Nothobranchius: photo, description, keeping in the aquarium

author: fisher 01/09/2017 0 Comments

Family: Cartoothed


Nothobranchius belongs to one of the most famous genera of spawning carp-toothed fish (Cyprinodontidae), which unites small, peculiar, variegatedly colored fish, quite often found in amateur aquariums. More than a hundred years have passed since the first specimens of Nothobranchius were brought to Europe, where they soon found their loyal fans, whom they continue to delight to this day.

According to various estimates, the genus Nothobranchiidae includes from 30 to 60 species of fish inhabiting the waters of Africa. Such a quantitative scatter in the assessment of species composition is due to the large number of color morphs existing in nature. In addition, reports on interspecific hybrids are periodically published, most of which are subsequently refuted by authoritative taxonomists.

Every year, specimens with previously unseen colors fall from nature into the hands of lovers of spawning carp-toothed fish: these are either color varieties of species that have already been described and are well known to science, or completely new species that do not have a scientific description.

Such fish receive either conventional numbers: U-5, -6, -12, etc. (Unidentified) or names based on their habitat: malindi, kaloleni.

Nothobranchius are quite ancient fish. They do not have a tall, slightly laterally compressed, tightly built body, with a powerful caudal peduncle. The caudal and anal fins are rounded and usually of the same length.

Nature has rewarded the males of Nothobranchius with bright, saturated colors, clear patterns, and a rich palette consisting of surprisingly unexpected color combinations. They have a shiny body that is bluish, greenish or reddish in color with thin dark stripes and dots. The caudal fin is usually decorated with a border of black, red, blue, orange, and yellow colors. The coloring of females is much more modest; in all species it is limited to a gray-brown palette, without bright shine and edges on the fins.

Notobranchius Rakhova is a beautiful representative of the Notobranchiaceae genus

The habitats of Nothobranchius are located almost throughout the black continent - from Sudan in the north to Zimbabwe in the south and from the east to the west coast of the continent. Moreover, for some species the range may be limited to just a few square kilometers, while for others it can occupy a very vast area. They have mastered almost all types of reservoirs.

Tanzania has become a real Mecca for nothobranchius More than a third of currently known species live on its territory, not counting their color forms. It is from this East African state that magnificent aquatic products have been supplied to different countries for many years.

The fact is that the habitats of Nothobranchius are mostly located in hard-to-reach regions, and sometimes even in corners lost in the vast expanses, where no natural scientist has ever set foot.

Relatively dense populations of Nothobranchius are often isolated from each other and scattered over a large area. This is the origin of a large number of color forms: from minor color differences to the absolute external dissimilarity of representatives of the same species.

Nature has endowed Nothobranchius with amazing adaptability to environmental conditions.

A typical biotope is a small, shallow, non-flowing body of water. Often it is just a puddle, ditch or swamp, located in the floodplain of a river, but not having a direct connection with it: they can be separated by tens and sometimes hundreds of kilometers of land.

During the wet season, they fill with water, and with the arrival of the dry season, they quickly dry out under the hot African sun.

The water temperature in such reservoirs is quite stable within the current season: 20-24°C during the rainy season and 28-35°C during the dry season.

It’s a completely different matter for reservoirs located on mountain plateaus, where the climate is much harsher and the amplitude of annual fluctuations is much wider. The difference in daily temperatures, day and night, can be 8-10°C.

The bottom of the reservoirs in which Notobranchius is a loose silty-sandy substrate, with a large admixture of peat-like organic inclusions rich in humic compounds, due to which it has an acidic reaction. The level of water mineralization in them is quite low.

During periods of drought, most of these reservoirs become a rare source of moisture, which is scarce for these places, attracting various representatives of the local fauna who want to not only quench their thirst, but also cool off by immersing themselves in the water. As a result, the amount of nitrogen compounds contained in these waters would shock even experienced aquarists, but Nothobranchius has adapted to live and reproduce in such extreme conditions.

