Making a siphon for an aquarium with your own hands: the principle of operation of soil cleaning devices

A homemade or commercial aquarium flute installed on top of an external filter supplies oxygenated water to the aquarium and reduces noise levels by breaking up the flow into small streams. The scattering element is a plastic tube with holes made on the side surface. The equipment has advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account before purchasing or making the device yourself.

The flute performs the function of aeration in the aquarium.

Aquarium flute concept

Before purchasing additional equipment, the aquarium owner should:

  • find out the purpose and operating principle of the flute;
  • think over a method of mounting on a glass surface;
  • take into account the advantages and study the impact of the equipment on the life activity of the inhabitants of the aquarium.


A sprayer located above the surface of the water in the tank ensures uniform distribution of flow and increases the concentration of oxygen in the liquid. The device creates a pleasant background noise, but at night continuous murmur can create uncomfortable conditions for a person.

The equipment is selected depending on the tank capacity and the types of fish or plants living in the aquarium.

Operating principle

The device is a tube made of durable plastic; there are a number of holes with guide elements on the side surface. The flute is installed above the surface or in the water column and fixed to the walls of the aquarium using suction cups. The water is supplied by an electric pump with a filter that traps small particles of debris. A sprinkler may consist of several tubes connected by flanges.

An aquarium flute is a plastic tube with holes through which water flows.

Main advantages

The main advantages of an aquarium sprinkler:

  • uniform division of the flow, ensuring a decrease in the speed of water flow in the tank;
  • saturation of the liquid with oxygen necessary to support the life of fish and algae;
  • creating a uniform background noise that has a positive effect on the human nervous system;
  • slowing down the growth of algae by reducing the speed of water flow;
  • preventing the formation of stagnant zones on the surface in which debris accumulates;
  • improvement of the process of mixing liquid layers with the ability to regulate the speed by an electric pump with a filter.

Advantages of an aquarium sprinkler.

Types of filters

  • Filter placed under pebbles (bottom). A plate or set of plates or a series of drilled tubes are placed in the aquarium under the pebbles.
  • Filter boxes . The water passes through the box, which can be located inside the aquarium or outside the aquarium. Indoor models use air while outdoor models use air or electricity.
  • Filters are aerators; water is sucked through a layer of sponge, directed by an air stream from the aerator.
  • Gas mask type filter . The water is directed into a container containing one or more filter media. This filter works from the network. There are also internal and external models.

Location of the sprinkler in the aquarium

Flute installation options and how to position:

Above the surface of the water: the technique ensures the creation of an artificial waterfall with melodious noise during operation;

In depth: the technology is silent, but the sprayers can become clogged with grains of sand suspended in the water;

With partial immersion: the technique increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the liquid.

Regardless of the installation method, the equipment is fixed to glass walls using suction cups equipped with clamps for the tube. In some cases, additional brackets are used to hold long flute hoses.

The fasteners should not come off under the influence of water, otherwise the equipment will come off the filter pipe and cease to perform its intended functions.

Material of manufacture

Acrylic is often used in the manufacture of aquariums . Each type has advantages and is good in its own way for a particular type of aquarium. Now for more details.

Glass may vary


Ordinary glass that we come across every day. For example, it is installed in the windows of houses. Many aquariums are made using silicate glass. The minimum glass thickness should be more than 4 mm, and the maximum - up to 19 mm. With silicate glass, everything works like this: the thicker it is, the more pressure it can withstand.

Silicate glass

Advantages and disadvantages

  • ease of operation;
  • low cost;
  • does not undergo deformation over time;
  • high strength of the material.
  • noticeable seams on the glass;
  • significantly increases the weight of the aquarium structure;
  • possible formation bacterial film;
  • narrow choice of aquarium shape.

On a note ! To install a structure made of silicate glass, you need a reliable, flat surface. This is another disadvantage of the material.

