Is it possible to give aquarium fish bread? Is it possible to feed aquarium fish with bread?

Which fish can you give bread to?

Fish need carbohydrates. They help maintain energy and stimulate physical activity. The faster the fish moves, the more carbohydrate food it needs. Phlegmatic people who prefer to sit in houses or thickets need mainly protein foods, for example, live food.

Even for fish that need carbohydrates, bread should not be the main food. It is suitable as a rare supplement. Bread and potatoes are too heavy for the fish's intestines and can cause severe disturbances in its functioning.

In small quantities, you can feed cichlids and gourami with bread. You need to buy products for your fish without chemical additives.

How to feed fish with bread in an aquarium:

  1. Separate the crumb from the crust.
  2. Form a cake with your fingers with a radius of 1-2 cm.
  3. Place on the surface of the water.

Feeding bread to fish is very interesting. For underwater inhabitants, bread is a delicacy. All the inhabitants of the aquarium, from guppies to predatory cichlids, will attack it and destroy the cake in a few minutes.

In this case, part of the product will definitely end up in the secluded corners of the aquarium, where, at best, herbivorous snails will find it and eat it, and at worst, the crumbs will ferment and spoil the water, after which you will have to turn on the filter and aerator at full power, or change at least a quarter of the liquid. Therefore, it is better to give bread before general cleaning of the fish house.

What greens can you give your fish?

Lettuce, spinach, dandelion, cabbage, young nettle, and plantain leaves are cut, doused with boiling water or frozen and fed to the fish. For fish that prefer to take food in the water column, the grass can be tied to a weight, and then removed along with the gnawed remains.

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Which fish should you not give bread to?

The food choices for aquarium fish are endless. Frozen, dried, live food in flakes, tablets, and prolonged action are sold. Even for pond inhabitants, granulated food is produced, which, unlike bread, contains vitamins and essential minerals and does not spoil the water.

An interesting fact: in Thailand, the police detained a Russian woman who was feeding fish with bread in a coral reef area. The woman faced a fine or imprisonment. Ichthyologists consider human food dangerous even for wild fish, not to mention aquarium fish.

Thai experts say that feeding sea fish with bread is at risk of death. Some carnivorous breeds experience fermentation in their stomachs and die due to increased gas production.

“CAN YOU FISH” - quick answers to all questions



1. What kind of fish can you keep and keep together? This question is covered widely and fully in this topic: Compatibility of aquarium fish? In general, we can say that small fish are kept with small ones, and large ones with large ones. It is better to keep fish of the same genus and species in the aquarium, as well as those that are similar in character and conditions of detention.

2. Where can I buy fish? It is recommended to buy aquarium fish exclusively in pet stores in the city, or better yet, from trusted fish breeders in your city. You can also buy fish online and at bird markets. With this option, you will save money, but you risk getting sick, weak fish, think and think about everything well - is it worth the risk? See Everything about purchasing, transplanting, transporting fish!

3. What can you feed the fish? How long can you go without feeding your fish? Can you feed fish bread? How many times can you feed the fish? Actually, you can feed the fish even with smoked sausage, the question is whether it will be healthy - we think not! You can feed the fish with special food sold in pet stores: live, dry, frozen. Large predators can be fed with shrimp, shellfish, ox heart, etc. Without consequences, you can not feed the fish for two days; moreover, such a procedure once a month will only benefit the fish. If we are talking about a long departure: a business trip or vacation, then you cannot leave the fish alone. Read this article: VACATION AND AQUARIUM! and Automatic fish feeders. You cannot feed fish with bread, because current bakery products leave much to be desired, and besides, fish do not eat “Borodino bread” in nature.

4. What can you call the fish? What can you call a betta fish? Here is the flight of your imagination. Here is the article, take a look at NAMES FOR FISH: WHAT TO NAME A FISH?

5. How can you catch a goldfish? The old man did this with the help of a seine. Aquarists do this with the help of a net.

6. Is it possible to eat aquarium fish? It is forbidden. This topic is covered here. Is it possible to eat aquarium fish?

See also: Aquarium for beginners

YOU CAN HAVE AN AQUARIUM: answers to all questions!

Why bread is dangerous

Once in the water, the bread quickly begins to ferment. Even labyrinth fish that can breathe outside air find it difficult to stay in such an aquarium. A compressor running around the clock cannot cope with pollution either.

Only a complete water change will help get rid of turbidity and odor, which does not benefit the underwater ecosystem and takes a lot of time from the owner.

Each type of fish needs special nutrition. There is no universal food. If you give your pets only bread, most of them will not receive the necessary elements. Species that require high levels of protein in their feed will be particularly affected.

Consultation with specialists and literature will help you calculate nutrition for each type of fish.

If you need carbohydrate nutrition, it is better to take semolina rather than bread. It will not turn sour, as it is quickly eaten up, and will be enjoyed by active fish that need energy. But it’s better to have catfish and mollusks in the aquarium to be on the safe side. They will pick up the semolina balls that have fallen to the bottom, preventing them from turning sour.

Feed your fish correctly, and they will delight you with their beauty and interesting behavior for a long time.

Feeding depending on the type of fish

Different breeds of fish have different nutritional needs. To make fish farming profitable, not only its age and weight, but also its type are taken into account:

  • Catfish. By the time catfish are fed artificial food, a digestive system is formed that is capable of digesting a variety of foods. Catfish are not so picky about the composition of their feed. Usually they use mixtures of SB-1 and SB-3, flavored with calcium. The fry receive food 8 times a day. Then - 4 times. Portion depends on temperature.
  • Salmonidae . The basis of nutrition is sea and freshwater fish, meat production waste, low-fat milk powder, meat and bone meal, fish meal, and krill meal. Mix the ingredients yourself or buy granulated salmon food.
  • Acne. Requires feed with a high protein content - the growth rate depends on them. Young animals receive food 10 times a day.
  • Sturgeon. These fish are fed high fat diets. The older the individual, the less often the feeding. Fry eat 10-12 times a day, adult fish - 4-8 times. Granular and paste food is suitable. The speed of weight gain and the quality of meat depend on their balance in minerals and vitamins. More information about sturgeon breeding can be found here.
  • Cyprinids. The daily rate depends on the weight of the fish and temperature. For fish weighing up to 0.5 kg it is 2.8% of the weight. Fingerlings and two-year-olds are fed granulated feed 2 times a day. Young animals - at first hourly, then less often. The number of feedings is reduced as the water cools. More about carp breeding is written here.

