Aquarium plant ambulia or limnophila: conditions of maintenance and types, reproduction and diseases



When creating a composition in an aquarium, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, including the correct planting. Each bush must be in its place so that the aquascape looks harmonious. In this case, plants must be planted in the background. There are not very many species of underwater flora that reach large sizes and, in principle, are suitable for being located in a corner or at the back wall of an aquarium. But still there are such plants, and one of them is Limnophila (aka Ambulia).


Water parameters.
The aquarium plant tolerates conditions in hard water up to 16 dGH, and in soft water no more than 2 dGH. The temperature limit can vary from 15 to 29° ATTENTION! PH should be between 6.5–8 units! A decrease greater than 6 leads to the development of various problems. Aquarium dimensions

Both dimensions and shape have no meaning for hemianthus. Priming. Pearl grass has short, underdeveloped roots, so sand of medium and fine fractions is most suitable for it. Feeding. Hemianthus micranthemoides loves mineral fertilizers. In addition, clay lumps are a good feed for it. Regular application of these fertilizers to the soil will accelerate the growth of shoots and improve the color of the green mass. Lighting.

The main factor in the full development of the plant. An aquatic resident can grow well and form lush bushes only in bright light. A lack of lighting will cause the shoots to stretch and stretch upward, and the delicate green color will change to an unpleasant brown one. The minimum lighting limit is 0.5–0.6 V per liter of water. The duration of daylight hours should not exceed 12 hours. Otherwise, there is a high probability of rapid growth of green and blue algae parasitizing the hemianthus. Aeration. For plant growth, a constant supply of carbon monoxide, also known as carbon dioxide, is required. Filtration. Clean water is a necessary condition for the normal maintenance of hemianthus. In a polluted environment, the growth of parasitic algae increases.

Therefore, the aquarium must be equipped with a good filter and some of the water must be replaced with fresh water every week. Trimming. When decorating an aquarium in a strict style, for example, Dutch, the plant will have to be constantly trimmed to maintain the neat shape of the bush. Hemianthus tolerates shearing well and does not get sick even with extensive pruning.

Planting and propagation. Shoots are usually buried at a shallow depth in the sand. You can plant a plant with or without roots. Hemianthus micranthemoides takes root easily, quickly growing roots. The plant will not die, continuing to develop, even if it is simply laid on the surface of the water or tied to a snag without hiding the roots in the ground. The aquatic inhabitant reproduces very easily. It is enough to simply separate part of the stem or an entire shoot from the mother plant and plant it separately.

Possible problems

Ambulia does not create much trouble for aquarists. The only thing is that this plant is prone to rapid growth, so it should be periodically thinned out and the top trimmed.

Ambulia is a very beautiful, decorative aquarium plant that creates a magnificent design and can become a worthy decoration for any artificial pond. What is especially attractive is the unpretentiousness of this culture, lack of tendency to diseases, and quick and easy reproduction. It is for this reason that ambulia is very popular among aquarists, and it is suitable even for beginners.

Ambulia species: description and photo, maintenance and reproduction

Wild varieties of Limnophila can be found in Europe, India, and Africa. At the beginning of the 19th century, scientist R. Brown identified varieties that are familiar to science to this day and number more than 35 species. They all differ in appearance and comfortable living conditions.

In the design of the interior of aquariums, several types are mainly used: Ambulia royal or Aquatic (giant), Ambulia Aromatica or Aromatic, Limnophila sessile flower, Limnophila Indian. Let's take a closer look at each type.

Ambulia Royal or Aquatic (giant) aquarium plant

Ambulia Royal or Aquatic, a beautiful aquarium plant, is extremely disliked by the people of India, because Limnophila creates a lot of inconvenience when working in rice plantations. In general, this is a fairly common type of algae.

It has a long fleshy trunk that grows up to 0.50 cm in the aquarium. When it grows to the surface of the water, it can bloom. Around the trunk there are leaves spread out in different directions. They are long and thin in shape. Color, depending on the conditions of detention, from pale green to rich emerald.

To maintain it, you need an aquarium of 80 liters or more with soil and a granule size of 3-5 mm.

The root system is designed more to anchor the plant in the water space. Ambulia takes all microelements and nutrients through the leaves. Does not like strong currents and does not tolerate haircuts. Limnophila aquatic has a brittle stem and stem.

Limnophila sessile flower photo, description and maintenance in the aquarium

Limnophila sessile flower differs in appearance from the royal one. It also has a thick trunk, but the leaves are fan-shaped. They are pinnate processes with 5-12 leaves each. This variety will delight you with soft blue flowers with proper care.

When the length of the plant allows it to be outside the water, a semblance of flowers from the leaves of limnophila forms on the surface.

This variety of limnophila can be kept at a water temperature of +22-28° C. At lower temperatures, growth will be significantly slowed down. Withstands temperatures up to +15° C. Acidity from 6-8 pH. Hardness from 6-12° dH.

Lighting for Ambulia sessile flower is very important and should be 0.5 W per cubic liter of aquarium space. You can independently understand whether there is enough light by external signs: if the illumination is normal, then the upper petals fold, covering the growth point

The plant does not need additional minerals. The plant gets everything it needs from the aquarium’s organic matter.

Limnophila Aromatica or Aromatic content in the aquarium

Limnophila Aromatica or Aromatic got its name because of the pleasant aroma that the plant emits. Long, oblong-shaped leaves with pointed ends grow from a powerful stem in different directions. The color of the plant smoothly transitions from dark green to brown-crimson shades.

Unlike previous species, the plant requires carbon dioxide and special fertilizing. In combination, this allows the plant to grow actively and produces rich color.

The plant needs to be wounded regularly, otherwise the light will not penetrate through the thickets to the lower branches. Lighting from 0.5-1 W/l, temperature from +22-28° C, acidity from 5-7 pH, hardness from 0-10° dH.

