A new deadly virus has appeared in Tanzania, but Tanzanians are calm

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Malvian cichlids

Placidochromis is a small genus of African cichlids, only some of whose representatives have become widespread as aquarium fish. All of them are omnivores; among possible food components they prefer mollusks, insect larvae and other small animals. Capable of eating fry and small fish. Increasing the proportion of animal food in the diet stimulates preparation for spawning. Placidochromis are found in African freshwater lakes. They live near rocky shores, among aquatic plants. They are of commercial importance for local residents.


There are many fans of Malivian cichlids among hobbyists, captivated by their amazing colors and their animated behavior. Particularly well known are the cucumber mbunas, which live in the rocky parts of the lake. Including many commonly traded Melanochromis and Pseudotropheus species. Although they are aggressive, they are colorful and generally easy to maintain. And provided you follow a few simple rules, they are usually easy to propagate. But if you want a less rugged aquarium than a single mbuna enclosure, that doesn't mean you have to give up the bright colors and charming behavior!

There are a variety of other cichlids in Lake Malawi that provide vibrant colors and interesting behavior. And one of them in particular, Placidochromis, is the focus of this article. The genus Placidochromis contains a number of species widely distributed throughout the lake. Living in the so-called “intermediate habitat”. Shallow water areas are usually less than 30 meters deep and contain both sand and rocks in the substrate. Placidochromis primarily feed on invertebrates found on sand. But not all species have the same habits, so it is important to look at each species in detail.

Placidochromis are fish of considerable size: adult males reach 16-18 cm or more. They live in large flocks. Competition between males for females and shelters is weakly expressed and is mainly of a demonstrative nature. The body shape of the fish is elongated, flattened laterally; in males, a sloping forehead is noticeable. The dorsal fin is solid, the tail is short, cut evenly. The anal fins are brightly colored, contrasting with other parts of the body. Pisces are voracious and are always preoccupied with getting food.

A new deadly virus has appeared in Tanzania, but Tanzanians are calm

A new dangerous virus has appeared in Africa. An unknown disease has already killed 15 people in Tanzania. More than 50 are in hospital with dizziness, nausea and bloody vomiting. According to preliminary studies, the majority of patients are men with a previous stomach ulcer or liver disease. Moreover, a similar outbreak was already recorded in Tanzania two years ago. Should we expect a new deadly disease from Africa?

An outbreak of a new disease occurred in the Mbeya region in southwestern Tanzania. Not much is known about this infection, and all the data that has become publicly available by this time was reported to reporters by a local doctor.

“This disease is not widespread yet. The outbreak occurred in only one administrative district, where people were vomiting blood and dying if they reached the hospital late,” says Felista Kisandu, chief medical officer of Chunya district in Mbeya region.

15 people have already died from this disease. 50 are in critical condition. The exact number of people infected is unknown.

Initial examination revealed that the patients, mostly men, suffered from stomach ulcers and liver disease. Doctors are now studying the tests of those infected and trying to determine the origin of the disease.

Another point is also alarming. Immediately after the leak of information about the new infection, doctor Felista Kisanda was suspended from work. According to officials, for violating the public health law.

“For causing unnecessary panic among residents, I order that Dr. Felista Kisanda be suspended, investigated and reported within 10 days,” said Tanzanian Health Minister Dorothy Gwajima.

There is concern that the Tanzanian government will take the same stance on the new disease as it did on COVID-19. According to official information, there are no people infected with coronavirus in the country. Tests for tourists are not required. There is no need to talk about social distancing.

“Nobody talks about Covid there at all. They don’t do any tests there, they don’t wear masks. Under no circumstances will you get sick there. We had a child in the next bungalow who had a toothache. I had to travel 3 hours to get to the nearest doctor on my own; insurance doesn’t cover it,” says tourist Evgeniy Merkulov.

According to the President of Tanzania, the coronavirus left the country thanks to the prayers of believers. And judging by the updated information about the infected, COVID-19 left Tanzania in one day - abruptly and unexpectedly, at a figure of 500 infected.

