Dream Interpretation Goldfish: why do women or men dream about Goldfish?

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  • 03-01-2018
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Seeing a fairy-tale golden beauty in the water in a dream means repeating the fate of some characters known from childhood in reality. Often, this dream is read as a symbol of interesting and exciting events, an improvement in financial situation, moral victories, but sometimes it is also a belief in non-existent events and circumstances, the collapse of dreams or the loss of something important.

Interpretation according to Miller

The first thing you need to do after waking up is to remember all the details. It is up to them to decide whether something good awaits you or not. For example, Miller’s dream book knows for sure that if you dreamed that you were holding a goldfish in your hand, then you should get ready for a series of pleasant adventures and good luck in everything.

But Miller’s dream book promises girls an alliance with a handsome and certainly rich man. If the fish turns out to be sleepy or, even worse, dead, then for women it symbolizes a series of difficult trials and promises trouble for men.

However, Miller’s dream book itself gives a good hint. If you dreamed that you managed to save a magic fish, then fun, good shopping and joy await you soon.


The location of the action is also very important when deciphering. After all, you will have to interpret not only the magical creature itself, but also the tank or container in which it swam.

Why do you dream, for example, that there is a big fairy-tale fish lying in a beautiful lake? Very soon your most cherished dreams will come true, like in a fairy tale. And such an interpretation will be relevant for everyone.

If a woman dreams of a goldfish swimming in a huge aquarium, she will soon get married. However, the marriage will not be as successful as we would like.

Meaning for women

In general, for women the dream of goldfish swimming in an aquarium has special meaning. In some cases, if a woman dreamed of a goldfish in an aquarium, then this is a clear hint from the Higher Powers about pregnancy.

In addition, the aquarium itself serves as a symbol of home, family and children. When giving a specific interpretation to such a dream, one should take into account the type and condition of the container, the quality of the water, etc.

In this light, a dream about a dead fish has an extremely negative meaning. Why such a dream occurs is not difficult to understand. The dream book advises to prepare for rather unpleasant events.


Over the years, through selection, about 300 species of breeds have been introduced, which differ both in size and shape, and in a variety of colors. The main varieties of goldfish, photos and descriptions of which are given below, are considered the most popular inhabitants of aquariums.

Stargazer or celestial eye

The astrologer, which can also be called the celestial eye, has an ovoid body with a low back. The lines of the back and head smoothly connect. The eyes are telescopic, the caudal and lower fins are forked, and there is no dorsal fin. Color – golden orange.


A fast, active fish, it has an elongated body, the length of which reaches 18 centimeters. Looks like silver crucian carp. It is distinguished from it by the presence of large fins and bright color.


According to their characteristics, goldfish of this species are the most beautiful. A calm, slow fish with a spherical or ovoid body up to 20 centimeters long. A distinctive feature is a long, lush caudal fin, reminiscent of a veil and several times longer than the length of the body.


These individuals belong to a species with a length of no more than 15 centimeters, the body has the shape of a large egg. The fish's head is covered with growths reminiscent of raspberries or a lion's mane. The dorsal fin is absent, the caudal fin is short compared to other individuals.


Representatives of the breed reach 15 centimeters in length, have short lateral and pectoral fins on a round body. They are distinguished by convex scales that look like pearls, which is what gave these fish their name. Color from white to red.


The fish is characterized by long fins, an ovoid body and large bulging eyes. Their size can vary over a wide range. The diameter can reach 5 centimeters. Among the representatives of the breeds there are scaly and scaleless individuals; the color can be varied, including variegated.


The breed has an unusual variegated color and amazing appearance. The fish is a veil-tail fish, but it is distinguished by a helmet-shaped growth on its head and gills. It has large sizes - up to 26 centimeters, and a good life expectancy - up to 15 years.


It is distinguished by a variety of variegated colors, including more than 125 variations. The first representatives were bred in Japan. The fish has a long, laterally tucked body with long fins. It grows to 10-15 centimeters in length.

Butterfly jikin

Jikin is distinguished by a forked tail fin, reminiscent of butterfly wings. The body of the fish is no more than 20 centimeters in length. Color may vary, but mainly silver, orange, red, red and white and black and white. The breed was bred only for aquariums and can easily live in cool water.

Fish behavior

I’m starting to decipher, I definitely need to remember the behavior of the fish. Indeed, the dream book often interprets their appearance in a dream as a reflection of the dreamer’s own thoughts. Why in this case do you have such a dream? If you dreamed that they were slowly swimming in clear water, it means that your life is measured and calm. If they fidget or move quickly, perhaps the dreamer is too busy for some reason.

