Ancistruses fight
Catfish stuck: aquarium suckers Ancistrus, Sturisoma and Glyptopericht and rules for their maintenance
Ancitrus catfish, like many other fish breeds, is at times subject to aggressive attacks on
Haplochromis Boadzulu: content, compatibility, video, photo, description.
Protomelas boadzulu (Haplochromis boadzulu, Protomelas taeniolatus, Red Empress Cichlid) is an aquarium fish of the genus Protomelas,
Goldfish – Water Eyes
Aquarium fish Water eyes or shuigong: photo, maintenance and feeding, reproduction and breeding.
Everything you wanted to know about Goldfish - Water Eyes. This kind of good
Apistogram: 20 most beautiful species, care and feeding
Among the variety of aquarium fish, the multi-colored apistogram stands out. Few people can believe that this fish
Velifera Mollies read the article
Aquarium fish Molliesia velifera: photo, maintenance and feeding, reproduction and breeding.
Most beginners in the aquarium hobby start with breeding viviparous fish - unpretentious, active, easy to raise.
How to treat small white spots (Ichthyophthyridia/Semolina) on aquarium fish
Ichthyophthiriasis/semolina is a contagious disease that affects the body of fish. The disease spreads very quickly throughout
Cichlids of Lake Malawi
Exotic Pseudotropheus or Malawian pearl
4.6 (5) Malawian cichlids occupy a special place in the world of aquariums. They have a very bright
How much does a cockerel fish cost?
How much does a rooster fish cost?
The betta fish is a representative of the labyrinth variety. It performs a decorative function in aquariums. In males
Goldfish: history, care and maintenance, reproduction
Goldfish: history, care and maintenance, reproduction
Habitat The goldfish we know today is the result of crossing goldfish, which is why they
Aplocheilus lineatus
Asian pike Aplocheilus-LINEATUS aquarium fish.
5 (7) Thanks to its endurance, interesting behavior and unpretentiousness in keeping, the Lineatus pike has become popular
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