Aquarium turtles: popular species and their compatibility with fish

Selection of capacity

Red-eared turtles are classified as aquatic species, so they need an aquatic environment to feel safe.
To raise a reptile in captivity, you need a properly equipped aquaterrarium - an aquarium filled with water and containing an island of land so that the turtle can warm up and bask in the rays. When buying terrariums, you should select a container “for growth”, since turtles grow rapidly, and soon your pet will feel cramped in a small container. You can choose a suitable aquarium for a red-eared slider based on the following data:

  • For a small pet up to 10 cm in size, a container with a capacity of 50 liters is suitable.
  • Young representatives up to 16 cm will feel comfortable in a reservoir of 80 liters.
  • An aquarium for red-eared turtles with a volume of 150 liters is needed for those pets whose size is up to 25 cm.
  • Formed pets need a container with a capacity of 150 liters or more.

When choosing aquariums, you should take into account that in a small container the aquatic environment becomes polluted more quickly, which leads to a deterioration in the condition of the turtles. In addition to its capacity, the turtle aquarium is equipped with a ventilated roof that fits tightly to the tank so that the pets cannot travel.

Incorrect content

Turtles and fish are bad neighbors not only because the reptiles are aggressive, they can cause mutual harm to each other. One of the main reasons why they cannot be housed together is the obvious difference in living conditions. Fish vitally need deep, clean water, aeration and algae, but such conditions will bring discomfort to reptiles. They require a low water level so that they can comfortably float up to breathe, and a considerable part of the aquaterrarium should be occupied by a bank where the turtles dry their shells and paws.

Intense heat, UV lamps and a lot of waste and often contaminated water will be harmful to aquarium fish. In turn, some fish secretions are toxic to the turtle and lead to poisoning and other serious health consequences. It is important to note that aggressive fish species, such as barbs, sometimes attack reptiles and cause serious injuries to them, especially young individuals.

Thermometers and hygrometers


Modern terrarium stores offer a large selection of various equipment for measuring temperature and humidity in terrariums and aquariums, as well as maintaining them. It should be remembered that the use of mercury thermometers is strictly prohibited; if such a thermometer breaks, the animal may die. Try to place thermometers and hygrometers out of the turtle's reach.

Temperature is the basis for keeping turtles! Improperly measuring, checking, adjusting and maintaining proper temperature conditions is a huge mistake. Every turtle owner should have the most modern instruments for measuring temperature, including remote ones. There are four zones to control: warm side, cold side, heating spot and night temperature. You must know all four of them. Obviously, you can’t do it with just a thermometer. Don't want to have a sick pet? Watch the temperature!

Reptiles and amphibians

Frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, mollusks, snails, lizards, chameleons, snakes and crocodiles should not be kept with turtles. As a rule, most of them require a different humidity level, soil and type of terrarium than turtles. Some the turtle can simply eat, while others can somehow kill the turtle themselves. There are certain species of lizards that come from the same climatic zones as turtles, which in large enough terrariums can be neighbors, but only if the entire population is provided with separate places for heating and eating. And each of these neighbors must have reliable shelter. However, it is not advisable to add lizards to Central Asian turtles. Not because Central Asians are particularly cunning, they are simply extremely curious in gastronomic terms, and even after weeks and months of peaceful coexistence they can try the tail or finger of a neighboring lizard on its beak, or even something more substantial.

If the terrarium is spacious and high enough, iguanas can live in it with large tropical turtles.

Also, with the right soil, in this case not clay or sand, Egyptian tortoises can be kept with spiny tails.

One way or another, if there is an idea to have another inhabitant of the terrarium besides the turtle, it is best to have another terrarium, arranging it according to the needs of the new inhabitant, and not worry about anything. Turtles generally experience stress from any close proximity and may go on hunger strike or worse, and successful cohabitation is extremely rare.

Everything about aquaterrariums for red-eared turtles

You have a turtle, and the question immediately arises of where and how to keep the turtle. In a bowl, a plastic “dune” with palm trees? Or in a beautiful glass aquaterrarium with a shore, lighting and a suitable background?

Decide right away what you can’t do:

– Keep aquatic turtles on the floor or in a dry box, occasionally releasing them into the water to eat (exceptions are for medical reasons during treatment or a pregnant female who is laying eggs); – Keep small turtles in a huge aquarium or adult turtles in small aquariums where they cannot turn around and do not swim; – Keep aquatic turtles that climb onto land without a shore; – Heat the water in the aquarium to 25 C or more if the turtle is not being treated or if it is physically impossible to reduce the temperature (in hot summer); – Keep turtles without a heating lamp and ultraviolet radiation (with rare exceptions).


