sera Costapur for the treatment of semolina (ichthyophthyriosis) and other skin parasites

sera Costapur is an effective medicine used to treat semolina ( ichthyophthyriasis ) and other skin parasites . It is a reliable water conditioner that is also effective in diagnosing fungal infections. It is possible to use the drug for preventive purposes, for example, for newly acquired aquarium inhabitants. Equally suitable for both freshwater and saltwater fish. More information about the use of sera Costapur conditioner for treating aquarium fish will be discussed in this article.

SERA Costapur

Description and release form

Sera costapur is a medicinal product that is used to treat aquarium freshwater and marine fish against ichthyophthirius ("semolina"), costia, chilodonella and other parasites that can enter the aquarium with food, new inhabitants, along with untreated water. It is also prescribed for dermatomycosis, which is caused by Saprolegnia and Achlya fungi.

Did you know? Russian artist Anatoly Konenko, who is known for loving making miniature things, created the smallest aquarium in the world, measuring 3 cm long, 2.4 cm wide and 1.4 cm high. It contained one small fish, Pandaka Pygmea.

This drug has proven itself well among aquarists. It is available in a bottle of dark green, odorless liquid, 50, 100, 500 ml. Used as independent therapy or used in combination. Produced by the German company Sera GmbH, Heinsberg.

Video: review of the drug for aquarium fish “Kostapur”

Active ingredient and principle of action

The core of the drug is a medicinal composition of formaldehyde (5.59 grams) and malachite green in the form of oxalate (0.18 grams). Kostapur sulfur is an aqueous solution, diluted to 100 ml with distilled water.

Formaldehyde is a known deodorant, disinfectant, astringent and cauterizing agent in medicine and veterinary medicine. Formaldehyde has the ability to coagulate proteins and has embalming properties. In the specified concentration, formaldehyde cauterizes the affected areas of the fish’s body and melts (liquefies) the body of the ectoparasite.

Malachite green in the form of oxalate is a synthetic dye. This substance is not poison; in the past, tarragon was “tinted” with malachite greens. Of the three types of malachite green, oxalate is minimally toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. Malachite green is considered one of the best antiparasitic agents that works against single-celled organisms that cause excessive mucus formation on the skin. Suitable for treating adult fish.

Composition of the drug

Sera costapur aquarium water conditioner contains:

  • 18 g malachite green oxalate;
  • 5.89 g of formaldehyde solution;
  • purified water.

Malachite oxalate is a very toxic agent. It is effective only in small doses. It has a preventive and therapeutic effect on fungi, parasites and bacteria.

Familiarize yourself with common aquarium fish diseases.

Formaldehyde is a disinfectant, cauterizing and astringent. Its weak concentration disinfects affected areas of fish and dilutes ectoparasites.

Additional recommendations

It is recommended to turn off the ultraviolet lamps while using the air conditioner. Also, experts do not recommend filtering aquarium water using activated carbon . Two days after treatment, you can perform a partial water change (up to 30%) and filter the water using sera Super Carbon.

Drug compatibility

To strengthen the immune system of fish and increase their resistance to various diseases, the sera Fishtamin vitamin complex is used. sera Costapur can be combined with other sera products.

Dosage for treatment

Instructions for use and dosage for fish

Sera costapur is used both to treat fish and to prevent the appearance of helminths and fungi. When using it, fish are not removed from the aquarium.

Important! It is prohibited to use Sera costapur in aquariums containing cartilaginous fish - rays, sharks, etc., and invertebrates. It is also not used for fish and animals that are eaten. It is also harmful to most algae.

It is necessary to place fish in a quarantine aquarium for treatment only if crustaceans, such as shrimp, crayfish, and crabs, live nearby. The drug has a toxic effect on this type of aquatic inhabitants.

For treatment

Before using the product, clean the filters, change the water by ¼, and thoroughly clean the fish’s home.

Did you know? The largest indoor aquarium with marine fish is located in Dubai (UAE), in a shopping mall. Its volume is 10 million liters of water. It is home to about 33 thousand fish and marine animals.

The bottles are used as follows:

  • for aquariums with a volume of up to 1 thousand liters, take 50 ml bottles, where the outlet can be used as a pipette for counting drops;
  • 100 ml bottles are purchased for containers with a volume of 1 to 2 thousand liters;
  • 500 ml bottles are designed for aquariums with a volume of 5-10 thousand liters. When using 100 and 500 ml bottles, the liquid must be drawn up with a syringe.