If fish living in rivers during a drought can go to deeper, non-drying sections of the riverbed. Living in closed drying up reservoirs that appear during the rainy season, Nothobranchius are deprived of this opportunity and most of them die.

Nothobranchius are seasonal fish, in the truest sense of the word.

As a result of evolution, they have developed a specific survival mechanism. In which procreation is ensured by the ability of eggs to remain without water for a long time in a kind of hibernation (diapause), which allows them to wait out an unfavorable period. Moreover, such hibernation can last for six months or more - according to some sources, even several years.

The duration of diapause must be guaranteed to cover possible climatic disasters, such as an abnormally long absence of rain. Thus, in some areas of Sudan, heavy precipitation in the form of rain occurs once every 4-5 years. The main factor influencing the duration of diapause is the temperature and humidity of the substrate in which the eggs are located.

Maintenance and care

As a rule, Nothobranchius are quite unpretentious aquarium fish and are able to survive even in extreme conditions.
However, so that they do not cause trouble, it is recommended to follow all the parameters and rules for arranging an aquarium: Tank. A 40 liter aquarium will be sufficient for a small group of fish. Since in nature they live in small ditches and puddles that are flooded only during the rainy season, they do not need much space for a comfortable life. Equipment

Any filter can be suitable for Nothobranchius, it is only important that it does not create a current (this way the conditions will be as close to natural as possible). For this purpose, it would be good to install a “sprinkler” or flute that will break up the flow. Water

It is recommended to use soft water, but if the hardness levels are slightly increased, there will be no harm. The temperature should be around 20-23°C, the acidity should be 6.5-7 pH, and the hardness should be 5-20 dGH. Lighting. These fish do not need a bright and powerful lamp, since carp teeth prefer to stay in the shade. In this regard, the light should be dimmed; it would be ideal to place emergent plants that will create shade. Priming. Ideally, you should use dark sand or small pebbles. Basically, these underwater inhabitants like it when the substrate contains a lot of silt, and the water contains a large amount of organic matter. Decor. To decorate the aquarium, it is better to take natural stones and driftwood, which will perfectly imitate the natural landscape of the reservoir and will become an excellent shelter.

Also, do not forget that it is necessary to replace the water at least once a week to prevent algal blooms and the development of harmful bacteria. In dirty water, fish will not give birth and will live no more than 3 months.

But how long do fish live if they are well cared for and maintained? The lifespan of Nothobranchius in captivity is approximately one year.

Features of home maintenance

Depending on the type of fish, certain conditions should be created for them. The purpose of their content should be taken into account. If you intend to breed fish in the future, you should monitor the water temperature more carefully. If breeding is not intended, it is allowed to keep the temperature within the permissible minimum. The following rules must also be observed:

  • Do not place the aquarium in direct sunlight or in a place where constant artificial lighting of high brightness is expected. In such conditions, the fish will not be able to live and reproduce and will begin to die.
  • It is necessary to monitor the water temperature, acidity and hardness levels using special devices.

Don't forget to change the water in the aquarium

  • The water should be changed at least once a week to prevent it from blooming and the development of various harmful microorganisms. In dirty water, fish will not only not produce offspring, but will also live no more than 3 months. In some cases, poor-quality water causes the death of fish within 1-2 weeks.
  • Natural peat chips will be the best filler for an aquarium. At the bottom, its layer should be up to 3-4 cm high. This will be an ideal condition for throwing and burying eggs during spawning.
  • Plants for an aquarium should be healthy and not poison the water. You should consult with a specialist who understands this issue about the advisability of placing a particular species in an aquarium.

All necessary materials for arranging a house for Killy fish should be purchased at a specialized store. It is especially important to create several darkened corners for overly timid individuals. Often constant stress and lack of shelter cause the death of fish.

