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There are not many species of fish with bright colors found in their natural habitat. In nature, most inhabitants blend with their environment. Some do this to reliably hide from predators, while others do it to ambush prey. For the wide variety of bright and beautiful aquarium fish, we must thank generations of breeders who have been working for decades and strive to preserve the most spectacular representatives of various species. Aquarists today have the opportunity to fully enjoy the results of this work. We would like to bring to your attention the 10 most beautiful aquarium fish.
Turquoise acara (Andinoacara rivulatus)
This is one of the most beautiful representatives of cichlids living in South America. The color of the scales is bluish-green. They seem to be surrounded by a luminous halo. In the head area there are spots and stripes of turquoise color. The dorsal and anal fins are quite elongated and have a pronounced white or yellow edging. The same edging is present on the tail. Males often have a fatty growth on the head.
Adult turquoise acara can reach a length of 25-30 cm. Therefore, the volume of the aquarium should be at least 300 liters. This beauty does not get along well with its “neighbors,” even if they are species close in size to it. For this reason, one of its unspoken names is “green terror.” It is perfect for species aquariums, where it will reign supreme and delight with its beauty.
Photos of aquarium fish
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- Aphyosemion, or Gardner's aphyosemion (Aphyosemion gardneri) 0/5
- Afyosemion, or Afyosemion striatum (Aphyosemion Striatum) 4/5
- Afyosemion, or Afyosemion striatum (Aphyosemion Striatum) 4/5
- Afyosemion Alya (Aphyosemion ahli) 0/5
- Afiosemion Amieta. Afyosemion orange-blue (Aphyosemion amieti) 0/5
- Aphyosemion bivittatum 0/5
- Aphyosemion labarrei 0/5
- Aphyosemion filamentosum 0/5
- Southern Afyosemion (Aphyosemion australe) 0/5
- Blue Pheasant (Aphyosemion sjoestedti) 0/5
- Blue Pheasant (Aphyosemion sjoestedti) 0/5
- Acanthophthalmus kuhli 0/5
- Acanthophthalmus myersi 0/5
- Acanthophthalmus myersi 0/5
- Acanthophthalmus semicinctus (Acanthophthalmus semicinctus) 0/5
- Ancistrus hoplogenys 0/5
- Ancistrus multispinis 0/5
- Ancistrus cirrhosus 0/5
- Apistogramma altispinosa (Papiliochromis (Microgeophagus) altispinosa) 0/5
- Apistogramma altispinosa (Papiliochromis (Microgeophagus) altispinosa) 0/5
- Apistogramma altispinosa (Papiliochromis (Microgeophagus) altispinosa) 0/5
- Apistogramma Ramirezi (Papiliochromis Ramirezi) 0/5
- Apistogramma Ramirezi (Papiliochromis Ramirezi) 0/5
- Blue-spotted acara (Aequidens pulcher) 0/5
- Blue-spotted acara (Aequidens pulcher) 0/5
- Acara dolphin (Aequidens itanyi) 0/5
- Akara Maroni (Aequidens maronii) 0/5
- Akara Metae (Aequidens metae) 0/5
- Acara Porto Alegre (Aequidens portalegrensis) 0/5
- Astronotus ocellatus 0/5
- Scarlet barb (Barbus stoliczkae) 0/5
- Scarlet barb (Barbus ticto) 0/5
- Barbus butterfly. Barbus. moth (Barbus hulstaerti) 0/5
- Cherry barb (Barbus titteya) 0/5
- Two-point barb (Barbus bimaculatus) 0/5
- Green barb (Barbus semifasciolatus) 0/5
- Green barb (Barbus semifasciolatus) 0/5
- Barbus clown (Barbus everetti) 0/5
- Barbus lateristriga 0/5
- Fire barb (Barbus conchonius) 0/5
- Fire barb (Barbus conchonius) 0/5
- Odessa barb, scarlet (Barbus spec. var. ticto, Barbus ticto “Odessa”) 0/5
- Striped barb (Barbus fasciatus) 0/5
- Barbus pentazona 0/5
- Barbus pentazona 0/5
- Sumatran barb (Barbus tetrazona) 0/5
- Sumatran barb (Barbus tetrazona) 0/5
- Sumatran barb (mutant) (Barbus tetrazona var.) 0/5
- Barbus filamentosa 0/5
- Black barb (Barbus nigrofasciatus) 0/5
- Black barb (Barbus nigrofasciatus) 0/5
- Barbus Lineatus 0/5
- Island barbel (Barbus oligolepis) 0/5
- Bedotia geayi 0/5
- Bedotia geayi 0/5
- Brachygobius xanthozona 0/5
- Brachygobius xanthozona 0/5
- Brachygobius doriae 0/5
- Brachygobius nunus 0/5
- Badis badis. Chameleon fish (Badis badis) 0/5
- Goldfish "Water Eyes" (Carassius auratus) 0/5
- Veiltail goldfish (Carassius auratus) 0/5
- Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) 0/5
- Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) 0/5
- Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) 0/5
- Limia vittata or single stripe (Poecilia vittata) 0/5
- Black-striped Limia (Poecilia nigrofasciata) 0/5
- Velifera molly (Poecilia velifera) 0/5
- Velifera molly (Poecilia velifera) 0/5
- Latipin molly (Poecilia latipinna) 0/5
- Molly sphenops (Poecilia sphenops) 0/5
- Blue gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus sumatranus) 0/5
- Pearl gourami (Trichogaster leeri) 0/5
- Golden gourami (Trichogaster sp.) 0/5
- Moon gourami (Trichogaster microlepis) 0/5
- Marbled gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus sumatranus) 0/5
- Spotted gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus trichopterus) 0/5
- Spotted or common gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) 0/5
- Danio blue. Thai Danio (Brachydanio kerri) 0/5
- Danio pearl. Pink Danio (Brachydanio albolineatus) 0/5
- Danio pearl. Pink Danio (Brachydanio albolineatus) 0/5
- Leopard danio (Brachydanio rerio var. frankei) 0/5
- Danio rerio (Brachydanio rerio) 0/5
- Danio rerio (Brachydanio rerio) 0/5
- Spot zebrafish (Brachydanio nigrofasciatus) 0/5
- Danio devario 0/5
- Danio equipinnatus. Malabar Danio (Danio aequipinnatus) 0/5
- Danio equipinnatus. Malabar Danio (Danio aequipinnatus) 0/5
- Blue discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi) 0/5
- Blue discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi) 0/5
- Green discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata aequifasciata Pellegrin, 1903.) 0/5
- Brown or yellow discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata axelrodi) 0/5
- Brown or yellow discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata axelrodi) 0/5
- Discus red. Discus is simple. Common discus (Symphysodon discus) 0/5
- Distichodus noboli 0/5
- Distichodus affinis 0/5
- Livingston's pseudotropheus (Pseudotropheus livingstonii) 0/5
- Pseudotropheus lombardoi 0/5
- Pseudotropheus microstoma 0/5
- Pseudotropheus tropheops 0/5
- Common Congo (Micralestes (Phenacogrammus) interruptus) 0/5
- Cardinal (Tanichtys albonubes) 0/5
- Siamese killer whale (Leiocassis Siamensis) 0/5
- Ctenobrycon - “ruble”, “coin” (Ctenobrycon spilurus) 0/5
- Labeo bicolor 0/5
- Labeo bicolor 0/5
- Green Labeo (Labeo frenatus) 0/5
- Loricaria vulgaris. Loricaria (Dasyloricaria) filamentosa 0/5
- Aplocheilus Block. Madras Aplocheilus (Aplocheilus blockii) 0/5
- Aplocheilus Block. Madras Aplocheilus (Aplocheilus blockii) 0/5
- Lineatus (Aplocheilus lineatus) 0/5
- Lineatus (Aplocheilus lineatus) 0/5
- Panchax (Aplocheilus panchax) 0/5
- Panchax (Aplocheilus panchax) 0/5
- Honey gourami (Colisa sota) 0/5
- Colisa fasciata 0/5
- Labiosa (Colisa labiosa) 0/5
- Lalius (Colisa lalia) 0/5
- Melanochromis golden. Golden parrot (Melanochromis auratus) 0/5
- Melanochromis golden. Golden parrot (Melanochromis auratus) 0/5
- Melanochromis johanni 0/5
- Melanochromis chipokae 0/5
- Mecherot. Swordfish pike. Peacock's eye (Ctenolucius hujeta) 0/5
- Mecherot. Swordfish pike. Peacock's eye (Ctenolucius hujeta) 0/5
- Mystus tengara 0/5
- Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) 0/5
- Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) 0/5
- Pecilia (Xiphophorus maculatus) 0/5
- Pecilia multicolor. Pecilia variegated. Tricolor platy (Xiphophorus variatus) 0/5
- Pecilia multicolor. Pecilia variegated. Tricolor platy (Xiphophorus variatus) 0/5
- Macropod (Macropodus opercularis) 0/5
- Macropod (Macropodus opercularis) 0/5
- Macropod (Macropodus opercularis) 0/5
- Round-tailed macropod (Macropodus chinensis) 0/5
- Black macropod (Macropodus concolor) 0/5
- Black macropod (Macropodus concolor) 0/5
- Macrognathus aculeatus 0/5
- Thai mastocembel (Mastacembelus circumcinctus) 0/5
- Thai mastocembel (Mastacembelus circumcinctus) 0/5
- Neon blue (Paracheirodon simulans) 0/5
- Neon red (Paracheirodon axelrodi) 0/5
- Neon red (Paracheirodon axelrodi) 0/5
- Neon simple (Paracheirodon innesi) 0/5
- Neon simple (Paracheirodon innesi) 0/5
