition.

Photo.5 - Angelfish


Catfish are much more suitable for people who do not keep an aquarium at home. They are good-natured, feel quite comfortable in cool water, and do not require lighting devices or ultra-modern filters. During daylight hours, it is almost impossible to see active catfish - they “come to life” at night, and during the day they hide from prying eyes at the bottom. Even experienced ichthyologists cannot name the homeland of the peace-loving fish; catfish (there are 800 species of them in nature!) live in reservoirs all over the planet. Aquarists call them orderlies - they do not allow contamination, they eat up the food lying on the bottom, uneaten by the “neighbors”.

Photo.6 - Catfish


Neon, which lives in the river basins of South America, is considered a bewitchingly beautiful creature. It got its name because of its color - under the rays of light it sparkles and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. Neon cannot boast of impressive size; an adult rarely reaches a length of more than 4 cm, and this fish lives for about four years. Fun fact: Neons need large companies, they cannot stand loneliness, and prefer to live in flocks. If you like neons, feel free to buy a dozen smart, colorful fish at once. Believe me, they won't let you get bored! At the same time, there is no need to purchase a special lamp for neons - they appreciate soft, muted light.

Photo.7 – Neons


Speaking about the types of aquarium fish and their homeland, special attention should be paid to piranhas that live in the waters of the Amazon. They have a non-standard color: in “childhood” piranhas are light silver, but at a more mature age they become similar to ancient silver, darkened with time. Piranha boasts an impressive size; it can grow up to 30 cm in length. Only an experienced aquarist should breed them, because piranha is a real predator. Dozens of sharp teeth can seriously injure a person in a few seconds. For this reason, it is not recommended to purchase piranhas for families with growing children.

Photo.8 - Piranhas

Danio Rerio

A fish called zebrafish is capable of attracting interested glances. It is small, rarely growing longer than 6 cm. Its main “highlight” is the dark blue stripes running along the pale yellow body. Danio rerio lives in water bodies of Asia, Bangladesh, Nepal, and can be an excellent choice even for young breeders, since it does not require special attention, eats any food and is not capricious if the water temperature drops below the recommended level. True, there is a nuance - the zebrafish does not like to be alone, so those who want to get a fish are better off purchasing several individuals.

People interested in buying aquarium fish and where they come from will like the swordtail. It is beautiful, unpretentious, and reproduces easily. Central America is considered the home of swordtails - coastal waters from Mexico to Guatemala. The fish grow large – up to 12 cm in length. By the way, each metsen bearer has its own special character; in nature there are both peace-loving and aggressive individuals. Aquarists say that it is not recommended to keep two male swordtails together - at any moment they can fight and be seriously injured. If you are thinking about swordtails, know that it is better to buy a male and a couple of females.

Photo.9 - Danio Rerio


Among fans of the aquarium world, the velvet-black molly is popular, usually growing up to 6-10 centimeters, living in freshwater bodies of North and South America. Mollies are not capricious, do not require a special diet, and can be an excellent choice for a novice breeder. When buying an aquarium for her, try to choose impressive glass structures - with a volume of 60 liters or more. Don’t forget to purchase a dozen representatives of the flora - mollies love to scrape plaque off the walls. In general, the fish are peaceful, and together with them you can easily introduce a flock of neons, guppies, and swordtails into the aquarium.

Photo.10 - Mollies

Royal Centropyg

Royal Centropig, also called Fiery Centropig, combines enviable strength and vibrant colors. In aquariums it looks more than impressive and, as a rule, easily adapts to an artificial environment. In nature, Centropygum prefers clear water lagoons and reef slopes. Inhabits the central and western Pacific Ocean, less common in Indonesia.

Decorated lyrebird angel

Caring for this “angelic” fish is quite capricious: for normal existence in an aquarium environment, it requires enough space, always clean water, stones and special food. The angel lyre is rarely found in Russia due to its high price. The name of this fish is associated with its structure: the body is elongated and the tail is lyre-shaped.

Radiant lionfish

The radiant lionfish is one of the most unusual and spectacular fish. Its body has an elaborate shape and a specific coating. Color - pale red, brown and black vertical stripes. But the main feature is that its dorsal fin has more than a dozen poisonous rays, the sting of which can be fatal. These rays are connected to each other by a pinkish-brown membrane, so when moving this fish resembles a fiery flame.

