Sideks (Cidex) - Instructions for use in medicine and aquarium

Unwanted algae in an indoor aquarium is bad news for any kind of closed aqua system. The appearance of algae indicates an imbalance in the biological balance in the aquarium. Not only beginners, but also experienced aquarists encounter such troubles. To restore the already disturbed balance in the aquarium , it is necessary to destroy the lower plants. For such situations, special chemicals are used. Sidex is one of them.

"Sidex" for the fight against algae in the aquarium

What kind of remedy is this

Sidex is a two-component disinfectant developed by specialists specifically for the destruction of algae in artificial reservoirs and the prevention of their re-formation. Available in liquid form, it has a yellowish tint and a specific, moderately pronounced odor.

In terms of its composition, Sidex is a chemical compound, the main active component of which is glutaraldehyde. It has pronounced antiseptic and disinfectant properties, and therefore is actively used not only by aquarists, but also in the medical, cosmetology and other fields.

In most cases, the drug is used by aquarists to successfully combat such types of algae as blackbeard, threadbare and other types of protozoa.

Purpose and preparation of Sidex

Sidex is intended for disinfection of medical equipment made from a wide variety of materials.
  • surgical and dental instruments,
  • flexible and rigid endoscopes
  • equipment complementing these devices.

The drug destroys foci of viral infection, bacterial infection, fungal infection.

To prepare the activated working staff of Sidex, you must perform the following operations:

  • pour the powdered activator into a plastic canister with a liquid component, that is, the entire contents of the pencil case that comes with the canister;
  • seal the canister by tightly closing the lid;
  • by turning the canister over, thoroughly mix the resulting solution.

When the activator is completely dissolved, the pH of the solution increases to 8.2-9.2. In this case, the color of the solution becomes fluorescent green. Please read and remember the following information CAREFULLY:

  • do not try to use unactivated Sidex;
  • do not try to mix a smaller volume of components to obtain a smaller volume of the activated product;
  • Use the product only when the powdered activator has completely dissolved in the liquid component.

The principle of action of the drug

The effectiveness of the drug is due to the specific action of its constituent ingredients, which promote powerful disinfection of the aquatic environment and lead to the decomposition and death of most algae and other unwanted vegetation in the aquarium. At the same time, which is especially appreciated by aquarists, Sidex causes absolutely no damage to the group of higher plants with leaf plates, ornamental fish, shrimp, mollusks and other inhabitants of an artificial reservoir.

It copes well with plaque formed on aquarium walls and deposits on the foliage of ornamental crops, having a detrimental effect on the cellular structures of algae. Such a pronounced effect is achieved due to the fact that, when Sidex gets into the water, it limits the supply of carbon dioxide. The powerful algicidal properties of this drug make it possible to make aquarium water transparent and crystal clear in the shortest possible time.

The average duration of use of the drug for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes is about 2 weeks.

Many aquarists are interested in the question of the influence of Sidex on the biosystem of an artificial reservoir. According to experts, this drug:

  1. Slightly increases the level of carbon dioxide concentration in an artificial reservoir, stimulating the growth of aquatic and surface crops.
  2. Causes slight changes in the chemical parameters of the liquid due to the influence of dead algae if they are not removed from the aquarium in a timely manner.
  3. It provokes a possible increase in nitrite levels, which disappears on its own after a few days of regular use.

Numerous studies and clinical trial results have proven that the use of Sidex for an aquarium did not actually disturb the biological balance in an artificial reservoir, and possible minor changes in the chemical parameters of the liquid were soon completely restored.

Should I use Cidex for my aquarium with or without an activator?

To answer this question, let’s figure out why an activator is needed. Glutaraldehyde is stable in an acidic environment (pH 3.0 - 4.0), and at pH 8.0-9.0 it begins to form a polymer. During active polymerization, the product exhibits a more pronounced algicidal effect and binds membrane proteins more strongly. The increase in the activity of the drug in an alkaline environment is explained by the formation of an aldol-type glutaraldehyde oligomer. The activator is an alkaline agent - sodium bicarbonate (after dissolution, concentration 0.3%) or baking soda (?) [].

