What types of goldfish are there: the main varieties for the aquarium

The aquarium goldfish is a bright representative of the aquatic environment from the genus of crucian carp, family Cyprinidae, class ray-finned. Their ancestors are silver crucian carp, which once gave birth to offspring with a golden tint. Almost all types of goldfish are bred artificially. In Russia, the fish was called golden due to its characteristic color with a scarlet tint. In addition, the cost of the first goldfish that appeared was quite high, so the product was compared to a valuable metal.

Over the years, it has undergone changes in the shape of its fins, eyes and body. Behavior also changed. Today, many of the species are adapted to live only in domestic conditions.

Common goldfish

She has deviated the least from the data of her ancestor and is the most unpretentious. The common goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus) is bright orange and grows up to 18–20 cm. In ponds it can reach 30–45 cm. It has a flat, elongated body with a wide, short head. The fins are rounded and straightened, only the edge of the dorsal fin is slightly concave. The fin on the back begins at its highest point.

They are not particularly picky about water parameters; they are quite successfully kept in the following conditions:

  • water hardness - 6–20°;
  • temperature - 10–28 °C;
  • acidity - 5–8 pH.

The main requirement is a sufficiently sized aquarium, at least 90 liters for one adult, as well as a weekly change of 1/3–1/4 of water.
These fish should be propagated in a 100–150 liter aquarium for one female and two males. This fish can tolerate temperatures as low as 0°C, but the best temperature conditions to stimulate reproduction are 20°C.

Did you know? Goldfish
are the longest-living aquarium fish. All its varieties live for about 15–20 years and in good conditions can live up to 30 years. Fish from the families of carp and cichlids generally have a long lifespan. Moreover, the larger the fish, the longer it lives.

Keeping in an aquarium

The first thing you need to know when purchasing a goldfish is that it needs a fairly large, spacious aquarium.
Experienced aquarists believe that about 40 liters of water are needed for a comfortable habitat for one individual. Here you also need to take into account that this fish grows to quite impressive sizes. Therefore, to keep several fish, you will need an aquarium, the size of which is at least 100 liters. In large aquariums, in addition, it is easier to maintain a biosphere that is beneficial for its inhabitants, the water needs to be changed less frequently, and the level of pollution in a large aquarium is much lower, which is important for keeping large aquarium fish.

After purchasing an aquarium of the required size, you need to fill it with soil and fill it with water. For goldfish, the most suitable soil is in the form of small pebbles, but its fraction should not be too small, otherwise the fish may swallow a pebble. After the aquarium is filled with water, install the equipment.

Goldfish require oxygen dissolved in water, so it is very important to install not only a water filter, but also a compressor that pumps air. The fish are released into the aquarium after a few days, allowing the water to infuse and become saturated with oxygen.

You can first introduce snails into the aquarium to create the necessary biological environment in the water. Goldfish love good care and will appreciate care for it. In good conditions, these ornamental fish grow large and become amazingly beautiful.


It is very important to feed your goldfish properly.
There is special food for this type of aquarium fish. You can diversify the diet by adding small pieces of boiled eggs to the aquarium, but at the same time make sure that the fish eats everything. The main thing in the diet is to observe moderation and not to overfeed the fish, remembering that goldfish are gluttons. To correctly determine the amount of food, you need to observe for three minutes during feeding how much the fish eat, and at subsequent feedings give them exactly the same amount.

Goldfish prefer warm water. The water temperature in the aquarium should not be lower than 23 degrees. To determine the water temperature, you need a thermometer, which is lowered to the bottom of the aquarium.

Of course, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the water, collect the remains of fish from the bottom, and change the water by one third of the volume of the aquarium at least once a week. Goldfish will appreciate this kind of care. How to determine the sex of a goldfish

In a home aquarium, you can successfully breed goldfish. It is easy to determine the sex of goldfish; just look carefully at the gill covers. In males they are covered with small white dots, similar to semolina, but in females there are no such dots.

Aquarium plants

Keeping goldfish in an aquarium requires the presence of live plants inside the reservoir. Plants must be present to perform a number of functions:

  • Nitrogen consumption.
  • Substrate for bacteria.
  • Vitamin supplement for the inhabitants.

Depending on the conditions in your goldfish's habitat, there may be active algae growth. Since pets love to eat plants, it is recommended that some of the plantings be used for feeding, and some should be planted to decorate the space and create biological balance. Plants with hard leaves are better suited.

Plants should be planted in pots to protect the roots from damage during digging, which fish like to do.

Volume and shape of the aquarium

In the Soviet literature of the last century on aquarium management it is indicated that one goldfish should have 1.5-2 dm3 of water surface, or 7-15 liters of aquarium volume (15 liters per fish is considered a low stocking density). These data have also migrated to some modern manuals. However, it should be taken into account that Soviet books were written about domestically bred goldfish, which lived in aquariums for many generations, and as a result of selection were adapted to such conditions. Currently, the vast majority of goldfish come to us from China, Malaysia and Singapore, where they are massively bred in ponds. Accordingly, they are not adapted to life in small volumes of water, and even to a fairly spacious aquarium they need to be adapted, and a volume of 15-20 liters means death for them within a few days.

Experts working with goldfish brought from Asia have experimentally established:

The minimum volume of an aquarium for one individual should be about 80 liters; in a smaller volume, adult fish simply will have nowhere to move. For a couple – 100 l.

In large aquariums (200-250 l), with good filtration and aeration, the planting density can be slightly increased so that the water volume is 35-40 l per individual. And this is the limit!