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Six-banded wrasse

The six-banded wrasse, or tansy as it is also called, gets its name from the six bright horizontal stripes on its sides. This type of fish rarely reaches 7 centimeters in length, leads a diurnal lifestyle, while it itself lives at depth, digging in sand and loose soil. One of the natural properties of the six-banded wrasse is the destruction of harmful shellfish.

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Painted Triggerfish

The most beautiful fish - Painted Triggerfish
Triggerfish - a cousin of the clown fish, also lives in the Gulf of Aqaba and other coral reefs along the Indian Ocean. This impressive fish has an elliptical body shape, a large head and a particularly powerful mouth designed to crush oysters and shells. Although fish are generally thought to have poor memories, the painted triggerfish and other fish belonging to the family Balistidae are intelligent fish that can remember and learn from past experiences.

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Tetraodon can be considered one of the most controversial and unpredictable inhabitants of the aquarium. Outwardly, they are very cute: they have smooth skin, large round and humanly confident eyes, and a rounded body. But in fact, these are poisonous and dangerous predators that crush the combs and fins of fish with their four sharp and strong teeth.


  1. First you need to mark two circles, one about twice the size of the other. These circles should intersect each other at approximately 1/3 of the larger circle. In the upper part, at the intersection of these circles, we outline the eye.
  2. We combine the circles into a single shape, a half-oval or a semicircle.
  3. In the middle of the smaller circle we outline the mouth. The upper lip is directed downwards. Bottom - straight or up. Between the upper lip and the eye there is a notch similar to a nostril, which also needs to be easily identified. Below, from the mouth to the eye, there is also a small fold.
  4. We mark the plate above the gills, clarify the eye and all previously outlined lines according to the specific species that you are drawing.
  5. The eyes of most fish are round with a dark pupil in the middle, and the corners of the mouth turn down.

That's all, write and draw the inhabitants of the underwater world.

Candy Basslet

basslet , despite their expensive cost.

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Moorish idol

The Moorish idol is a very beautiful and graceful fish. One cannot but agree that this particular type of fish is familiar to each of us since childhood: the image of the Moorish idol is often found both in fine art and in everyday life (for example, on bathroom curtains, kitchen oven mitts, etc. Further.). Of course, poachers also did not ignore this species, which brought it to the brink of extinction. That is why the idol is practically never found in aquariums.

Imperial angel

Emperor angelfish are one of the most beautiful coral fish that also change color throughout their lives. The litter has a black body with blue and white concentric stripes. Adults have a bright purple body with approximately 25 thin diagonal yellow-red stripes. With age, the skull becomes emerald on top and reddish-brown below, with a characteristic luminous mask around the eyes. The Overlord lives on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific region.

Two-tone angel

It is also called two-color Centropig. The essence of the name lies in the color of this fish: on its body there is a sharp border between bright blue and acid yellow; visually it seems that the fish is divided into two parts of equal color. The bicolor angelfish is found in the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is worth noting that this species prefers to live deep.

Surgeon Blue Royal

We all remember and love the cartoon “Finding Nemo”. It was after its release that this type of fish became so popular. A character named Dory was a royal blue surgeon. This fish is also known for its vibrant color, an attractive combination of blue-violet and bright yellow. “Surgeons” prefer to hide in the crevices of coral reefs, where they hide from predators and also find food in the form of algae.

Bicolor parrot

Bicolored Parrotfish
This fish somewhat resembles a parrot due to its thick, protruding lips that resemble a beak. With the help of its “beak” it gnaws coral reefs, chews small creatures and spits out the remains of inedible corals, that is, the process of absorbing food is no different from a colored bird. But this is not the most impressive feature of this fish. Her amazing, unimaginable colors make her extremely beautiful. It is considered one of the largest aquarium fish, as its length reaches 1.2 meters.

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Tulle apogon

A distinctive feature of apogons is their high branched fins and bright coloring, mostly in warm colors. They are not picky and can live in both sea and fresh water. These fish are very “sentimental”: before breeding, individuals clean each other.

The beauty of exotic fish explains the desire of many people to set up an aquarium at home or in the workplace. And today this is much easier to do than before: after all, almost any care products are easily available, even for the most demanding species. But because of this popularity, poaching is gaining momentum, putting many breeds on the brink of extinction.

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