In the practice of aquarium fish farming, Sidex is not activated. Probably, in aquarium conditions with a pH close to neutral, or, in the case of rapid algae development, when the pH is shifted to the alkaline side (during the day), glutaraldehyde polymerizes gradually, and its effect is more gentle. The algaecide should be stored in non-activated form.

Cross-linking of protein molecules (including enzymes) with glutaraldehyde (

There may be another positive side to gradual polymerization. Only a glutaraldehyde solution consisting of monomers and oligomers, i.e., effectively fixes proteins. molecules small enough to quickly penetrate tissue. If the aldehyde has previously polymerized, it cannot penetrate into the cell and contact proteins. The chemical reaction with proteins occurs quickly (minutes to hours), but large molecules, especially oligomers, penetrate into tissues slowly [].

About possible side effects

Despite its many beneficial properties, Sidex is still toxic, albeit low. But possible side effects and undesirable consequences appear only when the dosage of the drug is significantly exceeded and it is used incorrectly. Therefore, aquarists should not worry about the condition of their pets and green spaces growing in an artificial reservoir.

But this remedy can have a very unfavorable effect on the health of the person himself, especially in cases of individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to the main active ingredients of the drug, and an excessive tendency to exhibit allergic reactions. Undesirable reactions are manifested by rhinitis, lacrimation, attacks of bronchial asthma, and sore throat. Therefore, it is not recommended for allergy sufferers, as well as people suffering from bronchial asthma, to use Sidex.

Possible harm

According to reviews from some owners of artificial reservoirs, sidex for an aquarium can cause harm to living organisms. Aquarists noted that after using the product, the tubifex, which is food for the fish, dies in the tank. And those pets that feasted on the dead tubifex also died.

In addition to the tubifex, the substance has a negative effect on some types of underwater vegetation, so it is safer to prevent the development of harmful algae than to fight parasites.

In what dosages should I use Sidex?

The dosage of the solution is determined depending on the purpose of its use. For example, many experienced aquarists use Sidex in advance to prevent and prevent the growth of algae. In this case, 5-7 ml of solution will be quite sufficient, which should be added to the artificial reservoir daily for 1.5-2 weeks.

If the aquarium is already heavily polluted, then to achieve a positive result you will need to use an increased dosage of Sidex.

Experts recommend adding the product to an artificial reservoir, calculating the optimal dose according to the scheme - 12 drops of solution per 100 liters of liquid.

The maximum permissible daily dosage of the drug is 20 ml per 100 liters of water. It is strictly not recommended to exceed this amount, since this will not increase the effectiveness of the product in terms of destroying algae, but it may negatively affect the parameters of the aquatic environment and affect the health of ornamental fish.

Principle of operation

After using Sidex in the aquarium, changes in the aquatic environment occur:

  • Carbon dioxide is released.
  • The purity of the water is lost due to the death of harmful algae.
  • The parameters of the liquid change: the number of nitrates, nitrites, and phosphates increases.
  • Iron content decreases.

Once in the water, after a certain time, glutaraldehyde, which is part of Sidex, disintegrates, releasing carbon dioxide. The intermediate element is glutaric acid. After one day, no traces of the drug are found in the tank.

Rules and features of application

In order for the use of Sidex to bring the fastest and most positive results, and also not to provoke any side effects, aquarists should follow a number of rules and adhere to the application regimen when disinfecting artificial reservoirs:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the aquarium itself, clean the filters and siphon the soil, as well as the liquid itself (read more about how to properly siphon soil in an aquarium).
  2. Remove green spaces from the tank affected by algae and pathogens.
  3. Replace the water in the artificial reservoir by at least half of the total volume, and even better – by 70-80%.
  4. Adjust the fluid circulation processes in the tank, reducing the flow as much as possible.
  5. Ensure maximum darkness of the reservoir, be sure to turn off artificial lighting and heating devices.
  6. Turn off aeration and the supply of carbon dioxide to the aquatic environment.

If these rules are not followed, the effectiveness of Sidex's active ingredients is significantly reduced. After completing the preparatory stage, you can safely proceed directly to the disinfection of the artificial reservoir, adding the drug according to the dosages described above. But first you will need to move the inhabitants of the aquarium to another tank. This is just a precautionary measure, since there are no reliable facts about the negative effects of the drug on fish.