- Minor (Hyphessobrycon minor) 0/5
- Neon black (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) 0/5
- Common Ornathus (Hyphessobrycon bentosi bentosi) 0/5
- Rubrostigma. Red-spotted tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma) 0/5
- Serpas (Hyphessobrycon serpae) 0/5
- Yellow tetra (Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus) 0/5
- Mirror tetra (Hyphessobrycon griemi) 0/5
- Tetra is bloody. Callistus (Hyphessobrycon callistus) 0/5
- Tetra is bloody. Callistus (Hyphessobrycon callistus) 0/5
- Lemon tetra (Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) 0/5
- Tetra von Rio (Hyphessobrycon flammeus) 0/5
- Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus 0/5
- Neon green (Hemigrammus hyanuary) 0/5
- Neon green (Hemigrammus hyanuary) 0/5
- Pulcher (Hemigrammus pulcher) 0/5
- Pulcher (Hemigrammus pulcher) 0/5
- Red-nosed tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus) 0/5
- Fire tetra or Erythrozonus (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) 0/5
- Tetragonopterus (Hemigrammus caudovittatus) 0/5
- Flashlight (Hemigrammus ocellifer) 0/5
- Hemigrammus marginatus 0/5
- Nannostomus Beckford. Red Nannostomus (Nannostomus Beckfordi) 0/5
- Nannostomus bifasciatus 0/5
- Nannostomus marginatus. Nannostomus marginatus 0/5
- Nannostomus marginatus. Nannostomus marginatus 0/5
- Nannostomus unistriate. Pecilobrykon single-striped (Nannostomus unifasciatus) 0/5
- Nannostomus trifasciatus 0/5
- Striped pecilobrycon (Nannostomus espei) 0/5
- Nothobranchius guentheri 0/5
- Nothobranchius rachovi 0/5
- Nothobranchius rachovi 0/5
- Nothobranchius foerschi 0/5
- Nothobranchius foerschi 0/5
- Nannacara anomala 0/5
- Ornatus (phantom) black (Megalamphodus megalopterus) 0/5
- Ornatus (phantom) black (Megalamphodus megalopterus) 0/5
- Ornatus red (phantom) (Megalamphodus sweglesi) 0/5
- Ornatus red (phantom) (Megalamphodus sweglesi) 0/5
- Glass perch (Chanda ranga) 0/5
- Glass perch (Chanda ranga) 0/5
- Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) 0/5
- Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) 0/5
- Stump fish (Polycentrus schomburgki) 0/5
- Julidochromis Dickfeld. Julidochromis dickfeldi 0/5
- Julidochromis Marliera. Julidochromis marlieri 0/5
- Masked julidochromis (Julidochromis transcriptus) 0/5
- Julidochromis ornatus or Golden Parrot (Julidochromis ornatus) 0/5
- Julidochromis ornatus or Golden Parrot (Julidochromis ornatus) 0/5
- Julidochromis regani 0/5
- Pristella (Pristella maxillaris) 0/5
- Nannobrycon eques 0/5
- Nannobrycon eques 0/5
- Natterer's piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri) 0/5
- Natterer's piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri) 0/5
- Platydoras costatus 0/5
- Platydoras costatus 0/5
- Playfairi (Pachypanchax playfairi) 0/5
- Thomas's Pelmatochromis (Pelmatochromis thomasi) 0/5
- Thomas's Pelmatochromis (Pelmatochromis thomasi) 0/5
- Lamprologus congoensis 0/5
- Betta picta 0/5
- Striped Betta (Betta taeniata) 0/5
- Betta smaragdina 0/5
- Betta unimaculata 0/5
- Dwarf cockerel. Black cockerel. Black Betta (Betta imbellis) 0/5
- Cockerel, or Betta fish (Betta splendens) 0/5
- Cockerel, or Betta fish (Betta splendens) 0/5
- Rasbora heteromorpha 0/5
- Rasbora heteromorpha 0/5
- Melanotaenia boesemani 0/5
- Melanotaenia boesemani 0/5
- Melanotaenia boesemani 0/5
- Rainbow fish (Melanotaenia maccullochi) 0/5
- Rainbow fish (Melanotaenia maccullochi) 0/5
- Blue iris. Humpback rainbowfish (Melanotaenia splendida) 0/5
- Blue iris. Humpback rainbowfish (Melanotaenia splendida) 0/5
- Three-striped iris (Melanotaenia trifasciata) 0/5
- Corydoras barbatus 0/5
- Corydoras panda 0/5
- Golden catfish (Corydoras aeneus) 0/5
- Golden catfish (Corydoras aeneus) 0/5
- Dwarf catfish. Sparrow catfish (Corydoras hastatus) 0/5
- Catfish Kocha (Corydoras cochui) 0/5
- Speckled catfish (Corydoras paleatus) 0/5
- Speckled catfish (Corydoras paleatus) 0/5
- Leopard catfish (Corydoras trilineatus) 0/5
- Catfish Meta (Corydoras metae) 0/5
- Natterer's catfish (Corydoras nattereri) 0/5
- Pygmy catfish (Corydoras pygmaeus) 0/5
- Synodontis gray (coffee) (Synodontis schall) 0/5
