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Treatment of fish with Bicillin 5 in a general aquarium. The proposed method of treatment with Bicillin-5 completely frees
Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba
Like most African cichlids, this species is primarily suitable for a species-specific biotope aquarium,
METHOD FOR PRODUCING MONO-(DI-, TETRA-)METHYL-1,2-BIS-(1,3,5-DITHIAZINAN-5-IL)ETHANES Russian patent 2012 according to IPC C07D417/06 
In comparison with alicyclic hydrocarbons, questions of stereochemistry and conformational analysis of aliphatic compounds have been developed
How to purify water from fine impurities: iron, manganese, ammonia, nitrates
Problems with the compressor Thus, to maintain the system in working, trouble-free condition, it is recommended to regularly
Water hardness - units of measurement and softening methods
Hardness in drinking water The term water hardness refers to the amount of dissolved and undissolved salts,
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