Mud turtles choose bodies of water with an abundance of silt as their habitat.
These reptiles are not very active, and when they are not sleeping, buried in the mud, they slowly wander along the bottom, looking for food. You can see these aquatic inhabitants on land only when they come out to lay eggs or during periods of heavy rainfall. Sometimes reptiles rise to the surface to warm their shells in the sun, less often they climb onto objects protruding above the water, but the slightest movement can scare away these cautious turtles, and they immediately end up in the water, simply capsizing. These reptiles spend the cold period at the bottom of the reservoir, burrowing into deep layers of silt. If the tank dries out, the musk turtles begin searching for a suitable home, at which time they can even be found in snowdrifts.

A peculiarity of representatives of the species is the ability, in times of danger, to release a persistent, unpleasant odor from the glands that are located under the shell. This gave the name to the species - musk, but the local population has not very pleasant, everyday names for these reptiles - “stinkers” or “stinker-Jimies”.

Turtles are excellent swimmers, but prefer to walk along the bottom more often. The carapace of individuals is oval. The plastron is of the same shape, consists of 11 scutes, has movable joints in the front part and an inconspicuous ligament. Despite the fact that the turtle's shell has movable joints, they are still limited in movement. Therefore, they do not have the ability of other representatives of the species to close the hole located in front.

Musk turtles cannot boast of bright colors - their heads and necks are dirty brown, with light-colored stripes. The spiny scales that cover the hind legs of males were previously called the "chirp organ." With their help, the male holds the female during the mating process. The scales get their name from the “chirping” or “chirping” sound they make when they rub against each other when the limbs are bent.

The neck of musk turtles is elongated, has good mobility, with its help the reptile can reach its hind legs, and also quickly bite the owner who dares to pick up the pet. You can recognize a reptile of this species by the small growths that cover the neck and lower jaw.

Coast heating and temperature maintenance

Turtles are heat-loving animals and, living in natural conditions, they love to bask in the sun. To bring the maintenance at home closer to natural conditions, you will need to install a heating lamp. To maintain optimal temperature in the aquarium there must be a thermometer.

When placing the lamp, you should pay attention to two things: firstly, it should not be located too low above the island, and secondly, you will have to install protective glass between the lamp and the water so that splashes of water do not fall on the hot lamp. Heating lamp operating time – 10-12 hours a day

You can buy it in a specialized store

The operating time of the heating lamp is 10-12 hours a day. You can purchase it in a specialized store.

Tongue breathing is an interesting feature

Most representatives of the turtle family are not able to do without air. And even living mostly in water, individuals periodically float to the surface to take a breath of air. However, musk turtles are able to stay under water for months, and their tongue helps them do this! Many animals have special sinuses that allow them to breathe underwater, and researchers have spent a lot of time looking for them in these reptiles.

Studies have shown that in musk turtles, oxygen absorption occurs through the tongue, or more precisely, the tubercles located on it. While observing reptiles, I was interested in the fact that, having found prey on land, the young always drag it into the water, since they cannot eat it. The tongue of musk turtles turned out to be weak and short; it is not designed for swallowing and pushing through pieces of food. Its functions turned out to be different from those of other animals.

Musk turtles are interesting aquarium inhabitants with a certain charisma. They are not always happy to have contact with a person and are able to show their character. But at the same time, they are interesting to watch, and such reptiles do not require complex care.

Water and land in an aquaterrarium

Divide the entire space at the bottom into approximately three parts. Two should be on the water, and at least 20 cm should remain to the edge. The remaining third is dry land, where the turtle will bask and rest. Create an island-zone for her so that she does not have to climb too high and so that the reptile does not slide. As an option, they install a flat staircase with wide steps or a small improvised ladder. A large flat stone that is securely fixed to the bottom is suitable as an island - the turtle should not be able to turn it over. Do not place the stone too close to the wall of the aquarium and do not place it too high. Otherwise, the turtle may get out.

If the size of the aquaterrarium allows, then make two islands of different heights. Place one under the lamp, the second in the shade. If you have two turtles, then each should have its own sitting area.

At the bottom of the aquaterrarium, place soil - for example, pebbles with particles of at least 5 cm or just large stones. Pebbles and glass balls that are too small are not suitable, as large reptiles run the risk of swallowing them with negative consequences for the gastrointestinal tract. Sand or peat are also not suitable - they are uncomfortable for the turtle and difficult to wash. You can buy large artificial granules or calcined mineral blocks at the pet store - this is the best alternative to large pebbles.

