We treat diseases of African snails with affordable means

Almost every novice snail breeder faces certain problems when caring for their pets. Such problems include a chipped growth, a cracked shell, a pet’s poor appetite, a change in the color of the shell, and much more. Most of these problems can be avoided if you adhere to the rules of care and nutrition. But if something happens to your pet, then immediately try to eliminate the reason that caused the trouble. Today we will talk about the case when the shell of snails turns white, the main reasons for this and how to eliminate them.

How to treat the Achatina snail?

Before answering this question, it is important to consider the list of causes of dangerous diseases in domestic aquarium snails.

Note to beginning breeders:

  • Gastropods are inhabitants of southern countries with a humid and hot climate. If comfortable conditions are not created in the holding container, the pet may become ill from hypothermia or lack of moisture. Improper conditions may be indicated by the fact that the snail burrows into the ground often and for a long time. To prevent Achatina snail disease, the temperature in the aquarium should be within 24-28 degrees, and the humidity should be 95-99%, depending on the type of African gastropod.
  • An uncomfortable, cramped home with rough substrate can lead to poor health and hibernation. Breeders often use regular soil, but water causes it to swell and turn into mud. The aquarium and the pets themselves look unpresentable and they need to be bathed often. In addition, midges and various insects quickly appear in the soil, dangerous to the life of delicate pets. Experienced terrarists recommend using a fine coconut substrate. It is inexpensive, has a pleasant smell, is easy to wash and is soft to the touch; capricious mollusks really like it.
  • Lack of balanced nutrition is one of the main factors in the occurrence of diseases in Achatina snails. The diet should always include fresh vegetables and fruits, protein supplements from meat and cereals, calcium-containing powders from eggshells and ready-made concentrates. A drinking bowl with clean water is available and in constant access.
  • It is not advisable to add other exotic pets to gastropods. Mollusks react negatively to large creatures such as lizards, snakes and scary centipedes.

Diseases carried by snails may be associated with fungal diseases and intestinal infections. This infection reaches shellfish through food. Predatory gastropods are not averse to feasting on a concentrate of their dried sea creatures, which transmit dangerous fungi and intestinal viruses to snails.

Presence of abrasive and hard objects in the terrarium

Scuff marks may form on the snail's shell if there are hard objects in the terrarium. For example, stones. When moving, a snail can rub its shell against a hard object and scratches and whitish abrasions will form on it.

Remove hard objects from the terrarium for safety reasons as well. The snail may fall onto a hard object and break the shell.

Snail with clean healthy shell

Signs of disease in a pet gastropod

Responsible breeders examine their dogs daily and monitor their physical and emotional condition. At the first signs of a disease, it is necessary to urgently take measures to prevent the torment and death of delicate, defenseless mollusks.

If Achatina was in the wind or exposed to direct rays of the sun, then it may become hypothermic or overheated.

In both cases, a nice bath at room temperature or a warm shower will help her.

Read more about sink problems

Losing a shell is a real accident for an adult. This can happen as a result of infection or exposure to toxic substances. A mature pet will not survive without a shell, but young animals have a chance with good nutrition and careful care to again grow a beautiful “house”.

A change in the appearance of a mollusk shell is a sure sign of a dangerous disease. If the shell is deformed, lumps and peeling appear on it, Achatina gnaws it itself, because the shell has become fragile and layered, which means that urgent measures must be taken.

First, it is important to find out why the snail has problems with its shell?

There can be many reasons:

  • Achatina parasites and fungal infections caused by them;
  • poor-quality substrate in the container, its contamination due to high humidity;
  • lack of calcium, or the inability to absorb it due to the lack of vitamin A and D in the diet;
  • damage to the shell due to careless handling of the shellfish and failure to comply with basic safety precautions.

How to treat Achatina shell at home? First of all, it is necessary to isolate the sick individual from the native herd and clean the terrarium using gentle disinfection (do not use toxic chemicals!).