Reproduction, as with previous species, is not difficult. Separate a cutting 15-20 cm long, place it in the ground and after 4-5 days a root system will appear and young shoots will begin to develop.

In captivity, Ambulia aromatica or fragrant reaches a height of 25-50 cm and a width of 5-8 cm.

Varieties of Ambulia

Science knows 35 varieties of Ambulia. The most common include only three types. To the known varieties you can add Limnophila indica, which is quite rarely grown.

Water or Royal (giant)

This Ambulia is easy to care for. A long stem with soft leaves grows up to 0.5 m in an artificial environment. It is practically invisible under the many leaves that form a ball-shaped dome on the top, and in the water column there is a light green jungle. The roots are strong and separated. Prefers soil made of sand or small pebbles.

The habitat requirements are similar to Limnophila varifolia, which allows them to be kept in the same aquarium. You just need to monitor the joint growth, because... Vodnaya's development rate is more restrained, and it may die.

sessile flowering

Rarely seen. Another name is known - Dwarf. The top of the tall stems is decorated with a rosette of petals, light green, finely dissected. Spreads over the surface. From above it looks like a green carpet. Does not require special soil or auxiliary fertilizing, and can receive nutrients from its environment. This is a natural filter, so all the dirt in the water settles on its leaves. When cleaning the aquarium, dust must be shaken off.

Aromatic or Aromatic

It can grow both vertically and along the bottom of the aquarium. The stem is most often curved; it is very rarely straight. The glossy leaves have a color: salad, olive or brown, and purple underneath. Flowers are solitary. The most difficult type.

Requires maintaining constant conditions for development: temperature +22...+28 °C, pH - 5.5-7.0; hardness 4-14°; lighting for 10-12 hours. Any deviations in parameters lead to a change in the appearance of the plant. If the water is softer, the light leaves will become purple, and if the water is harder, they will become dark red.

Systematic feeding and special CO2 supply are required.


The peculiarity of this species is the ability of a broken leaf or trunk to release a toxic substance that can kill all the inhabitants of the aquarium. Otherwise it is the same as the other varieties. It is advisable for Ambulia to have a large aquarium (200 l) in order to reduce the degree of toxin content in it if the plant is damaged. This will prevent you from causing much harm to other residents. In addition, after cutting, it is washed with running water.

Maintenance and care in the aquarium

It is better to plant royal ambulia in a row (with a space of 4-5 cm between the bushes) in the middle plan of the aquarium. It is preferable to select a deep container with a volume of at least 90-100 liters and a height of at least half a meter. In a comfortable environment, Royal Ambulia grows intensively, creating reliable shelters for fish. The algae growth rate is quite fast and amounts to 5-7 cm per week.

In cramped conditions, luxurious thickets of ambulia settle down, which spoils the overall picture.

Ambulia royale develops well under the following optimal aquatic conditions:

  • temperature 21-30 C;
  • hardness 5-8 dH;
  • acidity 6-7 pH.

When the temperature drops, algae growth slows down. A weekly partial water change is required. A filter device is required. If there is a large population of fish, it is necessary to equip the container with a powerful compressor for aeration.

The plant loves light. When darkened, it loses its attractiveness and richness of color. Therefore, it is recommended to create additional lighting with fluorescent lamps with a power of 0.2 to 0.8 W/l to extend daylight hours to 12-13 hours.

Royal ambulia has a developed but delicate root system, so it is important to choose the right soil. It is better to take small pebbles or coarse sand

The substrate, consisting of large inclusions, injures the root system. As a result, it begins to rot, which leads to algae rising to the surface. And in a floating state, they quickly become smaller and die.

The soil should be moderately silted. When replanting, it is recommended to place a piece of clay under the roots, which will speed up rooting. The plant responds positively to the application of liquid and root feeding, as well as enrichment with carbon dioxide.

Difficulty in content

The leaves of Royal Ambulia are particularly sensitive and therefore require a careful approach. The soil in the aquarium should not be heavily silted, otherwise the algae will begin to wither. Hence the conclusion is that the substrate must be cleaned frequently.

Care and maintenance

Aquarium. With such height of grass, a tall aquarium is needed to keep it. If the top of the ambulia grows above the surface of the aqua, it will lie on the water, which will seriously spoil the appearance of the overall decor.

Priming. As already mentioned, Limnophila has well-developed roots, which means that it needs soil to live in an aquarium. It can be coarse river sand or small river pebbles with the addition of clay.

Aqua parameters. Like all southern plants, ambulia loves warm water with a temperature from +22 to +28 C. Most ornamental fish live at this temperature, which means the vegetation combines well with aquatic life. Lower temperatures slow down grass growth and its green color becomes paler.

The hardness of the aquatic environment is not particularly important: limnophila, in principle, can get used to any water if its parameters are stable. But it is better to maintain a neutral balance of 6-8 degrees.

Filters and light. The purity of the water is very important. In addition to stable filtration, experts recommend weekly water changes in the amount of ¼ of the contents of the aquarium.

If the grass stems stretch strongly, it means the grass is striving for light. This occurs when there is not enough artificial lighting. The normal light regime required for ambulia is 10-12 hours a day. For this purpose, ordinary fluorescent lamps are used, giving a power of 0.5 W per liter.

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Limnophila is a southern, heat-loving plant, for which an important parameter is water temperature +24...+28 °C. Many ornamental fish (for example, cichlids) have the same preference, which allows them to coexist. Lower temperatures will slow growth and change the color of Ambulia. Water hardness does not matter, it can be anything, but it is better to maintain neutral (6-8 °) and constant.

Clean, unclouded water is needed, which it is advisable to change by 25% as often as possible. It is recommended to use filtration and aeration of the aquarium. Lighting should be bright and long, up to 10-14 hours. Its lack or the presence of strong shadow at the base of the plant will have a negative effect on the leaves. They will fall off or turn yellow.

Coarse sand or medium-sized pebbles are well suited for the root system. The soil is periodically carefully cleaned of silt to ensure plant growth. The use of fertilizers helps enhance the development, flowering and overall appearance of the grass.