Vegetation in an aquaterrarium with a red-eared turtle is completely optional. You can place something for beauty, but in the end your pet will simply chew it. For decoration, place a variety of driftwood, previously cleared of bark. Plastic vines and algae are suitable.

Take care of the cleanliness of the water in the aquaterrarium

It is extremely important for a turtle to be in clean water, which it quickly pollutes. Special filters will help maintain the cleanliness and transparency of the aquatic environment.

It is better to choose an external one, since the internal one is more of a hassle and will quickly become unusable. If you have a good filter, complete water changes can be done much less frequently. It is enough to fill in fresh water once a week, previously settled at room temperature for 24 hours - about half the volume.

Aquarium turtles: popular species and their compatibility with fish

Aquarium turtles - description of popular species, keeping them together with fish.

The relevance of this topic is raised by many newcomers to the aquarium world and not only by them.

Often, on the Internet you come across a funny video where baby turtles swim peacefully with fish, and on forums you see photos of fish and turtles being kept together with forest reviews.

Also, stories from friends about how their soft-bodied turtle is being bullied by guppies fuel interest!?

Having seen and read all this, the aquarist begins to think - but this is true!!! Why not??? Indeed, in natural conditions, turtles, fish, frogs, snakes and other reptiles live together - in the same habitat! So you can recreate all this at home?!

Well, let's take a closer look at this issue and see real examples of turtles and fish living together!

So, first of all, it’s worth noting that turtles are different from each other! Therefore, we propose to consider four species of turtles that are in demand among lovers of aquarium and terrarium animals.

Red-eared turtle and aquarium fish

This species of turtle is often called the "red-eared sea turtle." I emphasize that this turtle was never a sea turtle. This is a completely freshwater resident.

Contrary to the expectations of many who want to keep this type of turtle, these individuals require a fairly wide space to move. One or two of these Tartils require an aquarium with a volume of at least 100 liters. The aquarium should also be equipped with an island for relaxation and a powerful filter. Aeration is not required, since turtles breathe atmospheric air when they climb to the surface. Pet stores sell special islands for turtles that are installed at the bottom of the aquarium. 70% of the island is under water. For ease of access to land, there is a smooth rise to the surface, which has a rather rough surface with protrusions so that the turtle’s paws have something to cling to.

It is equally important to remember that the highest part of the island for a turtle to rest should be approximately 20-30 cm from the lid, depending on the size of the pet, because when buying a tiny five-centimeter specimen, you need to take into account that turtles grow quite quickly and, with proper maintenance, grow up to 25 cm in shell diameter. These representatives of the armored animals, despite their external slowness and clumsiness, are very fond of organizing escapes from their father’s house, therefore, in order to avoid searching for the pet throughout the apartment, it is better to comply with the requirement for placing an island.

Turtles spend most of the day in the water; they crawl onto the island to rest and warm up. That is why it is necessary to equip the turtle’s house with an incandescent lamp, which will be directed towards the island. At the same time, the water temperature should not exceed 26 degrees; warm water is destructive for the turtle and entails not only poor health, but also the formation of various fungal diseases. At lower temperatures (down to 18 degrees) the turtle feels comfortable.

It is necessary to change the water of turtles no more than once a month, since they are quite clean and do not need frequent water changes, which suits their owners very much. In this matter - to maintain cleanliness in an aquarium with a turtle, we recommend using Prodibo Aqua'Turtle - a kit for effectively combating unpleasant odors in aquaterrariums where aquatic turtles live.

It combines two different products: - Aqua'Turtle Odor - eliminates unpleasant odors in the aquarium. — Aqua'Turtle Bacter is a biological preparation that consists of various specific strains of bacteria that are characteristic of reservoirs with reptiles. They provide clean water in the aquarium, suppressing the development of pathological microflora. Let's move on.

The diet of the red-eared slider mostly includes animal feed. They are fed with bloodworms, tubifex and special dry food pellets, sometimes fed with lettuce or young cabbage. Adults must be given gammarus (aquatic crustaceans) in dry and raw form. Red-eared turtles also love to eat boiled fish, or shreds of chicken and beef.