According to the instructions for use of the drug, for treatment it is used in the following dosages: 2 times with an interval of 1 day, 22 drops (1 ml) for every 40 liters of water. If the need arises, the same number of drops is added on the 5th and 7th days.

During treatment, you should slightly increase the water temperature and make aeration more intense. 2 days after instilling the drops, you need to filter through supercarbon and partially replace the water in the aquarium. To increase the fish’s body’s defenses, they need to be fed with multivitamins.

Important! When using Sera costapur, the aquarium must be shaded and the UV lamps must be turned off - when exposed to sunlight and bright light sources, malachite green quickly decomposes. While therapy is being carried out, aquarium water should not be filtered through activated carbon.

For prevention

For preventive purposes, 4 drops per 25 liters of water are instilled into the aquarium. Prevention is carried out when purchasing new fish when they are quarantined. The fish should stay in the quarantine tank for several days.

Are there any contraindications

The drug sera Costapur actually has contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended to use it if there are cartilaginous fish and invertebrates in the aquarium . Therefore, if they exist, then before starting a course of therapy, it is advisable to move the diseased fish into a separate container.

sera Costapur has contraindications

Precautions and contraindications

When treating with Sera costapur, you should follow some rules and precautions:

  1. This product and similar drugs from other manufacturers should not be used at the same time. This can cause irreparable harm to aquarium inhabitants.
  2. Before placing drops into the aquarium, you should pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the packaging. It is prohibited to infuse expired medication.
  3. Each time you use the product, shake the bottle.
  4. If you need to quickly remove the drug from the aquarium, the water must be filtered with activated carbon.
  5. If during the use of the drug the concentration of ammonia or ammonium in the water increases, one of the anti-ammonia agents should be used.

To clean the aquarium, use “Methylene Blue” and “Malachite Green” products.

Advantages of the drug

sera Costapur has a number of advantages compared to similar aquarium :

  • effective for both marine and fresh aquariums;
  • therapeutic effects for various diseases;
  • absence of any side effects;
  • ease of use of the drug;
  • rapid and complete dissolution in water;
  • convenient packaging.

sera Costapur has important advantages

Note! The conditioner is absolutely safe for all aquarium inhabitants, including snails and plants .

Analogues of Sera Kostapur

The following drugs have a similar therapeutic and preventive effect:

  • FMS;
  • Omnisan;
  • Antipar.

We advise you to read about how to properly use the drug “Antipar” to treat fish in an aquarium.

You can make a similar product with your own hands by mixing a 40% solution of formaldehyde (0.4 ml), a 1% solution of malachite green oxalate (0.45 ml), 100 liters of water. Thus, the drug Sera costapur is used in case of infection of aquarium fish with worms or fungi.

It must be used strictly according to the instructions. The product has proven itself well in the aquarium hobby and has a number of positive reviews that confirm its effectiveness in treating aquarium marine and freshwater inhabitants from such common diseases as semolina, costiosis, chylodonellosis, etc.

Chemical composition

The high effectiveness of the drug is due to its rich chemical composition. So, 100 ml of conditioner contains:

  • formalin (6 g);
  • malachite green (about 18 g);
  • purified water (up to 100 ml).

Some aquarists prepare the conditioner themselves, mixing all the necessary components. But such a simple composition should not be misleading, because it is almost impossible to prepare a truly effective and efficient preparation that will be useful to aquarium inhabitants. All chemicals will be needed, as well as accurate scales.

sera Costapur has demonstrated high effectiveness

Medicinal properties indications for use

Sulfur Kostapur is an effective drug against the “semolina” of freshwater fish or ichthyophthirius, caused by ciliated ciliates (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis).

Marine ichthic is provoked by another ciliate - Cryptocaryon.

Sera Costapur is also effective against parasitism of other ciliates:

  • bones;
  • Chilodonella;
  • trichodins.

When treating fish, remember that many ciliates live “harmlessly” on their skin, and only when the immune system deteriorates, do they become so numerous that it causes illness and death of the fish. Therefore, to maintain immunity, it is recommended to support the fish’s body with vitamins. For example, Sera Fishtamin.

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