And if you consider that, according to some interpretations of the dream book, a goldfish can personify illusory hopes and fruitless dreams, then it is not difficult to independently understand why such a dream is occurring. All your efforts are in vain, so you should relax and let them go.

Such a dream is especially symbolic if in reality you need to part with your loved one. Did you dream of a goldfish choking and sick? Let your loved one go, no matter how hard it may be. After a while, his place will definitely be taken by a more worthy person.

Circumstances of the dream

A beautiful goldfish portends an equally beautiful life without worries and problems.

If other fish have battered her, you should prepare for trouble - disaster may happen in the near future.

The interpretation of other signs is presented in the table.

What kind of fish did you dream about?Meaning
FlyingPromises extraordinary luck. If a fish flies out of the aquarium and falls on the floor, a person is using his lucky chance incorrectly. Overcome the path from one container of water to another - the path to the goal will be difficult, but a person will overcome all obstacles thanks to his passion for his work
SmallThe dreamer will be disappointed in what previously seemed brilliant or beautiful to him. A small fish has grown before our eyes to gigantic proportions - in reality an influential person will provide support
BigYou will be able to carry out your bold plan, but luck in this case is only the result of a coincidence and has nothing to do with the personal qualities of the sleeper. A huge fish is shrinking - a man began to doubt his capabilities
DeadOn the eve of a holiday that was planned to be held outdoors, or a planned trip to nature, such a dream foreshadows worsening weather conditions. A person will have to quickly change the program of the event or postpone it to another day. Among other things, a dead goldfish promises illness, loss of something valuable
With caviarA businessman will sign a lucrative contract; the merchant will sell a large consignment of goods at a good price; a single person will find a suitable match. If a fish laid eggs in an aquarium and fry were born from them, you can try your luck at gambling

The location of the fish at the moment when the dreamer noticed it plays an important role in deciphering the dream.

Where was the goldfish?Interpretation
In the bankA person thinks that fate has given him a chance to fulfill his desires, however, this is just a trap skillfully set by deceivers. If the sleeper agrees to a very lucrative offer, ignoring the danger signals sent to him by the subconscious, he risks getting into trouble.
In a pond, lake or seaA sign from above that dreams will definitely come true
In aquariumSuch a dream promises marriage. If the aquarium is round, then the dreamer will not get what he expected from living together with his soulmate. From the outside, the partners will seem like a happy family, and only they will know that not everything is so rosy
In the bathroomThe sleeper has long formed the concept of an ideal life, and he strives with all his might to realize his plans. If the fish lies in the bathtub without water, he will not be able to achieve what he wants
In a teapotUnpleasant news about the person or thing on which hopes were placed
In handThe dream will come true, but this will not give the dreamer the expected joy

Seeing a goldfish swimming in clear water is a sign that the matter will be successfully completed, provided that the sleeper does not do anything illegal; suffocating in dirty water or without water - to difficult trials prepared by fate.

The dreamer's actions

And finally, be sure to analyze your actions. Due to the fact that the most common interpretation of the fairy fish is still the fulfillment of wishes, it is very important to remember what exactly you did in the night vision.

If you just looked, luck may pass, but if you hold it in your hands, you will definitely get what you wanted. A dream in which you caught and caught a fish has more or less the same meaning.

However, the dream book hastens to warn you. In some cases, the appearance of a goldfish may be a sign of empty hopes. And even if in a dream you hold it in your hands, in reality what you want will not give you pleasure.

A dream comes true every day of the week.

What does it mean if you dream about a goldfish?

A golden beauty fulfilling wishes in night visions carries its own meaning, and is often regarded as a positive sign. Everything will depend on the condition of the dreamed fish, the place where it lived, and the feelings of the dreamer himself. In addition, the compilers of dream books do not always evaluate the symbolism of this fairy-tale character in the same way.

Why do you dream about goldfish? In order to correctly interpret the meaning of these dreams, you need to remember the exact plot, and only then start from the meanings of the interpreters.

Interpretations of different dream books

  • Miller's Dream Book

A well-known dream analyst believed that if you dreamed of a goldfish , you would expect happiness.

Mysekret – Women's magazine

Why do you dream of fish in an aquarium?

Why do you dream about a cross?

Why do you dream about fish - what does a fish mean in a dream?

If a fairy-tale animal was sick or died , then difficult times will soon come, associated with heavy moral work or experiences.

If the dreamer is lucky enough to see you protecting or saving a goldfish in a dream , then you can hope for happy events and good luck in the near future.

  • Dream book of the 21st century

Dreams about goldfish are a marker of prospects in real life, and if you are lucky enough to see them and not miss them, then the dream promises great luck, the echoes of which will feed the dreamer for many years to come.

Dead fish dream of a series of failures in business and relationships.