- Synodontis schoutedeni 0/5
- Changeling catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) 0/5
- Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) 0/5
- Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) 0/5
- Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) 0/5
- Large angelfish (Pterophyllum altum) 0/5
- Large angelfish (Pterophyllum altum) 0/5
- Humpback angelfish. Dumerill's angelfish. Angelfish (Pterophyllum dumerillii) 0/5
- Catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) 0/5
- Catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) 0/5
- Variegated catfish (Kryptopterus macrocephalus) 0/5
- Moenkhausia oligolepis 0/5
- Diamond tetra or Diamond Moenkhausia (Moenkhausia pittieri) 0/5
- Philomena or red-eyed Moenkhausia (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) 0/5
- Philomena or red-eyed Moenkhausia (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) 0/5
- Red-nosed tetra (Petitella georgiae) 0/5
- Red-nosed tetra (Petitella georgiae) 0/5
- Tetra royal (imperial) (Nematobrycon palmeri) 0/5
- Tetra royal (imperial) (Nematobrycon palmeri) 0/5
- False royal tetra or Inpaichthys kerri (Inpaichthys kerri) 0/5
- Red-eyed tetra or Congo yellow (Arnoldichthys spilopterus) 0/5
- Ternetsia (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) 0/5
- Ternetsia (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) 0/5
- Tarakatum (Hoplosternum thoracatum) 0/5
- Tarakatum (Hoplosternum thoracatum) 0/5
- Beige Hoplosternum (Hoplosternum littorale) 0/5
- Tetraodon cutcutia 0/5
- Tetraodon leiurus. Thai tetraodon (Tetraodon leiurus) 0/5
- Tetraodon leiurus. Thai tetraodon (Tetraodon leiurus) 0/5
- Tetraodon leopardis. Sharotel (Tetraodon schoutedeni) 0/5
- Glass tetra (Prionobrama filigera) 0/5
- Telmatherina ladigesi “Sunbeam” (Telmatherina ladigesi) 0/5
- Telmatherina ladigesi “Sunbeam” (Telmatherina ladigesi) 0/5
- Black-spotted Uaru (Uaru amphiacanthoides) 0/5
- Golden Hemichromis (Hemichromis fasciatus) 0/5
- Hemichromis red or Red cichlid (Hemichromis lifalili) 0/5
- Handsome chromis (Hemichromis bimaculatus) 0/5
- Chilodus punctatus 0/5
- Hawkmoth. Cichlazoma wine. Cichlasoma temporale 0/5
- Pinkfin beauty. Cichlasoma sajica 0/5
- Barton's cichlasoma (Cichlasona bartoni) 0/5
- Diamond cichlasoma (Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum) 0/5
- Diamond cichlasoma (Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum) 0/5
- Lemon cichlasoma. Citron cichlasoma (Cichlasoma citrinellum) 0/5
- Cichlasoma meeki 0/5
- Cichlasoma meeki 0/5
- Cichlasoma festivum 0/5
- Cichlasoma festivum 0/5
- Cichlasoma nicaraguense 0/5
- Cichlasoma octofasciatum 0/5
- Orange cichlasoma (Cichlasoma festae) 0/5
- Rainbow cichlasoma (Cichlasoma synspilum) 0/5
- Rainbow cichlasoma (Cichlasoma synspilum) 0/5
- Cichlasoma salvini 0/5
- Cichlasoma severum 0/5
- Cichlasoma severum 0/5
- Cichlazoma blue. Cichlasoma spilurum 0/5
- Cichlasoma tetracanthum 0/5
- Cichlasoma tetracanthum 0/5
- Cichlasoma facetum 0/5
- Black-striped cichlasoma (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) 0/5
- Black-striped cichlasoma (Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum) 0/5
- Cynolebias bellottii 0/5
- Cynolebias nigripinnis 0/5
- Cinolebias Constance. Marbled Cynolebias (Cynolebias constanciae) 0/5
- White's Cynolebias whitei 0/5
- White's Cynolebias whitei 0/5
- Schilbe mystus 0/5
- Common parrot (Pelvicachromis pulcher) 0/5
- Common parrot (Pelvicachromis pulcher) 0/5
- Common parrot (Pelvicachromis pulcher) 0/5
- Reticulated parrot (Pelvicachromis subocellatus) 0/5
- White-spotted Agamixis (Agamyxis albomaculatus) 0/5
- Acanthodoras spinosissimus 0/5
- Chocolate Acanthodoras (Acanthodoras cataphractus) 0/5
- Red-breasted Acara (Laetacara dorsigera) 0/5
- Acara curviceps (Laetacara curviceps) 0/5
- Akara Mary (Bujurquina mariae) 0/5
- Paraguayan acara (Bujuquina vittata) 0/5
- Peruvian acara (Bujurquina syspilus) 0/5
- Alfaro turquoise. Alfaro cultratus 0/5
- Alfaro turquoise. Alfaro cultratus 0/5
- Amblydoras hancocki 0/5
- Pineapple. Slitherfish (Anabas testudineus) 0/5