An experienced fish farmer in his video will tell you in detail about feeding carp in a pond:

Fish should not be fed bread - it contains sugar and yeast, which the fish do not need. In addition, baked goods quickly become soggy and contaminate the water.

Feeding aquarium fish: how many times a day

Beginning aquarists very often overfeed their pets, which has negative consequences. This most often leads to water contamination, which can cause the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium or cause them to become stressed. The harmful consequences that arise boil down to the following aspects:

  • Leftover uneaten food decomposes quickly, which causes the release of ammonia.
  • Excess food, especially protein ingested by fish, contributes to increased release of ammonia into the water space with waste products. The resulting ammonia in the water can deplete the biological filter. However, the biological filter can adapt and will cope with the increased level of the substance for some time, but the end result will be contamination of the aquarium and the development of various parasites.


Fish feeders are simple designs that can be purchased in specialized stores or made yourself. There are feeders:

  • lifting;
  • motionless;
  • self-popping;
  • automatic.

The simplest feeder is a float on which food containers are attached. To make it you will need a plastic canister cut in half or a wooden box.

A wooden block is attached to a plastic container to move the feeder around the pond. It is recommended to have 2 sections in the feeder - for different feeds. The structure is immersed in water. An ordinary brick will do for the load. To lower the feeder to different depths, weights of different weights are used. The structure is fixed to the shore so that, if necessary, food can be quickly lifted and placed in it.

There are different types of automatic feeders - with and without electric drive. In non-powered designs, feed is supplied using a variety of mechanical methods. For example, by touching the pendulum, the fish, swimming up, move it, and food is automatically supplied to the feeder. There are models in which portions are added after the clock-like mechanism is activated.

Feeding regime for catfish - stuck

Feeding of sticky catfish is carried out, as a rule, in the evening. In this case, it is recommended to turn off the light and wait until the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium fall asleep. Otherwise, the food intended for the catfish may be eaten by its neighbors. Please note that ancistrus, like all catfish, are very shy. During the day, they spend most of their time in shelters - hiding behind stones or shells, in driftwood or in special decorative houses.

Despite their calm and peaceful nature, sticky catfish are very jealous of their hiding places. Often they even drive other fish away from their houses.

If you are going to get ancistrus, then pay attention to the fact that a place in the aquarium must be prepared for the catfish. This species of fish does not like bright sunlight and daylight. Sticky catfish get along with almost any variety of aquarium inhabitants.

How to increase the food supply of a pond?

To increase the food supply of the pond, they resort to attracting insects. To do this, use fluorescent lamps - 30 cm above the water. If it is warm outside, at least 15 °C, the most insects appear at 22-23 hours. The lamps are turned on for several hours. The pond lighting norm is 1 lamp per 1 hectare. Under such conditions, per 1 sq. m manages to attract 100 g of insects.

To increase fish productivity:

  • Bottom sediments are loosened using special rakes. This promotes the development of plankton.
  • If fish are raised without wintering, humus is lowered to the bottom of the pond: 2-3 tons per 1 hectare.

The correct choice of food and adherence to the feeding regime are the basis for successful fish farming. The fish farmer’s task is to take into account all the factors influencing the diet and provide the fish stock with food that meets its needs.



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How long can you not feed aquarium fish?

The need of aquarists for a summer vacation reflects a person’s natural desire to rest during the entire working year. However, during such periods the aquarium must be left unattended.

Note: A properly equipped aquarium can survive without human intervention for a certain period of time. Aquarium fish are very hardy creatures and can easily withstand a temporary lack of food.

Before leaving for a long period of time, you should not purchase new fish and plants (to avoid infection of the water area), fry and other small individuals. It is also worth reducing the dosage of food given and completely eliminating foods that pollute water from the diet. The fish will eat only the portion they need, and the remainder will begin to spoil the quality of the water. It is imperative to clean all aquarium equipment and refresh the water by replacing 1/3 of the total volume. It is not recommended to leave sick fish for a long time in a community aquarium.

Under such conditions, the fish can remain without feeding for 7-10 days, depending on the species.

How does feeding regimen depend on the season?

Fish are cold-blooded animals, so their metabolism depends on the ambient temperature. As the temperature rises, metabolism accelerates; as the temperature drops, it slows down.

Rules for feeding fish according to the season:

  • Pond fish begin to be fed at a water temperature of 8-10 °C.
  • The pond feeding season begins in the spring and ends before winter.
  • In summer, feeding is limited if the water temperature reaches 26-30 °C. Oxygen does not dissolve well in heated water, and the fish has difficulty breathing. During this period, food is harmful.

In winter, the fish completely or partially falls asleep. The body receives nutrition from accumulated reserves. Table 3 shows the distribution of feed by month (for a temperate climate).

Table 3

Month % of total feed volume
May 5-10
June 20-25
July 20-35
August 25-30
September 5-10

How do you spell it?

Part of speech: verb

Part of speech: participle

Part of speech: participle

Active participle:

Present tense
MasculineFeminineNeuter gender

What to feed aquarium fish if there is no food

There are times in life when you suddenly run out of special food and you need to look for an urgent solution to the problem. However, there are ways to feed your pets by using the following tips (Figure 7):

  • Earthworms: Large aquarium specimens are very willing to eat earthworms, but they must be thoroughly washed and crushed before dispensing. You should give the fish only the amount they need to completely satisfy their hunger.
  • Raw meat without streaks of fat can be eaten in the absence of live food. Raw meat should be scraped off with a knife and given to aquarium pets only in this form.
  • Cereals, especially buckwheat or semolina, as well as wheat porridge, are very readily eaten by all types of carp and labyrinth fish. However, such products should only be given as a last resort. The cereal must be boiled until it becomes a thick porridge, then rinsed under a stream of cold water and only after all the mucus has disappeared, strain through a sieve. You can store it in any cool place.
  • Non-live food. This includes: dried daphnia, egg yolk, bloodworms (cut, dried and frozen), raw or dried meat, porridge, etc. Such feeds must be used with extreme caution, as they quickly decompose and begin to spoil the water.