Why do you dream of giving away or losing a fabulous wish fulfiller? The compilers of the dream book warn that in reality unscrupulous people can take advantage of the dreamer’s gullibility and deceive. The consequences can be the most unpleasant: large financial losses, disorientation and protracted troubles. There is a way out: follow the information and don’t trust anyone at least for the first time.

Seeing a golden floating beauty outside the water means a painful collapse of the dreamer’s plans and hopes.

  • Women's dream book

If you dream of a goldfish, the dream book assures that good luck will accompany you in all areas of the dreamer’s life. Any undertaking, even if slightly ambitious and slightly dubious, can result in profit, success or exciting events.

Why do you dream of a dead goldfish? The dream book adheres to a negative interpretation: you should be wary of financial troubles that will last a long time. The main thing is not to refuse the help of loved ones, otherwise you may end up in a hopeless situation.

  • Mythological dream book

The compilers of this book of interpretations are not so optimistic about this symbol. Despite the fact that a dream about a goldfish can be a harbinger of a successful combination of circumstances, the dreamer should be wary of the collapse of hopes and aspirations. The compilers of the book are confident that the symbolism of the fish is limited to the fact that in reality a person “buys” into fables.

Dead fish in orange and golden tones promise problems in the business field, which can be caused by the inattention of the person who saw the dream.

The meaning of dreams for women and girls

Why does a woman dream about a goldfish? There is an opinion that for women and girls, dreams about fabulous water wish-granters carry a special meaning.

According to the famous dream interpreter Miller, for young girls, a dream about a healthy and kind fish prophesies a meeting with a wealthy, interesting man. A sick, sleepy or dead seen in a dream warns of difficult times that await the young lady just around the corner.

Why does a woman dream of a goldfish in the water? The women's dream book promises ladies, after such dreams, a meeting with a young lover who, moreover, will have money.

Why does a woman dream of a goldfish in an aquarium? For an unmarried lady, this dream promises a happy marriage, a reliable spouse who will love her very much, according to the compilers of the 21st century Dream Book.

As stated in the Mythological Dream Book, after sleeping with goldfish, a married woman should be ready for divorce, if there were even the slightest prerequisites for this. Perhaps the dreamer's suspicions about her husband's adultery were not groundless. However, it will not be possible to forever walk away from every unfaithful or unwanted person, so the compilers of the dream book suggest: it is worth learning the art of forgiveness.

Why do unmarried people dream about goldfish? The spring dream book assures that this dream brings the dreamer closer to marriage in real life, and the passion will be more than successful: a rich, interesting man. Perhaps it is not possible to experience true feelings with him, but this does not mean that it will be impossible to embody yourself in other interesting forms at his expense.

If you dreamed of a fish in an aquarium

What does a goldfish mean in an aquarium? Dream books are of the opinion that this dream is a hint from a person’s subconscious: plans can come true if you put in a lot of effort, but the result will not be very pleasing, since expectations and reality do not always coincide.

A calm, huge fish in clear water in a dream symbolizes harmony, and a lot of mincing fish symbolizes idle bustle and groundless worries in the foreseeable future.

The dream book often reads goldfish in an aquarium as a good sign, if the animals looked healthy and beautiful - then positivity and fairy tales will not leave the life of the dreamer for a long time, but a sick fish with ugly scales promises difficulties and negative emotions.

Why do you dream of a large aquarium with goldfish from Thursday to Friday? The Women's Dream Book says that work and effort will soon help prove their need for work, or the dreamer will be lucky with an inheritance.

Why do you dream of a goldfish in an aquarium? For women, an aquarium with a fabulous animal that grants wishes is a home that brings comfort and warmth.

Why do you dream of a goldfish in your hands?

Often, a goldfish in the hands of a dream book is read as something good that will come to life by itself. But not all interpreters share this opinion.

Miller’s dream book says that if you dreamed of holding a goldfish in your hands , then luck will not leave the dreamer for a long time after the night vision.

If you dreamed that a fairy-tale animal was in the hands, and not in the water , the compilers of the Women's Dream Book warn that the dreamer's luck will go into the wrong hands, and life will be hard.

If you dreamed of catching a golden beauty

In a dream, catching a goldfish is regarded by the 21st century Dream Book as catching luck by the tail in reality: fulfillment of desires or unexpected riches will decorate the dreamer’s life. So why do you dream of catching a goldfish?

First of all, it is important whether a person will let go of a fairy-tale character in a dream or not . If you talk to her or admire her, but let her go back into the water, then adventures will soon await the dreamer: travel and acquaintances.

In addition, saving a fish in a dream and taking it into the water is a sign that in reality everything will be wonderful in the family, while being late and not delivering the dying dream character means grief in the family, which will change the usual course of events.

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