Here, opponents of half-empty aquariums usually object that in zoos, for example, goldfish are packed into aquariums very tightly and still feel great. Yes, indeed, this is the specificity of exhibition aquariums. However, we must keep in mind that behind the scenes there are several powerful filters with which this monster is equipped, a very strict schedule of water changes (up to half the volume daily or twice a day), as well as a full-time veterinarian-ichthyopathologist, for whom there is always work.

As for the shape of the aquarium, the classic rectangular one or with a slight curvature of the front glass is preferable, the length should be approximately twice the height. Old Soviet literature indicated that water should not be poured above a level of 30-35 cm, but as practice shows, this is not critical. Goldfish live well in taller aquariums if they have the appropriate width and length (tall and narrow aquariums - screens and cylinders - are not suitable for keeping goldfish).

Filtration and water changes

It is a generally accepted fact that goldfish are a large biological burden on the aquarium.
Simply put, they were dirty, producing huge amounts of waste. Their habit of constantly rummaging in the soil, raising turbidity, also does not add to the cleanliness of the aquarium. In addition, goldfish excrement has a slimy consistency, and this mucus contaminates the soil and contributes to its rotting. Accordingly, to keep the water clean and clear, a good 24/7 filtration system is required. The filter power should be at least 3-4 aquarium volumes per hour. The best option would be a canister external filter. If it is not possible to purchase one, and the volume of the aquarium does not exceed 100-120 liters, you can get by with an internal filter - necessarily a multi-section one with a compartment for ceramic filler.

Porous ceramics provide a substrate for bacteria, which convert toxic ammonia secreted by fish into nitrites, and then into much less toxic nitrates. In addition, soil and aquatic plants, especially small-leaved ones, serve as substrates for these bacteria, a stable amount of which is vital for the well-being of the aquarium. Therefore, it is advisable to have a lot of plants, and make the soil fraction not too large.

In order to prevent bacterial colonies from being destroyed when cleaning the aquarium, you need to follow some rules: the filter sponges are washed in aquarium water (with goldfish you have to wash the sponges quite often, about once a week), the soil is siphoned, also weekly, carefully, without stirring it layers, ceramic fillers for biofilters are always partially changed.

Even if there is high-quality filtration in an aquarium with goldfish, water changes must be done weekly from a quarter to a third of the aquarium’s volume, and if the norms for fish stocking density are violated, then more often. Fish of this species tolerate fresh water well, so there is no need to leave it for more than a day.


Fish health All aquarium owners are very concerned about goldfish diseases, because such delicate creatures can easily die if appropriate measures are not taken. To understand whether a fish is sick or not, you need to pay attention to its mobility, appetite, brightness of color and shine of scales. The dorsal fin also indicates health problems - if the fish does not hold it vertically, then something is wrong.

A plaque that appears on the body or sudden formations is a signal that the matter has already gone far. When these signs appear, you should immediately isolate the sick fish from the rest. A sick fish should be placed in a large aquarium with salt water - the concentration is 20 grams of salt per liter of clean tap water.

The water temperature should not exceed 18 C. Keep the fish in the aquarium for three days, changing the solution every day. Here is a list of common goldfish diseases: Cloudy scales followed by scabies. You need to change all the water immediately; If the fish has hyphae - white threads perpendicular to the body, it means it has dermatomycosis or simply a fungus. Take action right away, otherwise the hyphae will grow inside the body and the fish will lie on the bottom and never rise to the surface;

Fish pox refers to multi-colored tumors (white, pinkish, gray) that occupy the skin and fins. Tumors do not pose a threat, but greatly spoil the beauty of the fish and cannot be treated; Dropsy followed by sepsis is a terrible threat for goldfish. There is a chance to save the fish only at the initial stage of the disease, when the patient is “relocated” into running water and bathed in a solution of potassium permanganate every other day for a quarter of an hour;

If you overfeed your fish with bad food or feed them dried daphnia, bloodworms and gammarus for a long time, their stomach will quickly become inflamed; In addition to the listed diseases of goldfish, there are many more ailments, so it is better to consult a specialist on the issue of disease prevention.


In their natural habitat, goldfish's diet consists of crustaceans, insects and vegetation. Like most fish, goldfish are omnivores and eat non-stop. Overfeeding is dangerous for their health, especially if there is an intestinal blockage. The latter is often observed in selected individuals whose gastrointestinal tract is spiral-shaped. The abundance of food leads to voracious feeding, and, accordingly, to pollution of the environment with waste and undigested protein. Overfeeding can sometimes be diagnosed based on the feces coming out of the fish's cloaca. A goldfish-specific diet should include food poor in protein, with a higher carbohydrate content than regular food. Among commercial feeds, there are those that float on the surface of the water and those that settle on the bottom. Enthusiasts can also feed their pets peeled peas, scalded green leafy vegetables, and bloodworms. The juveniles feed on Artemia nauplii.


All varieties of goldfish can spawn, but for this they need an aquarium with a capacity of at least 20-30 liters.

The bottom of the aquarium should be covered with sandy soil, in which hard-leaved and small-leaved plants with a powerful root system should be planted. The most hardy plants are elodea, egg capsule, vallisneria, sagittaria. For spawning, they usually put one female and two or three males at least two years old.

Before this, the fish should be kept separately for a couple of weeks. The temperature in the spawning aquarium should be 24-26 degrees. During the spawning process, females scatter eggs throughout the aquarium, most of which settle on plants. Immediately after the end of spawning, the female and males should be removed from the aquarium

For hatched young animals, special food for goldfish fry (for example, SeraMikron), which can be purchased at a pet store, can be an excellent food.


Goldfish are a very capricious species, and they can only get along with their relatives. However, there are some nuances here too. As mentioned just above, there are many varieties of goldfish, and choosing them for living together is based on size. Long fish with large tails are the most active and voracious species.

