Aquarium pump: what the product is needed for, features of choosing a device

Oxygen is a substance that is necessary for the life of all living organisms. Even fish in the water consume it in large quantities. Some species of aquatic life can capture oxygen from the atmosphere by swallowing air at the surface of the water. Others release oxygen (O2) from water using special organs - gills. Since the volume of liquid in the aquarium, as an isolated container, is fixed, the amount of O2 in the water is limited. To avoid contamination of the aquarium and death of fish, it is necessary to use special equipment to saturate the water with oxygen: pumps and compressors.

Aeration - saturation with oxygen. Aeration is the main condition for the existence of fish in aquariums. The more living organisms there are, the more oxygen they need for a comfortable existence. The correct aquarium aeration regime creates a favorable living environment for all inhabitants of the aquarium.

What is better and what is the difference between a pump filter and a compressor?

An aquarium compressor is a pump that saturates the water with oxygen by supplying air below the water level. The pump creates a decorative effect by creating a bubble lift.

A filter pump is a compressor with a built-in water filter.

Pump or compressor for an aquarium, which is better? Many people ask this question when installing an aquarium and changing its “tenants”.

For containers up to 50 liters, it is recommended to use compressors. Their power is sufficient to saturate such a volume of liquid with oxygen. If it is necessary to install the device in a container or reservoir with a volume of 50 to 200 liters, it is recommended to use filter pumps. The filter pump purifies the water from food debris and fish waste. The pump consists of:

  • a container into which air is supplied through pipes;
  • sprayers that regulate the flow;
  • motors that make it work.

Aquariums are containers that do not have a constant flow of water. The water in aquariums is not enriched with oxygen and quickly becomes polluted. Watch from 3 minutes if you need to get a specific answer to what the difference is.

There are two main ways of oxygen entering the aquarium:

  • Air from the surface itself enters the water, while mixing of the medium does not occur and uneven oxygen concentration in depth may occur. This method is not effective and oxygen imbalance can be easily diagnosed by the behavior of fish: they swim near the surface. To establish uniform mixing, it is necessary to install the equipment at the bottom of the container. The direction of movement of the medium should be such that the current does not interfere with the free movement of fish.
  • The principle of diffusion from bubbles. The stronger the current created by pumps or compressors, the more air will be “sucked in”.

Homemade aquarium pump: pros and cons

The main advantages of a homemade device: saving money; if you know how to work with your hands, assembling a pump from available materials will not take much time; the device can be modified according to your wishes and needs of the inhabitants of the aquarium; If desired, the device can be given an aesthetic appearance that matches the decor of the container. The downside can be considered possible errors in work, for example, insufficiently strong sealant or inaccuracy in calculations.

Features of choosing and using pumps for a marine aquarium

Saltwater aquariums usually contain corals and various sponge species as natural water purifiers. Both of them, as well as fish in their natural habitat, are dependent on the current. All life cycles, the availability of food, and the change of seasons for marine inhabitants are associated with the current. Taking this important factor into account, current pumps are installed on tanks containing seawater inhabitants, which also perform the function of cleaning and aeration. The following nuances need to be taken into account: For ten to twelve hours, the pump must be turned off, simulating calm. The volume of pumped water per hour should be approximately fifteen times the volume of the tank. The water flow is directed to the bottom stones. For large containers, it is recommended to purchase two devices.

Assembling a device for your silent pets yourself is not difficult and does not take long, especially for those who know at least a little about the operation of such devices. If you don’t have the skills, you can look for a budget option, but in any case, this device is vital for aquatic life.

Design features and principle of operation of the filter pump

The pump is designed for cleaning, mixing and oxygenating containers with a volume of more than 50 liters.

The pump is a submersible centrifugal pump. It consists of two main parts: a pump and a filter unit. The filter is a cylindrical body with holes, which is surrounded by a multilayer material that filters the environment in the aquarium.

The filter material consists of several layers and has a spongy structure. When the pump is turned on, the fluid begins to move, pushed by the rotor and directed through the pump due to centrifugal forces. The filter unit is installed on the device to prevent foreign objects from entering the working part of the pump and minimizing contamination of the reservoir. Depending on the model, the pump may have an additional aerator to saturate the water with oxygen molecules.

What is the pump for?

Its main task is to ensure the normal functioning of the aquarium: pumping and mixing water, supplying oxygen. It is this that creates the pressure necessary for the operation of the external filter. If necessary, it helps to create a current in the water, promotes the operation of the aerator, and slows down the process of contamination of the tank.

There are several varieties of this device:

  • internal type;
  • external (or external);
  • universal model.

What is a pump for?

A pump (pump) in an aquarium is necessary to maintain cleanliness and oxygen saturation of the water. This equipment creates a favorable atmosphere for the life of aquarium fish. Pumps create various decorative effects that attract the attention of others: streams and waterfalls.