It is very important to constantly monitor the state of the aquatic environment and promptly remove dead algae from the aquarium, preventing them from decomposing and rotting. On the 3rd day of the therapeutic course, it will be necessary to replace the water in the tank, approximately by 25-30% of the total volume of liquid. On the 4th day, it is recommended to gradually reduce the dosage of Sidex, reducing the initial amount of the drug to 20 ml of solution per 100 liters of water.

To consolidate the obtained result and prevent the re-growth of algae after completion of the main therapeutic course, additional prevention should be carried out by adding the product to an artificial reservoir in a dosage of 15 ml per 100 liters of liquid.

After the full treatment and prophylactic course is completed, the aquarium will need to be opened, removing the protective glass from it, provide sufficiently bright artificial lighting and, gradually increasing the amount, resume the supply of carbon dioxide to the tank.

Remains of dead algae should be removed from the bottom of the aquarium, the filters should be thoroughly washed and treated with antiseptics. It will also be useful to add fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus to the soil, which will improve the growth and general condition of plants.

How does he work

The main advantage of Sidex is its selectivity. The chemical has a detrimental effect on the cell structure of the lower flora of the reservoir, while large plants remain unharmed.

It is acceptable to use the composition to remove “beards” from the leaves of ornamental vegetation. Sometimes a spot treatment method with a minimum solution concentration is used for this.

There are many methods for using Sidex, and each specialist has his own dosage and method of processing. On average, 2 weeks are enough to eliminate lower flora.

Scientific research has proven that aldehyde, in the right concentration, is harmless to the aquatic world. The influence of chemicals has an indirect effect in rare cases.

When a chemical is applied, the following processes occur in the aquarium:

  • The death of many lower algae changes the composition of the water, and, accordingly, its chemical parameters. Standard filtration for several days is sufficient to remove dead flora without allowing it to decompose.
  • An increase in carbon dioxide concentration leads to the active development of higher plants.
  • A few days after introducing the solution, an increase in the content of nitrites and nitrates is observed, but the unwanted side effects disappear, and the ecological balance of the artificial reservoir is quickly restored.
  • No negative effects were found on fish, shrimp and shellfish.

In case of overdose, the drug causes fish poisoning and upsets the balance of the reservoir. As a result of excessive concentration, phosphates and nitrogen compounds are destroyed.

It is advisable to use the drug under supervision for the first time. Especially when there are expensive types of fish.

What else is Sidex useful for?

Contrary to popular belief, Sidex has a fairly wide spectrum of action and is used by aquarists not only to clean algae from an artificial reservoir. This drug provides an excellent preventive effect when planting new green spaces, above-water and underwater plant crops in the aquarium.

To do this, add 1 to 3 ml of disinfectant solution to 1 liter of clean, pre-infused or filtered water. It is important to carry out such manipulation in a separate container, not in the aquarium itself. Next, you should simply rinse the purchased plant specimens in the resulting composition and soak them in it for 3-5 minutes. This procedure will avoid accidental contamination of other green spaces and aquarium inhabitants.

In addition, some aquarists recommend using Sidex as a preventive and therapeutic agent for fish and other aquarium inhabitants. Thanks to its disinfectant properties, the drug destroys bacteria and other types of pathogens that provoke the development of a number of dangerous diseases characteristic of fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. For these purposes, small doses of the drug must be added to the aquatic environment - from 15 to 20 ml per 100 liters of water in the tank.


There have been conflicting reviews around the drug. Some aquarists recommend the product to others, while others have encountered disturbances in the aquarium ecosystem and the death of their pets. The solution has been used in aquariums recently and has not yet been studied in detail, so it is better to transfer the fish to another container when destroying algae deposits.