Small and plump fish with short fins are more passive. Being in the same space, they will offend each other. Some will become malnourished, others will have their scales, fins or tail damaged. Therefore, be sure to select fish by size. The exception for passive goldfish are catfish. They will be welcome neighbors in the aquarium.

Velvet ball (pompom)

This fish was bred artificially and its “calling card” is the overgrown leathery valves on both sides of the nasal septum, which resemble the shape and structure of pompoms. These “pompons” have a diameter of approximately 1 cm and are colored blue, red or white. The velvet ball has a thick, egg-shaped body up to 16 cm long and a low back. The dorsal fin may be absent, and the fin at the anus and caudal fin may be forked. The velvet ball itself can be colored in different ways.

Conditions of detention:

  • water hardness - 8–25°;
  • temperature - 18–30 °C;
  • acidity - 6–8 pH;
  • aquarium - 50 liters per velvet ball; For a pair of pompoms, you should choose a 100-liter container.

This is a rare and capricious fish.
Incorrect maintenance can lead to the disappearance of “pom-poms” near the nose. Learn how to care for goldfish

How can you tell a male from a female?

The sex of a fish can be determined by its distinctive characteristics:

  1. Body. In the female it is predominantly round and slightly swollen, while in the male it is thin and elongated.
  2. The pectoral fins of males have “notches,” while those of females are short and rounded.
  3. The male has white growths on his gills that appear only during the spawning period.
  4. Females tend to behave passively. The behavior of males is more active in the spring.
  5. The body color of females is brighter, but this sign is also not accurate, since the males of some species have bright scales.
  6. The anus of females protrudes at the tail and resembles a growth. In males it is elongated.
  7. In most cases, there is a growth on the male’s abdomen that extends to the anus.

Sexual characteristics begin to appear at the beginning of the first spawning.

Wakin (Japanese goldfish)

Japanese goldfish also has other names - valgovka and wakin . One of the oldest varieties, bred artificially in China and gained considerable popularity in Japan. On its basis, the Japanese obtained many other breeding species. It has a slightly fuller body than the original form, up to 20 cm long, in the aquarium hobby. In warm weather, it can be kept in ponds, where it can reach a size of 30 cm or more.

The main feature of vakins is their forked tail and interesting spotted coloring. Bright areas can range in color from yellow to red-orange, are scattered throughout the body and alternate with a white tone.

The aquarium chosen for the Vakins is the same as for an ordinary goldfish (100–150 l), with the following conditions:

  • water hardness - 6–20°;
  • temperature - 18–25 °C;
  • acidity - 7–8 pH.

Find out how to determine water hardness and the optimal water temperature in your aquarium.


There are a number of specific requirements, subject to which the care and maintenance of golden pets will not be difficult, despite the fact that they are considered capricious inhabitants of aquariums.


The size of the goldfish aquarium should be appropriate to the size and shape of the fish. For example, for individuals 30 centimeters long or more, the volume of the container must be at least 200 liters. For such inhabitants, aquariums of a regular rectangular shape are best suited. In this case, it is desirable that the water height is no higher than half a meter.


Before pouring water into the aquarium, it must be left for 2 to 3 days. This will allow the impurities in the water to settle to the bottom, and will also eliminate air bubbles, which are harmful to the health of the fish. Also very important factors are compliance with the temperature regime of the water and the oxygen content in it.

Water parameters:

  • temperature for medium and large-sized individuals is not lower than 20-23 degrees;
  • the water temperature for short-bodied individuals should be no lower than 24-25 degrees;
  • water hardness indicators are not lower than 8dGH;
  • water level PH indicators are 6.8-7.2.


They are herd dwellers, so you should decide in advance on the number of residents. There is an unspoken rule according to which it is believed that one individual needs at least two liters of water. Representatives of golden breeds may not get along with everyone, so it would be better to seek advice from an aquarist who will help you choose the right neighbors.


Ideal for aquariums is soil with a fraction of 3 to 5 millimeters. Considering that fish like to sort through pebbles, it is better to choose a slightly larger one, but this is not a prerequisite. The main thing is that the stones are not sharp, this will avoid injury to the inhabitants of the aquarium.


The presence of vegetation in the aquarium will positively affect the ecological atmosphere and give an aesthetic appearance. In addition, some plants can serve as fish food.

In order to prevent fish from constantly eating green spaces, you can plant hard or unpleasant-tasting plants, such as:

  • Anubias;
  • lemongrass;
  • cryptocorynes;
  • Echonodorus;
  • alternera;
  • saggitaria;
  • Java moss.

To prevent the inhabitants of the aquarium from digging up the roots, as an option, the plants can be covered with large pebbles.


To sufficiently enrich the water with oxygen, you must use at least a filter with an aerator, but it is better to purchase a compressor. To maintain a constant comfortable water temperature, a heater must be installed. If there are a lot of live plants in the aquarium, they will need light and equipment to supply carbon dioxide. No less important is the installation of an ultraviolet sterilizer, with which you can destroy various parasites.


It has a short body, slightly flattened on the sides, with wide, thick fins, which are also not long. Anal fins are sometimes double or absent altogether. The tall dorsal fin can be up to half the height of the fantail's body and is shifted closer to the caudal region. The tail itself is double, 1/2 the length of the body, quite strong and muscular. The upper parts of the tail are fused and resemble a fan, which determined the name of the fish. The angle between the tail blades should be 90º or more.

The fantail can be dark red, purple or white, but the belly will always have a yellowish tint. Eyes come in different colors.

Living conditions are normal for goldfish. Only the fantail usually does not grow more than 15 cm, although some aquarists talk about larger specimens of this species. Therefore, the aquarium for it is selected based on the volume of 30–50 liters per specimen.