Thanks to its tall growth, the plant does well in a large aquarium. If the height of the water column is insufficient, the top will simply fall apart on the surface and ruin the appearance.

Proper care of Limnophila will result in a beautiful green jungle. It is advisable to plant it near the back wall or in the corners of the container.

Reproduction and planting

This process is quite simple, because ambulia reproduces quickly in an aquarium if the conditions are suitable for it. This process occurs through cuttings. Young cuttings are cut from the mother bush. They should be 15-20 cm long. This bush should not be left in the water column. It can be planted immediately, and after 4-5 days roots will begin to appear at the bottom. Next, you just need not to disturb the bush, so as not to damage it and allow it to strengthen and grow stronger.

As for landing, there are no particular difficulties. Ambulia is planted in a corner or at the back wall, 3-4 cuttings each. After adaptation, they will begin to stretch upward and form one large and lush bush. The aquarist can only take care of it, promptly separating cuttings and pruning.

Appearance, properties and features

Limnophila aquatica is a very beautiful plant that, in aquarium conditions, resembles dense tropical thickets.

The height of ambulia at home can reach up to 0.5 m, and in its natural form - up to 1 meter. This is a ground vegetation with a relatively strong root system and a long, erect stem bearing many very distinctive leaves. The stem is thick, up to 6 mm in cross section.

Such strength of the grass trunk is natural: it must hold numerous leaves in an upright position. They are narrow, lamellar in structure, pointed at the ends and very tender. From 3 to 10 light green leaves can grow from one node.

The circumference of the luxurious leaf cap can be up to 12 cm in diameter. Curly hair is not only beautiful, but also works as a good biofilter, actively participating in the biochemical processes of an artificial reservoir.

Ambulia is one of the few aquatic plants that has its own daily routine. Indeed, it has such a feature as night sleep.

Owners of ornamental grass can observe a fascinating process every day: at about 21 o'clock, limnophila folds its leaves vertically upward, and in the morning the foliage blooms again, turning into a spreading crown.

Interestingly, even the presence of bright light does not affect her sleep. There is nothing you can do - the daily regimen must be strictly followed!

When properly maintained in an artificial home pond, the plant periodically blooms, blooming many small light blue flowers. Looks very impressive!

Plant characteristics and habitat

Ambulia, growing in an aquarium, reaches a height of 0.5 m. The culture is distinguished by a strong, straight stem, the thickness of which in cross-section is approximately 6 mm.
The root system is fragile and easily damaged. The decoration of the culture is numerous narrow leaves of bright green color. They are pointed at the ends. With proper care, Limnophila blooms several times a year.

Its habitat is countries with a tropical climate and high air humidity. In India, the plant is considered a weed, which they try to get rid of, and in Vietnam it is used as a spice.

Botanical description and natural habitat

It is native to the damp, hot regions of Southeast Asia, Australia, the southern islands of Japan and East Africa. Ambulia grows in stagnant small shallow ponds, swamps, and rice fields

Its unique appearance and undemanding maintenance attracted attention to it and became the reason for its breeding in artificial reservoirs.

It has a strong root system, a tall and reliable round stem (6 mm diameter). There are many leaves on it, collected in a cap (12 cm), resembling heavily dissected feathers in appearance. Limnophila branches are planted at a distance of 3-4 cm to show all their lush beauty. In an artificial environment they grow up to 0.5 m, in nature - up to 1 m.

Ambulia is a natural biofilter and participates in biochemical processes. It has an interesting property: with the onset of darkness, the leaves rise, fold, and during the day they unfold and take on the appearance of a spreading crown. This daily routine is strictly followed. Even the presence of bright artificial light does not bother him.

Photo gallery of Ambulia:

In India and Ceylon they are classified as harmful weeds and are destroyed in every possible way. It has an advantage in the south of Vietnam, where, calling it rice grass, it is used as a spice for fish dishes. Has a sour lemon flavor. In folk medicine and cooking, the species Limnophila Aromatica, reminiscent of lemon or caraway, has found wide use.

How it blooms

Compliance with all permissible standards for keeping Limnophila aquatic in an artificial tank will allow you to admire the flowering of the plant. Many small light blue flowers create a spectacular picture of a flower meadow.

Did you know? Rice farmers in southern Vietnam deliberately plant Limnophila aquaticus near rice fields, call it rice grass and use it as a seasoning for fish dishes. Consumed raw, crushed, the taste of the herb is reminiscent of lemon juice.

Natural habitat

Limnophila aromatica is endemic to the continental and island territories of Southeast Asia. It grows along the shorelines of slow-flowing rivers and in sunny or shady-sunny areas with excess moisture. In countries where rice is grown, Limnophila aromatica appears in drained rice fields and grows actively.

Limnophila is also found on other continents in areas with a tropical or equatorial climate.

The second prefix in the name is obtained due to the lemon-cumin aroma that the herb exudes. It is used to prepare preparations in folk medicine, as a seasoning for dishes and as an additive to tea. In Europe and America, the plant is used in aquadesign.

Aquarium plant Ambulia (Limnophila) maintenance conditions

The conditions for keeping ambulia are the same as in their homeland in India. Therefore, the water temperature should be between +22-28° C - this is the ideal temperature for growth. Limnophila will not survive temperatures below +22° C. The acidity of the water should be between 6-8 pH. The plant is indifferent to water hardness.

The rich green color of ambulia leaves directly depends on the conditions of detention. Therefore, be sure to change a quarter of the water volume in the aquarium once a week. Cleanliness in the aquarium is the key to the health of all inhabitants of the aquarium. Various filtration systems and oxygen saturation systems also help with this.

Limnophila is a light-loving plant, so the lighting should be bright. There are 10-14 hours of daylight, so during the cold season, use a fluorescent or LED light source. The plant lives according to its biological clock. At about 9 pm you will watch the leaves that are above the water close up. In this way, ambulia protects itself from the cold at night.

