Tetra general tonic – Tetra general tonic, instructions for use – home aquarium keeping

Tetra General Tonic is a multifunctional aquarium fish product used to combat common parasites and bacteria. Available in the form of a solution for external use. The product is prescribed for detecting fin rot in fish, as well as for the treatment of various types of wounds. More details about the features of using the drug “Tetra General Tonic” will be discussed in this article.

Tetra General Tonic to fight bacteria and parasites

General tonic

The action of General Tonic is based on an improved combination of active ingredients of various medically tested acridine dyes, which provide treatment for a wide variety of fish diseases. Acridine dyes destroy bacterial and parasitic pathogens and disinfect aquarium water.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, General Tonic is a low-hazard substance; in recommended doses it does not have a local irritating or sensitizing effect.

General Tonic is a medicinal product containing as active ingredients per 100 ml of solution: ethacridine lactate 836.0 mg, acriflavine 160.2 mg, methylene blue 56.44 mg, 9-aminoacridine hydrochloride hydrate 28.20 mg, excipients per 100 ml of solution , demineralized water up to 100 ml.

In appearance, the drug is a green liquid, packaged in 100 ml. and 500 ml in plastic bottles of appropriate capacity.

Each package is labeled indicating the manufacturer, its address and trademark, name of the drug, purpose and method of administration, name and content of the active substance, volume in the package, batch number, date of manufacture, expiration date, storage conditions, the inscription “For animals” "and are supplied with instructions for use.

Store general tonic in the manufacturer's packaging, with the cap tightly closed, in a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. The shelf life of Tetra Medica General Tonic is 36 months. Tetra Medica General Tonic should not be used after the expiration date.

The expiration date and batch number are indicated on the bottom of the bottle.

General Tonic is used for bacterial infections such as fin rot; fungal infections, for example, sprolegniosis, achlyosis; ectoparasitic diseases, skin opacities, for example, with costiosis, freshwater oodinium; skin and gill parasites; wounds and damage by adding to the aquarium water.

Dosage is carried out using the cap or measuring divisions on the bottle (corresponding to 10 ml) once on the first day of treatment. In operating aquariums: standard dosage is 5 ml per 20 liters, in case of severe disease 5 ml per 10 liters, in quarantine tanks 5 ml per 20 liters without a bioactive filter and decorations.

Treatment lasts 5 days and begins with a single dose on the first day. The effect of the medicine continues for the next 4 days. After treatment, water should be filtered with activated carbon for 24 hours. After filtration, treatment can continue. The maximum duration is 3-4 courses.


The product must be mixed with a small amount of warm water and distributed evenly over the surface of the aquarium. Every day you need to follow the dosage of the drug and the regimen.

The course of treatment lasts 8 days

  1. First day. For 100 liters of water you need to add 30 drops of medicine. During the first day of treatment, feeding infected fish is not recommended.
  2. Second day. For 100 liters of water you need to add 15 drops of Tetra General Tonic. You should also stop feeding fish.
  3. Third day (from 3 to 6 days of treatment). There is no need to use medicine. These days, the fish need to be returned to their previous diet.
  4. Seventh day. Add 30 drops of the drug to 100 liters of water. There is no need to feed the fish.
  5. Eighth day. There is no need to use the medicine on the last day of the treatment course. Pisces should return to normal. Also on the eighth day, it is necessary to partially replace the water in the aquarium (about 30-40%). After the change, you need to filter the water using activated carbon.

“Tetra General Tonic Plus”
If, upon completion of treatment, no positive changes have occurred, then the eight-day course can be repeated. But this can only be done after 14 days. By the way, Tetra General Tonic contains components that can change the color of the water in the aquarium. But you shouldn’t worry, because this is a normal reaction and after 2-3 days the color will return to the same.

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Are there any contraindications

Numerous laboratory tests have not revealed any contraindications or adverse reactions, so Tetra General Tonic can be considered completely safe for aquarium inhabitants . But if, nevertheless, side effects were identified or the behavior of the fish changed after starting to use the medicine, you must inform your veterinarian about this.

The drug will not harm the fish

Aquariums Biodesign

TetraMedica General Tonic highly effective drug for the treatment of freshwater fish 100 ml.

Price: 8 rub.


A highly effective drug for the treatment of bacterial and parasitic diseases of fish in freshwater aquariums.

Area of ​​application: The drug is used to treat all types of wounds, fin rot, as well as against various types of bacterial and parasitic pathogenic organisms.

Release form: Solution of the active substance as an additive for aquarium water. Original packaging 100 ml.