Figure 7. Additional food for fish: 1 - earthworms, 2 - raw meat, 3 - semolina porridge, 4 - daphnia

How to choose the right food?

You cannot feed a fish stock with the first available food. Industrial feeds are produced taking into account the age of the fish - in Table 1.

Table 1

Age What to feed?
FryStarter food made from krill meal with glucan (immunostimulant).
juvenilesTransition food based on fishmeal, fish oil and gluten.
Adult fishMixtures of fish meal with added vitamins.

The composition of feed for carp and salmon fish is also different. Compound feed for carp contains grain and grain production waste.

When choosing food you also take into account:

  • Type of fish. The composition of feed for carp and salmon fish is significantly different. Compound feed for carp contains grain and grain production waste.
  • Release form. There are granulates and extruded forms. The first uses a binder, the second uses denatured protein. Extruded feed crumbles less and does not pollute water. Swells 6 times slower than granular.
  • Manufacturer. When choosing a feed supplier, you should consider reputation as well as value for money.

Feed manufacturers offer many versions and forms of release. How to figure out what food your fish needs? Table 2 shows the types of food and what fish they are suitable for.

table 2

Type of feedWho are they suitable for? Peculiarities
StartingfryContains many nutrients and proteins.
Productionadult fishWell absorbed. Provides high weight gain and feed savings.
For manufacturersproducers before spawningEnsure high-quality formation of reproductive products. Allows you to obtain high-quality fish seeding material.
With pigmentfor salmon breedsThey contain a lot of carotenoids, which give fish meat a beautiful orange color.

I'll feed you, how do you spell it?

Part of speech: verb

Part of speech: participle

Part of speech: participle

Active participle:

Present tense
MasculineFeminineNeuter gender

Is it possible to feed aquarium fish with bread?

All aquarists know that each type of fish needs special food. However, aquarium pets need carbohydrates and proteins. To correctly compile a feeding diet, consultations with experienced sellers in pet stores are necessary.

When it gets into water, the bread gets wet very quickly and begins to sour, which causes unpleasant smelling water. It will be possible to get rid of such a smell only after completely replacing the water space of the aquarium. For this reason, using bread as fish food is not recommended.

Feeding place

The feeding regime is influenced by the habitat/keeping of the fish. This can be a private pond, a natural or artificial reservoir. If the reservoir is large, then the feeding place is marked by placing a pole or a floating buoy.

The fish are fed at the same time so that the fish develops a conditioned reflex to the place and time of food intake - this prevents the food from becoming soggy and washed out. They feed fish in the coastal zone. The optimal depth is 60-80 cm.

Private ponds

If fish are raised in a natural reservoir, the requirements for feed are not as stringent as when raising livestock in artificial ponds. Natural ponds contain a variety of plankton, which are supplemented with granules or dough-like feed.

Preference is given to granulated feed and briquettes - these types of feed are characterized by good moisture resistance. Dough food is inferior to granulated food at this point - after an hour it loses 50% of its nutritional value.

When growing fish in cages and pools, the feeding is 100% artificial. The selection of feed and calculation of norms should be approached especially seriously - the efficiency of the fish farming business depends on correctly selected feed.

In the country

Fish bred in small country ponds should be fed regularly. There is no food supply here or it is very scarce. In order for fish to grow, gain weight and reproduce, they need artificial food.

The food is given in doses. If you provide more food than required, the fish will not eat it and the pond water will become polluted. Dirty water will cause oxygen starvation in the inhabitants of the pond, their immunity will decrease, and they will begin to get sick. It is not recommended to scatter food over the surface of the pond; special feeders are provided for feeding.

You can see what they feed fish in country ponds in the video below:

The following article will tell you what kind of fish can be bred at your dacha or farm.

Video on the topic

Watch a video about the features of feeding barbs:

To feed barbs, a variety of nutritional compositions are needed. mandatory herbal supplements have a good effect To ensure that the fish have a beautiful color and do not get sick, the portion sizes and frequency of feedings are observed.

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Feeding the fish | AquaDomik

