Round aquarium: design, care, design, photo, video.

An aquarium is a great way to take your mind off accumulated problems. Watching peaceful, unperturbed fish allows a person to relax, unwind and calm down as much as possible. But recently, the round aquarium has come back into fashion. Of course, taking into account the harm that is caused to unfortunate animals by this form of keeping them, few people will use it as a full-fledged pond for fish. It can only be justified as an interior detail with green plants and algae. But, since the fashion for round containers for fish still exists, there is no point in ignoring it either.

Specifics of care.

To properly maintain a round aquarium and maintain the desired balance in it, certain knowledge and experience are required.

  • The life of fish is impossible without the purchase of special equipment. You need models marked “for a round aquarium” that are neatly placed in the container and do not spoil the appearance. A regular compressor, filter and heater will produce a lot of emissions in the water.
  • It is advisable to buy a round aquarium with a lid, so that later you do not have to look for a suitable model in specialized stores. A lid is necessary: ​​it does not prevent the fish from jumping out, and protects from unnecessary objects, cats and small children. A backlight is also attached to it.
  • Plant shoots should be used to hide the equipment installed in the aquarium. But in the water space, rooted in pebbles scattered along the bottom, plants should not hide living inhabitants with their bizarre appearance. In a round aquarium, even a minor defect will be very noticeable due to the effect of the magnifying glass. Therefore, be more careful when choosing the size and shape of the soil.
  • The small volume of a round aquarium requires weekly water changes. For this purpose, it is recommended to use filtered or settled water.
  • Fish excrement is removed using a siphon after 2 months. Cleaning up debris in such an aquarium is not particularly difficult. The shape of the bottom prevents the formation of dead zones. Some of the debris is collected in the biofilter, the rest is removed by a siphon.

Who should be placed in a round aquarium?

After equipping the aquarium with everything necessary, you should move on to selecting “tenants”. The classic option is a goldfish, it’s worth discarding right away. She needs space, so a volume of at least 40-50 liters is needed per individual. Before you buy fish, you need to calculate how many inhabitants will fit in the aquarium, taking into account its volume and features.

Fish that can live in a round aquarium: platies, guppies, neons, molynesias, swordtails, cockerels, daneos, corydoras, lalius, ampularia.

The most ideal option is Cherry Shrimp. They only require lighting as equipment, and oxygen and a filter are not necessary for them.

If you decide to place cherry shrimp in the aquarium, place soil, driftwood, and a lump of moss on the bottom. Please note that you will have to change the water every 2-3 weeks.

Choosing fish

Even if the filter, compressor and heater are selected perfectly, not all types of fish can be kept in 10, 20 or 30 liters of water. So which fish should not be placed in a flask?

  • Large ones. Which require several tens of liters per individual will die immediately in a round aquarium.
  • Nervous. Keeping fish that are sensitive to change is impossible in a flask. No matter how luxurious a filter or heater you equip the flask with, it always distorts light and shadow, and this will constantly frighten the fish.
  • Packy. Fish that are accustomed to living in schools will wither away. They will suffer from lack of space. And it will not be possible to start a full-fledged flock, which will become additional stress.

Species that are undemanding to temperature are suitable for keeping (however, this does not mean that a heater is not needed): swordtails, guppies, platies, corydoras, macropods, neons. Fish that are not sensitive to the oxygen content in the water, of which there are many, will also get along in the flask: cockerel, small gourami, macropods.

It is important to take into account that the aquarium will allow you to establish normal care for only one or two individuals. Baby guppies and neons should not exceed 10 in number.

By the way, the selection of equipment should be done after you have decided on the type of fish that will live in your planned aqua world.

gold fish

No matter how much you would like to decorate your home with a flask with a golden beauty inside, it is better to abandon the idea.

Firstly, goldfish are classified as large species. A ball aquarium has a small volume: one fish requires at least 20-30 liters, but not 10. If you buy an aquarium of 20 or 30 liters, the goldfish will be uncomfortable, even if you equip the aquarium with a filter. You can opt for smaller varieties of goldfish, such as telescopes.