“We have no statistics, we are a deserter country. We have never published it and people don’t talk about it. Among my friends and comrades, they certainly think that yes, it is better to have open statistics so that we at least understand where we are, but there is no talk about this among the local population,” says guide, Dar es Salaam resident Artem Zlobin .

And if there is no infection, then vaccines are not needed. This was previously confirmed by the Tanzanian Minister of Health.

“Currently, the ministry has no plans to purchase COVID-19 vaccines that are known to be used in other countries. For now, it is enough to maintain personal hygiene and use traditional medicines,” said the head of the Ministry of Health, Dorothy Gwajima.

The Minister of Health herself and her assistants demonstrated what these traditional medicines are and how to prepare them. The entire leadership of the Tanzanian Ministry of Health drank a cocktail of garlic, ginger, spices and lime. Then I breathed some more under the blanket over the garlic.

At the same time, the country has long preferred to treat the same malaria with modern drugs. In Tanzania alone, eight pharmaceutical companies produce medicines for it. The main thing with malaria is to make a timely diagnosis and begin therapy. But this does not always work out. In recent months, three Russian tourists have died from this disease.

“We are not always ready for a diagnosis of malaria, we do not always expect it. And the second reason is difficulties with medications. In our country, drugs for the treatment of malaria are not registered, so they have to be purchased individually in each case through a rather complicated bureaucratic procedure,” explains the director of the Institute of Medical Parasitology, Tropical and Vector-Borne Diseases. E.I. Martsinovsky Sechenov University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Lukashov.

Many tourists therefore purchase anti-malaria medicine and tests in advance, just in case.

“Tests can be bought at any pharmacy in Zanzibar; in Russia it will be very difficult to find them,” says tourist Svyat Inyukhin.

It is worth remembering about insurance, or more precisely, that the standard insurance contract offered by a travel company, as a rule, does not cover new diseases and infections that are transmitted by insect bites. And if the case is not covered by insurance, then there will be no payments, which means the tourist will pay for the treatment himself, out of his own pocket.

Keeping in an aquarium

The fish are quite hardy and unpretentious for cichlids. They can withstand temperatures down to 19-20 degrees for a long time. However, like all Malawian cichlids, they feel comfortable at 24-26 degrees. Due to the large size of the fish and the schooling lifestyle, placidochromis require a spacious aquarium of 500 liters or more. They coexist peacefully with other species of non-aggressive cichlids. They dig in the soil in search of food, but are not interested in plants. Basic water parameters: acidity 7.5-8.5, hardness 9 – 19. To increase water hardness, you can add marble or coral chips to the soil. They do not have the ability to sift soil through their gills. Therefore, it is better to purchase coarse soil for an aquarium with these fish. So that they don't muddy the waters.

Good filtration and aeration of water is the key to the health and long life of the fish. The food is varied. Flakes, granules, stickers, live food, and Wolffia are suitable. Not a fish, but a pleasure! Placidochromis spawn in pairs, which break up at the end of spawning. The female lays eggs on a flat stone, and the male fertilizes them. The female then takes the eggs into her mouth for incubation. The fry emerge from the eggs in up to 3 weeks. All this time, the female feels inferior, unable to eat properly. And she hides in a shelter that must be provided for her in advance. Considering that placidochromis are not averse to feasting on fry, it makes sense to place the female in another container with established life support during incubation. Where no one will bother her. Some time after spawning, when the mother has regained the lost weight, she can be returned to her previous society.

Placidochromis species

Placidochromis electra, deep-sea

Within the genus Placidochromis there is one group of species that ichthyologists consider to be closely related.
This group consists of Placidochromis electra (probably the most commonly imported species) and Placidochromis phenochilus. Along with its geographical populations. Previously, both of these species were considered part of one variable species. But taxonomists now treat them as separate. Endemic to Lake Malawi, occupies a limited range near the island. Likoma. Under good conditions it can grow up to 18 cm. Females are somewhat smaller. The color of males is bright blue with a blue dorsal fin. Seven transverse stripes of a darker color stand out on the body. As they approach the caudal fin, the stripes lighten and finally become almost invisible. Females are silver-blue, their fins are rounded, they do not have black rays, like males. Placidochromis electra is best kept in harem-type flocks. They need animal food. In the aquarium they can eat small neighbors. Puberty occurs at approximately 10-12 months. From this moment, males begin to compete with each other and show hierarchical claims.