Active ingredients, composition per 100 ml solution:

  • Ethacridine lactate - 836.0 mg
  • Acriflavine - 160.2 mg
  • Methylene blue - 56.44 mg
  • 9-aminoacridine * HCI * H2O - 28.20 mg


  • Bacterial infections such as fin rot;
  • fungal infections, for example, sprolegniosis, achlyosis;
  • ectoparasitic diseases, skin opacities, for example, with costiosis, freshwater oodinium;
  • skin and gill parasites;
  • wounds and damage.

Symptoms of diseases:

  • frayed and/or glued fins
  • white-gray coating on the body of the fish
  • swellings at the base of the fins
  • blurred eyes
  • causeless depletion of fish

Directions for use and dosage:

The normal dosage is 5 ml for every 20 liters of water. In severe cases - 10 ml for every 20 liters.

Dosage for fish quarantine: 5 ml for every 20 l.

Recommendations for use: Remove activated carbon from the aquarium and add GeneralTonic in the required proportion. During treatment in the aquarium, you should increase aeration and turn off the ultraviolet lamp. After successful treatment, it is recommended to change 20% of the water and filter through activated carbon, after which the carbon should be discarded.

If no improvement is observed within 5 days, repeat the treatment by filtering the water for 24 hours through activated carbon. If there is no improvement after 3-4 cycles of treatment, consult a specialist.

Do not use to treat fish intended for food. Keep away from children! Store in a cool and dark place. Do not use GeneralTonic at the same time as other medications. The treatment should be carried out in a fully lit aquarium.

For prevention, add half the dose of the drug every 8 weeks. When adding new fish to the aquarium, it is recommended to add a full dose of the drug.


  1. GeneralTonic is not used in combination with other medications. Only combined use with Tetra ContraIck is possible if the instructions for use are followed.
  2. During treatment, it is necessary to aerate, but not filter the water through adsorbent filtration materials (for example, activated carbon).
  3. The duration of treatment depends on the type of disease and usually does not exceed 4-6 days.
  4. After successful treatment with Tetra GeneralTonic, to completely remove residual active substances from the aquarium, it is recommended to change 20% of the water and filter through activated carbon for 1-2 days, after which the removed carbon should be discarded.
  5. Remember to remove the active carbon from the filter when adding a new dose.
  6. Treatment should be carried out in a general aquarium in order to protect fish that are not yet sick from infection. Telra GeneralTonic is not harmful to your plants.
  7. Not used for industrial breeding of food fish species! Keep medications out of the reach of children! Protect from heat and sunlight!

The use of medications and strongly coloring components can cause staining of artificial fabrics in the aquarium (silicone, rubber, etc.).

To buy TetraMedica General Tonic 100 ml, place your order.

Phone numbers for orders:

(MTS) +375-33-390-16-37

(VEL) +375-29-688-87-53

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Calling hours: Mon-Fri. from 9:00 to 19:00 Sat from 10:00 to 17:00

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Source: https://biodesign.by/tetramedica-general-tonic.html

Website of the pet store “Zoophan”

Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC against bacteria and parasites 100 ml.

Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC is a drug for the treatment of bacterial infections, diseases caused by ectoparasites, fungal diseases and wounds in tropical aquarium fish. Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC has high efficiency and a wide spectrum of action. Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC is effective in treating all open wounds and also prevents fin rot.

When used correctly, Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC does not affect the growth of aquatic plants and does not cause damage to bacteria in the filter.

Medicine for fish Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC against bacteria and parasites

0.00 UAH

702621 Tetra fish medicine

Fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC is a drug for the treatment of bacterial infections, diseases caused by ectoparasites, fungal diseases and wounds in tropical aquarium fish. Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC fish medicine is highly effective and has a wide spectrum of action.

Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC is an effective treatment for all open wounds and also prevents fin rot.

When used correctly, the fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC does not affect the growth of aquatic plants and does not cause damage to the bacteria in the filter.

Indications for fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC : bacterial infections such as fin rot; fungal infections, for example, sprolegniosis, achlyosis; ectoparasitic diseases, skin opacities, for example, with costiosis, freshwater oodinium; skin and gill parasites; wounds and damage.

Symptoms of the disease: frayed fins, cotton-like white coating, mold-like formations on the skin, compressed fins, clouding of the skin and eyes, suffocation, wounds.

Dosage and method of use of medicine for fish Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC : dosage is carried out using the cap or measuring divisions on the bottle (corresponding to 10 ml) once on the first day of treatment. In operating aquariums:

Standard dosage of fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC : 5 ml per 20 l

In case of severe disease: 5 ml per 10 l. In quarantine tanks: 5 ml per 20 l (without bioactive filter and decorations).