Next, completely review her diet. Perhaps low-quality fungus-contaminated feed led to such unpleasant consequences. It is important to immediately switch the patient to fresh vegetables and fruits, replace ready-made mineral supplements and food with natural cereals, ground eggshells and crushed chalk.

On a note! If you do not rid Achatina of parasites in time, the unfortunate pet may develop bumps, fungal rashes, and it may lose orientation and attack its neighbors in the terrarium.

Along with changing the diet, urgently cleanse Achatina’s body of fungal infection. As a result of infection, its delicate skin can secrete abundant white foam and become overgrown with mold. In this case, it is important to bathe the snail under running water or in a warm chamomile infusion and treat its body with a special pesticide aerosol for reptiles. The sink can be cleaned with disinfectant powder, treated with iodine and rubbed with an effective propolis-based ointment.

Inappropriate soil in the terrarium

It is better not to experiment with different types of soil and use coconut substrate as a soil from the very beginning. It is affordable and easy to find at any pet store. It perfectly maintains humidity in the snail's house and does not rot. My snail is almost 6 years old, and I have never changed the type of soil, since coconut substrate is very convenient - both the snail likes it and I feel comfortable working with it.

But you only need to buy coconut substrate that is specialized for terrariums. Do not buy substrate for flowers, as it may contain mineral additives, which can settle on the snail shell in the form of a white coating.

If such a substrate is used, a whitish shell is the least of the evils. Flower additives can be poisonous to Achatina, even if you have prepared and washed the substrate in advance.

Loss of shell or falling out of it

The reasons for shell loss are varied:

  • genetic disposition and influence of carcinogenic substances;
  • bacteria and infections that undermine the health of young mollusks, destroy mantle tissue, and disrupt digestion;
  • shell fungus.

In this case, 96-98% of Achatina die. But the younger the individual, the greater the chance that it will survive by growing a new shell.

To avoid losing shells, breeders are advised to closely monitor the diet and contents of the plate, add vitamins and fertilizer containing calcium such as sepia and gammarus.


Like all living things, snails also age. And the loss of pigmentation is a completely natural process during the aging of a mollusk. In this case, you will not be able to do anything. Representatives of many species of snails, such as immaculates and fulicas, can become almost completely white with age. Very often you can find advice that recommends lubricating the sink with oil or something else. But this does not make sense, since you cannot return the snail to its former color, and after drying the shell will be white again. Just accept it and continue to love your now white snail. But if your pet is still very young, and the shell of the Achatina snail turns white, then look for a different reason.

Problems with the shell

Among shell problems, the most common causes are:

  • poor quality water;
  • swampy, dirty ulitharium;
  • oxidized substrate - peat or soil;
  • insufficient or excessive calcium supplements or poor-quality calcium source;
  • a fungus that leads to a change in the shape of the shell and tissues, rapid growth of the shell, and muscle atrophy.

All the problems regarding the shell are obvious. It becomes fragile and may begin to peel, flake, and become covered with bumps.

Rehabilitation consists of creating a diet that includes foods containing calcium. These include sepia, chalk, shell, slaked aged lime, gammarus, corals. You can also give calcium porridge, which includes a mixture of powders from the listed products. “Pills” made from calcium gluconate, fried sunflower seeds, shells with the addition of raw protein are also suitable.

In addition, breeders recommend using such drugs as:

  • iodine. It is smeared on a dry sink in problem areas for half an hour, and then washed off with water. The procedure is carried out for three days, once a day, and then once a week until the defects completely disappear;
  • propolis ointment, which should be applied once every 4-5 days to the shell;
  • mycoseptin. Apply for an hour and then wash off. Used in a three-day course twice a day.

Under no circumstances should the listed products come into contact with the body of the mollusk.

Household injuries shells

Damage to the shell in this case usually occurs due to careless handling of the animal. This is possible if you press too hard on a mollusk shell or accidentally step on a fugitive who has escaped from the terrarium. In addition, Achatina itself can be damaged by falling from slippery walls onto a hard substrate.

