How to help a sick angelfish: treatment and prevention
Photo 1. Hexamitosis in angelfish: a sign is swelling on the forehead. It went away after treatment.
Reproduction of goldfish: how to breed at home
Goldfish Reproduction of goldfish is interesting and at the same time very labor-intensive
How to make friends with rainbow cichlasoma: tips for practitioners
Rainbow cichlasoma (lat. Cichlasoma synspilum) is a large, interesting fish. Of course, its advantage is its bright,
feeding fish in an aquarium
How to make your own live food for aquarium fish
If in your family, among friends or acquaintances there are older generation aquarists - those
Diagnosis and treatment of flexibacteriosis (columnaria)
Description and difference from fungal infection Columnaria affects the body of the fish, so the disease is often confused
Black-and-red Ancistrus
Treatment of white spots (semolina) on fish
Ancistrus diseases are a topic that worries many aquarists, and with good reason. It's always hard to lose
Zebrafish Spawning
7 most common zebrafish diseases, effective methods of their treatment and prevention, answers to frequently asked questions
Every aquarist has faced a problem such as the health of their pets. Yes, yes, fish too
Photo: Land turtle
The turtle is the oldest representative of reptiles, description, features, characteristics, interesting facts
Wild animals >> Reptiles Turtles are a fairly large order of reptiles, which includes more
fish bettas treatment
Diseases of betta fish: external signs and treatment
Disease prevention Fin rot Ichthyophthyriosis (semolina) Treatment of fish with saline solution Exophthalmia (bulging eyes) Dropsy Oodiniosis:
Ammania bonsai - a bright decoration for nano-aquariums
Rotala indica is a widespread aquarium plant that has gained its popularity due to its beautiful leaves,
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