Soil is of great importance in the establishment of algae in a new place. Therefore, choose small pebbles or coarse river sand with a medium silt content. Replanting is stressful for a plant, so slow growth is normal.

In order for the limnophila bushes to show themselves in all their glory, you need to ensure that the distance between them is 4-6 cm. Then all the leaves will be open. An excellent option for habitat would be an aquarium of 90 liters or more with a wall height of at least 50 centimeters.

Reproduction will not cause much trouble for either beginners or experienced aquarists. The process takes place by cutting a cutting from a common bush. The length of the shoot should be at least 15-20 centimeters. After planting in the soil, the root system appears within 4-5 days, thanks to which the plant will become firmly established over time.

Lifehacks and tips for aquarists

Tip #1. Many aquarists recommend planting Limnophila aromatica in aquariums with shrimp. Invertebrates eat algae from the surface of leaves, the growth of which is almost inevitable in the presence of intense lighting.

Tip #2. You can additionally influence the change in plant color by changing the carbonate hardness of the water. In softer water, the leaves of Limnophila aromatica will have a pronounced green color, and in harder water they will acquire a rich scarlet or purple color.


Limnophila is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Plantain family (Plantaginaceae). This plant was first described at the end of the 18th century by the Scottish botanist R. Roxburgh. But it was only at the beginning of the next century that it was determined that Limnophila was a separate genus. However, even after this, certain species were mistakenly classified as other genera. By the way, the error is firmly entrenched in the minds of Russians: some pitchforks of Limnophila are still called Ambulia, which is completely incorrect from a botanical point of view.

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The habitual way of life of plants of the genus is perfectly characterized by the name: “limnee” - pond and “philуs” - to love. Indeed, Limnophiles prefer the shady banks of ponds and swamps, lakes and flooded rice fields. The plant feels good both under water and in the air. The only difference is the different shape of the leaf blades.

The plant reaches a height of one meter. Thread-like roots hold firmly to the soil. The erect or drooping stem can be branched or single. The foliage is collected in whorls. The leaf blades developing under water are finely dissected and pinnate. The aerial part is distinguished by lanceolate foliage with a serrated edge. Flowering is possible only in the above-water part. The flowers are small, white or blue; the petals may have purple stripes. Flowering is a rather rare phenomenon, since most aquarists prefer to grow Limnophila only in the water column and promptly trim the top of the stem. However, modest flowers can become a real decoration of an aquarium.

Limnophila is grown as a background plant or, less commonly, in the middle ground of large aquariums. The foliage of the plant not only serves as an excellent place for fry to play, but also cleans the water well from turbid suspension.

Variations and forms of the plant

The plant has no “personal” variations, but is one of the nine species belonging to the genus Lilaeopsis. It is noteworthy that due to the strong external similarity of lileopsis, they are often confused with each other. The following types are actively used in aquascaping:

Mauritian. Externally, it is very similar to the Brazilian one, but feels comfortable in lower lighting. In its natural environment it is found in marshy areas of the island of Mauritius. The leaves of the plant are ovoid or round in shape. The bush can reach 5-10 cm in height.

New Zealand. This lileopsis is distinguished by its cylindrical leaves and unpretentiousness, thanks to which even novice aquarists can cope with it. In its underwater form, under good living conditions, it can bloom with small light flowers. It is not recommended to plant cubes next to other ground cover plants such as hemianthus, since the New Zealand lileopsis will try to “survive” its neighbor in any way.

Makloviana. It grows in South America, mainly in Argentina, as well as on the Falkland Islands. Like its Brazilian “relative,” it grows in swamps and lakes, and can also be found at the mouths of rivers flowing into the ocean. Due to the tall leaves reaching 30-50 cm in length, it is used as a middle or background plant.


Royal ambulia propagates in several ways, but the most common is cuttings. The top of stems up to 15 cm long is cut off. Then the resulting blanks are buried in the ground with a deepening of the lowest whorl. Literally after 5 days the cuttings sprout new roots.

A cutting taken from the middle of the stem produces lateral branching. True, this takes quite a lot of time. It is also undesirable to let the cuttings float freely. Then their root formation slows down.

Ambulia royale can be propagated by dividing the rhizome, which is spread along the bottom of the aquarium. The roots are cut into pieces. Each one must have a vertically growing shoot and a developed root system. They are seated separately. This method allows the plant to grow without interruption, even when changing location, but provided that comfortable conditions are created.

Ambulia also looks impressive against the background of the tank. In addition to the decorative function, it also has a practical one. The plant cleans water well from impurities and saturates it with oxygen. Only with careful care will Limnophila aquatica delight those around it with bright green openwork foliage.

Breeding conditions

Cutting method

The cut tops of an adult plant are planted directly into the ground. It is advisable to maintain the length of the cutting at a maximum of 15-20 cm. Some experienced florists recommend calculating it in such a way that each seedling has no more than 5 nodes (whorls).

After planting in the ground, a root will soon grow from the lower node. There is no need to plant ambulia too often; the distance between seedlings should be at least 3 cm.

If a little clay is added to the soil before planting, it will be a good supplement for rooting cuttings. A trimmed plant can be removed from the ground by the roots, or it can be left if the frequency of planting suits you. A young shoot will soon emerge from the cut site.

Root division method

The condition for using this method is that two or more stems grow from one root system. The roots need to be carefully untangled, leaving each stem its own. This method is very labor-intensive, requiring great care and precision so as not to damage the delicate roots of the grass.

It is believed that Limnophila is an unpretentious aquatic plant that even a beginner can grow. So it is, but the peculiarities of its maintenance and reproduction must still be strictly observed. In response, ambulia will thank its owners with the cheerful bright green color of tropical thickets.

Aquarium plant Ambulia (Limnophila) maintenance conditions

The conditions for keeping ambulia are the same as in their homeland in India. Therefore, the water temperature should be between +22-28° C - this is the ideal temperature for growth. Limnophila will not survive temperatures below +22° C. The acidity of the water should be between 6-8 pH. The plant is indifferent to water hardness.

