DIY driftwood for an aquarium: preparation, where to get it

Where is the oasis in Stalker?

Position of the entrance to the Oasis on the map The Oasis is located in the ventilation complex in the south of the vicinity of Jupiter. You can get inside through the mines, the entrance to which is located in the building of the station located to the west. More details: Oasis (quest)#Quest passage.

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Quests Snags

The first quest from Koryagi , which can be obtained in Skadovsk is called Inaccessible cache. In this quest, Koryaga will ask you to bring a steel box located in a fissure underground in white Zaporozhets . You should be careful, as 5 snorks will be waiting for the player there. To get out of the hiding place, they must be killed. There are several options for completing the quest:

  • it can be accomplished by giving the container to Snag and sharing the contents with him. In this case, it will allow you to take from 1 to 3 things from the container;
  • cancel the quest by telling Koryaga that you will not be able to return the items from the cache;
  • mission failure when breaking into a container. In this case, you will need a mechanic from Skadovsk - Kardan , and you can take all the things from the container for yourself. The cost of hacking is 500 in-game rubles.

Access to the second quest opens after completing or failing the first. The name of the quest is Reputation. To start the quest, you will need to order weapons from Shustroy and receive them. It is this weapon that Koryaga will covet when leaving Skadovsk. He will claim that it is his trunk and that it was stolen from him a few days ago. There will be several options for the development of events: give the weapon to Koryaga or intimidate him and keep the weapon for yourself.

Next, you need to approach Shustrom and discuss Koryaga’s words. After the conversation, Koryaga will no longer be in Skadovsk . You should approach Sych , he will tell you for 1000 rubles that Koryaga has gone towards Jupiter . It is there that you can see Koryaga visiting Yanov station. At the station you need to move any item from your inventory to your personal box and go to bed. After sleep, all things from there will suddenly disappear, and after that the third and final quest begins, related to Snag .

Third quest – Theft . To pass, you need to go to Kostoprav at Yanov station, and then to Zulu . They are the ones who will tell you that they saw a suspicious type going towards the northeast, and they will give the name - Koryaga . Zulu will say that he saw a showdown between two people who rushed north of the station - to the Polustank . Koryaga and the Sultan's who wounded him will be located There are two options for completing the last quest:

Finish off Koryagu and take his PDA . In it you can find out the location of a cache of stolen items, as well as additional random swag.

Give Koryaga a first aid kit, for which he will also tell you about the location of the cache.

In any case, the main character will receive all the things from the cache. This ends a series of quests related to Snag , and how it will be completed depends on the player’s decisions.


Now you know where the snag is located in Stalker Call of Pripyat and what quests you can get from it. A large number of side quests is a huge plus for any game. In Stalker, this system is implemented well, which allows players to immerse themselves even more in the world of the game, increase their playthrough time and learn a lot about other in-game characters and events.

The quest system is also actively used in the development of modifications for the main parts of the game. Perhaps this is what keeps fans in the Zone and attracts new players.

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Stalker Call of Pripyat walkthrough

So, we start the game in the role of SBU Major Alexander Degtyarev. We have an AKSU in our hands, an award PM proudly sticking out of the holster, and in the backpack there are some medicines, food and ammunition. Not much for a State Security agent. No automatic rifles with an intelligent target guidance system, body armor with life support functions or watches with a laser. But the command explained this by saying that we should not attract the attention of stalkers. Well, if we shouldn’t, then we won’t. We’ll put a paper bag on our heads so that no one sees our military face, so hated by any stalker, and we’ll hit the road to very secretly ask everyone about the fallen army helicopters. We immediately receive a ton of quests. We need to investigate the crash sites of five helicopters. The yellow arrow on the compass shows where you need to go. To get a more detailed idea of ​​the upcoming road, open the map (by default, the “p” key). Well, using the compass as a guide, we begin our journey. Literally in a minute we will meet a stalker on the way. Why not talk to him? Let's ask him where the nearest stalker camp is located. Having received a mark in the PDA, we are in no hurry to leave. After talking with the interlocutor a little more, we learn that one of the helicopters fell on a plateau in the southern part of Zaton. But according to the stalker, it’s hard to get there, although a certain Noah knows the way. Having received a new quest, we go to Noah. And at the same time you can look into the Skadovsk stalker camp. Along the way we will meet representatives of the local fauna - dogs. Apparently, they smelled the smell of sausage in our backpack and, cheerfully wagging their stumps of tails, rushed towards us. We immediately open fire on these impudent creatures, since the matter will not be limited to the sausage taken from us, and the dogs will definitely chop off our leg or arm. The Kalash's recoil is not weak, so it is better to shoot in short bursts, aiming for the dogs' heads. Have you taught ill-mannered Sharikov a lesson? Great, let's move on. In principle, it is not necessary to go to Skadovsk, since now we will not find anything interesting there for story quests. But if you need to earn some money, patch up your equipment, or just drink a glass or two of vodka, then we’ll stop for a while at the camp, after which we’ll go to Noah. The owner of the “ark” does not greet us very cordially, immediately opening fire with a shotgun. Thank God, he is not distinguished by accuracy, so we boldly enter the barge, hiding our weapons. Don't shoot at the dog! Noah will be very offended if his pet is killed.

