Armored catfish, or Callichthyidae
Catfish are quite popular inhabitants of many aquariums. The variety of catfish is enormous: here you can also find
How long is a fish pregnant? - Pregnancy in fish
How to determine if a guppy is pregnant and set aside for childbirth?
There are many different types of fish in the world, and if you have an aquarium at home,
Short-term and long-term memory of fish
How many seconds does a fish's memory last: myths about pet fish
Have you ever heard that representatives of the ichthyofauna remember events for no more than 3-10 seconds? This data
NOTROPIS RAINBOW (Notropis chrosomus)
Fish Species Rainbow Shiner Conservation Status Least Concern (IUCN 3.1) [1] Scientific
Sparrow catfish
Corydoras dwarf or Sparrow catfish (Corydoras hastatus)
Comes from South America. According to recent studies, this species is widespread compared
Choosing a location for an aquarium
Step-by-step instructions for starting an aquarium from scratch: location, soil, water, fish
Preparing an aquarium for launch is not as easy as it might seem. This is a choice
Fin rot in a Siamese betta
Ichthyophthiriasis in aquarium fish: treatment, symptoms, photos, videos, description
Where does it come from Symptoms of the disease Which fish are susceptible to the disease? Initial stage of the disease Transition to intensive
post-diplostomiasis of fish
Black dots on fish: what are they and are they dangerous to humans?
Black spots on fish, what are they? Black spots on fish are nothing more than
Gourami. Description, types, conditions of detention and reproduction
Structure, appearance of gourami Thread carriers or simply gourami are small fish whose length varies
Spawning tank for angelfish - medium volume
What and how many times a day should you feed the angelfish in an aquarium?
Angelfish are popular fish that can be immediately recognized by their beautiful, crescent-shaped curved
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