The rich green color of ambulia leaves directly depends on the conditions of detention. Therefore, be sure to change a quarter of the water volume in the aquarium once a week. Cleanliness in the aquarium is the key to the health of all inhabitants of the aquarium. Various filtration systems and oxygen saturation systems also help with this.

Limnophila is a light-loving plant, so the lighting should be bright. There are 10-14 hours of daylight, so during the cold season, use a fluorescent or LED light source. The plant lives according to its biological clock. At about 9 pm you will watch the leaves that are above the water close up. In this way, ambulia protects itself from the cold at night.

Soil is of great importance in the establishment of algae in a new place. Therefore, choose small pebbles or coarse river sand with a medium silt content. Replanting is stressful for a plant, so slow growth is normal.

In order for the limnophila bushes to show themselves in all their glory, you need to ensure that the distance between them is 4-6 cm. Then all the leaves will be open. An excellent option for habitat would be an aquarium of 90 liters or more with a wall height of at least 50 centimeters.

Reproduction will not cause much trouble for either beginners or experienced aquarists. The process takes place by cutting a cutting from a common bush. The length of the shoot should be at least 15-20 centimeters. After planting in the soil, the root system appears within 4-5 days, thanks to which the plant will become firmly established over time.


If the maintenance conditions are not met, the blix may lose some of its decorative properties. The following table lists the main diseases of this plant associated with improper care and methods of treating them.

The main diseases of Blyxa japonica and methods of their treatment
DiseasePossible reasonHow to cope with the disease
Part of the bush sheds its roots and floats to the surfaceThe plant is cramped, especially if it has formed dense thicketsThin out the bushes
The plant stops growing, the leaves turn pale, the roots die, the plant floats upThe water is too hard, pH more than 7.4 unitsReduce pH to 5.5-7.2 units
The bush becomes bright green and stretches upward to its maximum lengthNot enough lightIncrease lighting level to 0.5-1 Watt per liter of water
The plant slows down its growth, the leaves turn pale, the stem is partially exposedNot enough nutrientsChange 20-25% of water, add fertilizer
Young leaves become pale green and lose their bright colorNot enough ironChange water, add fertilizer with high iron content

There are cases when, under incorrect conditions, the leaves of Blyxa gradually dissolved in water, and the plant disappeared. At the same time, if the requirements for hardness, acidity, water filtration and lighting are met, japonica actively develops, blooms and forms side shoots.

Blixa japonica is a promising aquarium plant that has been used in aquascaping recently, but already has its fans. If you are not afraid of the difficulties associated with maintaining Japonica, you can grow a magnificent ornamental bush that will become a worthy decoration for any aquarium.

If you do not provide the plant with proper care, this can lead to unwanted diseases.

  • Lack of nutrients;
  • Closeness;
  • Hard water;
  • Lack of the required level of lighting;
  • Lack of iron.

Limnophila (Ambulia) disease

These species of Limnophila do not have any diseases as such. But you can consider a whole list of different symptoms that are characteristic of aquarium algae:

  • yellow edging on young leaves is evidence of calcium deficiency;
  • an increased pH value leads to slow growth or complete stop;
  • if the soil is too dense and shallow, the roots of the plant may turn black;
  • lack of phosphorus leads to leaf fall;
  • weak light will cause the leaves in the lower part of the trunk to die and become pale in color;
  • when the chemical composition of the water changes, the plants will wither;
  • lack of CO2 will be manifested by the presence of lime on algae;
  • algae can stretch in length due to an excess of the red spectrum of the lamp;
  • too much light is also not always good. This can cause the leaves to become small;
  • There must be a balance between the amount of light and temperature. The hotter it is in the aquarium, the lighter it should be. Otherwise, you will get long stems with small leaves.

Ambulia or Limnophila species are suitable for the back wall of the aquarium as a living wall. And in general for decorating an aquarium.

Shearing and reproduction

Limnophila aromatica requires constant care in the form of pruning and planting new cuttings. This rejuvenates the plant. In addition, the dense crowns shade the lower leaves, causing them to rot. But the plant does not tolerate pruning easily. New shoots do not grow immediately. It will take several weeks for the former decorative effect to appear.

L. aromatica reproduces by vegetative method. It is enough to separate the top of the bush or a side shoot with developed foliage and plant it in the ground, digging the lower whorl on the cutting into the soil. After a week, the seedling will develop a root system, and the mother plant will begin to develop new growth points.

If seedlings are planted without an upper bud, then it will soon form in the form of a bud of a side shoot. In this case, it takes more time to grow.

  • Vallisneria spiralis;
  • riccia;
  • duckweed.

Limnophila indica aquarium plant

In nature, Limnophila indica can be seen in water bodies of Australia or Africa with a calm current.

The thin, feathery leaves create a fluffy halo around the slender stem. Depending on the lighting, the color of the algae changes. In bright light it is red, in dim light it is light green. The length of the foliage can reach 5-7 centimeters. The flower that you can see above the surface of the water is pale pink.

The peculiarities of breeding Limnophila indica are that when cutting a cutting for propagation, poisonous juice is released. Therefore, be sure to wash new shoots before planting them in the ground. But, if the aquarium is more than 280 liters, then you can do without such methods to protect the fauna. The shoots cut off for plant propagation must be placed in clean water. Change it periodically, as this will remove the toxic juice that has been released.

Plant varieties

There are several types of limnophila. Among aquarists, the most common species are the following:

  • Royal limnophila or aquatic amulia. This plant is considered the largest of all species. In India and Vietnam it is considered a weed, but in Europe it is used in aquarium farming. It is able to absorb nutrients from water and it doesn’t matter to it what kind of soil it is in. It reproduces both by cuttings and with the help of roots - they grow horizontally in the soil itself. An important condition for her is clean water. It grows quickly and after a short period of time a real jungle is formed in the aquarium. If the light is turned off, the plant lowers its leaves down, pressing them closer to the stem.
  • Dwarf limnophila (sessile-flowered). It is highly decorative and is the most undemanding species in terms of conditions and care. Growth is fast and can grow in a wide range of temperatures and hardnesses. It produces horizontal shoots and grows rapidly along the bottom of the aquarium.