Considering all of the above, VERDICT - this turtle should absolutely not be kept with fish! The conditions of detention and parameters (quality) of water of almost all freshwater fish species are fundamentally different from the conditions of detention of the red-eared turtle, according to almost all criteria. Living together will be painful. But the most important reason why you should never keep a turtle in an aquarium with fish is that turtles are predators. Clumsy, slow, funny and safe on land, in the water turtles turn into excellent swimmers with an unrivaled sense of prey. If a young turtle may not hunt fish, then as it grows up... all the scaly inhabitants of the aquarium will turn into high-quality food for it.

Swamp turtle and fish

According to the conditions of detention, the marsh turtle is not very different from the red-eared turtle. But this is a larger species of turtle and therefore at least 150 liters are required for one or two individuals.

Swamp turtles often experience calcium deficiency, so the aquarium must be equipped with an ultraviolet lamp in addition to an incandescent lamp and the diet must be supplemented with crushed eggshells. Otherwise, their dining table is almost a mirror image of the red-eared slider's table.

The bog turtle is even more aggressive than its red-eared relative. There's no need for a video here. They bite, quite sensitively, and an adult can bite through human skin, so picking up such a pet is not recommended.

Thus, we can conclude that this breed of turtles is even less suitable than the previous one for being kept together with aquarium fish.

Turtle Trionics and fish

Trionics is a soft-bodied turtle. Its shell is a thick, leathery covering.

Unlike the species of turtles described above, Trionics practically do not need an island. A small structure with a smooth rise, which does not have to start directly at the bottom, may well be suitable for them. This is a completely aquatic turtle. The elongated spout allows them to easily receive the necessary oxygen on the surface of the water, and after that they do not need it for a long time. But at the same time, the aquarium must be equipped with continuous filtration and aeration, since this type of turtle needs clean water and can receive oxygen without swimming to the surface. This is a very active and funny creature. Trionics like to burrow into shallow soil or sand, leaving only a small elongated muzzle on the surface. The comfortable water temperature for them is 24-26 degrees, although experts have noted that they live in temperatures varying from 20 to 30 degrees without harm to their health. The required volume of the house for Trionix should be at least 150 liters per individual.

In its natural habitat it is a strong and dangerous predator that feeds on fish and small crustaceans. It is not uncommon for this type of armored fish to feast on a clutch of eggs left by a careless bird that nested not on the banks of a pond, river or lake where these “vandals” live. Trionix's mouth is equipped with a saw of teeth and therefore its bites to the human hand may not be pleasant even more than the bites of a swamp turtle.

However, according to the conditions of detention, this turtle is more suitable than others for sharing with fish and therefore can often be found in a common aquarium. BUT! There are several important nuances:

— No plants planted in the ground will survive acquaintance with Trionics. If you value your green stretchers, you will have to give up Trionix. The harmful turtle uproots plants, digs up soil wherever possible, and where it is not possible, it digs it up three times more actively. Small decorative elements also always interfere with this type of turtle.

- This is a predator. Very fast, both in water and on land, unlike other types of turtles.

- If the above does not cool your ardor in acquiring this miracle, it is worth noting that this turtle can only get accustomed to fish if you take it at the youngest possible age and follow a plentiful and varied food menu.

And in conclusion, it would be a crime not to say that even if you follow all precautions, this does not guarantee that Trionix will never covet your fish. Experienced aquarists know that all fish, even of the same species, have their own character. The same can be said about turtles. There is no guarantee that the predatory instinct inherent in this tiny creature will not come to the surface.

In one phrase we can say: “these turtles can be kept in an aquarium with fish, but only when they are young.” Then you still need to seat them!

Here's a video for thought!!

The author of the video called it: “Turtle (Trionix) - Lucy was scared of the fish”

Two-clawed loggerhead turtle

This type of turtle is very similar to its marine counterparts, however, it is freshwater. It can also live in slightly brackish water.

Perhaps this is the only species of turtle that can live peacefully and without incident with any fish, since for the most part this beauty is a vegetarian. Unpretentious, needs a temperature of 23-27 degrees. Filtration and aeration are naturally necessary, but they do not require any additional equipment.

They say about these turtles that they do not swim, but fly around the aquarium. Having a rather pretty appearance, this miracle is pleasing to the eye.

But there are a number of significant disadvantages:

- Space. If a young turtle of this species (up to two years old) can live in a volume of 200 to 500 liters, then an adult turtle needs at least 1000 liters. Two-clawed turtles grow up to 50 cm in shell diameter.

- Price. From $200 to $800, which is significantly different from the prices for the types described above.