Shake the fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC before use

Treatment with the fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC lasts 5 days and begins with a single dose on the first day. The effect of the fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC continues for the next 4 days. After a course of treatment with Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC fish medicine, the water should be filtered with activated carbon for 24 hours. After filtration, treatment with Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC fish medicine can be continued. If after 3–4 courses of treatment with the fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC no improvement is observed, then you should consult with specialists.

Directions for use of the fish medicine Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC in accordance with its intended purpose: during the course of treatment, it is necessary to ventilate well and do not use absorbent filters (activated carbon or artificial resins). UV cleaners must be turned off.

As a rule, in order to eliminate residual active substances, we recommend filtering with activated carbon and partially replacing the water with Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC

The action of Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC is based on an improved combination of active ingredients of various medically proven acridine dyes, which provide treatment for a wide variety of fish diseases. Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC fish medicine destroys bacterial and parasitic pathogens and reliably disinfects aquarium water. In order to prevent infection when adding new fish to the aquarium, we recommend adding a standard dose of the drug to the aquarium water for preventive purposes. Do not use Tetra Medica GENERAL TONIC fish medicine with other medicines.

Source: https://1zoo.kh.ua/catalog/lekarstvo-dla-ryb-Tetra_medica_gen_tonic_100.html

Tetra Contralck - Tetra Contralck instructions for use and composition

Treatment of ichthyophthyriosis (semolina) with Tetra Medica Contraick.

If you notice obvious signs of disease - white dots clearly visible to the eye, randomly scattered throughout the body and fins of the fish, you are convinced that this is definitely ichthyophthyriasis (for example, by posting photos of sick fish on a specialist forum). Once identified, treatment with Tetra Medica Contraick should be started immediately.

Before starting the procedure, check if there are any drug-sensitive fish in your aquarium, such as red neons, loaches, mastacembellus, macrognathus, black knife apteronots, acanthophthalmos. If sensitive fish are present, it is necessary to use a reduced concentration of the drug - 5 ml of the drug per 40 liters of aquarium water, otherwise all procedures are the same.

Invertebrates (shrimps, snails, crayfish) do not tolerate the drug well, and the manufacturer does not recommend using the drug if they are present in the aquarium, so it is better to transplant the invertebrates into a separate container during treatment. If this is not possible, you can use half the concentration of the medicine, as for sensitive fish - 5 ml per 40 liters of water, but still, losses are possible!

Shrimp and snails do not suffer from ichthyophthyriosis, but can be accidental carriers of cysts and parasitic ciliates, therefore, after transplanting into a separate container, it is recommended to keep them without fish for two weeks (the parasites will come out of the cysts and will search for fish to no avail until a few days later will not die of hunger).

Before starting treatment, turn off the UV sterilizer, remove activated carbon and zeolite from the filter, if any. In an aquarium without plants, it is recommended not to use lighting throughout the entire course of treatment, since the active component of the medicine is destroyed in the light. If there are a lot of plants in the aquarium, the backlight can be turned on for 2-3 hours a day, starting from the 3rd day after the next application of the drug.

The temperature should be maintained at optimal values ​​for tropical fish +24-26°C. The rate of development of parasitic ciliates is directly related to water temperature, hence we often see advice on raising the temperature to 30 degrees or higher. Such actions are not always justified, since aquarists begin treating the disease at different stages of the disease - some notice the appearance of the first point, while others pay attention only after several fish die. In advanced cases, a rise in temperature can lead to dire consequences for two reasons. First: ichthyophthirius can be localized on the gills in large numbers, we do not see them, we raise the temperature - the oxygen concentration in the water decreases, the gills of the fish are damaged by parasites - it becomes difficult for the fish to breathe and they can die from lack of oxygen. The second reason: by raising the temperature, we increase the rate of development of the parasite, not knowing how many parasites have already penetrated into the epithelial layer of the fish, how many are on the gills; the rapid development of the parasite can lead to the death of the fish. Moreover, the advice on raising the temperature without adding medication is no longer relevant - this is how domestic ichthyophthyrosis was previously treated, which is now very rare in hobbyist aquariums. At the moment we are dealing with a tropical form of parasitic ciliate, resistant to high temperatures.

Do not use other medications or water conditioners at the same time as Contraick (except for Tetra General tonic in advanced cases).