If the shell is damaged, it can be repaired using dry epoxy glue. In this case, the pet will need to be isolated from its relatives, if any, while the material dries. In addition, you should avoid getting glue on the body. The sink itself must be washed and dried before the therapeutic procedure.

Read more about treating a cracked shell and how to repair an Achatina shell in our article.

Overheating and hypothermia

Exposure to temperatures that are too low or too high can negatively impact your snail's health. Overheating is possible if the terrarium is located near heating devices and is under direct UV radiation. Temperatures below 19 degrees and frequent drafts are no less dangerous. Hypothermia is fraught with inhibited development up to its complete stop and suspended animation, and overheating leads immediately to death.

Signs of temperature exposure may include lethargy and apathy of the animal, refusal to eat. In case of overheating, you need to place the snail under a stream of cool water, and in case of frostbite, wipe it with a warm soft cloth.

Why does Achatina get sick?

The causes of the disease may be different.

  • improper maintenance (hypothermia, dry or waterlogged soil, cramped terrarium);
  • low-calorie diet (low calcium and protein);
  • rare cleaning of the terrarium (rotting food debris and excrement);
  • improper ventilation and poor soil;
  • incorrect proximity of different types of snails.

Strive to create living conditions for your pet that are as close to natural as possible. In nature, Achatina rarely suffers from disease and lives for about 10 years. What diseases do we encounter at home?

Damage by flies, bugs and bedbugs

Parasites include flies, humpbacks, springtails, bugs, as well as bedbugs, fungi and mold.

The reasons for their occurrence are:

  • contaminated substrate that was poorly processed or forgotten to do so;
  • contacts with infected individuals;
  • rotten and unharvested food.

The snail may become lethargic, lose its appetite, and mucus production will increase. In this case, special pesticide aerosols that can destroy ticks and bugs will help.

However, this is only the first stage. Secondly, you will need to get rid of the old soil, wash the ulitaria, boil it, treat the new substrate and wash all the snails, cleaning the shells.

Causes of diseases of domestic snails

The giant Achatina is a land pulmonate snail that can often be seen as a pet in Europe and Russia. The large size of the gastropod, the beautiful twisted shell and the seemingly simple care make Achatina attractive to keep. However, soon after acquisition, the owner may encounter a whole list of problems: due to illness, the snail may become covered with white mucus, grow growths, lose appetite, hide in the shell, or even go into hibernation.

Infection with helminths and worms

Dangerous diseases of snails can be associated with infection of internal organs. Unfortunately, worms also appear in these slow, defenseless creatures. Mollusks can become infected from humans and other pets, so it is not advisable to often handle Achatina.

Worms can get to Achatina from oysters and other snails living in natural conditions, from owners and pets like cats and dogs.

A snail infected with helminths becomes lethargic and loses weight. In addition, some worms are visually noticeable on the pet's body. If the owner does not take any measures, the animal dies in 9 out of 10 possible cases.

The following are used as therapy:

  • cucumbers and carrots;
  • pumpkin seeds, which are rubbed together with the peel;
  • chamomile and other herbal infusions in strictly dosed form;
  • aloe pulp, which is given both as food and Achatina is bathed in it;
  • brewer's yeast, which is infused for 2-3 days before use.

But most medications for helminths for shellfish are toxic. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution.

Ideally, during treatment, for two weeks, the temperature in the ulitaria will be 27-28 degrees Celsius. The affected individual moves away from its brethren to a new home with clean soil.

The most effective in treating parasites are mixtures of several herbs, ground into a fine powder. They can be added to porridge made from pureed seeds that have been soaked in beer for a day.

An excellent remedy for helminths is crushed raw pumpkin seeds and aloe leaves. If such an unpleasant disease is detected, it is important to give your pet daily chamomile baths and introduce effective products into the diet to kill parasites.


We hope that this article will help those who are thinking about purchasing giant African snails (Achatina). They are truly wonderful pets! However, in some countries it is illegal to keep Achatina at home (for example, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan), so check the laws of your country before purchasing.