This species has not yet been well studied and is not widely sold, but is already popular among aquarists. Therefore, all “experiments” with this turtle remain on the conscience of the owner.

So, let's summarize. For the most part, it is not worth keeping such completely different aquatic inhabitants as fish and turtles together. There are many attractive alternatives to add variety to your aquarium. Humanity knows an incredible number of species of turtles, and there are so few that can be kept at home.

And this suggests that even these few species need their own home, equipped specifically for them and only for them. You should not tempt the fate of your pets by testing their tails and abdomen for strength.

Video about fish and turtles

But, alas, here are the comments left by the author of the video on YouTube:

Eugene Karpenko 3 years ago “all the swordtails are long gone :-) but the catfish are already much larger than the turtles. Even until recently, the barb lived well. six months somewhere. The other day I also disappeared somewhere :-)” The author’s emoticons can be replaced with the bitter “UPS”. thanks the author of the article - Yana Terekhova,

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See also:

All about red-eared turtles

snapping turtle

Central Asian tortoise

Terrarium section of the forum

Aquarium frogs

Claw frog Is it possible to eat aquarium fish? Compatibility of aquarium fish The most beautiful aquarium fish and fish! The most unpretentious small aquarium fish AGGRESSIVE FISH

Category: Aquarium articles / Aquarium turtles, frogs, etc. | 745 | Date: 21-01-2014, 16:42 | Comments (0)

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How to equip an island?

The red-eared turtle leads a sedentary lifestyle, spending a lot of time not only in the water, but also on the shore, so the aquarium must be equipped with at least one, or preferably several, land areas per turtle (one in a shaded place, and the other in a brightly lit, warm place ). On land, the turtle receives oxygen and enjoys UV rays.

What is important to consider?

  • The land area should occupy at least a quarter of the entire bottom area.
  • Land areas should have a sloping shore that smoothly rises from the bottom. Steep cliffs are not allowed. You can build a ladder or a mini-ladder, put a large stone or a grotto with gentle walls.
  • The surface of the islands must be made of high-quality materials and be rough. If there is soil on the island, it should not crumble into the water.
  • If there are several turtles, then the land must have such a total area that all individuals simultaneously have access to it and can fit.
  • If there are several islands, then some of them may not be completely dry, but covered with water by several millimeters.

The island should be located approximately 30 cm below the edge of the terrarium so that the animal does not get out and run away.

Message Aquaterrarium for the red-eared turtle - contents care photo description. appeared first on AQUARIUM FISH.

Yellow-bellied turtles in the wild

The homeland of the yellow-bellied (red-eared) turtle is North America. However, these wonderful reptiles are now found throughout America, as well as in Southern Europe, Africa, Australia and Southeast Asia. In their natural environment, these amphibians live in fresh, shallow reservoirs with gentle banks and weak currents. The lifespan of a turtle is 25-30 years.

It seems that the fight against Schroeder does not threaten humanity, since the population of red-eared turtles in some regions has increased so much that a great threat hangs over the flora and fauna of these regions. For example, Israel became a new favorite place for turtles, and therefore they decided to methodically destroy different species of plants, fish and invertebrates. Moreover, these strange animals have already begun to populate the sewers, so we are waiting for the moment when people will start ordering pizza in the sewers.


The health of the turtle directly depends on the state of the water in the aquarium, so it must be kept clean. For a terrarium, it is better to use external aquarium filters of any type.

The better the filter works, the less often a complete water change will be needed.

To maintain ecological balance, regular weekly replacement of half the volume of water is necessary. Before replacing, the water is allowed to settle.

Incandescent lamp

An ordinary incandescent lamp (an energy-saving lamp will not work) is installed above the island at such a distance that the air temperature above this area of ​​land is 30-32 ° C. At night it is turned off.

UV lamp

Some owners of red-eared turtles neglect to install a UV lamp. However, this is a vital component of a reptile’s home. Its absence often leads to the development of diseases that can be fatal. Ultraviolet light is extremely important for the health of the red ear. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, improves the condition of the reptile’s shell and skin, and helps the absorption of calcium. The UV lamp is placed at a height of at least 30 cm above the shore. It should burn for at least 2-3 hours a day.

Today you can purchase special lamps for terrariums with the required wavelength in almost any specialized store.

What to feed baby snails

The basis of the small snail’s diet is finely grated fruits and vegetables. Also, newborn clams can be given greens and chopped carrots. Starting from the age of two weeks, the snails' food is supplemented with lettuce leaves sprinkled with crushed calcium and apples. As a good supplement, it is advisable to use dried gammarus, which is sold in zoological stores and is dried freshwater crustaceans.