Once you decide to get a goldfish, you will have to really clean the aquarium often, carefully control the amount of food, and change the water. Is it worth the hassle of keeping one goldfish (which will be uncomfortable anyway)?


Another popular flask inhabitant is the cockerel. Keeping fish is not a problem, so it is preferred by lovers of round containers. In addition, novice aquarists often get a betta.

One betta needs about 30 liters of water. They say that it can be kept in a 10-liter volume, but it will not be enough for the fish. The cockerel breathes atmospheric air, but a compressor still won’t hurt. Be sure to leave enough air space on the surface of the betta's aquarium.

Equipment you will need is a heater and a filter. The cockerel loves warmth, the temperature should be about 23-29 degrees. Temperatures may vary for different types of bettas. The aquarium must also be equipped with lighting.

If you choose to keep a cockerel, take care of shelter for the fish. The cockerel needs a place to hide for a while. In addition, the betta, like other fish, needs cleanliness. And although it is called unpretentious, this does not mean that you need to start an aquarium, not equip it with a filter and not take care of the fish.

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Required equipment includes:

  • filter;
  • compressor;
  • heater;
  • backlight;
  • stand.

If you are still interested in a round aquarium, you should be attentive to its shortcomings, but not afraid of them. First, decide on the volume. As mentioned above, the average volume of round aquariums is 10 liters, but you can purchase containers of 20 or 30 liters.

You will need special equipment to create cozy conditions. These are a compressor, a bottom filter and a heater. It is also necessary to provide a glass aquarium with lighting, although it will be difficult to install it yourself. In order not to complicate your life, it is better to purchase a container with a built-in lamp.

As for the rest, the heater, filter and compressor are purchased separately. At the pet store you can find special models for round containers - for example, a round bottom filter or a convenient compressor that can be hidden in tight spaces. There are aquariums with a built-in filter.

In addition to the equipment, you will need a lid for a round aquarium. She has several tasks at once:

  • prevents fish from jumping out of the container;
  • serves as protection from curious cats who may want to eat the fish;
  • A lighting fixture is attached to the cover.

Finding the cover separately can be difficult. This is the second reason why it is better to choose a round aquarium with a lid. The aquarium stand is included in the kit, but it can be made to order or purchased separately in the store.

How to register it?

Designing a round aquarium requires a special approach. An aquarium is not only an interior object. Its main function is to create conditions for the life of aquatic creatures. Therefore, you will have to purchase special equipment for a round aquarium.

Without it, the fish will not be able to survive. It is necessary to place a compressor, a heater, a filter in the flask, and provide lighting. Conventional devices will not work; they will stand out too much in the water space. When purchasing, you should choose models that indicate “for a round aquarium.”

The shape and dimensions allow them to be carefully placed so as to least spoil the appearance. Pebbles are placed scattered at the bottom, and plants take root in them. Equipment for a round aquarium is hidden as much as possible by plant shoots.

It is advisable to select aquatic plants such that they do not hide the main inhabitants with their bizarre appearance. And pay special attention to the shape and size of the pebbles. Remember, in a round aquarium all the details look more prominent. Therefore, any defect is immediately noticeable.

Round aquarium: good or bad?

A round aquarium and a goldfish swimming in it are an invariable attribute of the interior of a small apartment from the last century. But the size of the vessel and its shape impose a lot of unpleasant restrictions on the process of keeping fish. For example, it would be extremely difficult to fit special equipment into it, so people do without it. And the disadvantages of the vessel are too obvious:

  • The standard diameter of an aquarium is about 25 cm with a volume of 15 liters. You cannot put a filter in such dishes and the water can quickly become dirty. In order to solve this problem, you will have to change the water daily. This procedure causes stress in the fish, and its implementation is quite troublesome;
  • The water surface area is small due to the narrowing of the container upward. This leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen dissolved in water and the appearance of oxygen starvation in fish;
  • the small volume and lack of space for a heater leads to significant temperature fluctuations, and this in turn causes stress in the fish;