Aquarium made of silicate glass


In the manufacture of standard models of aquariums, plexiglass (as it is also called) is used quite rarely - more often manufacturers offer it for custom-made products. Acrylic is predominantly used , as it is considered more reliable and also has better transparency. The strength of acrylic glass is much higher than silicate glass, so plexiglass is suitable for making aquariums of any size and shape.

Plexiglas aquariums

Advantages and disadvantages

  • high plasticity;
  • ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • light weight of the material;
  • the ability to create aquariums of different shapes;
  • invisible seams.
  • requires care in maintenance;
  • undergoes deformation over time;
  • loses transparency over the years;
  • high price.

On a note! Even with proper and high-quality care, the aesthetic qualities of an aquarium made of acrylic glass may deteriorate. Therefore, when choosing, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Plexiglas aquarium (photo)

Which is better: buy or make the device yourself?

If a standard aquarium is installed in the room, then you can pick up a factory flute. The owner will need to assemble the equipment in accordance with the instructions and connect it to a compressor with a filter. Homemade products are used for tanks with increased dimensions (for example, custom-made).

Some aquarists note that the plastic used for casting flutes has a negative effect on plants and fish, preferring to assemble the product with their own hands from available components.

Why is too much oxygen harmful?

If there is an excess of oxygen in the water, pets experience a gas embolism - gas bubbles form in the tissue and blood cells, which leads to the death of the animals.

An overabundance often occurs in small aquariums with very overgrown plants, where powerful aeration is installed in the aquarium. It is also observed in those aquariums where the owner makes a complete water change (or a one-time change of a large amount) by pouring in oxygen-enriched liquid.

Rules that should be followed to prevent an excess of O":

1. Make substitutions in small parts. Optimally - a quarter of the volume at a time;

2. Adjust the oxygen flow from the compressor to an average value;

3. Avoid too dense thickets of plants with a small number of fish.

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Even though fish live underwater, they still breathe the same oxygen that we do. It dissolves in water due to the presence of underwater plants and direct contact of the water surface with the atmosphere. Nevertheless, there may not be enough greenery in the aquarium, and the container itself may be completely closed, while there may even be too many fish for such a small amount of oxygen. To make pets feel comfortable in such a situation, it is necessary to install an aerator in the aquarium.

Useful tips and general recommendations

Aquarists planning to install a flute are advised to:

  1. When purchasing a factory product, evaluate the quality of the plastic. The material should not emit a strong odor or be destroyed by water. A similar requirement applies to workpieces used in self-production.
  2. During operation, do not supply water under high pressure, since excess pressure has a negative effect on the inhabitants of the aquarium and can erode the soil at the bottom. If the tank contains fish that burrow into the sand, then the flute should be installed above the surface of the water. If the recommendation is not followed, the equipment will constantly become clogged with soil particles.
  3. If water jets have a negative effect on algae, then it is necessary to select plants that are resistant to liquid flow.
  4. When the flute is located above the surface of the water, it produces a calm murmuring sound, which may not be liked by all residents of the apartment. In this case, the device should be mounted in the thickness of the liquid, taking into account the resistance of algae to flow.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • If the device has a large sponge, you should inspect it and, if necessary, replace it with a fine-pored one. Too large a sponge serves as a substrate for the growth of fungi and algae.
  • If an internal filter is selected, it must be designed so that it can be placed with the sponge facing up (or the sponge has an open orientation). This will make it easier to clean the device and replace the filter material. The absence of a separate container will prevent small fish from entering the device.
  • A filter with a mixed operating mechanism must have at least three filter materials for comprehensive cleaning (sponge, carbon and biological material).
  • If you purchase a device of the canister or “waterfall” type, pay attention to the possibility of installing a mesh or sponge in the water intake tube to prevent small fish from being sucked into the device.
  • Water intake pipes should be easy to wash.
  • When purchasing, pay attention to the country of origin and the warranty period. European filters are more expensive, more difficult to install, but contain less plastic. Filters from China are easy to assemble and operate, have affordable prices, but often require changing plastic parts and filter material.
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