There are a number of nuances in breeding these fish

Maintenance and care

The conditions of detention are quite simple. Such small fish will feel great in a tank of 50 liters or more (this is applicable for a couple of fish), decorated with groups of rooting and floating plants, located in such a way that there is free space for swimming. The set of equipment includes a filtration, lighting, heating and aeration system. The fish come from calm, stagnant bodies of water, so internal flow is not welcome; its main source in the aquarium is the filter, so make sure that the flow of water coming out of it is dissipated against some obstacle (glass, large stone or snag). The composition of the water is predominantly of medium hardness or hard with a slightly alkaline pH reaction. Read more about the pH and dGH parameters in the “Hydrochemical composition of water” section. Weekly maintenance boils down to replacing part of the water (10–15% of the volume) with fresh water, periodically cleaning the glass, deposits and soil from organic residues.

Reproduction and sexual characteristics of Nothobranchius

Fish become sexually mature at 1-3 months. A male and a couple of females are usually selected for spawning. They must first be kept separately for at least 14 days. A container 30 cm long is suitable for spawning. It should contain peat and water at least 10 cm.

Females spawn in peat, which should be removed every 21 days along with the eggs, dried and stored.

It is important that the moisture content of the peat is moderate. Storage of this peat with eggs should be in a closed container with an approximate temperature of 21-22 degrees

In the photo, Notobranchius Eggers is blue

Over the course of two weeks, you need to inspect the eggs and remove any damaged ones. Dead embryos can be identified using a magnifying glass. Caviar develops from 1 month to six months. Dark eye spots will be visible in the eggs.

After these signs are noticed, the peat must be transferred to a container with water not exceeding 20 degrees and a level not exceeding 5 cm. In the process, it is desirable to gradually raise the temperature to 25 degrees. The newly born fry are placed in a regular aquarium a little later. Their initial food is living dust.

Breeding Nothobranchius is a delicate matter. It is not always within the power of novice aquarists. You can breed fish from start to finish yourself, or you can buy nothobranchius caviar from experts.


Given a suitable substrate, Nothobranchius can be very prolific and spawn even without owner intervention. The fish reach sexual maturity very quickly - in 4-5 weeks. A small water change can serve as a stimulus for spawning.

For ease of breeding, a couple of fish are placed in a special spawning tank, on the bottom of which a 1 cm layer of peat is laid. To prevent the substrate from affecting the acidity of the water, it is boiled for 20 minutes, washed, and then boiled for about 40 minutes. Instead of peat, you can use coconut substrate

Sometimes spawning can be carried out in a general aquarium, just put a small container with peat on the bottom, which will attract the attention of the fish

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During the spawning period, the water should contain as little organic matter as possible; excess food should not be allowed to get onto the substrate. You need to feed the fish in moderation, all food should be eaten without leaving a trace.

Nothobranchius spawning is quite spectacular - the couple chooses a place for the nest, the male wraps his dorsal and anal fin around the female and presses her to the substrate. A similar procedure can occur several times. The spawning campaign itself lasts about a week, after which the clutch with eggs can be harvested.

Peat with large silvery eggs is taken out, squeezed until slightly damp and put into a small bag on which the spawning date and approximate hatching date are written, after which the clutch is put in a dark place and incubated at a temperature of 24-26 ° C. The eggs will incubate for about 2-3 months. During this time, you need to periodically take it out and make sure that the masonry does not dry out or is affected by fungus.

The duration of incubation depends on the temperature - the higher it is, the shorter the diapause period. In a wet state and at low temperatures, eggs can remain dormant for up to 1.5 years.

As soon as the iris of the fish’s eyes is visible through the shell of the eggs (this means that the clutch is ripe), you can prepare to hatch the fry. To do this, the peat is filled with cool (16-18 ° C) soft water and the larvae are waited for hatching. If the fry have not appeared after 12 hours, it means that the eggs are not ripe - the peat must be squeezed out and sent to ripen for a week or two.

When pouring the masonry, the layer of water should be no higher than 2-3 centimeters - this will make it easier for the larvae to rise to the surface and take a breath of air to fill their swim bladder.

After hatching the larvae, you need to add table salt to the water and give them starter food - Artemia nauplii. In this case, it is advisable to remove the substrate, since live food is often hidden in peat.

The fish grow very quickly, and within a month they acquire color, and after a few weeks they begin to spawn.