This is important: it is not necessary to go to the Volkhov air defense system. You can immediately go to the scientists’ bunker and find one of the military men there, Sokolov, who will tell you everything about the helicopter crash. As a result, the quest will be completed. However, you can stock up on ammunition and medicine on the air defense system.

The pilot advised us to start searching for documents from the administrative building (it is marked on the map with a marker), so let's look there first. We go up to the second floor and immediately turn left. Using the arrow on the compass, we find the documents. Now we are invited to explore the laboratory complex. Fortunately, it is marked on the map, and you don’t have to look for it. We don't even need to go outside. From the flight of stairs to the right there is a long corridor leading into the laboratory complex. We turn left and at the end of the room we find a notebook sheet on the shelf of an iron rack. Okay, great, now we need to investigate the shipping department of the plant. After swearing and mentioning whoever needs to be mentioned, we go to this very department. The compass needle leads us to a small room where papers lie on the table. Let's read them. As you probably already guessed, we need to go somewhere else, namely to the repair shop of the plant. Well, it’s okay, we’re still on our way: very close there is a fallen helicopter that needs to be inspected.

This is appropriate: in the delivery department on the fourth floor in the first room on the left there are administrative documents that will be useful for further quests. Here, in an overturned table with a bedside table, you will find a “Chipper” with cartridges. After you take the documents, mercenaries will attack you, so be careful. Take the PDA from the mercenary leader Black, who is waiting for you on the first floor, it will also be useful in the future.

The entrance to the plant is on the west side. Let's go inside. On the right we see a staircase down, we go down. Do you see the opening in the wall on the left? Let's go there. We pass through the corridors and move on. Fortunately, there are landmarks on the compass, so we won’t get lost. Along the way, we enter a small office where papers with notes lie on a steel table. Let's watch a short video. Great, we don’t need to go to the repair shop anymore, but we need to check the transport gateway and the first department of the plant. But we’re in no hurry to run away: we haven’t inspected the helicopter yet. So let's move on. In a large room with a dilapidated roof we find Skat-4. Let's examine it.

This is appropriate: to the right of the large green machine there are steel tables against the wall, and on one of them there is a piece of paper. Let's take it.

Have you inspected the helicopter? Now you can check the transport gateway. We pass through a small room behind an iron fence to the right of the turntable and find ourselves in the next building of the plant. Having walked a little forward, we see the control room. It is brightly lit by a flashing red lamp, so we won’t miss it. In it we find the log of the duty shift and watch the short video again. Well, now you can leave the plant and check the first department. We go out into the street and move to the northeast of the plant. The first section is marked with a marker, so if you get lost, use the map to find your way. The documents lie on the second floor on the shelf of an iron rack.

So, now we know for sure that an underground overpass to Pripyat exists. But it is filled with gas, and in order to open the gateway leading to the overpass, you need to start the generator. But we, apparently, didn’t study at a vocational school, so we don’t understand a damn thing about generators. So, let's go to the technician to ask for help. There is only one nearby - Azot from the Yanov station. Let's go to him.

This is appropriate: to the left of the plant there is an anomaly “Concrete Bath”. There you will find an artifact. Be careful: aggressive bandits will be waiting for you on the other side of the canal. In their small camp there is a lot of medicine: bandages, first aid kits, anti-radicals.

Cache: next to the bandit camp you will see a small pool that looks more like a puddle. Do you see a huge niche? There you will find a cache.

After a peaceful conversation, Noah will take the hero to the Burnt Farm. Noah will run along the path and jump into the portal. Degtyarev should do the same. Bolts will help you find the right route if it is difficult to repeat. But thermal burn reduces health, you need to hurry.

How to find the joker and the barge?

Cardan's first friend (Joker) is a skeleton near the Sosnodub anomaly, the second (Barge) is a corpse in the caves under a burnt village near Skadovsk. Both are located on the territory of Zaton. When you inspect Sosnodub, be careful, sometimes a bloodsucker appears there along with blind dogs and can kill you.

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The escape

After the player completes the quest, acquaintance with Snag is briefly interrupted. But only until the gamer goes to Shustrom and orders a key weapon from him. After this, on the way out, Koryaga will call the main character and inform him that the weapon he ordered belongs to him and was stolen from him. And he will begin to threaten, talking about numerous connections and acquaintances, because of which it is better for him not to cross the road and return the property in an amicable way. However, after conversations with Capercaillie, Sych and Sultan, it turns out that in fact everything the stalker said was a lie. And he himself does not have the best reputation among stalkers. In addition, the Sultan's people began hunting for Koryaga for non-payment of a debt, as a result of which he was forced to hide in Yanov.

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