The shade of goldfish scales can vary. There are traditional red-golden, black with a blue tint, greenish-bronze and other individuals. They all have one common characteristic: the abdomen is much lighter than the color of the upper body.

They are divided into two groups:

  • long-bodied;
  • short-bodied.

The first group includes traditional goldfish, comets and wackines. They originate from silver crucian carp and have a body shape similar to it. Fish of this group can live up to 40 years, which makes them the undisputed leaders in longevity among other subtypes. Shubunkins are also among the hardiest goldfish.

The second group is distinguished by a noticeably compressed body. This is due to the experiments of breeders. The brightest representatives are the telescope and the pearl. Fish of this subtype are quite sensitive and react sensitively to the slightest changes in their contents. Such specimens rarely live longer than 15 years, but even this period is relatively long.

China is the leader in the number of species bred. There are almost 350 varieties in the Middle Kingdom . Among Chinese breeders there is a different classification.

  1. Long-bodied species - “Se”.
  2. Individuals with growths or unusual fins are called “Ven”.
  3. Fish with unusually large and bulging visual organs - “Dragon Eye”.
  4. Instances with an ovoid body - “Egg”.

The average length is no more than 15 cm. But in a number of cases, breeders managed to raise individuals up to 47 cm in length.


The original form for the veiltail was the ryukin fish , a variety bred by the Japanese. Hence the short, egg-shaped body (up to 20 cm) with a hump located between the dorsal fin and the head. The color of the veiltail comes in red, white and cream tones, and occasionally you can find black. The fins and body come in different colors; speckled colors are also found. The eyes also come in different colors, excluding green, and their size is slightly larger than those of other fish.

Water eyes (bubble eyes)

Bred by the Chinese, it has a short head and a small nose. The round body of the fish can reach 18 cm and has different colors. The most common colors are silver, brown and orange. The main distinguishing feature is large, forward-looking eyes with hypertrophied periocular vesicles. They are filled with water and can make up almost a quarter of the body length. There is no dorsal fin; there is a bifurcation of the caudal and anal fins. The tail blades puff up and do not hang down.

The container is chosen to be 50 liters in size per eyeball, kept under the following conditions:

  • water hardness - no more than 20°;
  • temperature - 12–28 °C;
  • acidity - 6.5–8 pH.

It is necessary to change the water, aeration is desirable.
Important! The design of the aquarium where bubble eyes live should be free of driftwood and other decorations with sharp corners, which could damage the bubble around the eye. It happens that, despite all the precautions, this fish still damages them and they are blown away. With good care, the blisters can recover and inflate again.


The pearl has a short body, similar to an egg and reaching 15 cm in length. The peculiarity of this variety is the presence of nacreous convex scales of noticeable sizes, which look like halves of small pearls. The color is usually red, orange and white, sometimes spotted individuals are found, and occasionally black or calico colors are found. If a fish loses pearl scales, then ordinary scales grow in their place and the pearl no longer looks so decorative.

It is recommended to keep this fish in a 30-liter aquarium and add 10 liters of water for each new resident. Aeration is desirable. In general, the conditions are the same as for the regular variety, but the best ones will be:

  • temperature - 18–22 °C;
  • acidity - 6–8 pH.

You will probably be interested in reading about how to start an aquarium for the first time, where to start a saltwater aquarium, what types of aquarium algae there are and how to deal with them.

Stargazer (celestial eye)

A characteristic feature of this species are bulging eyes that look forward and upward. The stargazer has a rounded, egg-shaped body. The fish reaches a length of 13–15 cm. The caudal fin is double and the dorsal fin is absent. The color is mainly golden-orange, but there are black and white individuals, and there are also different combinations of these colors.

For stargazers, a large aquarium (40–50 liters per individual) is suitable, which requires aeration and filtration. It is important to change water by 30% of the total volume at least once every 7 days.

The following parameters of the aquatic environment are considered optimal:

  • hardness - 8–25°;
  • temperature - 18–23 °C;
  • acidity - 6–8 pH.

Stargazers love to dig in the soil, so to decorate the bottom of their home it is better to purchase coarse sand or pebbles. It is better to choose plants with large and hard leaves, as well as strong roots.

These fish can eat a lot without stopping, so it is important not to overfeed them. Feeding is carried out 2 times a day in portions. It is better to remove any remaining food immediately. The diet includes both live and plant foods. Due to poor eyesight, stargazers need more time to feed.

Did you know? In ancient China during the Song Empire, it was fashionable to keep goldfish in the pool. And in 1369, the production of various forms of porcelain vessels for keeping these fish began. These large special porcelain containers were called “dragon urns.” They were the first predecessors of indoor aquariums.

Habitat and food

Breeding goldfish in open water is costly and risky. However, in cities where the air temperature does not drop below 17 degrees, this is quite possible. However, goldfish in an aquarium also requires careful monitoring of the water temperature.

These freshwater animals are omnivores. The only caveat is that their nutrition must be complete. To do this, the daily diet should contain:

  • live protein foods (bloodworms, cyclops, dried shells of Daphnia tubifex, longworms, brine shrimp);
  • specialized feed (pellets, flakes and “live dust”);
  • plant foods (hornwort, naiad, duckweed);
  • fresh vegetables (finely chopped cucumbers, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, bananas, apples), as well as green salad leaves, garden dandelion, fresh dill, curly parsley.

To “pamper” goldfish, they can sometimes be treated to seafood delicacies (squid, lean fish fillets and finely chopped shrimp). The descendants of silver crucian carp will enjoy boiled cereals (unsalted buckwheat, millet or semolina), seaweed (especially spirulina), and bread crumb.