Killie caviar.

Feeding rules

Nothobranchius are not very picky eaters, but the bulk of their daily diet should consist of live protein foods. The ideal food option for these decorative aquarium fish would be brine shrimp, daphnia, and small bloodworms. Dry food can also be used, but only as an addition to the main menu.

It is recommended to feed nothobranchius 2-3 times during the runoff. It should be noted that this fish feeds only from the water surface, so if within 5 minutes the introduced food is not completely eaten and settles to the bottom, it will have to be removed and the soil periodically siphoned (read more about how to properly siphon the soil in an aquarium).


No special preparations are required to breed Nothobranch Courthaus. They spawn successfully even in an empty aquarium directly on glass, however, it is advisable to create the proper conditions for them. Typically, the female lays her eggs in a peat substrate, in which they develop for the next 4–6 weeks at a temperature of 25–26°C. The main feature is that the incubation period can proceed successfully not only under water, but also in wet peat, the eggs do not suffer from this in any way. This is an evolutionarily developed adaptation associated with frequent drying out of water bodies in their natural habitat.


  • Intraspecific aggression between males
  • Live food preferred

Nothobranchius species

As mentioned above, there are three most popular types of nothobranchius fish, each of which will be discussed in detail below.

Nothobranchius Gunther

This species has an elongated body, up to 7 cm in length; a large fin is clearly visible on the back, located quite close to the luxurious tail, similar to a fan. The pelvic fins, on the contrary, are quite small and have a white edge. When examining the fish, one gets the impression that it is covered with a net. This effect is created thanks to the red edging of the scales.

The tail is bright purple or red with a brown edge. Males have a bright color: in a calm state they are blue-green, and in a state of aggression they begin to turn black. The females are inconspicuous, the body is painted pale brown, the fins are colorless.

In terms of behavior, these are quite peaceful, calm fish that prefer to live in the lower layers of water. But if there are several males in one aquarium, they will begin to conflict. To minimize the resulting hostility, you can plant a large number of dense thickets and install shelters.

Notobranchius Rachova

This species of carp-toothed fish is no different in body structure from the previous species - Gunther. Rakhov's fish have an elongated and ridged body, which has a large dorsal fin in the rear and a large fan-shaped caudal fin. The head has large eyes, and the upper mouth is decorated with large cone-shaped teeth.

But the coloring is significantly different: males have “plumage” colored fiery red and decorated with a large number of blue spots located on the sides. Each fin (except the pectoral fin) has a bluish background, over which red lines and dots are scattered. The tail is additionally decorated with an orange stripe and black trim.

Females are faded, with a gray-brown color and transparent fins. The maximum length of the fish is 4-5 cm. They live in captivity for no more than one year.

These fish are quite peaceful, but territorial; they prefer to swim in the lower and middle layers of water. To avoid fights and conflicts between fish, you should not initially place several males in one aquarium - one will be enough.

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Nothobranchius foerschi

Males of this species grow up to 5 cm in length, females - up to 3.5 cm. Males have a light green or bluish color, the most saturated colors appear on the back. They are decorated with a red tail and yellow fins with red specks. Females are pale brown or gray in color, their scales are decorated with a dark pattern.

These underwater inhabitants should be placed in a group of 3-4 individuals, and for such a number an aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters is required. To decorate the tank, you need a large amount of algae and plants that would imitate a swampy pond in the natural environment.

Keeping Nothobranchius in the aquarium

A significant role in the popularization of Nothobranchius as aquabionts is played by their unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of species do not need exclusively soft and acidic water, being quite content with what the local water supply provides, and this applies not only to the maintenance, but also to the breeding of these fish. This saves aquarists from a lot of hassle associated with preparing the habitat.

Due to the small size of nothobranchius , the average length of males is 5-6 centimeters (females are 1-2 cm smaller); large containers are not required for their maintenance. The minimum norm for one individual is about 2-3 liters of water, with the total volume of the aquarium being only 10-15 liters. This situation makes Nothobranchius a very promising object for hobbyists who, due to various circumstances, do not have the opportunity to acquire a spacious aquarium or are faithful adherents of nanoaquariums, which have now become fashionable.