At the age of one month, small snails are able to eat traditional “lumpy” food in the form of sliced ​​vegetables and fruits. In this case, it is necessary to first very carefully peel all the hard peel, leaving only the juicy pulp.

The leaves and roots of Jerusalem artichoke are well eaten by young land snails, but the foliage must first be scalded with boiling water and finely chopped, and the tuber must be grated and supplemented with powdered eggshells. In late autumn and winter, a grown-up land mollusk can occasionally be pampered with oatmeal or wheat bran.

Basic rules for feeding small land snails:

  • food should be available to the pet around the clock;
  • it is strictly forbidden to place food directly on the lining soil;
  • any food given to the snail should be at room temperature;
  • fruits and berries, as well as herbs and vegetables, should be washed well in running water;
  • replacing food with a fresh portion of food should be done every few hours, and food removed from the terrarium must be disposed of;
  • it is strictly forbidden to allow food to mix with substrate elements in the terrarium;
  • a growing pet must be provided with unhindered access to water;
  • any foods prohibited for feeding adult land mollusks should absolutely not be fed to baby snails, including “human” food, fried, sour or sweet foods, smoked meats and spicy foods;
  • Ordinary salt, eggs and pasta pose a mortal danger to growing and adult exotic pets.

For full growth and development of the mollusk, it is necessary to supplement its diet with sepia, which consists of a sufficient amount of aragonite. Sepia is the internal skeleton of the cuttlefish, consisting of hard and soft shells. Cuttlefish bone can be ground to a powdery state and added to Achatina food.

It should be noted that each giant snail has its own, very individual taste preferences. Some foods are eaten willingly, while others are not eaten at all. You need to be extremely careful with food experimentation, as the result of improper nutrition can be the death of your exotic pet.

However, in order for a domestic land mollusk to grow healthy and beautiful, the daily diet must be varied, fully satisfying the nutritional needs of such a pet.

Ultraviolet lighting

The main principle of keeping turtles in captivity is to create a natural environment. In nature, turtles love to bask in the sun, so in an artificial pond you will need:

  • An incandescent light bulb is placed over land to achieve a temperature of 23-28C. At night the lights are turned off.
  • The most significant aspect in keeping red-eared turtles is considered to be ultraviolet lighting, with the help of which the reptiles absorb calcium, which is necessary for the strength of the shell. In terrariums, UV lamps must be installed at a distance of at least 30 cm from the soil. Daylight hours are 12 hours.

Is it necessary to include mineral and vitamin supplements?

Additional fortified supplements are required for young individuals in whom the formation of the bone skeleton, strengthening and construction of the shell occurs. It is during this period that they require increased levels of calcium.

So what supplements should be included in the reptile menu:

  • Every day you should add ground bone meal to your food. A pinch is enough for small turtles, but for adults it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon to the aquarium every 7 days;
  • You can mix special vitamins into the food. Dosages are usually indicated in the instructions;
  • You can include fortified feed mixtures in the menu.

Heating lamps

Turtles are cold-blooded animals, which means that all processes in their bodies depend on the ambient temperature. To maintain the temperature at the required level, you need to install a heating lamp for turtles in one corner of the terrarium (this will be a “warm corner”). Typically, the heat lamp is placed at a distance of approximately 20-30 cm from the turtle shell. The temperature under the lamp should be approximately 30-32°C. If the temperature is higher than the specified one, then you need to install a lamp of lower power (less watts), if lower - higher power. If the temperature in the apartment at night drops below 20°C, then it is recommended to install infrared or ceramic lamps, which do not provide bright light (or do not provide light at all), but warm the air.

You can buy a regular or mirror incandescent lamp at any supermarket or hardware store. A night lamp or infrared lamp is sold in the terrarium departments of pet stores (a cheaper option is AliExpress).

The power of the heating lamp is usually selected at 40-60 W; it must be turned on throughout the daylight hours (8-10 hours) from morning to evening. The lamp must be turned off at night, as turtles are diurnal and sleep at night.


Whether a turtle is sexually mature or not depends on its size. Approximately: 2-4 years for a male and a shell of more than 10 cm and 2-5 years for a female and 12-13 cm.

Mating games begin with a sexually mature male (although young ones can also try), with a kind of courtship. During which he swims in front of the female, with his muzzle towards her and waves his paws very quickly in front of her eyes.

In nature, breeding occurs in March and June, but domestic turtles can mate throughout the year.