Precautionary measures

When using Sidex, one should not forget that this is a chemical drug that has, albeit weakly expressed, but still toxic effects. Therefore, when using the product, you must observe the following precautions:

  1. Use rubber gloves and protective respirators, since inhaling the drug can adversely affect the health of a person, especially those with a tendency to allergies or problems with the functioning of the bronchopulmonary system.
  2. After introducing the drug into an artificial reservoir, cover its surface with protective glass, and thoroughly ventilate the room in which the disinfection was carried out.
  3. Make sure that the product does not come into contact with mucous membranes or skin. If this does happen, the affected area must be washed with plenty of clean water. If pronounced burns or erosive lesions form, you should seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

By following these simple recommendations, you can completely protect yourself and your household from the possible toxic effects of the drug and reduce the risks of possible adverse reactions and allergies to a minimum.

Disinfection of medical equipment with activated Sidex

Activated Sidex is used to disinfect medical instruments and equipment made from:

  • metal;
  • rubber;
  • plastics;
  • glass

The list of tools that can be processed with Sidex includes:

  • dental instruments;
  • surgical instruments;
  • flexible and rigid endoscopes with all their complementary elements;
  • TLD endoscopes.

Sidex allows you to destroy foci of bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

After using medical products, their surface is thoroughly wiped with cloth wipes, all cavities and channels are thoroughly washed using a syringe or other similar device.

Products that can be disassembled are pre-disassembled. During these operations, anti-epidemic safety measures must be observed. The work must be carried out using an apron and rubber gloves. Wipes and wash containers that have been used must be thoroughly disinfected by boiling or using an effective disinfectant.
Disinfection of endoscopes and their auxiliary elements, as well as TLDs of endoscopes, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules SP 3.1.1275-03. Disinfection is carried out in plastic containers or enamel-coated containers, which are closed with lids. If we are talking about products that have been cleaned in accordance with clause 3.2. and 3.3, then before cleaning with Sidex, moisture is carefully removed from them. The product is completely immersed in the solution, which should fill all cavities and channels, but not create air pockets. Products that can be disassembled are lowered into the solution disassembled. Locking tools are immersed in the solution in an open form. Any instrument being processed must be covered with at least 1 cm of solution.

At the end of the disinfection process, the medical device is removed from the Sidex solution, removing its remains from the channels and cavities, and then transferred to a container with clean drinking water, in which all traces of the solution are washed off the product. Medical products are washed using running water. Metal products are washed for 3 minutes, and plastic and rubber products are washed for at least 10 minutes. Sterile water is most often used to clean endoscopes.

Drying of products is carried out using clean cloth napkins, which are stored in a medical cabinet. Express control of the suitability of a medical device for work in case of repeated use is carried out using a special indicator strip intended for the drug Sidex according to the instructions for their use.

Advantages and disadvantages

The drug Sidex is characterized by a number of important advantages that determine its wide popularity among aquarists and its continued leading position in the consumer market:

  1. High rates of efficiency and effectiveness in the fight against algae.
  2. Fast action.
  3. Extremely safe for both higher plants and aquarium inhabitants, and for humans themselves, in comparison with other algaecides with similar properties.
  4. Wide spectrum of action.
  5. The possibility of using the drug not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes.
  6. Simple and comfortable use.
  7. Affordable, affordable price.

The main disadvantages of this disinfectant include its slight toxicity and minor changes in the parameters and chemical composition of the aquatic environment in the aquarium. In addition, the effect of the active components of Sidex on the human body and animals is still not fully studied, therefore, when working with the solution, you must take precautions and strictly follow the instructions described in the instructions supplied with the drug.

Impact on the human body

The drug Sidex, according to GOST 12.1.007-76, belongs to the 3rd class of substances that pose a moderate danger to the human body if they enter the stomach and the 4th class of substances that pose a low danger if they come into contact with the skin. This drug is also classified as a substance with moderate toxicity when administered parenterally. Sidex has weak sensitizing and cumulative properties; it has a slight local irritant effect on the skin, but can cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory tract.

How to store the drug

The optimal duration of saving the drug Sidex is 2 years. It is strictly contraindicated to use the product after the specified period, as this is fraught with dangerous consequences, not only for aquarium plants and living creatures, but also for the person himself.

It is recommended to store the product in a dry, dark place, out of reach of small children and pets, at a temperature of about +25°C.

Sidex is an effective disinfectant that allows you to quickly deal with algae and pathogens in an artificial reservoir. An important advantage of the product is its high efficiency and almost absolute safety for ornamental plants, fish and other aquarium inhabitants.

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