Anatoly Onegov

The very first fish that lived at my house was a crucian carp. I caught it with a net in an overgrown pond, caught it by accident while hunting for a swimming beetle, brought it home, and it lived with me all winter in a large glass jar. Then I did not yet know that it is best to feed fish with live food (bloodworms, daphnia, cyclops), that fish in an aquarium are fed bread only on rare occasions, since uneaten bread crumbs quickly sour and spoil the water, and every morning I rolled bread balls and I treated my crucian carp with them. Karasik turned out to be smart, he quickly learned to approach the front glass of the jar when I tapped it with my finger - that’s when I threw a small bread ball into the water. The ball slowly sank down, and the crucian carp, if it was hungry, immediately rushed to it. Of course, I didn’t know how many bread balls to give the fish, and I didn’t even think of counting how many balls my crucian carp eats each time, and therefore almost always, as they say, I overfed it. His tummy was swelling, and I continued to roll the bread balls. Now the crucian carp swam quite lazily for the treat, did not catch up with it and slowly returned back. I would have stopped here and not fed the fish anymore, but I thought that my fish simply didn’t like this particular ball, and immediately sent the next one to the aquarium. And only when four or five bread balls had already accumulated at the bottom of my aquarium jar did I stop, believing that the crucian carp was finally full. Well, and that bread that remained at the bottom - why didn’t I remove it from the aquarium? Maybe he was lazy? No. I just thought that a little later my fish would find and eat these bread pellets, because she might get hungry when I’m not at home. And, of course, bread left in the aquarium spoiled the water and it became cloudy. And then, still not realizing that the reason for everything was sour bread, I began to change the water. Poor crucian carp! How much he endured: constantly spoiled water, and endless changes of water, until my father intervened in my experiments and strictly ordered me to feed the fish only twice a day, morning and evening, exactly by the clock, and give it to it every time only two or three balls. “How come, only two or three balls? — I silently resisted my father’s categorical advice. “After all, my crucian carp can eat twice as much!” And sometimes, breaking the order established by my father, instead of three bread balls, I still gave the crucian carp four or five, and he almost always ate them. This means that the father was wrong, which means that the crucian carp is hungry... But, having fed the fish properly, I noticed that the water in the aquarium was spoiling again, becoming cloudy, although now after feeding there were no bread crumbs left at the bottom. What's the matter?.. And again my father came to my aid. Having somehow discovered that the water in my aquarium had become cloudy, he immediately accused me of violating the feeding order and explained why the water was spoiling. It turned out, firstly, from food that fell to the bottom of the aquarium and was not picked up by the fish. And it could be not only bread, but also other food. Secondly, because the fish ate all the food, but there was too much of it, that is, the fish were overfed. Like all living things, fish, after digesting the food they have absorbed, are freed from waste they no longer need - excrement. Overfeed your fish and too much waste will end up in the aquarium water. The remains of digested food contain various organic substances that will immediately begin to decompose. And immediately putrefactive bacteria, responsible for the decomposition of organic residues, will begin to multiply, and therefore the water in the aquarium will immediately become cloudy. And only after all organic residues are processed by bacteria, and the bacteria themselves are absorbed by the ciliates living in the aquarium, will the water become clear again. The water can deteriorate from excess waste if there are too many fish in the aquarium - even with normal feeding. Reduce the number of feedings, do not feed the fish once in the evening, and by morning the water will become clear again. Remember! Cloudiness of the water during normal feeding (without overfeeding) is the first sign that there are too many fish in your aquarium. Yes, overfeeding fish is bad - the water in the aquarium spoils. Well, if the water didn’t spoil, then maybe you still need to feed the fish until they absorb the food? Let the fish's belly swell - maybe this makes it feel better? No, overfeeding is harmful for the fish themselves. Like other animals, fish become fat from overfeeding, their metabolism is disrupted, and they soon die. Therefore, you always need to remember this rule: you can feed the fish only as long as they willingly pick up food. As soon as the fish begin to react lazily to food, feeding should be stopped. Another rule follows from this: next time you can feed the fish only when they get hungry and again begin to greedily pick up food. It is usually recommended to feed the fish twice a day: morning and evening. But some aquarists argue that it is better to feed them once a day. Indeed, with one-time feeding, the fish seem to feel quite well. I feed the fish in the morning and evening and I think that this way the fish overeat less - after all, I divide the daily amount of food into two parts, and do not give it at once in one feeding. In nature, fish rarely get lots and lots of food at once, and you rarely see a fish (except for predators that can swallow very large prey) with an abdomen swollen from food. In nature, fish constantly hunt, search for food, and are constantly on the move. This is why it is very good to feed aquarium fish, even relatively large ones, with live daphnia and live cyclops: here your fish will have to hunt for fast crustaceans, and ordinary feeding, which takes no more than 5-10 minutes, will stretch out over time and turn into a hunt, as in natural body of water. That is why it is very good to purchase or make a special feeder with a fine mesh and use such a feeder to feed the fish with bloodworms and tubifex. Moreover, there should be different feeders for the bloodworms and the piping worm - for the bloodworms the mesh is less frequent, for the piping worm it is more frequent. And even for large and small tubifex, the feeders should be different: with large and fine mesh. Both bloodworms and tubifex, each from their own feeder, will gradually make their way through the mesh cells and enter the aquarium. If you feed the fish with bloodworms and tubifex without special feeders, then the fish, having pounced on the food, will immediately fill their bellies. And if you feed them through feeders, they will have to wait for the next portion of food. When the feeders are selected correctly and the bloodworm or tubifex gradually gets out of them from the aquarium, then feeding the fish takes quite a long time, and is often accompanied by “physical exercises”: the fish try to get food, quickly pull out the bloodworm or tubifex, and quarrel over food. Such feeders are also good because the fish immediately eat the food. And if you simply throw bloodworms and tubifex into the water, then some of them manage to burrow into the ground, and the fish do not get part of the food. It is very good to feed the fish with bark. A coretra released into an aquarium can live there for more than one day, and the fish will have to hunt for it, and even more actively than for daphnia and cyclops: the coretra is very mobile, able to hide among the leaves of plants. Remember this, and if there is an opportunity to get such live food, then do not miss it. True, you can sometimes hear that coretra is supposedly less nutritious than bloodworms or tubifex. But even if this is so, it still doesn’t matter. Let your fish hunt for correts for a day or two, live on the so-called light food, and then again for a day, two, three you can feed them with bloodworms or tubifex. You shouldn't overfeed your fish, and here's why. Many fish, in addition to bloodworms, tubifex, coretras, daphnia and cyclops, happily eat various algae. When you become interested in fishing, you will learn that in summer the roach living in the river is not so easy to outwit. Sometimes you offer the fish the most varied, seemingly most delicious baits, which it just recently did not refuse, but now it doesn’t even pay attention to them. What's the matter? The problem is that filamentous algae began to develop in the river, and now the roach feeds only on them. And if you manage to hold a roach in your hand at this time, then you will immediately be convinced that the tummy of this fish is filled with liquid green mass - the roach eats “greens,” as fishermen will say. Remember our conversation about guppies: I told you that usually in the aquarium where these fish live, the leaves of the plants are always clean - guppies collect all the algae from the plants. So, not only guppies eat algae. But when there is another, and most importantly, more accessible food in the aquarium, the fish forget about algae and begin to eat tubifex and bloodworms. Underfeed a few fish, give them just one bloodworm each, and they will immediately begin to clean the leaves of plants and the glass of the aquarium from algae. That is why there is no particular harm in leaving the fish