During treatment, we do not turn off the filters and actively aerate the water using a compressor. The active components of Contraicka do not affect the activity of nitrifying bacteria (biofiltration) if the medicine is used strictly according to the instructions. Also, the components of the drug do not have a negative effect on plants. It is better to refrain from using fertilizers during treatment.

In the case of treating large and severely affected fish with ichthyophthyriasis, you can use a double dose of the medicine - 5 ml per 10 liters of aquarium water.

Step-by-step treatment instructions:

1. We replace 30 percent of the aquarium water with settled water at the same temperature (we do not use Aquasafe, as it can deactivate the medicine), wash the internal filter (or the mechanical filtration sponge of the external filter), siphon the soil - then add the medicine at night according to the instructions . On the 3-4th day of treatment, the dots should begin to disappear.

2. On the 6th day, after the first application of the medicine (that is, 5 days have passed), we again replace 30 percent of the water with settled water at the same temperature, siphon it, and clean the filter. At night, we again apply the medicine in the same concentration as on the first day. We apply the medicine even if the fish have already completely gotten rid of the spots!

3. On the eleventh day from the first application of the medicine (that is, 10 days have passed), not a trace of the disease should remain. We do a 30 percent water change with settled water at the same temperature, siphon it, clean the internal filter (or mechanical filtration sponges of the external one) and add activated carbon to the filtration system (charcoal will quickly absorb the remaining medication - we throw it away after three days in the filter). If there is no coal, it’s okay; with weekly changes of 20 percent of the water, the medicine will disappear without a trace.

4. If after 11 days of treatment the points have not gone away - instead of procedure 3 - repeat procedure 1, but no more than four applications of the medicine in total!

PS During treatment, questions of a similar nature often arise: “Why did I fill the medicine yesterday, but today the number of points has increased, perhaps the medicine is not working”!

The life cycle of the parasitic ciliate ichthyophthirius in a simplified form is arranged as follows: from the cysts resting on the bottom, free-swimming larvae emerge—vagrants; they look for a host fish, when they find it, they penetrate its epithelium and there develop into an adult ciliate. When we see a white ball on the body of a fish, this is an almost adult ciliate, which will soon leave the fish and move to the bottom, where it will turn into a cyst, in which it will divide into hundreds of new larvae and everything will repeat all over again.

How the medicine works. The fact is that it is impossible to kill the ciliate located in the white ball on the body of the fish without causing lethal harm to the fish itself; killing the cyst is the same. The only one susceptible to the effects of non-lethal doses of drugs is the vagrant stage (a free-swimming larva in search of a host fish). This is what the medicine neutralizes. Therefore, treatment takes at least 10 days, all this time we maintain a therapeutic concentration of the drug, wait until all the ciliates leave the fish’s body and sink to the bottom, forming cysts, then the strays hatch from the cysts and are neutralized by the drug!

Highly recommended viewing

We invite you to visit the official Tetra website - https://www.tetra.net/ru/ru/, where you can find out additional information, as well as get expert advice through the feedback forum.

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Tetra section on the FanFishka forum

General Tonic 100 ml preparation against bacteria and parasites for a volume of 400 l

product description

Tetra Medica General Tonic

Tetra Medica GeneralTonic is a multifunctional remedy against the most common fish diseases.

Dosage 5 ml per 20 l. Area of ​​application: bacterial and parasitic diseases, all types of wounds, fin rot of fish in freshwater aquariums. Weight: 0.1 kg.

Solution for external use in aquarium water. Original packaging 100 ml Ethacridine lactate 836.0 mg, Acriflavine 160.2 mg, Methylene blue 56.44 mg, 9-aminoacridine hydrochloride hydrate 28.20 mg

Application procedure

For the treatment of ornamental fish in aquariums with diseases of the integumentary tissues of bacterial, fungal and protozoal etiology, including myxobacteriosis, fin rot, saprolegniosis, achlyosis, costiosis, oodiniosis, as well as infected wounds.

Symptoms of the disease: frayed fins, flaky white coating, dull white or gray areas on the mucous membrane of the fish, compressed fins, cloudy skin and eyes, choking, wounds, inflammation and redness.

Additional recommendations

To maximize the effect of using the drug, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • It is not recommended to combine Tetra General Tonic with other medications for fish;
  • if too much of the drug has been added to the aquarium, then a partial water change must be performed;
  • The medicine should be stored out of direct sunlight and out of the reach of children.

Do not combine Tetra General Tonic with other medications.
Correct use of the drug in combination with compliance with all recommendations will increase the effectiveness of therapy. As a result of this, sick fish in the aquarium will be able to recover as quickly as possible and return to their previous regime.

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