What are the criteria for choosing a pump for an aquarium?

The use of a certain type of pump in aquariums depends on the characteristics of the container (volume), as well as on the type of fish and other aquatic inhabitants. The main criteria for choosing pumps for an aquarium: type of installation, throughput, material, power of the pump-filter, installation location, noise.

Caring for the device

All maintenance of the device consists of washing it and changing the filter on time. To make it easier to care for, the filter must be turned off when feeding the fish. Thanks to this, foam sponges remain clean longer, so they need to be changed less often. After feeding the fish, it is advisable to turn on the pump again no earlier than an hour later.

The device differs from a compressor in many advantages, the main one of which is a significant reduction in noise when filtering water. There are a number of criteria that must be taken into account when choosing:

  • container size;
  • the purpose for which the pump will be used;
  • if the part is installed to fill the aquarium with water, you should pay attention to the level of water rise;
  • filter performance;
  • aesthetic appearance.

It is better to choose more expensive models from trusted manufacturers that guarantee product quality.

Pump installation type

There are three types of pumps: submersible, external, universal. The submersible one is located under water, the outer one is fixed on the outer wall of the aquarium with special clamps.

In the tank, the submersible pump is placed in the corner, directing the water flow along the long wall. The flow will accelerate, water purification will improve. The pump is installed in a place away from sockets and electrical appliances. Do not allow the submersible pump to operate in air. The motor will overheat and stop functioning.

With two pumps, the flows are directed in different directions in such a way as to create a continuous flow.

The aquarium pump should be cleaned regularly. Immersion devices are cleaned more often than external ones. The deposits on the body are removed with a brush and the filter is washed.

Performance and material

The housings of air supply devices are made of plastic. A sponge filter for an aquarium purifies the sucked water from various particles and suspensions.

For small water tanks, the optimal solution is an aquarium pump with a capacity of up to 400 l/h, for medium-sized tanks - up to 600 l/h.

The volume of the container (reservoir) should correlate with the performance of the device as 1 to 5 or 1 to 3. The performance of the pump is indicated in its passport and is its main characteristic. Also, when choosing performance, you can use ready-made tables on the relationship between container volume and pump performance, compiled by experienced aquarists.

It must be remembered that the pump is a device that operates continuously. Installing a more powerful pump in an aquarium will not create more comfortable conditions for the inhabitants of the aquarium, but it will be cost-ineffective, and can also lead to gas embolism and the extinction of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

The material of the equipment body is always plastic. However, the material from which the pump shaft is made may vary. For salty environments, which are highly acidic and cause metal corrosion, pumps with ceramic axles should be used. For fresh media, pumps with metal axles are suitable.

Operation and care

During operation, external filters do not cause any trouble to their owners. The aquarist should only remember that turning off equipment at night is strictly prohibited. If for any reason the electricity in the house is turned off for 12 hours or more, then the nitrifying bacteria on the substrate die, and the aquarium will need to be started again. Such equipment must operate around the clock, which will ensure high-quality purification of aquarium water. Caring for the external filter is not difficult. Once a month, you should open the case and wash the sponges to remove any existing dirt. This work is done as quickly as possible and takes 5-10 minutes.

After washing the sponges, you will also need to bleed the system from air, for which you use a hand pump that expels unnecessary air from the tubes. The system is thoroughly flushed approximately once a year. To do this, you should drain 10-15 liters of water from the aquarium into a small basin. The filter is disconnected from the power supply, disassembled, all fillers are washed in a basin of water, after which the cleaning equipment is assembled in the reverse order. This work is usually not difficult and takes 20-30 minutes at most.

Installing an internal or external aquarium filter is quite simple. You just need to decide on the location, be careful during assembly, and connect the device to the network only after the equipment is fully installed. In the future, it will be necessary to properly maintain the equipment , washing it regularly, and avoiding long-term power outages, which subsequently leads to the need to restart the filter and the entire aquarium.


A low-power air supply device is useless in a large water tank; too powerful will create a strong current, which will interfere with fish and plants and increase power consumption.

Pump noise

An external pump has a higher noise level than a submersible pump. Inexpensive models often make a lot of noise, creating discomfort, especially in the bedroom. To reduce noise, you can install additional equipment - a system for smoothly adjusting pump performance.

Modern models are equipped with special vibration-damping devices or additionally purchased magnetic holders. In models from leading companies with low noise levels, power adjustment is provided.

Some installation features

Installing a pump in an aquarium is a fairly simple procedure and does not require calling specialists. It is possible to install a pump in an aquarium yourself by attaching the device to its wall so that the direction of the medium flow goes along the largest wall.