for a day or two without food at all. You can often hear from not very competent aquarists that you don’t need to feed the fish at all for almost a whole month. Yes, fish left in an aquarium for a month without food (if there are few fish in the aquarium) will not die of hunger and will find at least some food for themselves, but they will stop growing, and young, not yet formed fish will stop developing even after such starvation. They will no longer be the handsome men they could have been. Prolonged fasting is fraught with another danger: hungry fish greedily rush to feed. Make a slight mistake, overfeed them a little, and they will die. Not long ago I had a speckled catfish in my aquarium. It is sometimes not quite correctly called callicht. There is another catfish called the Kalicht, and it is much less common among aquarists. The catfish lived alone in my aquarium. I didn’t get any other fish, planning to leave Moscow for a month in the summer. My aquarium was large, plants grew well in it, snails lived, and algae developed. I did not interfere particularly in the life of the aquarium, and life there went on as usual. The remains of plants sank to the bottom and were eaten by snails. I have noticed more than once that my catfish is also interested in the leaves of plants that have fallen to the bottom, and therefore I was not very worried about my fish - I thought that it would live for a month without me. And then a month passed, I returned and was happy to see that my catfish was alive and seemingly healthy. At least he hadn't lost weight and was still energetic. Of course, that same day I went to the pond and caught daphnia with a net. If I were going to feed a catfish with bloodworms after a month of fasting, then, of course, I would be careful and first give the fish the smallest bloodworm. The next day I would give her another one - after all, after a long fast, animals need to get used to food. But instead of bloodworms, I had very small daphnia, and I, thinking that the clumsy catfish was unlikely to immediately catch all the crustaceans, put a little more daphnia in the aquarium than the catfish would need for the first time. My catfish immediately began catching crustaceans, and soon I realized that I had made a mistake: the hungry fish ate a lot of food for the first time. I tried to catch crustaceans from the aquarium, but I could not do this - the daphnia scattered throughout the aquarium. The next day, fearing the worst, I hardly fed the catfish, and its swollen abdomen seemed to begin to collapse. I had already stopped thinking about the worst, but the worst happened: in the evening I saw my catfish dead... Therefore, I advise you: do not reassure yourself that your fish can live for a long time without food. The lack of good food affects them greatly. You've probably come across small ponds more than once, overgrown and dirty, where there are a lot of small crucian carp. Try to establish the age of such a crucian carp, and this is not difficult to do, by counting the number of concentric circles on the fish’s scales, and you will be surprised: the crucian carp is not a baby at all, he is many years old, but unfavorable living conditions did not allow the fish to grow up and become as big as his brothers in cleaner water, and most importantly, with an abundance of good food. Sometimes you will come across dwarf perches in quarries or forest lakes, which, although they have lived in the reservoir for many years, still look like babies. So, without food, good, complete food, you cannot raise beautiful fish. Fish, like all living things, need vitamins. I have already told you how to feed fish with dry food (dry daphnia, dry cyclops). If it happens that you do not have any live food, I have already advised you to add two or three drops of liquid vitamin D to a teaspoon of dry food. When you become experienced aquarists and learn how to prepare fish food yourself, you will definitely notice that among the daphnia you catch in the summer, there are those that have green dots visible in the lower part of their body - of course, it’s easier to notice them under a magnifying glass. Know: these dots are green algae absorbed by daphnia. And if you manage to prepare just such crustaceans for the winter, with green dots of algae at the end of the body, then your dry food will contain vitamins, because algae always contains these substances necessary for fish. And if you add vitamin D to such dry daphnia, then such dry food will be much more valuable than just dry crustaceans. There is one more very important rule on how to feed your fish. You cannot feed them the same food all the time. No, the fish that you feed only with bloodworms, or only with tubifex, or only with live daphnia, will not die, will not noticeably stop growing, but their development may slow down, they will be worse colored, or even stop reproducing. Remember: fish need a variety of food! Often in books you will see tables or graphs that indicate how and what to feed certain fish. Only very experienced aquarists who have the opportunity to choose what to feed their fish can maintain such schedules. Well, what should we do if there is neither a pet store nor a market nearby that sells food? We will do this: we will look for a variety of food for the fish. Yesterday we ourselves got bloodworms from the bottom of the pond, and in a day or two we will definitely go in search of daphnia and cyclops. And of course, if you and I come across correts, we’ll catch them too. For a day, two, three, we’ll feed the fish with crustaceans and barkweed caught for them, and then we’ll go back in search of bloodworms or tubifex. If your fish are large, then you can give them pieces of finely chopped raw meat, the size of small bloodworms. And it’s okay if you don’t have any other food for some time. Well, there you will again get daphnia, cyclops, coretra, bloodworms, and tubifex. So, a variety of food is another very important condition for the normal life of fish in your home. How much food should you give your fish at one feeding? And here you will find advice in books, but all this advice is very approximate. And therefore, it is best for you to decide for yourself, by observing the fish, how much food to give the fish at one feeding. Remember our rule: fish should be fed only as long as they pick up food with great desire. But then the fish began to feel lethargic; they suddenly didn’t pick up another bloodworm, although they could have picked it up. All! Feeding must be stopped immediately! This way you will estimate how much food your fish need, how many bloodworms and tubifex they need to be given at one time. What if you feed your fish bark or crustaceans? You can let in more coretras without much fear that your fish will overeat, because they still need to catch each coretra. You can also release more crustaceans. You just need to always make sure that live daphnia and cyclops get into the aquarium - dead crustaceans will settle to the bottom and spoil the water. It is necessary to carefully ensure that before feeding the crustaceans are in water at the same temperature as in the aquarium. If the water in the vessel containing live food is different, then once in the aquarium, your crustaceans may die. Cyclops are especially sensitive to temperature changes. If you put cyclops, who were just in cold water, into an aquarium where the water is much warmer, they will almost immediately begin to settle to the bottom in a lifeless whitish cloud. Well, that’s probably all the basic advice on how to feed the fish that live with you. And now it’s time to talk about another very important and interesting activity - hunting for fish food. Yes, I didn't make a mistake. For me, to this day, the search for daphnia, cyclops, and living dust is the most exciting hunting-search, which always gives me many interesting encounters and asks many unexpected questions. Well, for example... Only the day before yesterday in this abandoned pond I washed up quite large red daphnia with a net, but today, no matter how much I searched, I didn’t find anything. Why?.. Or: why yesterday there were a lot of Cyclops on this shore, but today he is not here, he all ended up on the opposite shore? Why is there only small bloodworms in one pond, and large ones in the other? Why do mosquitoes, which will hatch from bloodworms buried in the soil of an aquarium, not bite and do not have that proboscis with which a mosquito usually pierces the skin? And how many different living creatures fall into the net when you hunt for daphnia and cyclops, and how interesting it is then at home, having planted various bugs and larvae that were caught in the net along with daphnia and cyclops in jars, rummaging through books and determining exactly what kind of bugs they are and the larvae, how they live, what they eat, how they survive the winter under the ice. And how many times, returning from the pond or rivulets, where I went for food, I brought home various plants, snails and, of course, fish ... So they came to me in the aquarium of supreme and string, carcasses and bullshit, squinted and amazing fish-briefings . There is a small rivulet of a holy near Moscow, or wheezing, as they call her on the map. This river near the Kratovo railway station is blocked by a dam. Here a pond has long formed, relatively clean, large, but the Huripan herself to the pond and after it is small, with swampy