Fish (EN: Fish) Underwater world wallpapers, pictures, download 437 desktop wallpapers. Beautiful free photos of animals for your desktop

Parrot fish

The parrotfish has a jaw shaped like a bird's beak. She gnaws coral reefs with her mouth.

These fish come in both aquarium and large specimens that grow up to two meters in length. They come in different colors - mostly bright tropical shades predominate.

Mandarin duck / Synchiropus splendidus

The small and colorful inhabitant of the oceans got its name due to its resemblance to the bright clothes of the Chinese mandarin.

The colorfully patterned fish lives close to coral reefs, preferring sheltered, calm lagoons and coastal reefs.

Because of their beauty, tangerines are also popular as aquarium fish, but keeping them in aquariums is quite difficult, since it is difficult for them to choose food. The mandarin duck is rightfully one of the most beautiful inhabitants of the seas and oceans. In addition, it is included in our rating of the most beautiful animals on the planet.


Discus. Symphysodon

From the waters of the Amazon River basin, the beautiful fish spread throughout the world and became popular in aquarium fish farming. The design has nine vertical stripes on the body, which is round and flattened on the sides.

Prefers small rivers and calm ponds, avoiding large currents. Discus fish feed mainly on insect larvae and freshwater shrimp.

Fish care

Maintenance is not difficult. Change the water in a timely manner, clearing the bottom of food residues. It is necessary to feed the inhabitants of aquariums with a variety of types of food. Food is produced dry and frozen, in the form of flakes and chips, as well as granules and sticks, high quality and balanced in minerals and vitamins. And the names of the food are tricky: gammarus, brine shrimp, daphnia, cyclops - cats will simply be jealous.

We recommend reading! Shrimp farming: organizing a farm, feeding, care and tips for growing at home (85 photos)

In large glass volumes, it is necessary to turn on mini-compressors to saturate the water with oxygen.

Accordion paper fish for children 5-7 years old

We will need a long and voluminous strip folded like an accordion.

Small stripe; and we also bend it like an accordion - the tail.

A small semicircle, on the edges of which we draw arched stripes - fins.

2 circles with a dot in the middle - eyes.

Fold the larger strip in half.

Fold a small strip in half. We fix it with glue from the edge of the large strip in the middle.

Also in the middle between the two halves of the large strip we glue a semicircle so that it protrudes evenly on both sides of the strip.

Glue the 2 halves of a large strip together with an accordion.

Glue on the eyes.

As you can see, you can make cute fish using the same technique in different ways!

Author of the work

Another option is to make the accordion a bright multi-colored one; to do this, you can stick colored strips onto the main sheet and then fold it into an accordion. Or first fold the accordions and then glue one on top of the other.

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Moorish idol. Zanclus cornutus

The second name of this fish, “Horned Zankle,” comes from the Greek word for “sloping.” The inhabitant of temperate and tropical waters has a large, beautiful fin.

The alternating black, white and yellow stripes along the body make the Moorish idol unusually beautiful. It can live at depths of up to 180 meters, choosing mainly areas with a hard seabed.


Imperial angel. Pomacanthus imperator

The coral dweller not only has a romantic name, it is also one of the most beautiful fish of the ocean depths.

The purple body of the angel is decorated with bright yellow stripes with an orange tint. The emerald head of the imperial angel has a characteristic, amazingly beautiful mask around the eyes.

Interestingly, the fish changes its color throughout its life. The young are black with white and blue stripes.


Flag perch. Pseudanthias squamipinnis

The habitat of the colored flag perch is the tropical reefs of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Nature generously endowed this amazing fish with colors.

In reference books you can also find the name “Scaltefin”. It is very difficult to keep in aquariums, since in its natural environment it feeds on live food. Like many coral inhabitants, the fish changes sex.


Fire Centropyge / Centropyge loricula

One of the brightest and most colorful fish lives among the coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean. Fiery beauties can also be found off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands.

The small fish grows to only 7–10 centimeters in length. The body of the fish is fiery red in color with small vertical black stripes on the sides. It is from the unusual color that the fish received such a sonorous name.


Light and beautiful origami paper fish - a simple pattern for children

Everything is very simple! It is very easy to repeat a similar design according to the instructions. You just need to stock up on squares of colored paper, a plastic eye and a felt-tip pen in advance.

Fold the square along two horizontal lines and in half.