Are they dangerous? – No, but, as with many other animals, owners need to take some precautions, namely vaccination against meningitis. Achatina living in an aquarium are completely dependent on you. They have no teeth or claws, they cannot run fast and are not capable of injuring anyone. Therefore, they make wonderful pets for children and for those who do not have the free time to care for more “traditional” animals. Why does Achatina have such a negative image in the media? “It’s a combination of ignorance and sensationalism.” The same applies, for example, to pit bulls: thanks to the efforts of the media, most people perceive them as extremely dangerous creatures, but most often this is completely not the case.

Why do people get Achatina? These are excellent pets for people of all ages. They are also suitable for children, but it is necessary to supervise the interaction between the child and the snail (this is necessary for the safety of the snail!).

  • they take up little space and are inexpensive;
  • Achatina does not bite, do not scratch, and generally cannot cause any physical harm to a person;
  • adult snails can be handled;
  • the average life expectancy of snails is 5-7 years, and some live up to 10;
  • Giant African snails are very interesting to watch;
  • these are exotic and unusual pets, which at the same time do not require special equipment, such as reptiles;
  • Achatina are inexpensive;
  • these are nocturnal animals that do not make noise;
  • an aquarium with 1-2 snails needs to be cleaned only once every 3-4 weeks;
  • an adult snail can reach 25 cm in length;
  • you can create a very beautiful and stylish aquarium for them that will decorate your home;
  • there are many subspecies of Achatina: different sizes, colors, patterns, etc.;
  • Giant African snails can be kept alone, in groups or in pairs;
  • they do not need to be trained;
  • Achatina very rarely get sick, so visits to the veterinarian are not required.

Achatina and ecosystem

You may have read horror stories in the media about giant snails destroying our ecosystem, ruining crops, snatching children out of bed and stealing lettuce from supermarkets.

All this negativity does not apply specifically to Achatina, but to most species of snails and insects. People use insecticides in the garden because insects destroy plants. Achatina are no different in this sense from ordinary garden snails, they are just much larger and more noticeable, therefore, it is easier to blame them. To survive, snails must eat, and they eat plants.

As with other pets, snails have irresponsible owners who simply let them go outside. This is illegal in most countries.

But you can be absolutely calm: the Achatina living in your house will not slip out of the aquarium at night to destroy the ecosystem and calmly return to its place in the morning.

Snails and meningitis Are Achatina really carriers of meningitis? Yes, they CAN be carriers. Meningitis affects snails through a parasite called lung nematode. Snails sometimes eat plants that have been exposed to the feces of animals that have this parasite. This infection is most common in countries with tropical climates and in the United States, as well as where Achatina lived in close proximity to wild animals. Snails born in captivity are virtually unaffected by this risk. If you buy an African giant snail from a breeder, the risk of it carrying meningitis is much lower than the snail in your garden.

However, before getting Achatina, it is strongly recommended to be vaccinated against meningitis. Don't be alarmed: most often those who eat wild snails in a restaurant get meningitis. In other words, to get meningitis from a snail, you need a combination of three factors. The person must: a. be unvaccinated; b. eat a snail; With. he must be very unlucky.

And don't forget: cat owners, for example, are at much higher risk of suffering from a bite, scratch or toxoplasmosis. Cat bites often cause blood poisoning, cause tetanus, bacterial infections, etc. The same goes for scratches. Snails do not bite or scratch.

The Undisguised Truth Giant African snails are wonderful pets for anyone who takes the time to gather the necessary information and care for them properly. As with any other animal, there are rules for keeping snails, recommendations and a list of necessary accessories. They are much safer than ordinary garden snails when it comes to transmitting infections.

Yes, they can be dangerous to the ecosystem. Yes, Achatina are hermaphrodites and can reproduce uncontrollably. Yes, they are big and eat a lot. But any reasonable person can control these factors. Snails need food, water and suitable air temperature. Every few days you need to check the aquarium for new eggs. It is recommended to close the aquarium tightly. And everything will be great!

