Ancistrus stellata: description, photo, reproduction, compatibility
The star ancistrus L181 (lat. Ancistrus hoplogenys) is a good aquarium cleaner and master of camouflage. Sometimes
Aquarium fish Goldfish Ranchu: photo, maintenance and feeding, reproduction and breeding.
Description of the fish It is impossible to find such a fish in nature, since it was bred artificially
Artemia: description, breeding, video, storage at home
Artemia is eaten by fish swimming in the water column and at the bottom. She's good because
minor fish
Fish minor: aquarium bloody tetras - content
It is difficult to decide on future pets among the variety of aquarium fish. If you don't know who
Frog - features of physiology, nutrition, reproduction, habitat
Frogs are representatives of the most numerous order of tailless amphibians. The first ancestors of modern species
Rubella fish
Rubella or cancer? — a Novosibirsk resident caught fish with strange sores
Carp rubella is considered a rather dangerous and highly contagious fish disease. She's like the others
Guppy fish
Guppy fish: characteristics and maintenance features
Guppy fish are one of the most famous species among aquarium fish. They are very easy to care for.
Swordtail fish: types, care, maintenance, breeding, compatibility, diseases
The swordtail is a well-known and popular fish. The fame and popularity of swordsmen can be compared, perhaps, only
Care and maintenance of goldfish at home
Description and types There are many varieties of these fish. Among them: Comet Pearl Oranda Heavenly
Dermogenis dwarf or Fighting half-snout: content, photo
Habitat Widely distributed throughout Southeast Asia in the territory of modern Thailand, Sumatra, Java,
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