When a turtle is pregnant, that is, carrying eggs, you need to prepare a special place for her where she will lay these eggs. A female can carry eggs without a male, but they will not be fertilized!

You can gently feel the eggs between the carapace and her hind legs, but be careful, they are very fragile. The female will instinctively look for a place to nest and lay eggs.

A clutch can contain up to 20 eggs for a large female. If the conditions are suitable, then the female lays up to 3-4 clutches per season.

In a home aquaterrarium, the female signals preparation for reproduction by changing her behavior.

She becomes very restless, imitates digging movements with her hind legs and tries to get out of the aquarium. Also during this time, she spends more time on land and needs calcium and UV rays.

The place where she can lay her eggs is very important; if there is not one, she will lay them in the water or even carry them further, which will cause them to harden. If you see that a turtle has laid one or two eggs, try to make a nest for it

Most likely, the rest of the clutch has not yet emerged and she is still pregnant

If you see that a turtle has laid one or two eggs, try to make a nest for it. Most likely, the rest of the clutch has not yet hatched and she is still pregnant.

If the female does not lay eggs, they will harden and can cause infection and death of the animal.

Even a properly prepared nest is not a guarantee that everything will go well, since the turtle may be old, tired, or sick.

If she tries to lay her clutch, but nothing works, then it is better to take her to the veterinarian.

Possible signs of problems: decreased activity, heavy breathing, depressions or swelling near the cloaca.

If there is an unpleasant liquid coming out of it or there is an odor, then the eggs inside may have broken. If you have any health problems with your red-eared slider, contact your veterinarian immediately!

Mating games:

Prohibited aquariums for turtles

The following aquariums should not be used for aquatic turtles:

  • Having a volume of 50−70 liters. If a turtle lives in such a small space for a long time, then over time it develops infectious skin diseases, degeneration and softening of the shell.
  • In which the sushi island is made of plastic.
  • In which it is impossible to install lighting, ultraviolet lamps and filtration. Their absence leads to the death of turtles.

Thus, caring for a red-eared turtle is still not very easy. Only compliance with all conditions of proper maintenance makes the life of turtles long and happy.

Types of red-eared turtles:

  • Trachemys scripta elegans grows up to 28 cm. It has a wide red stripe on its head and narrow red stripes on its chin. Each costal scute of the carapace is decorated with a yellow transverse stripe. The plastron (ventral shield of the carapace) has a large spot on each shield.
  • Trachemys scripta scripta reaches 27 cm in length. There is a yellow postorbital spot on the head. It connects to a strip located on the neck. All scutes of the costal carapace have a yellow stripe. The plastron is yellow with spots on the front scutes.
  • Trachemys scripta troostii grows up to 21 cm. The head is decorated with a narrow yellow postorbital stripe and wide chin stripes. Each of the ribs of the carapace is decorated with a yellow transverse stripe. There are small black spots on the plastron.

Trachemys scripta elegans

Trachemys scripta scripta

Trachemys scripta troostii
Turtles have a well-developed sense of smell and vision. They can see what is happening at a distance of 40 m and distinguish colors perfectly. A good sense of smell helps them search for food. But as for hearing, it is bad. Due to the fact that the ears are covered with skin, turtles hear only vibration and muffled sounds. Nerves pass through the shell, so it is very sensitive to touch. Turtles cannot breathe underwater; they rise to the surface of the water for oxygen. They can hiss and snort.

Temperature and light

In the wild, red-eared turtles live in temperate and subtropical climates - such conditions must be maintained for them in captivity.

To maintain your pet’s well-being, you will need to monitor the air and water temperature. To do this, buy thermometers for the aquaterrarium, a special flexible heater that can be conveniently hidden under the ground, and stick to the following numbers:

  • water – no more than 30-32 degrees;
  • air – 25-28 degrees;

Neither water nor air should overheat - this is dangerous for the reptile! If the air temperature drops below 20 degrees, the turtle can become seriously ill. If it rises above 33 degrees, the metabolism will slow down, and this will negatively affect the digestion of food. It is recommended to turn off the heating and lighting at night.

The red-eared slider will require two types of lighting:

the incandescent lamp will heat the land where the reptile rests after eating. The best option is a clothespin lamp, which you attach to the side directly above the seating area at a sufficient height so that the air warms up, and not the turtle itself.

Take care that the lamp is not damaged by water if it accidentally gets on it; An ultraviolet lamp is needed for the reptile to bask in the sun - this promotes the production of the important vitamin D3 and the absorption of calcium from food. To prevent the turtle from developing rickets, the lamp should be run for several hours every day.