Let's compare the potential risk from snails to the damage that other pets can cause. Dogs bite, sometimes resulting in hospitalization and even death. They also carry infections such as tetanus, rabies, etc. Cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis, worms and other diseases. Reptiles can infect humans with salmonellosis. Ferrets bite and kill small animals.

However, all these animals are kept indoors. Therefore, do not let all the negativity that pours out of the pages of the press about small, harmless snails intimidate you.

Chemical burn and poisoning

When burned or poisoned by chemicals, 96% of individuals die. Contact with harmful substances is possible in the following cases:

  • the food that came into the bowl was treated with pesticides;
  • the owner did not wash the ulitharium well after cleaning it;
  • salt got into the house, which is harmful to the mollusk.

If the breeder notices that the shell is foaming and bubbling, and the body is covered with white mucus, you can try to save the pet. To do this, Achatina should be washed under water. If this does not help, then death is inevitable. In this case, the best option is to put the animal in the cold. There it will die in its sleep, without suffering.

You can avoid chemical exposure by thoroughly washing the soil and rinsing the aquarium. You should not resort to the use of chemicals to clean the house, and the snail itself should not be released outside of it unnecessarily.

Compatibility with other aquarium inhabitants

Ampularia is peaceful, but can destroy fish eggs.

Compatibility with other fish

You asked whether it is possible to keep ampularia and helen together. Adults get along well with each other. Helena's newborn clams will be eaten. Will not cause harm:

  • catfish
  • any species of characin fish (distichod, alestes, tetra)
  • uaru (although it belongs to the cyclid family)
  • telescope
  • denmark pink
  • Congo

Capable of injuring or destroying:

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  • red-eared turtles
  • crayfish and shrimp
  • any types of barbs
  • cyclides
  • all types of tetradons


Neoplasms can be spontaneous, malignant or benign. The reasons why they arise include:

  • poor quality soil;
  • unkempt utilitarian or poor materials from which it is made;
  • contaminated feed;
  • infections;
  • perforators of shells such as sponges, algae.

If the tumor is benign, the mollusk may behave as usual. But if its condition gets worse day by day, and the neoplasm causes discomfort, Achatina refuses to eat and becomes apathetic, then the best option is to freeze it. This will prevent your pet from suffering.

In other cases, you can try to cure the animal with medications such as ointments with propolis, mycoseptin and iodine. You can invite the snail to take chamomile infusion inside.

Simple and systematic, daily actions will help you avoid all of the above. These include:

  • caring for the ulitaria, cleaning it and timely replacing the soil;
  • maintaining a balance of temperature and humidity;
  • selection of nutrition, a well-structured diet and a ban on salty, smoked, sweet foods;
  • processing of raw products such as fruits and vegetables, monitoring the expiration date of food.

A caring breeder who adheres to the listed rules will be able to grow an Achatina that can please him for many years.

Main diseases of Achatina

Below we post those diseases and problems with snails that our readers most often want to know about.

⚫️ Parasites

A humid, warm environment allows mold to thrive. Various parasites can easily get into the terrarium with soil and dirty food, infecting all the snails in it.

✅ Worms/nematodes

These parasites can get into the snail along with unwashed vegetables and herbs. If your pet is left untreated, it can die within three months. In addition, Achatina are carriers of nematodes. Both adults and children can become infected from them. Worms can be found in animal feces, on the damp walls of the aquarium, and on the body itself.

✅ Midges

Dirt and uneaten food in the terrarium can encourage the proliferation of fruit flies. They can infect pets with their larvae.

✅ Bugs

Animals may find these undesirable residents in unsifted and untreated soil. It has been noted that mites feed on the blood of snails, enter their mouths and spiracles, and parasitize there. The shell is an excellent place for bugs to lay eggs. Parasite larvae can cause irreparable damage to animals.

✅ Bugs

Blood-sucking insects can feed on the blood of Achatina. Bitten pets refuse food, lose activity and quickly die.

⚫️ Problems with the shell

Another unpleasant problem is signs of destruction of the snail's house. Many owners do not know why the sink deteriorates, which is why it broke. Perhaps she fell and broke.

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