shores, and now to me, an adult, it seems a dirty, sewage. And earlier, during my childhood, a wheezing was an infinitely large world for me, full of secrets and adventures. And here, to Khrippanka, every summer day we went with baskets and nets on our hunt. We tried to catch the largest dragonfly-brominated dragonfly, and with baskets, we were hunting for beetles and back bugs, which were at that time were found in Khripanka, with baskets. We knew bugs-swords for a long time, caught them, put them in banks and in the morning found that there were no bugs in banks. We believed that someone caught and ate Zhukov, suspected a cat, even forty, and did not know at all that these beetles-real beetles, with wings, could not only swim, but also fly. And again, having discovered the loss, we went to the river in search of these, each time the mysteriously disappearing beetles. Here during such a hunt for the rockers and beetles, we met with a man, very strangely armed. He had a large scoop on a long handle, a large sieve with a high arc above the rim and a gauze deep net. The man, going into the river, took out a black dirt-yla with a scoop, poured this dirt-yil into the sieve and, holding both hands by the high arc, began to vigorously twist the sieve back and forth, back and forth. We were afraid to immediately approach a stranger and watched him so far from the side. But then the stranger stopped turning back and forth his sieve, took the gauze net into his right hand and began to collect something with this clock in his sieve. Yeah, this stranger is also engaged in some kind of hunt, since he collects something with a clock in the grate, and if he is also a hunter, like us, then there is nothing to be afraid-and step by step, our barefoot detachment approached a strange hunter and his mysterious guns. At this time, our stranger, apparently gathering everything that had to be collected in the gratitude, put aside the net, straightened up and, seeing us, winked at the cheerfully. We dared completely, immediately were nearby and one after another they began to look into the sieve. And of course, almost immediately received answers to questions that tormented us. It turned out that the stranger came here from Moscow to hunt for bloodworms, for red worms, which have long been familiar to us. We just did not know that there are so many of these worms in our river that you can come for them even from Moscow. It turned out that the moth is a mosquito larva, but not that biting, annoying, but another, a mosquito-dergun who does not bite anyone. We learned that the bloodworm is small and large, that there is almost no large bloodworm in our river, and it is a pity - this large bloodless bloodless was very good. Immediately, having figured out what was the matter and how exactly they get the bloodworms, we found that our moth hunter was also a fish hunter-in a large glass jar put in the shadow under the bushes, he swams a dozen three fish. These fish did not resemble either the crucians or the perch, which we had already caught with baskets and on the hook, we have never met such fish. And the hunter for bloodworms and fish explained to us that this is just a bit that are very interesting in that they can squeak and predict bad weather. When the back of the oxygen is not enough in the water, it rises to the surface and begins to draw into the air-then the sound that looks like a squeak is heard. Well, if the back of the “bolt” rushes around the aquarium, behaves very restlessly, know: the thunderstorm will begin soon. We listened to the story of this wonderful fish, which was also nearby, here, in our Hrypanka, as fascinated. Of course, we needed this same backwater right there, now. And, having parted with a kind person who told us so many interesting things, we climbed into the water and began to catch a pile of pins, which at that time were still in our river. We soon caught a backwater, put in the same bank in which the floodplains were planted before, and, remembering that the fish in the aquarium had to be fed with a bloodworm, we went to wash the bloodworms. And we washed the bloodworm, although with grief in half, although we smeared from head to toe in the mud, and fed our loach- everything seemed to be as it should, but our backwaters died the next day. Having burned, we put two new wires in a jar and began to wait for them to predict the change in the weather for the worse. But the loons immediately began to behave very strangely: they lay at the bottom and poured to the wall of a can turned into a room. The bank stood on the window, it was lit by a bright and hot summer sun. The sun was beautiful, how beautifully hot summer, and we did not know that this sun had already ruined our loach. Later, when our other back bugs died in the bank and we, frustrated, killed by grief, again met our moth hunter, who knew everything about different water animals, he said that the sun is very dangerous for fish living in our house. The fish left in the bank in the sun are doomed - the water is quickly heated, and they die. In addition, the loons were cold -water fish, and therefore it did not matter already at a temperature of 20 °. So was given to us, hasty and hasty boys, who did not have a single book about a living corner, about rivers and ponds, the experience of communicating with nature. Having lost several bunches and accurately learned from our good acquaintance who again arrived ashore the hoarse to wash their bloodworms, what was our mistake, we, on his advice, began to search for water crustaceans in the pond and small fits of water crustaceans in the pond: Daphnia and cyclops. - And get acquainted with these barely noticeable creatures. But it is unlikely that the world of these tiny animals would have interested us, we would hardly have been carried away by new searches if, together with the story of water fleas, they usually call Daphnia - our adult friend did not give us an amazing device: a small pocket microscope. The pocket microscope turned out to be not such a difficult tool and rather looked like a microscope, but on a short teasory pipe. It was possible to see something in this microscope only by directing it to the light. As I recall, the pocket microscope had a single lens- a magnifying glass attached to the end of the tube less, which entered the tender pipe itself. So, moving a pipe with a magnifying glass in a tender pipe, it was possible to draw a microscope for sharpness and consider everything that was placed between two thin object glasses (the so -called these glasses in a real microscope). These two glasses, along with the subject, which was required to consider, were placed in the slots of the telescope and pressed by the spring. You can’t imagine with what surprise I looked at this microscope for the first time the wing of a mosquito, large, transparent, mesh, and then met the famous water flea, daphnia, and saw her antenna mustache, with which she jumps in the water. I then saw green balls-water-water balls in the flowering water of the pond and finally met the very cadet-ghosts, which later, when he grew up and began to breed fish, fed the frying cardinals and macropods that had just hatched from the eggs. The world of water, the world of the pond and the simplest puddle that remained after the rain, the world is infinitely mysterious, every day it is done for me more and more understandable. That is why, when I got the fry of the guppies, swordsmen, Pecilia, I already knew what water fleas are - daphnia, what cyclops, live dust, ciliates, and claws. I already knew that Daphnia can only be found in the spring and summer, that this tiny crustacean drops to the bottom of the reservoir and dies to the cold, leaving the testicles covered with a special shell in his place. But the cyclops can be found in winter - this crustacean is safely wintering under the ice. For me, it was no longer a mystery why by the evening Daphnia is easier to catch than during the day: in bright light, Daphnia sinks to a depth. I did not hesitate where to go in search of Daphnia and Cyclops when the wind blew. Of course, we must go to the shore that is covered from the wind - crustacean now, they moved there to hide from the waves. When I grew up, I really wanted to find the person who washed on the shore of the Harse Motyl and opened the interesting world of water on the shore, but it was not possible to find him: I did not know his name. And in memory of those wonderful meetings, in memory of the lessons on the shore of a small rivulet, a pocket microscope remained with me for a long time: two tubes that entered one into another, two object glasses and a magnifying glass embedded in a smaller tube. I’m now many years old, the children's microscope was somewhere, but I still remember everything that I saw through his not very strong magnifying glass, I remember as accurately as I remember the river of my childhood, overgrown with herring, with brutters, moths And beetles-swimming ups, which each time flew out of our cans and never returned back. I remember and our hunting baskets, with whom we hunted for all living creatures and in which, instead of wyes and beetles-swords, water meters and bugs-stones, leeches and vegetable vegetables were constantly falling. Later, these animals were at my place, they felt very well, but I will tell about them a little later, when the stories about fish living in the aquarium come to an end.