    When cut, Indian Limnophila can release poison that is dangerous to fish.

  • Indian limnphila. The main difference of the plant is its ability to release substances that are toxic to fish into the water when cut. In view of this, such a plant should be trimmed outside the aquarium. Before planting such limnophila, the cuttings should be washed well in water. It is better to plant in large tanks, because the concentration of hazardous substances becomes lower and is no longer so dangerous for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Indian limnophila has the ability to change the color of foliage depending on the light.
  • Limnophila rugosa. This plant is very beautiful. It can form an entire lawn, which looks very beautiful in the foreground or background of the aquarium. Good growth is observed in water of medium hardness, the root system is quite powerful. Adding microelements to water has a good effect on growth.
  • Limnophila Belem. A very original and elegant variety of limnophila. The foliage is red in color, and its intensity depends on the lighting. When feeding, CO2 grows much faster, especially if the water hardness is increased. Under normal conditions it looks very beautiful. If the lighting is bright, then the color of the plant becomes brighter.

In addition to these, there are other types of limnophils. Among them are Limnophila hippiroides and others.

All of these plants have similar conditions, but they may differ in appearance, shape and size. But despite this, they are able to perfectly decorate the aquatic world of the aquarium.

Conditions of detention

Limnophila sessile-flowered forms dense thickets, but upon reaching the surface of the water, it begins to line itself on it, forming mini rosettes of leaves that look very attractive. When viewed from above, they look like a rug. It will create diffused light or partial shade.

When planting in an aquarium, the plant should be placed near the rear window, or several bushes at once in the corners. Ambulia can develop while in water with a temperature of 18-30 o C. A decrease in temperature provokes slow growth. However, it can withstand this range - even at a temperature of +15 degrees, it will not change its appearance. Can develop in water with a hardness of 6-12 dGh. Acidity – neutral (preferably 5.8-7.0 pH). But you can take into account the conditions under which other plants and aquarium fish live. Limnophila will be able to adapt to different parameters of the aquatic environment. Once a week it is recommended to replace 25% of the water with infused and clean water.

Look what Limnophila sessile flower looks like.

Lighting is important - ambulia prefers bright light, which can be provided using fluorescent lamps with a power of 0.5 W per liter of water. Incandescent lamps with tungsten filament are used as additional illumination for several hours

To avoid burns, all lighting fixtures must be protected with glass or other covering. Amount of daylight: 10-11 hours. If there is insufficient lighting, the plant will stretch out, its stems will become narrow and unattractive. Survival rate is high even in low light conditions.

It is enough to simply find out whether Limnophila sessile-floral is receiving the right amount of light. You should look at the tops of the stems. If there is enough light, the leaves at the top will be raised upward, covering the growth point of the stem, folding in this growth zone. Regarding oxygen, aeration is recommended. But the filter and compressor should not produce fast flow. In nature, limnophiles grow in bodies of water with stagnant water or slow flow.

The plant is best planted in sand due to its weak, thread-like root system. If the bottom of the aquarium is lined with coarse soil, it will damage the delicate roots of the limnophila, and they will begin to rot. As a result, it will float to the surface, and in an unsecured form, it will stop its development. Ambulia will lose color, become unattractive, and turn into a mini bush. The amount of sludge in the soil does not play a special role, because the plant receives nutritional components by absorbing them through the leaves and stems.

No additional feeding is needed; natural sludge will be sufficient. Limnophila feeds on everything - organic matter dissolved in the aquatic environment, and substances that enter the water from fish food. There is no need to add additional fertilizer to the water and soil. Vegetative propagation - by cuttings. Ambulia is divided into several parts, which are planted in the ground. Each cutting should have 5 whorls. After a week, the cutting will sprout roots and the new plant will begin its development, putting out branches that will decorate the aquascape with lush greenery.

See how to plant and cut Limnophila sessile flower.


Limnophila sessile-flowered is a favorite habitat for fish fry, this is its main advantage. It can grow well in an aquarium of any size and is unpretentious in maintenance. If you decide to get Limnophila, then you may not need other plants - it is popular for its versatility. The limnophila bush will stretch out in a short time, reaching the surface of the tank. It is enough to cut a fragment of the plant 10 cm long and fix it in the ground. This way the plant can quickly spread throughout the aquascape.

How to start growing ambulia? To begin with, you can plant it in a spacious tank with a volume of 300-400 liters, with a height of 60 cm. Trimming the plant will be difficult, but the result is worth it. You will quickly develop a classic Dutch landscape. There is another way of growing: plant limnophila in several small tanks at once, along their perimeter. The plucking process will be simplified. Sometimes you can let the plant grow to the surface of the water and then prune it back. The result is a lush bush that will look like cabomba.

Plants with a split leaf surface, which is limnophila, perfectly purify water from dirt and turbidity. Remnants of accumulated waste are deposited on their leaves. This is a natural biofilter that will bring many benefits to all living organisms living in the aquarium.

Conditions for keeping in an aquarium

L.aromatica is considered the most capricious of all Limnophila species. This is a fairly tall plant, which is planted in aquariums from 80 liters and more than 50 cm in height.

Hydrochemical parameters

Water quality directly affects the appearance of L. aromatica. Of all the representatives of the genus, it is aromatics that require maintaining constant indicators.

Optimal water parameters:

  • temperature range - 22-28ºС;
  • acidity - 5.5-7.0 pH;
  • hardness - 4-14º.

The plant feels good at any of the temperature indicators in the above range, but reacts poorly to its sudden change. At temperatures below 15 and above 30ºС it loses its viability.