- Anomalochromis Thomas. Thomas's pelmatochromis (Anomalochromis thomasi) 0/5
- Apistogram of Agassiz. Torch Apistogramma (Apistogramma agassizi) 0/5
- Apistogram of Agassiz. Torch Apistogramma (Apistogramma agassizi) 0/5
- Borell's apistogram. Reitzig's Apistogramma (Apistogramma borellii) 0/5
- Borell's apistogram. Reitzig's Apistogramma (Apistogramma borellii) 0/5
- Apistogramma cacatuoides 0/5
- Apistogramma commbrae 0/5
- Aplocheilichthys spilauchen 0/5
- Aplocheilichthys spilauchen 0/5
- Apteronotus white-bordered. Black knife (Apteronotus albifrons) 0/5
- Apteronotus white-bordered. Black knife (Apteronotus albifrons) 0/5
- Burton's astatotilapia. Burton's haplochromis (Astatotilapia burtoni) 0/5
- Burton's astatotilapia. Burton's haplochromis (Astatotilapia burtoni) 0/5
- Burton's astatotilapia. Burton's haplochromis (Astatotilapia burtoni) 0/5
- Mexican astyanax (Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus) 0/5
- Blind fish (Astyanax mexicanus) 0/5
- Blind fish (Astyanax mexicanus) 0/5
- Atherina red. Comb iris (Glossolepis incisus) 0/5
- Atherina red. Comb iris (Glossolepis incisus) 0/5
- Aulonocara baenschi 0/5
- Queen Nyasa (Aulonocara nyassae) 0/5
- Afiocharax Anisitsa. Red-finned Aphyocharax (Aphyocharax anisitsi) 0/5
- Afiocharax Rathbun. Aphyocharax rathbuni 0/5
- Belonesox belizanus 0/5
- Macropod Hasselt (Belontia hasselti) 0/5
- Ceylon macropod (Belontia signata) 0/5
- Botia lucas bahi 0/5
- Botia lecontei 0/5
- Bricinus longfinned. Diamond Congo (Brycinus longipinnis) 0/5
- Green catfish. Emerald catfish (Brochis splendes) 0/5
- Bunocephalus bicolor 0/5
- Bunocephalus bicolor 0/5
- Spotted goby (Stigmatogobius sadanundio) 0/5
- Spotted goby (Stigmatogobius sadanundio) 0/5
- Common verkhovka (Leucaspius delineatus) 0/5
- Gambusia (Gambusia affinis affinis) 0/5
- Gambusia affinis holbrooki 0/5
- Garmanella pulchra 0/5
- Garmanella pulchra 0/5
- Gasteropelecus sternicle. Sternicle (Gasteropelecus sternicla) 0/5
- Three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) 0/5
- Geophaus Jurupara (Satanoperca jurupari) 0/5
- Geophagus brasiliensis 0/5
- Geophagus surinamensis 0/5
- Geophagus surinamensis 0/5
- Geophagus steindachneri 0/5
- Gerotilapia multispinosa 0/5
- Heterandria bimaculata 0/5
- Heterandria bimaculata 0/5
- Formosa (Heterandria formosa) 0/5
- Ghirardinus (Phalloceros caudimaculatus) 0/5
- Girardinus metallicus 0/5
- Gyrinocheilus aymonieri 0/5
- Common gudgeon (Gobio gobio) 0/5
- Minnow. Demoiselle minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) 0/5
- Grunting gourami (Trichopsis vittatus) 0/5
- Dwarf gourami (Trichopsis pumilus) 0/5
- Kissing gourami (Helostoma temmincki) 0/5
- Blue dolphin (Cyrtocara moorii) 0/5
- Golden leopard (Cyrtocara venustus) 0/5
- Haplochromis Boadzulu. Cyrtocara boadzulu 0/5
- Haplochromis Borleya. Haplochromis variegated. Cyrtocara borleyi 0/5
- Haplochromis long-snouted (Cyrtocara compressiceps) 0/5
- Haplochromis leopard (Cyrtocara polystigma) 0/5
- Haplochromis Livingston. Cyrtocara livingstoni 0/5
- Haplochromis chrysonotus. Cyrtocara chrysonotus 0/5
- Dermogenis dwarf. Fighting half-snout. (Dermogenys pusillus) 0/5
- Dianema longibarbis Cope, 1872) 0/5
- Dianema longibarbis Cope, 1872) 0/5
- Dianema urostriata A. de Miranda-Ribeiro, 1912.) 0/5
- Dragon (Corynopoma riisei) 0/5
- Ilyodon xantusi 0/5
- Jordanella floridae 0/5
- Callichthys callichthys 0/5
- Marbled Carnegiela (Carnegiella strigata) 0/5
- Nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) 0/5
- Trout Copeina (Copeina guttata) 0/5
- Arnold's Copella (Copella arnoldi) 0/5
- Queen of Tanganyika. Zebra cyphotilapia. Cyphotilapia frontosa 0/5
- Crenicara filamentosa 0/5
- Crenicara filamentosa 0/5
- Red-tailed Xenotoca eiseni 0/5
- Ctenopoma ansorgii 0/5
- Ctenopoma fasciolatum 0/5
- Dwarf Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma nanum) 0/5
- Ctenopoma kingsleyae 0/5
- Chocolate Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma oxyrhynchus) 0/5
- Labeotropheus trewavasae 0/5
- Labeotropheus trewavasae 0/5
- Lamprichthys tanganicanus 0/5
- Lamprlogus orange. Citron lamprologus (Neolamprologus leleupi) 0/5