In the meantime, try to remember everything that I told you about here, so as not to make serious mistakes and not kill the fish living in your aquarium. And let the misleading impression never let you down: they say, you didn’t feed the fish with live food for a week and nothing happened; or: I feed one bloodworm - and everything is fine. Remember: improper feeding, alas, will not have an immediate impact, and when trouble strikes, it will be too late to correct anything! These are the laws of nature, according to which any animal that settles with a person must receive plenty of varied and high-quality vitamin food.

Nutrition Basics

Before you start feeding your budgie, it's best to become familiar with what budgies like. Under natural conditions, on Australian territory, these birds eat mainly seeds and grains of plants, and can gnaw on the buds or branches of young trees. They will also not fly past living squirrels - small edible insects.

But what should you feed budgies at home to keep them healthy? Of course, feeding your parrot anything, especially scraps from your table, is not a good option. Such attempts can end disastrously: from failures in the well-coordinated functioning of the pet’s body to death.

In order to feed the bird well without such complications, you need to know how to feed your budgie correctly: what you can give and what you can’t. The budgerigar's diet should consist of the following ingredients:

Let's take a closer look at what exactly from the above can be eaten by wavy pets.

Food for budgies is divided into two types: animal and plant. The first type consists of eggs, fish oil, cottage cheese and other products. Feeding budgerigars with food of animal origin should be done no more than three times a month; this type of food is considered supplementary.

You will learn what you can give birds from animal food and what you cannot feed budgies in the article “Can a budgie eat bread, eggs and other foods.”

Basis of avian nutrition

The second type of food for a wavy pet consists of many plant seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and berries. The best food for budgies is a grain mixture. It is considered the basis of any bird diet and may contain the following ingredients:

  • various varieties of millet;
  • oats;
  • millet;
  • canary seed;
  • flax seeds;
  • nougat seeds;
  • rapeseeds;
  • sesame seeds;
  • safflower seeds;
  • hemp seed;
  • raw sunflower seeds;
  • wildflower seeds.

What you can feed your budgie is up to you - there is a huge variety of grain mixtures on the bird food market. For example, food Padovan, Prestige, Kiki, Rio and others.

To choose your bird's favorite type of food, you must first give him one brand to try. When it runs out, another one until you find one that your pet will not only eat with special pleasure, but also loudly ask for more. Also, “wavy animals” can be interested in monofeed - different grains in separate packages. For example, just oats or canary seed separately.

Now we will talk about how to feed a budgie so that it is not hungry, but also does not become obese, as well as about the quality of the grain mixture.

Daily norm of grain mixture

A wavy pet should eat no more than two to three teaspoons of food or about twenty grams per day. Young birds can eat a little more than adults, since their bodies need energy and full development, which it takes from food.

Make sure that your pet does not overeat - give him a maximum of three teaspoons per day. Don't spoil your parrot. If you notice that the food has begun to run out in the first half of the day, no longer give the bird the entire daily allowance in the morning, but stretch it out throughout the day.

A budgerigar should have regular meals. These birds simply cannot starve, because they have a very fast metabolism. Their body quickly digests and assimilates food, so they cannot do without it for more than a day. Be careful: pets usually eat the grains and leave the husks behind - do not mistake them for edible food. Replenish your parrot's food supply every day.

Selection conditions

It is preferable to choose a grain mixture or monofeed in sealed packaging: in a bag or vacuum packaging. A simple cardboard box or loose feed does not guarantee compliance with the necessary storage conditions. In this form, food can be spoiled.

When buying food directly from the store, be sure to check the integrity of the packaging - squeeze it with your hands. If no air comes out, then everything is fine. If you have the opportunity to see the quality of the food through the transparent parts of the packaging, take advantage of it. Don't forget to check the expiration date, which is printed right on the packaging.

Before giving your budgerigars the purchased food, pour it into a plate and examine it carefully. It should be free of mold, dark spots and traces of someone’s life activity: droppings, insects or larvae. The quality of the grain mixture is indicated by its natural color and shine. You can even taste the grains - the edible food is pleasant, slightly sweet.

Sprouted food

Sprouted grains are not only an excellent alternative to dry food, but also a very nutritious and healthy food. Sprouted food increases its biological value: content of vitamins and fiber. Thanks to this, the birds’ immunity is increased, their metabolism is stabilized, and possible disruptions in the body are restored.

Sprouted grains are especially useful in the cold season, during molting, when feeding offspring, when birds lack vital substances. You can germinate millet, millet, barley and other grain crops.