Video: Feeding goldfish

Gluttonous goldfish do not know how much to eat and eat almost all the food offered to them . Due to gluttony, they often develop intestinal diseases. However, this particular nuance was used to breed goldfish breeds. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow several feeding rules.

  1. When offering plant or live food, you need to give as much as the fish can eat in 15 minutes. In the case of dry food, this period of time is reduced to 5 minutes.
  2. Leftover uneaten food should be removed from the aquarium immediately.
  3. No more than 2 meals are allowed per day - evening and morning.
  4. Keep track of the quantity. The best option is to give one pinch. It is preferable not to provide food than to overfeed.
  5. Feed the fish every 8-10 hours. Night feedings are not allowed.


Another selection variety that has an elongated body shape , as well as a very beautiful large caudal fin. The length of the fish reaches no more than 18 cm. This species comes in various colors, but individuals whose body color differs from the color of the fins are especially valued. For example, a silver body with red-orange or yellow fins. Colors may vary depending on conditions of detention. To preserve color, you need to choose good food and provide sufficient lighting, but with shaded areas.

The comet likes to dig into the soil, so when arranging the bottom you should choose coarse sand or pebbles. Delicate algae can damage fish, and it is advisable to choose plants that are rigid in structure with large leaves - Nomaphyla straighta, Aponogeton viviparidae. Experts also recommend covering the top of the aquarium with special glass, since comets like to jump on the surface of the water and can fall out of the aquarium.

We recommend that you read about how to breed and keep plants such as Marsilia, Sagittaria, Pogostemon, Hornwort, Java moss, Cryptocoryne and Hemianthus micranthemoides in an aquarium.

They love space, so you need to choose an aquarium based on 45–50 liters per 1 fish. Good aeration as well as filtration is recommended. Fluid change - 25–30% at least once every 7 days.

The following water parameters are considered optimal:

  • hardness - 6–18°;
  • temperature - 18–23 °C;
  • acidity - 7 pH.

Comets are unpretentious when it comes to food, but their diet should include both live food and plant origin.
They can fast for a whole week. Did you know? Goldfish can reach quite large sizes. Thus, in 2010, in France, the media reported that fisherman Raphael Biagini caught a unique specimen of a goldfish weighing approximately 15 kg.

Care and maintenance - general rules

The large size of goldfish requires keeping them in large aquariums. For slow-moving, short-tailed animals, a square container is suitable, for mobile, long-bodied ones, a rectangular container is suitable. A single specimen requires a volume of the home reservoir of at least 50 liters.

When starting an aquarium, the contents are selected taking into account the structure and nature of the fish. In order not to damage the huge bulging eyes, bubbles under the eyes, long veil fins, the decorations are chosen to be round or eliminated altogether.




Goldfish 4 content errors

Goldens love to dig in the ground. To prevent the pet from choking, crushed small fractions of rocks are placed at the bottom, which can be easily spat out, or rolled pebbles and crushed stone that do not fit into the fish’s mouth.

Because golden algae eat vegetation, algae are selected that are fast-growing with strong roots or artificial ones are used.

The suitable water temperature for the crucian species is 18–22°C. There are no special requirements for hardness; the pH, which is favorable for life, is in the range of 6–8. Due to the formation of a large amount of waste, lifting it from the bottom when digging in the ground, it is necessary to install a powerful filter and aerator.

Maintenance consists of weekly 30% water changes, siphoning off biological residues from the bottom as they become dirty, and cleaning the walls of the aquarium from green deposits.

It is recommended that gluttonous pets be given special balanced food for goldens and limit their diet to avoid obesity. In overweight fish, the immune defense is weakened, and the fish are exposed to infections and parasites.


Slow owners of a calm disposition - golden short-bodied ones - are not shared with active breeds whose body is identical to the body of wild ancestors or torpedo-shaped. If you neglect the rule, the egg-shaped ones will hide and starve. Ultimately they will die from disease and exhaustion.

Other types of nimble ornamental fish are dangerous for long-bodied goldfish by damaging their long fins, which occupy a large area. In turn, large goldfish mistake small breeds for live food. Another argument against cohabitation is that tropical fish, unlike goldfish, prefer warmer water. The conclusion follows from this - it is preferable to create species-specific aquariums and introduce golden similar varieties into it.

A species aquarium with goldfish is a win-win!

Ranchu, veiltails, orandas, or ordinary ones with comets get along with each other. Even those goldfish that do not tolerate other types of fish coexist normally with snails.

Little Red Riding Hood

It is a type of oranda, which is a type of goldfish . It is distinguished by a bright red or orange convex growth on the head in the form of a cap or cap. It has an egg-shaped body with fairly large, somewhat transparent fins. The white or golden color of the body combines effectively with the red “cap” of warty growths. There is a fin on the back, the tail is forked and hangs smoothly down. The red cap fish can grow up to 23 cm in length.

You should choose an aquarium based on approximately 50 liters per 1 fish.

Sand and pebbles are suitable as soil. This breed loves to dig in the ground, so it is better to use saggitaria, Elodea species, egg capsule, and vallisneria, surrounded by large pebbles, as vegetation in the aquarium. You also need to install a good aerator and filter. It is important to change fluid by 25–30% of the total volume at least once every 7 days.

The following habitat parameters are considered optimal:

  • hardness - 6–18°;
  • temperature - 18–23 °C;
  • acidity - 7 pH.

Feeding the little red riding hood is not difficult; any food is suitable for them - live, artificial, plant-based.
Familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for such common aquarium fish as: clownfish, veiltail, guppy, persimmon, mollies, zebrafish, cockerel, astronotus, lalius, minora, discus, arowana, surgeonfish, dario dario, angelfish, macropod, macracanthus.