- Lamprologus Mila (Neolamprologus meeli) 0/5
- Neolamprologus moorii 0/5
- Pearlescent lamprologus (Neolamprologus tetracanthus) 0/5
- Neolamprologus brevis 0/5
- Neolamprologus ocellatus (Neolamprologus ocellatus) 0/5
- Princess of Burundi (Neolamprologus brichardi) 0/5
- Princess of Burundi (Neolamprologus brichardi) 0/5
- Laubuka Dadiburjora. Chela dadiburjori 0/5
- Indian laubuca (Chela laubuca) 0/5
- Loricaria peruviana. Loricaria is slender. Dark Loricaria (Rineloricaria lanceolata) 0/5
- Rineloricaria parva 0/5
- Lucania goodei 0/5
- Cupanus brown. Common cupanus (Pseudosphromenus cupanus) 0/5
- Cupanus dayi (Pseudosphromenus dayi) 0/5
- Malpulutta kretseri 0/5
- Japanese honeydew (Oryzias latipes) 0/5
- Metinnis Schreimuller. Mirror fish (Metynnis hypsauchen) 0/5
- African polycrystal (Polycentropsis abbreviata) 0/5
- Black perch (Elassoma evergladei) 0/5
- Diamond perch (Enneacanthus obesus) 0/5
- Disc perch (Enneacanthus chaetodon) 0/5
- Otocinclus affinis 0/5
- Otocinclus vittatus 0/5
- Nannaethiops unitaeniatus 0/5
- Buchholz's pantodon. Butterfly fish. Mothfish (Pantodon buchholzi) 0/5
- Nanochromis dimidiatus 0/5
- Nanochromis nudiceps 0/5
- Neolebias ansorgei 0/5
- Red-black half-snout (Nomorhamphus liemi) 0/5
- Parapteraps maculicauda. Red-necked cichlid (Paratheraps maculicauda) 0/5
- Parosphromenus deissneri 0/5
- Gunther's Pelmatochromis. Chromidotilapia guentheri 0/5
- Pyrrhulina vittata 0/5
- Priapella intermedia 0/5
- Green Rivulus (Rivulus milesi) 0/5
- Rivulus cylindraceus 0/5
- Procatopus nototaenia 0/5
- Procatopus nototaenia 0/5
- Haplochromis philander (Pseudocrenilabrus dispersus) 0/5
- Chromis bulti (Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor) 0/5
- Pseudomugil gertrudae 0/5
- Australian blue-eye (Pseudomugil signifer) 0/5
- Fundulus fiery. Fundulus torch. Epiplatys torch (Pseudepiplatys annulatus) 0/5
- Golden Pterolebias (Pterolebias longipinnis) 0/5
- Peruvian Pterolebias (Pterolebias peruensis) 0/5
- Gorchak (Rhodeus sericeus amarus) 0/5
- Gorchak (Rhodeus sericeus amarus) 0/5
- Golden pheasant (Roloffia occidentalis) 0/5
- Hasemania. Copper fish. Copper tetra (Hasemania nana) 0/5
- Mozambican tilapia (Sarotherodon mossambicus) 0/5
- Lionhead cichlid (Steatocranus casuaris) 0/5
- Sturisoma panamense 0/5
- Black-snout Sturisoma ( Sturisoma nigrirostrum) 0/5
- Chocolate gourami (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides) 0/5
- Chocolate gourami (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides) 0/5
- Taieria crooked. Taieria appearance. Thayeria boehlkei 0/5
- Farlowella acus 0/5
- Farlowella acus 0/5
- Eleotris carpet (Tateurdina ocellicauda) 0/5
- Telmatochromis bifrenatus 0/5
- Telmatochromis caninus 0/5
- Telmatochromis caninus 0/5
- Telmatochromis temporalis 0/5
- Telmatochromis temporalis 0/5
- Halinochromis Brichardi (Chalinochromis brichardi) 0/5
- Golden Congo (Hemigrammopetersius caudalis) 0/5
- Cyprichromis leptosoma 0/5
- Cyprichromis microlepidotus 0/5
- Tilapia Joka. Tilapia dwarf. Striped tilapia (Tilapia joka) 0/5
- Tropheus duboisi 0/5
- Tropheus moorii 0/5
- Epiplatys grahami 0/5
- Epiplatys dageti 0/5
- Epiplatys macrostigma 0/5
- Epiplatys fasciolatus 0/5
- Epiplatys chevalieri 0/5
- Etroplus spotted (Etroplus maculatus) 0/5
- Etroplus spotted (Etroplus maculatus) 0/5
Ramirezi's Apistogram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
Another representative of cichlids that lives in the rivers of the South American continent. But unlike its predecessor, it is small in size - adult individuals grow up to 7 cm. The advantage of this species is its peace-loving nature. Apistogramma get along well with most existing species of aquarium tropical fish.
Apistogramma made it to our TOP due to its color. Nature tried to make it as colorful as possible and used almost all existing paints. Characteristic of all individuals of this species is a black stripe passing through the eye. Bright blue dots are visible on the fins, like decoration. In the overall body color of the fish you will find a combination of a variety of colors - red, black, yellow, blue and orange.