Carefully selected grains must first be washed well in running water and then filled with warm water. Preferably overnight. After this, the water is drained, the grains are washed again, poured into a suitable saucer and covered with gauze (bandage) folded in several layers. The main condition is that the fabric needs to be wet and lightly squeezed so that it becomes damp. The saucer is placed in a dark place, where it is warm.

We recommend reading: Cat Vomiting White Foam Treatment

Feeding rules and conditions

If the fish does not have enough natural food for normal growth, it is fed artificial food. For each specific case, the volumes, types and mode of feeding are determined. Dietary patterns are influenced by many factors, including the chemical composition of water and the degree of its pollution.

The following factors influence fish feeding:

  • Season. In summer, fish are given more food than in cold weather. Many species do not eat at all in winter, hibernating.
  • Type and age. Young fish require more food.
  • Accommodation. Fish living in ponds and in open reservoirs/cages are fed differently.
  • Temperature. Fish are usually fed 2 times a day - before 10 o'clock and at 14 o'clock. In the summer, in July-August, when there is a lot of natural food, the fish are fed a couple of hours after sunrise. In autumn, fish are fed once a day - at 10-12 o'clock. Feeding rates are gradually reduced, focusing on the water temperature. For example, they stop feeding carp when the water cools down to 10 degrees.
  • Eatability. To determine whether individuals have enough food, pay attention to the rate of consumption. The fish eats a single portion of feed within 2-3 hours. If food disappears quickly, the norm should be increased. If food is not eaten for more than 3 hours, the norms are reduced.

Main food of parrots

Basically, to feed budgies, it will be enough to pour grains of any cereals into their feeder (buckwheat, millet, oats, barley, millet, etc.). But feeding the bird only grains is not correct.

A parrot, like all living beings, needs micronutrients and vitamins for normal functioning.

Let’s consider in order what should be a “must have” in a parrot’s diet and what can be added to it to improve the health of the pet.

Grain mixtures

Parrots love to eat grain food, which includes:

  • millet;
  • oats;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • sesame;
  • flax seeds;
  • meadow grass seeds;
  • walnut or cashew;
  • grass seeds
  • canary and hemp seed.

From the large selection of food types available in pet stores, you can choose any. Up to two teaspoons of grains will be enough for one adult parrot to eat every day.

In addition, you can offer your pet healthy vegetables and fruits for feeding.


There is a list of vegetables that will be very useful in a parrot’s diet, and there is a list of foods that a parrot should not eat. Let's consider both.

Budgerigars can be given:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • turnip;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini and squash;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes (only from the garden, without nitrates);
  • beets;
  • young corn;
  • beans and peas;
  • sweet bell pepper.

The list of vegetables that parrots should not eat includes:


The wavy plant can also not eat everything from fruits.

Under no circumstances should you give your parrot:

A feathered pet's mandatory year-round diet should include apples. As a treat, you can and should offer the wavy pears and pineapples.

The following fruits and berries are rich in vitamins, acids, sugars and nutritional elements:

  1. Citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges).
  2. Bananas (give fresh, peel off).
  3. Grapes (removes toxins from the bird’s body).
  4. Plums.
  5. Sweet cherries and sour cherries.
  6. Peaches and apricots.
  7. Kiwi.
  8. Berries: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, currants, lingonberries.
  9. Pomegranate.

Greens for the parrot

In the wild, budgies, in addition to cereals, fruits and vegetables, also eat herbs.

Wavys love greenery, so pamper your pet

Greens that you can pick from the garden, wash and add to your pet’s cage are:

  • burdock;
  • clover;
  • plantain leaves;
  • freshly cut green grass;
  • knotweed;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • carrot and beet tops;
  • green cereals;
  • leaves from a young willow;
  • leaves and buds of fruit trees;
  • spruce branches (in small quantities).

What to feed the sticky catfish

The main diet of the sticky catfish consists, as a rule, of special bottom food in fairly large granules. However, in addition, these fish can be fed with cucumbers, cabbage leaves, pre-scalded with boiling water, or lettuce, dandelion leaves, or even pumpkin pieces. These types of food are placed on the bottom of the aquarium and lightly pressed with a stone.

Sucker catfish also consume live food with pleasure. The main problem is that such food does not always remain; it is first eaten by other inhabitants of the aquarium. If a bloodworm or a tubifex is on the bottom, the catfish will very quickly find its favorite treat while exploring the territory.

Catfish are popular residents of home aquariums. In order for your pets to feel comfortable, you need to create favorable living conditions for them and learn how to properly feed these bottom-dwelling fish. Before purchasing certain catfish, experts advise reading the literature on this type of fish, since many of the catfish representatives are predators and can happily feast on smaller fish living in your aquarium.


There are more than 2,000 species of baleen fish in the world, many of which can be kept in aquariums (aquarists count about 800 such species). Most often in aquariums you can see catfish, corydoras, brochis, plecostomus, thoracatum, ancistrus, bariancistrus, scobiancistrus, pecoltia, etc.

If yours only, then you need to feed them with specialized food for these types of fish. Food can be purchased at a pet store or at the Bird Market. As a rule, ready-made food is produced in the form of tablets, which immediately sink and then begin to soften. This form of release is the most convenient, since catfish are bottom-dwelling animals, and it is more convenient for them to take food from the ground.

If you have an aquarium where not only catfish live, but also other fish, then you need to feed them two types of food: one is selected for the type of fish that you have, and the second is bought specifically for catfish. Some catfish very quickly realize that they have the opportunity to “snack” with regular food, so during feeding they go up to the feeder and happily eat food from there.

In order for catfish to have a complete diet, in addition to dry food, they need to be given live food. Bloodworms and tubifex are excellent for this purpose. While the fish are feeding, some of the worms fall to the bottom, where they burrow into the ground. This is where your catfish will happily get them from.

If you have live plants growing in your aquarium, your catfish will be provided with natural plant food. If the aquarium contains artificial plants, then the catfish must additionally be given scalded lettuce or cabbage leaves. You can also try giving a piece of cucumber.

For additional nutrition, you need to install mango driftwood or pieces of coconut bark in the aquarium. Catfish will happily gnaw at the wood, and will also happily hide in a convenient shelter.

These amazing fish are active mainly in the evening and at night, so it is advisable to feed them before turning off the lights (or immediately after that). Since they are characterized by a bottom lifestyle, sinking food is suitable for them.

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