  • the size of the vessel does not allow placing plants and shelters for fish in it, which would allow them to feel safe;
  • also, the small volume does not make it possible to place more than three small fish in the container, which would not be comfortable in such conditions;
  • Due to the curved walls, free movement of fish will be impossible. And due to the refraction of light and shadows in them, the illusion of constant extraneous movement outside the vessel will arise, which will also become an additional reason for stress.
  • Due to these factors and many other stresses, immunity can be significantly reduced, illness and even death can occur in fish that are placed in a small aquarium. After all, a vessel that holds less than fifteen liters is absolutely unsuitable for containing living beings. And such a common goldfish among hobbyists needs at least fifty liters of water. Some countries, including Austria and Germany, have banned the use of round aquariums, and the very fact of keeping fish in them may fall under the CC article “Cruelty to Animals.”
  • Therefore, before buying a round aquarium, you should think twice. After all, few people would want to deliberately torture poor fish in a tiny vase. And keeping this punishment cell clean every day will require a serious investment of time and effort. So it would be wiser to save up more money and buy a good rectangular specimen with a volume of at least 160 liters. In such a vessel, in addition to fish, you can place beautiful underwater plants, various decorations and equipment necessary for keeping aquatic inhabitants.


To begin with, it is still worth identifying the main disadvantages of a round aquarium.

  • Small volume. Standard sizes of round containers are 10, 20 or 30 liters. A small round aquarium may not be suitable for an inexperienced aquarist. The round container must also be equipped with a filter and other devices.
  • Size. The volume will not allow you to hold any type of fish. You won't be able to go wild with plants either.
  • Number of inhabitants. A space of 10, 20 or 30 liters will allow you to keep two or three fish. Plus, these fish should be small in size and have a number of other qualities, which will be discussed below.
  • Distortion. A glass aquarium has curved walls that will reflect light and create shadows, giving the illusion of movement. Fish prone to stress will suffer.
  • Inconvenience. It is more difficult to maintain such an aquarium. It is necessary to carefully monitor the filter - it gets dirty faster. Maintaining it is troublesome, and frequent water changes and cleaning the walls will become unnecessary stress for the fish.
  • Oxygen. Due to its shape, the oxygen layer in the flask is small. There will be less dissolved oxygen in the water, so you should not choose fish that are demanding of this parameter.

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The specific shape and small volume do not allow creating thematic landscapes with large-scale decoration in the form of ship wrecks or castle ruins. However, when decorating a round aquarium, you can use other design techniques. For example, among the stones you can place a miniature model of a chest from a pirate ship.

Or lay out several fragments of ethnic ceramics. The main principle on which the decor of an aquarium space of this shape is based is minimalism. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see the underwater inhabitants behind all the elements.

The lid for a round aquarium performs several functions: it prevents fish from jumping out, atypical objects from getting inside, it protects animals from children and cats,

and also serves as a place for mounting the backlight. Therefore, it is better to purchase an aquarium with a lid right away, rather than looking for the right model later. A lid for a round aquarium can only be purchased in specialized stores. It is more difficult to find a lid just for a semicircular aquarium.

Who can be placed in a round aquarium?

Keeping most species of fish in such a container will have to be abandoned: sensitive fish will quickly die from stress, large (goldfish, cichlids) and fast-swimming fish (barbs, daneos, neons) will not have enough space, and bottom fish (botia, catfish) will not have enough bottom area , because the lower part of the round aquarium is very narrow.

Betta fish and small viviparous fish - guppies, mollies, and platies - can live in a glass ball. Their life will not be comfortable, but thanks to their unpretentiousness and resistance to stress, they adapt to a spherical container. Shrimp, snails and small aquatic plants do very well in round aquariums.

How to set up a round aquarium

To improve the quality of life of aquatic inhabitants in a round aquarium, it is worth installing special equipment - miniature submersible filters that can be placed at the bottom, or mounted cascade filters mounted on the edge of the tank, lamps with clothespins and heaters in the form of mats.