Such bright creatures are not in danger of getting lost either in a miniature aquarium or in a larger container, regardless of their design style and color schemes.

In nature, there are also 10-12-centimeter nothobranchius , but these species are rarely found among hobbyists.

Keeping Nothobranchius in an aquarium usually does not cause difficulties, but in order to preserve these fish for several generations it is necessary to create optimal conditions for them.

Despite the fact that in nature, nothobranchians have to live in a temperature range from 16 to 32 °C, withstanding daily fluctuations of up to 6 °C. In captivity, the optimal temperature for keeping them is in the range of 20-23°C. Since at lower temperatures the color of males fades and they lose their decorative effect, and at higher temperatures the life expectancy of fish is significantly reduced. Water hardness (dGH) can range from 5 to 20°. In too soft water, fish are often susceptible to oodinosis. The acid value (pH) can range from 6 to 7.5.

Caring for an aquarium is no different from a similar procedure for other aquarium fish: maintaining cleanliness and replacing part of the water weekly. Certain species of Nothobranchius react negatively to a one-time change of large amounts of water, so the chemical composition of the replaced water should be close to the old one. It is recommended to change the water in small portions; this will improve the appetite and well-being of the fish.

Nothobranchius are quite shy, but despite this they get along well with other small, peaceful fish species. It is optimal if their neighbors are other spawn-marking carp-toothed fish, which prefer to stay in the middle and upper layers of water.

It is best to keep Nothobranchius in nests in species aquariums, when there are two or three females for one male.

Nothobranchius cardinalis male and female

If there are several males in one small aquarium, then in the presence of females, fights periodically occur between them. Usually it looks like this: rivals inflate their gills and get closer. Having approached each other at a fairly close distance, they turn sideways, spread their fins and, bending sharply, imitate blows with their fins. Having done this several times, the showdown usually stops there. In a similar way, males attract the attention of females. Sometimes males, clinging to each other with their jaws, roll along the bottom of the aquarium. Such fights usually end without any serious consequences for both opponents. In the worst case, this is minor damage to the fins, which quickly heal within three to four days.

A duel between male Notobranchius Gunther

In the absence of females, as a rule, males behave more peacefully.

In an aquarium with nothoranchius , dim lighting should be used, and it is better to place the lamp closer to the viewing glass. Among the aquarium flora, those plant species that tolerate slight shading are recommended, for example: Java moss, microsorium fern, synnema, some types of cryptocorynes.

The optimal solution would be to use the Thai fern (Microsorium pteropus), which, in addition to shading, is not afraid of suspended peat particles and can serve as a reliable shelter for females hiding from an overly annoying partner.

A valuable property is the ability of the Thai fern to withstand low salinity of water, which sometimes has to be added with salt (1 tablespoon of table salt per 10 liters) to prevent fish diseases by pathogenic microorganisms from the group of flagellates Piscinoodinium (Oodinium), which often affect weakened nothobranchius , affecting the quality and life expectancy fish

Nothobranchius most impressive in a well-planted aquarium with a volume of 40 liters or more at a temperature of 21-24°C.

In such conditions, males reach optimal size and are brightly colored. Although in nature nothobranchius live only one season (about six months), until the reservoir dries out, in an aquarium, individual specimens can live up to three years.


Promoting the emergence of a new generation of fish is perhaps the main goal of any aquarist, especially when dealing with such a unique species. Nothobranchius usually lives for about a year, during which time it manages to go through all stages of development from a juvenile to an adult sexually mature individual. It is advisable to carry out spawning in a separate tank, where a filler based on peat or coconut fibers is used as soil; the female lays eggs directly into the substrate. The equipment set includes a heater and lighting system, nothing more is required. Adult fish are placed in a spawning aquarium and the temperature is gradually increased above 24°C as the water level decreases. This stimulates the beginning of the mating season. When the female lays eggs and the male fertilizes her, the fish are placed back in the general aquarium, but not immediately, but with the temperature equalized. Returning to previous conditions often increases life expectancy. The water is drained from the spawning aquarium, the substrate with the eggs is taken out and left in a dark, warm but dry place at a temperature of 21–25°C for several months (3–4). Then the substrate is again immersed in water and after a while the fry appear. They grow very quickly and can soon be placed in a community aquarium. It is worth noting that after each cycle it is necessary to change males or females (acquire new ones) in order to dilute the genetic material. Constant crossing between close relatives from the same brood will lead to the degeneration of the species.