Compatibility with other types

When choosing neighbors for goldfish, you should take into account that successful coexistence is influenced not only by the type of fish, but also by a number of other factors - the volume of the aquarium, for example, its population density, etc.

As for the direct selection of species for proximity to goldfish, there are three categories of fish.

Compatible Types

Other breeds of goldfish. A species aquarium with several breeds of goldfish is perhaps the ideal solution.

  • Firstly, care is simplified, since they require the same conditions of maintenance and feeding.
  • Secondly, an aquarium with such inhabitants will look very impressive. There is only one additional condition: short-bodied and long-bodied golden breeds should not be placed in the same aquarium.

Koi carp. A tandem of long-bodied goldfish and pond koi carp is quite appropriate and looks quite impressive. An important condition is an aquarium of suitable size. As an option, such a company can be settled in a decorative pond.

Corridors. The peaceful nature of Corydoras makes them compatible with a wide range of aquarium fish species, including goldfish. The only thing you should pay attention to when choosing such a neighborhood is whether the temperature regime for keeping specific types of goldfish and corydoras matches, as well as the size of the neighbors.

Torakatums. Thorakatum catfish also have a very peaceful character and get along well with goldfish. They never come into conflict with each other, since they occupy different niches in the underwater world.

Species relatively compatible

Molliesia . The fairly large size of mollies does not give reason to worry about their safety in such a neighborhood - they are unlikely to fit in the mouth of a goldfish. On the other hand, they have a non-aggressive nature and do not tend to bite the tails of goldfish.

Gourami . The proximity of goldfish to these representatives of labyrinthine fish can be ambiguous. Often, gourami are quite peaceful and get along well with representatives of other species in the same aquarium. But there are situations when individual individuals behave aggressively and literally terrorize the entire aquarium. Neighborhood with such a “terrorist” will be unfavorable for goldfish.

Tetras . There is a real idyll between goldfish and tetras; conflicts never arise between them. But this situation persists exactly until the young goldfish grow to their adult sizes. It will not be difficult for them to eat a tetra and most likely they will take advantage of this opportunity.

Danio . These attractive zebra fish are peaceful, do not enter into conflicts with goldfish and have similar living conditions. But the balance is destroyed as soon as the goldfish grow up and become potential food for them.

Incompatible species that are strictly not recommended for proximity:

Barbs . These fish are not indifferent to the bushy tails of goldfish and will constantly hunt for them. They are able to literally bite them off, leaving only one skeleton.

Guppy . There are several reasons to avoid keeping guppies close to goldfish. Firstly, their maintenance requires different temperature conditions. Secondly, the small size of guppies makes them easy prey. And goldfish are not averse to plucking the tails of males.

Angelfish . In size, both of these types of fish are quite comparable, but experienced aquarists do not recommend such a proximity. Angelfish will not miss the opportunity to bite the fins of goldfish and will constantly chase them around the aquarium.

African cichlids . These inhabitants of African rivers have a very aggressive character. They will not give rest to the goldfish and will constantly attack them.

American cichlids . Representatives of American cichlids are no less aggressive. They basically view goldfish as food and will eat them out very quickly if they live together.

Swordtails . They have gained the unsightly reputation of being fans of biting their neighbors' fins. Therefore, goldfish will not be comfortable with them.

Discus fish . The conditions for keeping discus fish and goldfish are very different. If the ideal water temperature for discus fish is 30-32 °C, then for goldfish this temperature regime is unacceptable. Therefore, such a neighborhood should be excluded.


It has an egg-shaped body . The main feature of this species is the presence of fairly large convex growths in the gill area, due to which the fish’s head is similar to the head of a lion. The usual body color of the lionhead is red, sometimes with whitish spots. The caudal and anal fins are forked, and there are no fins on the back. The fish can reach up to 20 cm in length.

The choice of an aquarium should be based on approximately 50 liters per individual.

Natural light and small lighting of 0.3–0.4 W/l are allowed. Constant filtration is required, as well as aeration. It is also important to change 1/3 of the fluid every 7 days.

The following water parameters are considered optimal:

  • hardness - 7–22°;
  • temperature - 16–23 °C;
  • acidity - 7–8 pH.

Important! Lionheads are prone to infectious and fungal diseases, so for prevention it is recommended to add
salt to the water at the rate of 5 g per 1 liter of water.


The described pets, like other inhabitants of aquariums, are susceptible to various kinds of diseases. It is worth closely monitoring their external and behavioral changes. This will allow you to detect the problem and begin treatment at an early stage.

Fish health indicators:

  • shine of scales;
  • brightness and evenness of color;
  • appetite;
  • mobility.

If any of these items are changed, you should carefully monitor subsequent changes. All decorative inhabitants of aquariums are susceptible to diseases, which can be contagious or non-contagious. Contagious diseases include infectious and invasive diseases. Non-contagious include injury, exposure to external factors and poor diet. A sick fish must be isolated; for this, it is transferred to another container.


Disease prevention includes:

  • Creation of optimal conditions of detention (temperature and hydrochemical conditions, lighting, feeding, water change, etc.).
  • Preventing infectious agents and diseases from entering the aquarium (when introducing new inhabitants or with food).
  • Timely isolation of sick or suspicious individuals.
  • Carrying out diagnostics and laboratory diagnostic studies.
  • Maintaining proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in the aquarium (removing food residues and excrement, dead plants, fish and other inhabitants, followed by replacing 1/3 of the water volume).
  • Availability of separate inventory and equipment for each aquarium.
  • Mandatory sorting of live food.
  • Avoiding overcrowding of the aquarium.


Oranda is one of the most popular goldfish bred through selective breeding in Asia.