Types of thorns
Aquarium fish thornets are divided into several varieties, differing from each other in color. Many species were obtained artificially, thanks to the intensive work of breeders, and among this diversity, every aquarist will be able to choose the right fish.
Types of thorns:
- Ternetia caramel is an unusual fish that has become widespread due to its bright body color. The color palette of the species is very extensive: caramel thorns can be blue, green, yellow, red and other shades, the most popular being pink caramel. Unfortunately, such rich tones of the body are achieved by injecting dyes, so the color saturation does not last long, and caramel thorn is more fragile than wild species.
- Glofish, or Ternetia glo, is a fluorescent variety that has appeared recently. The saturation of the fish's body color directly depends on the amount of ultraviolet radiation. The color palette of the variety is extensive: blue, green, yellow, pink, purple and other shades. A special feature of glofish is that the species passes on its color by inheritance.
- Albino is a white ternation that lacks the dark stripes characteristic of the species.
- The veil variety is native to Europe and is distinguished by its large wavy fins.
- Ternetia black - the variety is distinguished by wide fins, vertical stripes are placed on the body. The black tint brightens as the fish grows and turns into dark gray.
These fish are representatives of spawning carp-toothed fish, which are also called “killifish”. To date, several dozen species of Afiosemion have been described (90 species), all of them have very diverse and original colors. It ranges from sky blue to fiery red. This type of fish is very hardy, which is due to the extreme conditions in which they live in their natural habitat. They have to deal with strong temperature changes and even drying out of water bodies; changes in water parameters are frequent. Life in conditions of alternating seasons of drought and rain has hardened the Afiosemions. Fish of this species have a slender and elongated body. The dorsal fin is slightly offset towards the tail. And the tail has an unusual shape in the form of a trident. To make it more convenient to catch insects that fall into the water, nature provided them with a directional
up the mouth. An aquarium with a volume of about 60 liters is optimal for keeping aphiosemions. Their lifespan is 2-3 years. Fish of this species are quite peaceful and get along well with other types of peace-loving fish. But it is not recommended to select fish with veil fins as neighbors for them, since Afiosemions can bite them.
Ternetias are unpretentious to food and are omnivores. Diet components:
Serve frozen and live foods. Do not overuse dry food. Food must be near the surface of the water so that the thorns can eat it. Feed your pets 1-2 times a day in portions eaten within 3-5 minutes. When buying food, check expiration dates. Frozen food cannot be re-frozen.
Blue Jack Dempsey
Many consider Blue Dempsey to be the most beautiful of the aquarium cichlids. It is a variation of the eight-striped cichlazoma, well known to aquarists. The color of the fish is rich blue with a magnificent shimmering effect. As they grow and mature, this color becomes even more vibrant. The size of adult individuals is up to 20 cm, and this should be taken into account when selecting the volume of the aquarium. Its volume must be at least 150 liters.
This type of fish can be called quite calm and peaceful. Therefore, they get along well with other cichlids of approximately the same size.
Ternetias are peaceful and active aquarium fish.
They get along with species of similar size and character and harmless catfish:
Compatibility with those with veil fins, predators and other large fish is low; thornia is not compatible with the following species:
Clown botia (Chromobotia macracanthus)
These bottom fish belong to the Loach family. The main body color is yellow-orange. Against this background there are three transverse black stripes. They have the shape of a wedge that tapers towards the belly of the fish. Their coloring will not leave anyone indifferent - it attracts and makes the fish very popular. And in some countries these fish are called tiger bots.
To keep clowns you need a fairly large aquarium. Adults grow up to 25 cm. This is a schooling fish, it is better to keep it in groups. You also need to worry about organizing the space inside the aquarium - these fish love to hide in grottoes as a whole flock. It is better to make the lighting dim. Neighbors can be almost any fish of approximately the same size, even some types of aggressive cichlids.
Ternetia is a small aquarium fish. Grows up to 5.5 cm.
Ternetia has a tall and laterally flattened body. The anal fin is wide, occupies half of the body, the dorsal fin is narrowed. A small adipose fin is present. The fins are translucent. In the common thorn, three dark vertical stripes run along the silvery body: the first crosses the eye, the second is located at the end of the gill covers, the third - from the beginning of the upper fin to the lower part of the abdomen.
Characins live up to 4 years, like many modest-sized fish.
Veiltail Goldfish
Among all the variety of goldfish, veiltails are deservedly considered one of the most beautiful. They are very common in home aquariums. But it is important to create comfortable conditions for their living. Adult fish can grow up to 20 cm in size. The volume of the aquarium should be selected at the rate of 50 liters per individual. The aquarium should not have any decor with sharp edges, on which the fish could injure their fins and elegant tail. And, of course, there should be no aggressive “neighbors” who could hurt them.
Veiltails have an egg-shaped or spherical body. There are a variety of colors available. But the most important decoration is the thin and very long fins, which resemble a veil when the fish moves. The tail looks especially impressive - it can be several times the size of the fish’s body.