Carbonate hardness has a big impact on color. In soft water, the leaves become light green, and in hard water (already above 8º) they acquire a dark scarlet or purple color and grow thicker.

A filtration system and regular water changes are required (¼ of the total volume of liquid once a week). Changes that are too large in volume significantly change the water parameters, which has a bad effect on the state of the aromatics: the upper bud slows down growth, the leaves become smaller, the distance between the nodes is reduced and the plant becomes very bushy. The filter will not allow organic deposits and suspensions to settle on the leaves, which can cause them to wither or become overgrown with algae.


The beauty of Limnophila aromatica, its color and shine largely depends on the lighting. The plant needs a long daylight hours (10-13 hours) and a powerful light supply (at least 0.8 W/l). Under such conditions, the color of the leaves becomes reddish and the surface begins to shine. With a lack of light, the bushes stretch out and the red color appears slightly. Preference should be given to fluorescent lamps with a wide spectrum of light or use special aquarium lamps. It is not recommended to install lamps in which the red or blue spectrum predominates.

A narrow spectrum can cause stress in limnophila, after which it takes a long time to recover.

Carbon dioxide supply and mineral fertilization

Limnophila aromatica is a slow-growing hydrophyte, but its growth can be stimulated not only by good lighting, but also by the addition of carbon dioxide in an amount of 25-30 mg/l.

In addition, under the influence of light, the plant produces flavonoids, which serve as a certain protection against harmful radiation. A lot of energy is spent on this, therefore, for normal photosynthesis, a supply of carbon dioxide is necessary, which is carried out by the method of fermentation with spraying.

Lack of fertilizer and CO2 leads to the death of the lower leaves. As a result, only the top remains lush, and the stem becomes bare. Limnophila needs iron (up to 0.5 mg/l), nitrates (1 - 50 mg/l), phosphates (0.1-3 mg/l) and potassium (5-30 mg/l). Micro and macroelements are added daily along with fish food. Due to the slightly higher requirements for fertilizers and CO2, the plant is considered difficult to maintain.


Limnophila aromatica loves silted soil, from which it receives all its nutrients, so it is of great importance in its life. It is better to use small pebbles for backfilling. The plant takes root better in it. Coarse, coarse soil easily damages the fragile roots of the hydrophyte when cleaning the bottom. This can cause them to rot, which leads to the bush rising to the surface. Sandstone has proven itself well, in which the root system becomes more powerful and developed in a short time. A nutrient substrate with a high iron content is placed under the soil.

Dangers in the aquarium

When Limnophila is just planted, growth does not begin immediately. Only intensive CO2 supply and fertilizing can speed it up. But this is fraught with an outbreak of algae, to which all members of the genus are susceptible. Almost all types of algae grow on the stems and leaves of the plant. Their appearance is possible due to an imbalance of nutrients in the water, an excess of nitrates, and also due to the presence of rotting lower leaves as a result of slow growth. Often the aquarium where Limnophila grows contains shrimp. They help keep the plant clean by eating away algal growth.

Limnophila rugosa

Limnophila Rugosa photo
Limnophila Rugosa is one of the most beautiful plants. The lawn of Limnophila rugosa in the foreground and middle ground of the aquarium looks very attractive.

Limnophila Rugosa grows well in water of medium hardness. In the soil it develops a fairly powerful root system through which nutrients are supplied. The addition of microelements to the aquarium water is encouraged. Light intensity affects the appearance of the plant - the brighter the light, the shorter the internodes.

Limnophila rugosa photo

Limnophila heat-loving is a tropical plant. Comfortable water parameters for its maintenance: temperature 24-27 ° C, hardness and active reaction are not particularly important, because The plant grows well in both very soft and relatively hard water. The plant requires a weekly change of 1/4 of the volume of water in the aquarium. The water must be clean - without suspended matter and high concentrations of nitrogen compounds. This is achieved by a well-tuned filtration and aeration system. Otherwise, the plant does not feel well, turns black and degrades.

Limnophila rugosa photo

It is advisable that the lighting in the aquarium be bright, since if there is a lack of it, the plant stems begin to become very elongated and the plant loses its attractiveness. The duration of daylight hours is 8-12 hours, the intensity is from 50 Lm/l+.

Limnophila rugosa is propagated by daughter plants that grow at the nodes of the stem. When the shoot has 3-4 internodes, the shoot is torn off and planted in the ground as an independent plant.

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This note is posted in all FanFishka articles dedicated to aquarium plants. This is a cheat sheet with a link that will help you grow any aquarium plant and herbalist of any complexity.

Most of the reference materials are located in the Aquascape , we also recommend our brochure: Aquarium navigator for beginners: “Underwater Gardens of Babylon” .

The formula for success in growing plants can be depicted as follows.

First of all, the proper level of lighting is necessary.

(light intensity - Lumens)

Next, the proper concentration of CO2

Further macro-fertilizers and micro-fertilizers

Water parameters, care and quality water changes

The gradation of this formula is based on the degree of importance. Lighting intensity is primary, and then descending. Therefore, if your plants have holes in the leaves, they have sciatica (crooked) or there are problems with algae, then please do not read the “bad advice” - this is chlorosis (lack of iron), this is a lack of potassium... diarrhea, phimosis and endometriosis )

You always need to solve the problem of setting up an herbalist from major to minor. Plants will die more quickly from a lack of lighting than from a lack of Fe and K. Moreover, the latter are always present in one degree or another in the aquarium, but it is difficult to measure their precise value.

Below, let's go from the main to the minor.

Lighting in an aquarium with plants . Remember, the most important thing in light is its intensity (Lumens)! All other lighting characteristics: spectrum, Kelvin, PAR/PAR, Ra... are important, but secondary. There will be no intensity of lighting, there will be nothing. At the same time, the lighting intensity must be balanced - selected specifically for your project (height of the water column, number and types of plants, daylight hours).

Based on the above, choose aquarium lighting primarily by the number of lumens, and then everything else.