  • Short lifespan
  • Preservation of the population is possible only with regular production of offspring

Habitat in nature

Varieties of carp-toothed animals live in Africa, they are found from Sudan to Zimbabwe. More than a third of the species are located in Tanzania - for a long time it was the main supplier of fish to European countries. The huge number of different colors of fish is explained by their habitat in hard-to-reach places, where they are located in relatively small reservoirs isolated from each other. Thus, they form local populations that differ in color.

As a rule, the habitat of Nothobranchius is a small, stagnant body of water (a ditch or puddle that fills only during the rainy season). The reservoir has a predominantly loose silty-sandy bottom containing a large amount of organic matter.

Courthouse fish

Another variety is Nothobranchius Courthaus.

Externally, this notobranchius is characterized by a sufficient variety of shades, if we are talking about males. The colors are usually bright and eye-catching. Female Nothobranchius is more uniform in color.

Nothobranchius of this variety prefers to live closer to the bottom of the aquarium. At the same time, Nothobranchius is a completely peaceful creature that gets along quite easily with other species.

An aquarium that will positively appreciate such a notobranchius should have a length of about 30-50 cm, and the water level in it should not exceed 25 cm. Like other varieties, this notobranchius needs peat chips at the bottom of the aquarium. Shelters in the form of driftwood, plants, and other objects are also needed.

Water parameters:

  • 20-24 degrees – temperature;
  • hardness up to 10 degrees;
  • and 5.0-6.8 – acidity.

This nothobranchius prefers plentiful feeding: live food is used for this.


Nothobranchius (Latin: Nothobranchius) is a genus of fish belonging to the family of Nothobranchiaceae (Latin: Nothobranchiidae) and the order Cyprinodontiformes. Its representatives are considered one of the most colorful aquarium fish and are common in regions with a pronounced seasonal climate - the reservoirs of Sub-Saharan Africa, from Mozambique to Lake Victoria.

The tiny reservoirs of the savannah completely evaporate during the dry season, and during the rainy season they are filled with life-giving moisture. The inhabitants of these shallow puddles face an important task - to give in this short period the largest number of offspring, which at the same time are able to survive without water. African fish solve the problem in different ways - some build themselves a dense cocoon of silt and burrow to the bottom, others try to crawl vast distances in search of a new wet habitat.

Nothobranchius found a solution to the problem quite elegantly, but at the same time dramatically - they lay eggs with a dense shell, but they themselves live very little even by the standards of ichthyofauna - about six months. Thus, when the reservoir dries up, most of the individuals will already die of old age, leaving behind millions of eggs, from which, during the next rainy season, the fry will hatch and begin the life cycle again.

Nothobranchius live their short life really brightly - the color of most species resembles multi-colored candy wrappers, and the rapid change of generations gives aquarium breeders wide scope for creativity.

Among professionals, these small fish are affectionately called sprat - from the English name killifish, which comes from the Danish word kilde, which can be translated as “puddle” or “ditch.” The name killifish itself applies to all seasonal carp-toothed fish.

In addition to color and short lifespan, Notobranchius are notable for their method of reproduction. The eggs of these fish have a dense shell and can be stored in a moist substrate from several weeks to several months. Enterprising aquarists took advantage of this feature, exchanging clutches of their pets by mail during the warm season. You can also buy Nothobranchius caviar on Aliexpress; in this case, the sellers will carefully prepare the kit, putting cups and food in it with instructions for its preparation.