There is a more convenient option. You can buy complete round aquariums with built-in equipment (preferably from well-known companies). Such aquariums already have a durable stand, convenient lighting, a well-thought-out filtration and aeration system, as well as instructions for starting and operating the aquarium.

Aquarium care

Cleaning a glass has its own characteristics. Due to its size, it is recommended to change the water every 7-10 days. In this case, it is necessary to replace from 20 to 25% of the fluid. It is advisable to use distilled water.

For cleaning you will need the following tools:

  • a small net to catch fish;
  • container with fresh, settled water;
  • paper napkins;
  • water treatment kit;
  • algae scraper;
  • sieve.

The aquarium must be cleaned at least every 7 days.

The walls of the vessel must be cleaned regularly. It is recommended to use magnetic scrapers for cleaning. Before cleaning, the fish must be removed from the tank, as it can be accidentally damaged.

A siphon or an aquarium compressor is used to remove organic residues. It is recommended to siphon the soil once every 2-3 months.

An aquarium in the form of a glass is perfect for a novice aquarist. It will be an excellent decorative element that does not require as much care as large aquariums.

Plants in a round aquarium

As for plants, it is better to choose live ones for a round aquarium, since in the absence of equipment they will be a source of oxygen. For example, many fish, incl. molynesias will die without living algae.

Artificial plants have their advantages: they do not require special care, so they remain beautiful longer; It is easier to lay eggs on them during spawning. Therefore, a couple of artificial branches in a round aquarium will not hurt.

Here are the plants that can be purchased for a round aquarium: elodea, pistia, cryptocoryne, nayas, hornwort, spiral valisneria.

The third stage in “living in” a round aquarium is its design. Aquarium equipment should be hidden as much as possible by plants.

Pebbles also need to be selected wisely. It must be remembered that in a round aquarium all the details look more convex. Therefore, any, even the smallest defect will be immediately noticeable.

You can buy special colored primer in specialized stores. If your aquarium is large, you can put driftwood or an artificial house on the bottom.


In a round container, light is refracted in a unique way. According to a common opinion among aquarists, not all fish are able to survive in such conditions. Firstly, living beings may experience stress due to distortions in the surrounding reality, and secondly, this shortens the lifespan of nervous fish. Although the main limitation is the amount of space. Fish for a round aquarium are only suitable for small sizes.

You should definitely place a small catfish here so that it cleans the glass of green deposits. Neons, cockerels, and laliuses will feel great in the water. Goldfish in small quantities grow poorly and often get sick. The number of small fish should be maintained at the same level.

Before adding neons here, you should make calculations: the amount is determined by the volume of the aquarium. Overpopulation will immediately affect the health of the fish and the general appearance of the artificial reservoir. The power of the equipment for the aquarium is selected in accordance with the needs of a specific group of fish. It is better if the fish for a round aquarium are bright and noticeable. For example, some types of guppies.






Which aquarium is better to choose?

Pet stores offer a large assortment of round aquariums, differing from each other in size, thickness of acrylic glass, and equipment. In order not to get confused among the variety of offers and find a suitable option, first determine the size.

It should be taken into account that the smaller the aquarium, the more difficult it is to maintain biological balance.

Beginners are not recommended to purchase a container smaller than 20 liters. Choose the largest possible volume in accordance with the space allocated for it. In addition to the size, pay attention to the following points:

  • the walls of a glass aquarium thicker than 5 mm give strong distortion;
  • aquariums smaller than 5 or 7 liters have to be cleaned more often due to the impossibility of installing a filter and rapid contamination;
  • it is better to prefer a product equipped with equipment that is suitable in power for the given volume;
  • the lid is needed not as a decorative decoration, but to prevent water evaporation and preserve the microclimate.

If you choose practicality and visual effect at the same time, a container with an unusual hemispherical shape is suitable. Semicircular aquariums have a curved front wall.

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