Lighting is the most expensive part. The most budget-friendly solution is to install ordinary construction-street floodlights above the aquarium . Fortunately, they are now very thin and aesthetic. And believe me, under them everything grows with a bang, of course, provided that all the other components are present.

In order not to be unfounded, here are photos of our herbalists, which were grown exclusively under LED spotlights or with their presence.

If you want professional lighting or aesthetics. Then you will have to fork out some money. The amounts can vary quickly from 10,000 to 50,000+ rubles for a 100 liter aquarium. For example, in 2021 we switched to professional lighting - ISTA Titan . Yes, not cheap, but the lamps are Achon! We have grown a professional competitive aquascape under them. That’s why we advise you to pay attention to them.

Well, it’s difficult to advise anything, because... Everyone has different needs and capabilities. In this article we talk about the products of our partners - Tetra , Laguna , ISTA lighting .

We tried to briefly and objectively talk about them. Then it's up to you. In any case, we do not really recommend that you pay attention to handicraft lighting assembly from folk craftsmen. Not all, but as a rule, they shove who knows what kind of diodes into such an assembly, assemble it all on their knees... and believe me, more than once on the forum you hear echoes of the consequences of such a purchase. After all, a company is a company. At a minimum, you are given warranty and post-warranty service.

If you are a beginner, your first herbalist, then LED spotlights are your choice. Let's move on, otherwise this note isn't very short =)

CO2 for aquarium plants . The plant is approximately 90% water, the remaining 10% is dry matter. Of that 10%, 46% is carbon. This is why CO2 supply is so important in a planted aquarium.

Plants in an aquarium obtain carbon “from water” - from carbon-containing compounds. But the natural concentration of C-carbon in water is small and is only sufficient for unpretentious plants, but they, and even more so, will be happy with additional carbon feeding. The supply of CO2 can be provided using mash or a CO2 balloon system , lemon juice or other methods.

The best, professional, simple and budget option is to supply carbon dioxide through a cylinder. One thing, however, is the initial purchase of a set: a cylinder, an MG valve, a diffuser…. will hit the budget.

Is it possible to do without CO2, but for a couple of bushes of simple plants ( cryptocorynes , echinodorus , most ludwigias , etc.).

What balloon systems can you recommend? The most budget option is an assembly from craftsmen who sell CO2 systems in VK and on forums. Everything is very high quality.

If you want a branded item, then we recommend the most inexpensive and at the same time high-quality CO2 systems from ISTA (Taiwan) . We have been using them for 5 years and recommend them to you.

On sale you will find two series of ISTA Aluminum CO2 Cylinder cylinders, with horizontal and vertical threads of 1 and 3 liters.

Fertilizers for an aquarium with plants . All fertilizers, of any brand, can be divided into MACRO-FERTILIZERS and MICRO-FERTILIZERS .

Macro fertilizers are nitrate NO3 and phosphate PO4 from which plants take N-nitrogen and P-phosphorus. These are the most important elements after CO2 - C-carbon.

Remember - Redfield's proportion rules . Always keep it under control and everything will be ok. Right, based on our observations, Redfield’s proportion rules only in full NPC proportions. Incomplete proportion - without carbon C does not give good results.

Micro fertilizers . These are all the other less important elements that are necessary for plants (see link). There is no point in putting too much emphasis on them. Firstly, all of them are contained in one quantity or another in tap water and are restored in the aquarium with changes. Secondly, an overdose of micro very quickly leads to an outbreak of algae.

A common mistake made by beginners is not understanding what they are pouring into the aquarium. For example, let's take such a popular and popular fertilizer as Tetra PlantaMin . Read the product summary at the link - it strengthens, stimulates, and gives a chic body shape.

A beginner, without delving into the essence, uses it and gets an outbreak of algae, writes on the forums - “Like, wow, what a bad Tetra.” And the trouble lies not in the drug, but in a lack of understanding of the nitrogen cycle and balance in the herbalist . The beginner has a Redfield bias (let’s say N and P are generally zero) and instead of making up for the lack of these primary elements, he fills the aquarium with Tetra PlantaMin - a micro-fertilizer (iron, potassium, manganese). As a result, going over the micro is only detrimental, because... plants lack the base - nitrogen and phosphorus.

Thus, you must understand what plants lack and understand fertilizers.

How to understand what plants lack? It's simple. Now the market is filled with a variety of expensive and not so expensive aquarium water tests. We recommend inexpensive domestic ones - VladOx drop tests , they are sold online and offline.

We also recommend, let’s not be afraid of this word, innovative domestic UHE tests . They are currently only sold online.

The minimum set of tests for an herbalist is NO3 and PO4. It is advisable to have the entire nitrogen range: NH4, NO2, NO3. As well as kH and pH tests.

Tests help us monitor the situation in the herbalist, but over time it is advisable to learn to see and feel the aquarium for yourself. With experience you need to move away from “convulsive testing”; the best aquarium test and tool is ourselves.

Let's summarize this part. Macro, it’s macro in Africa too. The link above generally contains a recipe on how to make them yourself. If you are not yet ready for self-mixing, then always and everywhere you will find a line of fertilizers from Tetra: Tetra Planta Macro , Tetra PlantaMicro , substrates, root tablets and much more .

Of course, there are many other brands that produce aquarium fertilizers. There is an opportunity, use even ADA products. All markers are different in taste and color. The main thing is to use it with a clear understanding of what you are using it for and what you want to get in the end.

From the professional line of fertilizers, at an adequate price, we can recommend Prodibo (soils, soils, macro, micro, stimulants, etc.).

So, something like a note turns into the Talmud. Which is not surprising - the topic is very broad. One moment left.

Water parameters for aquarium plants. Link1 and Link2 , please look at these articles, they cover the essence quite well.

Here we note that the quality of photosynthesis is influenced by the process of caring for the aquarium: water parameters (kH, pH below 7), high-quality filtration and aeration, competent and timely water changes.

Please study

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