The body of the oranda is ovoid, large and round, covered with shimmering scales. The length ranges from 5 to 18 cm. A characteristic feature is the presence of a growth in the head area. All fins, except the dorsal, are paired. The tail is smooth and long, usually forked at the end. The color can be red, black, brown, red and white, as well as calico, metallic or matte. A blue subspecies was recently developed.

These fish can be kept in artificial ponds, but constant maintenance of a warm temperature will be mandatory; cold temperatures are simply unacceptable.

Oranda is a very capricious fish when it comes to care. She has an increased sensitivity to infections, fungi and bacteria, so it is important to monitor the cleanliness of her place of residence.

The aquarium for oranda should be large - 90–110 liters, at least 40 liters per individual.

This species is not very picky about water parameters; it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • rigidity - 6–8°;
  • temperature - 16–28 °C;
  • acidity - 7 pH.

Fluid changes should be at least 25–30% of the total volume every week.
Orandas are unpretentious in terms of food; almost any food will suit them, but it is recommended to opt for food in the form of flakes so as not to pollute the aquatic environment.

A little bit of history

In Asia, as in Korea and China, goldfish appeared at least a thousand years ago. Thanks to the work of Chinese breeders, fish breeds with different shapes and color variations were developed, which have become the mainstay of many modern breeds.

The first written mention of goldfish with red scales dates back to the Jin Dynasty (China, 265-420 AD). The fish were discovered in one of the lakes of Mount Lushan.

Even the ancient Chinese treatise Shan Hai Jing, which according to scientists was written at the turn of our era, contains references to the “red crucian carp”. However, there is no reason to believe that these wild representatives are the ancestors of modern goldfish.

There is an assumption that the red color is the result of the breeding work of the very first pet lovers during the time when the Tang Dynasty ruled (618-907 AD).

According to one version, fish of unusual shapes and colors appeared due to the practice of Buddhism, which was widespread at that time. According to generally humane considerations accepted at that time, “ugly” fish were not destroyed, but were placed in farms and dams specially equipped for these purposes, as well as in decorative vessels and containers.

After the 960s, goldfish became pets in home pools.

Since the 13th century, the business of their mass breeding and sale has been actively developing.

From the 13th to the 16th centuries, goldfish as pets became available not only to the rich, but also to the poor. In Asia, goldfish appeared from the very beginning in Indochina, as well as countries neighboring China.

At the beginning of the 16th century they came to Japan. The inhabitants of this country are generally recognized leaders who have achieved considerable success in breeding goldfish.

Goldfish came to Europe in the 17th century.

Porcelain plate with underglaze blue and polychrome enamel; China, around 1760.

Porcelain vase with the image of goldfish. Jia Jing era (1522–1566), Ming dynasty. Kept in the Guimet Museum in Paris.

Telescope (Demenkin)

The main difference of the telescope is the large bulging eyes (on average 1–2 cm), which are located on both sides of the rather large head. This unusual shape, somewhat reminiscent of a telescope, gave the fish its name. This species was bred through selection and is not found in natural conditions.

The body of the fish is round, quite wide, but short. The fins are large, the tail is forked and usually hangs down. Mostly fish are black, but they can change color throughout their lives. They average from 10 to 20 cm in length. The life cycle is 10–15 years, under good conditions - up to 20. They tolerate low temperatures normally.

Telescopes have poor vision, making it more difficult for them to detect food, and their large eyes can also cause injury and infection. But they are unpretentious to external conditions:

  • hardness - 8–25°;
  • temperature - 20–23 °C;
  • acidity - 6–8 pH.

When choosing an aquarium, it is better to opt for a rectangular aquarium; a round shape is unacceptable.
It should be large in size, approximately 100 liters for a pair of fish, at least 50 liters for each. Since telescopes produce a lot of waste, it is necessary to ensure high-quality filtration and aeration. Every 7 days (more often if possible), a fluid change is required - 25–30% of the total volume of water. All elements of the home should be streamlined, not rigid, without sharp corners.

Important! Some artificially bred varieties of goldfish can become damaged too easily (bubble eye, veil tail, telescope). Therefore, it is often recommended to keep them in a species aquarium without decorations.


The goldfish we know today are the result of crossbreeding with goldfish, so they are not found in natural habitats.

These fish are a type of crucian carp that was artificially bred in China from silver crucian carp. The first mentions of it can be found in Chinese chronicles. The natural habitat of this species is the rivers of the southern Chinese provinces.

habitat of silver crucian carp

Silver crucian carp, which is the ancestor of all goldfish, was first distributed in the lower reaches of the rivers of the Aral Sea, reservoirs of Central Asia and Siberia. Later it was artificially resettled in many reservoirs in Europe and Siberia. At the beginning of the 16th century, goldfish were exported to Japan and China, where the fish served as a living decoration for the imperial gardens.

It is interesting that in some reservoirs only female goldfish lived, which crossed with males of related fish species (golden carp, roach, tench, carp, bream and others). Spermatozoa of related species stimulated the development of eggs, but no hybrids were formed. Only females were born that supported the existing population.

The original form of a goldfish

Goldfish and silverfish have many similar external characteristics. In some reservoirs they live together. Golden crucian carp is gradually replacing silver carp, plus they produce hybrids that can be found in some reservoirs.

Interestingly, in Australia, amateur aquarists released goldfish into natural reservoirs, where they grew to significant sizes. The largest representative weighed 1.9 kg.

It is worth saying that goldfish pose a serious threat to other inhabitants of the reservoir, because... They are quite voracious, eat plants, eggs of other fish, and become spreaders of infectious diseases.


This is a species of goldfish developed in Japan through selective breeding . They are highly prized, and even non-hybrid species are expensive. Their features are the complete absence of a fin on the back, as well as the curvature of the spine in the form of an arc, especially in the area of ​​​​the small tail, which has a fork. The ventral and pectoral fins are relatively short. The short and wide body is ovoid in shape.