So, when we talk about nothobranchius, we mean a small, unpretentious and bright aquarium fish, whose lifespan, with careful care, does not exceed a year. For some, this animal may be the first aquarium pet that can be raised from eggs to adults.

Nuances of breeding

In rare cases, the conditions of an ordinary aquarium will become favorable for Nothobranchius to begin to reproduce. Creating ideal conditions for spawning is not easy, given that these conditions will be a hot climate and high humidity above the surface of the water.

But fish are still bred in an artificial environment. To do this, you should heat the water in the aquarium a few degrees higher than usual, creating more darkness than usual. Before this, females and males are separated into separate containers and fed with a large amount of live food.

After a few days, the females and males are united. A prerequisite will be the presence of peat soil, which the fish will mistake for the mud of a reservoir in their natural habitat. During spawning, the male and female are close together so that the eggs can be fertilized by the milk secreted by the male. Within a minute, both can spawn and spawn several times.

Follow the tips for breeding these fish

After this, the female buries the eggs shallowly in the peat soil and leaves them. During artificial breeding, the zoologist collects the soil with the eggs in a separate bag after preliminary drying. Do not allow it to dry out completely, as this can kill the eggs. Leave the peat in the bag slightly damp, remove any air from it and leave it for about 12 weeks to allow the eggs to mature.

During this period, you should prepare a container where the newborn fry will grow. After the required period of time, the dried peat is placed in a container with water, the level of which does not exceed 3 cm. Within an hour, you can observe how individual fry hatch and the eggs float. Newborn fry are collected using a syringe and placed in an aquarium where they will grow.

A prerequisite must be the presence of peat chips and special moss in the aquarium. Conditions for keeping fry are similar to those necessary for adults. As a rule, a week is enough for all the mature eggs to hatch. After this, the peat is collected again according to the previous scheme and left for 12 weeks.

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You should not keep fry with large individuals

It is quite difficult to repeat such manipulations at home, so breeding is carried out by professionals in specially equipped premises. The reproduction process is long and labor-intensive, but the result is worth it.

In the first 2 weeks of life, fry are fed with small live food, gradually switching to adult food. Fry should not be kept together with adult fish, since males and females can destroy them.

Nothobranchius are unique fish with bright colors, peaceful nature and the ability to reproduce in captivity. Any type of this fish will be a good addition to your home collection if you choose your neighbors wisely. To prolong the life of individuals, it is recommended to comply with the conditions of maintenance, equipment of the aquarium and feeding.


Nothobranchius belongs to the peace-loving representative of the carp-toothed family. But males, when there is a shortage of territory and females, show aggression, which can result in the death of a weaker individual.

Optimal compatibility with species that are able to move quickly within the aquarium and do not attract attention with lush and bright fins. The unusual coloring and large size of the plumage can prompt Nothobranchius to attack.

At first, after settling into the ecosystem already formed in the tank, both males and females are afraid of their neighbors and hide in shelters. After a few days, the fear passes, and the fish reappear in the visibility zone, occupying the middle and lower layers of water, rarely rising higher.

Nothobranchius species

These fish are native to numerous fresh and brackish waters in East Africa. Nothobranchius belongs to the Carpodentae family and has several species. Let's get acquainted with the most popular among aquarium lovers.

Rakhova (Nothobranchius rachovii)

This species is native to Mozambique and lives in the vicinity of the city of Beira. When kept in an aquarium, the lifespan of the fish is about a year, which is typical for all nothobranchius.

The body of Notobranchius Rakhova is up to 8 cm long and relatively high. The fin on the back is located closer to the tail. On the tail itself there is a large fin in the form of a fan. Males and females look different.

The male has a bright red-orange color with a lot of blue splashes on the sides. The fins are colored blue, with dark red spots and lines; the tail fins also have a black border and a wide orange stripe.

The female of this species looks much paler than the male. The color of its body is gray-brown, and its fins are completely colorless.

Guentheri (Nothobranchius guentheri)

This type of natobranchius can be found in nature in temporary reservoirs in the territories of Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania.