Buy only a model with UVB or UVA markings.

Simple recommendations for arranging an aquaterrarium will allow the red-eared turtle to live as comfortably as possible in captivity.

Authors of the articles: Belanta Clinic team

About little red-eared turtles

Almost all future owners of turtles want to get them when they are still small - cute, touching and funny. But raising such a baby to the average size of a one-year-old is not easy: the mortality rate in babies is very high. And most often - due to improper handling of them.

So what not to do?

  1. Remove the yolk sac on the plastron from small animals yourself.
  2. Create stressful situations.
  3. Take the extra one at a time.

Living conditions need to be made as comfortable as possible. What to feed baby red-eared turtles? Exclusively food of animal origin: 70% small lean fish and 30% by-products, insects, squid, shrimp, etc.

A terrarium for a red-eared turtle of any age should be placed so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight or drafts. But unlike adults, babies need a different temperature regime: water - 26-27 degrees, land - 32 degrees.

Outdoor pond for aquatic turtle

The turtle can be left outside during the day when the air temperature is at least (20) 25-28 C, and at night - if the night temperature is not lower than 18 C, otherwise the turtle will have to be brought into the house at night.

In areas with a cold climate (St. Petersburg, Moscow), aquatic turtles can be left in the pond only during the summer months. In autumn and until spring, they need to be taken indoors and kept in a heated aquarium. In the southern regions of Russia, for example, in Krasnodar, turtles can be kept in a pond all year round, but only if the pond does not freeze completely. Swamp turtles are more adapted to life in cold climates than red-eared turtles, so in properly equipped outdoor reservoirs they can winter in more northern latitudes.

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It is very important to properly care for these reptiles. First of all, aquariums must have a substrate, which must include coarse sand and fine gravel or ordinary soil that does not contain any additives. You can feed your pets different foods, as they are not too picky about food. Products such as:

  • vegetables - cucumbers or zucchini;
  • fruits - such as apples or pears;
  • seafood - squid, shrimp or even low-fat fish;
  • meat - it can be either raw or boiled;
  • various greens - for example, mint or dandelion leaves, clover or alfalfa;
  • you can use worms, locusts or crickets;
  • grains – such as wheat or sunflower seeds.

Don't forget about mineral supplements, egg shells, bone meal or shell rock. In addition, the diet must contain branches of an apple or pear tree, which the animals can chew. Otherwise, their jaw may become deformed. Before eating, the turtle must warm up. This will make the digestion process much faster.

Some owners try to feed their pets dry food. However, experts do not recommend doing this, since it is better to give turtles only natural food. It is also important to ensure that no food remains remain in the water. They must be removed immediately. Otherwise, the water quickly becomes cloudy.

It is necessary to keep domestic reptiles in a container the size of which will be at least 5-6 times larger than the size of the turtle itself. The best option is considered to be a 150 liter aquarium. You need to pour quite a lot of water into it. As the pet grows up, its level should be gradually increased. The water temperature should be at least 25 degrees. If a pet crawls around the apartment, then the room should also be warm.

Article on the topic: Which turtle is better to have at home for a child, how to choose the right one

The temperature there should be no lower than +28 degrees.

Caring for your turtle also includes regular cleaning of the aquarium. The water must be changed at least once a week, which takes no more than half an hour. For an aquarium, it is best to use well-filtered water. You can leave live plants on the surface of the aquarium, which will also be excellent food for turtles. But you shouldn’t leave a bowl of food at the bottom of the aquarium. It is best placed outside the tank.

Turtles usually live in an aquarium, but often try to get out of it. Therefore, you need to occasionally take them out and take them outside for a while, which will allow the reptile to always be in a good mood and remain healthy for a very long time. An ultraviolet lamp must be installed at a distance of 1.5 meters from the aquarium. Small reptiles need to turn it on for no more than 5 minutes twice a week. Then the lighting time should be gradually increased.

In addition, turtles need to turn off the lights at night.

It is necessary to install filters that will both purify the water and get rid of the smell in the aquarium. They can be both internal and external. The first of them are small in size and are also equipped with pumps and a diffuser. Such filters do an excellent job of purifying water. The latter, in appearance, resemble a small canister with a pump, which is placed outside the aquarium. Such a filter is connected to water by tubes. In addition, it is necessary to do a general cleaning of the aquarium several times a year, thoroughly cleaning it.

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