Maintenance and care
Breeding thorns and caring for fish at home is quite easy, since the phenotype is unpretentious and adapts well to any living conditions. When choosing a container for keeping thorns, you need to focus on the number of individuals and the lifestyle of the fish. Since the species prefers to live in schools, thornets are placed in the aquarium in a small flock of 6–7 pieces. One fish requires 10 liters, so for seven pets you should purchase a tank with a capacity of up to 100 liters so that the fish have somewhere to swim.
You can use any soil for an aquarium; experts recommend choosing coarse sand or pebbles as filler. Vegetation is planted alive, but in small quantities, since pets like to swim a lot and actively. The best option for placing flora would be to plant plants along the edges of the tank, so that there is plenty of free space in the center.
Water parameters:
- hardness – 5–18 dH;
- acidity – 6–8.5 pH;
- temperature – 22–30C.
The fluid in the reservoir is replaced weekly, updating 25% of the volume. Lighting can be artificial or natural; daylight hours are 10 hours. The main thing is that the light bulbs are not placed close to the surface of the water, otherwise the pets will get burns. An aerator and filter must be installed in an artificial reservoir to maintain the necessary conditions. Additionally, the aquarium is equipped with a lid or net, since excessive activity may cause the fish to jump out.
The uniqueness of these fish is that their appearance was the result of the efforts of geneticists. Their DNA was manipulated to place marine coelenterate genes. The experiment was successful, and some species acquired an amazing ability for biological luminescence (fluorescence). Just add a blue or UV lamp to your aquarium to see your fish shine like a real neon sign. But even without such tricks, the glofish looks very impressive, thanks to its bright color.
Catfish Panak
Black-lined panak is a beautiful aquarium fish from the Chainfish family. The body is elongated, up to 30 cm in length, covered with black and gray longitudinal stripes. The eyes are large and red. Panaks are kept singly in aquariums of 200 liters or more. The optimal water temperature is 23-30°C, pH 7, dH up to 16°. There should be natural driftwood in the pond, since cellulose is necessary for catfish for proper digestion. Panakas feed on plant foods and clean the aquarium of algae.
Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)
Guppies can confidently be called the most popular among amateur aquarists. Such fish have not lost their popularity even taking into account their long history of existence. And the secret of such popularity is its bright color (typical of males) and ease of care. Representatives of this genus are very easy to breed, which gave impetus to active breeding work on the development of new species.
The fish is small in size (the female is usually larger than the male and not so bright). Breeders are experimenting not only with colors, but also with the shape of the fish’s tail. Exhibitions are regularly held in different countries and at the international level, at which awards are presented to the best representatives of the species.
Sex differences
If the owner decides to start breeding, he must be able to distinguish a female from a male. Sexual differences in fish become noticeable at 7-8 months.
There are a number of criteria for distinguishing
You should pay attention to the following features:
- Color - males are more brightly colored.
- Body - females are fuller and larger.
- Anal fin - in females it is longer and rounder.
According to the observations of experienced aquarists, a male can be distinguished from a female by behavior. He swims around her at high speed.
Pearl gourami (Trichogaster leerii)
A variety of labyrinth fish that will decorate any aquarium. The body of the fish has a silver-violet color with many small spots that look like a scattering of pearls. These spots literally begin to shine during the spawning period. On the abdomen, the fins have transformed into long filaments with high sensitivity and help them study the environment.
Gourami grow up to 12 cm. It is not necessary to organize forced aeration for them in the aquarium. Representatives of this breed have the ability to inhale atmospheric air, so it is enough to provide them with such access.
Thorns do not have problems with breeding, so even a beginner can get offspring after reading the rules and requirements.
Interesting video: How to understand when to place fish for spawning?
To begin with, a suitable pair is selected. A week before the expected spawning, the fish are placed in separate containers and fed generously with high-protein food. Also at this time you need to prepare the spawning tank. For this, take a container of 35-40 liters. Plants with small leaves are placed at the bottom, which will become a natural obstacle for fish so that they cannot eat the eggs. Parameters for the spawner:
- Temperature from +24 to +26 degrees;
- Hardness about 4 dGH;
- Acidity 7 pH.
First, the male is placed in the container. When he settles in, after a few hours you can transplant the female. The aquarium is then completely shaded and left until the morning.
The beginning of spawning is the bright rising sun early in the morning (or artificial light). The female begins to spawn. During the entire process, one aquarium fish can lay up to 1000 eggs. After they are fertilized, the breeders are placed back in the community aquarium.
Within 24 hours, the eggs hatch into fry. When the yolk sac supplies run out, they begin to feed on their own. This usually happens on the third day. Live dust, ciliates and artificial food for babies are perfect as initial food.
At the age of 6-7 months, the fish reach sexual maturity. Reproductive function lasts up to two years.
Astronotus is a cichlid reaching a length of up to 35 cm. Natural color is black-gray with rusty-red spots; Albinos are also found in captivity. In addition to their memorable appearance, these fish have developed intelligence, are able to recognize their owner, allow themselves to be stroked and take food from hands. Astronotus are kept alone, in pairs or together with other species of similar size. For 1 fish a volume of 400 liters is required. Good filtration and aeration are required, as well as control over the content of nitrogenous compounds.