Placidochromis Johnson “Golden”

If the blue Placidochromis successor is not for you, then consider the lesser known Placidochromis johnstoni.
This species is widespread in shallow bays with beds of Vallisneria, Potamogeton and Ceratophyllum. Large groups of these fish feed in vegetation. Capturing invertebrates and detritus in a curious manner: the fish snaps its mouth onto the substrate, creating a cloud of debris from which food particles are collected and eaten. Within a group, only the dominant male displays his breeding colors, although he does not establish a territory or build a nest. Placidochromis johnstoni "gold" lives in rocky areas with sandy bottoms. Like other Placidochromis johnstoni, it snaps its mouth shut to ignite detritus. But in addition to invertebrates, it also attracts juvenile mbuna, which will quickly be caught and eaten! Under natural conditions, the fish prefers coastal areas with a sandy bottom. Which are densely overgrown with aquatic plants, mainly the ubiquitous Vallisneria. Fish live in schools or alone. Spawning is paired, but the male does not invest an excessive amount of energy in this process. Does not build or search for a nest, does not enter into territorial competitions. This creates a certain convenience when kept in an aquarium. Like most cichlids native to Africa, Johnson's Placidochromis are hatchery fish. Throughout the entire period of egg maturation, which is about 3 weeks, females are deprived of the opportunity to feed.

Under natural conditions, Placidochromis Johnson is characterized by a mixed diet. In an aquarium, fish can eat small neighbors. However, they are not distinguished by persistence in their hunting exercises. In fish, there is a noticeable difference in coloring of juveniles, females and spawning males. During the mating season, the latter acquire an olive or dirty green color with dark transverse stripes. Of which the most striking are those located closer to the gill covers. Reddish mountain ash is scattered on the fins. Females are dirty gray or greenish in color.

Placidochromis Milomo

Placidochromis milomo is a species widely known for its enlarged lips. Among some aquarists this is known as the Cichlid Super VC-10, a name taken from an old jetliner that flew between England and Malawi. After an early collector was surprised by the jet-like speed with which the fish escaped his net! It usually lives in deep rocky habitats. Where sometimes a very peculiar method of feeding is used. He presses his thick lips against the rocky cracks. And then it literally sucks out any invertebrate animals hiding there. Interestingly, the more often or more forcefully this fish uses its suction mode, the thicker its lips become!

P. phenochilus and P. sp. "phenochilus tanzania"

Main differences.

Let us describe the characteristic differences of Placidochromis sp.
"phenochilus tanzania" from, in fact, Placidochromis phenochilus. Diagnostic signs of the spotted phenochilus from Tanzania include the color of the lips - it is normal and does not stand out, unlike the pale color of Placidochromis phenochilus. The latter is sold, often called “White Lips”. Body coloration also varies, note the vertical stripes, including the distinctive stripe running, at a slight angle, across the eye. In adult males of the Tanzanian variety they are almost invisible, but they are visible to varying degrees in Placidochromis phenochilus. These stripes begin to appear in young males when they reach 6-7 centimeters in length. Stripes are also characteristic of females, although it is reported that often adult females can have a solid blue color. Comparing visually the representatives of the designated groups, we can notice that the Tanzanian phenochilus is more elongated vertically, and the profile of the forehead is steeper. You can also note the difference in the size of the eyes - they are larger in Placidochromis phenochilus. These differences are cited in his book by Ad Konings (Ad Konings, “Malawi Cichlids in their natural habitat,” 2001), for the first time identifying the Tanzanian population of Phenochilus as a separate species. The photo above shows an adult male Placidochromis sp. "phenochilus tanzania" (photo by Ed Konings), young male below (spots appear with age) (photo by Dave Schumacher)

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