The body of this fish reaches 7.5 cm in length. The fins on the back and near the anus are slightly rounded, and on the tail they are shaped like a fan. Males and females differ in appearance.

The scales on the male’s body shimmer like a rainbow and have a bluish or greenish tint; rows of red strokes and dots stand out on it, more intense at the end of the tail.

The pectoral and abdominal fins are bluish, the anal and dorsal fins are red with a transition to blue. The fin on the tail is bright red, with a black stripe on the outer edge. The female is light brown with colorless fins.

Eggers (Nothobranchius eggersi)

According to experts, this species is the most attractive of all natobranchius, but such fish rarely appear in home aquariums due to difficulties with reproduction.

Under natural conditions, they live in the waters of the Rufiji River, which is located in Tanzania.

The length of the fish of this species reaches 5 cm, the females are somewhat shorter. The color can be either red or blue, and there are always fancy patterns on the body. The fins are quite large and have the same color as the body. Males, unlike females, are always brighter in color.

Cardinalis (Nothobranchius cardinalis)

This species naturally lives in temporary reservoirs in Tanzania. It is small in size - males grow up to 4.5 cm, females - slightly less.

These fish have an interesting and unusual color. Each fish scale has a red outline. On the back, the predominant red color turns into blue, the iris of the eyes is also blue.

The tail fin is red with a black edge, on the belly - with a yellow edge, on the back - blue with red dots and lines. Females always have muted colors.

Foerschi (Nothobranchius foerschi)

This species of nothobranchius has a delicate but attractive coloration. Its natural habitat is small and temporary reservoirs in Tanzania.

Did you know? The smallest aquarium in the world is 30 mm long, 14 mm wide and 24 mm high. There is sand, plants and even fish. The creators of this miniature placed zebrafish fry in it. Unfortunately, when the fry grow up, they have to be moved into a regular-sized aquarium.

Male representatives of this species reach a length of 5 cm, and female representatives are 1.5 cm less. Their color is also different. Males are bluish or blue-green, the color is more saturated on the back. The fin on the tail is red with a thin border (yellow or cream).

The other fins are golden yellow in color, and on the dorsal and anal fins there are additionally many red dots at the base. Females are gray or brownish, the color on the abdomen is lighter, and the scales have dark narrow edges.

The most common diseases of Notobranchius

Of the diseases of Notobranchius, oodiniosis should be especially noted. Tiny gray nodules appear on the body and fins of the fish, in which powdery “dust” of golden or gray color is formed. The fins sag and stick together. If this happens, then the treatment method in the early stages of the disease will be to increase the salt concentration in the aquarium, and in more serious cases, add Bicillin-5 or Bicillin-3 to the water at the rate of 500,000 units per 100 liters of water. Since bicillin in solution quickly decomposes in the light, it is advisable to add it to the aquarium in the evening. It is not advisable to feed the fish at this moment, as food poisoning is possible. Treatment should be carried out for three days.

Another common disease is ichthyophthyriosis. The fish becomes restless, rubs against the rocks, rises to the surface of the water and swallows air. White tubercles appear on the body and fins (it seems that the fish is sprinkled with semolina). For treatment, table salt is used at the rate of one tablespoon per 10 liters of water at a temperature in the aquarium of 30-33 ° C (for a week). For preventive purposes, nothobranchius in salted water (one tablespoon of table salt per 20 liters of water).

In overcrowded, polluted aquariums, another disease of Nothobranchius - mycobacteriosis. The fish becomes lethargic, apathetic, stands in the corner with its tail down, refusing food, and becomes exhausted. The color fades, scales begin to fall out, and flat, open ulcers appear. The abdomen is swollen, bulging eyes and clouding of the cornea are observed. There is no effective cure for this disease, and it usually ends in the death of the fish.

In recent years, Nothobranchius in Russia has been undeservedly forgotten, and many species that lived in our aquariums in the eighties have been lost. But now interest in these amazingly beautiful fish is returning. Perhaps their collection will be replenished, but the main thing is not to lose what we have.

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