Frontosa (aquarium fish): Queen of Tanganyika and her content
Frontosa (lat. Cyphotilapia frontosa) or the queen of Tanganyika is a very beautiful fish, and very popular among
Cameroon (Plagiochilaceae sp. Cameroon) - aquarium liver moss
Contents In aquaculture, Cameroon moss is considered one of the most beautiful leafy liverworts, in appearance it
Nothobranchius: photo, description, keeping in the aquarium
author: fisher 01/09/2017 0 Comments Family: Carp-toothed Killies Nothobranchius is one of the most
Boesman's rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani) rainbow aquarium fish
Boesman's rainbow: description, content, breeding and reviews
Boesman's rainbow (Melanotaenia boesemani) Allen & Cross, 1980. Relatively recently appeared in the decorative aquarium hobby,
Fish louse. What kind of attack is it and is it dangerous for humans?
Argulus is one of 4 genera belonging to the class Branchiura (carpoet or fish lice), phylum
freshwater turtle
Land turtle: care at home and what types there are
Often people have a desire to have an exotic pet in their home, and many stop
Congo tetra / Latin: Phenacogrammus interruptus
Congo tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus) Boulenger, 1899. It is a representative of the African Characinidae species, which in
Zebra botia, or striped botia, botia striata (Botia striata)
Botia occupies an honorable place in the list of fish loved by aquarists. This fish has character and gets used to it
Swordtails are aquarium fish that can change sex
Who doesn’t know a small red fish with a long appendage extending from its black tail?
Indian glass perch Parambassis ranga
Glass perch: description, content, reproduction, photo, video
5 (1) Glass perch is an aquarium fish that got its name due to its unique
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