Ranchu swims smoothly and is well oriented. The coloration is very diverse, but species with pronounced color in the area of ​​​​the lips, eyes, gills and tail are especially valuable, and the rest of the body should be colorless. Calico-colored fish are also beautiful. Ranchu length is about 18 cm.

This species can only be kept in aquarium conditions. A large container of 100 liters per pair is suitable for this purpose. Ranchu are very heat-loving fish. The following water parameters are considered optimal:

  • hardness - 15–25°;
  • temperature - 18–23 °C;
  • acidity - 7–8 pH.

Every 7 days a 1/3 water change is required. It is good to use coarse sand as a soil, and vallisneria, hornwort, and elodea are perfect plants. The aquarium must be provided with good aeration and cleaning filters. Ranchu is prone to swim bladder diseases, so it is better for her to choose fresh food and be sure to add plant foods to her diet. Feed in portions.


This process is not particularly difficult, but in order for it to be successful, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for future parents, and you also need to show a little patience, since everything does not always work out if you lack experience.

Telescope fry

For breeding you will need:

  1. Adult fish are 1.5-2 years old. One female needs two males;
  2. A container with a volume of 50 liters or more with fresh, settled water, and the level should not be higher than 20 cm;
  3. Good light and compressor/filter;
  4. Plastic mesh;
  5. Heater.

Spawning usually takes place during the warm season, from May to September. The parents are placed in the spawning area. It is important that the water in it is saturated with oxygen and there is bright lighting. To speed up spawning, the temperature is raised by 2-4 degrees.

Spawning lasts from two to five hours. At this moment, the males are constantly chasing the female and trying to squeeze eggs out of her (if there is no breeding experience, then it may seem as if the fish are aggressive and trying to beat a weak individual). At one time, the female is capable of laying 2-3 thousand eggs.

Once this process has taken place, the parents should be immediately returned to the community aquarium as they can easily eat their own offspring. To preserve the eggs, a plastic mesh is laid on the bottom, and then the adults will not be able to reach them.

Caviar looks like small grains. After a day, the unfertilized eggs become covered with a white coating (fungus) and must be removed to prevent infection of the fertilized eggs. The incubation period is 3-4 days. First, larvae appear that do not need care, but when they become fry, from that moment on everything depends on the aquarist.

Live dust is suitable as food. You need to give small portions, but often, every 4 hours. In this case, there must be strong aeration, as well as warm water and bright lighting.

Next, you should closely monitor the young animals. It is growing very quickly, and some will begin to overtake their “brothers and sisters”. Here the natural law “survival of the fittest” comes into force, and in order to prevent the death of weak individuals, they must be seated in a separate container.

After about six months, the fish will acquire a bright color and look like their parents. Until this moment, they look pale and, one might say, resemble an ugly duckling.


Riukin is another popular type of goldfish for aquariums. It was brought to Japan around the 16th century from the Ryukiu archipelago. This fact determined the name of the fish.

These specimens have a short body, but considerable size - they can reach a length of up to 20 cm. A distinctive feature is the sharp elevation of the back in the form of a hump, starting immediately behind the head. There is a straight fin on the back. The color scheme of this fish is varied and ranges from red-silver to black tones. But in most cases it is the red riukin that can be found. Calico colored fish look amazing, but the red and white color of these specimens looks very aesthetically pleasing in ponds. This species has a fairly large forked tail.

Due to their large size, riukins are very popular when decorating decorative ponds and pools. They can also be kept in an aquarium based on the proportion: 2 fish per 100 liters. It is important to change 1/3 of the total fluid at least once every 7 days. Aeration and filtration must be installed. You can feed with bloodworms, worms, daphnia, porridge, and plant-based feeding is also needed. Regular feeding of ornamental fish is also advisable.

To set up an aquarium, it is recommended to take soil of fine or medium fractions. Since riukin feeds on algae, it is better to choose quickly growing plants (for example, elodea, hornwort). The lighting of the home should be bright enough.

The following parameters are considered optimal:

  • hardness - about 20°;
  • temperature - 18–22 °C;
  • acidity - about 7 pH.


They are considered omnivores, so there will not be any particular difficulties in choosing food. In addition, the range of feeds is wide and varied.

The following foods are suitable for creating complete nutrition:

  • special food for fish;
  • live food with a high protein content (bloodworms, worms, daphnia, tubifex, rotifer, brine shrimp and others);
  • plant food (vallisneria, hornwort, riccia, wolfia, duckweed, naiad);
  • crushed leaves of nettle, lettuce, dandelion, spinach, lettuce, plantain, parsley, cabbage, dill);
  • chopped fresh vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots);
  • seafood (shrimp, squid, fish fillet);
  • buckwheat, semolina, millet porridge;
  • spirulina;
  • bread pulp.

Any remaining uneaten food should be removed to avoid contamination of the water.

Feeding rules

You need to feed the fish twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The types of feed must be alternated, this will make the diet balanced and healthy. For a single feeding, one pinch is enough, and it is better to maintain an equal period of time between feedings.

Feed review

There are special ready-made food for sale for goldfish.

The composition of such ready-made mixtures is created taking into account their nutritional needs.

  • Ready-made food "Zoomir". Includes several types. They consist of small crustaceans, algae, soy protein, spirulina, fish flour, grass flour, wheat and corn. Enriched with vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Tetra food. The main food, type - granules, improves health, brightens the color, and provides complete nutrition.
  • Food "Aquarius". Designed for daily feeding, does not stain or pollute water.
  • Dry food "Tropical". Granules for carp fish do not break or crumble. Contains vitamins and microelements.

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