Installing a pump in this way increases the level of mixing of the tank environment. If several pumps are installed, remember that it is necessary to separate the direction of the medium flow in different directions. In this way, there will be a continuous flow of liquid from both devices and mixing will be optimal.

Submersible pumps are not designed to operate in air. Lack of fluid when the pump is operating will lead to its overheating and failure. If you install an external type of pump, you must follow safety rules and place the device at a distance from sockets and switches.

Aquarium air pump, mini compressor for aquarium

388 Reviews1173 order(s)


cool, neat, powerful, not very quiet... but not critical for me. I just had a tractor before and the difference is noticeable to me! the goods arrived very quickly! The timing was amazing! thanks to the seller! I recommend and advise!

The compressor is excellent, but it came with one outlet. I ordered so that two tubes could be attached

Delivery took about 2 weeks, by mistake, instead of the ordered 3W, they sent a more powerful two-channel 5W, well, I won’t argue) The only thing I thought would be quieter, it turned out to be quite loud, but there’s a lot of power...

It arrived quickly, by courier) the packaging is wrinkled, it does not affect the product, I took 5w. it buzzes but is not critical and whoever wrote about the noise is from the second valve (if only 1 harness is connected) we will check thanks

Hello, very satisfied, the product is as described, quite tedious and elegant, it does not make much noise, the delivery time is respected, the product arrived quickly in just 10 days, I bought from the seller again. I recommend this seller thank you very much.

great compressor!!!!!! The only thing I changed was the stones. Very small included. I recommend the seller!!!

PRICE: 335.32 - 742.55 rub.


Types of compressors

There are two types of compressors for aquariums: piston and membrane.

Piston type - the medium is supplied into the nozzle cavity for spraying using a piston.

Membrane - supply oxygen to the atomizing element using a membrane.

Diaphragm air pumps

In a membrane-type compressor, air is supplied to the atomization elements using a rubber membrane. This type is characterized by low noise level and low power (economical). They are used in small containers (up to 150 liters). They have high quality and efficiency indicators.

How to make a membrane pump for an aquarium with your own hands

Piston modifications

Piston compressors are wear-resistant and have a wide range of power options. Piston compressors are used in aquariums up to 100 liters. The disadvantage of these compressors is their relatively high cost compared to membrane compressors, as well as a high noise level.

NICREW aquarium air pump, mini compressor

557 Reviews1093 order(s)


I was really surprised that this air pump with such a small appearance has so much power, and its sound is low and tolerable, I can suggest you to buy it, and I received it in less than a month, thank you

Delivery to Moscow region 16 days. At XX the compressor runs quietly. When closing the holes it is a little louder. I also put it in the aquarium. There is no adjustment in it.

The goods in the Russian warehouse ran out, but the seller decided everything and sent it from China, I am satisfied, the seller is sociable and always helpful, I recommend it to everyone.

Good product, corresponds to the description. Delivery is fast. Delivery within the agreed time frame. Packed well. Five stars to the seller for the service. The compressor is moderately noisy, let's see how reliable it is

Received on time, well packaged. Less noise than our old compressor. I liked the air spray (the fish did too)

Everything works, I’m happy with the product, although it is quite noisy, but in principle all such sprayers are not quiet, as I understand. It is convenient to plug in 1 sprayer for two aquariums. Thanks to the seller.

sent very quickly, arrived from Hong Kong to Russia in 10 days, considering the sale, I think it’s very good, I like the compressor, it’s decent for the money

PRICE: 258.11 - 819.75 rubles


Submersible water pump for aquarium, 220V, 3W

559 Reviews1423 order(s)


Thank you very much to the seller for the efficiency and quality pump! Now my fountain works great!!! I recommend!

The pump pumps as it should, I took it as a spare for the tile cutter. the water flow is regulated by a flag, the wire is normal, not short

The order reached St. Petersburg in a month. Packed in a cardboard box and plastic bag without protection from damage. However, everything arrived perfectly intact. The product fully corresponds to the photo and description. The pump has 2 small but high-quality suction cups on the back that will allow you to securely secure the pump in the desired position. There is a switch for the power of water ejection from the pump - 4 levels. For the price, I think this is a great option. I took it to make a drinking bowl for a terrarium. Very pleased with the purchase and service.

Fast delivery to Moscow - less than a month. The pressure is weak, of course, but it will do for the final pumping of the pool (300-400 liters). The main thing is to work longer. Assembled - nice. Thanks to the seller!

Ordered on May 21, arrived at Novaya Posta in Kharkov on June 12. It was packed well, everything was intact. Corresponds to the description, at least the height of the water rise, but the pressure becomes very weak. It will work fine in a small aquarium. The seller is satisfied.

Everything works great, as it should, but I didn’t think it was so tiny

PRICE: RUB 309.58


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