Expand the square. And fold it again so that the fold in the middle of the sheet is inside two triangles with one vertex.

We bend the side corners of one triangle to the middle with an overlap. It turns out to be a fish tail.

We turn the structure over. Glue the eye and draw a smile.

As you can see, everything is very simple. You don't even need to cut anything.


This option is more complicated, but more interesting:

A few more simple patterns for children:

Blue surgeon. Paracanthurus hepatus

The fish with such an unusual name became the prototype of the main character of the Disney cartoon. Lives in tropical waters from the coast of Africa to Japan.

The body of the animal is ovoid in shape with flattened sides, colored blue with dark stripes. But the caudal fin stands out sharply in yellow.


Craft “goldfish” made of paper and thread

And with the help of this technique we can even make our own. Goldfish so that it fulfills all wishes. You just need to take “golden” threads: yellow, red, orange.

Cut out a fish-shaped piece from thick paper or cardboard. Don't forget to cut out the round eyes separately.

We make deep cuts on the tail.

We wrap the fish with yarn.

To get exactly the goldfish, choose threads of appropriate shades. It will look beautiful if we take threads in several shades.

Glue the eye and the fish comes to life!

Our golden and most magical fish turned out great! And most importantly, the work is very simple, kids can do it.


Butterfly fish. Pantodon buchholzi

Butterfly fish or mothfish or pantodon live in fresh water bodies of the African continent, but also in the depths of the sea right up to the shores of Southern Japan and Hawaii.

Stripes run through the entire body of this linear fish, and the color is densely saturated with yellow, black and white shades. But the fins are coffee pink with a purple tint.

Butterfly fish usually stay near the surface of the water, hunting for small insects. Can jump out of the water while hunting or escaping from predators.


Sick - healthy

There are only two problems with fish - domestic cats and diseases. It’s easier to protect from cats, but diseases can be brought in with fish and aquatic plants. It is better to keep newcomers in quarantine for some time, and release them into the general fish stock only after making sure that they have been cleared of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Diseases are divided into contagious and non-contagious. There are much more of the first – infectious and invasive. The latter occur from poor food and changes in water temperature. There are types of fish that are warm- and cold-loving; it is undesirable to keep them in the same volume.

View photos of aquarium fish diseases to quickly recognize them and remove them from healthy ones. And also carry out preventive measures in consultation with a veterinarian.

Just one example of a disease that affects different breeds of fish is fin rot. The disease indicates an unhealthy situation in the water, and it is necessary to improve the care and feeding of pets.

If you see that the fins are affected from all sides, transplant the fish into another container, arrange medicinal baths, and disinfect the aquarium, stones and equipment and do this regularly. If the fins are severely damaged, medications must be used. Treat plants with bicilin-5.

Lionfish / Pterois radiata

A beautiful fish from the scorpionfish family can pose a threat to humans. And the inhabitant of the deep sea received this name because of its fins, which, when developing, resemble the mane of a lion.

The lion fish hunts, driving small fish into recesses or among reefs, and swallows them with great speed. Injections from sharp fins, which contain toxic poison, are dangerous to human life and health.

By the way, on you can also learn about the most poisonous fish on our planet.


Craft Hungry paper fish

It's time for humor and fun when we work on children's crafts with our little ones! Moreover, such a drawing, which we will now try to make together, is also an excellent toy!

A sheet of A4 paper needs to be folded in three places so that it looks like the letter “M” from the side. That is, we bend it in half.

Then cut in half again.

And we reveal it.

We connect one “top” of the letter “M” to the other.

Turn the sheet of paper over so that the fold is horizontal.

Let's draw a fish.

It is necessary that the connecting points of the upper part of the fish and its lower part converge at the place where the paper folds.

We finish drawing all the minor details: eyes, scales, fins, etc.

We move the fold apart and in the place between the upper part of the fish and the lower one we finish drawing everything so that the parts are connected.

We paint the whole picture, even the part that is hidden. By the way, you can draw a cute worm or fish in the fold.

We fold the drawing so that a simple fish is visible, swimming carefree in the water.

Now, if you want to surprise someone, open the sheet and show it. How hungry is your fish?

P.S. If you remember, I don’t welcome a huge number of monsters in the apartment, but it still turns out that children are attracted to them. Here is the result - my son picked up the idea and produced a kolobok...

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